
26 lines
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2018-10-09 02:21:34 +00:00
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:image="">
{{ range .Site.RegularPages }}
2018-10-09 02:21:34 +00:00
{{ if (eq .IsPage true) }}
{{ $rating := index .Site.Data.compatibility ( string .Params.compatibility | default "0" ) }}
<loc>{{ .Permalink }}</loc>
{{ if (eq .Section "entry") }}{{- $banner_fn := .Params.Banner | default (print .File.BaseFileName ".png") -}}
<image:image>{{- $fn := printf "/images/banners/%s" $banner_fn -}}{{- $banner := resources.Get $fn -}}
{{ with $banner }}<image:loc>{{- $thumb := .Fit "824x306 jpg" | resources.Copy (printf "%s.jpg" $fn) -}}{{ $thumb.Permalink }}</image:loc>{{ end }}
2018-10-09 02:21:34 +00:00
{{ else if (eq .Section "game") }}
<image:image>{{- $fn := printf "/images/game/icons/%s.png" .File.BaseFileName -}}{{- $icon := resources.Get $fn -}}
{{ with $icon }}<image:loc>{{- $thumb := .Fill "48x48 jpg" | resources.Copy (printf "%s.jpg" $fn) -}}{{ $thumb.Permalink }}</image:loc>{{ end }}
2018-10-09 02:21:34 +00:00
{{ end }}
{{ if not .Lastmod.IsZero }}<lastmod>{{ safeHTML ( .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" ) }}</lastmod>{{ end }}
{{ with .Sitemap.ChangeFreq }}<changefreq>{{ . }}</changefreq>{{ end }}
{{ if ge .Sitemap.Priority 0.0 }}<priority>{{ .Sitemap.Priority }}</priority>{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}