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Copyright (c) 2010-2010: Joachim Faulhaber
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENCE.txt or copy at
#include <boost/icl/type_traits/is_combinable.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/type_traits/interval_type_of.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/detail/set_algo.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/detail/interval_set_algo.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/concept/interval.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace icl
//= Containedness<IntervalSet>
//- bool contains(c T&, c P&) T:{S} P:{e i S} fragment_types
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, bool>::type
contains(const Type& super, const typename Type::element_type& element)
return !(icl::find(super, element) == super.end());
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, bool>::type
contains(const Type& super, const typename Type::segment_type& inter_val)
typedef typename Type::const_iterator const_iterator;
return true;
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> exterior
= super.equal_range(inter_val);
if(exterior.first == exterior.second)
return false;
const_iterator last_overlap = cyclic_prior(super, exterior.second);
icl::contains(hull(*(exterior.first), *last_overlap), inter_val)
&& Interval_Set::is_joinable(super, exterior.first, last_overlap);
template<class Type, class OperandT>
typename enable_if<has_same_concept<is_interval_set, Type, OperandT>,
contains(const Type& super, const OperandT& sub)
return Interval_Set::contains(super, sub);
//= Addition<IntervalSet>
//- T& add(T&, c P&) T:{S} P:{e i} fragment_types
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
add(Type& object, const typename Type::segment_type& operand)
return object.add(operand);
template<class Type>
inline typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
add(Type& object, const typename Type::element_type& operand)
typedef typename Type::segment_type segment_type;
return icl::add(object, icl::singleton<segment_type>(operand));
//- T& add(T&, J, c P&) T:{S} P:{i} interval_type
template<class Type>
inline typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, typename Type::iterator>::type
add(Type& object, typename Type::iterator prior,
const typename Type::segment_type& operand)
return object.add(prior, operand);
//= Insertion<IntervalSet>
//- T& insert(T&, c P&) T:{S} P:{e i} fragment_types
template<class Type>
inline typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
insert(Type& object, const typename Type::segment_type& operand)
return icl::add(object, operand);
template<class Type>
inline typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
insert(Type& object, const typename Type::element_type& operand)
return icl::add(object, operand);
//- T& insert(T&, J, c P&) T:{S} P:{i} with hint
template<class Type>
inline typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, typename Type::iterator>::type
insert(Type& object, typename Type::iterator prior,
const typename Type::segment_type& operand)
return icl::add(object, prior, operand);
//= Subtraction<IntervalSet>
//- T& subtract(T&, c P&) T:{S} P:{e i} fragment_type
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
subtract(Type& object, const typename Type::segment_type& operand)
return object.subtract(operand);
template<class Type>
inline typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
subtract(Type& object, const typename Type::element_type& operand)
typedef typename Type::segment_type segment_type;
return icl::subtract(object, icl::singleton<segment_type>(operand));
//= Erasure<IntervalSet>
//- T& erase(T&, c P&) T:{S} P:{e i} fragment_types
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
erase(Type& object, const typename Type::segment_type& minuend)
return icl::subtract(object, minuend);
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
erase(Type& object, const typename Type::element_type& minuend)
return icl::subtract(object, minuend);
//= Intersection
//- void add_intersection(T&, c T&, c P&) T:{S} P:{e i} fragment_types
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, void>::type
add_intersection(Type& section, const Type& object,
const typename Type::element_type& operand)
typedef typename Type::const_iterator const_iterator;
const_iterator found = icl::find(object, operand);
if(found != object.end())
icl::add(section, operand);
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, void>::type
add_intersection(Type& section, const Type& object,
const typename Type::segment_type& segment)
typedef typename Type::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Type::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Type::interval_type interval_type;
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> exterior
= object.equal_range(segment);
if(exterior.first == exterior.second)
iterator prior_ = section.end();
for(const_iterator it_=exterior.first; it_ != exterior.second; it_++)
interval_type common_interval = key_value<Type>(it_) & segment;
prior_ = section.insert(prior_, common_interval);
//= Symmetric difference<IntervalSet>
//- T& flip(T&, c P&) T:{S} P:{e i S'} fragment_types
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
flip(Type& object, const typename Type::element_type& operand)
if(icl::contains(object, operand))
return object -= operand;
return object += operand;
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
flip(Type& object, const typename Type::segment_type& segment)
typedef typename Type::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Type::interval_type interval_type;
// That which is common shall be subtracted
// That which is not shall be added
// So x has to be 'complementary added' or flipped
interval_type span = segment;
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> exterior
= object.equal_range(span);
const_iterator fst_ = exterior.first;
const_iterator end_ = exterior.second;
interval_type covered, left_over;
const_iterator it_ = fst_;
while(it_ != end_)
covered = *it_++;
//[a ... : span
// [b ... : covered
//[a b) : left_over
left_over = right_subtract(span, covered);
icl::subtract(object, span & covered); //That which is common shall be subtracted
icl::add(object, left_over); //That which is not shall be added
//... d) : span
//... c) : covered
// [c d) : span'
span = left_subtract(span, covered);
//If span is not empty here, it_ is not in the set so it_ shall be added
icl::add(object, span);
return object;
template<class Type, class OperandT>
typename enable_if<is_concept_compatible<is_interval_set, Type, OperandT>, Type>::type&
flip(Type& object, const OperandT& operand)
typedef typename OperandT::const_iterator const_iterator;
return object;
const_iterator common_lwb, common_upb;
if(!Set::common_range(common_lwb, common_upb, operand, object))
return object += operand;
const_iterator it_ = operand.begin();
// All elements of operand left of the common range are added
while(it_ != common_lwb)
icl::add(object, *it_++);
// All elements of operand in the common range are symmertrically subtracted
while(it_ != common_upb)
icl::flip(object, *it_++);
// All elements of operand right of the common range are added
while(it_ != operand.end())
icl::add(object, *it_++);
return object;
//= Set selection
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
domain(Type& dom, const Type& object)
typedef typename Type::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Type::iterator iterator;
const_iterator it_ = object.begin();
iterator prior_ = dom.end();
while(it_ != object.end())
prior_ = icl::insert(dom, prior_, *it_++);
return dom;
template<class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>, Type>::type&
between(Type& in_between, const Type& object)
typedef typename Type::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Type::iterator iterator;
const_iterator it_ = object.begin(), pred_;
iterator prior_ = in_between.end();
if(it_ != object.end())
pred_ = it_++;
while(it_ != object.end())
prior_ = icl::insert(in_between, prior_,
icl::between(*pred_++, *it_++));
return in_between;
//= Streaming
template<class CharType, class CharTraits, class Type>
typename enable_if<is_interval_set<Type>,
std::basic_ostream<CharType, CharTraits> >::type&
operator << (std::basic_ostream<CharType, CharTraits>& stream, const Type& object)
stream << "{";
ICL_const_FORALL(typename Type, it_, object)
stream << (*it_);
return stream << "}";
}} // namespace boost icl