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synced 2025-03-08 10:00:15 +00:00
wikiheaders: Work to make the wiki exist primarily in Markdown format.
This adds a means to mass-convert the whole wiki to Markdown as a one-time operation, and then some fixes to make --copy-to-headers correctly deal with Markdown-formatted wiki pages. (cherry picked from commit 936a51d5cc50afd76e291acd36bcb95513ce8919)
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ my $warn_about_missing = 0;
my $copy_direction = 0;
my $optionsfname = undef;
my $wikipreamble = undef;
my $changeformat = undef;
foreach (@ARGV) {
$warn_about_missing = 1, next if $_ eq '--warn-about-missing';
@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ foreach (@ARGV) {
if (/\A--options=(.*)\Z/) {
$optionsfname = $1;
} elsif (/\A--changeformat=(.*)\Z/) {
$changeformat = $1;
$srcpath = $_, next if not defined $srcpath;
$wikipath = $_, next if not defined $wikipath;
@ -131,6 +135,7 @@ sub wordwrap_with_bullet_indent { # don't call this directly.
my $usual_prefix = ' ' x $bulletlen;
foreach (@wrappedlines) {
$retval .= "$prefix$_\n";
$prefix = $usual_prefix;
@ -325,6 +330,11 @@ sub dewikify_chunk {
# bullets
$str =~ s/^\* /- /gm;
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
# Dump obvious wikilinks. The rest can just passthrough.
if (defined $apiprefixregex) {
$str =~ s/\[($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\(($apiprefixregex[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)/$1/gms;
if (defined $code) {
@ -799,6 +809,33 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
$str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
} elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
my $l;
$l = shift @lines;
die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*\|\s*\|\s*\Z/);
$l = shift @lines;
die("Unexpected data parsing Markdown table") if (not $l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\-*\s*\|\s*\Z/);
while (scalar(@lines) >= 1) {
$l = shift @lines;
if ($l =~ /\A\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|\s*\Z/) {
my $name = $1;
my $desc = $2;
$name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/;
$name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/;
#print STDERR "FN: $fn NAME: $name DESC: $desc\n";
my $whitespacelen = length($name) + 8;
my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
$desc = wordwrap($desc, -$whitespacelen);
my @desclines = split /\n/, $desc;
my $firstline = shift @desclines;
$str .= "\\param $name $firstline\n";
foreach (@desclines) {
$str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
} else {
last; # we seem to have run out of table.
} else {
die("write me");
@ -923,10 +960,17 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
} elsif ($copy_direction == -1) { # --copy-to-wiki
if (defined $changeformat) {
$dewikify_mode = $changeformat;
$wordwrap_mode = $changeformat;
foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
my $fn = $_;
next if not $headerfuncshasdoxygen{$fn};
my $wikitype = defined $wikitypes{$fn} ? $wikitypes{$fn} : 'mediawiki'; # default to MediaWiki for new stuff FOR NOW.
my $origwikitype = defined $wikitypes{$fn} ? $wikitypes{$fn} : 'md'; # default to MarkDown for new stuff.
my $wikitype = (defined $changeformat) ? $changeformat : $origwikitype;
die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n") if (($wikitype ne 'mediawiki') and ($wikitype ne 'md') and ($wikitype ne 'manpage'));
#print("$fn\n"); next;
@ -1157,8 +1201,25 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
push @$wikisectionorderref, '[footer]';
# If changing format, convert things that otherwise are passed through unmolested.
if (defined $changeformat) {
if (($dewikify_mode eq 'md') and ($origwikitype eq 'mediawiki')) {
$$sectionsref{'[footer]'} =~ s/\[\[(Category[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]/[$1]($1)/g;
} elsif (($dewikify_mode eq 'mediawiki') and ($origwikitype eq 'md')) {
$$sectionsref{'[footer]'} =~ s/\[(Category[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\(.*?\)/[[$1]]/g;
foreach (keys %only_wiki_sections) {
my $sect = $_;
if (defined $$sectionsref{$sect}) {
$$sectionsref{$sect} = wikify($wikitype, dewikify($origwikitype, $$sectionsref{$sect}));
# !!! FIXME: This won't be CategoryAPI if we eventually handle things other than functions.
my $footer = $$sectionsref{'[footer]'};
if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
$footer =~ s/\[\[CategoryAPI\]\],?\s*//g;
$footer = '[[CategoryAPI]]' . (($footer eq '') ? "\n" : ", $footer");
@ -1218,6 +1279,12 @@ if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
print FH "\n\n";
if (defined $changeformat and ($origwikitype ne $wikitype)) {
system("cd '$wikipath' ; git mv '$_.${origwikitype}' '$_.${wikitype}'");
rename($path, "$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}': $!\n");
Reference in a new issue