2018-08-06 11:42:56 +01:00

967 lines
34 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Test suites code generator.
# Copyright (C) 2018, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file is part of mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org)
This script is a key part of Mbed TLS test suites framework. For
understanding the script it is important to understand the
framework. This doc string contains a summary of the framework
and explains the function of this script.
Mbed TLS test suites:
The test suites focus on unit testing the crypto primitives and also
include x509 parser tests. Tests can be added to test any MBED TLS
module. However, the framework is not capable of testing SSL
protocol, since that requires full stack execution and that is best
tested as part of the system test.
Test case definition:
Tests are defined in a test_suite_<module>[.<optional sub module>].data
file. A test definition contains:
test name
optional build macro dependencies
test function
test parameters
Test dependencies are build macros that can be specified to indicate
the build config in which the test is valid. For example if a test
depends on a feature that is only enabled by defining a macro. Then
that macro should be specified as a dependency of the test.
Test function is the function that implements the test steps. This
function is specified for different tests that perform same steps
with different parameters.
Test parameters are specified in string form separated by ':'.
Parameters can be of type string, binary data specified as hex
string and integer constants specified as integer, macro or
as an expression. Following is an example test definition:
X509 CRL Unsupported critical extension (issuingDistributionPoint)
mbedtls_x509_crl_parse:"data_files/crl-idp.pem":MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_INVALID_EXTENSIONS + MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_UNEXPECTED_TAG
Test functions:
Test functions are coded in C in test_suite_<module>.function files.
Functions file is itself not compilable and contains special
format patterns to specify test suite dependencies, start and end
of functions and function dependencies. Check any existing functions
file for example.
Tests are executed in 3 steps:
- Generating test_suite_<module>[.<optional sub module>].c file
for each corresponding .data file.
- Building each source file into executables.
- Running each executable and printing report.
Generating C test source requires more than just the test functions.
Following extras are required:
- Process main()
- Reading .data file and dispatching test cases.
- Platform specific test case execution
- Dependency checking
- Integer expression evaluation
- Test function dispatch
Build dependencies and integer expressions (in the test parameters)
are specified as strings in the .data file. Their run time value is
not known at the generation stage. Hence, they need to be translated
into run time evaluations. This script generates the run time checks
for dependencies and integer expressions.
Similarly, function names have to be translated into function calls.
This script also generates code for function dispatch.
The extra code mentioned here is either generated by this script
or it comes from the input files: helpers file, platform file and
the template file.
Helper file:
Helpers file contains common helper/utility functions and data.
Platform file:
Platform file contains platform specific setup code and test case
dispatch code. For example, host_test.function reads test data
file from host's file system and dispatches tests.
In case of on-target target_test.function tests are not dispatched
on target. Target code is kept minimum and only test functions are
dispatched. Test case dispatch is done on the host using tools like
Template file:
Template file for example main_test.function is a template C file in
which generated code and code from input files is substituted to
generate a compilable C file. It also contains skeleton functions for
dependency checks, expression evaluation and function dispatch. These
functions are populated with checks and return codes by this script.
Template file contains "replacement" fields that are formatted
strings processed by Python str.format() method.
This script:
Core function of this script is to fill the template file with
code that is generated or read from helpers and platform files.
This script replaces following fields in the template and generates
the test source file:
{test_common_helpers} <-- All common code from helpers.function
is substituted here.
{functions_code} <-- Test functions are substituted here
from the input test_suit_xyz.function
file. C preprocessor checks are generated
for the build dependencies specified
in the input file. This script also
generates wrappers for the test
functions with code to expand the
string parameters read from the data
{expression_code} <-- This script enumerates the
expressions in the .data file and
generates code to handle enumerated
expression Ids and return the values.
{dep_check_code} <-- This script enumerates all
build dependencies and generate
code to handle enumerated build
dependency Id and return status: if
the dependency is defined or not.
{dispatch_code} <-- This script enumerates the functions
specified in the input test data file
and generates the initializer for the
function table in the template
{platform_code} <-- Platform specific setup and test
dispatch code.
import io
import os
import re
import sys
import argparse
BEGIN_CASE_REGEX = '/\*\s*BEGIN_CASE\s*(.*?)\s*\*/'
END_CASE_REGEX = '/\*\s*END_CASE\s*\*/'
class GeneratorInputError(Exception):
Exception to indicate error in the input files to this script.
This includes missing patterns, test function names and other
parsing errors.
class FileWrapper(io.FileIO):
This class extends built-in io.FileIO class with attribute line_no,
that indicates line number for the line that is read.
def __init__(self, file_name):
Instantiate the base class and initialize the line number to 0.
:param file_name: File path to open.
super(FileWrapper, self).__init__(file_name, 'r')
self.line_no = 0
def __next__(self):
Python 2 iterator method. This method overrides base class's
next method and extends the next method to count the line
numbers as each line is read.
It works for both Python 2 and Python 3 by checking iterator
method name in the base iterator object.
:return: Line read from file.
parent = super(FileWrapper, self)
if hasattr(parent, '__next__'):
line = parent.__next__() # Python 3
line = parent.next() # Python 2
if line:
self.line_no += 1
# Convert byte array to string with correct encoding and
# strip any whitespaces added in the decoding process.
return line.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).strip() + "\n"
return None
# Python 3 iterator method
next = __next__
def split_dep(dep):
Split NOT character '!' from dependency. Used by gen_deps()
:param dep: Dependency list
:return: string tuple. Ex: ('!', MACRO) for !MACRO and ('', MACRO) for
return ('!', dep[1:]) if dep[0] == '!' else ('', dep)
def gen_deps(deps):
Test suite data and functions specifies compile time dependencies.
This function generates C preprocessor code from the input
dependency list. Caller uses the generated preprocessor code to
wrap dependent code.
A dependency in the input list can have a leading '!' character
to negate a condition. '!' is separated from the dependency using
function split_dep() and proper preprocessor check is generated
:param deps: List of dependencies.
:return: if defined and endif code with macro annotations for
dep_start = ''.join(['#if %sdefined(%s)\n' % split_dep(x) for x in deps])
dep_end = ''.join(['#endif /* %s */\n' % x for x in reversed(deps)])
return dep_start, dep_end
def gen_deps_one_line(deps):
Similar to gen_deps() but generates dependency checks in one line.
Useful for generating code with #else block.
:param deps: List of dependencies.
:return: ifdef code
defines = '#if ' if len(deps) else ''
defines += ' && '.join(['%sdefined(%s)' % split_dep(x) for x in deps])
return defines
def gen_function_wrapper(name, locals, args_dispatch):
Creates test function wrapper code. A wrapper has the code to
unpack parameters from parameters[] array.
:param name: Test function name
:param locals: Local variables declaration code
:param args_dispatch: List of dispatch arguments.
Ex: ['(char *)params[0]', '*((int *)params[1])']
:return: Test function wrapper.
# Then create the wrapper
wrapper = '''
void {name}_wrapper( void ** params )
{name}( {args} );
unused_params='' if args_dispatch else ' (void)params;\n',
args=', '.join(args_dispatch),
return wrapper
def gen_dispatch(name, deps):
Test suite code template main_test.function defines a C function
array to contain test case functions. This function generates an
initializer entry for a function in that array. The entry is
composed of a compile time check for the test function
dependencies. At compile time the test function is assigned when
dependencies are met, else NULL is assigned.
:param name: Test function name
:param deps: List of dependencies
:return: Dispatch code.
if len(deps):
ifdef = gen_deps_one_line(deps)
dispatch_code = '''
'''.format(ifdef=ifdef, name=name)
dispatch_code = '''
return dispatch_code
def parse_until_pattern(funcs_f, end_regex):
Matches pattern end_regex to the lines read from the file object.
Returns the lines read until end pattern is matched.
:param funcs_f: file object for .functions file
:param end_regex: Pattern to stop parsing
:return: Lines read before the end pattern
headers = '#line %d "%s"\n' % (funcs_f.line_no + 1, funcs_f.name)
for line in funcs_f:
if re.search(end_regex, line):
headers += line
raise GeneratorInputError("file: %s - end pattern [%s] not found!" %
(funcs_f.name, end_regex))
return headers
def parse_suite_deps(funcs_f):
Parses test suite dependencies specified at the top of a
.function file, that starts with pattern BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES
and end with END_DEPENDENCIES. Dependencies are specified
after pattern 'depends_on:' and are delimited by ':'.
:param funcs_f: file object for .functions file
:return: List of test suite dependencies.
deps = []
for line in funcs_f:
m = re.search('depends_on\:(.*)', line.strip())
if m:
deps += [x.strip() for x in m.group(1).split(':')]
if re.search(END_DEP_REGEX, line):
raise GeneratorInputError("file: %s - end dependency pattern [%s]"
" not found!" % (funcs_f.name, END_DEP_REGEX))
return deps
def parse_function_deps(line):
Parses function dependencies, that are in the same line as
comment BEGIN_CASE. Dependencies are specified after pattern
'depends_on:' and are delimited by ':'.
:param line: Line from .functions file that has dependencies.
:return: List of dependencies.
deps = []
m = re.search(BEGIN_CASE_REGEX, line)
dep_str = m.group(1)
if len(dep_str):
m = re.search('depends_on:(.*)', dep_str)
if m:
deps = [x.strip() for x in m.group(1).strip().split(':')]
return deps
def parse_function_signature(line):
Parses test function signature for validation and generates
a dispatch wrapper function that translates input test vectors
read from the data file into test function arguments.
:param line: Line from .functions file that has a function
:return: function name, argument list, local variables for
wrapper function and argument dispatch code.
args = []
locals = ''
args_dispatch = []
# Check if the test function returns void.
m = re.search('\s*void\s+(\w+)\s*\(', line, re.I)
if not m:
raise ValueError("Test function should return 'void'\n%s" % line)
name = m.group(1)
line = line[len(m.group(0)):]
arg_idx = 0
for arg in line[:line.find(')')].split(','):
arg = arg.strip()
if arg == '':
if re.search('int\s+.*', arg.strip()):
args_dispatch.append('*( (int *) params[%d] )' % arg_idx)
elif re.search('char\s*\*\s*.*', arg.strip()):
args_dispatch.append('(char *) params[%d]' % arg_idx)
elif re.search('data_t\s*\*\s*.*', arg.strip()):
# create a structure
pointer_initializer = '(uint8_t *) params[%d]' % arg_idx
len_initializer = '*( (uint32_t *) params[%d] )' % (arg_idx+1)
locals += """ data_t data%d = {%s, %s};
""" % (arg_idx, pointer_initializer, len_initializer)
args_dispatch.append('&data%d' % arg_idx)
arg_idx += 1
raise ValueError("Test function arguments can only be 'int', "
"'char *' or 'data_t'\n%s" % line)
arg_idx += 1
return name, args, locals, args_dispatch
def parse_function_code(funcs_f, deps, suite_deps):
Parses out a function from function file object and generates
function and dispatch code.
:param funcs_f: file object of the functions file.
:param deps: List of dependencies
:param suite_deps: List of test suite dependencies
:return: Function name, arguments, function code and dispatch code.
code = '#line %d "%s"\n' % (funcs_f.line_no + 1, funcs_f.name)
for line in funcs_f:
# Check function signature
m = re.match('.*?\s+(\w+)\s*\(', line, re.I)
if m:
# check if we have full signature i.e. split in more lines
if not re.match('.*\)', line):
for lin in funcs_f:
line += lin
if re.search('.*?\)', line):
name, args, locals, args_dispatch = parse_function_signature(line)
code += line.replace(name, 'test_' + name)
name = 'test_' + name
raise GeneratorInputError("file: %s - Test functions not found!" %
for line in funcs_f:
if re.search(END_CASE_REGEX, line):
code += line
raise GeneratorInputError("file: %s - end case pattern [%s] not "
"found!" % (funcs_f.name, END_CASE_REGEX))
# Add exit label if not present
if code.find('exit:') == -1:
s = code.rsplit('}', 1)
if len(s) == 2:
code = """exit:
code += gen_function_wrapper(name, locals, args_dispatch)
ifdef, endif = gen_deps(deps)
dispatch_code = gen_dispatch(name, suite_deps + deps)
return name, args, ifdef + code + endif, dispatch_code
def parse_functions(funcs_f):
Parses a test_suite_xxx.function file and returns information
for generating a C source file for the test suite.
:param funcs_f: file object of the functions file.
:return: List of test suite dependencies, test function dispatch
code, function code and a dict with function identifiers
and arguments info.
suite_headers = ''
suite_helpers = ''
suite_deps = []
suite_functions = ''
func_info = {}
function_idx = 0
dispatch_code = ''
for line in funcs_f:
if re.search(BEGIN_HEADER_REGEX, line):
headers = parse_until_pattern(funcs_f, END_HEADER_REGEX)
suite_headers += headers
elif re.search(BEGIN_SUITE_HELPERS_REGEX, line):
helpers = parse_until_pattern(funcs_f, END_SUITE_HELPERS_REGEX)
suite_helpers += helpers
elif re.search(BEGIN_DEP_REGEX, line):
deps = parse_suite_deps(funcs_f)
suite_deps += deps
elif re.search(BEGIN_CASE_REGEX, line):
deps = parse_function_deps(line)
func_name, args, func_code, func_dispatch =\
parse_function_code(funcs_f, deps, suite_deps)
suite_functions += func_code
# Generate dispatch code and enumeration info
if func_name in func_info:
raise GeneratorInputError(
"file: %s - function %s re-declared at line %d" % \
(funcs_f.name, func_name, funcs_f.line_no))
func_info[func_name] = (function_idx, args)
dispatch_code += '/* Function Id: %d */\n' % function_idx
dispatch_code += func_dispatch
function_idx += 1
ifdef, endif = gen_deps(suite_deps)
func_code = ifdef + suite_headers + suite_helpers + suite_functions + endif
return suite_deps, dispatch_code, func_code, func_info
def escaped_split(str, ch):
Split str on character ch but ignore escaped \{ch}
Since, return value is used to write back to the intermediate
data file, any escape characters in the input are retained in the
:param str: String to split
:param ch: split character
:return: List of splits
if len(ch) > 1:
raise ValueError('Expected split character. Found string!')
out = []
part = ''
escape = False
for i in range(len(str)):
if not escape and str[i] == ch:
part = ''
part += str[i]
escape = not escape and str[i] == '\\'
if len(part):
return out
def parse_test_data(data_f, debug=False):
Parses .data file for each test case name, test function name,
test dependencies and test arguments. This information is
correlated with the test functions file for generating an
intermediate data file replacing the strings for test function
names, dependencies and integer constant expressions with
identifiers. Mainly for optimising space for on-target
:param data_f: file object of the data file.
:return: Generator that yields test name, function name,
dependency list and function argument list.
deps = []
name = ''
for line in data_f:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) and line[0] == '#': # Skip comments
# Blank line indicates end of test
if len(line) == 0:
if state == STATE_READ_ARGS:
raise GeneratorInputError("[%s:%d] Newline before arguments. "
"Test function and arguments "
"missing for %s" %
(data_f.name, data_f.line_no, name))
if state == STATE_READ_NAME:
# Read test name
name = line
elif state == STATE_READ_ARGS:
# Check dependencies
m = re.search('depends_on\:(.*)', line)
if m:
deps = [x.strip() for x in m.group(1).split(':') if len(
# Read test vectors
parts = escaped_split(line, ':')
function = parts[0]
args = parts[1:]
yield name, function, deps, args
deps = []
if state == STATE_READ_ARGS:
raise GeneratorInputError("[%s:%d] Newline before arguments. "
"Test function and arguments missing for "
"%s" % (data_f.name, data_f.line_no, name))
def gen_dep_check(dep_id, dep):
Generate code for checking dependency with the associated
:param dep_id: Dependency identifier
:param dep: Dependency macro
:return: Dependency check code
if dep_id < 0:
raise GeneratorInputError("Dependency Id should be a positive "
noT, dep = ('!', dep[1:]) if dep[0] == '!' else ('', dep)
if len(dep) == 0:
raise GeneratorInputError("Dependency should not be an empty string.")
dep_check = '''
case {id}:
#if {noT}defined({macro})
break;'''.format(noT=noT, macro=dep, id=dep_id)
return dep_check
def gen_expression_check(exp_id, exp):
Generates code for evaluating an integer expression using
associated expression Id.
:param exp_id: Expression Identifier
:param exp: Expression/Macro
:return: Expression check code
if exp_id < 0:
raise GeneratorInputError("Expression Id should be a positive "
if len(exp) == 0:
raise GeneratorInputError("Expression should not be an empty string.")
exp_code = '''
case {exp_id}:
*out_value = {expression};
break;'''.format(exp_id=exp_id, expression=exp)
return exp_code
def write_deps(out_data_f, test_deps, unique_deps):
Write dependencies to intermediate test data file, replacing
the string form with identifiers. Also, generates dependency
check code.
:param out_data_f: Output intermediate data file
:param test_deps: Dependencies
:param unique_deps: Mutable list to track unique dependencies
that are global to this re-entrant function.
:return: returns dependency check code.
dep_check_code = ''
if len(test_deps):
for dep in test_deps:
if dep not in unique_deps:
dep_id = unique_deps.index(dep)
dep_check_code += gen_dep_check(dep_id, dep)
dep_id = unique_deps.index(dep)
out_data_f.write(':' + str(dep_id))
return dep_check_code
def write_parameters(out_data_f, test_args, func_args, unique_expressions):
Writes test parameters to the intermediate data file, replacing
the string form with identifiers. Also, generates expression
check code.
:param out_data_f: Output intermediate data file
:param test_args: Test parameters
:param func_args: Function arguments
:param unique_expressions: Mutable list to track unique
expressions that are global to this re-entrant function.
:return: Returns expression check code.
expression_code = ''
for i in range(len(test_args)):
typ = func_args[i]
val = test_args[i]
# check if val is a non literal int val (i.e. an expression)
if typ == 'int' and not re.match('(\d+$)|((0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+$)', val):
typ = 'exp'
if val not in unique_expressions:
# exp_id can be derived from len(). But for
# readability and consistency with case of existing
# let's use index().
exp_id = unique_expressions.index(val)
expression_code += gen_expression_check(exp_id, val)
val = exp_id
val = unique_expressions.index(val)
out_data_f.write(':' + typ + ':' + str(val))
return expression_code
def gen_suite_deps_checks(suite_deps, dep_check_code, expression_code):
Generates preprocessor checks for test suite dependencies.
:param suite_deps: Test suite dependencies read from the
.functions file.
:param dep_check_code: Dependency check code
:param expression_code: Expression check code
:return: Dependency and expression code guarded by test suite
if len(suite_deps):
ifdef = gen_deps_one_line(suite_deps)
dep_check_code = '''
'''.format(ifdef=ifdef, code=dep_check_code)
expression_code = '''
'''.format(ifdef=ifdef, code=expression_code)
return dep_check_code, expression_code
def gen_from_test_data(data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps):
This function reads test case name, dependencies and test vectors
from the .data file. This information is correlated with the test
functions file for generating an intermediate data file replacing
the strings for test function names, dependencies and integer
constant expressions with identifiers. Mainly for optimising
space for on-target execution.
It also generates test case dependency check code and expression
evaluation code.
:param data_f: Data file object
:param out_data_f:Output intermediate data file
:param func_info: Dict keyed by function and with function id
and arguments info
:param suite_deps: Test suite deps
:return: Returns dependency and expression check code
unique_deps = []
unique_expressions = []
dep_check_code = ''
expression_code = ''
for test_name, function_name, test_deps, test_args in parse_test_data(
out_data_f.write(test_name + '\n')
# Write deps
dep_check_code += write_deps(out_data_f, test_deps, unique_deps)
# Write test function name
test_function_name = 'test_' + function_name
if test_function_name not in func_info:
raise GeneratorInputError("Function %s not found!" %
func_id, func_args = func_info[test_function_name]
# Write parameters
if len(test_args) != len(func_args):
raise GeneratorInputError("Invalid number of arguments in test "
"%s. See function %s signature." % (
test_name, function_name))
expression_code += write_parameters(out_data_f, test_args, func_args,
# Write a newline as test case separator
dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_suite_deps_checks(
suite_deps, dep_check_code, expression_code)
return dep_check_code, expression_code
def generate_code(funcs_file, data_file, template_file, platform_file,
helpers_file, suites_dir, c_file, out_data_file):
Generates C source code from test suite file, data file, common
helpers file and platform file.
:param funcs_file: Functions file object
:param data_file: Data file object
:param template_file: Template file object
:param platform_file: Platform file object
:param helpers_file: Helper functions file object
:param suites_dir: Test suites dir
:param c_file: Output C file object
:param out_data_file: Output intermediate data file object
for name, path in [('Functions file', funcs_file),
('Data file', data_file),
('Template file', template_file),
('Platform file', platform_file),
('Helpers code file', helpers_file),
('Suites dir', suites_dir)]:
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise IOError("ERROR: %s [%s] not found!" % (name, path))
snippets = {'generator_script' : os.path.basename(__file__)}
# Read helpers
with open(helpers_file, 'r') as help_f, open(platform_file, 'r') as \
snippets['test_common_helper_file'] = helpers_file
snippets['test_common_helpers'] = help_f.read()
snippets['test_platform_file'] = platform_file
snippets['platform_code'] = platform_f.read().replace(
'DATA_FILE', out_data_file.replace('\\', '\\\\')) # escape '\'
# Function code
with FileWrapper(funcs_file) as funcs_f, FileWrapper(data_file) as \
data_f, open(out_data_file, 'w') as out_data_f:
suite_deps, dispatch_code, func_code, func_info = parse_functions(
snippets['functions_code'] = func_code
snippets['dispatch_code'] = dispatch_code
dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_from_test_data(
data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps)
snippets['dep_check_code'] = dep_check_code
snippets['expression_code'] = expression_code
snippets['test_file'] = c_file
snippets['test_main_file'] = template_file
snippets['test_case_file'] = funcs_file
snippets['test_case_data_file'] = data_file
# Read Template
# Add functions
with open(template_file, 'r') as template_f, open(c_file, 'w') as c_f:
line_no = 1
for line in template_f.readlines():
# Update line number. +1 as #line directive sets next line number
snippets['line_no'] = line_no + 1
code = line.format(**snippets)
line_no += 1
def check_cmd():
Command line parser.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Dynamically generate test suite code.')
parser.add_argument("-f", "--functions-file",
help="Functions file",
parser.add_argument("-d", "--data-file",
help="Data file",
parser.add_argument("-t", "--template-file",
help="Template file",
parser.add_argument("-s", "--suites-dir",
help="Suites dir",
help="Helpers file",
parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform-file",
help="Platform code file",
parser.add_argument("-o", "--out-dir",
help="Dir where generated code and scripts are copied",
args = parser.parse_args()
data_file_name = os.path.basename(args.data_file)
data_name = os.path.splitext(data_file_name)[0]
out_c_file = os.path.join(args.out_dir, data_name + '.c')
out_data_file = os.path.join(args.out_dir, data_name + '.datax')
out_c_file_dir = os.path.dirname(out_c_file)
out_data_file_dir = os.path.dirname(out_data_file)
for d in [out_c_file_dir, out_data_file_dir]:
if not os.path.exists(d):
generate_code(args.funcs_file, args.data_file, args.template_file,
args.platform_file, args.helpers_file, args.suites_dir,
out_c_file, out_data_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
except GeneratorInputError as e:
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print("%s: input error: %s" % (script_name, str(e)))