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synced 2025-03-04 21:19:56 +00:00
Update [ERR]
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ class Err(Cog):
self.wiiu_re = re.compile(r'1\d{2}\-\d{4}')
self.switch_re = re.compile(r'2\d{3}\-\d{4}')
self.no_err_desc = "It seems like your error code is unknown. "\
"You should report relevant details to "\
"You should report **relevant** details to "\
"<@141532589725974528> (tomGER#7462) "\
"so it can be added to the bot."
self.rickroll = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uj896lr3-E"
self.rickroll = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ZiVn5L9vM"
@commands.command(aliases=["3dserr", "3err", "dserr"])
async def dderr(self, ctx, err: str):
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class Err(Cog):
desc = int(err[5:9])
errcode = (desc << 9) + module
str_errcode = f'{(module + 2000):04}-{desc:04}'
str_errcode = f"{(module + 2000):04}-{desc:04}"
# Searching for Modules in list
if module in switch_modules:
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class Err(Cog):
err = int(err, 16)
module = err & 0x1FF
desc = (err >> 9) & 0x3FFF
errcode = f'{(module + 2000):04}-{desc:04}'
errcode = f"{(module + 2000):04}-{desc:04}"
await ctx.send(errcode)
await ctx.send("This doesn't look like typical hex!")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Date: 15.04.2019
# Date: 13.06.2019
switch_modules = {
1: "Kernel ",
2: "FS ",
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ switch_modules = {
24: "SDMMC ",
25: "OVLN ",
26: "SPL ",
30: "Bus",
100: "ETHC ",
101: "I2C ",
102: "GPIO ",
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ switch_modules = {
141: "NSD ",
142: "PCTL ",
143: "BTM ",
144: "EC (Shop) ",
144: "LA (Library Applet)",
145: "ETicket ",
146: "NGC (Bad Words) ",
147: "Error Report ",
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ switch_modules = {
154: "NPNS ",
155: "NPNS HTTP Stream ",
157: "ARP ",
158: "Boot ",
158: "Updater ",
159: "SWKBD ",
161: "NFC Mifare ",
162: "Userland assert ",
@ -84,6 +85,9 @@ switch_modules = {
179: "OLSC ",
180: "SREPO ",
181: "Dauth ",
191: "RTC",
192: "Regulator",
197: "Clkrst",
202: "HID ",
203: "LDN ",
205: "Irsensor ",
@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ switch_known_errcodes = {
0xE601: "Invalid pointer/Syscall copy from user failed. ",
0xE801: "Invalid combination ",
0xEA01: "Time out. Also when you give 0 handles to svcWaitSynchronizationN. ",
0xEC01: "Canceled/interrupted [?] ",
0xEC01: "Operation canceled",
0xEE01: "Out of range ",
0xF001: "Invalid enum ",
0xF201: "No such entry ",
@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ switch_known_errcodes = {
0x4A02: "Not enough free space for BIS User partition. ",
0x4C02: "Not enough free space for BIS System partition. ",
0x4E02: "Not enough free space on SD card. ",
0x7802: "The specified NCA-type doesn\'t exist for this title. ",
0x7802: "Specified mount name already exists.",
0x7D202: "Process does not have RomFs ",
0x7D402: "Title-id not found / savedata not found. ",
0xFA202: "SD card not inserted ",
@ -327,11 +331,11 @@ switch_known_errcodes = {
0x80A16: "NRR not loaded ",
0x80C16: "Already initialized ",
0x80E16: "Not initialized ",
0x41A: "Argument is invalid ",
0xC81A: "Incorrect buffer size ",
0xCA1A: "Unknown TZ error ",
0xD01A: "All AES engines busy ",
0xD21A: "Invalid AES engine-id ",
0x41A: "SMC argument is invalid",
0xC81A: "Invalid (buffer) size",
0xCA1A: "Decryption failure",
0xD01A: "No AES keyslots available",
0xD21A: "Invalid AES keyslot",
0x19669: "Null settings value",
0x1A069: "Null setting value size buffer ",
0x1A269: "Null debug mode flag buffer ",
@ -508,7 +512,7 @@ switch_known_errcodes = {
0x87E: "Entry not found",
0x27E: "Invalid argument",
0x7BC74: "Unimplemented functionality",
0x7BA74: "Entry not found",
0x7BA74: "TimeZone location name not found",
0x70C74: "Value out of valid range",
0x70A74: "Null pointer",
0x64274: "Memory allocation failure",
@ -536,6 +540,37 @@ switch_known_errcodes = {
0x244602: "Invalid Partition FS hash",
0x244402: "Invalid Partition file hashed region bounds",
0xE02: "Resource already in use (file already opened, savedata filesystem already mounted).",
0x31AE02: "Operation not supported in nn::fssystem::ConcatenationFileSystem",
0x31B002: "Operation not supported in nn::fssystem::ConcatenationFile",
0x327202: "Writable file not closed when committing",
0x35F202: "Mount name not found in table.",
0x21A: "SMC is not implemented",
0x61A: "SMC is currently in progress/secmon is busy",
0x81A: "Secmon not currently performing async operation",
0xA1A: "Invalid SMC async callback key",
0xC1A: "SMC is blacklisted during current boot",
0xD41A: "BootReason already set",
0xD61A: "BootReason not set",
0xD81A: "Invalid argument",
0x70E74: " TimeZoneRule conversion failed",
0x27A: "Object not found",
0x67A: "Object locked/in used",
0x87A: "Target already mounted",
0xA7A: "Target not mounted",
0xC7A: "Object already opened",
0xE7A: "Object not opened",
0xA07A: "Passphrase not found",
0xA27A: "Data verification failed",
0xB47A: "Invalid API call",
0xC47A: "Invalid operation",
0x290: "Exited Abnormally ([[Applet_Manager_services#LibraryAppletExitReason|ExitReason]] == Abormal)",
0x690: "Canceled ([[Applet_Manager_services#LibraryAppletExitReason|ExitReason]] == Canceled)",
0x890: "Rejected", #me_irl
0xA90: "Exited Unexpectedly ([[Applet_Manager_services#LibraryAppletExitReason|ExitReason]] == Unexpected)",
0x58ACA: " Npad ID is out of range.",
0x1A8CD: "IR camera handle pointer is null.",
0x198CD: "IR camera invalid handle value.",
# FS Codes
@ -660,6 +695,19 @@ switch_known_errcodes = {
0x21C89: "Failed to base64-encode the EticketDeviceCertificate during an attempted AccountGetDynamicEtickets (personalized ticket) request to ecs.",
0x5089: "Failed to snprintf the AccountGetDynamicEtickets (personalized ticket) request JSON data.",
0x6410: "GetApplicationControlData: unable to find control for the input title ID",
0xa073: "NFC is disabled",
0x16473: "Could not mount tag (invalid tag type?)",
0x8073: "Device unavailable",
0x10073: "App area not found",
0x11073: "Tag corrupted?",
0xc880: "thrown by AM when qlaunch is terminated",
0xc87c: "invalid user",
0xc7e: "mii already exists",
0xa7e: "full database",
0x87e: "mii not found",
0x115b: "[HBL] Stopped loading NROs",
0x48c69: "device_cert_ecc_b223 failed to load",
# 0x3E8E89: 'Failed to access Firmware Updates - Often because of DNS!',
# ^ Also used by libcurl
@ -673,54 +721,35 @@ switch_known_errcodes = {
0xa7200: "Fake-Error by Pegaswitch",
# SwitchPresence
0x337: "Error_InitSocket",
0x537: "Error_Listen",
0x737: "Error_Accepting",
0x937: "Error_ListAppFailed",
0xb37: "Error_InvalidMagic",
0xd37: "Error_CmdIdNotConfirm",
0xf37: "Error_CmdIdNotSendBuff",
0x1137: "Error_RecData",
0x1337: "Error_SendData",
0x1537: "Error_InitNS",
0x1737: "Error_InitACC",
0x1937: "Error_GetControlData",
0x1b37: "Error_InvalidControlSize",
0x1d37: "Error_GetAciveUser",
0x1f37: "Error_GetProfile",
0x2137: "Error_ProfileGet",
0x2337: "Error_InitPMDMNT",
0x2537: "Error_GetAppPid",
0x2737: "Error_GetProcessTid",
0x2937: "Error_InitPMINFO",
0x2b37: "Error_GetPidList",
0x2d37: "Error_GetDebugProc",
0x2f37: "Error_CloseHandle",
#Archived because the plugin got discontinued
#0x337: "Error_InitSocket",
#0x537: "Error_Listen",
#0x737: "Error_Accepting",
#0x937: "Error_ListAppFailed",
# 0xb37: "Error_InvalidMagic",
#0xd37: "Error_CmdIdNotConfirm",
#0xf37: "Error_CmdIdNotSendBuff",
#0x1137: "Error_RecData",
#0x1337: "Error_SendData",
#0x1537: "Error_InitNS",
#0x1737: "Error_InitACC",
#0x1937: "Error_GetControlData",
#0x1b37: "Error_InvalidControlSize",
#0x1d37: "Error_GetAciveUser",
#0x1f37: "Error_GetProfile",
#0x2137: "Error_ProfileGet",
#0x2337: "Error_InitPMDMNT",
#0x2537: "Error_GetAppPid",
#0x2737: "Error_GetProcessTid",
#0x2937: "Error_InitPMINFO",
#0x2b37: "Error_GetPidList",
#0x2d37: "Error_GetDebugProc",
#0x2f37: "Error_CloseHandle",
# Joke
0xDEADBEEF: "Congrats, you found some hexspeak \n \n https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLzxrzFCyOs",
# NFP Errors by HE
0xa073: "NFC is disabled",
0x16473: "Could not mount tag (invalid tag type?)",
0x8073: "Device unavailable",
0x10073: "App area not found",
0x11073: "Tag corrupted?",
# By XorTroll
0xc87c: "invalid user",
0xc7e: "mii already exists",
0xa7e: "full database",
0x87e: "mii not found",
# By Friedkeenan
0x115b: "[HBL] Stopped loading NROs",
# By Ave
0x0: "Happens in various situations, not necessarily an error, but still prevents booting.\n\nIf you got this because you downgraded, it's because you downgraded between major/key versions (7.0.x -> 6.2.0, 6.2.0 -> 6.1.0 etc) without console initialization (deleting system save files).\n\nTo recover from that: Delete system all save files except 80...120. Keep in mind that this will effectively be a factory reset.",
@ -1081,6 +1110,6 @@ wii_u_errors = {
'199-9999': 'Usually occurs when trying to run an unsigned title without signature patches, or something unknown(?) is corrupted.',
# 1K (+23) Lines PogChamp
# 1K (+115) Lines PogChamp
# Secret Memory Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-mUGj41hWA
# Secret Running Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCiDuy4mrWU
Reference in a new issue