mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 10:10:00 +00:00
BlittableValueType<char> caches the size of the type parameter. This way, we avoid calling Marshal.SizeOf repeatedly for every keyboard event.
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#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Created by Erik Ylvisaker on 3/17/08.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using EventTime = System.Double;
namespace OpenTK.Platform.MacOS.Carbon
#region --- Types defined in MacTypes.h ---
internal struct CarbonPoint
internal short V;
internal short H;
public CarbonPoint(int x, int y)
V = (short)x;
H = (short)y;
internal struct Rect
short top;
short left;
short bottom;
short right;
internal Rect(short _left, short _top, short _width, short _height)
top = _top;
left = _left;
bottom = (short)(_top + _height);
right = (short)(_left + _width);
internal short X
get { return left; }
short width = Width;
left = value;
right = (short)(left + width);
internal short Y
get { return top; }
short height = Height;
top = value;
bottom = (short)(top + height);
internal short Width
get { return (short)(right - left); }
set { right = (short)(left + value); }
internal short Height
get { return (short)(bottom - top); }
set { bottom = (short)(top + value); }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(
"Rect: [{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}]", X, Y, Width, Height);
public Rectangle ToRectangle()
return new Rectangle(X, Y, Width, Height);
#region --- Types defined in HIGeometry.h ---
internal struct HIPoint
public float X;
public float Y;
public HIPoint(float x, float y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public HIPoint(double x, double y)
: this((float)x, (float)y)
{ }
internal struct HISize
public float Width;
public float Height;
internal struct HIRect
public HIPoint Origin;
public HISize Size;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(
"Rect: [{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}]", Origin.X, Origin.Y, Size.Width, Size.Height);
#region --- Types defined in CarbonEvents.h ---
enum EventAttributes : uint
kEventAttributeNone = 0,
kEventAttributeUserEvent = (1 << 0),
kEventAttributeMonitored = 1 << 3,
internal struct EventTypeSpec
internal EventTypeSpec(EventClass evtClass, AppEventKind evtKind)
this.EventClass = evtClass;
this.EventKind = (uint)evtKind;
internal EventTypeSpec(EventClass evtClass, AppleEventKind appleKind)
this.EventClass = evtClass;
this.EventKind = (uint)appleKind;
internal EventTypeSpec(EventClass evtClass, MouseEventKind evtKind)
this.EventClass = evtClass;
this.EventKind = (uint)evtKind;
internal EventTypeSpec(EventClass evtClass, KeyboardEventKind evtKind)
this.EventClass = evtClass;
this.EventKind = (uint)evtKind;
internal EventTypeSpec(EventClass evtClass, WindowEventKind evtKind)
this.EventClass = evtClass;
this.EventKind = (uint)evtKind;
internal EventClass EventClass;
internal uint EventKind;
internal enum EventClass : int
kEventClassMouse = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mous'),
kEventClassKeyboard = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('keyb'),
kEventClassTextInput = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('text'),
kEventClassApplication = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('appl'),
kEventClassAppleEvent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('eppc'),
kEventClassMenu = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('menu'),
kEventClassWindow = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wind'),
kEventClassControl = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cntl'),
kEventClassCommand = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmds')
Mouse = 0x6d6f7573,
Keyboard = 0x6b657962,
Application = 0x6170706c,
AppleEvent = 0x65707063,
Menu = 0x6d656e75,
Window = 0x77696e64,
internal enum WindowEventKind : int
// window events
WindowUpdate = 1,
WindowDrawContent = 2,
WindowDrawStructure = 3,
WindowEraseContent = 4,
WindowActivate = 5,
WindowDeactivate = 6,
WindowSizeChanged = 23,
WindowBoundsChanging = 26,
WindowBoundsChanged = 27,
WindowClickDragRgn = 32,
WindowClickResizeRgn = 33,
WindowClickCollapseRgn = 34,
WindowClickCloseRgn = 35,
WindowClickZoomRgn = 36,
WindowClickContentRgn = 37,
WindowClickProxyIconRgn = 38,
WindowClose = 72,
WindowClosed = 73,
internal enum MouseEventKind : int
MouseDown = 1,
MouseUp = 2,
MouseMoved = 5,
MouseDragged = 6,
MouseEntered = 8,
MouseExited = 9,
WheelMoved = 10,
WheelScroll = 11,
internal enum MouseButton : short
Primary = 1,
Secondary = 2,
Tertiary = 3,
internal enum KeyboardEventKind : int
// raw keyboard events
RawKeyDown = 1,
RawKeyRepeat = 2,
RawKeyUp = 3,
RawKeyModifiersChanged = 4,
internal enum AppEventKind : int
// application events
AppActivated = 1,
AppDeactivated = 2,
AppQuit = 3,
AppLaunchNotification = 4,
enum AppleEventKind : int
AppleEvent = 1,
internal enum EventParamName : int
WindowRef = 0x77696e64, // typeWindowRef,
// Mouse Events
MouseLocation = 0x6d6c6f63, // typeHIPoint
WindowMouseLocation = 0x776d6f75, // typeHIPoint
MouseButton = 0x6d62746e, // typeMouseButton
ClickCount = 0x63636e74, // typeUInt32
MouseWheelAxis = 0x6d776178, // typeMouseWheelAxis 'mwax'
MouseWheelDelta = 0x6d77646c, // typeSInt32 'mwdl'
MouseWheelSmoothVerticalDelta = 0x73617879, // typeSInt32 'saxy'
MouseWheelSmoothHorizontalDelta = 0x73617878, // typeSInt32 'saxx'
MouseDelta = 0x6d647461, // typeHIPoint
// Keyboard events
KeyCode = 0x6b636f64, // typeUInt32
KeyMacCharCode = 0x6b636872, // typechar
KeyModifiers = 0x6b6d6f64, // typeUInt32
internal enum EventParamType : int
typeWindowRef = 0x77696e64,
typeMouseButton = 0x6d62746e,
typeMouseWheelAxis = 0x6d776178,
typeHIPoint = 0x68697074,
typeHISize = 0x6869737a,
typeHIRect = 0x68697263,
typeChar = 0x54455854,
typeUInt32 = 0x6d61676e,
typeSInt32 = 0x6c6f6e67,
typeSInt16 = 0x73686f72,
typeSInt64 = 0x636f6d70,
typeIEEE32BitFloatingPoint = 0x73696e67,
typeIEEE64BitFloatingPoint = 0x646f7562,
internal enum EventMouseButton : int
Primary = 0,
Secondary = 1,
Tertiary = 2,
internal enum WindowRegionCode : int
TitleBarRegion = 0,
TitleTextRegion = 1,
CloseBoxRegion = 2,
ZoomBoxRegion = 3,
DragRegion = 5,
GrowRegion = 6,
CollapseBoxRegion = 7,
TitleProxyIconRegion = 8,
StructureRegion = 32,
ContentRegion = 33,
UpdateRegion = 34,
OpaqueRegion = 35,
GlobalPortRegion = 40,
ToolbarButtonRegion = 41
#region --- MacWindows.h ---
internal enum WindowClass : uint
Alert = 1, /* "I need your attention now."*/
MovableAlert = 2, /* "I need your attention now, but I'm kind enough to let you switch out of this app to do other things."*/
Modal = 3, /* system modal, not draggable*/
MovableModal = 4, /* application modal, draggable*/
Floating = 5, /* floats above all other application windows*/
Document = 6, /* document windows*/
Desktop = 7, /* desktop window (usually only one of these exists) - OS X only in CarbonLib 1.0*/
Utility = 8, /* Available in CarbonLib 1.1 and later, and in Mac OS X*/
Help = 10, /* Available in CarbonLib 1.1 and later, and in Mac OS X*/
Sheet = 11, /* Available in CarbonLib 1.3 and later, and in Mac OS X*/
Toolbar = 12, /* Available in CarbonLib 1.1 and later, and in Mac OS X*/
Plain = 13, /* Available in CarbonLib 1.2.5 and later, and Mac OS X*/
Overlay = 14, /* Available in Mac OS X*/
SheetAlert = 15, /* Available in CarbonLib 1.3 and later, and in Mac OS X 10.1 and later*/
AltPlain = 16, /* Available in CarbonLib 1.3 and later, and in Mac OS X 10.1 and later*/
Drawer = 20, /* Available in Mac OS X 10.2 or later*/
All = 0xFFFFFFFFu /* for use with GetFrontWindowOfClass, FindWindowOfClass, GetNextWindowOfClass*/
internal enum WindowAttributes : uint
NoAttributes = 0u, /* no attributes*/
CloseBox = (1u << 0), /* window has a close box*/
HorizontalZoom = (1u << 1), /* window has horizontal zoom box*/
VerticalZoom = (1u << 2), /* window has vertical zoom box*/
FullZoom = (VerticalZoom | HorizontalZoom),
CollapseBox = (1u << 3), /* window has a collapse box*/
Resizable = (1u << 4), /* window is resizable*/
SideTitlebar = (1u << 5), /* window wants a titlebar on the side (floating window class only)*/
NoUpdates = (1u << 16), /* this window receives no update events*/
NoActivates = (1u << 17), /* this window receives no activate events*/
NoBuffering = (1u << 20), /* this window is not buffered (Mac OS X only)*/
StandardHandler = (1u << 25),
InWindowMenu = (1u << 27),
LiveResize = (1u << 28),
StandardDocument = (CloseBox | FullZoom | CollapseBox | Resizable),
StandardFloating = (CloseBox | CollapseBox)
internal enum WindowPositionMethod : uint
CenterOnMainScreen = 1,
CenterOnParentWindow = 2,
CenterOnParentWindowScreen = 3,
CascadeOnMainScreen = 4,
CascadeOnParentWindow = 5,
CascadeOnParentWindowScreen = 6,
CascadeStartAtParentWindowScreen = 10,
AlertPositionOnMainScreen = 7,
AlertPositionOnParentWindow = 8,
AlertPositionOnParentWindowScreen = 9
internal delegate OSStatus MacOSEventHandler(IntPtr inCaller, IntPtr inEvent, IntPtr userData);
internal enum WindowPartCode : short
inDesk = 0,
inNoWindow = 0,
inMenuBar = 1,
inSysWindow = 2,
inContent = 3,
inDrag = 4,
inGrow = 5,
inGoAway = 6,
inZoomIn = 7,
inZoomOut = 8,
inCollapseBox = 11,
inProxyIcon = 12,
inToolbarButton = 13,
inStructure = 15,
#region --- Enums from gestalt.h ---
internal enum GestaltSelector
SystemVersion = 0x73797376, // FOUR_CHAR_CODE("sysv"), /* system version*/
SystemVersionMajor = 0x73797331, // FOUR_CHAR_CODE("sys1"), /* The major system version number; in 10.4.17 this would be the decimal value 10 */
SystemVersionMinor = 0x73797332, // FOUR_CHAR_CODE("sys2"), /* The minor system version number; in 10.4.17 this would be the decimal value 4 */
SystemVersionBugFix = 0x73797333, // FOUR_CHAR_CODE("sys3") /* The bug fix system version number; in 10.4.17 this would be the decimal value 17 */
#region --- Process Manager ---
enum ProcessApplicationTransformState : int
kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication = 1,
struct ProcessSerialNumber
public ulong high;
public ulong low;
enum HICoordinateSpace
_72DPIGlobal = 1,
ScreenPixel = 2,
Window = 3,
View = 4
#region --- Carbon API Methods ---
internal partial class API
const string carbon = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon";
internal static extern EventClass GetEventClass(IntPtr inEvent);
internal static extern uint GetEventKind(IntPtr inEvent);
#region --- Window Construction ---
private static extern OSStatus _CreateNewWindow(WindowClass @class, WindowAttributes attributes, ref Rect r, out IntPtr window);
internal static IntPtr CreateNewWindow(WindowClass @class, WindowAttributes attributes, Rect r)
IntPtr retval;
OSStatus stat = _CreateNewWindow(@class, attributes, ref r, out retval);
Debug.Print("Created Window: {0}", retval);
if (stat != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(stat);
return retval;
internal static extern void DisposeWindow(IntPtr window);
#region --- Showing / Hiding Windows ---
internal static extern void ShowWindow(IntPtr window);
internal static extern void HideWindow(IntPtr window);
internal static extern bool IsWindowVisible(IntPtr window);
internal static extern void SelectWindow(IntPtr window);
#region --- Window Boundaries ---
internal static extern OSStatus RepositionWindow(IntPtr window, IntPtr parentWindow, WindowPositionMethod method);
internal static extern void SizeWindow(IntPtr window, short w, short h, bool fUpdate);
internal static extern void MoveWindow(IntPtr window, short x, short y, bool fUpdate);
static extern OSStatus GetWindowBounds(IntPtr window, WindowRegionCode regionCode, out Rect globalBounds);
internal static Rect GetWindowBounds(IntPtr window, WindowRegionCode regionCode)
Rect retval;
OSStatus result = GetWindowBounds(window, regionCode, out retval);
if (result != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(result);
return retval;
//internal static extern void MoveWindow(IntPtr window, short hGlobal, short vGlobal, bool front);
#region --- Processing Events ---
static extern IntPtr GetEventDispatcherTarget();
static extern OSStatus ReceiveNextEvent(uint inNumTypes,
IntPtr inList,
double inTimeout,
bool inPullEvent,
out IntPtr outEvent);
static extern void SendEventToEventTarget(IntPtr theEvent, IntPtr theTarget);
static extern void ReleaseEvent(IntPtr theEvent);
internal static void SendEvent(IntPtr theEvent)
IntPtr theTarget = GetEventDispatcherTarget();
SendEventToEventTarget(theEvent, theTarget);
// Processes events in the queue and then returns.
internal static void ProcessEvents()
IntPtr theEvent;
IntPtr theTarget = GetEventDispatcherTarget();
for (;;)
OSStatus status = ReceiveNextEvent(0, IntPtr.Zero, 0.0, true, out theEvent);
if (status == OSStatus.EventLoopTimedOut)
if (status != OSStatus.NoError)
Debug.Print("Message Loop status: {0}", status);
if (theEvent == IntPtr.Zero)
SendEventToEventTarget(theEvent, theTarget);
catch (System.ExecutionEngineException e)
Console.Error.WriteLine("ExecutionEngineException caught.");
Console.Error.WriteLine("theEvent: " + new EventInfo(theEvent).ToString());
#region --- Processing apple event ---
struct EventRecord
public ushort what;
public uint message;
public uint when;
public CarbonPoint where;
public uint modifiers;
static extern bool ConvertEventRefToEventRecord(IntPtr inEvent, out EventRecord outEvent);
static extern OSStatus AEProcessAppleEvent(ref EventRecord theEventRecord);
static internal void ProcessAppleEvent(IntPtr inEvent)
EventRecord record;
ConvertEventRefToEventRecord(inEvent, out record);
AEProcessAppleEvent(ref record);
#region --- Getting Event Parameters ---
static extern OSStatus _CreateEvent( IntPtr inAllocator,
EventClass inClassID, UInt32 kind, EventTime when,
EventAttributes flags,out IntPtr outEvent);
internal static IntPtr CreateWindowEvent(WindowEventKind kind)
IntPtr retval;
OSStatus stat = _CreateEvent(IntPtr.Zero, EventClass.Window, (uint)kind,
0, EventAttributes.kEventAttributeNone, out retval);
if (stat != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(stat);
return retval;
static extern OSStatus GetEventParameter(
IntPtr inEvent, EventParamName inName, EventParamType inDesiredType,
IntPtr outActualType, uint inBufferSize, IntPtr outActualSize, IntPtr outData);
static internal MacOSKeyCode GetEventKeyboardKeyCode(IntPtr inEvent)
int code;
int* codeAddr = &code;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.KeyCode, EventParamType.typeUInt32, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UInt32)), IntPtr.Zero,
(IntPtr) codeAddr);
if (result != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(result);
return (MacOSKeyCode)code;
internal static char GetEventKeyboardChar(IntPtr inEvent)
char code;
char* codeAddr = &code;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.KeyMacCharCode, EventParamType.typeChar, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)BlittableValueType<char>.Stride, IntPtr.Zero,
if (result != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(result);
return code;
static internal MouseButton GetEventMouseButton(IntPtr inEvent)
int button;
int* btn = &button;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.MouseButton, EventParamType.typeMouseButton, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(short)), IntPtr.Zero,
if (result != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(result);
return (MouseButton)button;
internal struct ScrollDelta {
internal float deltaX;
internal float deltaY;
static internal ScrollDelta GetEventWheelScroll(IntPtr inEvent)
ScrollDelta scrolldelta = new ScrollDelta();
Int32 delta;
Int32* d = δ
OSStatus result;
// vertical scroll Delta in pixels
result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.MouseWheelSmoothVerticalDelta, EventParamType.typeSInt32,
IntPtr.Zero, (uint)sizeof(int), IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)d);
if (result == OSStatus.EventParameterNotFound) {
// it's okay for it to be simply missing...
} else if (result != OSStatus.NoError) {
throw new MacOSException(result);
} else {
scrolldelta.deltaY = delta / 20.0f;
// horizontal scroll Delta in pixels
result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.MouseWheelSmoothHorizontalDelta, EventParamType.typeSInt32,
IntPtr.Zero, (uint)sizeof(int), IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)d);
if (result == OSStatus.EventParameterNotFound) {
// it's okay for it to be simply missing...
} else if (result != OSStatus.NoError) {
throw new MacOSException(result);
} else {
scrolldelta.deltaY = delta / 20.0f;
return scrolldelta;
static internal int GetEventMouseWheelDelta(IntPtr inEvent)
int delta;
int* d = δ
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.MouseWheelDelta, EventParamType.typeSInt32,
IntPtr.Zero, (uint)sizeof(int), IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)d);
if (result != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(result);
return delta;
static internal OSStatus GetEventWindowMouseLocation(IntPtr inEvent, out HIPoint pt)
HIPoint point;
HIPoint* parm = &point;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.WindowMouseLocation, EventParamType.typeHIPoint, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(HIPoint)), IntPtr.Zero,
pt = point;
return result;
static internal OSStatus GetEventMouseDelta(IntPtr inEvent, out HIPoint pt)
HIPoint point;
HIPoint* parm = &point;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.MouseDelta, EventParamType.typeHIPoint, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(HIPoint)), IntPtr.Zero,
pt = point;
return result;
static internal OSStatus GetEventWindowRef(IntPtr inEvent, out IntPtr windowRef)
IntPtr retval;
IntPtr* parm = &retval;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.WindowRef, EventParamType.typeWindowRef, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)sizeof(IntPtr), IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)parm);
windowRef = retval;
return result;
static internal OSStatus GetEventMouseLocation(IntPtr inEvent, out HIPoint pt)
HIPoint point;
HIPoint* parm = &point;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.MouseLocation, EventParamType.typeHIPoint, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(HIPoint)), IntPtr.Zero,
pt = point;
return result;
static internal MacOSKeyModifiers GetEventKeyModifiers(IntPtr inEvent)
uint code;
uint* codeAddr = &code;
OSStatus result = API.GetEventParameter(inEvent,
EventParamName.KeyModifiers, EventParamType.typeUInt32, IntPtr.Zero,
(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(uint)), IntPtr.Zero,
if (result != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(result);
return (MacOSKeyModifiers)code;
#region --- Event Handlers ---
static extern OSStatus _InstallEventHandler(
IntPtr eventTargetRef, IntPtr handlerProc,
int numtypes, EventTypeSpec[] typeList,
IntPtr userData, IntPtr handlerRef);
internal static void InstallWindowEventHandler(IntPtr windowRef, IntPtr uppHandlerProc,
EventTypeSpec[] eventTypes, IntPtr userData, IntPtr handlerRef)
IntPtr windowTarget = GetWindowEventTarget(windowRef);
//Debug.Print("Window: {0}", windowRef);
//Debug.Print("Window Target: {0}", windowTarget);
//Debug.Print("Handler: {0}", uppHandlerProc);
//Debug.Print("Num Events: {0}", eventTypes.Length);
//Debug.Print("User Data: {0}", userData);
//Debug.Print("Handler Ref: {0}", handlerRef);
OSStatus error = _InstallEventHandler(windowTarget, uppHandlerProc,
eventTypes.Length, eventTypes,
userData, handlerRef);
//Debug.Print("Status: {0}", error);
if (error != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(error);
internal static void InstallApplicationEventHandler(IntPtr uppHandlerProc,
EventTypeSpec[] eventTypes, IntPtr userData, IntPtr handlerRef)
OSStatus error = _InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(), uppHandlerProc,
eventTypes.Length, eventTypes,
userData, handlerRef);
if (error != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(error);
internal static extern OSStatus RemoveEventHandler(IntPtr inHandlerRef);
#region --- GetWindowEventTarget ---
internal static extern IntPtr GetWindowEventTarget(IntPtr window);
internal static extern IntPtr GetApplicationEventTarget();
#region --- UPP Event Handlers ---
internal static extern IntPtr NewEventHandlerUPP(MacOSEventHandler handler);
internal static extern void DisposeEventHandlerUPP(IntPtr userUPP);
#region --- Process Manager ---
internal static extern int TransformProcessType(ref Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn, ProcessApplicationTransformState type);
internal static extern int GetCurrentProcess(ref Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn);
internal static extern int SetFrontProcess(ref Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn);
#region --- Setting Dock Tile ---
internal extern static IntPtr CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
internal extern static IntPtr CGDataProviderCreateWithData(IntPtr info, IntPtr[] data, int size, IntPtr releasefunc);
internal extern static IntPtr CGImageCreate(int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, IntPtr colorspace, uint bitmapInfo, IntPtr provider, IntPtr decode, int shouldInterpolate, int intent);
internal extern static void SetApplicationDockTileImage(IntPtr imageRef);
internal extern static void RestoreApplicationDockTileImage();
static extern IntPtr GetControlBounds(IntPtr control, out Rect bounds);
internal static Rect GetControlBounds(IntPtr control)
Rect retval;
GetControlBounds(control, out retval);
return retval;
internal static extern OSStatus ActivateWindow (IntPtr inWindow, bool inActivate);
internal static extern void RunApplicationEventLoop();
internal static extern void QuitApplicationEventLoop();
internal static extern IntPtr GetControlOwner(IntPtr control);
internal static extern IntPtr HIViewGetWindow(IntPtr inView);
static extern OSStatus HIViewGetFrame(IntPtr inView, out HIRect outRect);
internal static HIRect HIViewGetFrame(IntPtr inView)
HIRect retval;
OSStatus result = HIViewGetFrame(inView, out retval);
if (result != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(result);
return retval;
#region --- SetWindowTitle ---
static extern void SetWindowTitleWithCFString(IntPtr windowRef, IntPtr title);
internal static void SetWindowTitle(IntPtr windowRef, string title)
IntPtr str = __CFStringMakeConstantString(title);
Debug.Print("Setting window title: {0}, CFstring : {1}, Text : {2}", windowRef, str, title);
SetWindowTitleWithCFString(windowRef, str);
// Apparently releasing this reference to the CFConstantString here
// causes the program to crash on the fourth window created. But I am
// afraid that not releasing the string would result in a memory leak, but that would
// only be a serious issue if the window title is changed a lot.
static extern OSStatus _ChangeWindowAttributes(IntPtr windowRef, WindowAttributes setTheseAttributes, WindowAttributes clearTheseAttributes);
internal static void ChangeWindowAttributes(IntPtr windowRef, WindowAttributes setTheseAttributes, WindowAttributes clearTheseAttributes)
OSStatus error = _ChangeWindowAttributes(windowRef, setTheseAttributes, clearTheseAttributes);
if (error != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(error);
static extern IntPtr __CFStringMakeConstantString(string cStr);
static extern void CFRelease(IntPtr cfStr);
internal static extern OSStatus CallNextEventHandler(IntPtr nextHandler, IntPtr theEvent);
internal static extern IntPtr GetWindowPort(IntPtr windowRef);
#region --- Menus ---
internal static extern IntPtr AcquireRootMenu();
internal static extern bool IsWindowCollapsed(IntPtr windowRef);
[DllImport(carbon, EntryPoint = "CollapseWindow")]
static extern OSStatus _CollapseWindow(IntPtr windowRef, bool collapse);
internal static void CollapseWindow(IntPtr windowRef, bool collapse)
OSStatus error = _CollapseWindow(windowRef, collapse);
if (error != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(error);
[DllImport(carbon, EntryPoint="IsWindowInStandardState")]
static extern bool _IsWindowInStandardState(IntPtr windowRef, IntPtr inIdealSize, IntPtr outIdealStandardState);
internal static bool IsWindowInStandardState(IntPtr windowRef)
return _IsWindowInStandardState(windowRef, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
[DllImport(carbon, EntryPoint = "ZoomWindowIdeal")]
unsafe static extern OSStatus _ZoomWindowIdeal(IntPtr windowRef, short inPartCode, IntPtr toIdealSize);
internal static void ZoomWindowIdeal(IntPtr windowRef, WindowPartCode inPartCode, ref CarbonPoint toIdealSize)
CarbonPoint pt = toIdealSize;
OSStatus error ;
IntPtr handle = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CarbonPoint)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(toIdealSize, handle, false);
error = _ZoomWindowIdeal(windowRef, (short)inPartCode, handle);
toIdealSize = (CarbonPoint)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle,typeof(CarbonPoint));
if (error != OSStatus.NoError)
throw new MacOSException(error);
internal unsafe static extern OSStatus DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID(
IntPtr displayID, out IntPtr displayDevice, Boolean failToMain);
#region Nonworking HIPointConvert routines
// These seem to crash when called, and I haven't figured out why.
// Currently a workaround is used to convert from screen to client coordinates.
//[DllImport(carbon, EntryPoint="HIPointConvert")]
//extern static OSStatus _HIPointConvert(ref HIPoint ioPoint,
// HICoordinateSpace inSourceSpace, IntPtr inSourceObject,
// HICoordinateSpace inDestinationSpace, IntPtr inDestinationObject);
//internal static HIPoint HIPointConvert(HIPoint inPoint,
// HICoordinateSpace inSourceSpace, IntPtr inSourceObject,
// HICoordinateSpace inDestinationSpace, IntPtr inDestinationObject)
// OSStatus error = _HIPointConvert(ref inPoint, inSourceSpace, inSourceObject, inDestinationSpace, inDestinationObject);
// if (error != OSStatus.NoError)
// {
// throw new MacOSException(error);
// }
// return inPoint;
//[DllImport(carbon, EntryPoint = "HIViewConvertPoint")]
//extern static OSStatus _HIViewConvertPoint(ref HIPoint inPoint, IntPtr inSourceView, IntPtr inDestView);
//internal static HIPoint HIViewConvertPoint( HIPoint point, IntPtr sourceHandle, IntPtr destHandle)
// //Carbon.Rect window_bounds = new Carbon.Rect();
// //Carbon.API.GetWindowBounds(handle, WindowRegionCode.StructureRegion /*32*/, out window_bounds);
// //point.X -= window_bounds.X;
// //point.Y -= window_bounds.Y;
// OSStatus error = _HIViewConvertPoint(ref point, sourceHandle, destHandle);
// if (error != OSStatus.NoError)
// {
// throw new MacOSException(error);
// }
// return point;
const string gestaltlib = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon";
internal static extern OSStatus Gestalt(GestaltSelector selector, out int response);