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# wglext.spec file
# DON'T REMOVE PREVIOUS LINE!!! libspec depends on it!
# License Applicability. Except to the extent portions of this file are
# made subject to an alternative license as permitted in the SGI Free
# Software License B, Version 1.1 (the "License"), the contents of this
# file are subject only to the provisions of the License. You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at Silicon Graphics, Inc., attn: Legal Services, 1600
# Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, or at:
# http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB
# Note that, as provided in the License, the Software is distributed on an
# Original Code. The Original Code is: OpenGL Sample Implementation,
# Version 1.2.1, released January 26, 2000, developed by Silicon Graphics,
# Inc. The Original Code is Copyright (c) 1991-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
# Copyright in any portions created by third parties is as indicated
# elsewhere herein. All Rights Reserved.
# Additional Notice Provisions: This software was created using the
# OpenGL(R) version 1.2.1 Sample Implementation published by SGI, but has
# not been independently verified as being compliant with the OpenGL(R)
# version 1.2.1 Specification.
param: retval retained
category: wgl ARB_buffer_region ARB_extensions_string ARB_pixel_format ARB_make_current_read ARB_pbuffer ARB_render_texture ARB_pixel_format_float EXT_display_color_table EXT_extensions_string EXT_make_current_read EXT_pbuffer EXT_pixel_format EXT_swap_control OML_sync_control I3D_digital_video_control I3D_gamma I3D_genlock I3D_image_buffer I3D_swap_frame_lock I3D_swap_frame_usage NV_vertex_array_range
# required-props in wgl.spec (which is not used for anything):
# dlflags: notlistable handcode
# wglflags: client-handcode server-handcode non-dispatch
# Boilerplate to define types used by some extensions. This is done
# up front, since it involves some complexities in protecting
# the declarations whether or not the -protect flag is given to
# the generator scripts.
passthru: #ifndef WGL_ARB_pbuffer
passthru: #endif
passthru: #ifndef WGL_EXT_pbuffer
passthru: #endif
# ARB Extension #4
# ARB_buffer_region commands
CreateBufferRegionARB(hDC, iLayerPlane, uType)
return HANDLE
param hDC HDC in value
param iLayerPlane int in value
param uType UINT in value
category ARB_buffer_region
return VOID
param hRegion HANDLE in value
category ARB_buffer_region
SaveBufferRegionARB(hRegion, x, y, width, height)
return BOOL
param hRegion HANDLE in value
param x int in value
param y int in value
param width int in value
param height int in value
category ARB_buffer_region
RestoreBufferRegionARB(hRegion, x, y, width, height, xSrc, ySrc)
return BOOL
param hRegion HANDLE in value
param x int in value
param y int in value
param width int in value
param height int in value
param xSrc int in value
param ySrc int in value
category ARB_buffer_region
# ARB Extension #5
# ARB_multisample commands
# (none)
newcategory: ARB_multisample
# ARB Extension #8
# ARB_extensions_string commands
return String
param hdc HDC in value
category ARB_extensions_string
# ARB Extension #9
# ARB_pixel_format commands
GetPixelFormatAttribivARB(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, piValues)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param iPixelFormat int in value
param iLayerPlane int in value
param nAttributes UINT in value
param piAttributes int in array [nAttributes]
param piValues int out array [nAttributes]
category ARB_pixel_format
GetPixelFormatAttribfvARB(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, pfValues)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param iPixelFormat int in value
param iLayerPlane int in value
param nAttributes UINT in value
param piAttributes int in array [nAttributes]
param pfValues FLOAT out array [nAttributes]
category ARB_pixel_format
ChoosePixelFormatARB(hdc, piAttribIList, pfAttribFList, nMaxFormats, piFormats, nNumFormats)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param piAttribIList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
param pfAttribFList FLOAT in array [COMPSIZE()]
param nMaxFormats UINT in value
param piFormats int out array [COMPSIZE(nNumFormats)]
param nNumFormats UINT out reference
category ARB_pixel_format
# ARB Extension #10
# ARB_make_current_read commands
MakeContextCurrentARB(hDrawDC, hReadDC, hglrc)
return BOOL
param hDrawDC HDC in value
param hReadDC HDC in value
param hglrc HGLRC in value
category ARB_make_current_read
return HDC
category ARB_make_current_read
# ARB Extension #11
# ARB_pbuffer commands
CreatePbufferARB(hDC, iPixelFormat, iWidth, iHeight, piAttribList)
param hDC HDC in value
param iPixelFormat int in value
param iWidth int in value
param iHeight int in value
param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
category ARB_pbuffer
return HDC
param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
category ARB_pbuffer
ReleasePbufferDCARB(hPbuffer, hDC)
return int
param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
param hDC HDC in value
category ARB_pbuffer
return BOOL
param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
category ARB_pbuffer
QueryPbufferARB(hPbuffer, iAttribute, piValue)
return BOOL
param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
param iAttribute int in value
param piValue int out reference
category ARB_pbuffer
# ARB Extension #20
# ARB_render_texture commands
BindTexImageARB(hPbuffer, iBuffer)
return BOOL
param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
param iBuffer int in value
category ARB_render_texture
ReleaseTexImageARB(hPbuffer, iBuffer)
return BOOL
param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
param iBuffer int in value
category ARB_render_texture
SetPbufferAttribARB(hPbuffer, piAttribList)
return BOOL
param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value
param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
category ARB_render_texture
# ARB Extension #39
# ARB_pixel_format_float commands
# (none)
newcategory: ARB_pixel_format_float
# Extension #167
# EXT_display_color_table commands
return GLboolean
param id GLushort in value
category EXT_display_color_table
LoadDisplayColorTableEXT(table, length)
return GLboolean
param table GLushort in array [length]
param length GLuint in value
category EXT_display_color_table
return GLboolean
param id GLushort in value
category EXT_display_color_table
return VOID
param id GLushort in value
category EXT_display_color_table
# Extension #168
# EXT_extensions_string commands
return String
category EXT_extensions_string
# Extension #169
# EXT_make_current_read commands
MakeContextCurrentEXT(hDrawDC, hReadDC, hglrc)
return BOOL
param hDrawDC HDC in value
param hReadDC HDC in value
param hglrc HGLRC in value
category EXT_make_current_read
return HDC
category EXT_make_current_read
# Extension #171
# EXT_pbuffer commands
CreatePbufferEXT(hDC, iPixelFormat, iWidth, iHeight, piAttribList)
param hDC HDC in value
param iPixelFormat int in value
param iWidth int in value
param iHeight int in value
param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
category EXT_pbuffer
return HDC
param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
category EXT_pbuffer
ReleasePbufferDCEXT(hPbuffer, hDC)
return int
param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
param hDC HDC in value
category EXT_pbuffer
return BOOL
param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
category EXT_pbuffer
QueryPbufferEXT(hPbuffer, iAttribute, piValue)
return BOOL
param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value
param iAttribute int in value
param piValue int out reference
category EXT_pbuffer
# Extension #170
# EXT_pixel_format commands
GetPixelFormatAttribivEXT(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, piValues)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param iPixelFormat int in value
param iLayerPlane int in value
param nAttributes UINT in value
param piAttributes int out array [nAttributes]
param piValues int out array [nAttributes]
category EXT_pixel_format
GetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, pfValues)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param iPixelFormat int in value
param iLayerPlane int in value
param nAttributes UINT in value
param piAttributes int out array [nAttributes]
param pfValues FLOAT out array [nAttributes]
category EXT_pixel_format
ChoosePixelFormatEXT(hdc, piAttribIList, pfAttribFList, nMaxFormats, piFormats, nNumFormats)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param piAttribIList int in array [COMPSIZE()]
param pfAttribFList FLOAT in array [COMPSIZE()]
param nMaxFormats UINT in value
param piFormats int out array [COMPSIZE(nNumFormats)]
param nNumFormats UINT out reference
category EXT_pixel_format
# Extension #172
# EXT_swap_control commands
return BOOL
param interval int in value
category EXT_swap_control
return int
category EXT_swap_control
# Extension #177
# EXT_depth_float commands
# (none)
newcategory: EXT_depth_float
# Extension #190
# NV_vertex_array_range commands
AllocateMemoryNV(size, readfreq, writefreq, priority)
return VoidPointer
param size GLsizei in value
param readfreq GLfloat in value
param writefreq GLfloat in value
param priority GLfloat in value
category NV_vertex_array_range
return void
param pointer void out array [1]
category NV_vertex_array_range
# Extension #207
# 3DFX_multisample commands
# (none)
newcategory: 3DFX_multisample
# Extension #209
# EXT_multisample commands
# (none)
newcategory: EXT_multisample
# Extension #242
# OML_sync_control commands
GetSyncValuesOML(hdc, ust, msc, sbc)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param ust INT64 out array [1]
param msc INT64 out array [1]
param sbc INT64 out array [1]
category OML_sync_control
GetMscRateOML(hdc, numerator, denominator)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param numerator INT32 out array [1]
param denominator INT32 out array [1]
category OML_sync_control
SwapBuffersMscOML(hdc, target_msc, divisor, remainder)
return INT64
param hdc HDC in value
param target_msc INT64 in value
param divisor INT64 in value
param remainder INT64 in value
category OML_sync_control
SwapLayerBuffersMscOML(hdc, fuPlanes, target_msc, divisor, remainder)
return INT64
param hdc HDC in value
param fuPlanes int in value
param target_msc INT64 in value
param divisor INT64 in value
param remainder INT64 in value
category OML_sync_control
WaitForMscOML(hdc, target_msc, divisor, remainder , ust, msc, sbc)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param target_msc INT64 in value
param divisor INT64 in value
param remainder INT64 in value
param ust INT64 out array [1]
param msc INT64 out array [1]
param sbc INT64 out array [1]
category OML_sync_control
WaitForSbcOML(hdc, target_sbc, ust, msc, sbc)
return BOOL
param hdc HDC in value
param target_sbc INT64 in value
param ust INT64 out array [1]
param msc INT64 out array [1]
param sbc INT64 out array [1]
category OML_sync_control
# Extension #250
# I3D_digital_video_control commands
GetDigitalVideoParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param iAttribute int in value
param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
category I3D_digital_video_control
SetDigitalVideoParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param iAttribute int in value
param piValue int in array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
category I3D_digital_video_control
# Extension #251
# I3D_gamma commands
GetGammaTableParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param iAttribute int in value
param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
category I3D_gamma
SetGammaTableParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param iAttribute int in value
param piValue int in array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)]
category I3D_gamma
GetGammaTableI3D(hDC, iEntries, puRed, puGreen, puBlue)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param iEntries int in value
param puRed USHORT out array [iEntries]
param puGreen USHORT out array [iEntries]
param puBlue USHORT out array [iEntries]
category I3D_gamma
SetGammaTableI3D(hDC, iEntries, puRed, puGreen, puBlue)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param iEntries int in value
param puRed USHORT in array [iEntries]
param puGreen USHORT in array [iEntries]
param puBlue USHORT in array [iEntries]
category I3D_gamma
# Extension #252
# I3D_genlock commands
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
category I3D_genlock
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
category I3D_genlock
IsEnabledGenlockI3D(hDC, pFlag)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param pFlag BOOL out reference
category I3D_genlock
GenlockSourceI3D(hDC, uSource)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uSource UINT in value
category I3D_genlock
GetGenlockSourceI3D(hDC, uSource)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uSource UINT out reference
category I3D_genlock
GenlockSourceEdgeI3D(hDC, uEdge)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uEdge UINT in value
category I3D_genlock
GetGenlockSourceEdgeI3D(hDC, uEdge)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uEdge UINT out reference
category I3D_genlock
GenlockSampleRateI3D(hDC, uRate)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uRate UINT in value
category I3D_genlock
GetGenlockSampleRateI3D(hDC, uRate)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uRate UINT out reference
category I3D_genlock
GenlockSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uDelay)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uDelay UINT in value
category I3D_genlock
GetGenlockSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uDelay)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uDelay UINT out reference
category I3D_genlock
QueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uMaxLineDelay, uMaxPixelDelay)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param uMaxLineDelay UINT out reference
param uMaxPixelDelay UINT out reference
category I3D_genlock
# Extension #253
# I3D_image_buffer commands
CreateImageBufferI3D(hDC, dwSize, uFlags)
return LPVOID
param hDC HDC in value
param dwSize DWORD in value
param uFlags UINT in value
category I3D_image_buffer
DestroyImageBufferI3D(hDC, pAddress)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param pAddress LPVOID in value
category I3D_image_buffer
AssociateImageBufferEventsI3D(hDC, pEvent, pAddress, pSize, count)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param pEvent HANDLE in array [count]
param pAddress LPVOID in array [count]
param pSize DWORD in array [count]
param count UINT in value
category I3D_image_buffer
ReleaseImageBufferEventsI3D(hDC, pAddress, count)
return BOOL
param hDC HDC in value
param pAddress LPVOID in array [count]
param count UINT in value
category I3D_image_buffer
# Extension #254
# I3D_swap_frame_lock commands
return BOOL
category I3D_swap_frame_lock
return BOOL
category I3D_swap_frame_lock
return BOOL
param pFlag BOOL out reference
category I3D_swap_frame_lock
return BOOL
param pFlag BOOL out reference
category I3D_swap_frame_lock
# Extension #255
# I3D_swap_frame_usage commands
return BOOL
param pUsage float out reference
category I3D_swap_frame_usage
return BOOL
category I3D_swap_frame_usage
return BOOL
category I3D_swap_frame_usage
QueryFrameTrackingI3D(pFrameCount, pMissedFrames, pLastMissedUsage)
return BOOL
param pFrameCount DWORD out reference
param pMissedFrames DWORD out reference
param pLastMissedUsage float out reference
category I3D_swap_frame_usage
# Extension #278
# ATI_pixel_format_float commands
# (none)
newcategory: ATI_pixel_format_float
# Extension #281
# NV_float_buffer commands
# (none)
newcategory: NV_float_buffer