'If you have concerns about another user, please take up your concerns with a staff member (someone with the "mod" role in the sidebar) in private. Don\'t publicly call other users out.',
"Don't brigade, raid, or otherwise attack other people or communities. Don't discuss participation in these attacks. This may warrant an immediate permanent ban.",
# 7
'Off-topic content goes to #off-topic. Keep low-quality content like memes out.',
# 8
'Trying to evade, look for loopholes, or stay borderline within the rules will be treated as breaking them.',
'The first character of your server nickname should be alphanumeric if you wish to talk in chat.'
#news - Used exclusively for updates on ReSwitched progress and community information. Most major announcements are passed through this channel and whenever something is posted there it's usually something you'll want to look at.
#switch-hacking-meta - For "meta-discussion" related to hacking the switch. This is where we talk *about* the switch hacking that's going on, and where you can get clarification about the hacks that exist and the work that's being done.
#user-support - End-user focused support, mainly between users. Ask your questions about using switch homebrew here.
#tool-support - Developer focused support. Ask your questions about using PegaSwitch, libtransistor, Mephisto, and other tools here.
#hack-n-all - General hacking, hardware and software development channel for hacking on things *other* than the switch. This is a great place to ask about hacking other systems-- and for the community to have technical discussions.
#switch-hacking-general - Channel for everyone working on hacking the switch-- both in an exploit and a low-level hardware sense. This is where a lot of our in-the-open development goes on. Note that this isn't the place for developing homebrew-- we have #homebrew-development for that!
#homebrew-development - Discussion about the development of homebrew goes there. Feel free to show off your latest creation here.
#off-topic - Channel for discussion of anything that doesn't belong in #general. Anything goes, so long as you make sure to follow the rules and be on your best behavior.
#toolchain-development - Discussion about the development of libtransistor itself goes there.
#cfw-development - Development discussion regarding custom firmware (CFW) projects, such as Atmosphère. This channel is meant for the discussion accompanying active development.
**Note:Thischanneliscompletelyautomated(asidefromrespondingtoquestionsabouttherules).Ifyourmessagedidn't give you access to the other channels, you failed the test. Feel free to try again.**
hidden_term_line=' • When you have finished reading all of the rules, send a message in this channel that includes the SHA1 hash of your discord "name#discriminator" (for example, SHA1(User#1234)), and we\'ll grant you access to the other channels. You can find your "name#discriminator" (your username followed by a ‘#’ and four numbers) under the discord channel list.'
awaitchan.send(f"{message.author.mention} :no_entry: Close, but incorrect. You got the process right, but you're not doing it on your name and discriminator properly. Please re-read the rules carefully and look up any terms you are not familiar with.")
awaitchan.send(f"{message.author.mention} :no_entry: Close, but incorrect. You're processing your name and discriminator properly, but you're not using the right process. Please re-read the rules carefully and look up any terms you are not familiar with.")
awaitchan.send(f"{message.author.mention} :no_entry: Close, but incorrect. You're processing your name and discriminator properly, but you're not using the right process. Please re-read the rules carefully and look up any terms you are not familiar with.")
no_text=":no_entry: Incorrect. You need to do something *specific* with your name and discriminator instead of just posting it. Please re-read the rules carefully and look up any terms you are not familiar with."