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synced 2025-01-22 14:41:08 +00:00
FORK MAINTAINERS: I'm so, so sorry, but this was planned since forever. If you need help integrating this, feel free to contact me.
514 lines
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514 lines
19 KiB
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Cog
import config
from helpers.checks import check_if_staff, check_if_bot_manager
from helpers.userlogs import userlog
from helpers.restrictions import add_restriction, remove_restriction
import io
class Mod(Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
def check_if_target_is_staff(self, target):
return any(r.id in config.staff_role_ids for r in target.roles)
async def setguildicon(self, ctx, url):
"""Changes guild icon, bot manager only."""
img_bytes = await self.bot.aiogetbytes(url)
await ctx.guild.edit(icon=img_bytes, reason=str(ctx.author))
await ctx.send(f"Done!")
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
log_msg = f"✏️ **Guild Icon Update**: {ctx.author} " "changed the guild icon."
img_filename = url.split("/")[-1].split("#")[0] # hacky
img_file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(img_bytes), filename=img_filename)
await log_channel.send(log_msg, file=img_file)
async def mute(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, *, reason: str = ""):
"""Mutes a user, staff only."""
# Hedge-proofing the code
if target == ctx.author:
return await ctx.send("You can't do mod actions on yourself.")
elif target == self.bot.user:
return await ctx.send(
f"I'm sorry {ctx.author.mention}, " "I'm afraid I can't do that."
elif self.check_if_target_is_staff(target):
return await ctx.send(
"I can't mute this user as " "they're a member of staff."
userlog(target.id, ctx.author, reason, "mutes", target.name)
safe_name = await commands.clean_content().convert(ctx, str(target))
dm_message = f"You were muted!"
if reason:
dm_message += f' The given reason is: "{reason}".'
await target.send(dm_message)
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
# Prevents kick issues in cases where user blocked bot
# or has DMs disabled
mute_role = ctx.guild.get_role(config.mute_role)
await target.add_roles(mute_role, reason=str(ctx.author))
chan_message = (
f"🔇 **Muted**: {ctx.author.mention} muted "
f"{target.mention} | {safe_name}\n"
f"🏷 __User ID__: {target.id}\n"
if reason:
chan_message += f'✏️ __Reason__: "{reason}"'
chan_message += (
"Please add an explanation below. In the future, "
"it is recommended to use `.mute <user> [reason]`"
" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
await log_channel.send(chan_message)
await ctx.send(f"{target.mention} can no longer speak.")
add_restriction(target.id, config.mute_role)
async def unmute(self, ctx, target: discord.Member):
"""Unmutes a user, staff only."""
safe_name = await commands.clean_content().convert(ctx, str(target))
mute_role = ctx.guild.get_role(config.mute_role)
await target.remove_roles(mute_role, reason=str(ctx.author))
chan_message = (
f"🔈 **Unmuted**: {ctx.author.mention} unmuted "
f"{target.mention} | {safe_name}\n"
f"🏷 __User ID__: {target.id}\n"
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
await log_channel.send(chan_message)
await ctx.send(f"{target.mention} can now speak again.")
remove_restriction(target.id, config.mute_role)
async def kick(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, *, reason: str = ""):
"""Kicks a user, staff only."""
# Hedge-proofing the code
if target == ctx.author:
return await ctx.send("You can't do mod actions on yourself.")
elif target == self.bot.user:
return await ctx.send(
f"I'm sorry {ctx.author.mention}, " "I'm afraid I can't do that."
elif self.check_if_target_is_staff(target):
return await ctx.send(
"I can't kick this user as " "they're a member of staff."
userlog(target.id, ctx.author, reason, "kicks", target.name)
safe_name = await commands.clean_content().convert(ctx, str(target))
dm_message = f"You were kicked from {ctx.guild.name}."
if reason:
dm_message += f' The given reason is: "{reason}".'
dm_message += (
"\n\nYou are able to rejoin the server,"
" but please be sure to behave when participating again."
await target.send(dm_message)
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
# Prevents kick issues in cases where user blocked bot
# or has DMs disabled
await target.kick(reason=f"{ctx.author}, reason: {reason}")
chan_message = (
f"👢 **Kick**: {ctx.author.mention} kicked "
f"{target.mention} | {safe_name}\n"
f"🏷 __User ID__: {target.id}\n"
if reason:
chan_message += f'✏️ __Reason__: "{reason}"'
chan_message += (
"Please add an explanation below. In the future"
", it is recommended to use "
"`.kick <user> [reason]`"
" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
await log_channel.send(chan_message)
await ctx.send(f"👢 {safe_name}, 👍.")
async def ban(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, *, reason: str = ""):
"""Bans a user, staff only."""
# Hedge-proofing the code
if target == ctx.author:
if target.id == 181627658520625152:
return await ctx.send(
return await ctx.send("hedgeberg#7337 is now b&. 👍")
elif target == self.bot.user:
return await ctx.send(
f"I'm sorry {ctx.author.mention}, " "I'm afraid I can't do that."
elif self.check_if_target_is_staff(target):
return await ctx.send(
"I can't ban this user as " "they're a member of staff."
userlog(target.id, ctx.author, reason, "bans", target.name)
safe_name = await commands.clean_content().convert(ctx, str(target))
dm_message = f"You were banned from {ctx.guild.name}."
if reason:
dm_message += f' The given reason is: "{reason}".'
dm_message += "\n\nThis ban does not expire."
await target.send(dm_message)
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
# Prevents ban issues in cases where user blocked bot
# or has DMs disabled
await target.ban(
reason=f"{ctx.author}, reason: {reason}", delete_message_days=0
chan_message = (
f"⛔ **Ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned "
f"{target.mention} | {safe_name}\n"
f"🏷 __User ID__: {target.id}\n"
if reason:
chan_message += f'✏️ __Reason__: "{reason}"'
chan_message += (
"Please add an explanation below. In the future"
", it is recommended to use `.ban <user> [reason]`"
" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
await log_channel.send(chan_message)
await ctx.send(f"{safe_name} is now b&. 👍")
async def hackban(self, ctx, target: int, *, reason: str = ""):
"""Bans a user with their ID, doesn't message them, staff only."""
target_user = await self.bot.fetch_user(target)
target_member = ctx.guild.get_member(target)
# Hedge-proofing the code
if target == ctx.author.id:
return await ctx.send("You can't do mod actions on yourself.")
elif target == self.bot.user:
return await ctx.send(
f"I'm sorry {ctx.author.mention}, " "I'm afraid I can't do that."
elif target_member and self.check_if_target_is_staff(target_member):
return await ctx.send(
"I can't ban this user as " "they're a member of staff."
userlog(target, ctx.author, reason, "bans", target_user.name)
safe_name = await commands.clean_content().convert(ctx, str(target))
await ctx.guild.ban(
target_user, reason=f"{ctx.author}, reason: {reason}", delete_message_days=0
chan_message = (
f"⛔ **Hackban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned "
f"{target_user.mention} | {safe_name}\n"
f"🏷 __User ID__: {target}\n"
if reason:
chan_message += f'✏️ __Reason__: "{reason}"'
chan_message += (
"Please add an explanation below. In the future"
", it is recommended to use "
"`.hackban <user> [reason]`."
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
await log_channel.send(chan_message)
await ctx.send(f"{safe_name} is now b&. 👍")
async def silentban(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, *, reason: str = ""):
"""Bans a user, staff only."""
# Hedge-proofing the code
if target == ctx.author:
return await ctx.send("You can't do mod actions on yourself.")
elif target == self.bot.user:
return await ctx.send(
f"I'm sorry {ctx.author.mention}, " "I'm afraid I can't do that."
elif self.check_if_target_is_staff(target):
return await ctx.send(
"I can't ban this user as " "they're a member of staff."
userlog(target.id, ctx.author, reason, "bans", target.name)
safe_name = await commands.clean_content().convert(ctx, str(target))
await target.ban(
reason=f"{ctx.author}, reason: {reason}", delete_message_days=0
chan_message = (
f"⛔ **Silent ban**: {ctx.author.mention} banned "
f"{target.mention} | {safe_name}\n"
f"🏷 __User ID__: {target.id}\n"
if reason:
chan_message += f'✏️ __Reason__: "{reason}"'
chan_message += (
"Please add an explanation below. In the future"
", it is recommended to use `.ban <user> [reason]`"
" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
await log_channel.send(chan_message)
async def approve(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, role: str = "community"):
"""Add a role to a user (default: community), staff only."""
if role not in config.named_roles:
return await ctx.send(
"No such role! Available roles: " + ",".join(config.named_roles)
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
target_role = ctx.guild.get_role(config.named_roles[role])
if target_role in target.roles:
return await ctx.send("Target already has this role.")
await target.add_roles(target_role, reason=str(ctx.author))
await ctx.send(f"Approved {target.mention} to `{role}` role.")
await log_channel.send(
f"✅ Approved: {ctx.author.mention} added" f" {role} to {target.mention}"
async def revoke(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, role: str = "community"):
"""Remove a role from a user (default: community), staff only."""
if role not in config.named_roles:
return await ctx.send(
"No such role! Available roles: " + ",".join(config.named_roles)
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
target_role = ctx.guild.get_role(config.named_roles[role])
if target_role not in target.roles:
return await ctx.send("Target doesn't have this role.")
await target.remove_roles(target_role, reason=str(ctx.author))
await ctx.send(f"Un-approved {target.mention} from `{role}` role.")
await log_channel.send(
f"❌ Un-approved: {ctx.author.mention} removed"
f" {role} from {target.mention}"
async def purge(self, ctx, limit: int, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
"""Clears a given number of messages, staff only."""
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
if not channel:
channel = ctx.channel
await channel.purge(limit=limit)
msg = (
f"🗑 **Purged**: {ctx.author.mention} purged {limit} "
f"messages in {channel.mention}."
await log_channel.send(msg)
async def warn(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, *, reason: str = ""):
"""Warns a user, staff only."""
# Hedge-proofing the code
if target == ctx.author:
return await ctx.send("You can't do mod actions on yourself.")
elif target == self.bot.user:
return await ctx.send(
f"I'm sorry {ctx.author.mention}, " "I'm afraid I can't do that."
elif self.check_if_target_is_staff(target):
return await ctx.send(
"I can't warn this user as " "they're a member of staff."
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modlog_channel)
warn_count = userlog(target.id, ctx.author, reason, "warns", target.name)
safe_name = await commands.clean_content().convert(ctx, str(target))
chan_msg = (
f"⚠️ **Warned**: {ctx.author.mention} warned "
f"{target.mention} (warn #{warn_count}) "
f"| {safe_name}\n"
msg = f"You were warned on {ctx.guild.name}."
if reason:
msg += " The given reason is: " + reason
msg += (
f"\n\nPlease read the rules in {config.rules_url}. "
f"This is warn #{warn_count}."
if warn_count == 2:
msg += " __The next warn will automatically kick.__"
if warn_count == 3:
msg += (
"\n\nYou were kicked because of this warning. "
"You can join again right away. "
"Two more warnings will result in an automatic ban."
if warn_count == 4:
msg += (
"\n\nYou were kicked because of this warning. "
"This is your final warning. "
"You can join again, but "
"**one more warn will result in a ban**."
chan_msg += "**This resulted in an auto-kick.**\n"
if warn_count == 5:
msg += "\n\nYou were automatically banned due to five warnings."
chan_msg += "**This resulted in an auto-ban.**\n"
await target.send(msg)
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
# Prevents log issues in cases where user blocked bot
# or has DMs disabled
if warn_count == 3 or warn_count == 4:
await target.kick()
if warn_count >= 5: # just in case
await target.ban(reason="exceeded warn limit", delete_message_days=0)
await ctx.send(
f"{target.mention} warned. " f"User has {warn_count} warning(s)."
if reason:
chan_msg += f'✏️ __Reason__: "{reason}"'
chan_msg += (
"Please add an explanation below. In the future"
", it is recommended to use `.warn <user> [reason]`"
" as the reason is automatically sent to the user."
await log_channel.send(chan_msg)
@commands.command(aliases=["setnick", "nick"])
async def nickname(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, *, nick: str = ""):
"""Sets a user's nickname, staff only.
Just send .nickname <user> to wipe the nickname."""
if nick:
await target.edit(nick=nick, reason=str(ctx.author))
await target.edit(nick=None, reason=str(ctx.author))
await ctx.send("Successfully set nickname.")
async def say(self, ctx, *, the_text: str):
"""Repeats a given text, staff only."""
await ctx.send(the_text)
async def speak(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, the_text: str):
"""Repeats a given text in a given channel, staff only."""
await channel.send(the_text)
@commands.command(aliases=["setplaying", "setgame"])
async def playing(self, ctx, *, game: str = ""):
"""Sets the bot's currently played game name, staff only.
Just send .playing to wipe the playing state."""
if game:
await self.bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name=game))
await self.bot.change_presence(activity=None)
await ctx.send("Successfully set game.")
@commands.command(aliases=["setbotnick", "botnick", "robotnick"])
async def botnickname(self, ctx, *, nick: str = ""):
"""Sets the bot's nickname, staff only.
Just send .botnickname to wipe the nickname."""
if nick:
await ctx.guild.me.edit(nick=nick, reason=str(ctx.author))
await ctx.guild.me.edit(nick=None, reason=str(ctx.author))
await ctx.send("Successfully set bot nickname.")
def setup(bot):