Airbag windows client didn't trap VC8 parameter validation errors. Now it

does.  (#120) r=bryner.

git-svn-id: 4c0a9323-5329-0410-9bdc-e9ce6186880e
This commit is contained in:
mmentovai 2007-02-07 20:20:10 +00:00
parent 983264848d
commit baff938211
4 changed files with 232 additions and 53 deletions

View file

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
#include "client/windows/handler/exception_handler.h"
#include "common/windows/guid_string.h"
#include "google_airbag/common/minidump_format.h"
namespace google_airbag {
@ -65,12 +64,14 @@ ExceptionHandler::ExceptionHandler(const wstring &dump_path,
handler_return_value_(false) {
// set_dump_path calls UpdateNextID. This sets up all of the path and id
// strings, and their equivalent c_str pointers.
@ -116,6 +117,10 @@ ExceptionHandler::ExceptionHandler(const wstring &dump_path,
previous_filter_ = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(HandleException);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005/8
previous_iph_ = _set_invalid_parameter_handler(HandleInvalidParameter);
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400
@ -129,6 +134,11 @@ ExceptionHandler::~ExceptionHandler() {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005/8
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400
if (handler_stack_->back() == this) {
} else {
@ -172,7 +182,7 @@ DWORD ExceptionHandler::ExceptionHandlerThreadMain(void *lpParameter) {
// Perform the requested action.
self->handler_return_value_ = self->WriteMinidumpWithException(
self->requesting_thread_id_, self->exception_info_);
self->requesting_thread_id_, self->exception_info_, self->assertion_);
// Allow the requesting thread to proceed.
ReleaseSemaphore(self->handler_finish_semaphore_, 1, NULL);
@ -184,8 +194,14 @@ DWORD ExceptionHandler::ExceptionHandlerThreadMain(void *lpParameter) {
return 0;
// static
LONG ExceptionHandler::HandleException(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo) {
// HandleException and HandleInvalidParameter must create an
// AutoExceptionHandler object to maintain static state and to determine which
// ExceptionHandler instance to use. The constructor locates the correct
// instance, and makes it available through get_handler(). The destructor
// restores the state in effect prior to allocating the AutoExceptionHandler.
class AutoExceptionHandler {
AutoExceptionHandler() {
// Increment handler_stack_index_ so that if another Airbag handler is
// registered using this same HandleException function, and it needs to be
// called while this handler is running (either becaause this handler
@ -202,18 +218,51 @@ LONG ExceptionHandler::HandleException(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo) {
// the order of elements in the stack in the event that some other thread
// decides to manipulate the handler stack (such as creating a new
// ExceptionHandler object) while an exception is being handled.
ExceptionHandler *current_handler =
handler_stack_->at(handler_stack_->size() - ++handler_stack_index_);
handler_ = ExceptionHandler::handler_stack_->at(
ExceptionHandler::handler_stack_->size() -
// In case another exception occurs while this handler is doing its thing,
// it should be delivered to the previous filter.
LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER previous = current_handler->previous_filter_;
LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER restore = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(previous);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005/8
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400
~AutoExceptionHandler() {
// Put things back the way they were before entering this handler.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005/8
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400
ExceptionHandler *get_handler() const { return handler_; }
ExceptionHandler *handler_;
// static
LONG ExceptionHandler::HandleException(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo) {
AutoExceptionHandler auto_exception_handler;
ExceptionHandler *current_handler = auto_exception_handler.get_handler();
// logic will short-circuit before calling WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread,
// allowing something else to handle the breakpoint without incurring the
// overhead transitioning to and from the handler thread.
DWORD code = exinfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;
LONG action;
if (current_handler->WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(exinfo)) {
current_handler->WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(exinfo, NULL)) {
// The handler fully handled the exception. Returning
// EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER indicates this to the system, and usually
// results in the applicaiton being terminated.
@ -223,31 +272,88 @@ LONG ExceptionHandler::HandleException(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo) {
// application to be restarted.
} else {
// There was an exception, but the handler decided not to handle it.
// There was an exception, it was a breakpoint or something else ignored
// above, or it was passed to the handler, which decided not to handle it.
// This could be because the filter callback didn't want it, because
// minidump writing failed for some reason, or because the post-minidump
// callback function indicated failure. Give the previous handler a
// chance to do something with the exception. If there is no previous
// handler, return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH, which will allow a debugger
// or native "crashed" dialog to handle the exception.
action = previous ? previous(exinfo) : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;
if (current_handler->previous_filter_) {
action = current_handler->previous_filter_(exinfo);
} else {
// Put things back the way they were before entering this handler.
return action;
bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo) {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005/8
// static
void ExceptionHandler::HandleInvalidParameter(const wchar_t *expression,
const wchar_t *function,
const wchar_t *file,
unsigned int line,
uintptr_t reserved) {
// This is an invalid parameter, not an exception. It's safe to play with
// sprintf here.
AutoExceptionHandler auto_exception_handler;
ExceptionHandler *current_handler = auto_exception_handler.get_handler();
MDRawAssertionInfo assertion;
memset(&assertion, 0, sizeof(assertion));
_snwprintf_s(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(assertion.expression),
sizeof(assertion.expression) / sizeof(assertion.expression[0]),
_TRUNCATE, L"%s", expression);
_snwprintf_s(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(assertion.function),
sizeof(assertion.function) / sizeof(assertion.function[0]),
_TRUNCATE, L"%s", function);
_snwprintf_s(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(assertion.file),
sizeof(assertion.file) / sizeof(assertion.file[0]),
_TRUNCATE, L"%s", file);
assertion.line = line;
if (!current_handler->WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(NULL, &assertion)) {
if (current_handler->previous_iph_) {
// The handler didn't fully handle the exception. Give it to the
// previous invalid parameter handler.
current_handler->previous_iph_(expression, function, file, line, reserved);
} else {
// If there's no previous handler, pass the exception back in to the
// invalid parameter handler's core. That's the routine that called this
// function, but now, since this function is no longer registered (and in
// fact, no function at all is registered), this will result in the
// default code path being taken: _CRT_DEBUGGER_HOOK and _invoke_watson.
// Use _invalid_parameter where it exists (in _DEBUG builds) as it passes
// more information through. In non-debug builds, it is not available,
// so fall back to using _invalid_parameter_noinfo. See invarg.c in the
// CRT source.
#ifdef _DEBUG
_invalid_parameter(expression, function, file, line, reserved);
#else // _DEBUG
#endif // _DEBUG
// The handler either took care of the invalid parameter problem itself,
// or passed it on to another handler. "Swallow" it by exiting, paralleling
// the behavior of "swallowing" exceptions.
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400
bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(
EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo, MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion) {
// Set up data to be passed in to the handler thread.
requesting_thread_id_ = GetCurrentThreadId();
exception_info_ = exinfo;
assertion_ = assertion;
// This causes the handler thread to call WriteMinidumpWithException.
ReleaseSemaphore(handler_start_semaphore_, 1, NULL);
@ -259,6 +365,7 @@ bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo)
// Clean up.
requesting_thread_id_ = 0;
exception_info_ = NULL;
assertion_ = NULL;
@ -266,7 +373,7 @@ bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo)
bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidump() {
bool success = WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(NULL);
bool success = WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(NULL, NULL);
return success;
@ -279,15 +386,17 @@ bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidump(const wstring &dump_path,
return handler.WriteMinidump();
bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithException(DWORD requesting_thread_id,
bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithException(
DWORD requesting_thread_id,
MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion) {
// Give user code a chance to approve or prevent writing a minidump. If the
// filter returns false, don't handle the exception at all. If this method
// was called as a result of an exception, returning false will cause
// HandleException to call any previous handler or return
// EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH on the exception thread, allowing it to appear
// as though this handler were not present at all.
if (filter_&& !filter_(callback_context_, exinfo)) {
if (filter_ && !filter_(callback_context_, exinfo, assertion)) {
return false;
@ -318,14 +427,22 @@ bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithException(DWORD requesting_thread_id,
airbag_info.dump_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
airbag_info.requesting_thread_id = requesting_thread_id;
MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM airbag_info_stream;
airbag_info_stream.Type = MD_AIRBAG_INFO_STREAM;
airbag_info_stream.BufferSize = sizeof(airbag_info);
airbag_info_stream.Buffer = &airbag_info;
// Leave room in user_stream_array for a possible assertion info stream.
MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM user_stream_array[2];
user_stream_array[0].Type = MD_AIRBAG_INFO_STREAM;
user_stream_array[0].BufferSize = sizeof(airbag_info);
user_stream_array[0].Buffer = &airbag_info;
user_streams.UserStreamCount = 1;
user_streams.UserStreamArray = &airbag_info_stream;
user_streams.UserStreamArray = user_stream_array;
if (assertion) {
user_stream_array[1].Type = MD_ASSERTION_INFO_STREAM;
user_stream_array[1].BufferSize = sizeof(MDRawAssertionInfo);
user_stream_array[1].Buffer = assertion;
// The explicit comparison to TRUE avoids a warning (C4800).
success = (minidump_write_dump_(GetCurrentProcess(),
@ -342,7 +459,7 @@ bool ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithException(DWORD requesting_thread_id,
if (callback_) {
success = callback_(dump_path_c_, next_minidump_id_c_, callback_context_,
exinfo, success);
exinfo, assertion, success);
return success;

View file

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <DbgHelp.h>
@ -69,6 +70,8 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "google_airbag/common/minidump_format.h"
namespace google_airbag {
using std::vector;
@ -80,13 +83,15 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
// processing of an exception. A FilterCallback is called before writing
// a minidump. context is the parameter supplied by the user as
// callback_context when the handler was created. exinfo points to the
// exception record.
// exception record, if any; assertion points to assertion information,
// if any.
// If a FilterCallback returns true, Airbag will continue processing,
// attempting to write a minidump. If a FilterCallback returns false, Airbag
// will immediately report the exception as unhandled without writing a
// minidump, allowing another handler the opportunity to handle it.
typedef bool (*FilterCallback)(void *context, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo);
typedef bool (*FilterCallback)(void *context, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo,
MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion);
// A callback function to run after the minidump has been written.
// minidump_id is a unique id for the dump, so the minidump
@ -94,6 +99,8 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
// by the user as callback_context when the handler was created. exinfo
// points to the exception record, or NULL if no exception occurred.
// succeeded indicates whether a minidump file was successfully written.
// assertion points to information about an assertion if the handler was
// invoked by an assertion.
// If an exception occurred and the callback returns true, Airbag will treat
// the exception as fully-handled, suppressing any other handlers from being
@ -109,6 +116,7 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
const wchar_t *minidump_id,
void *context,
MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion,
bool succeeded);
// Creates a new ExceptionHandler instance to handle writing minidumps.
@ -142,6 +150,8 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
MinidumpCallback callback, void *callback_context);
friend class AutoExceptionHandler;
// Function pointer type for MiniDumpWriteDump, which is looked up
// dynamically.
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MiniDumpWriteDump_type)(
@ -160,14 +170,30 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
// Signals the exception handler thread to handle the exception.
static LONG WINAPI HandleException(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005/8
// This function will be called by some CRT functions when they detect
// that they were passed an invalid parameter. Note that in _DEBUG builds,
// the CRT may display an assertion dialog before calling this function,
// and the function will not be called unless the assertion dialog is
// dismissed by clicking "Ignore."
static void HandleInvalidParameter(const wchar_t *expression,
const wchar_t *function,
const wchar_t *file,
unsigned int line,
uintptr_t reserved);
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400
// This is called on the exception thread or on another thread that
// the user wishes to produce a dump from. It calls
// WriteMinidumpWithException on the handler thread, avoiding stack
// overflows and inconsistent dumps due to writing the dump from
// the exception thread. If the dump is requested as a result of an
// exception, exinfo contains exception information, otherwise, it
// is NULL.
bool WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo);
// is NULL. If the dump is requested as a result of an assertion
// (such as an invalid parameter being passed to a CRT function),
// assertion contains data about the assertion, otherwise, it is NULL.
bool WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo,
MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion);
// This function does the actual writing of a minidump. It is called
// on the handler thread. requesting_thread_id is the ID of the thread
@ -175,7 +201,8 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
// an exception, exinfo contains exception information, otherwise,
// it is NULL.
bool WriteMinidumpWithException(DWORD requesting_thread_id,
MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion);
// Generates a new ID and stores it in next_minidump_id_, and stores the
// path of the next minidump to be written in next_minidump_path_.
@ -219,6 +246,14 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
// that there is no previous unhandled exception filter.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005/8
// Beginning in VC 8, the CRT provides an invalid parameter handler that will
// be called when some CRT functions are passed invalid parameters. In
// earlier CRTs, the same conditions would cause unexpected behavior or
// crashes.
_invalid_parameter_handler previous_iph_;
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1400
// The exception handler thread.
HANDLE handler_thread_;
@ -245,6 +280,10 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
// thread, if an exception occurred. NULL for user-requested dumps.
EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception_info_;
// If the handler is invoked due to an assertion, this will contain a
// pointer to the assertion information. It is NULL at other times.
MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion_;
// The return value of the handler, passed from the handler thread back to
// the requesting thread.
bool handler_return_value_;

View file

@ -494,7 +494,8 @@ typedef enum {
/* Airbag extension types. 0x4767 = "Gg" */
MD_AIRBAG_INFO_STREAM = 0x47670001 /* MDRawAirbagInfo */
MD_AIRBAG_INFO_STREAM = 0x47670001, /* MDRawAirbagInfo */
MD_ASSERTION_INFO_STREAM = 0x47670002 /* MDRawAssertionInfo */
@ -1032,6 +1033,27 @@ typedef enum {
} MDAirbagInfoValidity;
typedef struct {
/* expression, function, and file are 0-terminated UTF-16 strings. They
* may be truncated if necessary, but should always be 0-terminated when
* written to a file.
* Fixed-length strings are used because MiniDumpWriteDump doesn't offer
* a way for user streams to point to arbitrary RVAs for strings. */
u_int16_t expression[128]; /* Assertion that failed... */
u_int16_t function[128]; /* ...within this function... */
u_int16_t file[128]; /* this file... */
u_int32_t line; /* this line. */
u_int32_t type;
} MDRawAssertionInfo;
/* For (MDRawAssertionInfo).info: */
typedef enum {
/* Used for assertions that would be raised by the MSVC CRT but are
* directed to an invalid parameter handler instead. */
} MDAssertionInfoData;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ namespace {
static bool callback(const wchar_t *dump_path, const wchar_t *id,
void *context, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exinfo,
MDRawAssertionInfo *assertion,
bool succeeded) {
if (succeeded) {
printf("dump guid is %ws\n", id);