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synced 2025-03-22 03:57:38 +00:00
Added IDisposable interface to all classes holding native data that must be freed. OpenTK.Toolkit.Init() now returns an IDisposable instance that can be used to cleanup all native data held by OpenTK. This is useful when re-initializing OpenTK (possibly in a new AppDomain), as is the case in the Example browser.
1026 lines
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Executable file
1026 lines
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Executable file
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenTK.Input;
namespace OpenTK.Platform.MacOS
using Carbon;
using CFAllocatorRef = System.IntPtr;
using CFDictionaryRef = System.IntPtr;
using CFIndex = System.IntPtr;
using CFRunLoop = System.IntPtr;
using CFString = System.IntPtr;
using CFStringRef = System.IntPtr; // Here used interchangeably with the CFString
using CFTypeRef = System.IntPtr;
using IOHIDDeviceRef = System.IntPtr;
using IOHIDElementRef = System.IntPtr;
using IOHIDManagerRef = System.IntPtr;
using IOHIDValueRef = System.IntPtr;
using IOOptionBits = System.IntPtr;
using IOReturn = System.IntPtr;
// Requires Mac OS X 10.5 or higher.
// Todo: create a driver for older installations. Maybe use CGGetLastMouseDelta for that?
class HIDInput : IInputDriver2, IMouseDriver2, IKeyboardDriver2/*, IGamePadDriver*/
#region Fields
readonly IOHIDManagerRef hidmanager;
readonly Dictionary<IntPtr, MouseState> MouseDevices =
new Dictionary<IntPtr, MouseState>(new IntPtrEqualityComparer());
readonly Dictionary<int, IntPtr> MouseIndexToDevice =
new Dictionary<int, IntPtr>();
readonly Dictionary<IntPtr, KeyboardState> KeyboardDevices =
new Dictionary<IntPtr, KeyboardState>(new IntPtrEqualityComparer());
readonly Dictionary<int, IntPtr> KeyboardIndexToDevice =
new Dictionary<int, IntPtr>();
readonly CFRunLoop RunLoop = CF.CFRunLoopGetMain();
readonly CFString InputLoopMode = CF.RunLoopModeDefault;
readonly CFDictionary DeviceTypes = new CFDictionary();
NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceCallback HandleDeviceAdded;
NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceCallback HandleDeviceRemoved;
NativeMethods.IOHIDValueCallback HandleDeviceValueReceived;
bool disposed;
#region Constructors
public HIDInput()
Debug.Print("Using HIDInput.");
HandleDeviceAdded = DeviceAdded;
HandleDeviceRemoved = DeviceRemoved;
HandleDeviceValueReceived = DeviceValueReceived;
hidmanager = CreateHIDManager();
#region Private Members
IOHIDManagerRef CreateHIDManager()
return NativeMethods.IOHIDManagerCreate(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
// Registers callbacks for device addition and removal. These callbacks
// are called when we run the loop in CheckDevicesMode
void RegisterHIDCallbacks(IOHIDManagerRef hidmanager)
hidmanager, HandleDeviceAdded, IntPtr.Zero);
hidmanager, HandleDeviceRemoved, IntPtr.Zero);
RunLoop, InputLoopMode);
NativeMethods.IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(hidmanager, DeviceTypes.Ref);
NativeMethods.IOHIDManagerOpen(hidmanager, IOOptionBits.Zero);
OpenTK.Platform.MacOS.Carbon.CF.CFRunLoopRunInMode(InputLoopMode, 0.0, true);
void DeviceAdded(IntPtr context, IOReturn res, IntPtr sender, IOHIDDeviceRef device)
if (NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceOpen(device, IOOptionBits.Zero) == IOReturn.Zero)
if (NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device,
HIDPage.GenericDesktop, (int)HIDUsageGD.Mouse))
if (!MouseDevices.ContainsKey(device))
Debug.Print("Mouse device {0:x} discovered, sender is {1:x}", device, sender);
MouseState state = new MouseState();
state.IsConnected = true;
MouseIndexToDevice.Add(MouseDevices.Count, device);
MouseDevices.Add(device, state);
Debug.Print("Mouse device {0:x} reconnected, sender is {1:x}", device, sender);
MouseState state = MouseDevices[device];
state.IsConnected = true;
MouseDevices[device] = state;
if (NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device,
HIDPage.GenericDesktop, (int)HIDUsageGD.Keyboard))
if (!KeyboardDevices.ContainsKey(device))
Debug.Print("Keyboard device {0:x} discovered, sender is {1:x}", device, sender);
KeyboardState state = new KeyboardState();
state.IsConnected = true;
KeyboardIndexToDevice.Add(KeyboardDevices.Count, device);
KeyboardDevices.Add(device, state);
Debug.Print("Keyboard device {0:x} reconnected, sender is {1:x}", device, sender);
KeyboardState state = KeyboardDevices[device];
state.IsConnected = true;
KeyboardDevices[device] = state;
// The device is not normally available in the InputValueCallback (HandleDeviceValueReceived), so we include
// the device identifier as the context variable, so we can identify it and figure out the device later.
// Thanks to Jase: http://www.opentk.com/node/2800
HandleDeviceValueReceived, device);
NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceScheduleWithRunLoop(device, RunLoop, InputLoopMode);
void DeviceRemoved(IntPtr context, IOReturn res, IntPtr sender, IOHIDDeviceRef device)
if (NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device, HIDPage.GenericDesktop, (int)HIDUsageGD.Mouse) &&
Debug.Print("Mouse device {0:x} disconnected, sender is {1:x}", device, sender);
// Keep the device in case it comes back later on
MouseState state = MouseDevices[device];
state.IsConnected = false;
MouseDevices[device] = state;
if (NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device, HIDPage.GenericDesktop, (int)HIDUsageGD.Keyboard) &&
Debug.Print("Keyboard device {0:x} disconnected, sender is {1:x}", device, sender);
// Keep the device in case it comes back later on
KeyboardState state = KeyboardDevices[device];
state.IsConnected = false;
KeyboardDevices[device] = state;
NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputValueCallback(device, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceUnscheduleWithRunLoop(device, RunLoop, InputLoopMode);
void DeviceValueReceived(IntPtr context, IOReturn res, IntPtr sender, IOHIDValueRef val)
if (disposed)
Debug.Print("DeviceValueReceived({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}) called on disposed {4}",
context, res, sender, val, GetType());
MouseState mouse;
KeyboardState keyboard;
if (MouseDevices.TryGetValue(context, out mouse))
MouseDevices[context] = UpdateMouse(mouse, val);
else if (KeyboardDevices.TryGetValue(context, out keyboard))
KeyboardDevices[context] = UpdateKeyboard(keyboard, val);
//Debug.Print ("Device {0:x} not found in list of keyboards or mice", sender);
static MouseState UpdateMouse(MouseState state, IOHIDValueRef val)
IOHIDElementRef elem = NativeMethods.IOHIDValueGetElement(val);
int v_int = NativeMethods.IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(val).ToInt32();
//double v_physical = NativeMethods.IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(val, IOHIDValueScaleType.Physical);
//double v_calbrated = NativeMethods.IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(val, IOHIDValueScaleType.Calibrated);
HIDPage page = NativeMethods.IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(elem);
int usage = NativeMethods.IOHIDElementGetUsage(elem);
switch (page)
case HIDPage.GenericDesktop:
switch ((HIDUsageGD)usage)
case HIDUsageGD.X:
state.X += v_int;
case HIDUsageGD.Y:
state.Y += v_int;
case HIDUsageGD.Wheel:
state.WheelPrecise += v_int;
case HIDPage.Button:
state[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left + usage - 1] = v_int == 1;
return state;
static KeyboardState UpdateKeyboard(KeyboardState state, IOHIDValueRef val)
IOHIDElementRef elem = NativeMethods.IOHIDValueGetElement(val);
int v_int = NativeMethods.IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(val).ToInt32();
HIDPage page = NativeMethods.IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(elem);
int usage = NativeMethods.IOHIDElementGetUsage(elem);
// This will supress the debug printing below. Seems like it generates a lot of -1s.
// Couldn't find any details in USB spec or Apple docs for this behavior.
if(usage < 0 ) return state;
switch (page)
case HIDPage.GenericDesktop:
case HIDPage.KeyboardOrKeypad:
if (usage >= RawKeyMap.Length)
Debug.Print("[Warning] Key {0} not mapped.", usage);
return state;
state.SetKeyState(RawKeyMap[usage], (byte)usage, v_int != 0);
return state;
#region IInputDriver2 Members
public IMouseDriver2 MouseDriver { get { return this; } }
public IKeyboardDriver2 KeyboardDriver { get { return this; } }
public IGamePadDriver GamePadDriver { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
#region IMouseDriver2 Members
MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetState()
MouseState master = new MouseState();
foreach (KeyValuePair<IntPtr, MouseState> item in MouseDevices)
return master;
MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetState(int index)
IntPtr device;
if (MouseIndexToDevice.TryGetValue(index, out device))
return MouseDevices[device];
return new MouseState();
void IMouseDriver2.SetPosition(double x, double y)
CG.WarpMouseCursorPosition(new Carbon.HIPoint(x, y));
#region IKeyboardDriver2
KeyboardState IKeyboardDriver2.GetState()
KeyboardState master = new KeyboardState();
foreach (KeyValuePair<IntPtr, KeyboardState> item in KeyboardDevices)
return master;
KeyboardState IKeyboardDriver2.GetState(int index)
IntPtr device;
if (KeyboardIndexToDevice.TryGetValue(index, out device))
return KeyboardDevices[device];
return new KeyboardState();
string IKeyboardDriver2.GetDeviceName(int index)
IntPtr device;
if (KeyboardIndexToDevice.TryGetValue(index, out device))
IntPtr vendor_id = NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, NativeMethods.IOHIDVendorIDKey);
IntPtr product_id = NativeMethods.IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, NativeMethods.IOHIDProductIDKey);
// Todo: find out the real vendor/product name from the relevant ids.
return String.Format("{0}:{1}", vendor_id, product_id);
return String.Empty;
#region NativeMethods
class NativeMethods
const string hid = "/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/Current/IOKit";
public static readonly CFString IOHIDVendorIDKey = CF.CFSTR("VendorID");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDVendorIDSourceKey = CF.CFSTR("VendorIDSource");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDProductIDKey = CF.CFSTR("ProductID");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDVersionNumberKey = CF.CFSTR("VersionNumber");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDManufacturerKey = CF.CFSTR("Manufacturer");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDProductKey = CF.CFSTR("Product");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDDeviceUsageKey = CF.CFSTR("DeviceUsage");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey = CF.CFSTR("DeviceUsagePage");
public static readonly CFString IOHIDDeviceUsagePairsKey = CF.CFSTR("DeviceUsagePairs");
public static extern IOHIDManagerRef IOHIDManagerCreate(
CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOOptionBits options) ;
// This routine will be called when a new (matching) device is connected.
public static extern void IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback(
IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,
IOHIDDeviceCallback inIOHIDDeviceCallback,
IntPtr inContext);
public static extern void IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback(
IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,
IntPtr inIOHIDDeviceCallback,
IntPtr inContext);
// This routine will be called when a (matching) device is disconnected.
public static extern void IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(
IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,
IOHIDDeviceCallback inIOHIDDeviceCallback,
IntPtr inContext);
public static extern void IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(
IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,
IntPtr inIOHIDDeviceCallback,
IntPtr inContext);
public static extern void IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(
IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,
CFRunLoop inCFRunLoop,
CFString inCFRunLoopMode);
public static extern void IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(
IOHIDManagerRef manager,
CFDictionaryRef matching) ;
public static extern IOReturn IOHIDManagerOpen(
IOHIDManagerRef manager,
IOOptionBits options) ;
public static extern IOReturn IOHIDDeviceOpen(
IOHIDDeviceRef manager,
IOOptionBits opts);
public static extern CFTypeRef IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(
IOHIDDeviceRef device,
CFStringRef key);
public static extern bool IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(
IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
HIDPage inUsagePage, // the usage page to test conformance with
int inUsage); // the usage to test conformance with
public static extern void IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputValueCallback(
IOHIDDeviceRef device,
IOHIDValueCallback callback,
IntPtr context);
public static extern void IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputValueCallback(
IOHIDDeviceRef device,
IntPtr callback,
IntPtr context);
public static extern void IOHIDDeviceScheduleWithRunLoop(
IOHIDDeviceRef device,
CFRunLoop inCFRunLoop,
CFString inCFRunLoopMode);
public static extern void IOHIDDeviceUnscheduleWithRunLoop(
IOHIDDeviceRef device,
CFRunLoop inCFRunLoop,
CFString inCFRunLoopMode);
public static extern IOHIDElementRef IOHIDValueGetElement(IOHIDValueRef @value);
public static extern CFIndex IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(IOHIDValueRef @value);
public static extern double IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(
IOHIDValueRef @value,
IOHIDValueScaleType type) ;
public static extern int IOHIDElementGetUsage(IOHIDElementRef elem);
public static extern HIDPage IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(IOHIDElementRef elem);
public delegate void IOHIDDeviceCallback(IntPtr ctx, IOReturn res, IntPtr sender, IOHIDDeviceRef device);
public delegate void IOHIDValueCallback(IntPtr ctx, IOReturn res, IntPtr sender, IOHIDValueRef val);
enum IOHIDValueScaleType
Physical, // [device min, device max]
Calibrated // [-1, +1]
enum HIDPage
Undefined = 0x00,
GenericDesktop = 0x01,
Simulation = 0x02,
VR = 0x03,
Sport = 0x04,
Game = 0x05,
/* Reserved 0x06 */
KeyboardOrKeypad = 0x07, /* USB Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID). Note: the usage type for all key codes is Selector (Sel). */
LEDs = 0x08,
Button = 0x09,
Ordinal = 0x0A,
Telephony = 0x0B,
Consumer = 0x0C,
Digitizer = 0x0D,
/* Reserved 0x0E */
PID = 0x0F, /* USB Physical Interface Device definitions for force feedback and related devices. */
Unicode = 0x10,
/* Reserved 0x11 - 0x13 */
AlphanumericDisplay = 0x14,
/* Reserved 0x15 - 0x7F */
/* Monitor 0x80 - 0x83 USB Device Class Definition for Monitor Devices */
/* Power 0x84 - 0x87 USB Device Class Definition for Power Devices */
PowerDevice = 0x84, /* Power Device Page */
BatterySystem = 0x85, /* Battery System Page */
/* Reserved 0x88 - 0x8B */
BarCodeScanner = 0x8C, /* (Point of Sale) USB Device Class Definition for Bar Code Scanner Devices */
WeighingDevice = 0x8D, /* (Point of Sale) USB Device Class Definition for Weighing Devices */
Scale = 0x8D, /* (Point of Sale) USB Device Class Definition for Scale Devices */
MagneticStripeReader = 0x8E,
/* ReservedPointofSalepages 0x8F */
CameraControl = 0x90, /* USB Device Class Definition for Image Class Devices */
Arcade = 0x91, /* OAAF Definitions for arcade and coinop related Devices */
/* Reserved 0x92 - 0xFEFF */
/* VendorDefined 0xFF00 - 0xFFFF */
VendorDefinedStart = 0xFF00
// Generic desktop usage
enum HIDUsageGD
Pointer = 0x01, /* Physical Collection */
Mouse = 0x02, /* Application Collection */
/* 0x03 Reserved */
Joystick = 0x04, /* Application Collection */
GamePad = 0x05, /* Application Collection */
Keyboard = 0x06, /* Application Collection */
Keypad = 0x07, /* Application Collection */
MultiAxisController = 0x08, /* Application Collection */
/* 0x09 - 0x2F Reserved */
X = 0x30, /* Dynamic Value */
Y = 0x31, /* Dynamic Value */
Z = 0x32, /* Dynamic Value */
Rx = 0x33, /* Dynamic Value */
Ry = 0x34, /* Dynamic Value */
Rz = 0x35, /* Dynamic Value */
Slider = 0x36, /* Dynamic Value */
Dial = 0x37, /* Dynamic Value */
Wheel = 0x38, /* Dynamic Value */
Hatswitch = 0x39, /* Dynamic Value */
CountedBuffer = 0x3A, /* Logical Collection */
ByteCount = 0x3B, /* Dynamic Value */
MotionWakeup = 0x3C, /* One-Shot Control */
Start = 0x3D, /* On/Off Control */
Select = 0x3E, /* On/Off Control */
/* 0x3F Reserved */
Vx = 0x40, /* Dynamic Value */
Vy = 0x41, /* Dynamic Value */
Vz = 0x42, /* Dynamic Value */
Vbrx = 0x43, /* Dynamic Value */
Vbry = 0x44, /* Dynamic Value */
Vbrz = 0x45, /* Dynamic Value */
Vno = 0x46, /* Dynamic Value */
/* 0x47 - 0x7F Reserved */
SystemControl = 0x80, /* Application Collection */
SystemPowerDown = 0x81, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemSleep = 0x82, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemWakeUp = 0x83, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemContextMenu = 0x84, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemMainMenu = 0x85, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemAppMenu = 0x86, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemMenuHelp = 0x87, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemMenuExit = 0x88, /* One-Shot Control */
SystemMenu = 0x89, /* Selector */
SystemMenuRight = 0x8A, /* Re-Trigger Control */
SystemMenuLeft = 0x8B, /* Re-Trigger Control */
SystemMenuUp = 0x8C, /* Re-Trigger Control */
SystemMenuDown = 0x8D, /* Re-Trigger Control */
/* 0x8E - 0x8F Reserved */
DPadUp = 0x90, /* On/Off Control */
DPadDown = 0x91, /* On/Off Control */
DPadRight = 0x92, /* On/Off Control */
DPadLeft = 0x93, /* On/Off Control */
/* 0x94 - 0xFFFF Reserved */
Reserved = 0xFFFF
enum HIDButton
Button_1 = 0x01, /* (primary/trigger) */
Button_2 = 0x02, /* (secondary) */
Button_3 = 0x03, /* (tertiary) */
Button_4 = 0x04, /* 4th button */
/* ... */
Button_65535 = 0xFFFF
enum HIDKey
ErrorRollOver = 0x01, /* ErrorRollOver */
POSTFail = 0x02, /* POSTFail */
ErrorUndefined = 0x03, /* ErrorUndefined */
A = 0x04, /* a or A */
B = 0x05, /* b or B */
C = 0x06, /* c or C */
D = 0x07, /* d or D */
E = 0x08, /* e or E */
F = 0x09, /* f or F */
G = 0x0A, /* g or G */
H = 0x0B, /* h or H */
I = 0x0C, /* i or I */
J = 0x0D, /* j or J */
K = 0x0E, /* k or K */
L = 0x0F, /* l or L */
M = 0x10, /* m or M */
N = 0x11, /* n or N */
O = 0x12, /* o or O */
P = 0x13, /* p or P */
Q = 0x14, /* q or Q */
R = 0x15, /* r or R */
S = 0x16, /* s or S */
T = 0x17, /* t or T */
U = 0x18, /* u or U */
V = 0x19, /* v or V */
W = 0x1A, /* w or W */
X = 0x1B, /* x or X */
Y = 0x1C, /* y or Y */
Z = 0x1D, /* z or Z */
Number1 = 0x1E, /* 1 or ! */
Number2 = 0x1F, /* 2 or @ */
Number3 = 0x20, /* 3 or # */
Number4 = 0x21, /* 4 or $ */
Number5 = 0x22, /* 5 or % */
Number6 = 0x23, /* 6 or ^ */
Number7 = 0x24, /* 7 or & */
Number8 = 0x25, /* 8 or * */
Number9 = 0x26, /* 9 or ( */
Number0 = 0x27, /* 0 or ) */
ReturnOrEnter = 0x28, /* Return (Enter) */
Escape = 0x29, /* Escape */
DeleteOrBackspace = 0x2A, /* Delete (Backspace) */
Tab = 0x2B, /* Tab */
Spacebar = 0x2C, /* Spacebar */
Hyphen = 0x2D, /* - or _ */
EqualSign = 0x2E, /* = or + */
OpenBracket = 0x2F, /* [ or { */
CloseBracket = 0x30, /* ] or } */
Backslash = 0x31, /* \ or | */
NonUSPound = 0x32, /* Non-US # or _ */
Semicolon = 0x33, /* ; or : */
Quote = 0x34, /* ' or " */
GraveAccentAndTilde = 0x35, /* Grave Accent and Tilde */
Comma = 0x36, /* , or < */
Period = 0x37, /* . or > */
Slash = 0x38, /* / or ? */
CapsLock = 0x39, /* Caps Lock */
F1 = 0x3A, /* F1 */
F2 = 0x3B, /* F2 */
F3 = 0x3C, /* F3 */
F4 = 0x3D, /* F4 */
F5 = 0x3E, /* F5 */
F6 = 0x3F, /* F6 */
F7 = 0x40, /* F7 */
F8 = 0x41, /* F8 */
F9 = 0x42, /* F9 */
F10 = 0x43, /* F10 */
F11 = 0x44, /* F11 */
F12 = 0x45, /* F12 */
PrintScreen = 0x46, /* Print Screen */
ScrollLock = 0x47, /* Scroll Lock */
Pause = 0x48, /* Pause */
Insert = 0x49, /* Insert */
Home = 0x4A, /* Home */
PageUp = 0x4B, /* Page Up */
DeleteForward = 0x4C, /* Delete Forward */
End = 0x4D, /* End */
PageDown = 0x4E, /* Page Down */
RightArrow = 0x4F, /* Right Arrow */
LeftArrow = 0x50, /* Left Arrow */
DownArrow = 0x51, /* Down Arrow */
UpArrow = 0x52, /* Up Arrow */
KeypadNumLock = 0x53, /* Keypad NumLock or Clear */
KeypadSlash = 0x54, /* Keypad / */
KeypadAsterisk = 0x55, /* Keypad * */
KeypadHyphen = 0x56, /* Keypad - */
KeypadPlus = 0x57, /* Keypad + */
KeypadEnter = 0x58, /* Keypad Enter */
Keypad1 = 0x59, /* Keypad 1 or End */
Keypad2 = 0x5A, /* Keypad 2 or Down Arrow */
Keypad3 = 0x5B, /* Keypad 3 or Page Down */
Keypad4 = 0x5C, /* Keypad 4 or Left Arrow */
Keypad5 = 0x5D, /* Keypad 5 */
Keypad6 = 0x5E, /* Keypad 6 or Right Arrow */
Keypad7 = 0x5F, /* Keypad 7 or Home */
Keypad8 = 0x60, /* Keypad 8 or Up Arrow */
Keypad9 = 0x61, /* Keypad 9 or Page Up */
Keypad0 = 0x62, /* Keypad 0 or Insert */
KeypadPeriod = 0x63, /* Keypad . or Delete */
NonUSBackslash = 0x64, /* Non-US \ or | */
Application = 0x65, /* Application */
Power = 0x66, /* Power */
KeypadEqualSign = 0x67, /* Keypad = */
F13 = 0x68, /* F13 */
F14 = 0x69, /* F14 */
F15 = 0x6A, /* F15 */
F16 = 0x6B, /* F16 */
F17 = 0x6C, /* F17 */
F18 = 0x6D, /* F18 */
F19 = 0x6E, /* F19 */
F20 = 0x6F, /* F20 */
F21 = 0x70, /* F21 */
F22 = 0x71, /* F22 */
F23 = 0x72, /* F23 */
F24 = 0x73, /* F24 */
Execute = 0x74, /* Execute */
Help = 0x75, /* Help */
Menu = 0x76, /* Menu */
Select = 0x77, /* Select */
Stop = 0x78, /* Stop */
Again = 0x79, /* Again */
Undo = 0x7A, /* Undo */
Cut = 0x7B, /* Cut */
Copy = 0x7C, /* Copy */
Paste = 0x7D, /* Paste */
Find = 0x7E, /* Find */
Mute = 0x7F, /* Mute */
VolumeUp = 0x80, /* Volume Up */
VolumeDown = 0x81, /* Volume Down */
LockingCapsLock = 0x82, /* Locking Caps Lock */
LockingNumLock = 0x83, /* Locking Num Lock */
LockingScrollLock = 0x84, /* Locking Scroll Lock */
KeypadComma = 0x85, /* Keypad Comma */
KeypadEqualSignAS400 = 0x86, /* Keypad Equal Sign for AS/400 */
International1 = 0x87, /* International1 */
International2 = 0x88, /* International2 */
International3 = 0x89, /* International3 */
International4 = 0x8A, /* International4 */
International5 = 0x8B, /* International5 */
International6 = 0x8C, /* International6 */
International7 = 0x8D, /* International7 */
International8 = 0x8E, /* International8 */
International9 = 0x8F, /* International9 */
LANG1 = 0x90, /* LANG1 */
LANG2 = 0x91, /* LANG2 */
LANG3 = 0x92, /* LANG3 */
LANG4 = 0x93, /* LANG4 */
LANG5 = 0x94, /* LANG5 */
LANG6 = 0x95, /* LANG6 */
LANG7 = 0x96, /* LANG7 */
LANG8 = 0x97, /* LANG8 */
LANG9 = 0x98, /* LANG9 */
AlternateErase = 0x99, /* AlternateErase */
SysReqOrAttention = 0x9A, /* SysReq/Attention */
Cancel = 0x9B, /* Cancel */
Clear = 0x9C, /* Clear */
Prior = 0x9D, /* Prior */
Return = 0x9E, /* Return */
Separator = 0x9F, /* Separator */
Out = 0xA0, /* Out */
Oper = 0xA1, /* Oper */
ClearOrAgain = 0xA2, /* Clear/Again */
CrSelOrProps = 0xA3, /* CrSel/Props */
ExSel = 0xA4, /* ExSel */
/* 0xA5-0xDF Reserved */
LeftControl = 0xE0, /* Left Control */
LeftShift = 0xE1, /* Left Shift */
LeftAlt = 0xE2, /* Left Alt */
LeftGUI = 0xE3, /* Left GUI */
RightControl = 0xE4, /* Right Control */
RightShift = 0xE5, /* Right Shift */
RightAlt = 0xE6, /* Right Alt */
RightGUI = 0xE7, /* Right GUI */
/* 0xE8-0xFFFF Reserved */
//_Reserved = 0xFFFF
// Maps HIDKey to OpenTK.Input.Key.
static readonly Key[] RawKeyMap = new Key[]
Key.Unknown, /* ErrorRollOver */
Key.Unknown, /* POSTFail */
Key.Unknown, /* ErrorUndefined */
Key.A, /* a or A */
Key.B, /* b or B */
Key.C, /* c or C */
Key.D, /* d or D */
Key.E, /* e or E */
Key.F, /* f or F */
Key.G, /* g or G */
Key.H, /* h or H */
Key.I, /* i or I */
Key.J, /* j or J */
Key.K, /* k or K */
Key.L, /* l or L */
Key.M, /* m or M */
Key.N, /* n or N */
Key.O, /* o or O */
Key.P, /* p or P */
Key.Q, /* q or Q */
Key.R, /* r or R */
Key.S, /* s or S */
Key.T, /* t or T */
Key.U, /* u or U */
Key.V, /* v or V */
Key.W, /* w or W */
Key.X, /* x or X */
Key.Y, /* y or Y */
Key.Z, /* z or Z */
Key.Number1, /* 1 or ! */
Key.Number2, /* 2 or @ */
Key.Number3, /* 3 or # */
Key.Number4, /* 4 or $ */
Key.Number5, /* 5 or % */
Key.Number6, /* 6 or ^ */
Key.Number7, /* 7 or & */
Key.Number8, /* 8 or * */
Key.Number9, /* 9 or ( */
Key.Number0, /* 0 or ) */
Key.Enter, /* Return (Enter) */
Key.Escape, /* Escape */
Key.BackSpace, /* Delete (Backspace) */
Key.Tab, /* Tab */
Key.Space, /* Spacebar */
Key.Minus, /* - or _ */
Key.Plus, /* = or + */
Key.BracketLeft, /* [ or { */
Key.BracketRight, /* ] or } */
Key.BackSlash, /* \ or | */
Key.Minus, /* Non-US # or _ */
Key.Semicolon, /* ; or : */
Key.Quote, /* ' or " */
Key.Tilde, /* Grave Accent and Tilde */
Key.Comma, /* , or < */
Key.Period, /* . or > */
Key.Slash, /* / or ? */
Key.CapsLock, /* Caps Lock */
Key.F1, /* F1 */
Key.F2, /* F2 */
Key.F3, /* F3 */
Key.F4, /* F4 */
Key.F5, /* F5 */
Key.F6, /* F6 */
Key.F7, /* F7 */
Key.F8, /* F8 */
Key.F9, /* F9 */
Key.F10, /* F10 */
Key.F11, /* F11 */
Key.F12, /* F12 */
Key.PrintScreen, /* Print Screen */
Key.ScrollLock, /* Scroll Lock */
Key.Pause, /* Pause */
Key.Insert, /* Insert */
Key.Home, /* Home */
Key.PageUp, /* Page Up */
Key.Delete, /* Delete Forward */
Key.End, /* End */
Key.PageDown, /* Page Down */
Key.Right, /* Right Arrow */
Key.Left, /* Left Arrow */
Key.Down, /* Down Arrow */
Key.Up, /* Up Arrow */
Key.NumLock, /* Keypad NumLock or Clear */
Key.KeypadDivide, /* Keypad / */
Key.KeypadMultiply, /* Keypad * */
Key.KeypadMinus, /* Keypad - */
Key.KeypadPlus, /* Keypad + */
Key.KeypadEnter, /* Keypad Enter */
Key.Keypad1, /* Keypad 1 or End */
Key.Keypad2, /* Keypad 2 or Down Arrow */
Key.Keypad3, /* Keypad 3 or Page Down */
Key.Keypad4, /* Keypad 4 or Left Arrow */
Key.Keypad5, /* Keypad 5 */
Key.Keypad6, /* Keypad 6 or Right Arrow */
Key.Keypad7, /* Keypad 7 or Home */
Key.Keypad8, /* Keypad 8 or Up Arrow */
Key.Keypad9, /* Keypad 9 or Page Up */
Key.Keypad0, /* Keypad 0 or Insert */
Key.KeypadDecimal, /* Keypad . or Delete */
Key.BackSlash, /* Non-US \ or | */
Key.Unknown, /* Application */
Key.Unknown, /* Power */
Key.Unknown, /* Keypad = */
Key.F13, /* F13 */
Key.F14, /* F14 */
Key.F15, /* F15 */
Key.F16, /* F16 */
Key.F17, /* F17 */
Key.F18, /* F18 */
Key.F19, /* F19 */
Key.F20, /* F20 */
Key.F21, /* F21 */
Key.F22, /* F22 */
Key.F23, /* F23 */
Key.F24, /* F24 */
Key.Unknown, /* Execute */
Key.Unknown, /* Help */
Key.Menu, /* Menu */
Key.Unknown, /* Select */
Key.Unknown, /* Stop */
Key.Unknown, /* Again */
Key.Unknown, /* Undo */
Key.Unknown, /* Cut */
Key.Unknown, /* Copy */
Key.Unknown, /* Paste */
Key.Unknown, /* Find */
Key.Unknown, /* Mute */
Key.Unknown, /* Volume Up */
Key.Unknown, /* Volume Down */
Key.CapsLock, /* Locking Caps Lock */
Key.NumLock , /* Locking Num Lock */
Key.ScrollLock, /* Locking Scroll Lock */
Key.KeypadDecimal, /* Keypad Comma */
Key.Unknown, /* Keypad Equal Sign for AS/400 */
Key.Unknown, /* International1 */
Key.Unknown, /* International2 */
Key.Unknown, /* International3 */
Key.Unknown, /* International4 */
Key.Unknown, /* International5 */
Key.Unknown, /* International6 */
Key.Unknown, /* International7 */
Key.Unknown, /* International8 */
Key.Unknown, /* International9 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG1 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG2 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG3 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG4 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG5 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG6 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG7 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG8 */
Key.Unknown, /* LANG9 */
Key.Unknown, /* AlternateErase */
Key.Unknown, /* SysReq/Attention */
Key.Unknown, /* Cancel */
Key.Unknown, /* Clear */
Key.Unknown, /* Prior */
Key.Enter, /* Return */
Key.Unknown, /* Separator */
Key.Unknown, /* Out */
Key.Unknown, /* Oper */
Key.Unknown, /* Clear/Again */
Key.Unknown, /* CrSel/Props */
Key.Unknown, /* ExSel */
/* 0xA5-0xDF Reserved */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Key.LControl, /* Left Control */
Key.LShift, /* Left Shift */
Key.LAlt, /* Left Alt */
Key.LWin, /* Left GUI */
Key.RControl, /* Right Control */
Key.RShift, /* Right Shift */
Key.RAlt, /* Right Alt */
Key.RWin, /* Right GUI */
/* 0xE8-0xFFFF Reserved */
#region IDisposable Members
void Dispose(bool manual)
if (!disposed)
if (manual)
hidmanager, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
hidmanager, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
hidmanager, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
foreach (var device in MouseDevices.Keys)
device, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
foreach (var device in KeyboardDevices.Keys)
device, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
HandleDeviceAdded = null;
HandleDeviceRemoved = null;
HandleDeviceValueReceived = null;
Debug.Print("{0} leaked, did you forget to call Dispose()?", GetType());
disposed = true;
public void Dispose()