To find any files with a missing copyright declaration, use the following script:
# ========================
# Find files with copyright declarations, and list their file extensions
exts=$(grep -Ril --exclude-dir .git 'Copyright.*Arm' | sed '
s/.*\./-name "*./
' | sort -u | sed -n '
s/\n/ -o /gp
# Find files with file extensions that ususally include copyright extensions,
# but don't include a copyright declaration themselves.
eval "find -path './.git' -prune -o\
! -path './tests/data_files/format_pkcs12.fmt'\
! -path './programs/psa/psa_constant_names_generated.c'\
'(' $exts ')' -print" | xargs grep -Li 'Copyright.*Arm'
# ========================
Signed-off-by: Bence Szépkúti <>
When doing ABI/API checking, its useful to have a list of all the
identifiers that are defined in the internal header files, as we
do not promise compatibility for them. This option allows for a
simple method of getting them for use with the ABI checking script.