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synced 2025-03-22 23:35:05 +00:00
wikiheaders.pl: Properly handle and wordwrap bullet lists.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,81 @@ foreach (@ARGV) {
$wikipath = $_, next if not defined $wikipath;
my $wordwrap_mode = 'mediawiki';
sub wordwrap_atom { # don't call this directly.
my $str = shift;
return fill('', '', $str);
sub wordwrap_with_bullet_indent { # don't call this directly.
my $bullet = shift;
my $str = shift;
my $retval = '';
# You _can't_ (at least with Pandoc) have a bullet item with a newline in
# MediaWiki, so _remove_ wrapping!
if ($wordwrap_mode eq 'mediawiki') {
$retval = "$bullet$str";
$retval =~ s/\n/ /gms;
return "$retval\n";
my $bulletlen = length($bullet);
# wrap it and then indent each line to be under the bullet.
$Text::Wrap::columns -= $bulletlen;
my @wrappedlines = split /\n/, wordwrap_atom($str);
$Text::Wrap::columns += $bulletlen;
my $prefix = $bullet;
my $usual_prefix = ' ' x $bulletlen;
foreach (@wrappedlines) {
$retval .= "$prefix$_\n";
$prefix = $usual_prefix;
return $retval;
sub wordwrap_one_paragraph { # don't call this directly.
my $retval = '';
my $p = shift;
#print "\n\n\nPARAGRAPH: [$p]\n\n\n";
if ($p =~ s/\A([\*\-] )//) { # bullet list, starts with "* " or "- ".
my $bullet = $1;
my $item = '';
my @items = split /\n/, $p;
foreach (@items) {
if (s/\A([\*\-] )//) {
$retval .= wordwrap_with_bullet_indent($bullet, $item);
$item = '';
$item .= "$_\n"; # accumulate lines until we hit the end or another bullet.
if ($item ne '') {
$retval .= wordwrap_with_bullet_indent($bullet, $item);
} else {
$retval = wordwrap_atom($p) . "\n";
return $retval;
sub wordwrap_paragraphs { # don't call this directly.
my $str = shift;
my $retval = '';
my @paragraphs = split /\n\n/, $str;
foreach (@paragraphs) {
next if $_ eq '';
$retval .= wordwrap_one_paragraph($_);
$retval .= "\n";
return $retval;
my $wordwrap_default_columns = 76;
sub wordwrap {
my $str = shift;
@ -28,26 +103,15 @@ sub wordwrap {
my $retval = '';
# !!! FIXME: at some point it would be neat if this understood lists, so
# * Item 1
# * Item 2
# was understood to a) not wrap into one line and b) knew to wrap so overflow
# lined up _indented_ under the '*' (etc) char. But we don't do that currently,
# so cheat and make each bullet its own paragraph instead, which is Good Enough
# for the time being.
while ($str =~ s/(.*?)(\n*\`\`\`.*?\`\`\`\n*|\n*\<syntaxhighlight.*?\<\/syntaxhighlight\>\n*)//ms) {
$retval .= fill('', '', $1); # wrap it.
while ($str =~ s/(.*?)(\n+\`\`\`.*?\`\`\`\n+|\n+\<syntaxhighlight.*?\<\/syntaxhighlight\>\n+)//ms) {
$retval .= wordwrap_paragraphs($1); # wrap it.
$retval .= $2; # don't wrap it.
return $retval . fill('', '', $str); # wrap what's left.
return $retval . wordwrap_paragraphs($str); # wrap what's left.
sub wikify {
my $wikitype = shift;
my $str = shift;
@ -70,6 +134,9 @@ sub wikify {
# italic
$str =~ s/\*(.*?)\*/''$1''/gms;
# bullets
$str =~ s/^\- /* /gm;
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
# Convert obvious SDL things to wikilinks.
$str =~ s/\b(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[$1]($1)/gms;
@ -146,6 +213,9 @@ sub dewikify {
# italic
$str =~ s/\''(.*?)''/*$1*/gms;
# bullets
$str =~ s/^\* /- /gm;
return $str;
@ -529,9 +599,13 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
} elsif ($copy_direction == -1) { # --copy-to-wiki
foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
my $fn = $_;
my $wikitype = defined $wikitypes{$fn} ? $wikitypes{$fn} : 'md'; # default to Markdown for new stuff.
my $wikitype = defined $wikitypes{$fn} ? $wikitypes{$fn} : 'mediawiki'; # default to MediaWiki for new stuff FOR NOW.
die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n") if (($wikitype ne 'mediawiki') and ($wikitype ne 'md'));
#print("$fn\n"); next;
$wordwrap_mode = $wikitype;
my $raw = $headerfuncs{$fn}; # raw doxygen text with comment characters stripped from start/end and start of each line.
$raw =~ s/\A\s*\\brief\s+//; # Technically we don't need \brief (please turn on JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF if you use Doxygen), so just in case one is present, strip it.
@ -549,7 +623,7 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
$brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary.
my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief;
$brief = wikify($wikitype, shift @briefsplit);
$brief = wikify($wikitype, shift @briefsplit) . "\n";
@doxygenlines = (@briefsplit, @doxygenlines);
my $remarks = '';
@ -634,13 +708,16 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
# Make sure this ends with a double-newline.
$sections{'Related Functions'} .= "\n" if defined $sections{'Related Functions'};
# We can build the wiki table now that we have all the data.
if (scalar(@params) > 0) {
my $str = '';
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
while (scalar(@params) > 0) {
my $arg = shift @params;
my $desc = shift @params;
my $desc = wikify($wikitype, shift @params);
$str .= ($str eq '') ? "{|\n" : "|-\n";
$str .= "|'''$arg'''\n";
$str .= "|$desc\n";
@ -651,11 +728,12 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
my $longest_desc = 0;
my $which = 0;
foreach (@params) {
my $len = length($_);
if ($which == 0) {
my $len = length($_) + 4;
$longest_arg = $len if ($len > $longest_arg);
$which = 1;
} else {
my $len = length(wikify($wikitype, $_));
$longest_desc = $len if ($len > $longest_desc);
$which = 0;
@ -667,7 +745,7 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
while (@params) {
my $arg = shift @params;
my $desc = shift @params;
my $desc = wikify($wikitype, shift @params);
$str .= "| **$arg** " . (' ' x ($longest_arg - length($arg))) . "| $desc" . (' ' x ($longest_desc - length($desc))) . " |\n";
} else {
Reference in a new issue