mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:29:40 +00:00
Updated listing to support a large amount of entries. Use the default boxart if none exists.
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,130 +28,34 @@
<table class="table is-fullwidth">
<th> </th>
<th>Game Title</th>
<th>Date Tested</th>
{{ range .Data.Pages.GroupByParam "section_id" }}
<tbody class="is-size-7">
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ $rating := index .Site.Data.compatibility .Params.compatibility }}
{{ $type := index .Site.Data.gameTypes (.Params.game_type | default "3ds") }}
<tr data-key="{{ .Params.section_id }}">
<td class="is-hidden listing-metadata">
<span>{{ .Params.title }} {{ $type.name }} {{ $rating.name }} {{ dateFormat "January 2, 2006" .Params.testcase_date }}</span>
<img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/images/game/icons/{{ .File.BaseFileName }}.png" style="width: 48px; height: 48px;" />
<td data-title="{{ strings.TrimPrefix "The " .Params.title }}">
<td data-title="{{ .Params.title }}">
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Params.title }}</a>
<td data-compatibility="{{ $rating.key }}">
<div class="is-square" style="background-color: {{ $rating.color }}"></div> <span>{{ $rating.name }}</span>
<td data-timestamp="{{ .Params.testcase_date }}">
<span>{{ dateFormat "January 2, 2006" .Params.testcase_date }}</span>
{{ if .Params.testcase_date }}
<span>{{ dateFormat "January 2, 2006" .Params.testcase_date }}</span>
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "scripts" }}
<!-- <script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
function getLastSorted(list){
var currentSorted = $(list.listContainer).find(".asc, .desc").attr("data-sort");
if ('undefined' !== typeof currentSorted)
list.lastSorted = currentSorted;
return list.lastSorted;
function filterTable(_) {
var rating = this.name;
var index = this.index;
list.search(index, ['compatibility']);
function clearSearch() {
var options = {
valueNames: [
{ name: 'title', attr: 'data-title' },
{ name: 'type', attr: 'data-type' },
{ name: 'compatibility', attr: 'data-compatibility' },
{ name: 'date-tested', attr: 'data-timestamp' }
searchColumns: [ 'listing-metadata' ],
pagination: [
{ paginationClass: "paginationTop" },
{ paginationClass: "paginationBottom" }
indexAsync: true,
page: 50
var list = new List('game-listing', options);
list.sort("title", {order: "asc"});
list.on("updated", function(list){
var $list = $(list.list);
var $items = $list.children();
if ('title' == getLastSorted(list)){
var key = $(this).attr("data-key")
if (
.children("[data-key='" + key + "']")
.is( $(this) )
$('#game-listing .clear-search').click(clearSearch);
Highcharts.chart('highchart-container', {
chart: { type: 'bar' },
colors: [{{ range .Site.Data.compatibility }}"{{ .color }}", {{- end }}],
credits: { enabled: false },
exporting: { enabled: false },
title: { text: '' },
xAxis: { categories: [''] },
yAxis: { min: 0, max: {{ len .Data.Pages }}, title: { text: '' } },
legend: { enabled: false },
plotOptions: { series: {
stacking: 'normal',
cursor: 'pointer',
events: {
click: filterTable
} },
series: [
{{- $dataPages := .Data.Pages }}
{{- range .Site.Data.compatibility }}
{{- $dataPagesFiltered := where $dataPages ".Params.compatibility" .key }}
{ "name": "{{ .name }}", "data": [ {{ len $dataPagesFiltered }} ] },
{{- end }}
</script> -->
{{ end }}
@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
{{ $rating := index .Site.Data.compatibility .Params.compatibility }}
<section class="section content pt-sm">
<div class="has-text-centered py-md">
<img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/images/game/boxart/{{ .Params.Banner | default (print .File.BaseFileName ".png") }}" />
{{ if (fileExists (print "static/images/game/boxart/" .File.BaseFileName ".png")) }}
<img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/images/game/boxart/{{ .File.BaseFileName }}.png" />
{{ else }}
<img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/images/game/boxart/_default.png" />
{{ end }}
<div class="columns is-mobile">
@ -19,7 +23,7 @@
<div class="column">
{{ range .Params.releases }}
<div><img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/images/regions/{{ .region }}.png" /> {{ .id }}</div>
<div><img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/images/regions/{{ .region | default "all" }}.png" /> {{ .id }}</div>
{{ end }}
Reference in a new issue