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// ip/basic_resolver.hpp
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
# pragma once
#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/io_object_impl.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/non_const_lvalue.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/string_view.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/execution_context.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/executor.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_query.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_results.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/resolver_base.hpp>
# include <boost/asio/detail/winrt_resolver_service.hpp>
# include <boost/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp>
#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
# include <utility>
#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace asio {
namespace ip {
// Forward declaration with defaulted arguments.
template <typename InternetProtocol, typename Executor = executor>
class basic_resolver;
/// Provides endpoint resolution functionality.
* The basic_resolver class template provides the ability to resolve a query
* to a list of endpoints.
* @par Thread Safety
* @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
* @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
template <typename InternetProtocol, typename Executor>
class basic_resolver
: public resolver_base
/// The type of the executor associated with the object.
typedef Executor executor_type;
/// The protocol type.
typedef InternetProtocol protocol_type;
/// The endpoint type.
typedef typename InternetProtocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
/// (Deprecated.) The query type.
typedef basic_resolver_query<InternetProtocol> query;
/// (Deprecated.) The iterator type.
typedef basic_resolver_iterator<InternetProtocol> iterator;
#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
/// The results type.
typedef basic_resolver_results<InternetProtocol> results_type;
/// Construct with executor.
* This constructor creates a basic_resolver.
* @param ex The I/O executor that the resolver will use, by default, to
* dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
* resolver.
explicit basic_resolver(const executor_type& ex)
: impl_(ex)
/// Construct with execution context.
* This constructor creates a basic_resolver.
* @param context An execution context which provides the I/O executor that
* the resolver will use, by default, to dispatch handlers for any
* asynchronous operations performed on the resolver.
template <typename ExecutionContext>
explicit basic_resolver(ExecutionContext& context,
typename enable_if<
is_convertible<ExecutionContext&, execution_context&>::value
>::type* = 0)
: impl_(context)
/// Move-construct a basic_resolver from another.
* This constructor moves a resolver from one object to another.
* @param other The other basic_resolver object from which the move will
* occur.
* @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
* constructed using the @c basic_resolver(const executor_type&) constructor.
basic_resolver(basic_resolver&& other)
: impl_(std::move(other.impl_))
/// Move-assign a basic_resolver from another.
* This assignment operator moves a resolver from one object to another.
* Cancels any outstanding asynchronous operations associated with the target
* object.
* @param other The other basic_resolver object from which the move will
* occur.
* @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
* constructed using the @c basic_resolver(const executor_type&) constructor.
basic_resolver& operator=(basic_resolver&& other)
impl_ = std::move(other.impl_);
return *this;
/// Destroys the resolver.
* This function destroys the resolver, cancelling any outstanding
* asynchronous wait operations associated with the resolver as if by calling
* @c cancel.
/// Get the executor associated with the object.
executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
return impl_.get_executor();
/// Cancel any asynchronous operations that are waiting on the resolver.
* This function forces the completion of any pending asynchronous
* operations on the host resolver. The handler for each cancelled operation
* will be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
void cancel()
return impl_.get_service().cancel(impl_.get_implementation());
/// (Deprecated: Use overload with separate host and service parameters.)
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve a query into a list of endpoint entries.
* @param q A query object that determines what endpoints will be returned.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. A
* successful call to this function is guaranteed to return a non-empty
* range.
* @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
results_type resolve(const query& q)
boost::system::error_code ec;
results_type r = impl_.get_service().resolve(
impl_.get_implementation(), q, ec);
boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "resolve");
return r;
/// (Deprecated: Use overload with separate host and service parameters.)
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve a query into a list of endpoint entries.
* @param q A query object that determines what endpoints will be returned.
* @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. An
* empty range is returned if an error occurs. A successful call to this
* function is guaranteed to return a non-empty range.
results_type resolve(const query& q, boost::system::error_code& ec)
return impl_.get_service().resolve(impl_.get_implementation(), q, ec);
#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. A
* successful call to this function is guaranteed to return a non-empty
* range.
* @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM host,
return resolve(host, service, resolver_base::flags());
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. An
* empty range is returned if an error occurs. A successful call to this
* function is guaranteed to return a non-empty range.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM host,
BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM service, boost::system::error_code& ec)
return resolve(host, service, resolver_base::flags(), ec);
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
* should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
* remote hosts. See the @ref resolver_base documentation for the set of
* available flags.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. A
* successful call to this function is guaranteed to return a non-empty
* range.
* @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM host,
BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM service, resolver_base::flags resolve_flags)
boost::system::error_code ec;
basic_resolver_query<protocol_type> q(static_cast<std::string>(host),
static_cast<std::string>(service), resolve_flags);
results_type r = impl_.get_service().resolve(
impl_.get_implementation(), q, ec);
boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "resolve");
return r;
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
* should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
* remote hosts. See the @ref resolver_base documentation for the set of
* available flags.
* @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. An
* empty range is returned if an error occurs. A successful call to this
* function is guaranteed to return a non-empty range.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM host,
BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM service, resolver_base::flags resolve_flags,
boost::system::error_code& ec)
basic_resolver_query<protocol_type> q(static_cast<std::string>(host),
static_cast<std::string>(service), resolve_flags);
return impl_.get_service().resolve(impl_.get_implementation(), q, ec);
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
* IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. A
* successful call to this function is guaranteed to return a non-empty
* range.
* @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(const protocol_type& protocol,
return resolve(protocol, host, service, resolver_base::flags());
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
* IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. An
* empty range is returned if an error occurs. A successful call to this
* function is guaranteed to return a non-empty range.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(const protocol_type& protocol,
boost::system::error_code& ec)
return resolve(protocol, host, service, resolver_base::flags(), ec);
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
* IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
* should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
* remote hosts. See the @ref resolver_base documentation for the set of
* available flags.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. A
* successful call to this function is guaranteed to return a non-empty
* range.
* @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(const protocol_type& protocol,
resolver_base::flags resolve_flags)
boost::system::error_code ec;
basic_resolver_query<protocol_type> q(
protocol, static_cast<std::string>(host),
static_cast<std::string>(service), resolve_flags);
results_type r = impl_.get_service().resolve(
impl_.get_implementation(), q, ec);
boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "resolve");
return r;
/// Perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
* IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
* should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
* remote hosts. See the @ref resolver_base documentation for the set of
* available flags.
* @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. An
* empty range is returned if an error occurs. A successful call to this
* function is guaranteed to return a non-empty range.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
results_type resolve(const protocol_type& protocol,
resolver_base::flags resolve_flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
basic_resolver_query<protocol_type> q(
protocol, static_cast<std::string>(host),
static_cast<std::string>(service), resolve_flags);
return impl_.get_service().resolve(impl_.get_implementation(), q, ec);
/// (Deprecated: Use overload with separate host and service parameters.)
/// Asynchronously perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to asynchronously resolve a query into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param q A query object that determines what endpoints will be returned.
* @param handler The handler to be called when the resolve operation
* completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
* signature of the handler must be:
* @code void handler(
* const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
* resolver::results_type results // Resolved endpoints as a range.
* ); @endcode
* Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
* not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. On
* immediate completion, invocation of the handler will be performed in a
* manner equivalent to using boost::asio::post().
* A successful resolve operation is guaranteed to pass a non-empty range to
* the handler.
template <typename ResolveHandler>
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type))
async_resolve(const query& q,
BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ResolveHandler) handler)
return boost::asio::async_initiate<ResolveHandler,
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type)>(
initiate_async_resolve(), handler, this, q);
#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
/// Asynchronously perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param handler The handler to be called when the resolve operation
* completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
* signature of the handler must be:
* @code void handler(
* const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
* resolver::results_type results // Resolved endpoints as a range.
* ); @endcode
* Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
* not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. On
* immediate completion, invocation of the handler will be performed in a
* manner equivalent to using boost::asio::post().
* A successful resolve operation is guaranteed to pass a non-empty range to
* the handler.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
template <typename ResolveHandler>
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type))
async_resolve(BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM host,
BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ResolveHandler) handler)
return async_resolve(host, service, resolver_base::flags(),
/// Asynchronously perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
* should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
* remote hosts. See the @ref resolver_base documentation for the set of
* available flags.
* @param handler The handler to be called when the resolve operation
* completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
* signature of the handler must be:
* @code void handler(
* const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
* resolver::results_type results // Resolved endpoints as a range.
* ); @endcode
* Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
* not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. On
* immediate completion, invocation of the handler will be performed in a
* manner equivalent to using boost::asio::post().
* A successful resolve operation is guaranteed to pass a non-empty range to
* the handler.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
template <typename ResolveHandler>
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type))
async_resolve(BOOST_ASIO_STRING_VIEW_PARAM host,
resolver_base::flags resolve_flags,
BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ResolveHandler) handler)
basic_resolver_query<protocol_type> q(static_cast<std::string>(host),
static_cast<std::string>(service), resolve_flags);
return boost::asio::async_initiate<ResolveHandler,
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type)>(
initiate_async_resolve(), handler, this, q);
/// Asynchronously perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
* IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param handler The handler to be called when the resolve operation
* completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
* signature of the handler must be:
* @code void handler(
* const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
* resolver::results_type results // Resolved endpoints as a range.
* ); @endcode
* Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
* not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. On
* immediate completion, invocation of the handler will be performed in a
* manner equivalent to using boost::asio::post().
* A successful resolve operation is guaranteed to pass a non-empty range to
* the handler.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
template <typename ResolveHandler>
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type))
async_resolve(const protocol_type& protocol,
BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ResolveHandler) handler)
return async_resolve(protocol, host, service, resolver_base::flags(),
/// Asynchronously perform forward resolution of a query to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve host and service names into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
* IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
* @param host A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or
* a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been
* specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding.
* If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints
* will use the loopback address.
* @param service A string identifying the requested service. This may be a
* descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May
* be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port
* number of 0.
* @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
* should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
* remote hosts. See the @ref resolver_base documentation for the set of
* available flags.
* @param handler The handler to be called when the resolve operation
* completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
* signature of the handler must be:
* @code void handler(
* const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
* resolver::results_type results // Resolved endpoints as a range.
* ); @endcode
* Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
* not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. On
* immediate completion, invocation of the handler will be performed in a
* manner equivalent to using boost::asio::post().
* A successful resolve operation is guaranteed to pass a non-empty range to
* the handler.
* @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
* resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
* locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
* On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
* <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
* <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
* may use additional locations when resolving service names.
template <typename ResolveHandler>
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type))
async_resolve(const protocol_type& protocol,
resolver_base::flags resolve_flags,
BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ResolveHandler) handler)
basic_resolver_query<protocol_type> q(
protocol, static_cast<std::string>(host),
static_cast<std::string>(service), resolve_flags);
return boost::asio::async_initiate<ResolveHandler,
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type)>(
initiate_async_resolve(), handler, this, q);
/// Perform reverse resolution of an endpoint to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve an endpoint into a list of endpoint
* entries.
* @param e An endpoint object that determines what endpoints will be
* returned.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. A
* successful call to this function is guaranteed to return a non-empty
* range.
* @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
results_type resolve(const endpoint_type& e)
boost::system::error_code ec;
results_type i = impl_.get_service().resolve(
impl_.get_implementation(), e, ec);
boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "resolve");
return i;
/// Perform reverse resolution of an endpoint to a list of entries.
* This function is used to resolve an endpoint into a list of endpoint
* entries.
* @param e An endpoint object that determines what endpoints will be
* returned.
* @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
* @returns A range object representing the list of endpoint entries. An
* empty range is returned if an error occurs. A successful call to this
* function is guaranteed to return a non-empty range.
results_type resolve(const endpoint_type& e, boost::system::error_code& ec)
return impl_.get_service().resolve(impl_.get_implementation(), e, ec);
/// Asynchronously perform reverse resolution of an endpoint to a list of
/// entries.
* This function is used to asynchronously resolve an endpoint into a list of
* endpoint entries.
* @param e An endpoint object that determines what endpoints will be
* returned.
* @param handler The handler to be called when the resolve operation
* completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
* signature of the handler must be:
* @code void handler(
* const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
* resolver::results_type results // Resolved endpoints as a range.
* ); @endcode
* Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
* not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. On
* immediate completion, invocation of the handler will be performed in a
* manner equivalent to using boost::asio::post().
* A successful resolve operation is guaranteed to pass a non-empty range to
* the handler.
template <typename ResolveHandler>
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type))
async_resolve(const endpoint_type& e,
BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ResolveHandler) handler)
return boost::asio::async_initiate<ResolveHandler,
void (boost::system::error_code, results_type)>(
initiate_async_resolve(), handler, this, e);
// Disallow copying and assignment.
basic_resolver(const basic_resolver&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
basic_resolver& operator=(const basic_resolver&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
struct initiate_async_resolve
template <typename ResolveHandler, typename Query>
void operator()(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ResolveHandler) handler,
basic_resolver* self, const Query& q) const
// If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler
// does not meet the documented type requirements for a ResolveHandler.
ResolveHandler, handler, results_type) type_check;
boost::asio::detail::non_const_lvalue<ResolveHandler> handler2(handler);
self->impl_.get_implementation(), q, handler2.value,
Executor> impl_;
# else
Executor> impl_;
# endif
} // namespace ip
} // namespace asio
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>