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#region --- OpenTK.OpenAL License ---
/* AlTokens.cs
* C header: \OpenAL 1.1 SDK\include\Al.h
* Spec: http://www.openal.org/openal_webstf/specs/OpenAL11Specification.pdf
* Copyright (c) 2008 Christoph Brandtner and Stefanos Apostolopoulos
* See license.txt for license details
* http://www.OpenTK.net */
using System;
namespace OpenTK.OpenAL.Enums
public enum ALCapability : int
///<summary>Currently no state toggles exist for vanilla OpenAL.</summary>
Invalid = -1,
public enum ALListenerf : int
///<summary>Indicate the gain (volume amplification) applied. Type: float. Range: [0.0f - ? ] A value of 1.0 means un-attenuated/unchanged. Each division by 2 equals an attenuation of -6dB. Each multiplicaton with 2 equals an amplification of +6dB. A value of 0.0f is meaningless with respect to a logarithmic scale; it is interpreted as zero volume - the channel is effectively disabled.</summary>
Gain = 0x100A,
public enum ALListener3f : int
///<summary>Specify the current location in three dimensional space. OpenAL, like OpenGL, uses a right handed coordinate system, where in a frontal default view X (thumb) points right, Y points up (index finger), and Z points towards the viewer/camera (middle finger). To switch from a left handed coordinate system, flip the sign on the Z coordinate. Listener position is always in the world coordinate system.</summary>
Position = 0x1004,
///<summary>Specify the current velocity in three dimensional space.</summary>
Velocity = 0x1006,
public enum ALListenerfv : int
///<summary>Indicate Listener orientation. (at/up)</summary>
Orientation = 0x100F,
public enum ALSourcef : int
///<summary>Source specific reference distance. Type: float Range: [0.0f - float.PositiveInfinity] At 0.0f, no distance attenuation occurs. Default is 1.0.</summary>
ReferenceDistance = 0x1020,
///<summary>Indicate distance above which Sources are not attenuated using the inverse clamped distance model. Default: float.PositiveInfinity Type: ALfloat Range: [0.0f - float.PositiveInfinity]</summary>
MaxDistance = 0x1023,
///<summary>Source specific rolloff factor. Type: float Range: [0.0f - float.PositiveInfinity]</summary>
RolloffFactor = 0x1021,
///<summary>Specify the pitch to be applied, either at Source, or on mixer results, at Listener. Range: [0.5f - 2.0f] Default: 1.0f</summary>
Pitch = 0x1003,
///<summary>Indicate the gain (volume amplification) applied. Type: float. Range: [0.0f - ? ] A value of 1.0 means un-attenuated/unchanged. Each division by 2 equals an attenuation of -6dB. Each multiplicaton with 2 equals an amplification of +6dB. A value of 0.0f is meaningless with respect to a logarithmic scale; it is interpreted as zero volume - the channel is effectively disabled.</summary>
Gain = 0x100A,
///<summary>Indicate minimum Source attenuation. Type: float Range: [0.0f - 1.0f] (Logarthmic)</summary>
MinGain = 0x100D,
///<summary>Indicate maximum Source attenuation. Type: float Range: [0.0f - 1.0f] (Logarthmic)</summary>
MaxGain = 0x100E,
///<summary>Directional Source, inner cone angle, in degrees. Range: [0-360] Default: 360</summary>
ConeInnerAngle = 0x1001,
///<summary>Directional Source, outer cone angle, in degrees. Range: [0-360] Default: 360</summary>
ConeOuterAngle = 0x1002,
///<summary>Directional Source, outer cone gain. Default: 0.0f Range: [0.0f - 1.0] (Logarithmic)</summary>
ConeOuterGain = 0x1022,
/// <summary>The playback position, expressed in seconds.</summary>
SecOffset = 0x1024, // AL_EXT_OFFSET extension.
public enum ALSource3f : int
///<summary>Specify the current location in three dimensional space. OpenAL, like OpenGL, uses a right handed coordinate system, where in a frontal default view X (thumb) points right, Y points up (index finger), and Z points towards the viewer/camera (middle finger). To switch from a left handed coordinate system, flip the sign on the Z coordinate. Listener position is always in the world coordinate system.</summary>
Position = 0x1004,
///<summary>Specify the current velocity in three dimensional space.</summary>
Velocity = 0x1006,
///<summary>Specify the current direction vector.</summary>
Direction = 0x1005,
public enum ALSourceb : int
///<summary>Indicate Source has relative coordinates.</summary>
SourceRelative = 0x202,
///<summary>Indicate whether Source is looping. Type: Al.Bool Range: [True, False] Default: False.</summary>
Looping = 0x1007,
public enum ALSourcei : int
///<summary>The playback position, expressed in bytes.</summary>
ByteOffset = 0x1026, // AL_EXT_OFFSET extension.
///<summary>The playback position, expressed in samples.</summary>
SampleOffset = 0x1025, // AL_EXT_OFFSET extension.
///<summary>Indicate the Buffer to provide sound samples. Type: uint Range: any valid Buffer id.</summary>
Buffer = 0x1009,
///<summary>Source type (Static, Streaming or undetermined). Use enum AlSourceType for comparison</summary>
SourceType = 0x1027,
public enum ALSourceiGet : int
///<summary>The playback position, expressed in bytes.</summary>
ByteOffset = 0x1026, // AL_EXT_OFFSET extension.
///<summary>The playback position, expressed in samples.</summary>
SampleOffset = 0x1025, // AL_EXT_OFFSET extension.
///<summary>Indicate the Buffer to provide sound samples. Type: uint Range: any valid Buffer id.</summary>
Buffer = 0x1009,
/// <summary>The state of the source (Stopped, Playing, etc.) Use the enum AlSourceState for comparison.</summary>
SourceState = 0x1010,
/// <summary>The number of buffers queued on this source.</summary>
BuffersQueued = 0x1015,
/// <summary>The number of buffers in the queue that have been processed.</summary>
BuffersProcessed = 0x1016,
///<summary>Source type (Static, Streaming or undetermined). Use enum AlSourceType for comparison.</summary>
SourceType = 0x1027,
public enum ALDeprecated : int
///<summary>Deprecated. Specify the channel mask. (Creative) Type: uint Range: [0 - 255]</summary>
ChannelMask = 0x3000,
///<summary>Source state information.</summary>
public enum ALSourceState : int
///<summary>Default State when loaded, can be manually set with Al.SourceRewind().</summary>
Initial = 0x1011,
///<summary>The source is currently playing.</summary>
Playing = 0x1012,
///<summary>The source has paused playback.</summary>
Paused = 0x1013,
///<summary>The source is not playing.</summary>
Stopped = 0x1014,
///<summary>Source type (Static, Streaming or undetermined)</summary>
public enum ALSourceType : int
///<summary>Source is Static if a Buffer has been attached using AL_Buffer</summary>
Static = 0x1028,
///<summary>Source is Streaming if one or more Buffers have been attached using alSourceQueueBuffers</summary>
Streaming = 0x1029,
///<summary>Source is undetermined when it has the NULL Buffer attached</summary>
Undetermined = 0x1030,
///<summary>Sound samples: Format specifier.</summary>
public enum ALFormat : int
///<summary>1 Channel, 8 Bit.</summary>
FormatMono8 = 0x1100,
///<summary>1 Channel, 16 Bit.</summary>
FormatMono16 = 0x1101,
///<summary>2 Channels, 8 Bit each.</summary>
FormatStereo8 = 0x1102,
///<summary>2 Channels, 16 Bit each.</summary>
FormatStereo16 = 0x1103,
public enum ALGetBufferi : int
///<summary>Sound sample's frequency, in units of Hertz [Hz]. This is the number of samples per second. Half of the sample frequency marks the maximum significant frequency component.</summary>
Frequency = 0x2001,
/// <summary>Bit depth of buffer. Should be 8 or 16.</summary>
Bits = 0x2002,
/// <summary>Number of channels in buffer. > 1 is valid, but buffer won’t be positioned when played. 1 for Mono, 2 for Stereo.</summary>
Channels = 0x2003,
/// <summary>size of buffer in bytes</summary>
Size = 0x2004,
// From Manual, not in header: AL_DATA ( i, iv ) original location where data was copied from generally useless, as was probably freed after buffer creation
///<summary>Buffer state. Not supported for public use (yet).</summary>
public enum ALBufferState : int
///<summary>Buffer state. Not supported for public use (yet).</summary>
Unused = 0x2010,
///<summary>Buffer state. Not supported for public use (yet).</summary>
Pending = 0x2011,
///<summary>Buffer state. Not supported for public use (yet).</summary>
Processed = 0x2012,
public enum ALError : int // alGetString
///<summary>No OpenAL Error.</summary>
NoError = 0,
///<summary>Invalid Name paramater passed to OpenAL call.</summary>
InvalidName = 0xA001,
///<summary>Invalid parameter passed to OpenAL call.</summary>
IllegalEnum = 0xA002,
///<summary>Invalid parameter passed to OpenAL call.</summary>
InvalidEnum = 0xA002,
///<summary>Invalid OpenAL enum parameter value.</summary>
InvalidValue = 0xA003,
///<summary>Illegal OpenAL call.</summary>
IllegalCommand = 0xA004,
///<summary>Illegal OpenAL call.</summary>
InvalidOperation = 0xA004,
///<summary>No mojo. No OpenAL Memory left.</summary>
OutOfMemory = 0xA005,
public enum ALGetString : int // alGetString
/// <summary>Gets the Vendor name.</summary>
Vendor = 0xB001,
/// <summary>Gets the driver version.</summary>
Version = 0xB002,
/// <summary>Gets the renderer mode.</summary>
Renderer = 0xB003,
/// <summary>Gets a list of all available Extensions, separated with spaces.</summary>
Extensions = 0xB004,
public enum ALGetFloat : int
///<summary>Doppler scale. Default 1.0f</summary>
DopplerFactor = 0xC000,
///<summary>Tweaks speed of propagation. This functionality is deprecated.</summary>
DopplerVelocity = 0xC001,
///<summary>Speed of Sound in units per second. default value 343.3f</summary>
SpeedOfSound = 0xC003,
public enum ALGetInteger : int
///<summary>See enum AlDistanceModel.</summary><see cref="AlDistanceModels"/>
DistanceModel = 0xD000,
public enum ALDistanceModel : int // used in conjunction with Al.DistanceModel
///<summary>bypasses all distance attenuation calculation for all sources.</summary>
None = 0,
///<summary>InverseDistance is equivalent to the IASIG I3DL2 model with the exception that AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE does not imply any clamping.</summary>
InverseDistance = 0xD001,
///<summary>InverseDistanceClamped is the IASIG I3DL2 model, with AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE indicating both the reference distance and the distance below which gain will be clamped.</summary>
InverseDistanceClamped = 0xD002,
LinearDistance = 0xD003, // AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE extension.
LinearDistanceClamped = 0xD004, // AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE extension.
ExponentDistance = 0xD005, // AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE extension.
ExponentDistanceClamped = 0xD006, // AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE extension.