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synced 2025-03-27 09:55:08 +00:00
Updated OpenTK.OpenGL.Bind (0.7.7) Split GL enums, core and extensions to different files. Extension support is missing for the time being. Updated the framework implementation and namespace.
497 lines
17 KiB
497 lines
17 KiB
#region License
//Copyright (c) 2006 Stephen Apostolopoulos
//See license.txt for license info
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
namespace OpenTK.OpenGL.Bind
#region WrapperTypes enum
public enum WrapperTypes
static class Translation
public static char[] Separators = { ' ', '\n', ',', '(', ')', ';', '#' };
#region Dictionaries
static Dictionary<string, string> parameter_names = new Dictionary<string, string>();
#region GL types dictionary
private static Dictionary<string, string> _gl_types;
public static Dictionary<string, string> GLTypes
get { return Translation._gl_types; }
set { Translation._gl_types = value; }
#region CS types dictionary
private static Dictionary<string, string> _cs_types;
public static Dictionary<string, string> CSTypes
get { return Translation._cs_types; }
set { Translation._cs_types = value; }
#region GLX types dictionary
private static Dictionary<string, string> _glx_types;
public static Dictionary<string, string> GLXTypes
get { return _glx_types; }
set { _glx_types = value; }
#region WGL types dictionary
private static Dictionary<string, string> _wgl_types;
public static Dictionary<string, string> WGLTypes
get { return _wgl_types; }
set { _wgl_types = value; }
#region Constructor
static Translation()
// Names
parameter_names.Add("base", "@base");
parameter_names.Add("object", "@object");
parameter_names.Add("string", "@string");
parameter_names.Add("ref", "reference");
parameter_names.Add("params", "parameters");
parameter_names.Add("in", "@in");
parameter_names.Add("class", "@class");
#region Translate enums
public static void TranslateEnums(System.Collections.Hashtable enums)
// Add missing enums.
Enum e = new Enum();
Constant c;
e.Name = "SGIX_icc_texture";
c = new Constant("RGB_ICC_SGIX", "0x8460"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("RGBA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8461"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8462"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("LUMINANCE_ICC_SGIX", "0x8463"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("INTENSITY_ICC_SGIX", "0x8464"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8465"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("R5_G6_B5_ICC_SGIX", "0x8466"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("R5_G6_B5_A8_ICC_SGIX", "0x8467"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("ALPHA16_ICC_SGIX", "0x8468"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("LUMINANCE16_ICC_SGIX", "0x8469"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("INTENSITY16_ICC_SGIX", "0x846A"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
c = new Constant("LUMINANCE16_ALPHA8_ICC_SGIX", "0x846B"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c);
enums.Add(e.Name, e);
// Translate enums.
foreach (Enum e in enums.Values)
if (Char.IsDigit(e.Name[0]))
e.Name = e.Name.Insert(0, "_");
if (e.Name == "Boolean")
foreach (Constant c in e.ConstantCollection.Values)
// Prepend an '_' if the first letter is a number (e.g. 4_BYTES -> _4_BYTES)
if (Char.IsDigit(c.Name[0]))
c.Name = c.Name.Insert(0, "_");
// Prepend an '_' to the aliased value, if it starts with a number (e.g. DataType.4_BYTES -> DataType._4_BYTES)
if (c.Value.Contains(".") && Char.IsDigit(c.Value[c.Value.IndexOf('.') + 1]))
c.Value = c.Value.Insert(c.Value.IndexOf('.') + 1, "_");
// There are cases when a value is not a number but an aliased constant, with no enum specified.
// In this case try searching all enums for the correct constant to alias (stupid opengl group).
if (!c.Value.Contains(".") && !c.Value.StartsWith("0x") && !Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0]))
if (c.Value.StartsWith("GL_"))
c.Value = c.Value.TrimStart('G', 'L', '_');
if (Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0]))
c.Value = c.Value.Insert(0, "_");
foreach (Enum search_enum in enums.Values)
foreach (Constant search_constant in search_enum.ConstantCollection.Values)
if (search_constant.Name == c.Value || search_constant.Name == c.Value.TrimStart('_'))
c.Value = c.Value.Insert(0, search_enum.Name + ".");
// Handle enum.spec bugs:
if (c.Value.Contains("LightProperty"))
c.Value = c.Value.Replace("LightProperty", "LightParameter");
#region Translate functions
public static void TranslateFunctions(List<Function> functions, Hashtable enums, out List<Function> wrappers)
foreach (Function f in functions)
TranslateReturnValue(f, enums);
TranslateParameters(f, enums);
if (f.NeedsWrapper)
f.Name = f.Name + "_";
wrappers = GenerateWrappers(functions);
#region Translate return value
private static void TranslateReturnValue(Function f, Hashtable enums)
string s;
if (f.ReturnValue == "void")
if (GLTypes.TryGetValue(f.ReturnValue, out s))
f.ReturnValue = s;
if (f.ReturnValue == "void[]")
f.NeedsWrapper = true;
f.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.ReturnsVoidPointer;
f.ReturnValue = "IntPtr";
if (f.ReturnValue == "GLstring")
f.NeedsWrapper = true;
f.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.ReturnsString;
f.ReturnValue = "IntPtr";
#region Translate parameters
private static void TranslateParameters(Function f, Hashtable enums)
string s;
foreach (Parameter p in f.Parameters) // Translate each parameter of the function, and check for needed wrappers.
#region Translate parameter name
if (parameter_names.TryGetValue(p.Name, out s))
p.Name = s;
#region Translate parameter type
//if (p.Type.Contains("Boolean"))
// p.Type = "GLboolean";
if (enums.ContainsKey(p.Type))
p.Type = "Enums." + p.Type;
else if (p.Type == "GLenum")
if (enums.ContainsKey(f.Category))
p.Type = "Enums." + f.Category;
else if (GLTypes.TryGetValue(p.Type, out s))
p.Type = s;
#region Check for needed wrappers
if (p.Type.Contains("ushort") && f.Name.Contains("LineStipple")) // glLineStipple needs wrapper to allow for unchecked mask values.
p.NeedsWrapper = true;
p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.UncheckedParameter;
p.Unchecked = true;
else if (p.Array && p.Type.Contains("string")) // string parameters do not need special wrappers.
p.NeedsWrapper = false;
p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.None;
else if (p.Array && p.Type.Contains("char")) // GLchar[] parameters should become (in) string or (out) StringBuilder
if (p.Flow == Parameter.FlowDirection.Out)
p.Type = "StringBuilder";
p.Type = "string";
p.Array = false;
else if (p.Array) // All other array parameters need wrappers (around IntPtr).
p.NeedsWrapper = true;
if (p.Type.Contains("void"))
p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.VoidArray;
p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.Array;
p.Type = "IntPtr";
p.Array = false; // We do not want an array of IntPtrs (IntPtr[]) - it is the IntPtr that points to the array.
p.Flow = Parameter.FlowDirection.Undefined; // The same wrapper works for either in or out parameters.
if (p.NeedsWrapper) // If there is at least 1 parameter that needs wrappers, mark the funcction for wrapping.
f.NeedsWrapper = true;
f.WrapperType = p.WrapperType;
#region Generate wrappers
private static List<Function> GenerateWrappers(List<Function> functions)
List<Function> wrappers = new List<Function>();
Function w;
foreach (Function f in functions)
if (f.NeedsWrapper)
if (f.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.UncheckedParameter)
w = new Function(f);
w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_');
// Search and replace ushort parameters with ints.
Predicate<Parameter> is_ushort_parameter = new Predicate<Parameter>(delegate(Parameter p) { return p.Type == "GLushort"; });
Parameter oldp = w.Parameters.Find(is_ushort_parameter);
Parameter newp = new Parameter(oldp);
newp.Type = "GLint";
w.Parameters = w.Parameters.ReplaceAll(oldp, newp);
// Call the low-level function wrapping (all parameters marked with Unchecked will automatically
// be decorated with the unchecked keyword).
w.Body.Add((f.ReturnValue.Contains("void") ? "" : "return ") + f.CallString() + ";");
// Add the wrapper.
if (f.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.ReturnsString)
w = new Function(f);
w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_');
// Replace the IntPtr return value with string.
w.ReturnValue = "string";
// Wrap the call to the low-level function (marshal the IntPtr to string).
w.Body.Add("return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(" + f.CallString() + ");");
// Add the wrapper.
//if (
WrapPointers(f, wrappers);
count = 0;
return wrappers;
static int count = 0;
private static void WrapPointers(Function f, List<Function> wrappers)
if (count == 0)
if (count >= 0 && count < f.Parameters.Count)
if (f.Parameters[count].NeedsWrapper)
WrapPointers(f, wrappers);
Function w = IntPtrToObject(f, count);
WrapPointers(w, wrappers);
if (f.Parameters[count].WrapperType == WrapperTypes.Array)
w = IntPtrToArray(f, count);
WrapPointers(w, wrappers);
WrapPointers(f, wrappers);
// IntPtr -> IntPtr wrapper.
private static Function IntPtrToIntPtr(Function f)
Function w = new Function(f);
w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_');
w.Body.Add((f.ReturnValue.Contains("void") ? "" : "return ") + f.CallString() + ";");
return w;
// IntPtr -> object wrapper.
private static Function IntPtrToObject(Function f, int index)
Function w = new Function(f);
w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_');
Parameter newp = new Parameter(f.Parameters[index]);
newp.Type = "object";
if (newp.Flow == Parameter.FlowDirection.Out)
newp.Flow = Parameter.FlowDirection.Undefined;
w.Parameters = w.Parameters.Replace(f.Parameters[index], newp);
// In the function body we should pin all objects in memory before calling the
// low-level function.
w.Body = GenerateBodyForPins(w);
return w;
// IntPtr -> GL[...] wrapper.
private static Function IntPtrToArray(Function f, int index)
Function w = new Function(f);
w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_');
// Search and replace IntPtr parameters with the know parameter types:
Parameter newp = new Parameter(f.Parameters[index]);
newp.Type = f.Parameters[index].PreviousType;
newp.Array = true;
w.Parameters = w.Parameters.Replace(f.Parameters[index], newp);
// In the function body we should pin all objects in memory before calling the
// low-level function.
w.Body = GenerateBodyForPins(w);
return w;
private static FunctionBody GenerateBodyForPins(Function w)
FunctionBody body = new FunctionBody();
int i = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Parameter p in w.Parameters)
if (p.Type == "object" || p.Array && !p.Type.Contains("string")) // we should allow the default marshalling behavior for strings.
body.Add("GCHandle h" + i + " = GCHandle.Alloc(" + p.Name + ", GCHandleType.Pinned);");
sb.Append("h" + i + ".AddrOfPinnedObject()" + ", ");
sb.Append(p.Name + ", ");
sb.Replace(", ", ")", sb.Length - 2, 2);
" " +
(w.ReturnValue.Contains("void") ? "" : "return ") +
w.Name + "_" +
sb.ToString() +
while (i > 0)
body.Add(" h" + --i + ".Free();");
return body;