James 68109894f1 Update config files for v7 (#12)
* platform: fix build on Linux and update web-view

* deps: replace xz-decom with xz2 and update deps

* platform: fix regression...

... that prevents the build on Windows

* linux: implement platform-dependent functions

* travis: add macos and windows CI

* travis: use official Rust Docker image

* Update Cargo.lock for new version

* Break apart REST into separate services

This cleans up locking, ensures consistent futures for all endpoints
and enhances code re-use.

* Clean up codebase, fixing minor errors

* Update packages, use async client for downloading config

While this has a hell of a lot more boilerplate, this is quite
a bit cleaner.

* Add explicit 'dyn's as per Rust nightly requirements

* Migrate self updating functions to own module

* Migrate assets to server module

* Use patched web-view to fix dialogs, remove nfd

* Implement basic dark mode

* Revert window.close usage

* ui: split files and use Webpack

* frontend: ui: include prebuilt assets...

... and update rust side stuff

* build: integrate webpack building into

* Polish Vue UI split

* Add instructions for node + yarn

* native: fix uninstall self-destruction behavior...... by not showing the command prompt window and fork-spawning the cmd

* native: deal with Unicode issues in native APIs

* native: further improve Unicode support on Windows

* travis: add cache and fix issues

* ui: use Buefy components to...

... beautify the UI

* ui: makes error message selectable

* Make launcher mode behaviour more robust

* Fix error display on launcher pages

* Correctly handle exit on error

* Bump installer version
2019-07-04 21:23:16 -04:00

138 lines
3.6 KiB

//! The main entrypoint for the application. Orchestrates the building of the installation
//! framework, and opens necessary HTTP servers/frontends.
#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")]
extern crate web_view;
extern crate futures;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate url;
extern crate number_prefix;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate toml;
extern crate regex;
extern crate semver;
extern crate dirs;
extern crate tar;
extern crate xz2;
extern crate zip;
extern crate fern;
extern crate log;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate clap;
extern crate winapi;
extern crate widestring;
extern crate slug;
extern crate sysinfo;
mod archives;
mod config;
mod frontend;
mod http;
mod installer;
mod logging;
mod native;
mod self_update;
mod sources;
mod tasks;
use installer::InstallerFramework;
use logging::LoggingErrors;
use clap::App;
use clap::Arg;
use config::BaseAttributes;
static RAW_CONFIG: &'static str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bootstrap.toml"));
fn main() {
let config = BaseAttributes::from_toml_str(RAW_CONFIG).expect("Config file could not be read");
.expect("Unable to setup logging!");
// Parse CLI arguments
let app_name =;
let app_about = format!("An interactive installer for {}", app_name);
let app = App::new(format!("{} installer", app_name))
.help("Launches the specified executable after checking for updates")
.help("Internal usage - swaps around a new installer executable")
let reinterpret_app = app.clone(); // In case a reparse is needed
let mut matches = app.get_matches();
info!("{} installer", app_name);
// Handle self-updating if needed
let current_exe = std::env::current_exe().log_expect("Current executable could not be found");
let current_path = current_exe
.log_expect("Parent directory of executable could not be found");
self_update::perform_swap(&current_exe, matches.value_of("swap"));
if let Some(new_matches) = self_update::check_args(reinterpret_app, current_path) {
matches = new_matches;
// Load in metadata + setup the installer framework
let metadata_file = current_path.join("metadata.json");
let mut framework = if metadata_file.exists() {
info!("Using pre-existing metadata file: {:?}", metadata_file);
InstallerFramework::new_with_db(config, current_path).log_expect("Unable to parse metadata")
} else {
info!("Starting fresh install");
let is_launcher = if let Some(string) = matches.value_of("launcher") {
framework.is_launcher = true;
framework.launcher_path = Some(string.to_string());
} else {
// Start up the UI
frontend::launch(&app_name, is_launcher, framework);