mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 20:46:51 +00:00
Added check for the existence of override elements before trying to use them (avoids potential null reference exception). Regenerated bindings using the latest version of the generator.
1427 lines
46 KiB
1427 lines
46 KiB
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All : int
False = ((int)0),
NoError = ((int)0),
NoneOes = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0x0000),
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0x00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0x00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0x00004000),
Lines = ((int)0x0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0x0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0x0003),
Triangles = ((int)0x0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0x0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0x0006),
Add = ((int)0x0104),
Never = ((int)0x0200),
Less = ((int)0x0201),
Equal = ((int)0x0202),
Lequal = ((int)0x0203),
Greater = ((int)0x0204),
Notequal = ((int)0x0205),
Gequal = ((int)0x0206),
Always = ((int)0x0207),
SrcColor = ((int)0x0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0x0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0x0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0x0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0x0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0x0305),
DstColor = ((int)0x0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0x0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0x0308),
Front = ((int)0x0404),
Back = ((int)0x0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0x0408),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0x0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0x0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0x0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0x0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0x0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0x0505),
InvalidFramebufferOperationOes = ((int)0x0506),
Exp = ((int)0x0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0x0801),
Cw = ((int)0x0900),
Ccw = ((int)0x0901),
CurrentColor = ((int)0x0B00),
CurrentNormal = ((int)0x0B02),
CurrentTextureCoords = ((int)0x0B03),
PointSmooth = ((int)0x0B10),
PointSize = ((int)0x0B11),
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0x0B12),
LineSmooth = ((int)0x0B20),
LineWidth = ((int)0x0B21),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0x0B22),
CullFace = ((int)0x0B44),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0x0B45),
FrontFace = ((int)0x0B46),
Lighting = ((int)0x0B50),
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0x0B52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0x0B53),
ShadeModel = ((int)0x0B54),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0x0B57),
Fog = ((int)0x0B60),
FogDensity = ((int)0x0B62),
FogStart = ((int)0x0B63),
FogEnd = ((int)0x0B64),
FogMode = ((int)0x0B65),
FogColor = ((int)0x0B66),
DepthRange = ((int)0x0B70),
DepthTest = ((int)0x0B71),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0x0B72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0x0B73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0x0B74),
StencilTest = ((int)0x0B90),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0x0B91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0x0B92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0x0B93),
StencilFail = ((int)0x0B94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0x0B95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0x0B96),
StencilRef = ((int)0x0B97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0x0B98),
MatrixMode = ((int)0x0BA0),
Normalize = ((int)0x0BA1),
Viewport = ((int)0x0BA2),
ModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA3),
ProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA4),
TextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA5),
ModelviewMatrix = ((int)0x0BA6),
ProjectionMatrix = ((int)0x0BA7),
TextureMatrix = ((int)0x0BA8),
AlphaTest = ((int)0x0BC0),
AlphaTestFunc = ((int)0x0BC1),
AlphaTestRef = ((int)0x0BC2),
Dither = ((int)0x0BD0),
BlendDst = ((int)0x0BE0),
BlendSrc = ((int)0x0BE1),
Blend = ((int)0x0BE2),
LogicOpMode = ((int)0x0BF0),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0x0BF2),
ScissorBox = ((int)0x0C10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0x0C22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0x0C23),
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0x0C50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C52),
FogHint = ((int)0x0C54),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
AlphaScale = ((int)0x0D1C),
MaxLights = ((int)0x0D31),
MaxClipPlanes = ((int)0x0D32),
MaxClipPlanesImg = ((int)0x0D32),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0x0D33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0D36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0D38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0D39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0x0D3A),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0x0D50),
RedBits = ((int)0x0D52),
GreenBits = ((int)0x0D53),
BlueBits = ((int)0x0D54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0x0D55),
DepthBits = ((int)0x0D56),
StencilBits = ((int)0x0D57),
Texture2D = ((int)0x0DE1),
DontCare = ((int)0x1100),
Fastest = ((int)0x1101),
Nicest = ((int)0x1102),
Ambient = ((int)0x1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0x1201),
Specular = ((int)0x1202),
Position = ((int)0x1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0x1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0x1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0x1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0x1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0x1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0x1209),
Byte = ((int)0x1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0x1401),
Short = ((int)0x1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0x1403),
Float = ((int)0x1406),
Fixed = ((int)0x140C),
FixedOes = ((int)0x140C),
Clear = ((int)0x1500),
And = ((int)0x1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0x1502),
Copy = ((int)0x1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0x1504),
Noop = ((int)0x1505),
Xor = ((int)0x1506),
Or = ((int)0x1507),
Nor = ((int)0x1508),
Equiv = ((int)0x1509),
Invert = ((int)0x150A),
OrReverse = ((int)0x150B),
CopyInverted = ((int)0x150C),
OrInverted = ((int)0x150D),
Nand = ((int)0x150E),
Set = ((int)0x150F),
Emission = ((int)0x1600),
Shininess = ((int)0x1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0x1602),
Modelview = ((int)0x1700),
Projection = ((int)0x1701),
Texture = ((int)0x1702),
Alpha = ((int)0x1906),
Rgb = ((int)0x1907),
Rgba = ((int)0x1908),
Luminance = ((int)0x1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0x190A),
Flat = ((int)0x1D00),
Smooth = ((int)0x1D01),
Keep = ((int)0x1E00),
Replace = ((int)0x1E01),
Incr = ((int)0x1E02),
Decr = ((int)0x1E03),
Vendor = ((int)0x1F00),
Renderer = ((int)0x1F01),
Version = ((int)0x1F02),
Extensions = ((int)0x1F03),
Modulate = ((int)0x2100),
Decal = ((int)0x2101),
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0x2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0x2201),
TextureEnv = ((int)0x2300),
TextureGenModeOes = ((int)0x2500),
Nearest = ((int)0x2600),
Linear = ((int)0x2601),
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2703),
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0x2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0x2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0x2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0x2803),
Repeat = ((int)0x2901),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0x2A00),
ClipPlane0 = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane0Img = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane1 = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane1Img = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane2 = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane2Img = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane3 = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane3Img = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane4 = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane4Img = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane5 = ((int)0x3005),
ClipPlane5Img = ((int)0x3005),
Light0 = ((int)0x4000),
Light1 = ((int)0x4001),
Light2 = ((int)0x4002),
Light3 = ((int)0x4003),
Light4 = ((int)0x4004),
Light5 = ((int)0x4005),
Light6 = ((int)0x4006),
Light7 = ((int)0x4007),
FuncAddOes = ((int)0x8006),
BlendEquationOes = ((int)0x8009),
BlendEquationRgbOes = ((int)0x8009),
FuncSubtractOes = ((int)0x800A),
FuncReverseSubtractOes = ((int)0x800B),
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0x8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0x8034),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0x8038),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0x803A),
Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8051),
Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8056),
Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8057),
Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8058),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0x8069),
VertexArray = ((int)0x8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0x8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0x8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0x8078),
VertexArraySize = ((int)0x807A),
VertexArrayType = ((int)0x807B),
VertexArrayStride = ((int)0x807C),
NormalArrayType = ((int)0x807E),
NormalArrayStride = ((int)0x807F),
ColorArraySize = ((int)0x8081),
ColorArrayType = ((int)0x8082),
ColorArrayStride = ((int)0x8083),
TextureCoordArraySize = ((int)0x8088),
TextureCoordArrayType = ((int)0x8089),
TextureCoordArrayStride = ((int)0x808A),
VertexArrayPointer = ((int)0x808E),
NormalArrayPointer = ((int)0x808F),
ColorArrayPointer = ((int)0x8090),
TextureCoordArrayPointer = ((int)0x8092),
Multisample = ((int)0x809D),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0x809E),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0x809F),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0x80A0),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0x80A8),
Samples = ((int)0x80A9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0x80AA),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0x80AB),
BlendDstRgbOes = ((int)0x80C8),
BlendSrcRgbOes = ((int)0x80C9),
BlendDstAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CA),
BlendSrcAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CB),
Bgra = ((int)0x80E1),
PointSizeMin = ((int)0x8126),
PointSizeMax = ((int)0x8127),
PointFadeThresholdSize = ((int)0x8128),
PointDistanceAttenuation = ((int)0x8129),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0x812F),
GenerateMipmap = ((int)0x8191),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0x8192),
DepthComponent16Oes = ((int)0x81A5),
DepthComponent24Oes = ((int)0x81A6),
DepthComponent32Oes = ((int)0x81A7),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0x8363),
UnsignedShort4444Rev = ((int)0x8365),
UnsignedShort1555Rev = ((int)0x8366),
MirroredRepeatOes = ((int)0x8370),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0x846D),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0x846E),
Texture0 = ((int)0x84C0),
Texture1 = ((int)0x84C1),
Texture2 = ((int)0x84C2),
Texture3 = ((int)0x84C3),
Texture4 = ((int)0x84C4),
Texture5 = ((int)0x84C5),
Texture6 = ((int)0x84C6),
Texture7 = ((int)0x84C7),
Texture8 = ((int)0x84C8),
Texture9 = ((int)0x84C9),
Texture10 = ((int)0x84CA),
Texture11 = ((int)0x84CB),
Texture12 = ((int)0x84CC),
Texture13 = ((int)0x84CD),
Texture14 = ((int)0x84CE),
Texture15 = ((int)0x84CF),
Texture16 = ((int)0x84D0),
Texture17 = ((int)0x84D1),
Texture18 = ((int)0x84D2),
Texture19 = ((int)0x84D3),
Texture20 = ((int)0x84D4),
Texture21 = ((int)0x84D5),
Texture22 = ((int)0x84D6),
Texture23 = ((int)0x84D7),
Texture24 = ((int)0x84D8),
Texture25 = ((int)0x84D9),
Texture26 = ((int)0x84DA),
Texture27 = ((int)0x84DB),
Texture28 = ((int)0x84DC),
Texture29 = ((int)0x84DD),
Texture30 = ((int)0x84DE),
Texture31 = ((int)0x84DF),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E0),
ClientActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E1),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0x84E2),
Subtract = ((int)0x84E7),
MaxRenderbufferSizeOes = ((int)0x84E8),
AllCompletedNv = ((int)0x84F2),
FenceStatusNv = ((int)0x84F3),
FenceConditionNv = ((int)0x84F4),
DepthStencilOes = ((int)0x84F9),
UnsignedInt248Oes = ((int)0x84FA),
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FE),
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FF),
IncrWrapOes = ((int)0x8507),
DecrWrapOes = ((int)0x8508),
NormalMapOes = ((int)0x8511),
ReflectionMapOes = ((int)0x8512),
TextureCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8513),
TextureBindingCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveXOes = ((int)0x8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeXOes = ((int)0x8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveYOes = ((int)0x8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeYOes = ((int)0x8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZOes = ((int)0x8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZOes = ((int)0x851A),
MaxCubeMapTextureSizeOes = ((int)0x851C),
Combine = ((int)0x8570),
CombineRgb = ((int)0x8571),
CombineAlpha = ((int)0x8572),
RgbScale = ((int)0x8573),
AddSigned = ((int)0x8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0x8575),
Constant = ((int)0x8576),
PrimaryColor = ((int)0x8577),
Previous = ((int)0x8578),
Src0Rgb = ((int)0x8580),
Src1Rgb = ((int)0x8581),
Src2Rgb = ((int)0x8582),
Src0Alpha = ((int)0x8588),
Src1Alpha = ((int)0x8589),
Src2Alpha = ((int)0x858A),
Operand0Rgb = ((int)0x8590),
Operand1Rgb = ((int)0x8591),
Operand2Rgb = ((int)0x8592),
Operand0Alpha = ((int)0x8598),
Operand1Alpha = ((int)0x8599),
Operand2Alpha = ((int)0x859A),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A3),
MaxVertexUnitsOes = ((int)0x86A4),
WeightArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x86A9),
WeightArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x86AA),
WeightArraySizeOes = ((int)0x86AB),
WeightArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x86AC),
WeightArrayOes = ((int)0x86AD),
Dot3Rgb = ((int)0x86AE),
Dot3Rgba = ((int)0x86AF),
Dot3RgbaImg = ((int)0x86AF),
BufferSize = ((int)0x8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0x8765),
AtcRgbaInterpolatedAlphaAmd = ((int)0x87EE),
GL_3DcXAmd = ((int)0x87F9),
GL_3DcXyAmd = ((int)0x87FA),
BlendEquationAlphaOes = ((int)0x883D),
MatrixPaletteOes = ((int)0x8840),
MaxPaletteMatricesOes = ((int)0x8842),
CurrentPaletteMatrixOes = ((int)0x8843),
MatrixIndexArrayOes = ((int)0x8844),
MatrixIndexArraySizeOes = ((int)0x8846),
MatrixIndexArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x8847),
MatrixIndexArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x8848),
MatrixIndexArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x8849),
PointSpriteOes = ((int)0x8861),
CoordReplaceOes = ((int)0x8862),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8895),
VertexArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8896),
NormalArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8897),
ColorArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8898),
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x889A),
WeightArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x889E),
WriteOnlyOes = ((int)0x88B9),
BufferAccessOes = ((int)0x88BB),
BufferMappedOes = ((int)0x88BC),
BufferMapPointerOes = ((int)0x88BD),
StaticDraw = ((int)0x88E4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0x88E8),
Depth24Stencil8Oes = ((int)0x88F0),
PointSizeArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x898A),
PointSizeArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x898B),
PointSizeArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x898C),
ModelviewMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898D),
ProjectionMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898E),
TextureMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898F),
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B99),
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0x8B9A),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0x8B9B),
PointSizeArrayOes = ((int)0x8B9C),
TextureCropRectOes = ((int)0x8B9D),
MatrixIndexArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9E),
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9F),
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C00),
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C01),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C02),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C03),
ModulateColorImg = ((int)0x8C04),
RecipAddSignedAlphaImg = ((int)0x8C05),
TextureAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C06),
FactorAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C07),
FragmentAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C08),
AddBlendImg = ((int)0x8C09),
AtcRgbAmd = ((int)0x8C92),
AtcRgbaExplicitAlphaAmd = ((int)0x8C93),
FramebufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA6),
RenderbufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA7),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectTypeOes = ((int)0x8CD0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectNameOes = ((int)0x8CD1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevelOes = ((int)0x8CD2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFaceOes = ((int)0x8CD3),
FramebufferCompleteOes = ((int)0x8CD5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensionsOes = ((int)0x8CD9),
FramebufferIncompleteFormatsOes = ((int)0x8CDA),
FramebufferUnsupportedOes = ((int)0x8CDD),
ColorAttachment0Oes = ((int)0x8CE0),
DepthAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D00),
StencilAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D20),
FramebufferOes = ((int)0x8D40),
RenderbufferOes = ((int)0x8D41),
RenderbufferWidthOes = ((int)0x8D42),
RenderbufferHeightOes = ((int)0x8D43),
RenderbufferInternalFormatOes = ((int)0x8D44),
StencilIndex1Oes = ((int)0x8D46),
StencilIndex4Oes = ((int)0x8D47),
StencilIndex8Oes = ((int)0x8D48),
RenderbufferRedSizeOes = ((int)0x8D50),
RenderbufferGreenSizeOes = ((int)0x8D51),
RenderbufferBlueSizeOes = ((int)0x8D52),
RenderbufferAlphaSizeOes = ((int)0x8D53),
RenderbufferDepthSizeOes = ((int)0x8D54),
RenderbufferStencilSizeOes = ((int)0x8D55),
TextureGenStrOes = ((int)0x8D60),
Rgb565Oes = ((int)0x8D62),
Etc1Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8D64),
PerfmonGlobalModeQcom = ((int)0x8FA0),
AmdCompressed3DcTexture = ((int)1),
AmdCompressedAtcTexture = ((int)1),
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = ((int)1),
ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
ImgReadFormat = ((int)1),
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = ((int)1),
ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction = ((int)1),
ImgUserClipPlane = ((int)1),
NvFence = ((int)1),
OesBlendEquationSeparate = ((int)1),
OesBlendFuncSeparate = ((int)1),
OesBlendSubtract = ((int)1),
OesByteCoordinates = ((int)1),
OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = ((int)1),
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
OesDepth24 = ((int)1),
OesDepth32 = ((int)1),
OesDrawTexture = ((int)1),
OesEglImage = ((int)1),
OesElementIndexUint = ((int)1),
OesExtendedMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
OesFboRenderMipmap = ((int)1),
OesFixedPoint = ((int)1),
OesFramebufferObject = ((int)1),
OesMapbuffer = ((int)1),
OesMatrixGet = ((int)1),
OesMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
OesPackedDepthStencil = ((int)1),
OesPointSizeArray = ((int)1),
OesPointSprite = ((int)1),
OesQueryMatrix = ((int)1),
OesReadFormat = ((int)1),
OesRgb8Rgba8 = ((int)1),
OesSinglePrecision = ((int)1),
OesStencil1 = ((int)1),
OesStencil4 = ((int)1),
OesStencil8 = ((int)1),
OesStencilWrap = ((int)1),
OesTextureCubeMap = ((int)1),
OesTextureEnvCrossbar = ((int)1),
OesTextureMirroredRepeat = ((int)1),
One = ((int)1),
QcomDriverControl = ((int)1),
QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl11 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm11 = ((int)1),
public enum AlphaFunction : int
Never = ((int)0x0200),
Less = ((int)0x0201),
Equal = ((int)0x0202),
Lequal = ((int)0x0203),
Greater = ((int)0x0204),
Notequal = ((int)0x0205),
Gequal = ((int)0x0206),
Always = ((int)0x0207),
public enum Amdcompressed3Dctexture : int
GL_3DcXAmd = ((int)0x87F9),
GL_3DcXyAmd = ((int)0x87FA),
AmdCompressed3DcTexture = ((int)1),
public enum AmdcompressedAtctexture : int
AtcRgbaInterpolatedAlphaAmd = ((int)0x87EE),
AtcRgbAmd = ((int)0x8C92),
AtcRgbaExplicitAlphaAmd = ((int)0x8C93),
AmdCompressedAtcTexture = ((int)1),
public enum BeginMode : int
Points = ((int)0x0000),
Lines = ((int)0x0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0x0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0x0003),
Triangles = ((int)0x0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0x0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0x0006),
public enum BlendingFactorDest : int
Zero = ((int)0),
SrcColor = ((int)0x0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0x0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0x0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0x0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0x0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0x0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc : int
DstColor = ((int)0x0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0x0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0x0308),
public enum Boolean : int
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BufferObjects : int
BufferSize = ((int)0x8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0x8765),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8895),
VertexArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8896),
NormalArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8897),
ColorArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8898),
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x889A),
StaticDraw = ((int)0x88E4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0x88E8),
public enum ClearBufferMask : int
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0x00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0x00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0x00004000),
public enum ClipPlaneName : int
ClipPlane0 = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane1 = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane2 = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane3 = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane4 = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane5 = ((int)0x3005),
public enum CullFaceMode : int
Front = ((int)0x0404),
Back = ((int)0x0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0x0408),
public enum DataType : int
Byte = ((int)0x1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0x1401),
Short = ((int)0x1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0x1403),
Float = ((int)0x1406),
Fixed = ((int)0x140C),
public enum EnableCap : int
PointSmooth = ((int)0x0B10),
LineSmooth = ((int)0x0B20),
CullFace = ((int)0x0B44),
Lighting = ((int)0x0B50),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0x0B57),
Fog = ((int)0x0B60),
DepthTest = ((int)0x0B71),
StencilTest = ((int)0x0B90),
Normalize = ((int)0x0BA1),
AlphaTest = ((int)0x0BC0),
Dither = ((int)0x0BD0),
Blend = ((int)0x0BE2),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0x0BF2),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
Texture2D = ((int)0x0DE1),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0x803A),
VertexArray = ((int)0x8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0x8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0x8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0x8078),
Multisample = ((int)0x809D),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0x809E),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0x809F),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0x80A0),
public enum ErrorCode : int
NoError = ((int)0),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0x0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0x0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0x0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0x0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0x0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0x0505),
public enum ExttextureFilterAnisotropic : int
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FE),
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FF),
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = ((int)1),
public enum ExttextureFormatBgra8888 : int
Bgra = ((int)0x80E1),
ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
public enum FogMode : int
Exp = ((int)0x0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0x0801),
public enum FogParameter : int
FogDensity = ((int)0x0B62),
FogStart = ((int)0x0B63),
FogEnd = ((int)0x0B64),
FogMode = ((int)0x0B65),
FogColor = ((int)0x0B66),
public enum FrontFaceDirection : int
Cw = ((int)0x0900),
Ccw = ((int)0x0901),
public enum GetPName : int
CurrentColor = ((int)0x0B00),
CurrentNormal = ((int)0x0B02),
CurrentTextureCoords = ((int)0x0B03),
PointSize = ((int)0x0B11),
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0x0B12),
LineWidth = ((int)0x0B21),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0x0B22),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0x0B45),
FrontFace = ((int)0x0B46),
ShadeModel = ((int)0x0B54),
DepthRange = ((int)0x0B70),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0x0B72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0x0B73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0x0B74),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0x0B91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0x0B92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0x0B93),
StencilFail = ((int)0x0B94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0x0B95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0x0B96),
StencilRef = ((int)0x0B97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0x0B98),
MatrixMode = ((int)0x0BA0),
Viewport = ((int)0x0BA2),
ModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA3),
ProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA4),
TextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA5),
ModelviewMatrix = ((int)0x0BA6),
ProjectionMatrix = ((int)0x0BA7),
TextureMatrix = ((int)0x0BA8),
AlphaTestFunc = ((int)0x0BC1),
AlphaTestRef = ((int)0x0BC2),
BlendDst = ((int)0x0BE0),
BlendSrc = ((int)0x0BE1),
LogicOpMode = ((int)0x0BF0),
ScissorBox = ((int)0x0C10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0x0C22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0x0C23),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
MaxLights = ((int)0x0D31),
MaxClipPlanes = ((int)0x0D32),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0x0D33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0D36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0D38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0D39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0x0D3A),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0x0D50),
RedBits = ((int)0x0D52),
GreenBits = ((int)0x0D53),
BlueBits = ((int)0x0D54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0x0D55),
DepthBits = ((int)0x0D56),
StencilBits = ((int)0x0D57),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0x2A00),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0x8038),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0x8069),
VertexArraySize = ((int)0x807A),
VertexArrayType = ((int)0x807B),
VertexArrayStride = ((int)0x807C),
NormalArrayType = ((int)0x807E),
NormalArrayStride = ((int)0x807F),
ColorArraySize = ((int)0x8081),
ColorArrayType = ((int)0x8082),
ColorArrayStride = ((int)0x8083),
TextureCoordArraySize = ((int)0x8088),
TextureCoordArrayType = ((int)0x8089),
TextureCoordArrayStride = ((int)0x808A),
VertexArrayPointer = ((int)0x808E),
NormalArrayPointer = ((int)0x808F),
ColorArrayPointer = ((int)0x8090),
TextureCoordArrayPointer = ((int)0x8092),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0x80A8),
Samples = ((int)0x80A9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0x80AA),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0x80AB),
PointSizeMin = ((int)0x8126),
PointSizeMax = ((int)0x8127),
PointFadeThresholdSize = ((int)0x8128),
PointDistanceAttenuation = ((int)0x8129),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0x846D),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0x846E),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0x84E2),
public enum GetTextureParameter : int
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A3),
public enum HintMode : int
DontCare = ((int)0x1100),
Fastest = ((int)0x1101),
Nicest = ((int)0x1102),
public enum HintTarget : int
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0x0C50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C52),
FogHint = ((int)0x0C54),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0x8192),
public enum ImgreadFormat : int
Bgra = ((int)0x80E1),
UnsignedShort4444Rev = ((int)0x8365),
UnsignedShort1555Rev = ((int)0x8366),
ImgReadFormat = ((int)1),
public enum ImgtextureCompressionPvrtc : int
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C00),
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C01),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C02),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C03),
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = ((int)1),
public enum ImgtextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction : int
Dot3RgbaImg = ((int)0x86AF),
ModulateColorImg = ((int)0x8C04),
RecipAddSignedAlphaImg = ((int)0x8C05),
TextureAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C06),
FactorAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C07),
FragmentAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C08),
AddBlendImg = ((int)0x8C09),
ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction = ((int)1),
public enum ImguserClipPlane : int
MaxClipPlanesImg = ((int)0x0D32),
ClipPlane0Img = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane1Img = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane2Img = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane3Img = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane4Img = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane5Img = ((int)0x3005),
ImgUserClipPlane = ((int)1),
public enum LightModelParameter : int
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0x0B52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0x0B53),
public enum LightName : int
Light0 = ((int)0x4000),
Light1 = ((int)0x4001),
Light2 = ((int)0x4002),
Light3 = ((int)0x4003),
Light4 = ((int)0x4004),
Light5 = ((int)0x4005),
Light6 = ((int)0x4006),
Light7 = ((int)0x4007),
public enum LightParameter : int
Ambient = ((int)0x1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0x1201),
Specular = ((int)0x1202),
Position = ((int)0x1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0x1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0x1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0x1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0x1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0x1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0x1209),
public enum LogicOp : int
Clear = ((int)0x1500),
And = ((int)0x1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0x1502),
Copy = ((int)0x1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0x1504),
Noop = ((int)0x1505),
Xor = ((int)0x1506),
Or = ((int)0x1507),
Nor = ((int)0x1508),
Equiv = ((int)0x1509),
Invert = ((int)0x150A),
OrReverse = ((int)0x150B),
CopyInverted = ((int)0x150C),
OrInverted = ((int)0x150D),
Nand = ((int)0x150E),
Set = ((int)0x150F),
public enum MaterialParameter : int
Emission = ((int)0x1600),
Shininess = ((int)0x1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0x1602),
public enum MatrixMode : int
Modelview = ((int)0x1700),
Projection = ((int)0x1701),
Texture = ((int)0x1702),
public enum Nvfence : int
AllCompletedNv = ((int)0x84F2),
FenceStatusNv = ((int)0x84F3),
FenceConditionNv = ((int)0x84F4),
NvFence = ((int)1),
public enum OesblendEquationSeparate : int
BlendEquationRgbOes = ((int)0x8009),
BlendEquationAlphaOes = ((int)0x883D),
OesBlendEquationSeparate = ((int)1),
public enum OesblendFuncSeparate : int
BlendDstRgbOes = ((int)0x80C8),
BlendSrcRgbOes = ((int)0x80C9),
BlendDstAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CA),
BlendSrcAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CB),
OesBlendFuncSeparate = ((int)1),
public enum OesblendSubtract : int
FuncAddOes = ((int)0x8006),
BlendEquationOes = ((int)0x8009),
FuncSubtractOes = ((int)0x800A),
FuncReverseSubtractOes = ((int)0x800B),
OesBlendSubtract = ((int)1),
public enum OesbyteCoordinates : int
OesByteCoordinates = ((int)1),
public enum OescompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture : int
Etc1Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8D64),
OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = ((int)1),
public enum OescompressedPalettedTexture : int
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B99),
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
public enum Oesdepth24 : int
DepthComponent24Oes = ((int)0x81A6),
OesDepth24 = ((int)1),
public enum Oesdepth32 : int
DepthComponent32Oes = ((int)0x81A7),
OesDepth32 = ((int)1),
public enum OesdrawTexture : int
TextureCropRectOes = ((int)0x8B9D),
OesDrawTexture = ((int)1),
public enum Oeseglimage : int
OesEglImage = ((int)1),
public enum OeselementIndexUint : int
OesElementIndexUint = ((int)1),
public enum OesextendedMatrixPalette : int
OesExtendedMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
public enum OesfboRenderMipmap : int
OesFboRenderMipmap = ((int)1),
public enum OesfixedPoint : int
FixedOes = ((int)0x140C),
OesFixedPoint = ((int)1),
public enum OesframebufferObject : int
NoneOes = ((int)0),
InvalidFramebufferOperationOes = ((int)0x0506),
Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8056),
Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8057),
DepthComponent16Oes = ((int)0x81A5),
MaxRenderbufferSizeOes = ((int)0x84E8),
FramebufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA6),
RenderbufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA7),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectTypeOes = ((int)0x8CD0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectNameOes = ((int)0x8CD1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevelOes = ((int)0x8CD2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFaceOes = ((int)0x8CD3),
FramebufferCompleteOes = ((int)0x8CD5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensionsOes = ((int)0x8CD9),
FramebufferIncompleteFormatsOes = ((int)0x8CDA),
FramebufferUnsupportedOes = ((int)0x8CDD),
ColorAttachment0Oes = ((int)0x8CE0),
DepthAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D00),
StencilAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D20),
FramebufferOes = ((int)0x8D40),
RenderbufferOes = ((int)0x8D41),
RenderbufferWidthOes = ((int)0x8D42),
RenderbufferHeightOes = ((int)0x8D43),
RenderbufferInternalFormatOes = ((int)0x8D44),
RenderbufferRedSizeOes = ((int)0x8D50),
RenderbufferGreenSizeOes = ((int)0x8D51),
RenderbufferBlueSizeOes = ((int)0x8D52),
RenderbufferAlphaSizeOes = ((int)0x8D53),
RenderbufferDepthSizeOes = ((int)0x8D54),
RenderbufferStencilSizeOes = ((int)0x8D55),
Rgb565Oes = ((int)0x8D62),
OesFramebufferObject = ((int)1),
public enum Oesmapbuffer : int
WriteOnlyOes = ((int)0x88B9),
BufferAccessOes = ((int)0x88BB),
BufferMappedOes = ((int)0x88BC),
BufferMapPointerOes = ((int)0x88BD),
OesMapbuffer = ((int)1),
public enum OesmatrixGet : int
ModelviewMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898D),
ProjectionMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898E),
TextureMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898F),
OesMatrixGet = ((int)1),
public enum OesmatrixPalette : int
MaxVertexUnitsOes = ((int)0x86A4),
WeightArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x86A9),
WeightArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x86AA),
WeightArraySizeOes = ((int)0x86AB),
WeightArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x86AC),
WeightArrayOes = ((int)0x86AD),
MatrixPaletteOes = ((int)0x8840),
MaxPaletteMatricesOes = ((int)0x8842),
CurrentPaletteMatrixOes = ((int)0x8843),
MatrixIndexArrayOes = ((int)0x8844),
MatrixIndexArraySizeOes = ((int)0x8846),
MatrixIndexArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x8847),
MatrixIndexArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x8848),
MatrixIndexArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x8849),
WeightArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x889E),
MatrixIndexArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9E),
OesMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
public enum OespackedDepthStencil : int
DepthStencilOes = ((int)0x84F9),
UnsignedInt248Oes = ((int)0x84FA),
Depth24Stencil8Oes = ((int)0x88F0),
OesPackedDepthStencil = ((int)1),
public enum OespointSizeArray : int
PointSizeArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x898A),
PointSizeArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x898B),
PointSizeArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x898C),
PointSizeArrayOes = ((int)0x8B9C),
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9F),
OesPointSizeArray = ((int)1),
public enum OespointSprite : int
PointSpriteOes = ((int)0x8861),
CoordReplaceOes = ((int)0x8862),
OesPointSprite = ((int)1),
public enum OesqueryMatrix : int
OesQueryMatrix = ((int)1),
public enum OesreadFormat : int
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0x8B9A),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0x8B9B),
OesReadFormat = ((int)1),
public enum Oesrgb8Rgba8 : int
Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8051),
Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8058),
OesRgb8Rgba8 = ((int)1),
public enum OessinglePrecision : int
OesSinglePrecision = ((int)1),
public enum Oesstencil1 : int
StencilIndex1Oes = ((int)0x8D46),
OesStencil1 = ((int)1),
public enum Oesstencil4 : int
StencilIndex4Oes = ((int)0x8D47),
OesStencil4 = ((int)1),
public enum Oesstencil8 : int
StencilIndex8Oes = ((int)0x8D48),
OesStencil8 = ((int)1),
public enum OesstencilWrap : int
IncrWrapOes = ((int)0x8507),
DecrWrapOes = ((int)0x8508),
OesStencilWrap = ((int)1),
public enum OestextureCubeMap : int
TextureGenModeOes = ((int)0x2500),
NormalMapOes = ((int)0x8511),
ReflectionMapOes = ((int)0x8512),
TextureCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8513),
TextureBindingCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveXOes = ((int)0x8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeXOes = ((int)0x8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveYOes = ((int)0x8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeYOes = ((int)0x8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZOes = ((int)0x8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZOes = ((int)0x851A),
MaxCubeMapTextureSizeOes = ((int)0x851C),
TextureGenStrOes = ((int)0x8D60),
OesTextureCubeMap = ((int)1),
public enum OestextureEnvCrossbar : int
OesTextureEnvCrossbar = ((int)1),
public enum OestextureMirroredRepeat : int
MirroredRepeatOes = ((int)0x8370),
OesTextureMirroredRepeat = ((int)1),
public enum OpenGlescoreVersions : int
VersionEsCl10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl11 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm11 = ((int)1),
public enum PixelFormat : int
Alpha = ((int)0x1906),
Rgb = ((int)0x1907),
Rgba = ((int)0x1908),
Luminance = ((int)0x1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0x190A),
public enum PixelStoreParameter : int
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
public enum PixelType : int
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0x8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0x8034),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0x8363),
public enum QcomdriverControl : int
QcomDriverControl = ((int)1),
public enum QcomperfmonGlobalMode : int
PerfmonGlobalModeQcom = ((int)0x8FA0),
QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = ((int)1),
public enum ShadingModel : int
Flat = ((int)0x1D00),
Smooth = ((int)0x1D01),
public enum StencilOp : int
Keep = ((int)0x1E00),
Replace = ((int)0x1E01),
Incr = ((int)0x1E02),
Decr = ((int)0x1E03),
public enum StringName : int
Vendor = ((int)0x1F00),
Renderer = ((int)0x1F01),
Version = ((int)0x1F02),
Extensions = ((int)0x1F03),
public enum TextureCombineDot3 : int
AlphaScale = ((int)0x0D1C),
Subtract = ((int)0x84E7),
Combine = ((int)0x8570),
CombineRgb = ((int)0x8571),
CombineAlpha = ((int)0x8572),
RgbScale = ((int)0x8573),
AddSigned = ((int)0x8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0x8575),
Constant = ((int)0x8576),
PrimaryColor = ((int)0x8577),
Previous = ((int)0x8578),
Src0Rgb = ((int)0x8580),
Src1Rgb = ((int)0x8581),
Src2Rgb = ((int)0x8582),
Src0Alpha = ((int)0x8588),
Src1Alpha = ((int)0x8589),
Src2Alpha = ((int)0x858A),
Operand0Rgb = ((int)0x8590),
Operand1Rgb = ((int)0x8591),
Operand2Rgb = ((int)0x8592),
Operand0Alpha = ((int)0x8598),
Operand1Alpha = ((int)0x8599),
Operand2Alpha = ((int)0x859A),
Dot3Rgb = ((int)0x86AE),
Dot3Rgba = ((int)0x86AF),
public enum TextureEnvMode : int
Add = ((int)0x0104),
Modulate = ((int)0x2100),
Decal = ((int)0x2101),
public enum TextureEnvParameter : int
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0x2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0x2201),
public enum TextureEnvTarget : int
TextureEnv = ((int)0x2300),
public enum TextureMagFilter : int
Nearest = ((int)0x2600),
Linear = ((int)0x2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter : int
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2703),
public enum TextureParameterName : int
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0x2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0x2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0x2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0x2803),
GenerateMipmap = ((int)0x8191),
public enum TextureUnit : int
Texture0 = ((int)0x84C0),
Texture1 = ((int)0x84C1),
Texture2 = ((int)0x84C2),
Texture3 = ((int)0x84C3),
Texture4 = ((int)0x84C4),
Texture5 = ((int)0x84C5),
Texture6 = ((int)0x84C6),
Texture7 = ((int)0x84C7),
Texture8 = ((int)0x84C8),
Texture9 = ((int)0x84C9),
Texture10 = ((int)0x84CA),
Texture11 = ((int)0x84CB),
Texture12 = ((int)0x84CC),
Texture13 = ((int)0x84CD),
Texture14 = ((int)0x84CE),
Texture15 = ((int)0x84CF),
Texture16 = ((int)0x84D0),
Texture17 = ((int)0x84D1),
Texture18 = ((int)0x84D2),
Texture19 = ((int)0x84D3),
Texture20 = ((int)0x84D4),
Texture21 = ((int)0x84D5),
Texture22 = ((int)0x84D6),
Texture23 = ((int)0x84D7),
Texture24 = ((int)0x84D8),
Texture25 = ((int)0x84D9),
Texture26 = ((int)0x84DA),
Texture27 = ((int)0x84DB),
Texture28 = ((int)0x84DC),
Texture29 = ((int)0x84DD),
Texture30 = ((int)0x84DE),
Texture31 = ((int)0x84DF),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E0),
ClientActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E1),
public enum TextureWrapMode : int
Repeat = ((int)0x2901),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0x812F),