mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:26:59 +00:00
documentation: initial script to merge header comments and the wiki.
This is a work-in-progress, but the idea is it can convert between our wiki and the SDL header's doxygen comments, so we can attempt to keep them in sync. This might be a fool's errand, but I'm optimistic it'll work enough that we can clean up little issues as we go, as long as we have some discipline about how we write documentation. If nothing else, it's going to result in a solid spring-cleaning of both the wiki and the headers!
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::Wrap;
my $srcpath = undef;
my $wikipath = undef;
my $warn_about_missing = 0;
my $copy_direction = 0;
foreach (@ARGV) {
$warn_about_missing = 1, next if $_ eq '--warn-about-missing';
$copy_direction = 1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-headers';
$copy_direction = -1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-wiki';
$srcpath = $_, next if not defined $srcpath;
$wikipath = $_, next if not defined $wikipath;
my $wordwrap_default_columns = 76;
sub wordwrap {
my $str = shift;
my $columns = shift;
$columns = $wordwrap_default_columns if not defined $columns;
$columns += $wordwrap_default_columns if $columns < 0;
$Text::Wrap::columns = $columns;
my $retval = '';
# !!! FIXME: at some point it would be neat if this understood lists, so
# * Item 1
# * Item 2
# was understood to a) not wrap into one line and b) knew to wrap so overflow
# lined up _indented_ under the '*' (etc) char. But we don't do that currently,
# so cheat and make each bullet its own paragraph instead, which is Good Enough
# for the time being.
while ($str =~ s/(.*?)(\n*\`\`\`.*?\`\`\`\n*|\n*\<syntaxhighlight.*?\<\/syntaxhighlight\>\n*)//ms) {
$retval .= fill('', '', $1); # wrap it.
$retval .= $2; # don't wrap it.
return $retval . fill('', '', $str); # wrap what's left.
sub wikify {
my $wikitype = shift;
my $str = shift;
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
# Convert obvious SDL things to wikilinks.
$str =~ s/\b(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[[$1]]/gms;
# Make some Markdown things into MediaWiki...
$str =~ s/\`\`\`(c|c++)(.*?)\`\`\`/<syntaxhighlight lang='$1'>$2<\/syntaxhighlight>/gms;
# <code></code> is also popular. :/
$str =~ s/\`(.*?)\`/<code>$1<\/code>/gms;
# bold+italic
$str =~ s/\\*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\*/'''''$1'''''/gms;
# bold
$str =~ s/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/'''$1'''/gms;
# italic
$str =~ s/\*(.*?)\*/''$1''/gms;
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
# Convert obvious SDL things to wikilinks.
$str =~ s/\b(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[$1]($1)/gms;
return $str;
sub dewikify {
my $wikitype = shift;
my $str = shift;
return '' if not defined $str;
my @lines = split /\n/, $str;
return '' if scalar(@lines) == 0;
my $iwikitype = 0;
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
$iwikitype = 1;
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
$iwikitype = 2;
} else {
die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n");
while (1) {
my $l = shift @lines;
last if not defined $l;
$l =~ s/\A\s*//;
$l =~ s/\s*\Z//;
next if ($l eq '');
next if ($iwikitype == 1) and ($l =~ /\A\= .*? \=\Z/);
next if ($iwikitype == 1) and ($l =~ /\A\=\= .*? \=\=\Z/);
next if ($iwikitype == 2) and ($l =~ /\A\#\# /);
unshift @lines, $l;
while (1) {
my $l = pop @lines;
last if not defined $l;
$l =~ s/\A\s*//;
$l =~ s/\s*\Z//;
next if ($l eq '');
push @lines, $l;
$str = '';
foreach (@lines) {
$str .= "$_\n";
if ($iwikitype == 1) { #($wikitype eq 'mediawiki')
# Doxygen supports Markdown (and it just simply looks better than MediaWiki
# when looking at the raw headers, so do some conversions here as necessary.
$str =~ s/\[\[(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]/$1/gms; # Dump obvious wikilinks.
# convert mediawiki syntax highlighting to Markdown backticks.
$str =~ s/\<syntaxhighlight lang='?(.*?)'?>(.*?)<\/syntaxhighlight>/```$1$2```/gms;
# <code></code> is also popular. :/
$str =~ s/\<code>(.*?)<\/code>/`$1`/gms;
# bold+italic
$str =~ s/\'''''(.*?)'''''/***$1***/gms;
# bold
$str =~ s/\'''(.*?)'''/**$1**/gms;
# italic
$str =~ s/\''(.*?)''/*$1*/gms;
return $str;
sub usage {
die("USAGE: $0 <source code git clone path> <wiki git clone path> [--copy-to-headers|--copy-to-wiki] [--warn-about-missing]\n\n");
usage() if not defined $srcpath;
usage() if not defined $wikipath;
#usage() if $copy_direction == 0;
my @standard_wiki_sections = (
'Function Parameters',
'Return Value',
'Related Functions'
my %headers = (); # $headers{"SDL_audio.h"} -> reference to an array of all lines of text in SDL_audio.h.
my %headerfuncs = (); # $headerfuncs{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> string of header documentation for SDL_OpenAudio, with comment '*' bits stripped from the start. Newlines embedded!
my %headerdecls = ();
my %headerfuncslocation = (); # $headerfuncslocation{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> name of header holding SDL_OpenAudio define ("SDL_audio.h" in this case).
my %headerfuncschunk = (); # $headerfuncschunk{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> offset in array in %headers that should be replaced for this function.
my $incpath = "$srcpath/include";
opendir(DH, $incpath) or die("Can't opendir '$incpath': $!\n");
while (readdir(DH)) {
my $dent = $_;
next if not $dent =~ /\ASDL.*?\.h\Z/; # just SDL*.h headers.
open(FH, '<', "$incpath/$dent") or die("Can't open '$incpath/$dent': $!\n");
my @contents = ();
while (<FH>) {
if (not /\A\/\*\*/) { # not doxygen comment start?
push @contents, $_;
my @templines = ();
push @templines, $_;
my $str = '';
while (<FH>) {
push @templines, $_;
last if /\A\s*\*\/\Z/;
$str .= "$_\n";
my $decl = <FH>;
if (not $decl =~ /\A\s*extern\s+DECLSPEC/) {
#print "Found doxygen but no function sig:\n$str\n\n";
foreach (@templines) {
push @contents, $_;
push @contents, $decl;
my @decllines = ( $decl );
if (not $decl =~ /\)\s*;/) {
while (<FH>) {
push @decllines, $_;
$decl .= " $_";
last if /\)\s*;/;
$decl =~ s/\s+\);\Z/);/;
$decl =~ s/\s+\Z//;
#print("DECL: [$decl]\n");
my $fn = '';
if ($decl =~ /\A\s*extern\s+DECLSPEC\s+(const\s+|)(unsigned\s+|)(.*?)\s*(\*?)\s*SDLCALL\s+(.*?)\s*\((.*?)\);/) {
$fn = $5;
#$decl =~ s/\A\s*extern\s+DECLSPEC\s+(.*?)\s+SDLCALL/$1/;
} else {
#print "Found doxygen but no function sig:\n$str\n\n";
foreach (@templines) {
push @contents, $_;
foreach (@decllines) {
push @contents, $_;
$decl = ''; # build this with the line breaks, since it looks better for syntax highlighting.
foreach (@decllines) {
if ($decl eq '') {
$decl = $_;
$decl =~ s/\Aextern\s+DECLSPEC\s+(.*?)\s+(\*?)SDLCALL\s+/$1$2 /;
} else {
my $trimmed = $_;
$trimmed =~ s/\A\s{24}//; # 24 for shrinking to match the removed "extern DECLSPEC SDLCALL "
$decl .= $trimmed;
$decl .= "\n";
$headerfuncs{$fn} = $str;
$headerdecls{$fn} = $decl;
$headerfuncslocation{$fn} = $dent;
$headerfuncschunk{$fn} = scalar(@contents);
push @contents, join("\n", @templines);
push @contents, join("\n", @decllines);
$headers{$dent} = \@contents;
# !!! FIXME: we need to parse enums and typedefs and structs and defines and and and and and...
# !!! FIXME: (but functions are good enough for now.)
my %wikitypes = (); # contains string of wiki page extension, like $wikitypes{"SDL_OpenAudio"} == 'mediawiki'
my %wikifuncs = (); # contains references to hash of strings, each string being the full contents of a section of a wiki page, like $wikifuncs{"SDL_OpenAudio"}{"Remarks"}.
my %wikisectionorder = (); # contains references to array, each array item being a key to a wikipage section in the correct order, like $wikisectionorder{"SDL_OpenAudio"}[2] == 'Remarks'
opendir(DH, $wikipath) or die("Can't opendir '$wikipath': $!\n");
while (readdir(DH)) {
my $dent = $_;
my $type = '';
if ($dent =~ /\ASDL.*?\.(md|mediawiki)\Z/) {
$type = $1;
} else {
next; # only dealing with wiki pages.
open(FH, '<', "$wikipath/$dent") or die("Can't open '$wikipath/$dent': $!\n");
my $current_section = '[start]';
my @section_order = ( $current_section );
my $fn = $dent;
$fn =~ s/\..*\Z//;
my %sections = ();
$sections{$current_section} = '';
while (<FH>) {
my $orig = $_;
if ($type eq 'mediawiki') {
if (/\A\= (.*?) \=\Z/) {
$current_section = ($1 eq $fn) ? '[Brief]' : $1;
die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
push @section_order, $current_section;
$sections{$current_section} = '';
} elsif (/\A\=\= (.*?) \=\=\Z/) {
$current_section = ($1 eq $fn) ? '[Brief]' : $1;
die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
push @section_order, $current_section;
$sections{$current_section} = '';
} elsif (/\A\-\-\-\-\Z/) {
$current_section = '[footer]';
die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
push @section_order, $current_section;
$sections{$current_section} = '';
} elsif ($type eq 'md') {
if (/\A\#+ (.*?)\Z/) {
$current_section = ($1 eq $fn) ? '[Brief]' : $1;
die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
push @section_order, $current_section;
$sections{$current_section} = '';
} elsif (/\A\-\-\-\-\Z/) {
$current_section = '[footer]';
die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
push @section_order, $current_section;
$sections{$current_section} = '';
} else {
die("Unexpected wiki file type. Fixme!\n");
my $str = ($current_section eq 'Code Examples') ? $orig : $_;
$sections{$current_section} .= "$str\n";
if (0) {
foreach (@section_order) {
print("$fn SECTION '$_':\n");
$wikitypes{$fn} = $type;
$wikifuncs{$fn} = \%sections;
$wikisectionorder{$fn} = \@section_order;
if ($warn_about_missing) {
foreach (keys %wikifuncs) {
my $fn = $_;
if (not defined $headerfuncs{$fn}) {
print("WARNING: $fn defined in the wiki but not the headers!\n");
foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
my $fn = $_;
if (not defined $wikifuncs{$fn}) {
print("WARNING: $fn defined in the headers but not the wiki!\n");
if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
my %changed_headers = ();
# if it's not in the headers already, we don't add it, so iterate what we know is already there for changes.
foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
my $fn = $_;
next if not defined $wikifuncs{$fn}; # don't have a page for that function, skip it.
my $wikitype = $wikitypes{$fn};
my $sectionsref = $wikifuncs{$fn};
my $remarks = %$sectionsref{'Remarks'};
my $params = %$sectionsref{'Function Parameters'};
my $returns = %$sectionsref{'Return Value'};
my $version = %$sectionsref{'Version'};
my $related = %$sectionsref{'Related Functions'};
my $brief = %$sectionsref{'[Brief]'};
my $addblank = 0;
my $str = '';
$brief = dewikify($wikitype, $brief);
$brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary.
my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief;
$brief = shift @briefsplit;
if (defined $remarks) {
$remarks = join("\n", @briefsplit) . dewikify($wikitype, $remarks);
if (defined $brief) {
$str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
$str .= wordwrap($brief) . "\n";
if (defined $remarks) {
$str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
$str .= wordwrap($remarks) . "\n";
if (defined $params) {
$str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = (defined $returns) ? 0 : 1;
my @lines = split /\n/, dewikify($wikitype, $params);
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
die("Unexpected data parsing MediaWiki table") if (shift @lines ne '{|'); # Dump the '{|' start
while (scalar(@lines) >= 3) {
my $name = shift @lines;
my $desc = shift @lines;
my $terminator = shift @lines; # the '|-' or '|}' line.
last if ($terminator ne '|-') and ($terminator ne '|}'); # we seem to have run out of table.
$name =~ s/\A\|\s*//;
$name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/;
$name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/;
$desc =~ s/\A\|\s*//;
#print STDERR "FN: $fn NAME: $name DESC: $desc TERM: $terminator\n";
my $whitespacelen = length($name) + 8;
my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
$desc = wordwrap($desc, -$whitespacelen);
my @desclines = split /\n/, $desc;
my $firstline = shift @desclines;
$str .= "\\param $name $firstline\n";
foreach (@desclines) {
$str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
} else {
die("write me");
if (defined $returns) {
$str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
my $r = dewikify($wikitype, $returns);
my $retstr = "\\returns";
if ($r =~ s/\AReturn(s?) //) {
$retstr = "\\return$1";
my $whitespacelen = length($retstr) + 1;
my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
$r = wordwrap($r, -$whitespacelen);
my @desclines = split /\n/, $r;
my $firstline = shift @desclines;
$str .= "$retstr $firstline\n";
foreach (@desclines) {
$str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
if (defined $version) {
# !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these.
$str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $version);
my $whitespacelen = length("\\since") + 1;
my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
$v = wordwrap($v, -$whitespacelen);
my @desclines = split /\n/, $v;
my $firstline = shift @desclines;
$str .= "\\since $firstline\n";
foreach (@desclines) {
$str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
if (defined $related) {
# !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these.
$str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $related);
my @desclines = split /\n/, $v;
foreach (@desclines) {
s/\A(\:|\* )//;
$str .= "\\sa $_\n";
my @lines = split /\n/, $str;
my $output = "/**\n";
foreach (@lines) {
if ($_ eq '') {
$output .= " *\n";
} else {
$output .= " * $_\n";
$output .= " */";
my $header = $headerfuncslocation{$fn};
my $chunk = $headerfuncschunk{$fn};
my $contentsref = $headers{$header};
$$contentsref[$chunk] = $output;
#$$contentsref[$chunk+1] = $headerdecls{$fn};
$changed_headers{$header} = 1;
foreach (keys %changed_headers) {
my $contentsref = $headers{$_};
my $path = "$incpath/$_.tmp";
open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n");
foreach (@$contentsref) {
print FH "$_\n";
rename($path, "$incpath/$_") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$incpath/$_': $!\n");
} elsif ($copy_direction == -1) { # --copy-to-wiki
foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
my $fn = $_;
my $wikitype = defined $wikitypes{$fn} ? $wikitypes{$fn} : 'md'; # default to Markdown for new stuff.
die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n") if (($wikitype ne 'mediawiki') and ($wikitype ne 'md'));
my $raw = $headerfuncs{$fn}; # raw doxygen text with comment characters stripped from start/end and start of each line.
$raw =~ s/\A\s*\\brief\s+//; # Technically we don't need \brief (please turn on JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF if you use Doxygen), so just in case one is present, strip it.
my @doxygenlines = split /\n/, $raw;
my $brief = '';
while (@doxygenlines) {
last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past the general remarks.
last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\s*\Z/; # blank line? End of paragraph, done.
my $l = shift @doxygenlines;
$l =~ s/\A\s*//;
$l =~ s/\s*\Z//;
$brief .= "$l ";
$brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary.
my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief;
$brief = wikify($wikitype, shift @briefsplit);
@doxygenlines = (@briefsplit, @doxygenlines);
my $remarks = '';
while (@doxygenlines) {
last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past the general remarks.
my $l = shift @doxygenlines;
$l =~ s/\A\s*//;
$l =~ s/\s*\Z//;
$remarks .= "$l\n";
$remarks = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $remarks));
$remarks =~ s/\A\s*//;
$remarks =~ s/\s*\Z//;
my $decl = $headerdecls{$fn};
#$decl =~ s/\*\s+SDLCALL/ *SDLCALL/; # Try to make "void * Function" become "void *Function"
#$decl =~ s/\A\s*extern\s+DECLSPEC\s+(.*?)\s+(\*?)SDLCALL/$1$2/;
my $syntax = '';
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
$syntax = "<syntaxhighlight lang='c'>\n$decl</syntaxhighlight>\n";
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
$syntax = "```c\n$decl\n```\n";
} else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
my %sections = ();
$sections{'[Brief]'} = $brief; # include this section even if blank so we get a title line.
$sections{'Remarks'} = "$remarks\n" if $remarks ne '';
$sections{'Syntax'} = $syntax;
my @params = (); # have to parse these and build up the wiki tables after, since Markdown needs to know the length of the largest string. :/
while (@doxygenlines) {
my $l = shift @doxygenlines;
if ($l =~ /\A\\param\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)\Z/) {
my $arg = $1;
my $desc = $2;
while (@doxygenlines) {
my $subline = $doxygenlines[0];
$subline =~ s/\A\s*//;
last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing.
last if $subline eq ''; # empty line, this param is done.
shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it.
$desc .= wikify($wikitype, " $subline");
# We need to know the length of the longest string to make Markdown tables, so we just store these off until everything is parsed.
push @params, $arg;
push @params, $desc;
} elsif ($l =~ /\A\\r(eturns?)\s+(.*)\Z/) {
my $retstr = "R$1"; # "Return" or "Returns"
my $desc = $2;
while (@doxygenlines) {
my $subline = $doxygenlines[0];
$subline =~ s/\A\s*//;
last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing.
last if $subline eq ''; # empty line, this param is done.
shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it.
$desc .= wikify($wikitype, " $subline");
$sections{'Return Value'} = wordwrap("$retstr $desc") . "\n";
} elsif ($l =~ /\A\\since\s+(.*)\Z/) {
my $desc = $1;
while (@doxygenlines) {
my $subline = $doxygenlines[0];
$subline =~ s/\A\s*//;
last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing.
last if $subline eq ''; # empty line, this param is done.
shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it.
$desc .= wikify($wikitype, " $subline");
$sections{'Version'} = wordwrap($desc) . "\n";
} elsif ($l =~ /\A\\sa\s+(.*)\Z/) {
my $sa = $1;
$sections{'Related Functions'} = '' if not defined $sections{'Related Functions'};
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
$sections{'Related Functions'} .= ":[[$sa]]\n";
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
$sections{'Related Functions'} .= "* [$sa](/$sa)\n";
} else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
# We can build the wiki table now that we have all the data.
if (scalar(@params) > 0) {
my $str = '';
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
while (scalar(@params) > 0) {
my $arg = shift @params;
my $desc = shift @params;
$str .= ($str eq '') ? "{|\n" : "|-\n";
$str .= "|'''$arg'''\n";
$str .= "|$desc\n";
$str .= "|}\n";
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
my $longest_arg = 0;
my $longest_desc = 0;
my $which = 0;
foreach (@params) {
my $len = length($_);
if ($which == 0) {
$longest_arg = $len if ($len > $longest_arg);
$which = 1;
} else {
$longest_desc = $len if ($len > $longest_desc);
$which = 0;
# Markdown tables are sort of obnoxious.
$str .= '| ' . (' ' x ($longest_arg+4)) . ' | ' . (' ' x $longest_desc) . " |\n";
$str .= '| ' . ('-' x ($longest_arg+4)) . ' | ' . ('-' x $longest_desc) . " |\n";
while (@params) {
my $arg = shift @params;
my $desc = shift @params;
$str .= "| **$arg** " . (' ' x ($longest_arg - length($arg))) . "| $desc" . (' ' x ($longest_desc - length($desc))) . " |\n";
} else {
die("Unexpected wikitype!\n"); # should have checked this elsewhere.
$sections{'Function Parameters'} = $str;
my $path = "$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}.tmp";
open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n");
my $sectionsref = $wikifuncs{$fn};
foreach (@standard_wiki_sections) {
# drop sections we either replaced or removed from the original wiki's contents.
my $wikisectionorderref = $wikisectionorder{$fn};
my @ordered_sections = (@standard_wiki_sections, defined $wikisectionorderref ? @$wikisectionorderref : ()); # this copies the arrays into one.
foreach (@ordered_sections) {
my $sect = $_;
next if $sect eq '[start]';
next if (not defined $sections{$sect} and not defined $$sectionsref{$sect});
my $section = defined $sections{$sect} ? $sections{$sect} : $$sectionsref{$sect};
if ($sect eq '[footer]') {
print FH "----\n"; # It's the same in Markdown and MediaWiki.
} elsif ($sect eq '[Brief]') {
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
print FH "= $fn =\n\n";
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
print FH "# $fn\n\n";
} else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
} else {
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
print FH "\n== $sect ==\n\n";
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
print FH "\n## $sect\n\n";
} else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
print FH defined $sections{$sect} ? $sections{$sect} : $$sectionsref{$sect};
# make sure these don't show up twice.
print FH "\n\n";
rename($path, "$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}': $!\n");
# end of wikiheaders.pl ...
Reference in a new issue