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#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum ActiveAttribType : int
Float = ((int)0X1406),
FloatVec2 = ((int)0X8b50),
FloatVec3 = ((int)0X8b51),
FloatVec4 = ((int)0X8b52),
FloatMat2 = ((int)0X8b5a),
FloatMat3 = ((int)0X8b5b),
FloatMat4 = ((int)0X8b5c),
public enum ActiveUniformType : int
Int = ((int)0X1404),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
FloatVec2 = ((int)0X8b50),
FloatVec3 = ((int)0X8b51),
FloatVec4 = ((int)0X8b52),
IntVec2 = ((int)0X8b53),
IntVec3 = ((int)0X8b54),
IntVec4 = ((int)0X8b55),
Bool = ((int)0X8b56),
BoolVec2 = ((int)0X8b57),
BoolVec3 = ((int)0X8b58),
BoolVec4 = ((int)0X8b59),
FloatMat2 = ((int)0X8b5a),
FloatMat3 = ((int)0X8b5b),
FloatMat4 = ((int)0X8b5c),
Sampler2D = ((int)0X8b5e),
SamplerCube = ((int)0X8b60),
public enum All : int
False = ((int)0),
NoError = ((int)0),
None = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0x0000),
ColorBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x00000001),
ColorBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x00000002),
ColorBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x00000004),
ColorBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x00000008),
ColorBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x00000010),
ColorBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x00000020),
ColorBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x00000040),
ColorBufferBit7Qcom = ((int)0x00000080),
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0x00000100),
DepthBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x00000100),
DepthBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x00000200),
DepthBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x00000400),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0x00000400),
DepthBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x00000800),
DepthBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x00001000),
DepthBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x00002000),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0x00004000),
DepthBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x00004000),
DepthBufferBit7Qcom = ((int)0x00008000),
Lines = ((int)0x0001),
StencilBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x00010000),
LineLoop = ((int)0x0002),
StencilBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x00020000),
LineStrip = ((int)0x0003),
Triangles = ((int)0x0004),
StencilBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x00040000),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0x0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0x0006),
StencilBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x00080000),
StencilBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x00100000),
StencilBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x00200000),
StencilBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x00400000),
StencilBufferBit7Qcom = ((int)0x00800000),
MultisampleBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x01000000),
Never = ((int)0x0200),
MultisampleBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x02000000),
Less = ((int)0x0201),
Equal = ((int)0x0202),
Lequal = ((int)0x0203),
Greater = ((int)0x0204),
Notequal = ((int)0x0205),
Gequal = ((int)0x0206),
Always = ((int)0x0207),
SrcColor = ((int)0x0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0x0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0x0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0x0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0x0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0x0305),
DstColor = ((int)0x0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0x0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0x0308),
MultisampleBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x04000000),
Front = ((int)0x0404),
Back = ((int)0x0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0x0408),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0x0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0x0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0x0502),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0x0505),
InvalidFramebufferOperation = ((int)0x0506),
MultisampleBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x08000000),
Cw = ((int)0x0900),
Ccw = ((int)0x0901),
LineWidth = ((int)0x0B21),
CullFace = ((int)0x0B44),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0x0B45),
FrontFace = ((int)0x0B46),
DepthRange = ((int)0x0B70),
DepthTest = ((int)0x0B71),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0x0B72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0x0B73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0x0B74),
StencilTest = ((int)0x0B90),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0x0B91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0x0B92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0x0B93),
StencilFail = ((int)0x0B94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0x0B95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0x0B96),
StencilRef = ((int)0x0B97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0x0B98),
Viewport = ((int)0x0BA2),
Dither = ((int)0x0BD0),
Blend = ((int)0x0BE2),
ScissorBox = ((int)0x0C10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0x0C22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0x0C23),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0x0D33),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0x0D3A),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0x0D50),
RedBits = ((int)0x0D52),
GreenBits = ((int)0x0D53),
BlueBits = ((int)0x0D54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0x0D55),
DepthBits = ((int)0x0D56),
StencilBits = ((int)0x0D57),
Texture2D = ((int)0x0DE1),
MultisampleBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x10000000),
DontCare = ((int)0x1100),
Fastest = ((int)0x1101),
Nicest = ((int)0x1102),
Byte = ((int)0x1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0x1401),
Short = ((int)0x1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0x1403),
Int = ((int)0x1404),
UnsignedInt = ((int)0x1405),
Float = ((int)0x1406),
Fixed = ((int)0x140C),
Invert = ((int)0x150A),
Texture = ((int)0x1702),
ColorExt = ((int)0x1800),
DepthExt = ((int)0x1801),
StencilExt = ((int)0x1802),
StencilIndex = ((int)0x1901),
DepthComponent = ((int)0x1902),
Alpha = ((int)0x1906),
Rgb = ((int)0x1907),
Rgba = ((int)0x1908),
Luminance = ((int)0x1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0x190A),
Keep = ((int)0x1E00),
Replace = ((int)0x1E01),
Incr = ((int)0x1E02),
Decr = ((int)0x1E03),
Vendor = ((int)0x1F00),
Renderer = ((int)0x1F01),
Version = ((int)0x1F02),
Extensions = ((int)0x1F03),
MultisampleBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x20000000),
Nearest = ((int)0x2600),
Linear = ((int)0x2601),
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2703),
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0x2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0x2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0x2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0x2803),
Repeat = ((int)0x2901),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0x2A00),
MultisampleBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x40000000),
CoverageBufferBitNv = ((int)0x8000),
MultisampleBufferBit7Qcom = unchecked((int)0x80000000),
ConstantColor = ((int)0x8001),
OneMinusConstantColor = ((int)0x8002),
ConstantAlpha = ((int)0x8003),
OneMinusConstantAlpha = ((int)0x8004),
BlendColor = ((int)0x8005),
FuncAdd = ((int)0x8006),
MinExt = ((int)0x8007),
MaxExt = ((int)0x8008),
BlendEquation = ((int)0x8009),
BlendEquationRgb = ((int)0X8009),
FuncSubtract = ((int)0x800A),
FuncReverseSubtract = ((int)0x800B),
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0x8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0x8034),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0x8038),
Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8051),
Rgba4 = ((int)0x8056),
Rgb5A1 = ((int)0x8057),
Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8058),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0x8069),
TextureBinding3DOes = ((int)0x806A),
Texture3DOes = ((int)0x806F),
TextureWrapROes = ((int)0x8072),
Max3DTextureSizeOes = ((int)0x8073),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0x809E),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0x80A0),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0x80A8),
Samples = ((int)0x80A9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0x80AA),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0x80AB),
BlendDstRgb = ((int)0x80C8),
BlendSrcRgb = ((int)0x80C9),
BlendDstAlpha = ((int)0x80CA),
BlendSrcAlpha = ((int)0x80CB),
BgraExt = ((int)0x80E1),
BgraImg = ((int)0x80E1),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0x812F),
TextureMaxLevelApple = ((int)0x813D),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0x8192),
DepthComponent16 = ((int)0x81A5),
DepthComponent24Oes = ((int)0x81A6),
DepthComponent32Oes = ((int)0x81A7),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0x8363),
UnsignedShort4444RevExt = ((int)0x8365),
UnsignedShort4444RevImg = ((int)0x8365),
UnsignedShort1555RevExt = ((int)0x8366),
UnsignedInt2101010RevExt = ((int)0x8368),
MirroredRepeat = ((int)0x8370),
CompressedRgbS3tcDxt1Ext = ((int)0x83F0),
CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext = ((int)0x83F1),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0x846D),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0x846E),
Texture0 = ((int)0x84C0),
Texture1 = ((int)0x84C1),
Texture2 = ((int)0x84C2),
Texture3 = ((int)0x84C3),
Texture4 = ((int)0x84C4),
Texture5 = ((int)0x84C5),
Texture6 = ((int)0x84C6),
Texture7 = ((int)0x84C7),
Texture8 = ((int)0x84C8),
Texture9 = ((int)0x84C9),
Texture10 = ((int)0x84CA),
Texture11 = ((int)0x84CB),
Texture12 = ((int)0x84CC),
Texture13 = ((int)0x84CD),
Texture14 = ((int)0x84CE),
Texture15 = ((int)0x84CF),
Texture16 = ((int)0x84D0),
Texture17 = ((int)0x84D1),
Texture18 = ((int)0x84D2),
Texture19 = ((int)0x84D3),
Texture20 = ((int)0x84D4),
Texture21 = ((int)0x84D5),
Texture22 = ((int)0x84D6),
Texture23 = ((int)0x84D7),
Texture24 = ((int)0x84D8),
Texture25 = ((int)0x84D9),
Texture26 = ((int)0x84DA),
Texture27 = ((int)0x84DB),
Texture28 = ((int)0x84DC),
Texture29 = ((int)0x84DD),
Texture30 = ((int)0x84DE),
Texture31 = ((int)0x84DF),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E0),
MaxRenderbufferSize = ((int)0x84E8),
AllCompletedNv = ((int)0x84F2),
FenceStatusNv = ((int)0x84F3),
FenceConditionNv = ((int)0x84F4),
DepthStencilOes = ((int)0x84F9),
UnsignedInt248Oes = ((int)0x84FA),
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FE),
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FF),
IncrWrap = ((int)0x8507),
DecrWrap = ((int)0x8508),
TextureCubeMap = ((int)0x8513),
TextureBindingCubeMap = ((int)0x8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveX = ((int)0x8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeX = ((int)0x8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveY = ((int)0x8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeY = ((int)0x8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZ = ((int)0x8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZ = ((int)0x851A),
MaxCubeMapTextureSize = ((int)0x851C),
VertexArrayBindingOes = ((int)0x85B5),
UnsignedShort88Apple = ((int)0x85BA),
UnsignedShort88RevApple = ((int)0x85BB),
VertexAttribArrayEnabled = ((int)0x8622),
VertexAttribArraySize = ((int)0x8623),
VertexAttribArrayStride = ((int)0x8624),
VertexAttribArrayType = ((int)0x8625),
CurrentVertexAttrib = ((int)0x8626),
VertexAttribArrayPointer = ((int)0x8645),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A3),
Z400BinaryAmd = ((int)0x8740),
ProgramBinaryLengthOes = ((int)0x8741),
BufferSize = ((int)0x8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0x8765),
AtcRgbaInterpolatedAlphaAmd = ((int)0x87EE),
Gl3DcXAmd = ((int)0x87F9),
Gl3DcXyAmd = ((int)0x87FA),
NumProgramBinaryFormatsOes = ((int)0x87FE),
ProgramBinaryFormatsOes = ((int)0x87FF),
StencilBackFunc = ((int)0x8800),
StencilBackFail = ((int)0x8801),
StencilBackPassDepthFail = ((int)0x8802),
StencilBackPassDepthPass = ((int)0x8803),
WriteonlyRenderingQcom = ((int)0x8823),
BlendEquationAlpha = ((int)0x883D),
MaxVertexAttribs = ((int)0x8869),
VertexAttribArrayNormalized = ((int)0x886A),
MaxTextureImageUnits = ((int)0x8872),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8895),
VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x889F),
WriteOnlyOes = ((int)0x88B9),
BufferAccessOes = ((int)0x88BB),
BufferMappedOes = ((int)0x88BC),
BufferMapPointerOes = ((int)0x88BD),
StreamDraw = ((int)0x88E0),
StaticDraw = ((int)0x88E4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0x88E8),
Depth24Stencil8Oes = ((int)0x88F0),
Rgb422Apple = ((int)0x8A1F),
FragmentShader = ((int)0x8B30),
VertexShader = ((int)0x8B31),
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = ((int)0x8B4C),
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = ((int)0x8B4D),
ShaderType = ((int)0x8B4F),
FloatVec2 = ((int)0x8B50),
FloatVec3 = ((int)0x8B51),
FloatVec4 = ((int)0x8B52),
IntVec2 = ((int)0x8B53),
IntVec3 = ((int)0x8B54),
IntVec4 = ((int)0x8B55),
Bool = ((int)0x8B56),
BoolVec2 = ((int)0x8B57),
BoolVec3 = ((int)0x8B58),
BoolVec4 = ((int)0x8B59),
FloatMat2 = ((int)0x8B5A),
FloatMat3 = ((int)0x8B5B),
FloatMat4 = ((int)0x8B5C),
Sampler2D = ((int)0x8B5E),
Sampler3DOes = ((int)0x8B5F),
SamplerCube = ((int)0x8B60),
DeleteStatus = ((int)0x8B80),
CompileStatus = ((int)0x8B81),
LinkStatus = ((int)0x8B82),
ValidateStatus = ((int)0x8B83),
InfoLogLength = ((int)0x8B84),
AttachedShaders = ((int)0x8B85),
ActiveUniforms = ((int)0x8B86),
ActiveUniformMaxLength = ((int)0x8B87),
ShaderSourceLength = ((int)0x8B88),
ActiveAttributes = ((int)0x8B89),
ActiveAttributeMaxLength = ((int)0x8B8A),
FragmentShaderDerivativeHintOes = ((int)0x8B8B),
ShadingLanguageVersion = ((int)0x8B8C),
CurrentProgram = ((int)0x8B8D),
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B99),
ImplementationColorReadType = ((int)0x8B9A),
ImplementationColorReadFormat = ((int)0x8B9B),
CounterTypeAmd = ((int)0x8BC0),
CounterRangeAmd = ((int)0x8BC1),
UnsignedInt64Amd = ((int)0x8BC2),
PercentageAmd = ((int)0x8BC3),
PerfmonResultAvailableAmd = ((int)0x8BC4),
PerfmonResultSizeAmd = ((int)0x8BC5),
PerfmonResultAmd = ((int)0x8BC6),
TextureWidthQcom = ((int)0x8BD2),
TextureHeightQcom = ((int)0x8BD3),
TextureDepthQcom = ((int)0x8BD4),
TextureInternalFormatQcom = ((int)0x8BD5),
TextureFormatQcom = ((int)0x8BD6),
TextureTypeQcom = ((int)0x8BD7),
TextureImageValidQcom = ((int)0x8BD8),
TextureNumLevelsQcom = ((int)0x8BD9),
TextureTargetQcom = ((int)0x8BDA),
TextureObjectValidQcom = ((int)0x8BDB),
StateRestore = ((int)0x8BDC),
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C00),
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C01),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C02),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C03),
SgxBinaryImg = ((int)0x8C0A),
AtcRgbAmd = ((int)0x8C92),
AtcRgbaExplicitAlphaAmd = ((int)0x8C93),
StencilBackRef = ((int)0x8CA3),
StencilBackValueMask = ((int)0x8CA4),
StencilBackWritemask = ((int)0x8CA5),
DrawFramebufferBindingAngle = ((int)0x8CA6),
DrawFramebufferBindingApple = ((int)0x8CA6),
FramebufferBinding = ((int)0x8CA6),
RenderbufferBinding = ((int)0x8CA7),
ReadFramebufferAngle = ((int)0x8CA8),
ReadFramebufferApple = ((int)0x8CA8),
DrawFramebufferAngle = ((int)0x8CA9),
DrawFramebufferApple = ((int)0x8CA9),
ReadFramebufferBindingAngle = ((int)0x8CAA),
ReadFramebufferBindingApple = ((int)0x8CAA),
RenderbufferSamplesAngle = ((int)0x8CAB),
RenderbufferSamplesApple = ((int)0x8CAB),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectType = ((int)0x8CD0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectName = ((int)0x8CD1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevel = ((int)0x8CD2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace = ((int)0x8CD3),
FramebufferAttachmentTexture3DZoffsetOes = ((int)0x8CD4),
FramebufferComplete = ((int)0x8CD5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachment = ((int)0x8CD6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment = ((int)0x8CD7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensions = ((int)0x8CD9),
FramebufferUnsupported = ((int)0x8CDD),
ColorAttachment0 = ((int)0x8CE0),
DepthAttachment = ((int)0x8D00),
StencilAttachment = ((int)0x8D20),
Framebuffer = ((int)0x8D40),
Renderbuffer = ((int)0x8D41),
RenderbufferWidth = ((int)0x8D42),
RenderbufferHeight = ((int)0x8D43),
RenderbufferInternalFormat = ((int)0x8D44),
StencilIndex1Oes = ((int)0x8D46),
StencilIndex4Oes = ((int)0x8D47),
StencilIndex8 = ((int)0x8D48),
RenderbufferRedSize = ((int)0x8D50),
RenderbufferGreenSize = ((int)0x8D51),
RenderbufferBlueSize = ((int)0x8D52),
RenderbufferAlphaSize = ((int)0x8D53),
RenderbufferDepthSize = ((int)0x8D54),
RenderbufferStencilSize = ((int)0x8D55),
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleAngle = ((int)0x8D56),
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleApple = ((int)0x8D56),
MaxSamplesAngle = ((int)0x8D57),
MaxSamplesApple = ((int)0x8D57),
HalfFloatOes = ((int)0x8D61),
Rgb565 = ((int)0x8D62),
Etc1Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8D64),
LowFloat = ((int)0x8DF0),
MediumFloat = ((int)0x8DF1),
HighFloat = ((int)0x8DF2),
LowInt = ((int)0x8DF3),
MediumInt = ((int)0x8DF4),
HighInt = ((int)0x8DF5),
UnsignedInt1010102Oes = ((int)0x8DF6),
Int1010102Oes = ((int)0x8DF7),
ShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0x8DF8),
NumShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0x8DF9),
ShaderCompiler = ((int)0x8DFA),
MaxVertexUniformVectors = ((int)0x8DFB),
MaxVaryingVectors = ((int)0x8DFC),
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = ((int)0x8DFD),
DepthComponent16NonlinearNv = ((int)0x8E2C),
CoverageComponentNv = ((int)0x8ED0),
CoverageComponent4Nv = ((int)0x8ED1),
CoverageAttachmentNv = ((int)0x8ED2),
CoverageBuffersNv = ((int)0x8ED3),
CoverageSamplesNv = ((int)0x8ED4),
CoverageAllFragmentsNv = ((int)0x8ED5),
CoverageEdgeFragmentsNv = ((int)0x8ED6),
CoverageAutomaticNv = ((int)0x8ED7),
MaliShaderBinaryArm = ((int)0x8F60),
PerfmonGlobalModeQcom = ((int)0x8FA0),
ShaderBinaryViv = ((int)0x8FC4),
SgxProgramBinaryImg = ((int)0x9130),
RenderbufferSamplesImg = ((int)0x9133),
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleImg = ((int)0x9134),
MaxSamplesImg = ((int)0x9135),
TextureSamplesImg = ((int)0x9136),
AmdCompressed3DcTexture = ((int)1),
AmdCompressedAtcTexture = ((int)1),
AmdPerformanceMonitor = ((int)1),
AmdProgramBinaryZ400 = ((int)1),
AngleFramebufferBlit = ((int)1),
AngleFramebufferMultisample = ((int)1),
AppleFramebufferMultisample = ((int)1),
AppleRgb422 = ((int)1),
AppleTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
AppleTextureMaxLevel = ((int)1),
ArmMaliShaderBinary = ((int)1),
ArmRgba8 = ((int)1),
EsVersion20 = ((int)1),
ExtBlendMinmax = ((int)1),
ExtDiscardFramebuffer = ((int)1),
ExtMultiDrawArrays = ((int)1),
ExtReadFormatBgra = ((int)1),
ExtShaderTextureLod = ((int)1),
ExtTextureCompressionDxt1 = ((int)1),
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = ((int)1),
ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
ExtTextureType2101010Rev = ((int)1),
ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture = ((int)1),
ImgProgramBinary = ((int)1),
ImgReadFormat = ((int)1),
ImgShaderBinary = ((int)1),
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = ((int)1),
NvCoverageSample = ((int)1),
NvDepthNonlinear = ((int)1),
NvFence = ((int)1),
OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = ((int)1),
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
OesDepth24 = ((int)1),
OesDepth32 = ((int)1),
OesDepthTexture = ((int)1),
OesEglImage = ((int)1),
OesElementIndexUint = ((int)1),
OesFboRenderMipmap = ((int)1),
OesFragmentPrecisionHigh = ((int)1),
OesGetProgramBinary = ((int)1),
OesMapbuffer = ((int)1),
OesPackedDepthStencil = ((int)1),
OesRgb8Rgba8 = ((int)1),
OesStandardDerivatives = ((int)1),
OesStencil1 = ((int)1),
OesStencil4 = ((int)1),
OesTexture3D = ((int)1),
OesTextureFloat = ((int)1),
OesTextureFloatLinear = ((int)1),
OesTextureHalfFloat = ((int)1),
OesTextureHalfFloatLinear = ((int)1),
OesTextureNpot = ((int)1),
OesVertexArrayObject = ((int)1),
OesVertexHalfFloat = ((int)1),
OesVertexType1010102 = ((int)1),
One = ((int)1),
QcomDriverControl = ((int)1),
QcomExtendedGet = ((int)1),
QcomExtendedGet2 = ((int)1),
QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = ((int)1),
QcomTiledRendering = ((int)1),
QcomWriteonlyRendering = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
VivShaderBinary = ((int)1),
public enum AmdCompressed3Dctexture : int
Gl3DcXAmd = ((int)0x87F9),
Gl3DcXyAmd = ((int)0x87FA),
AmdCompressed3DcTexture = ((int)1),
public enum AmdCompressedAtctexture : int
AtcRgbaInterpolatedAlphaAmd = ((int)0x87EE),
AtcRgbAmd = ((int)0x8C92),
AtcRgbaExplicitAlphaAmd = ((int)0x8C93),
AmdCompressedAtcTexture = ((int)1),
public enum AmdPerformanceMonitor : int
CounterTypeAmd = ((int)0x8BC0),
CounterRangeAmd = ((int)0x8BC1),
UnsignedInt64Amd = ((int)0x8BC2),
PercentageAmd = ((int)0x8BC3),
PerfmonResultAvailableAmd = ((int)0x8BC4),
PerfmonResultSizeAmd = ((int)0x8BC5),
PerfmonResultAmd = ((int)0x8BC6),
AmdPerformanceMonitor = ((int)1),
public enum AmdProgramBinaryZ400 : int
Z400BinaryAmd = ((int)0x8740),
AmdProgramBinaryZ400 = ((int)1),
public enum AngleFramebufferBlit : int
DrawFramebufferBindingAngle = ((int)0x8CA6),
ReadFramebufferAngle = ((int)0x8CA8),
DrawFramebufferAngle = ((int)0x8CA9),
ReadFramebufferBindingAngle = ((int)0x8CAA),
AngleFramebufferBlit = ((int)1),
public enum AngleFramebufferMultisample : int
RenderbufferSamplesAngle = ((int)0x8CAB),
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleAngle = ((int)0x8D56),
MaxSamplesAngle = ((int)0x8D57),
AngleFramebufferMultisample = ((int)1),
public enum AppleFramebufferMultisample : int
DrawFramebufferBindingApple = ((int)0x8CA6),
ReadFramebufferApple = ((int)0x8CA8),
DrawFramebufferApple = ((int)0x8CA9),
ReadFramebufferBindingApple = ((int)0x8CAA),
RenderbufferSamplesApple = ((int)0x8CAB),
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleApple = ((int)0x8D56),
MaxSamplesApple = ((int)0x8D57),
AppleFramebufferMultisample = ((int)1),
public enum AppleRgb422 : int
UnsignedShort88Apple = ((int)0x85BA),
UnsignedShort88RevApple = ((int)0x85BB),
Rgb422Apple = ((int)0x8A1F),
AppleRgb422 = ((int)1),
public enum AppleTextureFormatBgra8888 : int
BgraExt = ((int)0x80E1),
AppleTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
public enum AppleTextureMaxLevel : int
TextureMaxLevelApple = ((int)0x813D),
AppleTextureMaxLevel = ((int)1),
public enum ArmMaliShaderBinary : int
MaliShaderBinaryArm = ((int)0x8F60),
ArmMaliShaderBinary = ((int)1),
public enum ArmRgba8 : int
ArmRgba8 = ((int)1),
public enum BeginMode : int
Points = ((int)0x0000),
Lines = ((int)0x0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0x0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0x0003),
Triangles = ((int)0x0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0x0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0x0006),
public enum BlendEquationMode : int
FuncAdd = ((int)0X8006),
FuncSubtract = ((int)0X800a),
FuncReverseSubtract = ((int)0X800b),
public enum BlendEquationSeparate : int
FuncAdd = ((int)0x8006),
BlendEquation = ((int)0x8009),
BlendEquationAlpha = ((int)0x883D),
public enum BlendingFactorDest : int
Zero = ((int)0),
SrcColor = ((int)0x0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0x0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0x0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0x0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0x0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0x0305),
DstColor = ((int)0X0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0X0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0X0308),
ConstantColor = ((int)0X8001),
OneMinusConstantColor = ((int)0X8002),
ConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8003),
OneMinusConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8004),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc : int
Zero = ((int)0),
SrcColor = ((int)0X0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0X0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0X0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0X0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0X0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0X0305),
DstColor = ((int)0x0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0x0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0x0308),
ConstantColor = ((int)0X8001),
OneMinusConstantColor = ((int)0X8002),
ConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8003),
OneMinusConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8004),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendSubtract : int
FuncSubtract = ((int)0x800A),
FuncReverseSubtract = ((int)0x800B),
public enum Boolean : int
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BufferObjects : int
CurrentVertexAttrib = ((int)0x8626),
BufferSize = ((int)0x8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0x8765),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0x8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x8895),
StreamDraw = ((int)0x88E0),
StaticDraw = ((int)0x88E4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0x88E8),
public enum BufferParameterName : int
BufferSize = ((int)0X8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0X8765),
public enum BufferTarget : int
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8893),
public enum BufferUsage : int
StreamDraw = ((int)0X88e0),
StaticDraw = ((int)0X88e4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0X88e8),
public enum ClearBufferMask : int
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0x00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0x00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0x00004000),
public enum CullFaceMode : int
Front = ((int)0x0404),
Back = ((int)0x0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0x0408),
public enum DataType : int
Byte = ((int)0x1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0x1401),
Short = ((int)0x1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0x1403),
Int = ((int)0x1404),
UnsignedInt = ((int)0x1405),
Float = ((int)0x1406),
Fixed = ((int)0x140C),
public enum DepthFunction : int
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
public enum DrawElementsType : int
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
public enum EnableCap : int
CullFace = ((int)0x0B44),
DepthTest = ((int)0x0B71),
StencilTest = ((int)0x0B90),
Dither = ((int)0x0BD0),
Blend = ((int)0x0BE2),
ScissorTest = ((int)0x0C11),
Texture2D = ((int)0x0DE1),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0x8037),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0x809E),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0x80A0),
public enum ErrorCode : int
NoError = ((int)0),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0x0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0x0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0x0502),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0x0505),
InvalidFramebufferOperation = ((int)0X0506),
public enum ExtBlendMinmax : int
MinExt = ((int)0x8007),
MaxExt = ((int)0x8008),
ExtBlendMinmax = ((int)1),
public enum ExtDiscardFramebuffer : int
ColorExt = ((int)0x1800),
DepthExt = ((int)0x1801),
StencilExt = ((int)0x1802),
ExtDiscardFramebuffer = ((int)1),
public enum ExtReadFormatBgra : int
BgraExt = ((int)0x80E1),
UnsignedShort4444RevExt = ((int)0x8365),
UnsignedShort1555RevExt = ((int)0x8366),
ExtReadFormatBgra = ((int)1),
public enum ExtShaderTextureLod : int
ExtShaderTextureLod = ((int)1),
public enum ExtTextureCompressionDxt1 : int
CompressedRgbS3tcDxt1Ext = ((int)0x83F0),
CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext = ((int)0x83F1),
ExtTextureCompressionDxt1 = ((int)1),
public enum ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic : int
TextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FE),
MaxTextureMaxAnisotropyExt = ((int)0x84FF),
ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = ((int)1),
public enum ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 : int
BgraExt = ((int)0x80E1),
ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = ((int)1),
public enum ExtTextureType2101010Rev : int
UnsignedInt2101010RevExt = ((int)0x8368),
ExtTextureType2101010Rev = ((int)1),
public enum FramebufferErrorCode : int
FramebufferComplete = ((int)0X8cd5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachment = ((int)0X8cd6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment = ((int)0X8cd7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensions = ((int)0X8cd9),
FramebufferUnsupported = ((int)0X8cdd),
public enum FramebufferObject : int
None = ((int)0),
InvalidFramebufferOperation = ((int)0x0506),
StencilIndex = ((int)0x1901),
Rgba4 = ((int)0x8056),
Rgb5A1 = ((int)0x8057),
DepthComponent16 = ((int)0x81A5),
MaxRenderbufferSize = ((int)0x84E8),
FramebufferBinding = ((int)0x8CA6),
RenderbufferBinding = ((int)0x8CA7),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectType = ((int)0x8CD0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectName = ((int)0x8CD1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevel = ((int)0x8CD2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace = ((int)0x8CD3),
FramebufferComplete = ((int)0x8CD5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachment = ((int)0x8CD6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment = ((int)0x8CD7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensions = ((int)0x8CD9),
FramebufferUnsupported = ((int)0x8CDD),
ColorAttachment0 = ((int)0x8CE0),
DepthAttachment = ((int)0x8D00),
StencilAttachment = ((int)0x8D20),
Framebuffer = ((int)0x8D40),
Renderbuffer = ((int)0x8D41),
RenderbufferWidth = ((int)0x8D42),
RenderbufferHeight = ((int)0x8D43),
RenderbufferInternalFormat = ((int)0x8D44),
StencilIndex8 = ((int)0x8D48),
RenderbufferRedSize = ((int)0x8D50),
RenderbufferGreenSize = ((int)0x8D51),
RenderbufferBlueSize = ((int)0x8D52),
RenderbufferAlphaSize = ((int)0x8D53),
RenderbufferDepthSize = ((int)0x8D54),
RenderbufferStencilSize = ((int)0x8D55),
Rgb565 = ((int)0x8D62),
public enum FramebufferParameterName : int
FramebufferAttachmentObjectType = ((int)0X8cd0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectName = ((int)0X8cd1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevel = ((int)0X8cd2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace = ((int)0X8cd3),
public enum FramebufferSlot : int
ColorAttachment0 = ((int)0X8ce0),
DepthAttachment = ((int)0X8d00),
StencilAttachment = ((int)0X8d20),
public enum FramebufferTarget : int
Framebuffer = ((int)0X8d40),
public enum FrontFaceDirection : int
Cw = ((int)0x0900),
Ccw = ((int)0x0901),
public enum GetPName : int
LineWidth = ((int)0x0B21),
CullFace = ((int)0X0b44),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0x0B45),
FrontFace = ((int)0x0B46),
DepthRange = ((int)0x0B70),
DepthTest = ((int)0X0b71),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0x0B72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0x0B73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0x0B74),
StencilTest = ((int)0X0b90),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0x0B91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0x0B92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0x0B93),
StencilFail = ((int)0x0B94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0x0B95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0x0B96),
StencilRef = ((int)0x0B97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0x0B98),
Viewport = ((int)0x0BA2),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
ScissorBox = ((int)0x0C10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0x0C22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0x0C23),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0x0CF5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0x0D05),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0x0D33),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0x0D3A),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0x0D50),
RedBits = ((int)0x0D52),
GreenBits = ((int)0x0D53),
BlueBits = ((int)0x0D54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0x0D55),
DepthBits = ((int)0x0D56),
StencilBits = ((int)0x0D57),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0x2A00),
BlendColor = ((int)0X8005),
BlendEquation = ((int)0X8009),
BlendEquationRgb = ((int)0X8009),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0x8038),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0x8069),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0X809e),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0x80A8),
Samples = ((int)0x80A9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0x80AA),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0x80AB),
BlendDstRgb = ((int)0X80c8),
BlendSrcRgb = ((int)0X80c9),
BlendDstAlpha = ((int)0X80ca),
BlendSrcAlpha = ((int)0X80cb),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0X8192),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0x846D),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0x846E),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0X84e0),
MaxRenderbufferSize = ((int)0X84e8),
TextureBindingCubeMap = ((int)0X8514),
MaxCubeMapTextureSize = ((int)0X851c),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a3),
StencilBackFunc = ((int)0x8800),
StencilBackFail = ((int)0x8801),
StencilBackPassDepthFail = ((int)0x8802),
StencilBackPassDepthPass = ((int)0x8803),
BlendEquationAlpha = ((int)0X883d),
MaxVertexAttribs = ((int)0X8869),
MaxTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8872),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8895),
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8b4c),
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8b4d),
CurrentProgram = ((int)0X8b8d),
ImplementationColorReadType = ((int)0X8b9a),
ImplementationColorReadFormat = ((int)0X8b9b),
StencilBackRef = ((int)0x8CA3),
StencilBackValueMask = ((int)0x8CA4),
StencilBackWritemask = ((int)0x8CA5),
FramebufferBinding = ((int)0X8ca6),
RenderbufferBinding = ((int)0X8ca7),
ShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0X8df8),
NumShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0X8df9),
ShaderCompiler = ((int)0X8dfa),
MaxVertexUniformVectors = ((int)0X8dfb),
MaxVaryingVectors = ((int)0X8dfc),
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = ((int)0X8dfd),
public enum GetTextureParameter : int
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0X2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0X2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0X2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0X2803),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0x86A3),
public enum HintMode : int
DontCare = ((int)0x1100),
Fastest = ((int)0x1101),
Nicest = ((int)0x1102),
public enum HintTarget : int
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0x8192),
public enum ImgmultisampledRenderToTexture : int
RenderbufferSamplesImg = ((int)0x9133),
FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleImg = ((int)0x9134),
MaxSamplesImg = ((int)0x9135),
TextureSamplesImg = ((int)0x9136),
ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture = ((int)1),
public enum ImgprogramBinary : int
SgxProgramBinaryImg = ((int)0x9130),
ImgProgramBinary = ((int)1),
public enum ImgreadFormat : int
BgraImg = ((int)0x80E1),
UnsignedShort4444RevImg = ((int)0x8365),
ImgReadFormat = ((int)1),
public enum ImgshaderBinary : int
SgxBinaryImg = ((int)0x8C0A),
ImgShaderBinary = ((int)1),
public enum ImgtextureCompressionPvrtc : int
CompressedRgbPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C00),
CompressedRgbPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C01),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C02),
CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv1Img = ((int)0x8C03),
ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = ((int)1),
public enum NvcoverageSample : int
CoverageBufferBitNv = ((int)0x8000),
CoverageComponentNv = ((int)0x8ED0),
CoverageComponent4Nv = ((int)0x8ED1),
CoverageAttachmentNv = ((int)0x8ED2),
CoverageBuffersNv = ((int)0x8ED3),
CoverageSamplesNv = ((int)0x8ED4),
CoverageAllFragmentsNv = ((int)0x8ED5),
CoverageEdgeFragmentsNv = ((int)0x8ED6),
CoverageAutomaticNv = ((int)0x8ED7),
NvCoverageSample = ((int)1),
public enum NvdepthNonlinear : int
DepthComponent16NonlinearNv = ((int)0x8E2C),
NvDepthNonlinear = ((int)1),
public enum Nvfence : int
AllCompletedNv = ((int)0x84F2),
FenceStatusNv = ((int)0x84F3),
FenceConditionNv = ((int)0x84F4),
NvFence = ((int)1),
public enum OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture : int
Etc1Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8D64),
OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = ((int)1),
public enum OesCompressedPalettedTexture : int
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8B95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8B96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0x8B97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0x8B98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0x8B99),
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
public enum OesDepth24 : int
DepthComponent24Oes = ((int)0x81A6),
OesDepth24 = ((int)1),
public enum OesDepth32 : int
DepthComponent32Oes = ((int)0x81A7),
OesDepth32 = ((int)1),
public enum OesDepthTexture : int
OesDepthTexture = ((int)1),
public enum OesEglimage : int
OesEglImage = ((int)1),
public enum OesElementIndexUint : int
UnsignedInt = ((int)0x1405),
OesElementIndexUint = ((int)1),
public enum OesFboRenderMipmap : int
OesFboRenderMipmap = ((int)1),
public enum OesFragmentPrecisionHigh : int
OesFragmentPrecisionHigh = ((int)1),
public enum OesGetProgramBinary : int
ProgramBinaryLengthOes = ((int)0x8741),
NumProgramBinaryFormatsOes = ((int)0x87FE),
ProgramBinaryFormatsOes = ((int)0x87FF),
OesGetProgramBinary = ((int)1),
public enum OesMapbuffer : int
WriteOnlyOes = ((int)0x88B9),
BufferAccessOes = ((int)0x88BB),
BufferMappedOes = ((int)0x88BC),
BufferMapPointerOes = ((int)0x88BD),
OesMapbuffer = ((int)1),
public enum OesPackedDepthStencil : int
DepthStencilOes = ((int)0x84F9),
UnsignedInt248Oes = ((int)0x84FA),
Depth24Stencil8Oes = ((int)0x88F0),
OesPackedDepthStencil = ((int)1),
public enum OesRgb8Rgba8 : int
Rgb8Oes = ((int)0x8051),
Rgba8Oes = ((int)0x8058),
OesRgb8Rgba8 = ((int)1),
public enum OesStandardDerivatives : int
FragmentShaderDerivativeHintOes = ((int)0x8B8B),
OesStandardDerivatives = ((int)1),
public enum OesStencil1 : int
StencilIndex1Oes = ((int)0x8D46),
OesStencil1 = ((int)1),
public enum OesStencil4 : int
StencilIndex4Oes = ((int)0x8D47),
OesStencil4 = ((int)1),
public enum OesTexture3D : int
TextureBinding3DOes = ((int)0x806A),
Texture3DOes = ((int)0x806F),
TextureWrapROes = ((int)0x8072),
Max3DTextureSizeOes = ((int)0x8073),
Sampler3DOes = ((int)0x8B5F),
FramebufferAttachmentTexture3DZoffsetOes = ((int)0x8CD4),
OesTexture3D = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureFloat : int
OesTextureFloat = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureFloatLinear : int
OesTextureFloatLinear = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureHalfFloat : int
HalfFloatOes = ((int)0x8D61),
OesTextureHalfFloat = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureHalfFloatLinear : int
OesTextureHalfFloatLinear = ((int)1),
public enum OesTextureNpot : int
OesTextureNpot = ((int)1),
public enum OesVertexArrayObject : int
VertexArrayBindingOes = ((int)0x85B5),
OesVertexArrayObject = ((int)1),
public enum OesVertexHalfFloat : int
OesVertexHalfFloat = ((int)1),
public enum OesVertexType1010102 : int
UnsignedInt1010102Oes = ((int)0x8DF6),
Int1010102Oes = ((int)0x8DF7),
OesVertexType1010102 = ((int)1),
public enum OpenGlescoreVersions : int
EsVersion20 = ((int)1),
public enum PixelFormat : int
DepthComponent = ((int)0x1902),
Alpha = ((int)0x1906),
Rgb = ((int)0x1907),
Rgba = ((int)0x1908),
Luminance = ((int)0x1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0x190A),
public enum PixelInternalFormat : int
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0X190a),
public enum PixelStoreParameter : int
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
public enum PixelType : int
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0x8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0x8034),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0x8363),
public enum ProgramParameter : int
DeleteStatus = ((int)0X8b80),
LinkStatus = ((int)0X8b82),
ValidateStatus = ((int)0X8b83),
InfoLogLength = ((int)0X8b84),
AttachedShaders = ((int)0X8b85),
ActiveUniforms = ((int)0X8b86),
ActiveUniformMaxLength = ((int)0X8b87),
ActiveAttributes = ((int)0X8b89),
ActiveAttributeMaxLength = ((int)0X8b8a),
public enum QcomDriverControl : int
QcomDriverControl = ((int)1),
public enum QcomExtendedGet : int
TextureWidthQcom = ((int)0x8BD2),
TextureHeightQcom = ((int)0x8BD3),
TextureDepthQcom = ((int)0x8BD4),
TextureInternalFormatQcom = ((int)0x8BD5),
TextureFormatQcom = ((int)0x8BD6),
TextureTypeQcom = ((int)0x8BD7),
TextureImageValidQcom = ((int)0x8BD8),
TextureNumLevelsQcom = ((int)0x8BD9),
TextureTargetQcom = ((int)0x8BDA),
TextureObjectValidQcom = ((int)0x8BDB),
StateRestore = ((int)0x8BDC),
QcomExtendedGet = ((int)1),
public enum QcomExtendedGet2 : int
QcomExtendedGet2 = ((int)1),
public enum QcomPerfmonGlobalMode : int
PerfmonGlobalModeQcom = ((int)0x8FA0),
QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = ((int)1),
public enum QcomTiledRendering : int
ColorBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x00000001),
ColorBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x00000002),
ColorBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x00000004),
ColorBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x00000008),
ColorBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x00000010),
ColorBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x00000020),
ColorBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x00000040),
ColorBufferBit7Qcom = ((int)0x00000080),
DepthBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x00000100),
DepthBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x00000200),
DepthBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x00000400),
DepthBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x00000800),
DepthBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x00001000),
DepthBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x00002000),
DepthBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x00004000),
DepthBufferBit7Qcom = ((int)0x00008000),
StencilBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x00010000),
StencilBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x00020000),
StencilBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x00040000),
StencilBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x00080000),
StencilBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x00100000),
StencilBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x00200000),
StencilBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x00400000),
StencilBufferBit7Qcom = ((int)0x00800000),
MultisampleBufferBit0Qcom = ((int)0x01000000),
MultisampleBufferBit1Qcom = ((int)0x02000000),
MultisampleBufferBit2Qcom = ((int)0x04000000),
MultisampleBufferBit3Qcom = ((int)0x08000000),
MultisampleBufferBit4Qcom = ((int)0x10000000),
MultisampleBufferBit5Qcom = ((int)0x20000000),
MultisampleBufferBit6Qcom = ((int)0x40000000),
MultisampleBufferBit7Qcom = unchecked((int)0x80000000),
QcomTiledRendering = ((int)1),
public enum QcomWriteonlyRendering : int
WriteonlyRenderingQcom = ((int)0x8823),
QcomWriteonlyRendering = ((int)1),
public enum ReadFormat : int
ImplementationColorReadType = ((int)0x8B9A),
ImplementationColorReadFormat = ((int)0x8B9B),
public enum RenderbufferInternalFormat : int
Rgba4 = ((int)0X8056),
Rgb5A1 = ((int)0X8057),
DepthComponent16 = ((int)0X81a5),
StencilIndex8 = ((int)0X8d48),
Rgb565 = ((int)0X8d62),
public enum RenderbufferParameterName : int
RenderbufferWidth = ((int)0X8d42),
RenderbufferHeight = ((int)0X8d43),
RenderbufferInternalFormat = ((int)0X8d44),
RenderbufferRedSize = ((int)0X8d50),
RenderbufferGreenSize = ((int)0X8d51),
RenderbufferBlueSize = ((int)0X8d52),
RenderbufferAlphaSize = ((int)0X8d53),
RenderbufferDepthSize = ((int)0X8d54),
RenderbufferStencilSize = ((int)0X8d55),
public enum RenderbufferTarget : int
Renderbuffer = ((int)0X8d41),
public enum SeparateBlendFunctions : int
ConstantColor = ((int)0x8001),
OneMinusConstantColor = ((int)0x8002),
ConstantAlpha = ((int)0x8003),
OneMinusConstantAlpha = ((int)0x8004),
BlendColor = ((int)0x8005),
BlendDstRgb = ((int)0x80C8),
BlendSrcRgb = ((int)0x80C9),
BlendDstAlpha = ((int)0x80CA),
BlendSrcAlpha = ((int)0x80CB),
public enum ShaderBinary : int
ShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0x8DF8),
NumShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0x8DF9),
public enum ShaderBinaryFormat : int
public enum ShaderParameter : int
ShaderType = ((int)0X8b4f),
DeleteStatus = ((int)0X8b80),
CompileStatus = ((int)0X8b81),
InfoLogLength = ((int)0X8b84),
ShaderSourceLength = ((int)0X8b88),
public enum ShaderPrecision : int
LowFloat = ((int)0X8df0),
MediumFloat = ((int)0X8df1),
HighFloat = ((int)0X8df2),
LowInt = ((int)0X8df3),
MediumInt = ((int)0X8df4),
HighInt = ((int)0X8df5),
public enum ShaderPrecisionSpecifiedTypes : int
LowFloat = ((int)0x8DF0),
MediumFloat = ((int)0x8DF1),
HighFloat = ((int)0x8DF2),
LowInt = ((int)0x8DF3),
MediumInt = ((int)0x8DF4),
HighInt = ((int)0x8DF5),
public enum Shaders : int
MaxVertexAttribs = ((int)0x8869),
MaxTextureImageUnits = ((int)0x8872),
FragmentShader = ((int)0x8B30),
VertexShader = ((int)0x8B31),
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = ((int)0x8B4C),
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = ((int)0x8B4D),
ShaderType = ((int)0x8B4F),
DeleteStatus = ((int)0x8B80),
LinkStatus = ((int)0x8B82),
ValidateStatus = ((int)0x8B83),
AttachedShaders = ((int)0x8B85),
ActiveUniforms = ((int)0x8B86),
ActiveUniformMaxLength = ((int)0x8B87),
ActiveAttributes = ((int)0x8B89),
ActiveAttributeMaxLength = ((int)0x8B8A),
ShadingLanguageVersion = ((int)0x8B8C),
CurrentProgram = ((int)0x8B8D),
MaxVertexUniformVectors = ((int)0x8DFB),
MaxVaryingVectors = ((int)0x8DFC),
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = ((int)0x8DFD),
public enum ShaderSource : int
CompileStatus = ((int)0x8B81),
InfoLogLength = ((int)0x8B84),
ShaderSourceLength = ((int)0x8B88),
ShaderCompiler = ((int)0x8DFA),
public enum ShaderType : int
FragmentShader = ((int)0X8b30),
VertexShader = ((int)0X8b31),
public enum StencilFunction : int
Never = ((int)0x0200),
Less = ((int)0x0201),
Equal = ((int)0x0202),
Lequal = ((int)0x0203),
Greater = ((int)0x0204),
Notequal = ((int)0x0205),
Gequal = ((int)0x0206),
Always = ((int)0x0207),
public enum StencilOp : int
Zero = ((int)0X0000),
Invert = ((int)0x150A),
Keep = ((int)0x1E00),
Replace = ((int)0x1E01),
Incr = ((int)0x1E02),
Decr = ((int)0x1E03),
IncrWrap = ((int)0x8507),
DecrWrap = ((int)0x8508),
public enum StringName : int
Vendor = ((int)0x1F00),
Renderer = ((int)0x1F01),
Version = ((int)0x1F02),
Extensions = ((int)0x1F03),
ShadingLanguageVersion = ((int)0X8b8c),
public enum TextureMagFilter : int
Nearest = ((int)0x2600),
Linear = ((int)0x2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter : int
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0x2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0x2703),
public enum TextureParameterName : int
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0x2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0x2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0x2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0x2803),
public enum TextureTarget : int
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
Texture = ((int)0x1702),
TextureCubeMap = ((int)0x8513),
TextureBindingCubeMap = ((int)0x8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveX = ((int)0x8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeX = ((int)0x8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveY = ((int)0x8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeY = ((int)0x8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZ = ((int)0x8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZ = ((int)0x851A),
MaxCubeMapTextureSize = ((int)0x851C),
public enum TextureUnit : int
Texture0 = ((int)0x84C0),
Texture1 = ((int)0x84C1),
Texture2 = ((int)0x84C2),
Texture3 = ((int)0x84C3),
Texture4 = ((int)0x84C4),
Texture5 = ((int)0x84C5),
Texture6 = ((int)0x84C6),
Texture7 = ((int)0x84C7),
Texture8 = ((int)0x84C8),
Texture9 = ((int)0x84C9),
Texture10 = ((int)0x84CA),
Texture11 = ((int)0x84CB),
Texture12 = ((int)0x84CC),
Texture13 = ((int)0x84CD),
Texture14 = ((int)0x84CE),
Texture15 = ((int)0x84CF),
Texture16 = ((int)0x84D0),
Texture17 = ((int)0x84D1),
Texture18 = ((int)0x84D2),
Texture19 = ((int)0x84D3),
Texture20 = ((int)0x84D4),
Texture21 = ((int)0x84D5),
Texture22 = ((int)0x84D6),
Texture23 = ((int)0x84D7),
Texture24 = ((int)0x84D8),
Texture25 = ((int)0x84D9),
Texture26 = ((int)0x84DA),
Texture27 = ((int)0x84DB),
Texture28 = ((int)0x84DC),
Texture29 = ((int)0x84DD),
Texture30 = ((int)0x84DE),
Texture31 = ((int)0x84DF),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0x84E0),
public enum TextureWrapMode : int
Repeat = ((int)0x2901),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0x812F),
MirroredRepeat = ((int)0x8370),
public enum UniformTypes : int
FloatVec2 = ((int)0x8B50),
FloatVec3 = ((int)0x8B51),
FloatVec4 = ((int)0x8B52),
IntVec2 = ((int)0x8B53),
IntVec3 = ((int)0x8B54),
IntVec4 = ((int)0x8B55),
Bool = ((int)0x8B56),
BoolVec2 = ((int)0x8B57),
BoolVec3 = ((int)0x8B58),
BoolVec4 = ((int)0x8B59),
FloatMat2 = ((int)0x8B5A),
FloatMat3 = ((int)0x8B5B),
FloatMat4 = ((int)0x8B5C),
Sampler2D = ((int)0x8B5E),
SamplerCube = ((int)0x8B60),
public enum Unknown : int
ExtMultiDrawArrays = ((int)1),
public enum VertexArrays : int
VertexAttribArrayEnabled = ((int)0x8622),
VertexAttribArraySize = ((int)0x8623),
VertexAttribArrayStride = ((int)0x8624),
VertexAttribArrayType = ((int)0x8625),
VertexAttribArrayPointer = ((int)0x8645),
VertexAttribArrayNormalized = ((int)0x886A),
VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0x889F),
public enum VertexAttribParameter : int
VertexAttribArrayEnabled = ((int)0X8622),
VertexAttribArraySize = ((int)0X8623),
VertexAttribArrayStride = ((int)0X8624),
VertexAttribArrayType = ((int)0X8625),
CurrentVertexAttrib = ((int)0X8626),
VertexAttribArrayNormalized = ((int)0X886a),
VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X889f),
public enum VertexAttribPointerParameter : int
VertexAttribArrayPointer = ((int)0X8645),
public enum VertexAttribPointerType : int
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
public enum VivshaderBinary : int
ShaderBinaryViv = ((int)0x8FC4),
VivShaderBinary = ((int)1),