Declare multipart AEAD functions

Declare and document multipart AEAD functions.

This commit does not contain any implementation or tests.
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Gilles Peskine 2019-01-14 18:36:12 +01:00
parent f45adda9ac
commit 30a9e41076
4 changed files with 483 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1691,6 +1691,443 @@ psa_status_t psa_aead_decrypt(psa_key_handle_t handle,
size_t plaintext_size,
size_t *plaintext_length);
/** The type of the state data structure for multipart AEAD operations.
* Before calling any function on an AEAD operation object, the application
* must initialize it by any of the following means:
* - Set the structure to all-bits-zero, for example:
* \code
* psa_aead_operation_t operation;
* memset(&operation, 0, sizeof(operation));
* \endcode
* - Initialize the structure to logical zero values, for example:
* \code
* psa_aead_operation_t operation = {0};
* \endcode
* - Initialize the structure to the initializer #PSA_AEAD_OPERATION_INIT,
* for example:
* \code
* psa_aead_operation_t operation = PSA_AEAD_OPERATION_INIT;
* \endcode
* - Assign the result of the function psa_aead_operation_init()
* to the structure, for example:
* \code
* psa_aead_operation_t operation;
* operation = psa_aead_operation_init();
* \endcode
* This is an implementation-defined \c struct. Applications should not
* make any assumptions about the content of this structure except
* as directed by the documentation of a specific implementation. */
typedef struct psa_aead_operation_s psa_aead_operation_t;
* This macro returns a suitable initializer for an AEAD operation object of
* type #psa_aead_operation_t.
#ifdef __DOXYGEN_ONLY__
/* This is an example definition for documentation purposes.
* Implementations should define a suitable value in `crypto_struct.h`.
/** Return an initial value for an AEAD operation object.
static psa_aead_operation_t psa_aead_operation_init(void);
/** Set the key for a multipart authenticated encryption operation.
* The sequence of operations to encrypt a message with authentication
* is as follows:
* -# Allocate an operation object which will be passed to all the functions
* listed here.
* -# Initialize the operation object with one of the methods described in the
* documentation for #psa_aead_operation_t, e.g.
* -# Call psa_aead_encrypt_setup() to specify the algorithm and key.
* -# Call either psa_aead_generate_nonce() or psa_aead_set_nonce() to
* generate or set the nonce. You should use
* psa_aead_generate_nonce() unless the protocol you are implementing
* requires a specific nonce value.
* -# Call psa_aead_update_ad() zero, one or more times, passing a fragment
* of the non-encrypted additional authenticated data each time.
* -# Call psa_aead_update() zero, one or more times, passing a fragment
* of the message each time.
* -# Call psa_aead_finish().
* The application may call psa_aead_abort() at any time after the operation
* has been initialized.
* After a successful call to psa_aead_encrypt_setup(), the application must
* eventually terminate the operation. The following events terminate an
* operation:
* - A failed call to any of the \c psa_aead_xxx functions.
* - A call to psa_aead_finish(), psa_aead_verify() or psa_aead_abort().
* \param[in,out] operation The operation object to set up. It must have
* been initialized as per the documentation for
* #psa_aead_operation_t and not yet in use.
* \param handle Handle to the key to use for the operation.
* It must remain valid until the operation
* terminates.
* \param alg The AEAD algorithm to compute
* (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
* #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p alg) is true).
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* \p key is not compatible with \p alg.
* \p alg is not supported or is not an AEAD algorithm.
* The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
* It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
* results in this error code.
psa_status_t psa_aead_encrypt_setup(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
psa_key_handle_t handle,
psa_algorithm_t alg);
/** Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation.
* The sequence of operations to decrypt a message with authentication
* is as follows:
* -# Allocate an operation object which will be passed to all the functions
* listed here.
* -# Initialize the operation object with one of the methods described in the
* documentation for #psa_aead_operation_t, e.g.
* -# Call psa_aead_decrypt_setup() to specify the algorithm and key.
* -# Call psa_aead_set_nonce() with the nonce for the decryption.
* -# Call psa_aead_update_ad() zero, one or more times, passing a fragment
* of the non-encrypted additional authenticated data each time.
* -# Call psa_aead_update() zero, one or more times, passing a fragment
* of the message each time.
* -# Call psa_aead_finish().
* The application may call psa_aead_abort() at any time after the operation
* has been initialized.
* After a successful call to psa_aead_decrypt_setup(), the application must
* eventually terminate the operation. The following events terminate an
* operation:
* - A failed call to any of the \c psa_aead_xxx functions.
* - A call to psa_aead_finish(), psa_aead_verify() or psa_aead_abort().
* \param[in,out] operation The operation object to set up. It must have
* been initialized as per the documentation for
* #psa_aead_operation_t and not yet in use.
* \param handle Handle to the key to use for the operation.
* It must remain valid until the operation
* terminates.
* \param alg The AEAD algorithm to compute
* (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
* #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p alg) is true).
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* \p key is not compatible with \p alg.
* \p alg is not supported or is not an AEAD algorithm.
* The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
* It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
* results in this error code.
psa_status_t psa_aead_decrypt_setup(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
psa_key_handle_t handle,
psa_algorithm_t alg);
/** Generate a random nonce for an authenticated encryption operation.
* This function generates a random nonce for the authenticated encryption
* operation with an appropriate size for the chosen algorithm, key type
* and key size.
* The application must call psa_aead_encrypt_setup() before
* calling this function.
* If this function returns an error status, the operation becomes inactive.
* \param[in,out] operation Active AEAD operation.
* \param[out] nonce Buffer where the generated nonce is to be
* written.
* \param nonce_size Size of the \p nonce buffer in bytes.
* \param[out] nonce_length On success, the number of bytes of the
* generated nonce.
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* The operation state is not valid (not set up, or nonce already set).
* The size of the \p nonce buffer is too small.
psa_status_t psa_aead_generate_nonce(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
unsigned char *nonce,
size_t nonce_size,
size_t *nonce_length);
/** Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption or decryption operation.
* This function sets the nonce for the authenticated
* encryption or decryption operation.
* The application must call psa_aead_encrypt_setup() before
* calling this function.
* If this function returns an error status, the operation becomes inactive.
* \note When encrypting, applications should use psa_aead_generate_iv()
* instead of this function, unless implementing a protocol that requires
* a non-random IV.
* \param[in,out] operation Active AEAD operation.
* \param[in] iv Buffer containing the nonce to use.
* \param iv_length Size of the nonce in bytes.
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* The operation state is not valid (not set up, or nonce already set).
* The size of \p nonce is not acceptable for the chosen algorithm.
psa_status_t psa_aead_set_nonce(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
const unsigned char *nonce,
size_t nonce_length);
/** Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation.
* Additional data is authenticated, but not encrypted.
* You may call this function multiple times to pass successive fragments
* of the additional data. You may not call this function after passing
* data to encrypt or decrypt with psa_aead_update().
* Before calling this function, you must:
* 1. Call either psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or psa_aead_decrypt_setup().
* 2. Set the nonce with psa_aead_generate_nonce() or psa_aead_set_nonce().
* If this function returns an error status, the operation becomes inactive.
* \warning When decrypting, until psa_aead_verify() has returned #PSA_SUCCESS,
* there is no guarantee that the input is valid. Therefore, until
* you have called psa_aead_verify() and it has returned #PSA_SUCCESS,
* treat the input as untrusted and prepare to undo any action that
* depends on the input if psa_aead_verify() returns an error status.
* \param[in,out] operation Active AEAD operation.
* \param[in] input Buffer containing the fragment of
* additional data.
* \param input_length Size of the \p input buffer in bytes.
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* The operation state is not valid (not set up, nonce not set,
* psa_aead_update() already called, or operation already completed).
psa_status_t psa_aead_update_ad(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
const uint8_t *input,
size_t input_length);
/** Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation.
* Before calling this function, you must:
* 1. Call either psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or psa_aead_decrypt_setup().
* The choice of setup function determines whether this function
* encrypts or decrypts its input.
* 2. Set the nonce with psa_aead_generate_nonce() or psa_aead_set_nonce().
* 3. Call psa_aead_update_ad() to pass all the additional data.
* If this function returns an error status, the operation becomes inactive.
* \warning When decrypting, until psa_aead_verify() has returned #PSA_SUCCESS,
* there is no guarantee that the input is valid. Therefore, until
* you have called psa_aead_verify() and it has returned #PSA_SUCCESS:
* - Do not use the output in any way other than storing it in a
* confidential location. If you take any action that depends
* on the tentative decrypted data, this action will need to be
* undone if the input turns out not to be valid. Furthermore,
* if an adversary can observe that this action took place
* (for example through timing), they may be able to use this
* fact as an oracle to decrypt any message encrypted with the
* same key.
* - In particular, do not copy the output anywhere but to a
* memory or storage space that you have exclusive access to.
* \param[in,out] operation Active AEAD operation.
* \param[in] input Buffer containing the message fragment to
* encrypt or decrypt.
* \param input_length Size of the \p input buffer in bytes.
* \param[out] output Buffer where the output is to be written.
* \param output_size Size of the \p output buffer in bytes.
* \param[out] output_length On success, the number of bytes
* that make up the returned output.
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* The operation state is not valid (not set up, nonce not set
* or already completed).
* The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
psa_status_t psa_aead_update(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
const uint8_t *input,
size_t input_length,
unsigned char *output,
size_t output_size,
size_t *output_length);
/** Finish encrypting a message in an AEAD operation.
* The operation must have been set up with psa_aead_encrypt_setup().
* This function finishes the authentication of the additional data
* formed by concatenating the inputs passed to preceding calls to
* psa_aead_update_ad() with the plaintext formed by concatenating the
* inputs passed to preceding calls to psa_aead_update().
* This function has two output buffers:
* - \p ciphertext contains trailing ciphertext that was buffered from
* preceding calls to psa_aead_update(). For all standard AEAD algorithms,
* psa_aead_update() does not buffer any output and therefore \p ciphertext
* will not contain any output and can be a 0-sized buffer.
* - \p tag contains the authentication tag. Its length is always
* #PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH(\p alg) where \p alg is the AEAD algorithm
* that the operation performs.
* When this function returns, the operation becomes inactive.
* \param[in,out] operation Active AEAD operation.
* \param[out] ciphertext Buffer where the last part of the ciphertext
* is to be written.
* \param ciphertext_size Size of the \p ciphertext buffer in bytes.
* \param[out] ciphertext_length On success, the number of bytes of
* returned ciphertext.
* \param[out] tag Buffer where the authentication tag is
* to be written.
* \param tag_size Size of the \p tag buffer in bytes.
* \param[out] tag_length On success, the number of bytes
* that make up the returned tag.
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* The operation state is not valid (not set up, nonce not set,
* decryption, or already completed).
* The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
psa_status_t psa_aead_finish(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
uint8_t *output,
size_t output_size,
size_t *output_length,
uint8_t *tag,
size_t tag_size,
size_t *tag_length);
/** Finish authenticating and decrypting a message in an AEAD operation.
* The operation must have been set up with psa_aead_decrypt_setup().
* This function finishes the authentication of the additional data
* formed by concatenating the inputs passed to preceding calls to
* psa_aead_update_ad() with the ciphertext formed by concatenating the
* inputs passed to preceding calls to psa_aead_update().
* When this function returns, the operation becomes inactive.
* \param[in,out] operation Active AEAD operation.
* \param[in] tag Buffer containing the authentication tag.
* \param tag_length Size of the \p tag buffer in bytes.
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* Success.
* The operation state is not valid (not set up, nonce not set,
* encryption, or already completed).
* The size of the \p output buffer is too small.
psa_status_t psa_aead_verify(psa_aead_operation_t *operation,
const uint8_t *tag,
size_t tag_length);
/** Abort an AEAD operation.
* Aborting an operation frees all associated resources except for the
* \p operation structure itself. Once aborted, the operation object
* can be reused for another operation by calling
* psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or psa_aead_decrypt_setup() again.
* You may call this function any time after the operation object has
* been initialized by any of the following methods:
* - A call to psa_aead_encrypt_setup() or psa_aead_decrypt_setup(),
* whether it succeeds or not.
* - Initializing the \c struct to all-bits-zero.
* - Initializing the \c struct to logical zeros, e.g.
* `psa_aead_operation_t operation = {0}`.
* In particular, calling psa_aead_abort() after the operation has been
* terminated by a call to psa_aead_abort() or psa_aead_finish()
* is safe and has no effect.
* \param[in,out] operation Initialized AEAD operation.
* \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
* \p operation is not an active AEAD operation.
psa_status_t psa_aead_abort(psa_aead_operation_t *operation);
/** \defgroup asymmetric Asymmetric cryptography

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@ -268,6 +268,27 @@
(plaintext_length) + PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH(alg) : \
/** The maximum size of the output of psa_aead_finish(), in bytes.
* If the size of the ciphertext buffer is at least this large, it is
* guaranteed that psa_aead_finish() will not fail due to an
* insufficient buffer size. Depending on the algorithm, the actual size of
* the ciphertext may be smaller.
* \param alg An AEAD algorithm
* (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
* #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(alg) is true).
* \return The maximum trailing ciphertext size for the
* specified algorithm.
* If the AEAD algorithm is not recognized, return 0.
* An implementation may return either 0 or a
* correct size for an AEAD algorithm that it
* recognizes, but does not support.
#define PSA_AEAD_FINISH_OUTPUT_SIZE(alg, plaintext_length) \
/** The maximum size of the output of psa_aead_decrypt(), in bytes.
* If the size of the plaintext buffer is at least this large, it is

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@ -152,6 +152,27 @@ static inline struct psa_cipher_operation_s psa_cipher_operation_init( void )
return( v );
struct psa_aead_operation_s
psa_algorithm_t alg;
unsigned int key_set : 1;
unsigned int iv_set : 1;
uint8_t iv_size;
uint8_t block_size;
unsigned dummy; /* Enable easier initializing of the union. */
mbedtls_cipher_context_t cipher;
} ctx;
#define PSA_AEAD_OPERATION_INIT {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0}}
static inline struct psa_aead_operation_s psa_aead_operation_init( void )
const struct psa_aead_operation_s v = PSA_AEAD_OPERATION_INIT;
return( v );
#if defined(MBEDTLS_MD_C)
typedef struct

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@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@ typedef struct
uint8_t tag_length;
} aead_operation_t;
static void psa_aead_abort( aead_operation_t *operation )
static void psa_aead_abort_internal( aead_operation_t *operation )
switch( operation->core_alg )
@ -3140,7 +3140,7 @@ static psa_status_t psa_aead_setup( aead_operation_t *operation,
return( PSA_SUCCESS );
psa_aead_abort( operation );
psa_aead_abort_internal( operation );
return( status );
@ -3211,7 +3211,7 @@ psa_status_t psa_aead_encrypt( psa_key_handle_t handle,
memset( ciphertext, 0, ciphertext_size );
psa_aead_abort( &operation );
psa_aead_abort_internal( &operation );
if( status == PSA_SUCCESS )
*ciphertext_length = plaintext_length + operation.tag_length;
return( status );
@ -3308,7 +3308,7 @@ psa_status_t psa_aead_decrypt( psa_key_handle_t handle,
memset( plaintext, 0, plaintext_size );
psa_aead_abort( &operation );
psa_aead_abort_internal( &operation );
if( status == PSA_SUCCESS )
*plaintext_length = ciphertext_length - operation.tag_length;
return( status );