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#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All : int
False = ((int)0),
NoError = ((int)0),
NoneOes = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0x0000),
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0x00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0x00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0x00004000),
Lines = ((int)0x0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0x0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0x0003),
Triangles = ((int)0x0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0x0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0x0006),
Add = ((int)0x0104),
Never = ((int)0x0200),
Less = ((int)0x0201),
Equal = ((int)0x0202),
Lequal = ((int)0x0203),
Greater = ((int)0x0204),
Notequal = ((int)0x0205),
Gequal = ((int)0x0206),
Always = ((int)0x0207),
SrcColor = ((int)0x0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0x0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0x0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0x0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0x0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0x0305),
DstColor = ((int)0x0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0x0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0x0308),
Front = ((int)0x0404),
Back = ((int)0x0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0x0408),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0x0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0x0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0x0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0x0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0x0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0x0505),
InvalidFramebufferOperationOes = ((int)0x0506),
Exp = ((int)0x0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0x0801),
Cw = ((int)0x0900),
Ccw = ((int)0x0901),
CurrentColor = ((int)0x0B00),
CurrentNormal = ((int)0x0B02),
CurrentTextureCoords = ((int)0x0B03),
PointSmooth = ((int)0x0B10),
PointSize = ((int)0x0B11),
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0x0B12),
LineSmooth = ((int)0x0B20),
LineWidth = ((int)0x0B21),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0x0B22),
CullFace = ((int)0x0B44),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0x0B45),
FrontFace = ((int)0x0B46),
Lighting = ((int)0x0B50),
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0x0B52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0x0B53),
ShadeModel = ((int)0x0B54),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0x0B57),
Fog = ((int)0x0B60),
FogDensity = ((int)0x0B62),
FogStart = ((int)0x0B63),
FogEnd = ((int)0x0B64),
FogMode = ((int)0x0B65),
FogColor = ((int)0x0B66),
DepthRange = ((int)0x0B70),
DepthTest = ((int)0x0B71),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0x0B72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0x0B73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0x0B74),
StencilTest = ((int)0x0B90),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0x0B91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0x0B92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0x0B93),
StencilFail = ((int)0x0B94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0x0B95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0x0B96),
StencilRef = ((int)0x0B97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0x0B98),
MatrixMode = ((int)0x0BA0),
Normalize = ((int)0x0BA1),
Viewport = ((int)0x0BA2),
ModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA3),
ProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA4),
TextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA5),
ModelviewMatrix = ((int)0x0BA6),
ProjectionMatrix = ((int)0x0BA7),
TextureMatrix = ((int)0x0BA8),
AlphaTest = ((int)0x0BC0),
AlphaTestFunc = ((int)0x0BC1),
AlphaTestRef = ((int)0x0BC2),
Dither = ((int)0x0BD0),
BlendDst = ((int)0x0BE0),
BlendSrc = ((int)0x0BE1),
Blend = ((int)0x0BE2),
LogicOpMode = ((int)0x0BF0),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0x0BF2),
ScissorBox = ((int)0x0C10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0x0C22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0x0C23),
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0x0C50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C52),
FogHint = ((int)0x0C54),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
AlphaScale = ((int)0x0D1C),
MaxLights = ((int)0x0D31),
MaxClipPlanes = ((int)0x0D32),
MaxClipPlanesImg = ((int)0x0D32),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0x0D33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0D36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0D38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0D39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0x0D3A),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0x0D50),
RedBits = ((int)0x0D52),
GreenBits = ((int)0x0D53),
BlueBits = ((int)0x0D54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0x0D55),
DepthBits = ((int)0x0D56),
StencilBits = ((int)0x0D57),
Texture2D = ((int)0x0DE1),
DontCare = ((int)0x1100),
Fastest = ((int)0x1101),
Nicest = ((int)0x1102),
Ambient = ((int)0x1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0x1201),
Specular = ((int)0x1202),
Position = ((int)0x1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0x1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0x1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0x1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0x1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0x1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0x1209),
Byte = ((int)0x1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0x1401),
Short = ((int)0x1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0x1403),
Float = ((int)0x1406),
Fixed = ((int)0x140C),
FixedOes = ((int)0x140C),
Clear = ((int)0x1500),
And = ((int)0x1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0x1502),
Copy = ((int)0x1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0x1504),
Noop = ((int)0x1505),
Xor = ((int)0x1506),
Or = ((int)0x1507),
Nor = ((int)0x1508),
Equiv = ((int)0x1509),
Invert = ((int)0x150A),
OrReverse = ((int)0x150B),
CopyInverted = ((int)0x150C),
OrInverted = ((int)0x150D),
Nand = ((int)0x150E),
Set = ((int)0x150F),
Emission = ((int)0x1600),
Shininess = ((int)0x1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0x1602),
Modelview = ((int)0x1700),
Projection = ((int)0x1701),
Texture = ((int)0x1702),
Alpha = ((int)0x1906),
Rgb = ((int)0x1907),
Rgba = ((int)0x1908),
Luminance = ((int)0x1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0x190A),
Flat = ((int)0x1D00),
Smooth = ((int)0x1D01),
Keep = ((int)0x1E00),
Replace = ((int)0x1E01),
Incr = ((int)0x1E02),
Decr = ((int)0x1E03),
Vendor = ((int)0x1F00),
Renderer = ((int)0x1F01),
Version = ((int)0x1F02),
Extensions = ((int)0x1F03),
Modulate = ((int)0x2100),
Decal = ((int)0x2101),
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0x2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0x2201),
TextureEnv = ((int)0x2300),
TextureGenModeOes = ((int)0x2500),
Nearest = ((int)0x2600),
Linear = ((int)0x2601),
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2703),
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0x2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0x2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0x2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0x2803),
Repeat = ((int)0x2901),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0x2A00),
ClipPlane0 = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane0Img = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane1 = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane1Img = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane2 = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane2Img = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane3 = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane3Img = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane4 = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane4Img = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane5 = ((int)0x3005),
ClipPlane5Img = ((int)0x3005),
Light0 = ((int)0x4000),
Light1 = ((int)0x4001),
Light2 = ((int)0x4002),
Light3 = ((int)0x4003),
Light4 = ((int)0x4004),
Light5 = ((int)0x4005),
Light6 = ((int)0x4006),
Light7 = ((int)0x4007),
FuncAddOes = ((int)0x8006),
BlendEquationOes = ((int)0x8009),
BlendEquationRgbOes = ((int)0x8009),
FuncSubtractOes = ((int)0x800A),
FuncReverseSubtractOes = ((int)0x800B),
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0x8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0x8034),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0x8038),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0x803A),
Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8051),
Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8056),
Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8057),
Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8058),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0x8069),
VertexArray = ((int)0x8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0x8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0x8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0x8078),
VertexArraySize = ((int)0x807A),
VertexArrayType = ((int)0x807B),
VertexArrayStride = ((int)0x807C),
NormalArrayType = ((int)0x807E),
NormalArrayStride = ((int)0x807F),
ColorArraySize = ((int)0x8081),
ColorArrayType = ((int)0x8082),
ColorArrayStride = ((int)0x8083),
TextureCoordArraySize = ((int)0x8088),
TextureCoordArrayType = ((int)0x8089),
TextureCoordArrayStride = ((int)0x808A),
VertexArrayPointer = ((int)0x808E),
NormalArrayPointer = ((int)0x808F),
ColorArrayPointer = ((int)0x8090),
TextureCoordArrayPointer = ((int)0x8092),
Multisample = ((int)0x809D),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0x809E),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0x809F),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0x80A0),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0x80A8),
Samples = ((int)0x80A9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0x80AA),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0x80AB),
BlendDstRgbOes = ((int)0x80C8),
BlendSrcRgbOes = ((int)0x80C9),
BlendDstAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CA),
BlendSrcAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CB),
Bgra = ((int)0x80E1),
PointSizeMin = ((int)0x8126),
PointSizeMax = ((int)0x8127),
PointFadeThresholdSize = ((int)0x8128),
PointDistanceAttenuation = ((int)0x8129),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0x812F),
GenerateMipmap = ((int)0x8191),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0x8192),
DepthComponent16Oes = ((int)0x81A5),
DepthComponent24Oes = ((int)0x81A6),
DepthComponent32Oes = ((int)0x81A7),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0x8363),
UnsignedShort4444Rev = ((int)0x8365),
UnsignedShort1555Rev = ((int)0x8366),
MirroredRepeatOes = ((int)0x8370),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0x846D),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0x846E),
Texture0 = ((int)0x84C0),
Texture1 = ((int)0x84C1),
Texture2 = ((int)0x84C2),
Texture3 = ((int)0x84C3),
Texture4 = ((int)0x84C4),
Texture5 = ((int)0x84C5),
Texture6 = ((int)0x84C6),
Texture7 = ((int)0x84C7),
Texture8 = ((int)0x84C8),
Texture9 = ((int)0x84C9),
Texture10 = ((int)0x84CA),
Texture11 = ((int)0x84CB),
Texture12 = ((int)0x84CC),
Texture13 = ((int)0x84CD),
Texture14 = ((int)0x84CE),
Texture15 = ((int)0x84CF),
Texture16 = ((int)0x84D0),
Texture17 = ((int)0x84D1),
Texture18 = ((int)0x84D2),
Texture19 = ((int)0x84D3),
Texture20 = ((int)0x84D4),
Texture21 = ((int)0x84D5),
Texture22 = ((int)0x84D6),
Texture23 = ((int)0x84D7),
Texture24 = ((int)0x84D8),
Texture25 = ((int)0x84D9),
Texture26 = ((int)0x84DA),
Texture27 = ((int)0x84DB),
Texture28 = ((int)0x84DC),
Texture29 = ((int)0x84DD),
Texture30 = ((int)0x84DE),
Texture31 = ((int)0x84DF),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E0),
ClientActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E1),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0x84E2),
Subtract = ((int)0x84E7),
MaxRenderbufferSizeOes = ((int)0x84E8),
AllCompletedNv = ((int)0x84F2),
FenceStatusNv = ((int)0x84F3),
FenceConditionNv = ((int)0x84F4),
DepthStencilOes = ((int)0x84F9),
UnsignedInt248Oes = ((int)0x84FA),
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FE),
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FF),
IncrWrapOes = ((int)0x8507),
DecrWrapOes = ((int)0x8508),
NormalMapOes = ((int)0x8511),
ReflectionMapOes = ((int)0x8512),
TextureCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8513),
TextureBindingCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveXOes = ((int)0x8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeXOes = ((int)0x8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveYOes = ((int)0x8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeYOes = ((int)0x8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZOes = ((int)0x8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZOes = ((int)0x851A),
MaxCubeMapTextureSizeOes = ((int)0x851C),
Combine = ((int)0x8570),
CombineRgb = ((int)0x8571),
CombineAlpha = ((int)0x8572),
RgbScale = ((int)0x8573),
AddSigned = ((int)0x8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0x8575),
Constant = ((int)0x8576),
PrimaryColor = ((int)0x8577),
Previous = ((int)0x8578),
Src0Rgb = ((int)0x8580),
Src1Rgb = ((int)0x8581),
Src2Rgb = ((int)0x8582),
Src0Alpha = ((int)0x8588),
Src1Alpha = ((int)0x8589),
Src2Alpha = ((int)0x858A),
Operand0Rgb = ((int)0x8590),
Operand1Rgb = ((int)0x8591),
Operand2Rgb = ((int)0x8592),
Operand0Alpha = ((int)0x8598),
Operand1Alpha = ((int)0x8599),
Operand2Alpha = ((int)0x859A),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A3),
MaxVertexUnitsOes = ((int)0x86A4),
WeightArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x86A9),
WeightArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x86AA),
WeightArraySizeOes = ((int)0x86AB),
WeightArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x86AC),
WeightArrayOes = ((int)0x86AD),
Dot3Rgb = ((int)0x86AE),
Dot3Rgba = ((int)0x86AF),
Dot3RgbaImg = ((int)0x86AF),
BufferSize = ((int)0x8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0x8765),
AtcRgbaInterpolatedAlphaAmd = ((int)0x87EE),
Gl3DcXAmd = ((int)0x87F9),
Gl3DcXyAmd = ((int)0x87FA),
BlendEquationAlphaOes = ((int)0x883D),
MatrixPaletteOes = ((int)0x8840),
MaxPaletteMatricesOes = ((int)0x8842),
CurrentPaletteMatrixOes = ((int)0x8843),
MatrixIndexArrayOes = ((int)0x8844),
MatrixIndexArraySizeOes = ((int)0x8846),
MatrixIndexArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x8847),
MatrixIndexArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x8848),
MatrixIndexArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x8849),
PointSpriteOes = ((int)0x8861),
CoordReplaceOes = ((int)0x8862),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8895),
VertexArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8896),
NormalArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8897),
ColorArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8898),
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x889A),
WeightArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x889E),
WriteOnlyOes = ((int)0x88B9),
BufferAccessOes = ((int)0x88BB),
BufferMappedOes = ((int)0x88BC),
BufferMapPointerOes = ((int)0x88BD),
StaticDraw = ((int)0x88E4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0x88E8),
Depth24Stencil8Oes = ((int)0x88F0),
PointSizeArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x898A),
PointSizeArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x898B),
PointSizeArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x898C),
ModelviewMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898D),
ProjectionMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898E),
TextureMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898F),
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B99),
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0x8B9A),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0x8B9B),
PointSizeArrayOes = ((int)0x8B9C),
TextureCropRectOes = ((int)0x8B9D),
MatrixIndexArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9E),
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9F),
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C00),
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C01),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C02),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C03),
ModulateColorImg = ((int)0x8C04),
RecipAddSignedAlphaImg = ((int)0x8C05),
TextureAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C06),
FactorAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C07),
FragmentAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C08),
AddBlendImg = ((int)0x8C09),
AtcRgbAmd = ((int)0x8C92),
AtcRgbaExplicitAlphaAmd = ((int)0x8C93),
FramebufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA6),
RenderbufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA7),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectTypeOes = ((int)0x8CD0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectNameOes = ((int)0x8CD1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevelOes = ((int)0x8CD2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFaceOes = ((int)0x8CD3),
FramebufferCompleteOes = ((int)0x8CD5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensionsOes = ((int)0x8CD9),
FramebufferIncompleteFormatsOes = ((int)0x8CDA),
FramebufferUnsupportedOes = ((int)0x8CDD),
ColorAttachment0Oes = ((int)0x8CE0),
DepthAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D00),
StencilAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D20),
FramebufferOes = ((int)0x8D40),
RenderbufferOes = ((int)0x8D41),
RenderbufferWidthOes = ((int)0x8D42),
RenderbufferHeightOes = ((int)0x8D43),
RenderbufferInternalFormatOes = ((int)0x8D44),
StencilIndex1Oes = ((int)0x8D46),
StencilIndex4Oes = ((int)0x8D47),
StencilIndex8Oes = ((int)0x8D48),
RenderbufferRedSizeOes = ((int)0x8D50),
RenderbufferGreenSizeOes = ((int)0x8D51),
RenderbufferBlueSizeOes = ((int)0x8D52),
RenderbufferAlphaSizeOes = ((int)0x8D53),
RenderbufferDepthSizeOes = ((int)0x8D54),
RenderbufferStencilSizeOes = ((int)0x8D55),
TextureGenStrOes = ((int)0x8D60),
Rgb565Oes = ((int)0x8D62),
Etc1Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8D64),
PerfmonGlobalModeQcom = ((int)0x8FA0),
AmdCompressed3DcTexture = ((int)1),
AmdCompressedAtcTexture = ((int)1),
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = ((int)1),
ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
ImgReadFormat = ((int)1),
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = ((int)1),
ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction = ((int)1),
ImgUserClipPlane = ((int)1),
NvFence = ((int)1),
OesBlendEquationSeparate = ((int)1),
OesBlendFuncSeparate = ((int)1),
OesBlendSubtract = ((int)1),
OesByteCoordinates = ((int)1),
OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = ((int)1),
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
OesDepth24 = ((int)1),
OesDepth32 = ((int)1),
OesDrawTexture = ((int)1),
OesEglImage = ((int)1),
OesElementIndexUint = ((int)1),
OesExtendedMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
OesFboRenderMipmap = ((int)1),
OesFixedPoint = ((int)1),
OesFramebufferObject = ((int)1),
OesMapbuffer = ((int)1),
OesMatrixGet = ((int)1),
OesMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
OesPackedDepthStencil = ((int)1),
OesPointSizeArray = ((int)1),
OesPointSprite = ((int)1),
OesQueryMatrix = ((int)1),
OesReadFormat = ((int)1),
OesRgb8Rgba8 = ((int)1),
OesSinglePrecision = ((int)1),
OesStencil1 = ((int)1),
OesStencil4 = ((int)1),
OesStencil8 = ((int)1),
OesStencilWrap = ((int)1),
OesTextureCubeMap = ((int)1),
OesTextureEnvCrossbar = ((int)1),
OesTextureMirroredRepeat = ((int)1),
One = ((int)1),
QcomDriverControl = ((int)1),
QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl11 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm11 = ((int)1),
public enum AlphaFunction : int
Never = ((int)0x0200),
Less = ((int)0x0201),
Equal = ((int)0x0202),
Lequal = ((int)0x0203),
Greater = ((int)0x0204),
Notequal = ((int)0x0205),
Gequal = ((int)0x0206),
Always = ((int)0x0207),
public enum AmdCompressed3Dctexture : int
Gl3DcXAmd = ((int)0x87F9),
Gl3DcXyAmd = ((int)0x87FA),
AmdCompressed3DcTexture = ((int)1),
public enum AmdCompressedAtctexture : int
AtcRgbaInterpolatedAlphaAmd = ((int)0x87EE),
AtcRgbAmd = ((int)0x8C92),
AtcRgbaExplicitAlphaAmd = ((int)0x8C93),
AmdCompressedAtcTexture = ((int)1),
public enum BeginMode : int
Points = ((int)0x0000),
Lines = ((int)0x0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0x0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0x0003),
Triangles = ((int)0x0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0x0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0x0006),
public enum BlendingFactorDest : int
Zero = ((int)0),
SrcColor = ((int)0x0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0x0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0x0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0x0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0x0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0x0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc : int
DstColor = ((int)0x0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0x0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0x0308),
public enum Boolean : int
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BufferObjects : int
BufferSize = ((int)0x8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0x8765),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8895),
VertexArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8896),
NormalArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8897),
ColorArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8898),
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x889A),
StaticDraw = ((int)0x88E4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0x88E8),
public enum ClearBufferMask : int
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0x00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0x00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0x00004000),
public enum ClipPlaneName : int
ClipPlane0 = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane1 = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane2 = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane3 = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane4 = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane5 = ((int)0x3005),
public enum CullFaceMode : int
Front = ((int)0x0404),
Back = ((int)0x0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0x0408),
public enum DataType : int
Byte = ((int)0x1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0x1401),
Short = ((int)0x1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0x1403),
Float = ((int)0x1406),
Fixed = ((int)0x140C),
public enum EnableCap : int
PointSmooth = ((int)0x0B10),
LineSmooth = ((int)0x0B20),
CullFace = ((int)0x0B44),
Lighting = ((int)0x0B50),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0x0B57),
Fog = ((int)0x0B60),
DepthTest = ((int)0x0B71),
StencilTest = ((int)0x0B90),
Normalize = ((int)0x0BA1),
AlphaTest = ((int)0x0BC0),
Dither = ((int)0x0BD0),
Blend = ((int)0x0BE2),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0x0BF2),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
Texture2D = ((int)0x0DE1),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0x803A),
VertexArray = ((int)0x8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0x8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0x8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0x8078),
Multisample = ((int)0x809D),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0x809E),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0x809F),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0x80A0),
public enum ErrorCode : int
NoError = ((int)0),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0x0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0x0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0x0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0x0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0x0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0x0505),
public enum ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic : int
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FE),
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FF),
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = ((int)1),
public enum ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 : int
Bgra = ((int)0x80E1),
ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
public enum FogMode : int
Exp = ((int)0x0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0x0801),
public enum FogParameter : int
FogDensity = ((int)0x0B62),
FogStart = ((int)0x0B63),
FogEnd = ((int)0x0B64),
FogMode = ((int)0x0B65),
FogColor = ((int)0x0B66),
public enum FrontFaceDirection : int
Cw = ((int)0x0900),
Ccw = ((int)0x0901),
public enum GetPName : int
CurrentColor = ((int)0x0B00),
CurrentNormal = ((int)0x0B02),
CurrentTextureCoords = ((int)0x0B03),
PointSize = ((int)0x0B11),
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0x0B12),
LineWidth = ((int)0x0B21),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0x0B22),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0x0B45),
FrontFace = ((int)0x0B46),
ShadeModel = ((int)0x0B54),
DepthRange = ((int)0x0B70),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0x0B72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0x0B73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0x0B74),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0x0B91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0x0B92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0x0B93),
StencilFail = ((int)0x0B94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0x0B95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0x0B96),
StencilRef = ((int)0x0B97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0x0B98),
MatrixMode = ((int)0x0BA0),
Viewport = ((int)0x0BA2),
ModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA3),
ProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA4),
TextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0BA5),
ModelviewMatrix = ((int)0x0BA6),
ProjectionMatrix = ((int)0x0BA7),
TextureMatrix = ((int)0x0BA8),
AlphaTestFunc = ((int)0x0BC1),
AlphaTestRef = ((int)0x0BC2),
BlendDst = ((int)0x0BE0),
BlendSrc = ((int)0x0BE1),
LogicOpMode = ((int)0x0BF0),
ScissorBox = ((int)0x0C10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0x0C22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0x0C23),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
MaxLights = ((int)0x0D31),
MaxClipPlanes = ((int)0x0D32),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0x0D33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0x0D36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0x0D38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0x0D39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0x0D3A),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0x0D50),
RedBits = ((int)0x0D52),
GreenBits = ((int)0x0D53),
BlueBits = ((int)0x0D54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0x0D55),
DepthBits = ((int)0x0D56),
StencilBits = ((int)0x0D57),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0x2A00),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0x8038),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0x8069),
VertexArraySize = ((int)0x807A),
VertexArrayType = ((int)0x807B),
VertexArrayStride = ((int)0x807C),
NormalArrayType = ((int)0x807E),
NormalArrayStride = ((int)0x807F),
ColorArraySize = ((int)0x8081),
ColorArrayType = ((int)0x8082),
ColorArrayStride = ((int)0x8083),
TextureCoordArraySize = ((int)0x8088),
TextureCoordArrayType = ((int)0x8089),
TextureCoordArrayStride = ((int)0x808A),
VertexArrayPointer = ((int)0x808E),
NormalArrayPointer = ((int)0x808F),
ColorArrayPointer = ((int)0x8090),
TextureCoordArrayPointer = ((int)0x8092),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0x80A8),
Samples = ((int)0x80A9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0x80AA),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0x80AB),
PointSizeMin = ((int)0x8126),
PointSizeMax = ((int)0x8127),
PointFadeThresholdSize = ((int)0x8128),
PointDistanceAttenuation = ((int)0x8129),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0x846D),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0x846E),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0x84E2),
public enum GetTextureParameter : int
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A3),
public enum HintMode : int
DontCare = ((int)0x1100),
Fastest = ((int)0x1101),
Nicest = ((int)0x1102),
public enum HintTarget : int
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0x0C50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0x0C52),
FogHint = ((int)0x0C54),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0x8192),
public enum ImgreadFormat : int
Bgra = ((int)0x80E1),
UnsignedShort4444Rev = ((int)0x8365),
UnsignedShort1555Rev = ((int)0x8366),
ImgReadFormat = ((int)1),
public enum ImgtextureCompressionPvrtc : int
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C00),
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C01),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C02),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C03),
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = ((int)1),
public enum ImgtextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction : int
Dot3RgbaImg = ((int)0x86AF),
ModulateColorImg = ((int)0x8C04),
RecipAddSignedAlphaImg = ((int)0x8C05),
TextureAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C06),
FactorAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C07),
FragmentAlphaModulateImg = ((int)0x8C08),
AddBlendImg = ((int)0x8C09),
ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction = ((int)1),
public enum ImguserClipPlane : int
MaxClipPlanesImg = ((int)0x0D32),
ClipPlane0Img = ((int)0x3000),
ClipPlane1Img = ((int)0x3001),
ClipPlane2Img = ((int)0x3002),
ClipPlane3Img = ((int)0x3003),
ClipPlane4Img = ((int)0x3004),
ClipPlane5Img = ((int)0x3005),
ImgUserClipPlane = ((int)1),
public enum LightModelParameter : int
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0x0B52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0x0B53),
public enum LightName : int
Light0 = ((int)0x4000),
Light1 = ((int)0x4001),
Light2 = ((int)0x4002),
Light3 = ((int)0x4003),
Light4 = ((int)0x4004),
Light5 = ((int)0x4005),
Light6 = ((int)0x4006),
Light7 = ((int)0x4007),
public enum LightParameter : int
Ambient = ((int)0x1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0x1201),
Specular = ((int)0x1202),
Position = ((int)0x1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0x1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0x1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0x1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0x1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0x1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0x1209),
public enum LogicOp : int
Clear = ((int)0x1500),
And = ((int)0x1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0x1502),
Copy = ((int)0x1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0x1504),
Noop = ((int)0x1505),
Xor = ((int)0x1506),
Or = ((int)0x1507),
Nor = ((int)0x1508),
Equiv = ((int)0x1509),
Invert = ((int)0x150A),
OrReverse = ((int)0x150B),
CopyInverted = ((int)0x150C),
OrInverted = ((int)0x150D),
Nand = ((int)0x150E),
Set = ((int)0x150F),
public enum MaterialParameter : int
Emission = ((int)0x1600),
Shininess = ((int)0x1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0x1602),
public enum MatrixMode : int
Modelview = ((int)0x1700),
Projection = ((int)0x1701),
Texture = ((int)0x1702),
public enum Nvfence : int
AllCompletedNv = ((int)0x84F2),
FenceStatusNv = ((int)0x84F3),
FenceConditionNv = ((int)0x84F4),
NvFence = ((int)1),
public enum OesBlendEquationSeparate : int
BlendEquationRgbOes = ((int)0x8009),
BlendEquationAlphaOes = ((int)0x883D),
OesBlendEquationSeparate = ((int)1),
public enum OesBlendFuncSeparate : int
BlendDstRgbOes = ((int)0x80C8),
BlendSrcRgbOes = ((int)0x80C9),
BlendDstAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CA),
BlendSrcAlphaOes = ((int)0x80CB),
OesBlendFuncSeparate = ((int)1),
public enum OesBlendSubtract : int
FuncAddOes = ((int)0x8006),
BlendEquationOes = ((int)0x8009),
FuncSubtractOes = ((int)0x800A),
FuncReverseSubtractOes = ((int)0x800B),
OesBlendSubtract = ((int)1),
public enum OesByteCoordinates : int
OesByteCoordinates = ((int)1),
public enum OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture : int
Etc1Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8D64),
OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = ((int)1),
public enum OesCompressedPalettedTexture : int
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B99),
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
public enum OesDepth24 : int
DepthComponent24Oes = ((int)0x81A6),
OesDepth24 = ((int)1),
public enum OesDepth32 : int
DepthComponent32Oes = ((int)0x81A7),
OesDepth32 = ((int)1),
public enum OesDrawTexture : int
TextureCropRectOes = ((int)0x8B9D),
OesDrawTexture = ((int)1),
public enum OesEglimage : int
OesEglImage = ((int)1),
public enum OesElementIndexUint : int
OesElementIndexUint = ((int)1),
public enum OesExtendedMatrixPalette : int
OesExtendedMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
public enum OesFboRenderMipmap : int
OesFboRenderMipmap = ((int)1),
public enum OesFixedPoint : int
FixedOes = ((int)0x140C),
OesFixedPoint = ((int)1),
public enum OesFramebufferObject : int
NoneOes = ((int)0),
InvalidFramebufferOperationOes = ((int)0x0506),
Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8056),
Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8057),
DepthComponent16Oes = ((int)0x81A5),
MaxRenderbufferSizeOes = ((int)0x84E8),
FramebufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA6),
RenderbufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8CA7),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectTypeOes = ((int)0x8CD0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectNameOes = ((int)0x8CD1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevelOes = ((int)0x8CD2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFaceOes = ((int)0x8CD3),
FramebufferCompleteOes = ((int)0x8CD5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8CD7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensionsOes = ((int)0x8CD9),
FramebufferIncompleteFormatsOes = ((int)0x8CDA),
FramebufferUnsupportedOes = ((int)0x8CDD),
ColorAttachment0Oes = ((int)0x8CE0),
DepthAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D00),
StencilAttachmentOes = ((int)0x8D20),
FramebufferOes = ((int)0x8D40),
RenderbufferOes = ((int)0x8D41),
RenderbufferWidthOes = ((int)0x8D42),
RenderbufferHeightOes = ((int)0x8D43),
RenderbufferInternalFormatOes = ((int)0x8D44),
RenderbufferRedSizeOes = ((int)0x8D50),
RenderbufferGreenSizeOes = ((int)0x8D51),
RenderbufferBlueSizeOes = ((int)0x8D52),
RenderbufferAlphaSizeOes = ((int)0x8D53),
RenderbufferDepthSizeOes = ((int)0x8D54),
RenderbufferStencilSizeOes = ((int)0x8D55),
Rgb565Oes = ((int)0x8D62),
OesFramebufferObject = ((int)1),
public enum OesMapbuffer : int
WriteOnlyOes = ((int)0x88B9),
BufferAccessOes = ((int)0x88BB),
BufferMappedOes = ((int)0x88BC),
BufferMapPointerOes = ((int)0x88BD),
OesMapbuffer = ((int)1),
public enum OesMatrixGet : int
ModelviewMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898D),
ProjectionMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898E),
TextureMatrixFloatAsIntBitsOes = ((int)0x898F),
OesMatrixGet = ((int)1),
public enum OesMatrixPalette : int
MaxVertexUnitsOes = ((int)0x86A4),
WeightArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x86A9),
WeightArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x86AA),
WeightArraySizeOes = ((int)0x86AB),
WeightArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x86AC),
WeightArrayOes = ((int)0x86AD),
MatrixPaletteOes = ((int)0x8840),
MaxPaletteMatricesOes = ((int)0x8842),
CurrentPaletteMatrixOes = ((int)0x8843),
MatrixIndexArrayOes = ((int)0x8844),
MatrixIndexArraySizeOes = ((int)0x8846),
MatrixIndexArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x8847),
MatrixIndexArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x8848),
MatrixIndexArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x8849),
WeightArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x889E),
MatrixIndexArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9E),
OesMatrixPalette = ((int)1),
public enum OesPackedDepthStencil : int
DepthStencilOes = ((int)0x84F9),
UnsignedInt248Oes = ((int)0x84FA),
Depth24Stencil8Oes = ((int)0x88F0),
OesPackedDepthStencil = ((int)1),
public enum OesPointSizeArray : int
PointSizeArrayTypeOes = ((int)0x898A),
PointSizeArrayStrideOes = ((int)0x898B),
PointSizeArrayPointerOes = ((int)0x898C),
PointSizeArrayOes = ((int)0x8B9C),
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0x8B9F),
OesPointSizeArray = ((int)1),
public enum OesPointSprite : int
PointSpriteOes = ((int)0x8861),
CoordReplaceOes = ((int)0x8862),
OesPointSprite = ((int)1),
public enum OesQueryMatrix : int
OesQueryMatrix = ((int)1),
public enum OesReadFormat : int
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0x8B9A),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0x8B9B),
OesReadFormat = ((int)1),
public enum OesRgb8Rgba8 : int
Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8051),
Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8058),
OesRgb8Rgba8 = ((int)1),
public enum OesSinglePrecision : int
OesSinglePrecision = ((int)1),
public enum OesStencil1 : int
StencilIndex1Oes = ((int)0x8D46),
OesStencil1 = ((int)1),
public enum OesStencil4 : int
StencilIndex4Oes = ((int)0x8D47),
OesStencil4 = ((int)1),
public enum OesStencil8 : int
StencilIndex8Oes = ((int)0x8D48),
OesStencil8 = ((int)1),
public enum OesStencilWrap : int
IncrWrapOes = ((int)0x8507),
DecrWrapOes = ((int)0x8508),
OesStencilWrap = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureCubeMap : int
TextureGenModeOes = ((int)0x2500),
NormalMapOes = ((int)0x8511),
ReflectionMapOes = ((int)0x8512),
TextureCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8513),
TextureBindingCubeMapOes = ((int)0x8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveXOes = ((int)0x8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeXOes = ((int)0x8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveYOes = ((int)0x8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeYOes = ((int)0x8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZOes = ((int)0x8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZOes = ((int)0x851A),
MaxCubeMapTextureSizeOes = ((int)0x851C),
TextureGenStrOes = ((int)0x8D60),
OesTextureCubeMap = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureEnvCrossbar : int
OesTextureEnvCrossbar = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureMirroredRepeat : int
MirroredRepeatOes = ((int)0x8370),
OesTextureMirroredRepeat = ((int)1),
public enum OpenGlescoreVersions : int
VersionEsCl10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl11 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm11 = ((int)1),
public enum PixelFormat : int
Alpha = ((int)0x1906),
Rgb = ((int)0x1907),
Rgba = ((int)0x1908),
Luminance = ((int)0x1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0x190A),
public enum PixelStoreParameter : int
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
public enum PixelType : int
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0x8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0x8034),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0x8363),
public enum QcomDriverControl : int
QcomDriverControl = ((int)1),
public enum QcomPerfmonGlobalMode : int
PerfmonGlobalModeQcom = ((int)0x8FA0),
QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = ((int)1),
public enum ShadingModel : int
Flat = ((int)0x1D00),
Smooth = ((int)0x1D01),
public enum StencilOp : int
Keep = ((int)0x1E00),
Replace = ((int)0x1E01),
Incr = ((int)0x1E02),
Decr = ((int)0x1E03),
public enum StringName : int
Vendor = ((int)0x1F00),
Renderer = ((int)0x1F01),
Version = ((int)0x1F02),
Extensions = ((int)0x1F03),
public enum TextureCombineDot3 : int
AlphaScale = ((int)0x0D1C),
Subtract = ((int)0x84E7),
Combine = ((int)0x8570),
CombineRgb = ((int)0x8571),
CombineAlpha = ((int)0x8572),
RgbScale = ((int)0x8573),
AddSigned = ((int)0x8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0x8575),
Constant = ((int)0x8576),
PrimaryColor = ((int)0x8577),
Previous = ((int)0x8578),
Src0Rgb = ((int)0x8580),
Src1Rgb = ((int)0x8581),
Src2Rgb = ((int)0x8582),
Src0Alpha = ((int)0x8588),
Src1Alpha = ((int)0x8589),
Src2Alpha = ((int)0x858A),
Operand0Rgb = ((int)0x8590),
Operand1Rgb = ((int)0x8591),
Operand2Rgb = ((int)0x8592),
Operand0Alpha = ((int)0x8598),
Operand1Alpha = ((int)0x8599),
Operand2Alpha = ((int)0x859A),
Dot3Rgb = ((int)0x86AE),
Dot3Rgba = ((int)0x86AF),
public enum TextureEnvMode : int
Add = ((int)0x0104),
Modulate = ((int)0x2100),
Decal = ((int)0x2101),
public enum TextureEnvParameter : int
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0x2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0x2201),
public enum TextureEnvTarget : int
TextureEnv = ((int)0x2300),
public enum TextureMagFilter : int
Nearest = ((int)0x2600),
Linear = ((int)0x2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter : int
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2703),
public enum TextureParameterName : int
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0x2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0x2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0x2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0x2803),
GenerateMipmap = ((int)0x8191),
public enum TextureUnit : int
Texture0 = ((int)0x84C0),
Texture1 = ((int)0x84C1),
Texture2 = ((int)0x84C2),
Texture3 = ((int)0x84C3),
Texture4 = ((int)0x84C4),
Texture5 = ((int)0x84C5),
Texture6 = ((int)0x84C6),
Texture7 = ((int)0x84C7),
Texture8 = ((int)0x84C8),
Texture9 = ((int)0x84C9),
Texture10 = ((int)0x84CA),
Texture11 = ((int)0x84CB),
Texture12 = ((int)0x84CC),
Texture13 = ((int)0x84CD),
Texture14 = ((int)0x84CE),
Texture15 = ((int)0x84CF),
Texture16 = ((int)0x84D0),
Texture17 = ((int)0x84D1),
Texture18 = ((int)0x84D2),
Texture19 = ((int)0x84D3),
Texture20 = ((int)0x84D4),
Texture21 = ((int)0x84D5),
Texture22 = ((int)0x84D6),
Texture23 = ((int)0x84D7),
Texture24 = ((int)0x84D8),
Texture25 = ((int)0x84D9),
Texture26 = ((int)0x84DA),
Texture27 = ((int)0x84DB),
Texture28 = ((int)0x84DC),
Texture29 = ((int)0x84DD),
Texture30 = ((int)0x84DE),
Texture31 = ((int)0x84DF),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E0),
ClientActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E1),
public enum TextureWrapMode : int
Repeat = ((int)0x2901),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0x812F),