Grab compressor from experimental branch

This commit is contained in:
Pavel Krajcevski 2013-10-13 19:28:41 -04:00
parent f1b564fdb2
commit 345292e36a

View file

@ -54,10 +54,13 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Pixel.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "PVRTCImage.h"
#include "Block.h"
@ -86,152 +89,525 @@ namespace PVRTCC {
return x | (y << 1);
template <typename T>
static T Clamp(const T &v, const T &low, const T &high) {
return ::std::min(::std::max(low, v), high);
struct Label {
uint8 distance;
uint8 nLabels;
static const int kMaxNumIdxs = 16;
uint8 times[kMaxNumIdxs];
uint32 idxs[kMaxNumIdxs];
float blockIntensity;
void AddIdx(uint32 idx) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < nLabels; i++) {
if(idxs[i] == idx) {
static const Pixel &Lookup(const Image &img,
int32 x, int32 y,
uint32 width, uint32 height,
const EWrapMode wrapMode) {
int32 w = static_cast<int32>(width);
int32 h = static_cast<int32>(height);
assert(w >= 0);
assert(h >= 0);
while(x >= w) {
x = (wrapMode == eWrapMode_Wrap)? x - w : w - 1;
assert(nLabels < kMaxNumIdxs);
times[nLabels] = 1;
idxs[nLabels] = idx;
while(x < 0) {
x = (wrapMode == eWrapMode_Wrap)? x + w : 0;
void Combine(const Label &other) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < other.nLabels; i++) {
struct CompressionLabel {
bool bCachedIntensity;
float intensity;
Label highLabel;
Label lowLabel;
static float LookupIntensity(CompressionLabel *labels, const uint32 *pixels,
const uint32 idx) {
if(labels[idx].bCachedIntensity) {
return labels[idx].intensity;
while(y >= h) {
y = (wrapMode == eWrapMode_Wrap)? y - h : h - 1;
uint32 pixel = pixels[idx];
const float a = static_cast<float>((pixel >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
const float r = a * static_cast<float>(pixel & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
const float g = a * static_cast<float>((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
const float b = a * static_cast<float>((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f;
labels[idx].intensity = r * 0.2126f + g * 0.7152f + b * 0.0722f;
labels[idx].bCachedIntensity = true;
return labels[idx].intensity;
while(y < 0) {
y = (wrapMode == eWrapMode_Wrap)? y + h : 0;
enum EExtremaResult {
static EExtremaResult ComputeLocalExtrema(
CompressionLabel *labels, const uint8 *inBuf,
const uint32 x, const uint32 y, const uint32 width, const uint32 height) {
assert(x < width);
assert(y < height);
const uint32 *pixels = reinterpret_cast<const uint32 *>(inBuf);
uint8 i0 = static_cast<uint8>(255.0f * LookupIntensity(labels, pixels, y*width + x) + 0.5f);
int32 ng = 0;
int32 nl = 0;
const int32 kKernelSz = 3;
const int32 kHalfKernelSz = kKernelSz >> 1;
for(int32 j = -kHalfKernelSz; j <= kHalfKernelSz; j++)
for(int32 i = -kHalfKernelSz; i <= kHalfKernelSz; i++) {
if(i == 0 && j == 0) continue;
int32 xx = (i + static_cast<int32>(x + width)) % width;
int32 yy = (j + static_cast<int32>(y + height)) % height;
assert(xx >= 0 && xx < static_cast<int32>(width));
assert(yy >= 0 && yy < static_cast<int32>(height));
uint32 idx = static_cast<uint32>(xx) + width * static_cast<uint32>(yy);
uint8 ix = static_cast<uint8>(255.0f * LookupIntensity(labels, pixels, idx) + 0.5f);
if(ix >= i0) {
return img(x, y);
if(ix <= i0) {
void Compress(const CompressionJob &dcj,
bool bTwoBitMode,
const EWrapMode wrapMode) {
Image img(dcj.height, dcj.width);
uint32 nPixels = dcj.height * dcj.width;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < nPixels; i++) {
uint32 x = i % dcj.width;
uint32 y = i / dcj.width;
const uint32 *pixels = reinterpret_cast<const uint32 *>(dcj.inBuf);
img(x, y).Unpack(pixels[i]);
EExtremaResult result = eExtremaResult_Neither;
if(ng == nl) {
return result;
Image original = img;
CompressionLabel &l = labels[y*width + x];
const int32 kThreshold = kKernelSz * kKernelSz - 1;
if(ng >= kThreshold) {
l.lowLabel.distance = 1;
result = eExtremaResult_LocalMin;
} else if(nl >= kThreshold) {
l.highLabel.distance = 1;
result = eExtremaResult_LocalMax;
// Downscale it using anisotropic diffusion based scheme in order to preserve
// image features, then reupscale and compute deltas. Use deltas to generate
// initial A & B images followed by modulation data.
img.ContentAwareDownscale(1, 1, eWrapMode_Wrap, true);
img.ContentAwareDownscale(1, 1, eWrapMode_Wrap, false);
return result;
Image downscaled = img;
static void DilateLabelForward(Label &l, const Label &up, const Label &left) {
// Upscale it again
img.BilinearUpscale(2, 2, eWrapMode_Wrap);
if(l.distance == 1) {
if(l.nLabels == 0) {
l.nLabels = 0;
// Compute difference...
::std::vector<int16> difference;
difference.resize(dcj.height * dcj.width * 4);
for(uint32 j = 0; j < dcj.height; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < dcj.width; i++) {
for(uint32 c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
int16 o = original(i, j).Component(c);
int16 n = img(i, j).Component(c);
difference[j*dcj.width*4 + i*4 + c] = o - n;
// Are we in no position to dilate?
if(up.distance == 0 && left.distance == 0) {
// Have we visited up yet?
if(up.distance == 0) {
if(left.distance < 4) {
l.distance = left.distance + 1;
// Have we visited left yet?
if(left.distance == 0) {
if(up.distance < 4) {
l.distance = up.distance + 1;
// Otherwise, if they're the same, then we're at a corner...
if(left.distance == up.distance) {
if(left.idxs[0] == up.idxs[0]) {
l.distance = left.distance;
} else {
if(up.distance < 4) {
l.distance = up.distance + 1;
// Otherwise, we're at a disjoint part, so take the minimum and add
// one to the distance and assume their index...
if(left.distance < up.distance) {
l.distance = left.distance + 1;
} else { // up.distance < left.distance
l.distance = up.distance + 1;
static void LabelImageForward(CompressionLabel *labels,
const uint8 *inBuf,
const uint32 w, const uint32 h) {
for(uint32 j = 0; j < h+3; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < w; i++) {
EExtremaResult result = ComputeLocalExtrema(labels, inBuf, i, j % h, w, h);
bool dilateMax = result != eExtremaResult_LocalMax;
bool dilateMin = result != eExtremaResult_LocalMin;
if(dilateMax || dilateMin) {
// Look up and to the left to determine the distance...
uint32 upIdx = ((j+h-1) % h) * w + i;
uint32 leftIdx = (j % h) * w + ((i+w-1) % w);
CompressionLabel &l = labels[(j % h)*w + i];
CompressionLabel &up = labels[upIdx];
CompressionLabel &left = labels[leftIdx];
if(dilateMax) {
DilateLabelForward(l.highLabel, up.highLabel, left.highLabel);
if(dilateMin) {
DilateLabelForward(l.lowLabel, up.lowLabel, left.lowLabel);
static void DilateLabelBackward(Label &l,
CompressionLabel *neighbors[5],
bool bHighLabel) {
if(l.distance == 1)
const Label *nbs[5] = {
bHighLabel? &(neighbors[0]->highLabel) : &(neighbors[0]->lowLabel),
bHighLabel? &(neighbors[1]->highLabel) : &(neighbors[1]->lowLabel),
bHighLabel? &(neighbors[2]->highLabel) : &(neighbors[2]->lowLabel),
bHighLabel? &(neighbors[3]->highLabel) : &(neighbors[3]->lowLabel),
bHighLabel? &(neighbors[4]->highLabel) : &(neighbors[4]->lowLabel)
// Figure out which labels are closest...
uint8 minDist = 5;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if(nbs[i]->distance > 0)
minDist = ::std::min(nbs[i]->distance, minDist);
assert(minDist > 0);
uint8 newDist = minDist + 1;
if((l.distance != 0 && l.distance < newDist) || newDist > 4) {
if(l.distance != newDist) {
l.nLabels = 0;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if(nbs[i]->distance == minDist) {
l.distance = newDist;
static void LabelImageBackward(CompressionLabel *labels,
const uint32 w, const uint32 h) {
CompressionLabel *neighbors[5] = { 0 };
for(int32 j = static_cast<int32>(h)+2; j >= 0; j--) {
for(int32 i = static_cast<int32>(w)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
CompressionLabel &l = labels[(j % h) * w + i];
// Add top right corner
neighbors[0] = &(labels[((j + h - 1) % h) * w + ((i + 1) % w)]);
// Add right label
neighbors[1] = &(labels[(j % h) * w + ((i + 1) % w)]);
// Add bottom right label
neighbors[2] = &(labels[((j + 1) % h) * w + ((i + 1) % w)]);
// Add bottom label
neighbors[3] = &(labels[((j + 1) % h) * w + i]);
// Add bottom left label
neighbors[4] = &(labels[((j + 1) % h) * w + ((i + w - 1) % w)]);
DilateLabelBackward(l.highLabel, neighbors, true);
DilateLabelBackward(l.lowLabel, neighbors, false);
const uint32 blocksW = dcj.width / 4;
const uint32 blocksH = dcj.height / 4;
static FasTC::Color CollectLabel(const uint32 *pixels, const Label &label) {
FasTC::Color ret;
uint32 nPs = 0;
for(uint32 p = 0; p < label.nLabels; p++) {
FasTC::Color c; c.Unpack(pixels[label.idxs[p]]);
ret += c * label.times[p];
nPs += label.times[p];
ret /= nPs;
return ret;
// Go over the 7x7 texel blocks and extract bounding box diagonals for each
// block. We should be able to choose which diagonal we want...
const int32 kKernelSz = 7;
static void GenerateLowHighImages(CompressionLabel *labels,
const uint8 *inBuf, uint8 *outBuf,
const uint32 w, const uint32 h) {
assert((w % 4) == 0);
assert((h % 4) == 0);
uint32 blocksW = w / 4;
uint32 blocksH = h / 4;
FasTC::Color blockColors[2][16];
const uint32 *pixels = reinterpret_cast<const uint32 *>(inBuf);
Image imgA = downscaled;
Image imgB = downscaled;
for(uint32 j = 0; j < blocksH; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < blocksW; i++) {
int32 startX = i*4 + 2 - (kKernelSz / 2);
int32 startY = j*4 + 2 - (kKernelSz / 2);
for(int32 y = startY; y < startY + kKernelSz; y++) {
for(int32 x = startX; x < startX + kKernelSz; x++) {
const Pixel &po = Lookup(original, x, y, dcj.width, dcj.height, wrapMode);
Pixel &pa = imgA(i, j);
Pixel &pb = imgB(i, j);
float minIntensity = 1.1, maxIntensity = -0.1;
uint32 minIntensityIdx = 0, maxIntensityIdx = 0;
for(uint32 y = j*4; y <= (j+1)*4; y++)
for(uint32 x = i*4; x <= (i+1)*4; x++) {
uint32 idx = (y%h)*w + (x%w);
float intensity = labels[idx].intensity;
if(intensity < minIntensity) {
minIntensity = intensity;
minIntensityIdx = idx;
if(intensity > maxIntensity) {
maxIntensity = intensity;
maxIntensityIdx = idx;
if(x == ((i + 1) * 4) || y == ((j + 1) * 4))
uint32 localIdx = (y-(j*4))*4 + x-(i*4);
assert(localIdx < 16);
if(labels[idx].highLabel.distance > 0) {
blockColors[0][localIdx] = CollectLabel(pixels, labels[idx].highLabel);
} else {
// Mark the color as unused
blockColors[0][localIdx].A() = -1.0f;
if(labels[idx].lowLabel.distance > 0) {
blockColors[1][localIdx] = CollectLabel(pixels, labels[idx].lowLabel);
} else {
// Mark the color as unused
blockColors[1][localIdx].A() = -1.0f;
// Average all of the values together now...
FasTC::Color high, low;
for(uint32 y = 0; y < 4; y++)
for(uint32 x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
uint32 idx = y * 4 + x;
FasTC::Color c = blockColors[0][idx];
if(c.A() < 0.0f) {
high += c * (1.0f / 16.0f);
c = blockColors[1][idx];
if(c.A() < 0.0f) {
low += c * (1.0f / 16.0f);
// Store them as our endpoints for this block...
Block b;
FasTC::Pixel p;
uint64 *outBlocks = reinterpret_cast<uint64 *>(outBuf);
outBlocks[j * blocksW + i] = b.Pack();
static FasTC::Pixel BilerpPixels(uint32 x, uint32 y,
const FasTC::Pixel &p, FasTC::Pixel &fp,
const FasTC::Pixel &topLeft,
const FasTC::Pixel &topRight,
const FasTC::Pixel &bottomLeft,
const FasTC::Pixel &bottomRight) {
const uint32 highXWeight = x;
const uint32 lowXWeight = 4 - x;
const uint32 highYWeight = y;
const uint32 lowYWeight = 4 - y;
const uint32 topLeftWeight = lowXWeight * lowYWeight;
const uint32 topRightWeight = highXWeight * lowYWeight;
const uint32 bottomLeftWeight = lowXWeight * highYWeight;
const uint32 bottomRightWeight = highXWeight * highYWeight;
// bilerp each channel....
const FasTC::Pixel tl = topLeft * topLeftWeight;
const FasTC::Pixel tr = topRight * topRightWeight;
const FasTC::Pixel bl = bottomLeft * bottomLeftWeight;
const FasTC::Pixel br = bottomRight * bottomRightWeight;
const FasTC::Pixel sum = tl + tr + bl + br;
for(uint32 c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
pa.Component(c) = ::std::max(po.Component(c), pa.Component(c));
pb.Component(c) = ::std::min(po.Component(c), pb.Component(c));
fp.Component(c) = sum.Component(c) & 15;
FasTC::Pixel tmp(p);
tmp = sum / (16);
// Determine modulation values...
Image upA = imgA;
Image upB = imgB;
const uint8 fullDepth[4] = { 8, 8, 8, 8 };
upA.BilinearUpscale(2, 2, wrapMode);
upB.BilinearUpscale(2, 2, wrapMode);
const uint8 currentDepth[4] = { 4, 5, 5, 5 };
const uint8 fractionDepth[4] = { 4, 4, 4, 4 };
assert(upA.GetHeight() == dcj.height && upA.GetWidth() == dcj.width);
assert(upB.GetHeight() == dcj.height && upB.GetWidth() == dcj.width);
for(uint32 c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
const uint32 denominator = (1 << currentDepth[c]);
const uint32 numerator = denominator + 1;
const uint32 shift = fractionDepth[c] - (fullDepth[c] - currentDepth[c]);
const uint32 fractionBits = tmp.Component(c) >> shift;
// Choose the most appropriate modulation values for the two images...
::std::vector<uint8> modValues;
modValues.resize(dcj.width * dcj.height);
for(uint32 j = 0; j < dcj.height; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < dcj.width; i++) {
uint8 &mv = modValues[j * dcj.width + i];
uint32 component = p.Component(c);
component += ((fractionBits * numerator) / denominator);
const Pixel pa = upA(i, j);
const Pixel pb = upB(i, j);
const Pixel po = original(i, j);
tmp.Component(c) = component;
return tmp;
static void ChangePixelTo4555(FasTC::Pixel &p) {
uint8 refDepths[4];
const uint8 scaleDepths[4] = { 4, 5, 5, 5 };
if(refDepths[0] > 0) {
p.A() = p.A() & 0xFE;
static void GenerateModulationValues(uint8 *outBuf, const uint8 *inBuf, uint32 w, uint32 h) {
// Start from the beginning block and generate the lerp values for the intermediate values
uint64 *outBlocks = reinterpret_cast<uint64 *>(outBuf);
const uint32 blocksW = w >> 2;
const uint32 blocksH = h >> 2;
const uint32 *pixels = reinterpret_cast<const uint32 *>(inBuf);
// Make sure the bit depth matches the original...
FasTC::Pixel p;
uint8 bitDepth[4] = { 4, 5, 5, 5 };
// Save fractional bits
FasTC::Pixel fp;
uint8 fpDepths[4] = { 4, 4, 4, 4 };
for(uint32 j = 0; j < blocksH; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < blocksW; i++) {
const int32 lowXIdx = i;
const int32 highXIdx = (i + 1) % w;
const int32 lowYIdx = j;
const int32 highYIdx = (j + 1) % h;
const uint32 topLeftBlockIdx = lowYIdx * blocksW + lowXIdx;
const uint32 topRightBlockIdx = lowYIdx * blocksW + highXIdx;
const uint32 bottomLeftBlockIdx = highYIdx * blocksW + lowXIdx;
const uint32 bottomRightBlockIdx = highYIdx * blocksW + highXIdx;
Block topLeftBlock(reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>(outBlocks + topLeftBlockIdx));
Block topRightBlock(reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>(outBlocks + topRightBlockIdx));
Block bottomLeftBlock(reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>(outBlocks + bottomLeftBlockIdx));
Block bottomRightBlock(reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>(outBlocks + bottomRightBlockIdx));
FasTC::Pixel topLeftA (topLeftBlock.GetColorA());
FasTC::Pixel topLeftB (topLeftBlock.GetColorB());
FasTC::Pixel topRightA (topRightBlock.GetColorA());
FasTC::Pixel topRightB (topRightBlock.GetColorB());
FasTC::Pixel bottomLeftA (bottomLeftBlock.GetColorA());
FasTC::Pixel bottomLeftB (bottomLeftBlock.GetColorB());
FasTC::Pixel bottomRightA (topLeftBlock.GetColorA());
FasTC::Pixel bottomRightB (topLeftBlock.GetColorB());
for(uint32 x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
for(uint32 y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
uint32 pixelX = (i + 2 + x) % w;
uint32 pixelY = (j + 2 + y) % h;
FasTC::Pixel colorA = BilerpPixels(x, y, p, fp, topLeftA, topRightA, bottomLeftA, bottomRightA);
FasTC::Pixel colorB = BilerpPixels(x, y, p, fp, topLeftB, topRightB, bottomLeftB, bottomRightB);
FasTC::Pixel original(pixels[pixelY * w + pixelX]);
// !FIXME! there are two modulation modes... we're only using one.
uint8 modSteps[4] = { 8, 5, 3, 0 };
uint8 bestMod = 0;
uint32 bestError = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for(uint32 s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
uint32 error = 0;
for(uint32 c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
uint16 va = static_cast<uint16>(pa.Component(c));
uint16 vb = static_cast<uint16>(pb.Component(c));
uint16 vo = static_cast<uint16>(po.Component(c));
uint16 lerpVal = modSteps[s];
uint16 res = (va * (8 - lerpVal) + vb * lerpVal) / 8;
uint16 e = (res > vo)? res - vo : vo - res;
error += e * e;
FasTC::Pixel result = (colorA * (8 - lerpVal) + colorB * lerpVal) / 8;
FasTC::Vector4<int32> errorVec;
for(uint32 c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
int32 r = result.Component(c);
int32 o = original.Component(c);
errorVec[c] = r - o;
uint32 error = static_cast<uint64>(errorVec.LengthSq());
if(error < bestError) {
bestError = error;
@ -239,58 +615,159 @@ namespace PVRTCC {
mv = bestMod;
Block *pixelBlock = &topLeftBlock;
uint32 pixelBlockIdx = topLeftBlockIdx;
if(x > 1) {
if(y > 1) {
pixelBlock = &bottomRightBlock;
pixelBlockIdx = bottomRightBlockIdx;
} else {
pixelBlock = &topRightBlock;
pixelBlockIdx = topRightBlockIdx;
} else if(y > 1) {
pixelBlock = &bottomLeftBlock;
pixelBlockIdx = bottomLeftBlockIdx;
Image modulationImg(dcj.height, dcj.width);
for(uint32 j = 0; j < dcj.height; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < dcj.width; i++) {
uint32 idx = j * dcj.width + i;
uint8 modVal = static_cast<uint8>((static_cast<float>(modValues[idx]) / 3.0f) * 255.0f);
Pixel p;
for(uint32 c = 1; c < 4; c++) {
p.Component(c) = modVal;
p.A() = 255;
modulationImg(i, j) = p;
pixelBlock->SetLerpValue((pixelY % 4) * 4 + (pixelX % 4), bestMod);
outBlocks[pixelBlockIdx] = outBlocks[pixelBlockIdx] | pixelBlock->Pack();
// Pack everything into a PVRTC blocks.
assert(imgA.GetHeight() == blocksH);
assert(imgA.GetWidth() == blocksW);
std::vector<uint64> blocks;
blocks.reserve(blocksW * blocksH);
for(uint32 j = 0; j < blocksH; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < blocksW; i++) {
Block b;
b.SetColorA(imgA(i, j), true);
b.SetColorB(imgB(i, j), true);
for(uint32 t = 0; t < 16; t++) {
uint32 x = i*4 + (t%4);
uint32 y = j*4 + (t/4);
b.SetLerpValue(t, modValues[y*dcj.width + x]);
// Spit out the blocks...
for(uint32 j = 0; j < blocksH; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < blocksW; i++) {
// The blocks are initially arranged in morton order. Let's
// linearize them...
uint32 idx = Interleave(j, i);
uint64 *outPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint64 *>(dcj.outBuf);
outPtr[idx] = blocks[j*blocksW + i];
void Compress(const CompressionJob &cj, bool bTwoBit, EWrapMode wrapMode) {
const uint32 width = cj.width;
const uint32 height = cj.height;
memset(cj.outBuf, 0, (width * height / 16) * kBlockSize);
CompressionLabel *labels =
(CompressionLabel *)calloc(width * height, sizeof(CompressionLabel));
// First traverse forward...
LabelImageForward(labels, cj.inBuf, width, height);
#ifndef NDEBUG
Image highForwardLabels(width, height);
Image lowForwardLabels(width, height);
const FasTC::Color kLabelPalette[4] = {
FasTC::Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
FasTC::Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
FasTC::Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
FasTC::Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
for(uint32 j = 0; j < height; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < width; i++) {
const CompressionLabel &l = labels[j*width + i];
const Label &hl = l.highLabel;
if(hl.distance > 0) {
highForwardLabels(i, j).Unpack(kLabelPalette[hl.distance-1].Pack());
const Label &ll = l.lowLabel;
if(ll.distance > 0) {
lowForwardLabels(i, j).Unpack(kLabelPalette[ll.distance-1].Pack());
Image highForwardImg(width, height);
Image lowForwardImg(width, height);
const uint32 *pixels = reinterpret_cast<const uint32 *>(cj.inBuf);
for(uint32 j = 0; j < height; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < width; i++) {
const CompressionLabel &l = labels[j*width + i];
const Label &hl = l.highLabel;
if(hl.distance > 0) {
FasTC::Color c;
uint32 nPs = 0;
for(uint32 p = 0; p < hl.nLabels; p++) {
FasTC::Color pc; pc.Unpack(pixels[hl.idxs[p]]);
c += pc * static_cast<float>(hl.times[p]);
nPs += hl.times[p];
c /= nPs;
highForwardImg(i, j).Unpack(c.Pack());
const Label &ll = l.lowLabel;
if(ll.distance > 0) {
FasTC::Color c;
uint32 nPs = 0;
for(uint32 p = 0; p < ll.nLabels; p++) {
FasTC::Color pc; pc.Unpack(pixels[ll.idxs[p]]);
c += pc * static_cast<float>(ll.times[p]);
nPs += ll.times[p];
c /= nPs;
lowForwardImg(i, j).Unpack(c.Pack());
std::cout << "Output Forward images." << std::endl;
// Then traverse backward...
LabelImageBackward(labels, width, height);
#ifndef NDEBUG
Image highImg(width, height);
Image lowImg(width, height);
for(uint32 j = 0; j < height; j++) {
for(uint32 i = 0; i < width; i++) {
const CompressionLabel &l = labels[j*width + i];
const Label &hl = l.highLabel;
if(hl.distance > 0) {
FasTC::Color c;
for(uint32 p = 0; p < hl.nLabels; p++) {
FasTC::Color pc; pc.Unpack(pixels[hl.idxs[p]]);
c += pc;
c /= hl.nLabels;
highImg(i, j).Unpack(c.Pack());
const Label &ll = l.lowLabel;
if(ll.distance > 0) {
FasTC::Color c;
for(uint32 p = 0; p < ll.nLabels; p++) {
FasTC::Color pc; pc.Unpack(pixels[ll.idxs[p]]);
c += pc;
c /= ll.nLabels;
lowImg(i, j).Unpack(c.Pack());
std::cout << "Output images." << std::endl;
// Then combine everything...
GenerateLowHighImages(labels, cj.inBuf, cj.outBuf, width, height);
// Then compute modulation values
GenerateModulationValues(cj.outBuf, cj.inBuf, width, height);
// Cleanup
} // namespace PVRTCC