Added support for the accelerometer in the Wii Remote

This commit is contained in:
Sam Lantinga 2022-09-05 16:08:15 -07:00
parent a61b823da8
commit d1fea10c0f

View file

@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ typedef struct {
SDL_bool m_bPlayerLights;
int m_nPlayerIndex;
SDL_bool m_bRumbleActive;
SDL_bool m_bReportSensors;
Uint8 m_rgucReadBuffer[k_unWiiPacketDataLength];
Uint32 m_unLastInput;
Uint32 m_unLastStatus;
@ -401,23 +402,32 @@ static void UpdatePowerLevelWiiU(SDL_Joystick *joystick, Uint8 extensionBatteryB
static EWiiInputReportIDs GetButtonPacketType(SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx)
switch (ctx->m_eExtensionControllerType) {
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_WiiUPro:
return k_eWiiInputReportIDs_ButtonDataD;
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_Nunchuck:
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_ClassicController:
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_ClassicControllerPro:
return k_eWiiInputReportIDs_ButtonData2;
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_WiiUPro:
return k_eWiiInputReportIDs_ButtonDataD;
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_Nunchuck:
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_ClassicController:
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_ClassicControllerPro:
return k_eWiiInputReportIDs_ButtonData2;
if (ctx->m_bReportSensors) {
return k_eWiiInputReportIDs_ButtonData1;
} else {
return k_eWiiInputReportIDs_ButtonData0;
static SDL_bool RequestButtonPacketType(SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx, EWiiInputReportIDs type)
Uint8 data[3];
Uint8 tt = ctx->m_bRumbleActive;
/* Continuous reporting off, tt & 4 == 0 */
tt |= 4;
data[0] = k_eWiiOutputReportIDs_DataReportingMode;
data[1] = tt;
data[2] = type;
@ -651,6 +661,11 @@ HIDAPI_DriverWii_OpenJoystick(SDL_HIDAPI_Device *device, SDL_Joystick *joystick)
if (ctx->m_eExtensionControllerType == k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_None ||
ctx->m_eExtensionControllerType == k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_Nunchuck) {
SDL_PrivateJoystickAddSensor(joystick, SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL, 100.0f);
SDL_GameControllerButtonReportingHintChanged, ctx);
@ -736,8 +751,11 @@ HIDAPI_DriverWii_SendJoystickEffect(SDL_HIDAPI_Device *device, SDL_Joystick *joy
static int
HIDAPI_DriverWii_SetJoystickSensorsEnabled(SDL_HIDAPI_Device *device, SDL_Joystick *joystick, SDL_bool enabled)
/* TODO: Implement Sensors */
return SDL_Unsupported();
SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx = (SDL_DriverWii_Context *)device->context;
ctx->m_bReportSensors = enabled;
return 0;
static void PostStickCalibrated(SDL_Joystick *joystick, struct StickCalibrationData *calibration, Uint8 axis, Uint16 data)
@ -934,6 +952,41 @@ static void HandleNunchuckButtonData(SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx, SDL_Joystick *j
if (data->rgucExtension[1] != 0xFF) {
PostStickCalibrated(joystick, &ctx->m_StickCalibrationData[1], SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY, data->rgucExtension[1]);
if (ctx->m_bReportSensors) {
const float ACCEL_RES_PER_G = 200.0f;
Sint16 x, y, z;
float values[3];
x = (((Sint16)data->rgucExtension[2] << 2) | ((data->rgucBaseButtons[5] >> 2) & 0x03)) - 0x200;
y = (((Sint16)data->rgucExtension[3] << 2) | ((data->rgucBaseButtons[5] >> 4) & 0x03)) - 0x200;
z = (((Sint16)data->rgucExtension[4] << 2) | ((data->rgucBaseButtons[5] >> 6) & 0x03)) - 0x200;
values[0] = -((float)x / ACCEL_RES_PER_G) * SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY;
values[1] = ((float)z / ACCEL_RES_PER_G) * SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY;
values[2] = ((float)y / ACCEL_RES_PER_G) * SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY;
SDL_PrivateJoystickSensor(joystick, SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL, values, 3);
static void HandleWiiRemoteAccelData(SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx, SDL_Joystick *joystick, const WiiButtonData *data)
const float ACCEL_RES_PER_G = 100.0f;
Sint16 x, y, z;
float values[3];
if (!ctx->m_bReportSensors || ctx->m_eExtensionControllerType != k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_None) {
x = (((Sint16)data->rgucAccelerometer[0] << 2) | ((data->rgucBaseButtons[0] >> 5) & 0x03)) - 0x200;
y = (((Sint16)data->rgucAccelerometer[1] << 2) | ((data->rgucBaseButtons[1] >> 4) & 0x02)) - 0x200;
z = (((Sint16)data->rgucAccelerometer[2] << 2) | ((data->rgucBaseButtons[1] >> 5) & 0x02)) - 0x200;
values[0] = -((float)x / ACCEL_RES_PER_G) * SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY;
values[1] = ((float)z / ACCEL_RES_PER_G) * SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY;
values[2] = ((float)y / ACCEL_RES_PER_G) * SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY;
SDL_PrivateJoystickSensor(joystick, SDL_SENSOR_ACCEL, values, 3);
static void HandleButtonData(SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx, SDL_Joystick *joystick, const WiiButtonData *data)
@ -942,6 +995,7 @@ static void HandleButtonData(SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx, SDL_Joystick *joystick,
HandleWiiUProButtonData(ctx, joystick, data);
HandleWiiRemoteButtonData(ctx, joystick, data);
switch (ctx->m_eExtensionControllerType) {
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_Nunchuck:
@ -954,10 +1008,10 @@ static void HandleButtonData(SDL_DriverWii_Context *ctx, SDL_Joystick *joystick,
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_ClassicControllerPro:
HandleClassicControllerButtonData(ctx, joystick, data);
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_Unknown:
case k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_WiiUPro:
HandleWiiRemoteAccelData(ctx, joystick, data);
static void GetBaseButtons(WiiButtonData *dst, const Uint8 *src)
@ -1179,7 +1233,10 @@ HIDAPI_DriverWii_UpdateDevice(SDL_HIDAPI_Device *device)
ctx->m_unLastInput = now;
if (ctx->m_eExtensionControllerType == k_eWiiExtensionControllerType_WiiUPro) {
/* Check to see if we've lost connection to the controller.
* We have continous reporting enabled, so this should be reliable now.
const Uint32 INPUT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000;
if (SDL_TICKS_PASSED(now, ctx->m_unLastInput + INPUT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS)) {
@ -1187,10 +1244,12 @@ HIDAPI_DriverWii_UpdateDevice(SDL_HIDAPI_Device *device)
size = -1;
} else {
/* Request a status update periodically to make sure our battery value is up to date */
const Uint32 FIFTEEN_MINUTES_IN_MS = 15 * 60 * 1000;
/* Request a status update periodically to make sure our battery value is up to date */
if (!ctx->m_unLastStatus ||
SDL_TICKS_PASSED(now, ctx->m_unLastStatus + FIFTEEN_MINUTES_IN_MS) ||
ctx->m_eCommState == k_eWiiCommunicationState_Error) {