This commit is the result of the following command, followed by
reindenting (but not wrapping lines):
perl -00 -i -pe 's/^( *)TEST_ASSERT\(([^;=]*)(?: |\n *)==([^;=]*)\);$/${1}TEST_EQUAL($2,$3);/gm' tests/suites/test_suite_psa_*.function
This commit is the result of the following command, followed by
reindenting (but not wrapping lines):
perl -00 -i -pe 's/^( *)TEST_ASSERT\(([^;=]*)(?: |\n *)==\s*PSA_SUCCESS\s*\);$/${1}PSA_ASSERT($2 );/gm' tests/suites/test_suite_psa_*.function
This commit finishes the removal of support for direct access to key
slots in psa_crypto.c.
This marks the end of the necessary phase of the transition to key
handles. The code should subsequently be refactored to move key slot
management from psa_crypto.c to psa_crypto_slot_management.c.