mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 10:00:15 +00:00
This keep documentation future-accurate and more importantly: it will produce correct results before we tag the official release in git, so they'll be correct in the tag and the release tarball.
173 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable file
173 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
my $wikipath = undef;
foreach (@ARGV) {
$wikipath = abs_path($_), next if not defined $wikipath;
my @unsorted_releases = ();
open(PIPEFH, '-|', 'git tag -l') or die "Failed to read git release tags: $!\n";
while (<PIPEFH>) {
if (/\Arelease\-(.*?)\Z/) {
push @unsorted_releases, $1;
#foreach (@unsorted_releases) {
# print "$_\n";
my @releases = sort {
my @asplit = split /\./, $a;
my @bsplit = split /\./, $b;
my $rc;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@asplit); $i++) {
return 1 if (scalar(@bsplit) <= $i); # a is "2.0.1" and b is "2.0", or whatever.
my $aseg = $asplit[$i];
my $bseg = $bsplit[$i];
$rc = int($aseg) <=> int($bseg);
return $rc if ($rc != 0); # found the difference.
return 0; # still here? They matched completely?!
} @unsorted_releases;
# this happens to work for how SDL versions things at the moment.
my $current_release = $releases[-1];
my @current_release_segments = split /\./, $current_release;
@current_release_segments[2] = '' . ($current_release_segments[2] + 2);
my $next_release = join('.', @current_release_segments);
#foreach (@releases) {
# print "$_\n";
#print("\nCURRENT RELEASE: $current_release\n");
#print("NEXT RELEASE: $next_release\n\n");
push @releases, 'HEAD';
my %funcs = ();
foreach my $release (@releases) {
#print("Checking $release...\n");
next if ($release eq '2.0.0') || ($release eq '2.0.1'); # no dynapi before 2.0.2
my $assigned_release = ($release eq '2.0.2') ? '2.0.0' : $release; # assume everything in 2.0.2--first with dynapi--was there since 2.0.0. We'll fix it up later.
my $tag = ($release eq 'HEAD') ? $release : "release-$release";
my $blobname = "$tag:src/dynapi/SDL_dynapi_overrides.h";
open(PIPEFH, '-|', "git show '$blobname'") or die "Failed to read git blob '$blobname': $!\n";
while (<PIPEFH>) {
if (/\A\#define\s+(SDL_.*?)\s+SDL_.*?_REAL\Z/) {
my $fn = $1;
$funcs{$fn} = $assigned_release if not defined $funcs{$fn};
# Fixup the handful of functions that were added in 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 that we
# didn't have dynapi revision data about...
$funcs{'SDL_GetSystemRAM'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_GetBasePath'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_GetPrefPath'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_UpdateYUVTexture'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_Direct3D9GetAdapterIndex'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_RenderGetD3D9Device'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_GetAssertionHandler'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicAdd'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicGet'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicGetPtr'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicSet'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicSetPtr'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_HasAVX'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_acos'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_asin'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_vsscanf'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_DetachThread'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_GL_ResetAttributes'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_DXGIGetOutputInfo'} = '2.0.2';
# these are incorrect in the dynapi header, because we forgot to add them
# until a later release, but are available in the older release.
$funcs{'SDL_WinRTGetFSPathUNICODE'} = '2.0.3';
$funcs{'SDL_WinRTGetFSPathUTF8'} = '2.0.3';
$funcs{'SDL_WinRTRunApp'} = '2.0.3';
if (not defined $wikipath) {
foreach my $release (@releases) {
foreach my $fn (sort keys %funcs) {
print("$fn: $funcs{$fn}\n") if $funcs{$fn} eq $release;
} else {
if (defined $wikipath) {
foreach my $fn (keys %funcs) {
my $revision = $funcs{$fn};
$revision = $next_release if $revision eq 'HEAD';
my $fname = "$fn.mediawiki";
if ( ! -f $fname ) {
#print STDERR "No such file: $fname\n";
my @lines = ();
open(FH, '<', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for read: $!\n");
my $added = 0;
while (<FH>) {
if ((/\A\-\-\-\-/) && (!$added)) {
push @lines, "== Version ==";
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
$added = 1;
push @lines, $_;
next if not /\A\=\=\s+Version\s+\=\=/;
$added = 1;
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
while (<FH>) {
next if not (/\A\=\=\s+/ || /\A\-\-\-\-/);
push @lines, $_;
if (!$added) {
push @lines, "== Version ==";
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
open(FH, '>', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for write: $!\n");
foreach (@lines) {
print FH "$_\n";