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synced 2025-02-02 05:01:05 +00:00
Fix the randomized hash algorithm
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,11 +109,14 @@ welcome_footer = (
hidden_term_line = ' • When you have finished reading all of the rules, send a message in this channel that includes the {0} hash of your discord "name#discriminator" (for example, {0}(User#1234)), and we\'ll grant you access to the other channels. You can find your "name#discriminator" (your username followed by a ‘#’ and four numbers) under the discord channel list.'
hash_choice = hashlib.sha1
class Verification(Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/hashlib.html#shake-variable-length-digests
self.blacklisted_hashes = {"shake_128", "shake_256"}
self.hash_choice = random.choice(tuple(hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed -
@ -126,7 +129,12 @@ class Verification(Cog):
if ctx.message.channel.id == config.welcome_channel:
# randomize hash_choice on reset
hash_choice = random.choice(tuple(hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed))
# TODO: do reset on start
# TODO: Reset algo every 24 hours
# TODO: Move to its own function
self.hash_choice = \
random.choice(tuple(hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed -
await ctx.channel.purge(limit=limit)
@ -134,13 +142,14 @@ class Verification(Cog):
rules = ['**{}**. {}'.format(i, cleandoc(r)) for i, r in
enumerate(welcome_rules, 1)]
rule_choice = random.randint(2, len(rules))
rules[rule_choice - 1] += '\n' + hidden_term_line.format(hash_choice.upper())
rules[rule_choice - 1] += \
'\n' + hidden_term_line.format(self.hash_choice.upper())
msg = f"🗑 **Reset**: {ctx.author.mention} cleared {limit} messages "\
f" in {ctx.channel.mention}"
msg += f"\n💬 __Current challenge location__: under rule {rule_choice}"
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.log_channel)
await log_channel.send(msg)
# find rule that puts us over 2,000 characters, if any
total = 0
messages = []
@ -205,20 +214,24 @@ class Verification(Cog):
close_names += [(cn + '\r') for cn in close_names]
# Finally, hash the stuff so that we can access them later :)
hash_allow = [hashlib.new(hash_choice, name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
hash_allow = [hashlib.new(self.hash_choice,
for name in allowed_names]
# Detect if the user uses the wrong hash algorithm
for w in hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed - {hash_choice}:
for name in itertools.chain(allowed_names, close_names):
if hashlib.new(w, name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() in message.content.lower():
self.wrong_hash_algo = true
# I'm not even going to attempt to break those into lines jfc
if any(allow in mcl for allow in hash_allow):
await member.add_roles(success_role)
await chan.purge(limit=100, check=lambda m: m.author == message.author or (m.author == self.bot.user and message.author.mention in m.content))
elif full_name in message.content or str(member.id) in message.content or member.name in message.content or discrim in message.content:
return await chan.purge(limit=100, check=lambda m: m.author == message.author or (m.author == self.bot.user and message.author.mention in m.content))
# Detect if the user uses the wrong hash algorithm
wrong_hash_algos = hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed - \
{self.hash_choice} - self.blacklisted_hashes
for algo in wrong_hash_algos:
for name in itertools.chain(allowed_names, close_names):
if hashlib.new(algo, name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() in message.content.lower():
return await chan.send(f"{message.author.mention} :no_entry: Close, but not quite. Go back and re-read!")
if full_name in message.content or str(member.id) in message.content or member.name in message.content or discrim in message.content:
no_text = ":no_entry: Incorrect. You need to do something *specific* with your name and discriminator instead of just posting it. Please re-read the rules carefully and look up any terms you are not familiar with."
rand_num = random.randint(1, 100)
if rand_num == 42:
@ -228,8 +241,6 @@ class Verification(Cog):
elif rand_num == 44:
no_text = "\"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.\"\n-Albert Einstein"
await chan.send(f"{message.author.mention} {no_text}")
elif self.wrong_hash_algo == true:
await chan.send(f"{message.author.mention} :no_entry: Close, but not quite. Go back and re-read!")
async def on_message(self, message):
@ -253,56 +264,6 @@ class Verification(Cog):
chan = self.bot.get_channel(after.channel)
await chan.send("💢 I don't have permission to do this.")
# @commands.guild_only()
# @commands.command()
# async def verify(self, ctx, *, verification_string: str):
# """Does verification.
# See text on top of #verification for more info."""
# await ctx.message.delete()
# veriflogs_channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(config.veriflogs_chanid)
# verification_role = ctx.guild.get_role(config.read_rules_roleid)
# verification_wanted = config.verification_code\
# .replace("[discrim]", ctx.author.discriminator)
# # Do checks on if the user can even attempt to verify
# if ctx.channel.id != config.verification_chanid:
# resp = await ctx.send("This command can only be used "
# f"on <#{config.verification_chanid}>.")
# await asyncio.sleep(config.sleep_secs)
# return await resp.delete()
# if verification_role in ctx.author.roles:
# resp = await ctx.send("This command can only by those without "
# f"<@&{config.read_rules_roleid}> role.")
# await asyncio.sleep(config.sleep_secs)
# return await resp.delete()
# # Log verification attempt
# await self.bot.update_logs("Verification Attempt",
# ctx.author.id,
# veriflogs_channel,
# log_text=verification_string,
# digdepth=50, result=-1)
# # Check verification code
# if verification_string.lower().strip() == verification_wanted:
# resp = await ctx.send("Success! Welcome to the "
# f"club, {str(ctx.author)}.")
# await self.bot.update_logs("Verification Attempt",
# ctx.author.id,
# veriflogs_channel,
# digdepth=50, result=0)
# await asyncio.sleep(config.sleep_secs)
# await ctx.author.add_roles(verification_role)
# await resp.delete()
# else:
# resp = await ctx.send(f"Incorrect password, {str(ctx.author)}.")
# await asyncio.sleep(config.sleep_secs)
# await resp.delete()
def setup(bot):
Reference in a new issue