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synced 2025-03-04 17:49:57 +00:00
Merge pull request #27 from roblabla/switchroot
Add invite correlation system
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ def get_prefix(bot, message):
wanted_jsons = ["data/restrictions.json",
initial_extensions = ['cogs.common',
@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ initial_extensions = ['cogs.common',
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=get_prefix,
description=config.bot_description, pm_help=True)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Cog
from helpers.checks import check_if_collaborator
import config
import json
class Invites(Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def invite(self, ctx):
welcome_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.welcome_channel)
author = ctx.message.author
reason = f"Created by {str(author)} ({author.id})"
invite = await welcome_channel.create_invite(max_age = 0,
max_uses = 1, temporary = True, unique = True, reason = reason)
with open("data/invites.json", "r") as f:
invites = json.load(f)
invites[invite.id] = {
"uses": 0,
"url": invite.url,
"max_uses": 1,
"code": invite.code
with open("data/invites.json", "w") as f:
await ctx.message.add_reaction("🆗")
await ctx.author.send(f"Created single-use invite {invite.url}")
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention} I could not send you the \
invite. Send me a DM so I can reply to you.")
def setup(bot):
@ -28,6 +28,54 @@ class Logs(Cog):
# We use this a lot, might as well get it once
escaped_name = self.bot.escape_message(member)
# Attempt to correlate the user joining with an invite
with open("data/invites.json", "r") as f:
invites = json.load(f)
real_invites = await member.guild.invites()
# Add unknown active invites. Can happen if invite was manually created
for invite in real_invites:
if invite.id not in invites:
invites[invite.id] = {
"uses": 0,
"url": invite.url,
"max_uses": invite.max_uses,
"code": invite.code
probable_invites_used = []
items_to_delete = []
# Look for invites whose usage increased since last lookup
for id, invite in invites.items():
real_invite = next((x for x in real_invites if x.id == id), None)
if real_invite is None:
# Invite does not exist anymore. Was either revoked manually
# or the final use was used up
elif invite["uses"] < real_invite.uses:
invite["uses"] = real_invite.uses
# Delete used up invites
for id in items_to_delete:
del invites[id]
# Save invites data.
with open("data/invites.json", "w") as f:
# Prepare the invite correlation message
if len(probable_invites_used) == 1:
invite_used = probable_invites_used[0]["url"]
elif len(probable_invites_used) == 0:
invite_used = "Unknown"
invite_used = "One of: "
invite_used += ", ".join([x["code"] for x in probable_invites_used])
# Check if user account is older than 15 minutes
age = member.joined_at - member.created_at
if age < config.min_age:
@ -39,10 +87,12 @@ class Logs(Cog):
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
sent = False
await member.kick(reason="Too new")
msg = f"🚨 **Account too new**: {member.mention} | "\
f"🗓 __Creation__: {member.created_at}\n"\
f"🕓 Account age: {age}\n"\
f"✉ Joined with: {invite_used}\n"\
f"🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
if not sent:
msg += "\nThe user has disabled direct messages,"\
@ -53,6 +103,7 @@ class Logs(Cog):
f"🗓 __Creation__: {member.created_at}\n"\
f"🕓 Account age: {age}\n"\
f"✉ Joined with: {invite_used}\n"\
f"🏷 __User ID__: {member.id}"
# Handles user restrictions
@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
import config
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Cog
from discord.enums import MessageType
from discord import Embed
import aiohttp
import gidgethub.aiohttp
from helpers.checks import check_if_collaborator
from helpers.checks import check_if_pin_channel
class Pin(Cog):
@ -11,16 +16,83 @@ class Pin(Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
def is_pinboard(self, msg):
return msg.author == self.bot.user and \
len(msg.embeds) > 0 and \
msg.embeds[0].title == "Pinboard"
async def get_pinboard(self, gh, channel):
# Find pinboard pin
pinboard_msg = None
for msg in reversed(await channel.pins()):
if self.is_pinboard(msg):
# Found pinboard, return content and gist id
id = msg.embeds[0].url.split("/")[-1]
data = await gh.getitem(f"/gists/{id}")
return (id, data["files"]["pinboard.md"]["content"])
# Create pinboard pin if it does not exist
data = await gh.post("/gists", data={
"files": {
"pinboard.md": {
"content": "Old pins are available here:\n\n"
"description": f"Pinboard for SwitchRoot #{channel.name}",
"public": True
msg = await channel.send(embed=Embed(
description="Old pins are moved to the pinboard to make space for \
new ones. Check it out!",
await msg.pin()
return (data["id"], data["files"]["pinboard.md"]["content"])
async def add_pin_to_pinboard(self, channel, data):
if config.github_oauth_token == "":
# Don't add to gist pinboard if we don't have an oauth token
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
gh = gidgethub.aiohttp.GitHubAPI(session, "RoboCop-NG",
(id, content) = await self.get_pinboard(gh, channel)
content += "- " + data + "\n"
await gh.patch(f"/gists/{id}", data={
"files": {
"pinboard.md": {
"content": content
async def unpin(self, ctx, idx: int):
"""Unpins a pinned message."""
if idx <= 50:
# Get message by pin idx
target_msg = (await ctx.message.channel.pins())[idx]
# Get message by ID
target_msg = await ctx.message.channel.get_message(idx)
if self.is_pinboard(target_msg):
await ctx.send("Cannot unpin pinboard!")
await target_msg.unpin()
await target_msg.remove_reaction("📌", self.bot.user)
await ctx.send(f"Unpinned {target_msg.jump_url}")
# TODO: Remove from pinboard?
# Use raw_reaction to allow pinning old messages.
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload):
# TODO: handle more than 50 pinned message
# BODY: If there are more than 50 pinned messages,
# BODY: we should move the oldest pin to a pinboard
# BODY: channel to make room for the new pin.
# BODY: This is why we use the pin reaction to remember
# BODY: that a message is pinned.
# Check that the user wants to pin this message
if payload.emoji.name not in ["📌", "📍"]:
@ -45,17 +117,33 @@ class Pin(Cog):
if reaction.emoji == "📌":
if reaction.me:
# Wait for the automated "Pinned" message so we can delete it
waitable = self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check)
# Add pin to pinboard, create one if none is found
await self.add_pin_to_pinboard(target_chan, target_msg.jump_url)
# Pin the message
await target_msg.pin()
# Avoid staying "stuck" waiting for the pin message if message
# was already manually pinned
if not target_msg.pinned:
# If we already have 50 pins, we should unpin the oldest.
# We should avoid unpinning the pinboard.
pins = await target_chan.pins()
if len(pins) >= 50:
for msg in reversed(pins):
if not self.is_pinboard(msg):
await msg.unpin()
# Delete the automated Pinned message
msg = await waitable
await msg.delete()
# Wait for the automated "Pinned" message so we can delete it
waitable = self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check)
# Pin the message
await target_msg.pin()
# Delete the automated Pinned message
msg = await waitable
await msg.delete()
# Add a Pin reaction so we remember that the message is pinned
await target_msg.add_reaction("📌")
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ staff_role_ids = [364647829248933888, # Team role in ReSwitched
# Various log channels used to log bot and guild's activity
# You can use same channel for multiple log types
# Spylog channel logs suspicious messages or messages by members under watch
# Invites created with .invite will direct to the welcome channel.
log_channel = 290958160414375946 # server-logs in ReSwitched
botlog_channel = 529070282409771048 # bot-logs channel in ReSwitched
modlog_channel = 542114169244221452 # mod-logs channel in ReSwitched
@ -93,3 +94,6 @@ spy_channels = general_channels
# Channels and roles where users can pin messages
allowed_pin_channels = []
allowed_pin_roles = []
# Used for the pinboard. Leave empty if you don't wish for a gist pinboard.
github_oauth_token = ""
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import config
def check_if_staff(ctx):
if not ctx.guild:
return False
@ -20,3 +19,11 @@ def check_if_staff_or_ot(ctx):
is_bot_cmds = (ctx.channel.name == "bot-cmds")
is_staff = any(r.id in config.staff_role_ids for r in ctx.author.roles)
return (is_ot or is_staff or is_bot_cmds)
def check_if_collaborator(ctx):
return any(r.id in config.staff_role_ids + config.allowed_pin_roles for r in ctx.author.roles)
def check_if_pin_channel(ctx):
return ctx.message.channel.id in config.allowed_pin_channels
@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ git+https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py@rewrite
Reference in a new issue