
95 lines
2.7 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="mbedtls" - Package Owner=<4>
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
# ** DO NOT EDIT **
# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Static Library" 0x0104
Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
CFG=mbedtls - Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mbedtls.mak".
!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mbedtls.mak" CFG="mbedtls - Win32 Debug"
!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
!MESSAGE "mbedtls - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
!MESSAGE "mbedtls - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
# Begin Project
# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
!IF "$(CFG)" == "mbedtls - Win32 Release"
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP BASE Output_Dir ""
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "temp"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP Output_Dir ""
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "temp"
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /I "../../include" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x40c /d "NDEBUG"
# ADD RSC /l 0x40c /d "NDEBUG"
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
LIB32=link.exe -lib
# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
# ADD LIB32 /nologo
Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mbedtls - Win32 Debug"
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP BASE Output_Dir ""
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "temp"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP Output_Dir ""
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "temp"
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /GZ /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /I "../../include" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /GZ /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x40c /d "_DEBUG"
# ADD RSC /l 0x40c /d "_DEBUG"
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
LIB32=link.exe -lib
# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
# ADD LIB32 /nologo
# Begin Target
Merge mbedtls 2.16.6 into baremetal Conflicts: mbedtls.doxyfile - PROJECT_NAME - mbed TLS v2.16.6 chosen. doc_mainpage.h - mbed TLS v2.16.6 version chosen. hmac_drbg.h - line 260, extended description chosen. - line 313, extended description chosen. - line 338, extended description chosen. version.h - 2.16.6 chosen. CMakeLists.txt - 2.16.6 chosen. test_suite_version.data - 2.16.6 chosen. Makefile - 141 - manual correction - baremetal version of C_SOURCE_FILES with variables for directories plus 2.16.6 CTAGS addition. pkparse.c - lines 846 onwards - the asn1_get_nonzero_mpi implementation chosen. ssl_tls.c - line 5269 - edited manually, left the ret=0, because baremetal has a different behaviour since commit 87b5626, but added a debug message that's new in 2.16.6. all.sh: - component_build_deprecated - chosen the refactored version from 2.16.6, but with extra flags from baremetal. - rest of the _no_xxx tests - merged make options to have PTHREAD=1 and other changes from 2.16.6 (like -O1 instead of -O0). - component_build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_no_64bit_multiplication - added TINYCRYPT_BUILD=0 to the 2.16.6 version of make. x509/req_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/crl_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. x509/cert_app.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_mail_client.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_pthread_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl/ssl_fork_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client1.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_client2.c - line 54 - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. - line 132 - new options of both branches added. - skip close notify handled as in 2.16.6, but with `ssl` instead of `&ssl`. - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. - Merged options from baremetal and 2.16.6. ssl_server.c - left baremetal log but with mbedtls_exit( 0 ) call. ssl_server2.c - Merged the 2.16.6 usage split with additional baremetal usages. config.pl - fixed missing defines from the documentation, removed duplicates, and reorganised so that the documentation and excluded list are ordered in the same way. test_suite_x509parse.data - only added the two new pathlen tests. x509_crt.c - change the return code by removing MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS, since it's added by x509_crt_frame_parse_ext not by an "or", but by "+=". Changelog - Assigned all entries to appropriate sections. ssl-opt.sh - line 8263 - merged options. - removed lines 1165 - 1176 - there was a duplicate test, probably an artifact of previous merges. check-files.py - sticked to old formatting. Signed-off-by: Andrzej Kurek <andrzej.kurek@arm.com>
2020-05-18 15:47:25 +00:00
# Name "mbedtls - Win32 Release"
# Name "mbedtls - Win32 Debug"
# Begin Group "Source Files"
# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
# End Group
# Begin Group "Header Files"
# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"
# End Group
# End Target
# End Project