To find any files with a missing copyright declaration, use the following script:
# ========================
# Find files with copyright declarations, and list their file extensions
exts=$(grep -Ril --exclude-dir .git 'Copyright.*Arm' | sed '
s/.*\./-name "*./
' | sort -u | sed -n '
s/\n/ -o /gp
# Find files with file extensions that ususally include copyright extensions, but don't include a copyright declaration themselves.
eval "find -path './.git' -prune -o ! -path './tests/data_files/format_pkcs12.fmt' '(' $exts ')' -print" | xargs grep -Li 'Copyright.*Arm'
# ========================
Signed-off-by: Bence Szépkúti <>
Don't mangle arguments containing spaces and other special characters,
pass them unchanged to the proxy or server as applicable.
More robust parsing of server parameters: don't hit on partial words;
use ssl_server2's default values.
Minor style improvements.
This commit introduces the script `programs/test/` which can
be used to wrap the SSL server binary `programs/ssl/ssl_server2` by the UDP
proxy application `programs/test/udp_proxy` while maintaining the same
interface from the command line.
Specifically, given UDP proxy arguments ARGS_UDP and SSL server arguments
ARGS_SSL, the command line
behaves like
> ./ssl_server2 ARGS_SSL
wrapped by
> ./udp_proxy ARGS_UDP
The motivation and benefit of this is that scripts like `` can be used
with the server command line `P_SRV` modified to `./
ARGS_UDP -- DEFAULT_ARGS_SSL` which will result in all tests being executed for
an SSL server behind a UDP proxy.