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#region --- License ---
/* Licensed under the MIT/X11 license.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 the OpenTK Team.
* This notice may not be removed from any source distribution.
* See license.txt for licensing detailed licensing details.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using OpenTK.Input;
using OpenTK.Platform.Windows;
using OpenTK.Graphics;
//using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
/// <summary>
/// Drives GameWindow on X11.
/// This class supports OpenTK, and is not intended for use by OpenTK programs.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class X11GLNative : INativeGLWindow, IDisposable
// TODO: Disable screensaver.
// TODO: What happens if we can't disable decorations through motif?
// TODO: Mouse/keyboard grabbing/wrapping.
// TODO: PointToWindow, PointToScreen
#region --- Fields ---
const int _min_width = 30, _min_height = 30;
X11WindowInfo window = new X11WindowInfo();
X11Input driver;
// Window manager hints for fullscreen windows.
// Not used right now (the code is written, but is not 64bit-correct), but could be useful for older WMs which
// are not ICCM compliant, but may support MOTIF hints.
const string MOTIF_WM_ATOM = "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS";
const string ICCM_WM_ATOM = "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE";
// The Atom class from Mono might be useful to avoid calling XInternAtom by hand (somewhat error prone).
IntPtr _atom_wm_destroy;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_state;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_state_minimized;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_state_fullscreen;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_state_maximized_horizontal;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_state_maximized_vertical;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_allowed_actions;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_action_resize;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_action_maximize_horizontally;
IntPtr _atom_net_wm_action_maximize_vertically;
//IntPtr _atom_motif_wm_hints;
//IntPtr _atom_kde_wm_hints;
//IntPtr _atom_kde_net_wm_hints;
static readonly IntPtr _atom_remove = (IntPtr)0;
static readonly IntPtr _atom_add = (IntPtr)1;
static readonly IntPtr _atom_toggle = (IntPtr)2;
// Number of pending events.
//int pending = 0;
int width, height;
int top, bottom, left, right;
// C# ResizeEventArgs
ResizeEventArgs resizeEventArgs = new ResizeEventArgs();
// Used for event loop.
XEvent e = new XEvent();
bool disposed;
bool exists;
bool isExiting;
// XAtoms for window properties
//static IntPtr WMTitle; // The title of the GameWindow.
//static IntPtr UTF8String; // No idea.
// Fields used for fullscreen mode changes.
//int pre_fullscreen_width, pre_fullscreen_height;
//bool fullscreen = false;
bool _decorations_hidden = false;
//OpenTK.WindowState _window_state, _previous_window_state;
//OpenTK.WindowBorder _window_border, _previous_window_border;
#region --- Constructors ---
/// <summary>
/// Constructs and initializes a new X11GLNative window.
/// Call CreateWindow to create the actual render window.
/// </summary>
public X11GLNative()
Debug.Print("Creating X11GLNative window.");
//Utilities.ThrowOnX11Error = true; // Not very reliable
// We *cannot* reuse the display connection of System.Windows.Forms (Windows.Forms eat our events).
// TODO: Multiple screens.
//Type xplatui = Type.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11, System.Windows.Forms");
//window.Display = (IntPtr)xplatui.GetField("DisplayHandle",
// System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null);
//window.RootWindow = (IntPtr)xplatui.GetField("RootWindow",
// System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null);
//window.Screen = (int)xplatui.GetField("ScreenNo",
// System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null);
// Open a display connection to the X server, and obtain the screen and root window.
window.Display = API.DefaultDisplay;
if (window.Display == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Exception("Could not open connection to X");
window.Screen = Functions.XDefaultScreen(window.Display); //API.DefaultScreen;
window.RootWindow = Functions.XRootWindow(window.Display, window.Screen); // API.RootWindow;
Debug.Print("Display: {0}, Screen {1}, Root window: {2}", window.Display, window.Screen,
#region private void RegisterAtoms()
/// <summary>
/// Not used yet.
/// Registers the necessary atoms for GameWindow.
/// </summary>
private void RegisterAtoms(X11WindowInfo window)
Debug.WriteLine("Registering atoms.");
_atom_wm_destroy = Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", true);
_atom_net_wm_state = Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_STATE", false);
_atom_net_wm_state_minimized = Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MINIMIZED", false);
_atom_net_wm_state_fullscreen = Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", false);
_atom_net_wm_state_maximized_horizontal =
Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", false);
_atom_net_wm_state_maximized_vertical =
Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", false);
_atom_net_wm_allowed_actions =
Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS", false);
_atom_net_wm_action_resize =
Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_ACTION_RESIZE", false);
_atom_net_wm_action_maximize_horizontally =
Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_HORZ", false);
_atom_net_wm_action_maximize_vertically =
Functions.XInternAtom(window.Display, "_NET_WM_ACTION_MAXIMIZE_VERT", false);
// string[] atom_names = new string[]
// {
// //"WM_TITLE",
// //"UTF8_STRING"
// };
// IntPtr[] atoms = new IntPtr[atom_names.Length];
// //Functions.XInternAtoms(window.Display, atom_names, atom_names.Length, false, atoms);
// int offset = 0;
// //WMTitle = atoms[offset++];
// //UTF8String = atoms[offset++];
#region --- INativeGLWindow Members ---
#region CreateWindow
public void CreateWindow(int width, int height, GraphicsMode mode, int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags, out IGraphicsContext context)
if (width <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", "Must be higher than zero.");
if (height <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", "Must be higher than zero.");
if (exists) throw new InvalidOperationException("A render window already exists.");
XVisualInfo info = new XVisualInfo();
lock (API.Lock)
info.visualid = mode.Index;
int dummy;
window.VisualInfo = (XVisualInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
Functions.XGetVisualInfo(window.Display, XVisualInfoMask.ID, ref info, out dummy), typeof(XVisualInfo));
// Create a window on this display using the visual above
Debug.Write("Opening render window... ");
XSetWindowAttributes attributes = new XSetWindowAttributes();
attributes.background_pixel = IntPtr.Zero;
attributes.border_pixel = IntPtr.Zero;
attributes.colormap = Functions.XCreateColormap(window.Display, window.RootWindow, window.VisualInfo.visual, 0/*AllocNone*/);
window.EventMask = EventMask.StructureNotifyMask | EventMask.SubstructureNotifyMask | EventMask.ExposureMask |
EventMask.KeyReleaseMask | EventMask.KeyPressMask |
EventMask.PointerMotionMask | // Bad! EventMask.PointerMotionHintMask |
EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask;
attributes.event_mask = (IntPtr)window.EventMask;
uint mask = (uint)SetWindowValuemask.ColorMap | (uint)SetWindowValuemask.EventMask |
(uint)SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel | (uint)SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel;
window.WindowHandle = Functions.XCreateWindow(window.Display, window.RootWindow,
0, 0, width, height, 0, window.VisualInfo.depth/*(int)CreateWindowArgs.CopyFromParent*/,
(int)CreateWindowArgs.InputOutput, window.VisualInfo.visual, (UIntPtr)mask, ref attributes);
if (window.WindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ApplicationException("XCreateWindow call failed (returned 0).");
//XVisualInfo vis = window.VisualInfo;
//Glx.CreateContext(window.Display, ref vis, IntPtr.Zero, true);
context = new GraphicsContext(mode, window, major, minor, flags);
// Set the window hints
SetWindowMinMax(_min_width, _min_height, -1, -1);
XSizeHints hints = new XSizeHints();
hints.x = 0;
hints.y = 0;
hints.width = width;
hints.height = height;
hints.flags = (IntPtr)(XSizeHintsFlags.USSize);// | XSizeHintsFlags.USPosition);
lock (API.Lock)
Functions.XSetWMNormalHints(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, ref hints);
// Register for window destroy notification
Functions.XSetWMProtocols(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, new IntPtr[] { _atom_wm_destroy }, 1);
Top = Left = 0;
Right = Width;
Bottom = Height;
//XTextProperty text = new XTextProperty();
//text.value = "OpenTK Game Window";
//text.format = 8;
//Functions.XSetWMName(window.Display, window.Handle, ref text);
//Functions.XSetWMProperties(display, window, name, name, 0, /*None*/ null, 0, hints);
lock (API.Lock)
API.MapRaised(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
mapped = true;
driver = new X11Input(window);
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("X11GLNative window created successfully (id: {0}).", Handle));
exists = true;
#region public void ProcessEvents()
public void ProcessEvents()
// Process all pending events
//while (true)
while (Functions.XCheckWindowEvent(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, window.EventMask, ref e) ||
Functions.XCheckTypedWindowEvent(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, XEventName.ClientMessage, ref e))
//pending = Functions.XPending(window.Display);
//pending = API.Pending(window.Display);
//if (pending == 0)
// return;
//Functions.XNextEvent(window.Display, ref e);
//Debug.Print("Event: {0} ({1} pending)", e.type, pending);
// Respond to the event e
switch (e.type)
case XEventName.MapNotify:
Debug.WriteLine("Window mapped.");
case XEventName.CreateNotify:
// A child was was created - nothing to do
case XEventName.ClientMessage:
if (e.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 == _atom_wm_destroy)
case XEventName.DestroyNotify:
exists = false;
isExiting = true;
Debug.Print("X11 window {0} destroyed.", e.DestroyWindowEvent.window);
window.WindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
case XEventName.ConfigureNotify:
// If the window size changed, raise the C# Resize event.
if (e.ConfigureEvent.width != width || e.ConfigureEvent.height != height)
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("ConfigureNotify: {0}x{1}", e.ConfigureEvent.width, e.ConfigureEvent.height));
resizeEventArgs.Width = e.ConfigureEvent.width;
resizeEventArgs.Height = e.ConfigureEvent.height;
case XEventName.KeyPress:
case XEventName.KeyRelease:
case XEventName.MotionNotify:
case XEventName.ButtonPress:
case XEventName.ButtonRelease:
//Functions.XPutBackEvent(window.Display, ref e);
driver.ProcessEvent(ref e);
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} event was not handled", e.type));
#region public IInputDriver InputDriver
public IInputDriver InputDriver
return driver;
#region public bool Exists
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a render window/context exists.
/// </summary>
public bool Exists
get { return exists; }
#region public bool Quit
public bool IsExiting
get { return isExiting; }
#region public bool IsIdle
public bool IsIdle
get { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
#region public bool Fullscreen
public bool Fullscreen
return false;
//return fullscreen;
// if (value && !fullscreen)
// {
// Debug.Print("Going fullscreen");
// Debug.Indent();
// DisableWindowDecorations();
// pre_fullscreen_height = this.Height;
// pre_fullscreen_width = this.Width;
// //Functions.XRaiseWindow(this.window.Display, this.Handle);
// Functions.XMoveResizeWindow(this.window.Display, this.Handle, 0, 0,
// DisplayDevice.Default.Width, DisplayDevice.Default.Height);
// Debug.Unindent();
// fullscreen = true;
// }
// else if (!value && fullscreen)
// {
// Debug.Print("Going windowed");
// Debug.Indent();
// Functions.XMoveResizeWindow(this.window.Display, this.Handle, 0, 0,
// pre_fullscreen_width, pre_fullscreen_height);
// pre_fullscreen_height = pre_fullscreen_width = 0;
// EnableWindowDecorations();
// Debug.Unindent();
// fullscreen = false;
// }
Debug.Print(value ? "Going fullscreen" : "Going windowed");
IntPtr state_atom = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, "_NET_WM_STATE", false);
IntPtr fullscreen_atom = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", false);
XEvent xev = new XEvent();
xev.ClientMessageEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
xev.ClientMessageEvent.serial = IntPtr.Zero;
xev.ClientMessageEvent.send_event = true;
xev.ClientMessageEvent.window = this.Handle;
xev.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = state_atom;
xev.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = (IntPtr)(value ? NetWindowManagerState.Add : NetWindowManagerState.Remove);
xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 = (IntPtr)(value ? 1 : 0);
xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 = IntPtr.Zero;
Functions.XSendEvent(this.window.Display, API.RootWindow, false,
(IntPtr)(EventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask | EventMask.SubstructureNotifyMask), ref xev);
fullscreen = !fullscreen;
#region public IntPtr Handle
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current window handle.
/// </summary>
public IntPtr Handle
get { return this.window.WindowHandle; }
#region public string Title
/// <summary>
/// TODO: Use atoms for this property.
/// Gets or sets the GameWindow title.
/// </summary>
public string Title
IntPtr name = IntPtr.Zero;
Functions.XFetchName(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, ref name);
if (name != IntPtr.Zero)
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(name);
return String.Empty;
XTextProperty name = new XTextProperty();
name.format = 8; //STRING
if (value == null)
name.value = String.Empty;
name.value = value;
Functions.XSetWMName(window.Display, window.Handle, ref name);
if (value != null)
Functions.XStoreName(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, value);
#region public bool Visible
bool mapped;
public bool Visible
//return true;
return mapped;
if (value && !mapped)
Functions.XMapWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
mapped = true;
else if (!value && mapped)
Functions.XUnmapWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
mapped = false;
#region public IWindowInfo WindowInfo
public IWindowInfo WindowInfo
get { return window; }
#region OnCreate
public event CreateEvent Create;
private void OnCreate(EventArgs e)
if (this.Create != null)
Debug.Print("Create event fired from window: {0}", window.ToString());
this.Create(this, e);
#region public void Exit()
public void Exit()
#region public void DestroyWindow()
public void DestroyWindow()
Debug.WriteLine("X11GLNative shutdown sequence initiated.");
Functions.XDestroyWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
#region OnDestroy
public event DestroyEvent Destroy;
private void OnDestroy(EventArgs e)
Debug.Print("Destroy event fired from window: {0}", window.ToString());
if (this.Destroy != null)
this.Destroy(this, e);
#region PointToClient
public void PointToClient(ref System.Drawing.Point p)
if (!Functions.ScreenToClient(this.Handle, p))
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(
"Could not convert point {0} from client to screen coordinates. Windows error: {1}",
p.ToString(), Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
#region PointToScreen
public void PointToScreen(ref System.Drawing.Point p)
throw new NotImplementedException();
#region publicOpenTK.WindowState WindowState
public OpenTK.WindowState WindowState
IntPtr actual_atom;
int actual_format;
IntPtr nitems;
IntPtr bytes_after;
IntPtr prop = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr atom;
//XWindowAttributes attributes;
bool fullscreen = false;
int maximized = 0;
bool minimized = false;
Functions.XGetWindowProperty(window.Display, window.WindowHandle,
_atom_net_wm_state, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr (256), false,
IntPtr.Zero, out actual_atom, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_after, ref prop);
if ((long)nitems > 0 && prop != IntPtr.Zero)
for (int i = 0; i < (long)nitems; i++)
atom = (IntPtr)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, i * IntPtr.Size);
if (atom == _atom_net_wm_state_maximized_horizontal ||
atom == _atom_net_wm_state_maximized_vertical)
else if (atom == _atom_net_wm_state_minimized)
minimized = true;
else if (atom == _atom_net_wm_state_fullscreen)
fullscreen = true;
if (minimized)
return OpenTK.WindowState.Minimized;
else if (maximized == 2)
return OpenTK.WindowState.Maximized;
else if (fullscreen)
return OpenTK.WindowState.Fullscreen;
attributes = new XWindowAttributes();
Functions.XGetWindowAttributes(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, ref attributes);
if (attributes.map_state == MapState.IsUnmapped)
return (OpenTK.WindowState)(-1);
return OpenTK.WindowState.Normal;
OpenTK.WindowState current_state = this.WindowState;
if (current_state == value)
Debug.Print("GameWindow {0} changing WindowState from {1} to {2}.", window.WindowHandle.ToString(),
current_state.ToString(), value.ToString());
if (current_state == OpenTK.WindowState.Minimized)
Functions.XMapWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
else if (current_state == OpenTK.WindowState.Fullscreen)
Functions.SendNetWMMessage(window, _atom_net_wm_state, _atom_remove,
else if (current_state == OpenTK.WindowState.Maximized)
Functions.SendNetWMMessage(window, _atom_net_wm_state, _atom_toggle,
Functions.XSync(window.Display, false);
// We can't resize the window if its border is fixed, so make it resizable first.
bool temporary_resizable = false;
WindowBorder previous_state = WindowBorder;
if (WindowBorder != WindowBorder.Resizable)
temporary_resizable = true;
WindowBorder = WindowBorder.Resizable;
switch (value)
case OpenTK.WindowState.Normal:
Functions.XRaiseWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
case OpenTK.WindowState.Maximized:
Functions.SendNetWMMessage(window, _atom_net_wm_state, _atom_add,
Functions.XRaiseWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
case OpenTK.WindowState.Minimized:
// FIXME multiscreen support
Functions.XIconifyWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, window.Screen);
case OpenTK.WindowState.Fullscreen:
//_previous_window_border = this.WindowBorder;
//this.WindowBorder = WindowBorder.Hidden;
Functions.SendNetWMMessage(window, _atom_net_wm_state, _atom_add,
_atom_net_wm_state_fullscreen, IntPtr.Zero);
Functions.XRaiseWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
if (temporary_resizable)
WindowBorder = previous_state;
#region public OpenTK.WindowBorder WindowBorder
public OpenTK.WindowBorder WindowBorder
if (IsWindowBorderHidden)
return WindowBorder.Hidden;
if (IsWindowBorderResizable)
return WindowBorder.Resizable;
return WindowBorder.Fixed;
if (WindowBorder == value)
if (WindowBorder == WindowBorder.Hidden)
switch (value)
case WindowBorder.Fixed:
Debug.Print("Making WindowBorder fixed.");
SetWindowMinMax((short)Width, (short)Height, (short)Width, (short)Height);
case WindowBorder.Resizable:
Debug.Print("Making WindowBorder resizable.");
SetWindowMinMax(_min_width, _min_height, -1, -1);
case WindowBorder.Hidden:
Debug.Print("Making WindowBorder hidden.");
void SetWindowMinMax(short min_width, short min_height, short max_width, short max_height)
IntPtr dummy;
XSizeHints hints = new XSizeHints();
Functions.XGetWMNormalHints(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, ref hints, out dummy);
if (min_width > 0 || min_height > 0)
hints.flags = (IntPtr)((int)hints.flags | (int)XSizeHintsFlags.PMinSize);
hints.min_width = min_width;
hints.min_height = min_height;
hints.flags = (IntPtr)((int)hints.flags & ~(int)XSizeHintsFlags.PMinSize);
if (max_width > 0 || max_height > 0)
hints.flags = (IntPtr)((int)hints.flags | (int)XSizeHintsFlags.PMaxSize);
hints.max_width = max_width;
hints.max_height = max_height;
hints.flags = (IntPtr)((int)hints.flags & ~(int)XSizeHintsFlags.PMaxSize);
if (hints.flags != IntPtr.Zero)
// The Metacity team has decided that they won't care about this when clicking the maximize
// icon, will maximize the window to fill the screen/parent no matter what.
// http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=80021
Functions.XSetWMNormalHints(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, ref hints);
#region --- IResizable Members ---
#region public int Width
public int Width
return width;
// Clear event struct
//Array.Clear(xresize.pad, 0, xresize.pad.Length);
// Set requested parameters
xresize.ResizeRequest.type = EventType.ResizeRequest;
xresize.ResizeRequest.display = this.display;
xresize.ResizeRequest.width = value;
xresize.ResizeRequest.height = mode.Width;
ref xresize
#region public int Height
public int Height
return height;
// Clear event struct
//Array.Clear(xresize.pad, 0, xresize.pad.Length);
// Set requested parameters
xresize.ResizeRequest.type = EventType.ResizeRequest;
xresize.ResizeRequest.display = this.display;
xresize.ResizeRequest.width = mode.Width;
xresize.ResizeRequest.height = value;
ref xresize
#region public event ResizeEvent Resize
public event ResizeEvent Resize;
private void OnResize(ResizeEventArgs e)
width = e.Width;
height = e.Height;
if (this.Resize != null)
this.Resize(this, e);
public int Top
get { return top; }
private set { top = value; }
public int Bottom
get { return bottom; }
private set { bottom = value; }
public int Left
get { return left; }
private set { left = value; }
public int Right
get { return right; }
private set { right = value; }
#region --- IDisposable Members ---
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool manuallyCalled)
if (!disposed)
if (window != null && window.WindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
Functions.XDestroyWindow(window.Display, window.WindowHandle);
window = null;
if (manuallyCalled)
disposed = true;
#region --- Private Methods ---
bool IsWindowBorderResizable
IntPtr actual_atom;
int actual_format;
IntPtr nitems;
IntPtr bytes_after;
IntPtr prop = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr atom;
//XWindowAttributes attributes;
Functions.XGetWindowProperty(window.Display, window.WindowHandle,
_atom_net_wm_allowed_actions, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(256), false,
IntPtr.Zero, out actual_atom, out actual_format, out nitems,
out bytes_after, ref prop);
if ((long)nitems > 0 && prop != IntPtr.Zero)
for (int i = 0; i < (long)nitems; i++)
atom = (IntPtr)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, i * IntPtr.Size);
if (atom == _atom_net_wm_action_resize)
return true;
return false;
#region bool IsWindowBorderHidden
bool IsWindowBorderHidden
//IntPtr actual_atom;
//int actual_format;
//IntPtr nitems;
//IntPtr bytes_after;
IntPtr prop = IntPtr.Zero;
//IntPtr atom;
//XWindowAttributes attributes;
// Test if decorations have been disabled through Motif.
IntPtr motif_hints_atom = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, MOTIF_WM_ATOM, true);
if (motif_hints_atom != IntPtr.Zero)
// TODO: How to check if MotifWMHints decorations have been really disabled?
if (_decorations_hidden)
return true;
// Some WMs remove decorations when the transient_for hint is set. Most new ones do not (but those
// should obey the Motif hint). Anyway, if this hint is set, we say the decorations have been remove
// although there is a slight chance this is not the case.
IntPtr transient_for_parent;
Functions.XGetTransientForHint(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, out transient_for_parent);
if (transient_for_parent != IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
return false;
#region void DisableWindowDecorations()
void DisableWindowDecorations()
if (DisableMotifDecorations())
Debug.Print("Removed decorations through motif.");
_decorations_hidden = true;
// Functions.XSetTransientForHint(this.window.Display, this.Handle, this.window.RootWindow);
// Some WMs remove decorations when this hint is set. Doesn't hurt to try.
Functions.XSetTransientForHint(this.window.Display, this.Handle, this.window.RootWindow);
if (_decorations_hidden)
Functions.XUnmapWindow(this.window.Display, this.Handle);
Functions.XMapWindow(this.window.Display, this.Handle);
#region bool DisableMotifDecorations()
bool DisableMotifDecorations()
IntPtr atom = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, MOTIF_WM_ATOM, true);
if (atom != IntPtr.Zero)
//Functions.XGetWindowProperty(window.Display, window.WindowHandle, atom, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false,
MotifWmHints hints = new MotifWmHints();
hints.flags = (IntPtr)MotifFlags.Decorations;
Functions.XChangeProperty(this.window.Display, this.Handle, atom, atom, 32, PropertyMode.Replace,
ref hints, Marshal.SizeOf(hints) / IntPtr.Size);
return true;
return false;
#region bool DisableGnomeDecorations()
bool DisableGnomeDecorations()
IntPtr atom = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, Constants.XA_WIN_HINTS, true);
if (atom != IntPtr.Zero)
IntPtr hints = IntPtr.Zero;
Functions.XChangeProperty(this.window.Display, this.Handle, atom, atom, 32, PropertyMode.Replace,
ref hints, Marshal.SizeOf(hints) / IntPtr.Size);
return true;
return false;
#region void EnableWindowDecorations()
void EnableWindowDecorations()
if (EnableMotifDecorations())
Debug.Print("Activated decorations through motif.");
_decorations_hidden = false;
//if (EnableGnomeDecorations()) { Debug.Print("Activated decorations through gnome."); activated = true; }
Functions.XSetTransientForHint(this.window.Display, this.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);
if (!_decorations_hidden)
Functions.XUnmapWindow(this.window.Display, this.Handle);
Functions.XMapWindow(this.window.Display, this.Handle);
#region bool EnableMotifDecorations()
bool EnableMotifDecorations()
IntPtr atom = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, MOTIF_WM_ATOM, true);
if (atom != IntPtr.Zero)
//Functions.XDeleteProperty(this.window.Display, this.Handle, atom);
MotifWmHints hints = new MotifWmHints();
hints.flags = (IntPtr)MotifFlags.Decorations;
hints.decorations = (IntPtr)MotifDecorations.All;
Functions.XChangeProperty(this.window.Display, this.Handle, atom, atom, 32, PropertyMode.Replace,
ref hints, Marshal.SizeOf(hints) / IntPtr.Size);
return true;
return false;
#region bool EnableGnomeDecorations()
bool EnableGnomeDecorations()
// Restore window layer.
//XEvent xev = new XEvent();
//xev.ClientMessageEvent.window = this.window.Handle;
//xev.ClientMessageEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
//xev.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, Constants.XA_WIN_LAYER, false);
//xev.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
//xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = (IntPtr)WindowLayer.AboveDock;
//Functions.XSendEvent(this.window.Display, this.window.RootWindow, false, (IntPtr)EventMask.SubstructureNotifyMask, ref xev);
IntPtr atom = Functions.XInternAtom(this.window.Display, Constants.XA_WIN_HINTS, true);
if (atom != IntPtr.Zero)
Functions.XDeleteProperty(this.window.Display, this.Handle, atom);
return true;
return false;