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synced 2025-03-08 10:10:22 +00:00
FORK MAINTAINERS: I'm so, so sorry, but this was planned since forever. If you need help integrating this, feel free to contact me.
336 lines
11 KiB
336 lines
11 KiB
import config
import discord
import io
import urllib.parse
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Cog
class Lists(Cog):
Manages channels that are dedicated to lists.
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# Helpers
def check_if_target_is_staff(self, target):
return any(r.id in config.staff_role_ids for r in target.roles)
def is_edit(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == "✏" or str(emoji)[0] == "📝"
def is_delete(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == "❌" or str(emoji)[0] == "❎"
def is_recycle(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == "♻"
def is_insert_above(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == "⤴️" or str(emoji)[0] == "⬆"
def is_insert_below(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == "⤵️" or str(emoji)[0] == "⬇"
def is_reaction_valid(self, reaction):
allowed_reactions = [
return str(reaction.emoji)[0] in allowed_reactions
async def find_reactions(self, user_id, channel_id, limit=None):
reactions = []
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
async for message in channel.history(limit=limit):
if len(message.reactions) == 0:
for reaction in message.reactions:
users = await reaction.users().flatten()
user_ids = map(lambda user: user.id, users)
if user_id in user_ids:
return reactions
def create_log_message(self, emoji, action, user, channel, reason=""):
msg = (
f"{emoji} **{action}** \n"
f"from {self.bot.escape_message(user.name)} ({user.id}), in {channel.mention}"
if reason != "":
msg += f":\n`{reason}`"
return msg
async def clean_up_raw_text_file_message(self, message):
embeds = message.embeds
if len(embeds) == 0:
fields = embeds[0].fields
for field in fields:
if field.name == "Message ID":
files_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.list_files_channel)
file_message = await files_channel.fetch_message(int(field.value))
await file_message.delete()
await message.edit(embed=None)
# Commands
async def listitem(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, number: int):
"""Link to a specific list item."""
if number <= 0:
await ctx.send(f"Number must be greater than 0.")
if channel.id not in config.list_channels:
await ctx.send(f"{channel.mention} is not a list channel.")
counter = 0
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, oldest_first=True):
if message.content.strip():
counter += 1
if counter == number:
embed = discord.Embed(
title=f"Item #{number} in #{channel.name}",
await ctx.send(content="", embed=embed)
await ctx.send(f"Unable to find item #{number} in {channel.mention}.")
# Listeners
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# We only care about reactions in Rules, and Support FAQ
if payload.channel_id not in config.list_channels:
channel = self.bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id)
message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id)
member = channel.guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
user = self.bot.get_user(payload.user_id)
reaction = next(
for reaction in message.reactions
if str(reaction.emoji) == str(payload.emoji)
if reaction is None:
# Only staff can add reactions in these channels.
if not self.check_if_target_is_staff(member):
await reaction.remove(user)
# Reactions are only allowed on messages from the bot.
if not message.author.bot:
await reaction.remove(user)
# Only certain reactions are allowed.
if not self.is_reaction_valid(reaction):
await reaction.remove(user)
# Remove all other reactions from user in this channel.
for r in await self.find_reactions(payload.user_id, payload.channel_id):
if r.message.id != message.id or (
r.message.id == message.id and str(r.emoji) != str(reaction.emoji)
await r.remove(user)
# When editing we want to provide the user a copy of the raw text.
if self.is_edit(reaction.emoji) and config.list_files_channel != 0:
files_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.list_files_channel)
file = discord.File(
file_message = await files_channel.send(file=file)
embed = discord.Embed(
title="Click here to get the raw text to modify.",
embed.add_field(name="Message ID", value=file_message.id, inline=False)
await message.edit(embed=embed)
async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, payload):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# We only care about reactions in Rules, and Support FAQ
if payload.channel_id not in config.list_channels:
channel = self.bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id)
message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id)
# Reaction was removed from a message we don"t care about.
if not message.author.bot:
# We want to remove the embed we added.
if self.is_edit(payload.emoji) and config.list_files_channel != 0:
await self.clean_up_raw_text_file_message(message)
async def on_message(self, message):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# We only care about messages in Rules, and Support FAQ
if message.channel.id not in config.list_channels:
# We don"t care about messages from bots.
if message.author.bot:
# Only staff can modify lists.
if not self.check_if_target_is_staff(message.author):
await message.delete()
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.log_channel)
channel = message.channel
content = message.content
user = message.author
attachment_filename = None
attachment_data = None
if len(message.attachments) != 0:
# Lists will only reupload the first image.
attachment = next(
for a in message.attachments
if a.filename.endswith(".png")
or a.filename.endswith(".jpg")
or a.filename.endswith(".jpeg")
if attachment is not None:
attachment_filename = attachment.filename
attachment_data = await attachment.read()
await message.delete()
reactions = await self.find_reactions(user.id, channel.id)
# Add to the end of the list if there is no reactions or somehow more
# than one.
if len(reactions) != 1:
if attachment_filename is not None and attachment_data is not None:
file = discord.File(
io.BytesIO(attachment_data), filename=attachment_filename
await channel.send(content=content, file=file)
await channel.send(content)
for reaction in reactions:
await reaction.remove(user)
await log_channel.send(
self.create_log_message("💬", "List item added:", user, channel)
targeted_reaction = reactions[0]
targeted_message = targeted_reaction.message
if self.is_edit(targeted_reaction):
if config.list_files_channel != 0:
await self.clean_up_raw_text_file_message(targeted_message)
await targeted_message.edit(content=content)
await targeted_reaction.remove(user)
await log_channel.send(
self.create_log_message("📝", "List item edited:", user, channel)
elif self.is_delete(targeted_reaction):
await targeted_message.delete()
await log_channel.send(
"❌", "List item deleted:", user, channel, content
elif self.is_recycle(targeted_reaction):
messages = await channel.history(
limit=None, after=targeted_message, oldest_first=True
await channel.purge(limit=len(messages) + 1, bulk=True)
await channel.send(targeted_message.content)
for message in messages:
await channel.send(message.content)
await log_channel.send(
"♻", "List item recycled:", user, channel, content
elif self.is_insert_above(targeted_reaction):
messages = await channel.history(
limit=None, after=targeted_message, oldest_first=True
await channel.purge(limit=len(messages) + 1, bulk=True)
await channel.send(content)
await channel.send(targeted_message.content)
for message in messages:
await channel.send(message.content)
await log_channel.send(
self.create_log_message("💬", "List item added:", user, channel)
elif self.is_insert_below(targeted_reaction):
messages = await channel.history(
limit=None, after=targeted_message, oldest_first=True
await channel.purge(limit=len(messages) + 1, bulk=True)
await channel.send(targeted_message.content)
await channel.send(content)
for message in messages:
await channel.send(message.content)
await log_channel.send(
self.create_log_message("💬", "List item added:", user, channel)
def setup(bot):