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synced 2025-03-08 10:10:00 +00:00
Moved SoundData and SoundFormat to OpenTK.Compatibility. Moved AL and Alc classes to OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL and added the previous namespace to OpenTK.Compatibility. Removed SoundData wrappers from AL class. Updated samples to use the new API.
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204 lines
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#region --- License ---
/* Licensed under the MIT/X11 license.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 the OpenTK Team.
* This notice may not be removed from any source distribution.
* See license.txt for licensing details.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using OpenTK.Audio;
using OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL;
using AlContext = System.IntPtr;
using AlDevice = System.IntPtr;
namespace Examples
[Example("AudioContext Test", ExampleCategory.OpenTK, "Test", 0, false)]
class TestApp
public static void PrintOpenALErrors( IntPtr device )
ALError AlErr = AL.GetError();
Console.WriteLine("OpenAL error: {0}", AlErr);
public static void Main()
public static void AlcUnitTestFunc()
AudioContext context = new AudioContext();
Trace.WriteLine("Testing AudioContext functions.");
// Trace.WriteLine("Suspend()...");
// context.Suspend();
// Trace.Assert(!context.IsProcessing);
// Trace.WriteLine("Process()...");
// context.Process();
// Trace.Assert(context.IsProcessing);
//Trace.WriteLine("IsCurrent = false...");
//context.IsCurrent = false;
//Trace.WriteLine("IsCurrent = true...");
//context.IsCurrent = true;
Trace.Assert(AudioContext.CurrentContext == context);
#region Get Attribs
//int AttribCount;
//Alc.GetInteger(context.Device, AlcGetInteger.AttributesSize, sizeof(int), out AttribCount);
//Console.WriteLine("AttributeSize: " + AttribCount);
//if (AttribCount > 0)
// int[] Attribs = new int[AttribCount];
// Alc.GetInteger(context.Device, AlcGetInteger.AllAttributes, AttribCount, out Attribs[0]);
// for (int i = 0; i < Attribs.Length; i++)
// {
// Console.Write(Attribs[i]);
// Console.Write(" ");
// }
// Console.WriteLine();
#endregion Get Attribs
#if false
AlDevice MyDevice;
AlContext MyContext;
// Initialize Open AL
MyDevice = Alc.OpenDevice( null );// open default device
if ( MyDevice != Al.Null )
Console.WriteLine( "Device allocation succeeded." );
MyContext = Alc.CreateContext( MyDevice, Al.Null ); // create context
if ( MyContext != Al.Null )
Console.WriteLine( "Context allocation succeeded." );
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
Alc.SuspendContext( MyContext ); // disable context
Alc.ProcessContext( MyContext ); // enable context. The default state of a context created by alcCreateContext is that it is processing.
Al.Bool result = Alc.MakeContextCurrent( MyContext ); // set active context
Console.WriteLine( "MakeContextCurrent succeeded? " + result );
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
Console.WriteLine( "Default: " + Alc.GetString( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetString.DefaultDeviceSpecifier ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Device: " + Alc.GetString( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetString.DeviceSpecifier ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Extensions: " + Alc.GetString( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetString.Extensions ) );
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
#region Get Attribs
int AttribCount;
Alc.GetInteger( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetInteger.AttributesSize, sizeof( int ), out AttribCount );
Console.WriteLine( "AttributeSize: " + AttribCount );
if ( AttribCount > 0 )
int[] Attribs = new int[AttribCount];
Alc.GetInteger( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetInteger.AttributesSize, AttribCount, out Attribs[0] );
for ( int i = 0; i < Attribs.Length; i++ )
Console.Write( ", " + Attribs[i] );
Console.WriteLine( );
#endregion Get Attribs
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
AlDevice currdev = Alc.GetContextsDevice( MyContext );
AlContext currcon = Alc.GetCurrentContext( );
if ( MyDevice == currdev )
Console.WriteLine( "Devices match." );
Console.WriteLine( "Error: Devices do not match." );
if ( MyContext == currcon )
Console.WriteLine( "Context match." );
Console.WriteLine( "Error: Contexts do not match." );
// exit
Alc.MakeContextCurrent( Al.Null ); // results in no context being current
Alc.DestroyContext( MyContext );
result = Alc.CloseDevice( MyDevice );
Console.WriteLine( "Result: " + result );
Console.ReadLine( );
Console.WriteLine( "Context creation failed." );
Console.WriteLine( "Failed to find suitable Device." );
include <stdlib.h>
include <AL/alut.h>
main (int argc, char **argv)
ALuint helloBuffer, helloSource;
alutInit (&argc, argv);
helloBuffer = alutCreateBufferHelloWorld (); alGenSources (1, &helloSource);
alSourcei (helloSource, AL_Buffer, helloBuffer);
alSourcePlay (helloSource);
alutSleep (1);
alutExit ();
* Processing Loop Example:
// PlaceCamera - places OpenGL camera & updates OpenAL listener buffer
void AVEnvironment::PlaceCamera()
// update OpenGL camera position
glFrustum(-0.1333, 0.1333, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 50.0);
gluLookAt(listenerPos[0], listenerPos[1], listenerPos[2],
(listenerPos[0] + sin(listenerAngle)), listenerPos[1],
(listenerPos[2] - cos(listenerAngle)),
0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// update OpenAL
// place listener at camera
alListener3f(AL_POSITION, listenerPos[0], listenerPos[1], listenerPos[2]);
float directionvect[6];
directionvect[0] = (float) sin(listenerAngle);
directionvect[1] = 0;
directionvect[2] = (float) cos(listenerAngle);
directionvect[3] = 0;
directionvect[4] = 1;
directionvect[5] = 0;
alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, directionvect);