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synced 2025-03-26 17:05:09 +00:00
The entropy test suite uses a negative dependency "depends_on:!CONFIG_FLAG" for one of its tests. This kind of dependency (running a test only if some configuration flag is not defined) is currently not supported and instead results in the respective test case being dropped. This commit adds support for negative dependencies in test cases.
272 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable file
272 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $suite_dir = shift or die "Missing suite directory";
my $suite_name = shift or die "Missing suite name";
my $data_name = shift or die "Missing data name";
my $test_main_file = do { my $arg = shift; defined($arg) ? $arg : $suite_dir."/main_test.function" };
my $test_file = $data_name.".c";
my $test_helper_file = $suite_dir."/helpers.function";
my $test_case_file = $suite_dir."/".$suite_name.".function";
my $test_case_data = $suite_dir."/".$data_name.".data";
my $line_separator = $/;
undef $/;
open(TEST_HELPERS, "$test_helper_file") or die "Opening test helpers '$test_helper_file': $!";
my $test_helpers = <TEST_HELPERS>;
open(TEST_MAIN, "$test_main_file") or die "Opening test main '$test_main_file': $!";
my $test_main = <TEST_MAIN>;
open(TEST_CASES, "$test_case_file") or die "Opening test cases '$test_case_file': $!";
my $test_cases = <TEST_CASES>;
open(TEST_DATA, "$test_case_data") or die "Opening test data '$test_case_data': $!";
my $test_data = <TEST_DATA>;
my ( $suite_header ) = $test_cases =~ /\/\* BEGIN_HEADER \*\/\n(.*?)\n\/\* END_HEADER \*\//s;
my ( $suite_defines ) = $test_cases =~ /\/\* BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES\n \* (.*?)\n \* END_DEPENDENCIES/s;
my $requirements;
if ($suite_defines =~ /^depends_on:/)
( $requirements ) = $suite_defines =~ /^depends_on:(.*)$/;
my @var_req_arr = split(/:/, $requirements);
my $suite_pre_code;
my $suite_post_code;
my $dispatch_code;
my $mapping_code;
my %mapping_values;
while (@var_req_arr)
my $req = shift @var_req_arr;
$req =~ s/(!?)(.*)/$1defined($2)/;
$suite_pre_code .= "#if $req\n";
$suite_post_code .= "#endif /* $req */\n";
$/ = $line_separator;
open(TEST_FILE, ">$test_file") or die "Opening destination file '$test_file': $!";
print TEST_FILE << "END";
#include <mbedtls/config.h>
$test_main =~ s/SUITE_PRE_DEP/$suite_pre_code/;
$test_main =~ s/SUITE_POST_DEP/$suite_post_code/;
while($test_cases =~ /\/\* BEGIN_CASE *([\w:]*) \*\/\n(.*?)\n\/\* END_CASE \*\//msg)
my $function_deps = $1;
my $function_decl = $2;
# Sanity checks of function
if ($function_decl !~ /^void /)
die "Test function does not have 'void' as return type\n";
if ($function_decl !~ /^void (\w+)\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)\s*{(.*)}/ms)
die "Function declaration not in expected format\n";
my $function_name = $1;
my $function_params = $2;
my $function_pre_code;
my $function_post_code;
my $param_defs;
my $param_checks;
my @dispatch_params;
my @var_def_arr = split(/,\s*/, $function_params);
my $i = 1;
my $mapping_regex = "".$function_name;
my $mapping_count = 0;
$function_decl =~ s/^void /void test_suite_/;
# Add exit label if not present
if ($function_decl !~ /^exit:$/m)
$function_decl =~ s/}\s*$/\nexit:\n return;\n}/;
if ($function_deps =~ /^depends_on:/)
( $function_deps ) = $function_deps =~ /^depends_on:(.*)$/;
foreach my $req (split(/:/, $function_deps))
$function_pre_code .= "#ifdef $req\n";
$function_post_code .= "#endif /* $req */\n";
foreach my $def (@var_def_arr)
# Handle the different parameter types
if( substr($def, 0, 4) eq "int " )
$param_defs .= " int param$i;\n";
$param_checks .= " if( verify_int( params[$i], ¶m$i ) != 0 ) return( 2 );\n";
push @dispatch_params, "param$i";
$mapping_regex .= ":([\\d\\w |\\+\\-\\(\\)]+)";
elsif( substr($def, 0, 6) eq "char *" )
$param_defs .= " char *param$i = params[$i];\n";
$param_checks .= " if( verify_string( ¶m$i ) != 0 ) return( 2 );\n";
push @dispatch_params, "param$i";
$mapping_regex .= ":(?:\\\\.|[^:\n])+";
die "Parameter declaration not of supported type (int, char *)\n";
# Find non-integer values we should map for this function
if( $mapping_count)
my @res = $test_data =~ /^$mapping_regex/msg;
foreach my $value (@res)
next unless ($value !~ /^\d+$/);
if ( $mapping_values{$value} ) {
${ $mapping_values{$value} }{$function_pre_code} = 1;
} else {
$mapping_values{$value} = { $function_pre_code => 1 };
my $call_params = join ", ", @dispatch_params;
my $param_count = @var_def_arr + 1;
$dispatch_code .= << "END";
if( strcmp( params[0], "$function_name" ) == 0 )
if( cnt != $param_count )
mbedtls_fprintf( stderr, "\\nIncorrect argument count (%d != %d)\\n", cnt, $param_count );
return( 2 );
test_suite_$function_name( $call_params );
return ( 0 );
return ( 3 );
my $function_code = $function_pre_code . $function_decl . "\n" . $function_post_code;
$test_main =~ s/FUNCTION_CODE/$function_code\nFUNCTION_CODE/;
# Find specific case dependencies that we should be able to check
# and make check code
my $dep_check_code;
my @res = $test_data =~ /^depends_on:([!:\w]+)/msg;
my %case_deps;
foreach my $deps (@res)
foreach my $dep (split(/:/, $deps))
$case_deps{$dep} = 1;
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%case_deps) )
if( substr($key, 0, 1) eq "!" )
my $key = substr($key, 1);
$dep_check_code .= << "END";
if( strcmp( str, "!$key" ) == 0 )
#if !defined($key)
return( 0 );
return( 1 );
$dep_check_code .= << "END";
if( strcmp( str, "$key" ) == 0 )
#if defined($key)
return( 0 );
return( 1 );
# Make mapping code
while( my ($key, $value) = each(%mapping_values) )
my $key_mapping_code = << "END";
if( strcmp( str, "$key" ) == 0 )
*value = ( $key );
return( 0 );
# handle depenencies, unless used at least one without depends
if ($value->{""}) {
$mapping_code .= $key_mapping_code;
for my $ifdef ( keys %$value ) {
(my $endif = $ifdef) =~ s!ifdef!endif //!g;
$mapping_code .= $ifdef . $key_mapping_code . $endif;
$dispatch_code =~ s/^(.+)/ $1/mg;
$test_main =~ s/TEST_FILENAME/$test_case_data/;
$test_main =~ s/FUNCTION_CODE//;
$test_main =~ s/DEP_CHECK_CODE/$dep_check_code/;
$test_main =~ s/DISPATCH_FUNCTION/$dispatch_code/;
$test_main =~ s/MAPPING_CODE/$mapping_code/;
print TEST_FILE << "END";