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synced 2025-03-23 00:35:09 +00:00
Test suite header code was not gaurded with test suite dependency. But some test suites have additional code in the headers section. Variables in that section become unused if suite functions are gaurded. Hence gaurded the headers section. But this changed cuased missing types in get_expression() function that was originally accessing types defined through suite headers. Hence had to gaurd expressions code as well. Gaurding expressions does not allow parsing the parameters when some types or hash defs are gaurded. Hence added function check_test() to check if test is allowed or not before parsing the parameters.
673 lines
20 KiB
673 lines
20 KiB
#line 2 "suites/desktop_test.function"
* \brief Varifies that string is in string parameter format i.e. "<str>"
* It also strips enclosing '"' from the input string.
* \param str String parameter.
* \return 0 if success else 1
int verify_string( char **str )
if( (*str)[0] != '"' ||
(*str)[strlen( *str ) - 1] != '"' )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr,
"Expected string (with \"\") for parameter and got: %s\n", *str );
return( -1 );
(*str)[strlen( *str ) - 1] = '\0';
return( 0 );
* \brief Varifies that string is an integer. Also gives the converted
* integer value.
* \param str Input string.
* \param value Pointer to int for output value.
* \return 0 if success else 1
int verify_int( char *str, int *value )
size_t i;
int minus = 0;
int digits = 1;
int hex = 0;
for( i = 0; i < strlen( str ); i++ )
if( i == 0 && str[i] == '-' )
minus = 1;
if( ( ( minus && i == 2 ) || ( !minus && i == 1 ) ) &&
str[i - 1] == '0' && str[i] == 'x' )
hex = 1;
if( ! ( ( str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9' ) ||
( hex && ( ( str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f' ) ||
( str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F' ) ) ) ) )
digits = 0;
if( digits )
if( hex )
*value = strtol( str, NULL, 16 );
*value = strtol( str, NULL, 10 );
return( 0 );
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr,
"Expected integer for parameter and got: %s\n", str );
* \brief Usage string.
#define USAGE \
"Usage: %s [OPTIONS] files...\n\n" \
" Command line arguments:\n" \
" files... One or more test data file. If no file is specified\n" \
" the followimg default test case is used:\n" \
" %s\n\n" \
" Options:\n" \
" -v | --verbose Display full information about each test\n" \
" -h | --help Display this information\n\n", \
argv[0], \
* \brief Read a line from the passed file pointer.
* \param f FILE pointer
* \param buf Pointer to memory to hold read line.
* \param len Length of the buf.
* \return 0 if success else -1
int get_line( FILE *f, char *buf, size_t len )
char *ret;
int i = 0, str_len = 0, has_string = 0;
/* Read until we get a valid line */
ret = fgets( buf, len, f );
if( ret == NULL )
return( -1 );
str_len = strlen( buf );
/* Skip empty line and comment */
if ( str_len == 0 || buf[0] == '#' )
has_string = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < str_len; i++ )
char c = buf[i];
if ( c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' &&
c != '\v' && c != '\f' && c != '\r' )
has_string = 1;
} while( !has_string );
/* Strip new line and carriage return */
ret = buf + strlen( buf );
if( ret-- > buf && *ret == '\n' )
*ret = '\0';
if( ret-- > buf && *ret == '\r' )
*ret = '\0';
return( 0 );
* \brief Splits string delimited by ':'. Ignores '\:'.
* \param buf Input string
* \param len Input string length
* \param params Out params found
* \param params_len Out params array len
* \return Count of strings found.
static int parse_arguments( char *buf, size_t len, char **params,
size_t params_len )
size_t cnt = 0, i;
char *cur = buf;
char *p = buf, *q;
params[cnt++] = cur;
while( *p != '\0' && p < buf + len )
if( *p == '\\' )
if( *p == ':' )
if( p + 1 < buf + len )
cur = p + 1;
assert( cnt < params_len );
params[cnt++] = cur;
*p = '\0';
/* Replace newlines, question marks and colons in strings */
for( i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
p = params[i];
q = params[i];
while( *p != '\0' )
if( *p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == 'n' )
p += 2;
*(q++) = '\n';
else if( *p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == ':' )
p += 2;
*(q++) = ':';
else if( *p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == '?' )
p += 2;
*(q++) = '?';
*(q++) = *(p++);
*q = '\0';
return( cnt );
* \brief Converts parameters into test function consumable parameters.
* Example: Input: {"int", "0", "char*", "Hello",
* "hex", "abef", "exp", "1"}
* Output: {
* 0, // Verified int
* "Hello", // Verified string
* 2, { 0xab, 0xef },// Converted len,hex pair
* 9600 // Evaluated expression
* }
* \param cnt Input string.
* \param params Out array of found strings.
* \param int_params_store Memory for storing processed integer parameters.
* \return 0 for success else 1
static int convert_params( size_t cnt , char ** params , int * int_params_store )
char ** cur = params;
char ** out = params;
while ( cur - params < (int) cnt )
char * type = *cur++;
char * val = *cur++;
if ( strcmp( type, "char*" ) == 0 )
if ( verify_string( &val ) == 0 )
*out++ = val;
else if ( strcmp( type, "int" ) == 0 )
if ( verify_int ( val, int_params_store ) == 0 )
*out++ = (char *) int_params_store++;
else if ( strcmp( type, "hex" ) == 0 )
if ( verify_string( &val ) == 0 )
int j;
*int_params_store = unhexify( (unsigned char *) val, val );
printf ("\n");
for (j = 0; j < *int_params_store; j++)
printf ("%02x ", (uint8_t)val[j]);
printf ("\n len %d\n", *int_params_store);
*out++ = val;
*out++ = (char *)(int_params_store++);
else if ( strcmp( type, "exp" ) == 0 )
int exp_id = strtol( val, NULL, 10 );
if ( get_expression ( exp_id, int_params_store ) == 0 )
*out++ = (char *)int_params_store++;
return( ret );
* \brief Tests snprintf implementation with test input.
* \note
* At high optimization levels (e.g. gcc -O3), this function may be
* inlined in run_test_snprintf. This can trigger a spurious warning about
* potential misuse of snprintf from gcc -Wformat-truncation (observed with
* gcc 7.2). This warning makes tests in run_test_snprintf redundant on gcc
* only. They are still valid for other compilers. Avoid this warning by
* forbidding inlining of this function by gcc.
* \param n Buffer test length.
* \param ref_buf Expected buffer.
* \param ref_ret Expected snprintf return value.
* \return 0 for success else 1
#if defined(__GNUC__)
static int test_snprintf( size_t n, const char ref_buf[10], int ref_ret )
int ret;
char buf[10] = "xxxxxxxxx";
const char ref[10] = "xxxxxxxxx";
ret = mbedtls_snprintf( buf, n, "%s", "123" );
if( ret < 0 || (size_t) ret >= n )
ret = -1;
if( strncmp( ref_buf, buf, sizeof( buf ) ) != 0 ||
ref_ret != ret ||
memcmp( buf + n, ref + n, sizeof( buf ) - n ) != 0 )
return( 1 );
return( 0 );
* \brief Tests snprintf implementation.
* \param none
* \return 0 for success else 1
static int run_test_snprintf( void )
return( test_snprintf( 0, "xxxxxxxxx", -1 ) != 0 ||
test_snprintf( 1, "", -1 ) != 0 ||
test_snprintf( 2, "1", -1 ) != 0 ||
test_snprintf( 3, "12", -1 ) != 0 ||
test_snprintf( 4, "123", 3 ) != 0 ||
test_snprintf( 5, "123", 3 ) != 0 );
* \brief Desktop implementation of execute_tests().
* Parses command line and executes tests from
* supplied or default data file.
* \param argc Command line argument count.
* \param argv Argument array.
* \return Program exit status.
int execute_tests( int argc , const char ** argv )
/* Local Configurations and options */
const char *default_filename = "DATA_FILE";
const char *test_filename = NULL;
const char **test_files = NULL;
int testfile_count = 0;
int option_verbose = 0;
int function_id = 0;
/* Other Local variables */
int arg_index = 1;
const char *next_arg;
int testfile_index, ret, i, cnt;
int total_errors = 0, total_tests = 0, total_skipped = 0;
FILE *file;
char buf[5000];
char *params[50];
int int_params[50]; // Store for proccessed integer params.
void *pointer;
#if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
int stdout_fd = -1;
#endif /* __unix__ || __APPLE__ __MACH__ */
unsigned char alloc_buf[1000000];
mbedtls_memory_buffer_alloc_init( alloc_buf, sizeof( alloc_buf ) );
* The C standard doesn't guarantee that all-bits-0 is the representation
* of a NULL pointer. We do however use that in our code for initializing
* structures, which should work on every modern platform. Let's be sure.
memset( &pointer, 0, sizeof( void * ) );
if( pointer != NULL )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr, "all-bits-zero is not a NULL pointer\n" );
return( 1 );
* Make sure we have a snprintf that correctly zero-terminates
if( run_test_snprintf() != 0 )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr, "the snprintf implementation is broken\n" );
return( 1 );
while( arg_index < argc )
next_arg = argv[ arg_index ];
if( strcmp(next_arg, "--verbose" ) == 0 ||
strcmp(next_arg, "-v" ) == 0 )
option_verbose = 1;
else if( strcmp(next_arg, "--help" ) == 0 ||
strcmp(next_arg, "-h" ) == 0 )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, USAGE );
mbedtls_exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
/* Not an option, therefore treat all further arguments as the file
* list.
test_files = &argv[ arg_index ];
testfile_count = argc - arg_index;
/* If no files were specified, assume a default */
if ( test_files == NULL || testfile_count == 0 )
test_files = &default_filename;
testfile_count = 1;
/* Initialize the struct that holds information about the last test */
memset( &test_info, 0, sizeof( test_info ) );
/* Now begin to execute the tests in the testfiles */
for ( testfile_index = 0;
testfile_index < testfile_count;
testfile_index++ )
int unmet_dep_count = 0;
char *unmet_dependencies[20];
test_filename = test_files[ testfile_index ];
file = fopen( test_filename, "r" );
if( file == NULL )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open test file: %s\n",
test_filename );
return( 1 );
while( !feof( file ) )
if( unmet_dep_count > 0 )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr,
"FATAL: Dep count larger than zero at start of loop\n" );
mbedtls_exit( MBEDTLS_EXIT_FAILURE );
unmet_dep_count = 0;
if( ( ret = get_line( file, buf, sizeof(buf) ) ) != 0 )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "%s%.66s", test_info.failed ? "\n" : "", buf );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, " " );
for( i = strlen( buf ) + 1; i < 67; i++ )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "." );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, " " );
fflush( stdout );
if( ( ret = get_line( file, buf, sizeof( buf ) ) ) != 0 )
cnt = parse_arguments( buf, strlen( buf ), params,
sizeof( params ) / sizeof( params[0] ) );
if( strcmp( params[0], "depends_on" ) == 0 )
for( i = 1; i < cnt; i++ )
int dep_id = strtol( params[i], NULL, 10 );
if( dep_check( dep_id ) != DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED )
if( 0 == option_verbose )
/* Only one count is needed if not verbose */
unmet_dependencies[ unmet_dep_count ] = strdup( params[i] );
if( unmet_dependencies[ unmet_dep_count ] == NULL )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr, "FATAL: Out of memory\n" );
mbedtls_exit( MBEDTLS_EXIT_FAILURE );
if( ( ret = get_line( file, buf, sizeof( buf ) ) ) != 0 )
cnt = parse_arguments( buf, strlen( buf ), params,
sizeof( params ) / sizeof( params[0] ) );
// If there are no unmet dependencies execute the test
if( unmet_dep_count == 0 )
test_info.failed = 0;
#if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
/* Suppress all output from the library unless we're verbose
* mode
if( !option_verbose )
stdout_fd = redirect_output( &stdout, "/dev/null" );
if( stdout_fd == -1 )
/* Redirection has failed with no stdout so exit */
exit( 1 );
#endif /* __unix__ || __APPLE__ __MACH__ */
function_id = strtol( params[0], NULL, 10 );
if ( (ret = check_test( function_id )) == DISPATCH_TEST_SUCCESS )
ret = convert_params( cnt - 1, params + 1, int_params );
ret = dispatch_test( function_id, (void **)( params + 1 ) );
#if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
if( !option_verbose && restore_output( &stdout, stdout_fd ) )
/* Redirection has failed with no stdout so exit */
exit( 1 );
#endif /* __unix__ || __APPLE__ __MACH__ */
if( unmet_dep_count > 0 || ret == DISPATCH_UNSUPPORTED_SUITE )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "----" );
if( 1 == option_verbose && ret == DISPATCH_UNSUPPORTED_SUITE )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "\n Test Suite not enabled" );
if( 1 == option_verbose && unmet_dep_count > 0 )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "\n Unmet dependencies: " );
for( i = 0; i < unmet_dep_count; i++ )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "%s ",
unmet_dependencies[i] );
free( unmet_dependencies[i] );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
fflush( stdout );
unmet_dep_count = 0;
else if( ret == DISPATCH_TEST_SUCCESS )
if( test_info.failed == 0 )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "PASS\n" );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "FAILED\n" );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, " %s\n at line %d, %s\n",
test_info.test, test_info.line_no,
test_info.filename );
fflush( stdout );
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr, "FAILED: FATAL PARSE ERROR\n" );
fclose( file );
mbedtls_exit( 2 );
else if( ret == DISPATCH_TEST_FN_NOT_FOUND )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr, "FAILED: FATAL TEST FUNCTION NOT FUND\n" );
fclose( file );
mbedtls_exit( 2 );
fclose( file );
/* In case we encounter early end of file */
for( i = 0; i < unmet_dep_count; i++ )
free( unmet_dependencies[i] );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
if( total_errors == 0 )
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "PASSED" );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, "FAILED" );
mbedtls_fprintf( stdout, " (%d / %d tests (%d skipped))\n",
total_tests - total_errors, total_tests, total_skipped );
#if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
if( stdout_fd != -1 )
close_output( stdout );
#endif /* __unix__ || __APPLE__ __MACH__ */
return( total_errors != 0 );