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synced 2025-01-03 20:55:40 +00:00
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/* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* Author: Martin Andrian, Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
* $Date$
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator> // ostreambuf_iterator
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/compiler_config.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/period.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/special_defs.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/special_values_formatter.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/period_formatter.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/period_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/date_generator_formatter.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/date_generator_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/format_date_parser.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace date_time {
/*! Class that provides format based I/O facet for date types.
* This class allows the formatting of dates by using format string.
* Format strings are:
* - %A => long_weekday_format - Full name Ex: Tuesday
* - %a => short_weekday_format - Three letter abbreviation Ex: Tue
* - %B => long_month_format - Full name Ex: October
* - %b => short_month_format - Three letter abbreviation Ex: Oct
* - %x => standard_format_specifier - defined by the locale
* - %Y-%b-%d => default_date_format - YYYY-Mon-dd
* Default month format == %b
* Default weekday format == %a
template <class date_type,
class CharT,
class OutItrT = std::ostreambuf_iterator<CharT, std::char_traits<CharT> > >
class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE date_facet : public std::locale::facet {
typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
// greg_weekday is gregorian_calendar::day_of_week_type
typedef typename date_type::day_of_week_type day_of_week_type;
typedef typename date_type::day_type day_type;
typedef typename date_type::month_type month_type;
typedef boost::date_time::period<date_type,duration_type> period_type;
typedef std::basic_string<CharT> string_type;
typedef CharT char_type;
typedef boost::date_time::period_formatter<CharT> period_formatter_type;
typedef boost::date_time::special_values_formatter<CharT> special_values_formatter_type;
typedef std::vector<std::basic_string<CharT> > input_collection_type;
// used for the output of the date_generators
typedef date_generator_formatter<date_type, CharT> date_gen_formatter_type;
typedef partial_date<date_type> partial_date_type;
typedef nth_kday_of_month<date_type> nth_kday_type;
typedef first_kday_of_month<date_type> first_kday_type;
typedef last_kday_of_month<date_type> last_kday_type;
typedef first_kday_after<date_type> kday_after_type;
typedef first_kday_before<date_type> kday_before_type;
static const char_type long_weekday_format[3];
static const char_type short_weekday_format[3];
static const char_type long_month_format[3];
static const char_type short_month_format[3];
static const char_type default_period_separator[4];
static const char_type standard_format_specifier[3];
static const char_type iso_format_specifier[7];
static const char_type iso_format_extended_specifier[9];
static const char_type default_date_format[9]; // YYYY-Mon-DD
static std::locale::id id;
#if defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && defined (_RWSTD_VER)
std::locale::id& __get_id (void) const { return id; }
explicit date_facet(::size_t a_ref = 0)
: std::locale::facet(a_ref),
explicit date_facet(const char_type* format_str,
const input_collection_type& short_names,
::size_t ref_count = 0)
: std::locale::facet(ref_count),
explicit date_facet(const char_type* format_str,
period_formatter_type per_formatter = period_formatter_type(),
special_values_formatter_type sv_formatter = special_values_formatter_type(),
date_gen_formatter_type dg_formatter = date_gen_formatter_type(),
::size_t ref_count = 0)
: std::locale::facet(ref_count),
void format(const char_type* const format_str) {
m_format = format_str;
virtual void set_iso_format()
m_format = iso_format_specifier;
virtual void set_iso_extended_format()
m_format = iso_format_extended_specifier;
void month_format(const char_type* const format_str) {
m_month_format = format_str;
void weekday_format(const char_type* const format_str) {
m_weekday_format = format_str;
void period_formatter(period_formatter_type per_formatter) {
m_period_formatter= per_formatter;
void special_values_formatter(const special_values_formatter_type& svf)
m_special_values_formatter = svf;
void short_weekday_names(const input_collection_type& short_names)
m_weekday_short_names = short_names;
void long_weekday_names(const input_collection_type& long_names)
m_weekday_long_names = long_names;
void short_month_names(const input_collection_type& short_names)
m_month_short_names = short_names;
void long_month_names(const input_collection_type& long_names)
m_month_long_names = long_names;
void date_gen_phrase_strings(const input_collection_type& new_strings,
typename date_gen_formatter_type::phrase_elements beg_pos=date_gen_formatter_type::first)
m_date_gen_formatter.elements(new_strings, beg_pos);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const date_type& d) const
if (d.is_special()) {
return do_put_special(next, a_ios, fill_char, d.as_special());
//The following line of code required the date to support a to_tm function
return do_put_tm(next, a_ios, fill_char, to_tm(d), m_format);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const duration_type& dd) const
if (dd.is_special()) {
return do_put_special(next, a_ios, fill_char, dd.get_rep().as_special());
typedef std::num_put<CharT, OutItrT> num_put;
if (std::has_facet<num_put>(a_ios.getloc())) {
return std::use_facet<num_put>(a_ios.getloc()).put(next, a_ios, fill_char, dd.get_rep().as_number());
else {
num_put* f = new num_put();
std::locale l = std::locale(a_ios.getloc(), f);
return f->put(next, a_ios, fill_char, dd.get_rep().as_number());
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const month_type& m) const
//if (d.is_special()) {
// return do_put_special(next, a_ios, fill_char, d.as_special());
//The following line of code required the date to support a to_tm function
std::tm dtm;
std::memset(&dtm, 0, sizeof(dtm));
dtm.tm_mon = m - 1;
return do_put_tm(next, a_ios, fill_char, dtm, m_month_format);
//! puts the day of month
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const day_type& day) const
std::tm dtm;
std::memset(&dtm, 0, sizeof(dtm));
dtm.tm_mday = day.as_number();
char_type tmp[3] = {'%','d'};
string_type temp_format(tmp);
return do_put_tm(next, a_ios, fill_char, dtm, temp_format);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const day_of_week_type& dow) const
//if (d.is_special()) {
// return do_put_special(next, a_ios, fill_char, d.as_special());
//The following line of code required the date to support a to_tm function
std::tm dtm;
std::memset(&dtm, 0, sizeof(dtm));
dtm.tm_wday = dow;
return do_put_tm(next, a_ios, fill_char, dtm, m_weekday_format);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const period_type& p) const
return m_period_formatter.put_period(next, a_ios, fill_char, p, *this);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const partial_date_type& pd) const
return m_date_gen_formatter.put_partial_date(next, a_ios, fill_char, pd, *this);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const nth_kday_type& nkd) const
return m_date_gen_formatter.put_nth_kday(next, a_ios, fill_char, nkd, *this);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const first_kday_type& fkd) const
return m_date_gen_formatter.put_first_kday(next, a_ios, fill_char, fkd, *this);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const last_kday_type& lkd) const
return m_date_gen_formatter.put_last_kday(next, a_ios, fill_char, lkd, *this);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const kday_before_type& fkb) const
return m_date_gen_formatter.put_kday_before(next, a_ios, fill_char, fkb, *this);
OutItrT put(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const kday_after_type& fka) const
return m_date_gen_formatter.put_kday_after(next, a_ios, fill_char, fka, *this);
virtual OutItrT do_put_special(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& /*a_ios*/,
char_type /*fill_char*/,
const boost::date_time::special_values sv) const
m_special_values_formatter.put_special(next, sv);
return next;
virtual OutItrT do_put_tm(OutItrT next,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
char_type fill_char,
const tm& tm_value,
string_type a_format) const
// update format string with custom names
if (m_weekday_long_names.size()) {
if (m_weekday_short_names.size()) {
if (m_month_long_names.size()) {
if (m_month_short_names.size()) {
// use time_put facet to create final string
const char_type* p_format = a_format.c_str();
return std::use_facet<std::time_put<CharT> >(a_ios.getloc()).put(next, a_ios,
p_format + a_format.size());
string_type m_format;
string_type m_month_format;
string_type m_weekday_format;
period_formatter_type m_period_formatter;
date_gen_formatter_type m_date_gen_formatter;
special_values_formatter_type m_special_values_formatter;
input_collection_type m_month_short_names;
input_collection_type m_month_long_names;
input_collection_type m_weekday_short_names;
input_collection_type m_weekday_long_names;
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
std::locale::id date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::id;
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::long_weekday_format[3] = {'%','A'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::short_weekday_format[3] = {'%','a'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::long_month_format[3] = {'%','B'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::short_month_format[3] = {'%','b'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::default_period_separator[4] = { ' ', '/', ' '};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::standard_format_specifier[3] =
{'%', 'x' };
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::iso_format_specifier[7] =
{'%', 'Y', '%', 'm', '%', 'd' };
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::iso_format_extended_specifier[9] =
{'%', 'Y', '-', '%', 'm', '-', '%', 'd' };
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::default_date_format[9] =
//! Input facet
template <class date_type,
class CharT,
class InItrT = std::istreambuf_iterator<CharT, std::char_traits<CharT> > >
class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE date_input_facet : public std::locale::facet {
typedef typename date_type::duration_type duration_type;
// greg_weekday is gregorian_calendar::day_of_week_type
typedef typename date_type::day_of_week_type day_of_week_type;
typedef typename date_type::day_type day_type;
typedef typename date_type::month_type month_type;
typedef typename date_type::year_type year_type;
typedef boost::date_time::period<date_type,duration_type> period_type;
typedef std::basic_string<CharT> string_type;
typedef CharT char_type;
typedef boost::date_time::period_parser<date_type, CharT> period_parser_type;
typedef boost::date_time::special_values_parser<date_type,CharT> special_values_parser_type;
typedef std::vector<std::basic_string<CharT> > input_collection_type;
typedef format_date_parser<date_type, CharT> format_date_parser_type;
// date_generators stuff goes here
typedef date_generator_parser<date_type, CharT> date_gen_parser_type;
typedef partial_date<date_type> partial_date_type;
typedef nth_kday_of_month<date_type> nth_kday_type;
typedef first_kday_of_month<date_type> first_kday_type;
typedef last_kday_of_month<date_type> last_kday_type;
typedef first_kday_after<date_type> kday_after_type;
typedef first_kday_before<date_type> kday_before_type;
static const char_type long_weekday_format[3];
static const char_type short_weekday_format[3];
static const char_type long_month_format[3];
static const char_type short_month_format[3];
static const char_type four_digit_year_format[3];
static const char_type two_digit_year_format[3];
static const char_type default_period_separator[4];
static const char_type standard_format_specifier[3];
static const char_type iso_format_specifier[7];
static const char_type iso_format_extended_specifier[9];
static const char_type default_date_format[9]; // YYYY-Mon-DD
static std::locale::id id;
explicit date_input_facet(::size_t a_ref = 0)
: std::locale::facet(a_ref),
m_parser(m_format, std::locale::classic())
// default period_parser & special_values_parser used
explicit date_input_facet(const string_type& format_str,
::size_t a_ref = 0)
: std::locale::facet(a_ref),
m_parser(m_format, std::locale::classic())
// default period_parser & special_values_parser used
explicit date_input_facet(const string_type& format_str,
const format_date_parser_type& date_parser,
const special_values_parser_type& sv_parser,
const period_parser_type& per_parser,
const date_gen_parser_type& date_gen_parser,
::size_t ref_count = 0)
: std::locale::facet(ref_count),
void format(const char_type* const format_str) {
m_format = format_str;
virtual void set_iso_format()
m_format = iso_format_specifier;
virtual void set_iso_extended_format()
m_format = iso_format_extended_specifier;
void month_format(const char_type* const format_str) {
m_month_format = format_str;
void weekday_format(const char_type* const format_str) {
m_weekday_format = format_str;
void year_format(const char_type* const format_str) {
m_year_format = format_str;
void period_parser(period_parser_type per_parser) {
m_period_parser = per_parser;
void short_weekday_names(const input_collection_type& weekday_names)
void long_weekday_names(const input_collection_type& weekday_names)
void short_month_names(const input_collection_type& month_names)
void long_month_names(const input_collection_type& month_names)
void date_gen_element_strings(const input_collection_type& col)
void date_gen_element_strings(const string_type& first,
const string_type& second,
const string_type& third,
const string_type& fourth,
const string_type& fifth,
const string_type& last,
const string_type& before,
const string_type& after,
const string_type& of)
void special_values_parser(special_values_parser_type sv_parser)
m_sv_parser = sv_parser;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& /*a_ios*/,
date_type& d) const
d = m_parser.parse_date(from, to, m_format, m_sv_parser);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& /*a_ios*/,
month_type& m) const
m = m_parser.parse_month(from, to, m_month_format);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& /*a_ios*/,
day_of_week_type& wd) const
wd = m_parser.parse_weekday(from, to, m_weekday_format);
return from;
//! Expects 1 or 2 digit day range: 1-31
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& /*a_ios*/,
day_type& d) const
d = m_parser.parse_var_day_of_month(from, to);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& /*a_ios*/,
year_type& y) const
y = m_parser.parse_year(from, to, m_year_format);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
duration_type& dd) const
// skip leading whitespace
while(std::isspace(*from) && from != to) { ++from; }
/* num_get.get() will always consume the first character if it
* is a sign indicator (+/-). Special value strings may begin
* with one of these signs so we'll need a copy of it
* in case num_get.get() fails. */
char_type c = '\0';
// TODO Are these characters somewhere in the locale?
if(*from == '-' || *from == '+') {
c = *from;
typedef std::num_get<CharT, InItrT> num_get;
typename duration_type::duration_rep_type val = 0;
std::ios_base::iostate err = std::ios_base::goodbit;
if (std::has_facet<num_get>(a_ios.getloc())) {
from = std::use_facet<num_get>(a_ios.getloc()).get(from, to, a_ios, err, val);
else {
num_get* ng = new num_get();
std::locale l = std::locale(a_ios.getloc(), ng);
from = ng->get(from, to, a_ios, err, val);
if(err & std::ios_base::failbit){
typedef typename special_values_parser_type::match_results match_results;
match_results mr;
if(c == '-' || c == '+') { // was the first character consumed?
mr.cache += c;
m_sv_parser.match(from, to, mr);
if(mr.current_match == match_results::PARSE_ERROR) {
boost::throw_exception(std::ios_base::failure("Parse failed. No match found for '" + mr.cache + "'"));
BOOST_DATE_TIME_UNREACHABLE_EXPRESSION(return from); // should never reach
dd = duration_type(static_cast<special_values>(mr.current_match));
else {
dd = duration_type(val);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
period_type& p) const
p = m_period_parser.get_period(from, to, a_ios, p, duration_type::unit(), *this);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
nth_kday_type& nkd) const
nkd = m_date_gen_parser.get_nth_kday_type(from, to, a_ios, *this);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
partial_date_type& pd) const
pd = m_date_gen_parser.get_partial_date_type(from, to, a_ios, *this);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
first_kday_type& fkd) const
fkd = m_date_gen_parser.get_first_kday_type(from, to, a_ios, *this);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
last_kday_type& lkd) const
lkd = m_date_gen_parser.get_last_kday_type(from, to, a_ios, *this);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
kday_before_type& fkb) const
fkb = m_date_gen_parser.get_kday_before_type(from, to, a_ios, *this);
return from;
InItrT get(InItrT& from,
InItrT& to,
std::ios_base& a_ios,
kday_after_type& fka) const
fka = m_date_gen_parser.get_kday_after_type(from, to, a_ios, *this);
return from;
string_type m_format;
string_type m_month_format;
string_type m_weekday_format;
string_type m_year_format;
format_date_parser_type m_parser;
date_gen_parser_type m_date_gen_parser;
period_parser_type m_period_parser;
special_values_parser_type m_sv_parser;
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
std::locale::id date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::id;
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::long_weekday_format[3] = {'%','A'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::short_weekday_format[3] = {'%','a'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::long_month_format[3] = {'%','B'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::short_month_format[3] = {'%','b'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::four_digit_year_format[3] = {'%','Y'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::two_digit_year_format[3] = {'%','y'};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::default_period_separator[4] = { ' ', '/', ' '};
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::standard_format_specifier[3] =
{'%', 'x' };
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::iso_format_specifier[7] =
{'%', 'Y', '%', 'm', '%', 'd' };
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::iso_format_extended_specifier[9] =
{'%', 'Y', '-', '%', 'm', '-', '%', 'd' };
template <class date_type, class CharT, class OutItrT>
const typename date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::char_type
date_input_facet<date_type, CharT, OutItrT>::default_date_format[9] =
} } // namespaces