This commit splits off the RSA helper functions into separate headers and
compilation units to have a clearer separation of the public RSA interface,
intended to be used by end-users, and the helper functions which are publicly
provided only for the benefit of designers of alternative RSA implementations.
The tests now accept two result parameters, one for the expected result of the
completion call, and one for the expected result of the subsequent sanity
This commit adds a flag to the RSA import/export tests indicating whether it is
expected that a full RSA keypair can be set up from the provided parameters.
Further, the tests of `mbedtls_rsa_import` and `mbedtls_rsa_import_raw` are
expanded to perform key checks and an example encryption-decryption.
This commit adds test for the new library function mbedtls_rsa_check_params for
checking a set of RSA core parameters. There are some toy example tests with
small numbers that can be verified by hand, as well as tests with real world
numbers. Complete, partial and corrupted data are tested, as well the check for
primality exactly if a PRNG is provided.
This commit adds tests for the new library function mbedtls_rsa_export_raw.
Each test case performs the following steps:
- Parse and convert a set of hex-string decoded core RSA parameters into big
endian byte arrays.
- Use these to initialize an RSA context
- Export core RSA parameters as byte arrays again afterwards
- Compare byte strings.
Each test split is performed twice, once with successive and once with
simultaneous exporting.
This commit adds tests for the new library function mbedtls_rsa_export. Each
test case performs the following steps:
- Parse and convert a set of hex-string decoded core RSA parameters into MPI's.
- Use these to initialize an RSA context
- Export core RSA parameters as MPI's again afterwards
- Compare initial MPI's to exported ones.
In the private key case, all core parameters are exported and sanity-checked,
regardless of whether they were also used during setup.
Each test split is performed twice, once with successive and once with
simultaneous exporting.
This commit adds numerous tests for the new library functions mbedtls_rsa_import
and mbedtls_rsa_import_raw in conjunction with mbedtls_rsa_complete for
importing and completing core sets of core RSA parameters (N,P,Q,D,E) into an
RSA context, with the importing accepting either MPI's or raw big endian
Each test is determined by the following parameters:
1) Set of parameters provided
We're testing full sets (N,P,Q,D,E), partial sets (N,-,-,D,E) and (N,P,Q,-,E)
that are sufficient to generate missing parameters, and the partial and
insufficient set (N, -, Q, -, E).
2) Simultaenous or successive importing
The functions rsa_import and rsa_import_raw accept importing parameters at
once or one after another. We test both.
3) Sanity of parameters
This commit adds test for the new library function mbedtls_rsa_deduce_moduli for
deducing the prime factors (P,Q) of an RSA modulus N from knowledge of a
pair (D,E) of public and private exponent:
- Two toy examples that can be checked by hand, one fine and with bad parameters.
- Two real world examples, one fine and one with bad parameters.
This commit adds tests for the new library function mbedtls_rsa_deduce_private
for deducing the private RSA exponent D from the public exponent E and the
factorization (P,Q) of the RSA modulus:
- Two toy examples with small numbers that can be checked by hand, one
working fine and another failing due to bad parameters.
- Two real world examples, one fine and one with bad parameters.
The PKCS#1 standard says nothing about the relation between P and Q
but many libraries guarantee P>Q and mbed TLS did so too in earlier
This commit restores this behaviour.
Changes include:
- Integers marked with '#' in the .function files.
- Strings should have "" in .data files.
- String comparison instead of preprocessor-like replace for e.g. '=='
- Params and variables cannot have the same name in .function files
A new OID module has been created that contains the main OID searching
functionality based on type-dependent arrays. A base type is used to
contain the basic values (oid_descriptor_t) and that type is extended to
contain type specific information (like a pk_alg_t).
As a result the rsa sign and verify function prototypes have changed. They
now expect a md_type_t identifier instead of the removed RSA_SIG_XXX
All OID definitions have been moved to oid.h
All OID matching code is in the OID module.
The RSA PKCS#1 functions cleaned up as a result and adapted to use the
MD layer.
The SSL layer cleanup up as a result and adapted to use the MD layer.
The X509 parser cleaned up and matches OIDs in certificates with new
module and adapted to use the MD layer.
The X509 writer cleaned up and adapted to use the MD layer.
Apps and tests modified accordingly