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synced 2025-03-08 10:00:15 +00:00
For stable releases, this gives us the ability to make bugfix-only point releases such as 2.24.1 if we want to, and distinguish between them programmatically. For example, this ability could have been useful after 2.0.16 to fix Xwayland regressions, and after 2.0.18 to fix event loop regressions. For development releases, this gives us the ability to make multiple prereleases during the same feature cycle, and distinguish between them programmatically. For example, this would have been useful during 2.0.22 development, which went through three prereleases before reaching the final release. Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <smcv@collabora.com>
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# winrtbuild.ps1 -- A Powershell script to build all SDL/WinRT variants,
# across all WinRT platforms, in all of their supported, CPU architectures.
# Initial version written by David Ludwig <dludwig@pobox.com>
# This script can be launched from Windows Explorer by double-clicking
# on winrtbuild.bat
# Output will be placed in the following subdirectories of the SDL source
# tree:
# * VisualC-WinRT\lib\ -- final .dll, .lib, and .pdb files
# * VisualC-WinRT\obj\ -- intermediate build files
# Recommended Dependencies:
# * Windows 8.1 or higher
# * Powershell 4.0 or higher (included as part of Windows 8.1)
# * Visual C++ 2012, for building Windows 8.0 and Windows Phone 8.0 binaries.
# * Visual C++ 2013, for building Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 binaries
# * SDKs for Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.0, and
# Windows Phone 8.1, as needed
# Commom parameters/variables may include, but aren't strictly limited to:
# * PlatformToolset: the name of one of Visual Studio's build platforms.
# Different PlatformToolsets output different binaries. One
# PlatformToolset exists for each WinRT platform. Possible values
# may include:
# - "v110": Visual Studio 2012 build tools, plus the Windows 8.0 SDK
# - "v110_wp80": Visual Studio 2012 build tools, plus the Windows Phone 8.0 SDK
# - "v120": Visual Studio 2013 build tools, plus the Windows 8.1 SDK
# - "v120_wp81": Visual Studio 2013 build tools, plus the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK
# * VSProjectPath: the full path to a Visual Studio or Visual C++ project file
# * VSProjectName: the internal name of a Visual Studio or Visual C++ project
# file. Some of Visual Studio's own build tools use this name when
# calculating paths for build-output.
# * Platform: a Visual Studio platform name, which often maps to a CPU
# CPU architecture. Possible values may include: "Win32" (for 32-bit x86),
# "ARM", or "x64" (for 64-bit x86).
# Base version of SDL, used for packaging purposes
$SDLVersion = "2.23.0"
# Gets the .bat file that sets up an MSBuild environment, given one of
# Visual Studio's, "PlatformToolset"s.
function Get-MSBuild-Env-Launcher
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110") { # Windows 8.0 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2012
return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110_wp80") { # Windows Phone 8.0, via VS 2012
return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\WPSDK\WP80\vcvarsphoneall.bat"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120") { # Windows 8.1 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2013
return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120_wp81") { # Windows Phone 8.1, via VS 2013
return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v140") { # Windows 10, via VS 2015
return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
return ""
# Gets a string that identifies the build-variant of SDL/WinRT that is specific
# to a particular Visual Studio PlatformToolset.
function Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name
# If true, append a string to this function's output, identifying the
# build-variant's minimum-supported version of Visual Studio.
[switch]$IncludeVSSuffix = $false
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110") { # Windows 8.0 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2012 project files
if ($IncludeVSSuffix) {
return "WinRT80_VS2012"
} else {
return "WinRT80"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110_wp80") { # Windows Phone 8.0, via VS 2012 project files
if ($IncludeVSSuffix) {
return "WinPhone80_VS2012"
} else {
return "WinPhone80"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120") { # Windows 8.1 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2013 project files
if ($IncludeVSSuffix) {
return "WinRT81_VS2013"
} else {
return "WinRT81"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120_wp81") { # Windows Phone 8.1, via VS 2013 project files
if ($IncludeVSSuffix) {
return "WinPhone81_VS2013"
} else {
return "WinPhone81"
if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v140") { # Windows 10, via VS 2015 project files
if ($IncludeVSSuffix) {
return "UWP_VS2015"
} else {
return "UWP"
return ""
# Returns the internal name of a Visual Studio Project.
# The internal name of a VS Project is encoded inside the project file
# itself, inside a set of <ProjectName></ProjectName> XML tags.
function Get-VS-ProjectName
# For now, just do a regex for the project name:
$matches = (Get-Content $VSProjectPath | Select-String -Pattern ".*<ProjectName>([^<]+)<.*").Matches
foreach ($match in $matches) {
if ($match.Groups.Count -ge 1) {
return $match.Groups[1].Value
return $null
# Build a specific variant of SDL/WinRT
function Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant
# Read in arguments:
param (
# name of an SDL project file, minus extensions and
# platform-identifying suffixes
# Derive other properties from read-in arguments:
# The .bat file to setup a platform-appropriate MSBuild environment:
$BatchFileForMSBuildEnv = Get-MSBuild-Env-Launcher $PlatformToolset
# The full path to the VS Project that'll be built:
$VSProjectPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset -IncludeVSSuffix)\$SDLProjectName-$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset).vcxproj"
# The internal name of the VS Project, used in some post-build steps:
$VSProjectName = Get-VS-ProjectName $VSProjectPath
# Where to place output binaries (.dll, .lib, and .pdb files):
$OutDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\lib\$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset)\$Platform"
# Where to place intermediate build files:
$IntermediateDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\obj\$SDLProjectName-$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset)\$Platform"
# Build the VS Project:
cmd.exe /c " ""$BatchFileForMSBuildEnv"" x86 & msbuild ""$VSProjectPath"" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=$Platform /p:OutDir=""$OutDir\\"" /p:IntDir=""$IntermediateDir\\""" | Out-Host
$BuildResult = $?
# Move .dll files into place. This fixes a problem whereby MSBuild may
# put output files into a sub-directory of $OutDir, rather than $OutDir
# itself.
if (Test-Path "$OutDir\$VSProjectName\") {
Move-Item -Force "$OutDir\$VSProjectName\*" "$OutDir"
# Clean up unneeded files in $OutDir:
if (Test-Path "$OutDir\$VSProjectName\") {
Remove-Item -Recurse "$OutDir\$VSProjectName"
Remove-Item "$OutDir\*.exp"
Remove-Item "$OutDir\*.ilk"
Remove-Item "$OutDir\*.pri"
# All done. Indicate success, or failure, to the caller:
#echo "RESULT: $BuildResult" | Out-Host
return $BuildResult
# Build each variant, with corresponding .dll, .lib, and .pdb files:
$DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $false
$DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $false
# Ryan disabled WP8.0, because it doesn't appear to have mmdeviceapi.h that SDL_wasapi needs.
# My assumption is that no one will miss this, but send patches otherwise! --ryan.
# Build for Windows Phone 8.0, via VC++ 2012:
#if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
#if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows Phone 8.1, via VC++ 2013:
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows 8.0 and Windows RT 8.0, via VC++ 2012:
# Win 8.0 auto-building was disabled on 2017-Feb-25, by David Ludwig <dludwig@pobox.com>.
# Steam's OS-usage surveys indicate that Windows 8.0 use is pretty much nil, plus
# Microsoft hasn't supported Windows 8.0 development for a few years now.
# The commented-out lines below may still work on some systems, though.
#if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
#if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
#if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "x64")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1, via VC++ 2013:
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "x64")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows 10, via VC++ 2015
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "x64")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build NuGet packages, if possible
if ($DidAnyDLLBuildFail -eq $true) {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to build all variants. NuGet packages will not be built."
$DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true
} else {
$NugetPath = (Get-Command -CommandType Application nuget.exe | %{$_.Path}) 2> $null
if ("$NugetPath" -eq "") {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to find nuget.exe. NuGet packages will not be built."
$DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Building SDL2 NuGet packages..."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "... via NuGet install: $NugetPath"
$NugetOutputDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\lib\nuget"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "... output directory: $NugetOutputDir"
$SDLHGRevision = $($(hg log -l 1 --repository "$PSScriptRoot\.." | select-string "changeset") -Replace "changeset:\W*(\d+).*",'$1') 2>$null
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "... HG Revision: $SDLHGRevision"
# Base options to nuget.exe
$NugetOptions = @("pack", "PACKAGE_NAME_WILL_GO_HERE", "-Output", "$NugetOutputDir")
# Try attaching hg revision to NuGet package:
$NugetOptions += "-Version"
if ("$SDLHGRevision" -eq "") {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to find the Mercurial revision (maybe hg.exe can't be found?). NuGet packages will not have this attached to their name."
$NugetOptions += "$SDLVersion-Unofficial"
} else {
$NugetOptions += "$SDLVersion.$SDLHGRevision-Unofficial"
# Create NuGet output dir, if not yet created:
if ($(Test-Path "$NugetOutputDir") -eq $false) {
New-Item "$NugetOutputDir" -type directory
# Package SDL2:
$NugetOptions[1] = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\SDL2-WinRT.nuspec"
&"$NugetPath" $NugetOptions -Symbols
if ( ! $? ) { $DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true }
# Package SDL2main:
$NugetOptions[1] = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\SDL2main-WinRT-NonXAML.nuspec"
&"$NugetPath" $NugetOptions
if ( ! $? ) { $DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true }
# Let the script's caller know whether or not any errors occurred.
# Exit codes compatible with Buildbot are used (1 for error, 0 for success).
if ($DidAnyDLLBuildFail -eq $true) {
Write-Error -Message "Unable to build all known variants of SDL2 for WinRT"
exit 1
} elseif ($DidAnyNugetBuildFail -eq $true) {
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to build NuGet packages"
exit 0 # Should NuGet package build failure lead to a non-failing result code instead?
} else {
exit 0