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#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES10
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 0649
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class GL
internal static partial class Delegates
internal delegate void ActiveTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All texture);
internal static ActiveTexture glActiveTexture;
internal delegate void AlphaFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, Single @ref);
internal static AlphaFunc glAlphaFunc;
internal delegate void AlphaFuncx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, int @ref);
internal static AlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncx;
internal delegate void BindTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, UInt32 texture);
internal static BindTexture glBindTexture;
internal delegate void BlendFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All sfactor, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All dfactor);
internal static BlendFunc glBlendFunc;
internal delegate void Clear(UInt32 mask);
internal static Clear glClear;
internal delegate void ClearColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
internal static ClearColor glClearColor;
internal delegate void ClearColorx(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
internal static ClearColorx glClearColorx;
internal delegate void ClearDepthf(Single depth);
internal static ClearDepthf glClearDepthf;
internal delegate void ClearDepthx(int depth);
internal static ClearDepthx glClearDepthx;
internal delegate void ClearStencil(Int32 s);
internal static ClearStencil glClearStencil;
internal delegate void ClientActiveTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All texture);
internal static ClientActiveTexture glClientActiveTexture;
internal delegate void Color4f(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
internal static Color4f glColor4f;
internal delegate void Color4x(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
internal static Color4x glColor4x;
internal delegate void ColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
internal static ColorMask glColorMask;
internal delegate void ColorPointer(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
internal static ColorPointer glColorPointer;
internal delegate void CompressedTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CompressedTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All internalformat, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border);
internal static CopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
internal static CopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CullFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static CullFace glCullFace;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteTextures(Int32 n, UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static DeleteTextures glDeleteTextures;
internal delegate void DepthFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func);
internal static DepthFunc glDepthFunc;
internal delegate void DepthMask(bool flag);
internal static DepthMask glDepthMask;
internal delegate void DepthRangef(Single zNear, Single zFar);
internal static DepthRangef glDepthRangef;
internal delegate void DepthRangex(int zNear, int zFar);
internal static DepthRangex glDepthRangex;
internal delegate void Disable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All cap);
internal static Disable glDisable;
internal delegate void DisableClientState(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All array);
internal static DisableClientState glDisableClientState;
internal delegate void DrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode, Int32 first, Int32 count);
internal static DrawArrays glDrawArrays;
internal delegate void DrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, IntPtr indices);
internal static DrawElements glDrawElements;
internal delegate void Enable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All cap);
internal static Enable glEnable;
internal delegate void EnableClientState(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All array);
internal static EnableClientState glEnableClientState;
internal delegate void Finish();
internal static Finish glFinish;
internal delegate void Flush();
internal static Flush glFlush;
internal delegate void Fogf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single param);
internal static Fogf glFogf;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogfv glFogfv;
internal delegate void Fogx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int param);
internal static Fogx glFogx;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogxv glFogxv;
internal delegate void FrontFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static FrontFace glFrontFace;
internal delegate void Frustumf(Single left, Single right, Single bottom, Single top, Single zNear, Single zFar);
internal static Frustumf glFrustumf;
internal delegate void Frustumx(int left, int right, int bottom, int top, int zNear, int zFar);
internal static Frustumx glFrustumx;
internal unsafe delegate void GenTextures(Int32 n, UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static GenTextures glGenTextures;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All GetError();
internal static GetError glGetError;
internal unsafe delegate void GetIntegerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetIntegerv glGetIntegerv;
internal unsafe delegate System.IntPtr GetString(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All name);
internal unsafe static GetString glGetString;
internal delegate void Hint(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static Hint glHint;
internal delegate void Lightf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single param);
internal static Lightf glLightf;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightfv glLightfv;
internal delegate void LightModelf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single param);
internal static LightModelf glLightModelf;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelfv glLightModelfv;
internal delegate void LightModelx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int param);
internal static LightModelx glLightModelx;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelxv glLightModelxv;
internal delegate void Lightx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int param);
internal static Lightx glLightx;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightxv glLightxv;
internal delegate void LineWidth(Single width);
internal static LineWidth glLineWidth;
internal delegate void LineWidthx(int width);
internal static LineWidthx glLineWidthx;
internal delegate void LoadIdentity();
internal static LoadIdentity glLoadIdentity;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixf(Single* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixx(int* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixx;
internal delegate void LogicOp(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All opcode);
internal static LogicOp glLogicOp;
internal delegate void Materialf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single param);
internal static Materialf glMaterialf;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialfv glMaterialfv;
internal delegate void Materialx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int param);
internal static Materialx glMaterialx;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialxv glMaterialxv;
internal delegate void MatrixMode(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static MatrixMode glMatrixMode;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4f(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, Single s, Single t, Single r, Single q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4f;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4x(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, int s, int t, int r, int q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4x;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixf(Single* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixf glMultMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixx(int* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixx glMultMatrixx;
internal delegate void Normal3f(Single nx, Single ny, Single nz);
internal static Normal3f glNormal3f;
internal delegate void Normal3x(int nx, int ny, int nz);
internal static Normal3x glNormal3x;
internal delegate void NormalPointer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
internal static NormalPointer glNormalPointer;
internal delegate void Orthof(Single left, Single right, Single bottom, Single top, Single zNear, Single zFar);
internal static Orthof glOrthof;
internal delegate void Orthox(int left, int right, int bottom, int top, int zNear, int zFar);
internal static Orthox glOrthox;
internal delegate void PixelStorei(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Int32 param);
internal static PixelStorei glPixelStorei;
internal delegate void PointSize(Single size);
internal static PointSize glPointSize;
internal delegate void PointSizex(int size);
internal static PointSizex glPointSizex;
internal delegate void PolygonOffset(Single factor, Single units);
internal static PolygonOffset glPolygonOffset;
internal delegate void PolygonOffsetx(int factor, int units);
internal static PolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetx;
internal delegate void PopMatrix();
internal static PopMatrix glPopMatrix;
internal delegate void PushMatrix();
internal static PushMatrix glPushMatrix;
internal delegate void ReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, IntPtr pixels);
internal static ReadPixels glReadPixels;
internal delegate void Rotatef(Single angle, Single x, Single y, Single z);
internal static Rotatef glRotatef;
internal delegate void Rotatex(int angle, int x, int y, int z);
internal static Rotatex glRotatex;
internal delegate void SampleCoverage(Single value, bool invert);
internal static SampleCoverage glSampleCoverage;
internal delegate void SampleCoveragex(int value, bool invert);
internal static SampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragex;
internal delegate void Scalef(Single x, Single y, Single z);
internal static Scalef glScalef;
internal delegate void Scalex(int x, int y, int z);
internal static Scalex glScalex;
internal delegate void Scissor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
internal static Scissor glScissor;
internal delegate void ShadeModel(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static ShadeModel glShadeModel;
internal delegate void StencilFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFunc glStencilFunc;
internal delegate void StencilMask(UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMask glStencilMask;
internal delegate void StencilOp(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All fail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All zfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All zpass);
internal static StencilOp glStencilOp;
internal delegate void TexCoordPointer(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
internal static TexCoordPointer glTexCoordPointer;
internal delegate void TexEnvf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single param);
internal static TexEnvf glTexEnvf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvfv glTexEnvfv;
internal delegate void TexEnvx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int param);
internal static TexEnvx glTexEnvx;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvxv glTexEnvxv;
internal delegate void TexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, Int32 level, Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexImage2D glTexImage2D;
internal delegate void TexParameterf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, Single param);
internal static TexParameterf glTexParameterf;
internal delegate void TexParameterx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, int param);
internal static TexParameterx glTexParameterx;
internal delegate void TexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void Translatef(Single x, Single y, Single z);
internal static Translatef glTranslatef;
internal delegate void Translatex(int x, int y, int z);
internal static Translatex glTranslatex;
internal delegate void VertexPointer(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
internal static VertexPointer glVertexPointer;
internal delegate void Viewport(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
internal static Viewport glViewport;