mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 10:09:43 +00:00
target/m68k: implement ftanh
Using local m68k floatx80_tanh() and floatx80_etoxm1() [copied from previous: Written by Andreas Grabher for Previous, NeXT Computer Emulator.] Backports commit 9937b02965c2a7dbc4b21d98e29b082bab095aa5 from qemu
This commit is contained in:
@ -649,3 +649,8 @@ void HELPER(fatanh)(CPUM68KState *env, FPReg *res, FPReg *val)
res->d = floatx80_atanh(val->d, &env->fp_status);
void HELPER(ftanh)(CPUM68KState *env, FPReg *res, FPReg *val)
res->d = floatx80_tanh(val->d, &env->fp_status);
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ DEF_HELPER_3(fatan, void, env, fp, fp)
DEF_HELPER_3(fasin, void, env, fp, fp)
DEF_HELPER_3(facos, void, env, fp, fp)
DEF_HELPER_3(fatanh, void, env, fp, fp)
DEF_HELPER_3(ftanh, void, env, fp, fp)
DEF_HELPER_3(mac_move, void, env, i32, i32)
DEF_HELPER_3(macmulf, i64, env, i32, i32)
@ -2367,3 +2367,369 @@ floatx80 floatx80_atanh(floatx80 a, float_status *status)
return a;
| e to x minus 1
floatx80 floatx80_etoxm1(floatx80 a, float_status *status)
flag aSign;
int32_t aExp;
uint64_t aSig;
int8_t user_rnd_mode, user_rnd_prec;
int32_t compact, n, j, m, m1;
floatx80 fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, l2, sc, onebysc;
aSig = extractFloatx80Frac(a);
aExp = extractFloatx80Exp(a);
aSign = extractFloatx80Sign(a);
if (aExp == 0x7FFF) {
if ((uint64_t) (aSig << 1)) {
return propagateFloatx80NaNOneArg(a, status);
if (aSign) {
return packFloatx80(aSign, one_exp, one_sig);
return packFloatx80(0, floatx80_infinity.high,
if (aExp == 0 && aSig == 0) {
return packFloatx80(aSign, 0, 0);
user_rnd_mode = status->float_rounding_mode;
user_rnd_prec = status->floatx80_rounding_precision;
status->float_rounding_mode = float_round_nearest_even;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = 80;
if (aExp >= 0x3FFD) { /* |X| >= 1/4 */
compact = floatx80_make_compact(aExp, aSig);
if (compact <= 0x4004C215) { /* |X| <= 70 log2 */
fp0 = a;
fp1 = a;
fp0 = floatx80_mul(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(
make_float32(0x42B8AA3B), status),
status); /* 64/log2 * X */
n = floatx80_to_int32(fp0, status); /* int(64/log2*X) */
fp0 = int32_to_floatx80(n, status);
j = n & 0x3F; /* J = N mod 64 */
m = n / 64; /* NOTE: this is really arithmetic right shift by 6 */
if (n < 0 && j) {
/* arithmetic right shift is division and
* round towards minus infinity
m1 = -m;
/*m += 0x3FFF; // biased exponent of 2^(M) */
/*m1 += 0x3FFF; // biased exponent of -2^(-M) */
fp2 = fp0; /* N */
fp0 = floatx80_mul(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(
make_float32(0xBC317218), status),
status); /* N * L1, L1 = lead(-log2/64) */
l2 = packFloatx80(0, 0x3FDC, LIT64(0x82E308654361C4C6));
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, l2, status); /* N * L2, L1+L2 = -log2/64 */
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, fp1, status); /* X + N*L1 */
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, fp2, status); /* R */
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp0, fp0, status); /* S = R*R */
fp2 = float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(0x3950097B),
status); /* A6 */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp1, status); /* fp2 is S*A6 */
fp3 = floatx80_mul(float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(0x3AB60B6A),
status), fp1, status); /* fp3 is S*A5 */
fp2 = floatx80_add(fp2, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3F81111111174385), status),
status); /* fp2 IS A4+S*A6 */
fp3 = floatx80_add(fp3, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3FA5555555554F5A), status),
status); /* fp3 is A3+S*A5 */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp1, status); /* fp2 IS S*(A4+S*A6) */
fp3 = floatx80_mul(fp3, fp1, status); /* fp3 IS S*(A3+S*A5) */
fp2 = floatx80_add(fp2, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3FC5555555555555), status),
status); /* fp2 IS A2+S*(A4+S*A6) */
fp3 = floatx80_add(fp3, float32_to_floatx80(
make_float32(0x3F000000), status),
status); /* fp3 IS A1+S*(A3+S*A5) */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp1,
status); /* fp2 IS S*(A2+S*(A4+S*A6)) */
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, fp3,
status); /* fp1 IS S*(A1+S*(A3+S*A5)) */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp0,
status); /* fp2 IS R*S*(A2+S*(A4+S*A6)) */
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, fp1,
status); /* fp0 IS R+S*(A1+S*(A3+S*A5)) */
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, fp2, status); /* fp0 IS EXP(R) - 1 */
fp0 = floatx80_mul(fp0, exp_tbl[j],
status); /* 2^(J/64)*(Exp(R)-1) */
if (m >= 64) {
fp1 = float32_to_floatx80(exp_tbl2[j], status);
onebysc = packFloatx80(1, m1 + 0x3FFF, one_sig); /* -2^(-M) */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, onebysc, status);
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, fp1, status);
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, exp_tbl[j], status);
} else if (m < -3) {
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(exp_tbl2[j],
status), status);
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, exp_tbl[j], status);
onebysc = packFloatx80(1, m1 + 0x3FFF, one_sig); /* -2^(-M) */
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, onebysc, status);
} else { /* -3 <= m <= 63 */
fp1 = exp_tbl[j];
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(exp_tbl2[j],
status), status);
onebysc = packFloatx80(1, m1 + 0x3FFF, one_sig); /* -2^(-M) */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, onebysc, status);
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, fp1, status);
sc = packFloatx80(0, m + 0x3FFF, one_sig);
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_mul(fp0, sc, status);
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
} else { /* |X| > 70 log2 */
if (aSign) {
fp0 = float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(0xBF800000),
status); /* -1 */
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_add(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(
make_float32(0x00800000), status),
status); /* -1 + 2^(-126) */
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
} else {
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
return floatx80_etox(a, status);
} else { /* |X| < 1/4 */
if (aExp >= 0x3FBE) {
fp0 = a;
fp0 = floatx80_mul(fp0, fp0, status); /* S = X*X */
fp1 = float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(0x2F30CAA8),
status); /* B12 */
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, fp0, status); /* S * B12 */
fp2 = float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(0x310F8290),
status); /* B11 */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, float32_to_floatx80(
make_float32(0x32D73220), status),
status); /* B10 */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp0, status);
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, fp0, status);
fp2 = floatx80_add(fp2, float32_to_floatx80(
make_float32(0x3493F281), status),
status); /* B9 */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3EC71DE3A5774682), status),
status); /* B8 */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp0, status);
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, fp0, status);
fp2 = floatx80_add(fp2, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3EFA01A019D7CB68), status),
status); /* B7 */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3F2A01A01A019DF3), status),
status); /* B6 */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp0, status);
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, fp0, status);
fp2 = floatx80_add(fp2, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3F56C16C16C170E2), status),
status); /* B5 */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3F81111111111111), status),
status); /* B4 */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp0, status);
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, fp0, status);
fp2 = floatx80_add(fp2, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3FA5555555555555), status),
status); /* B3 */
fp3 = packFloatx80(0, 0x3FFC, LIT64(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB));
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, fp3, status); /* B2 */
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp0, status);
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, fp0, status);
fp2 = floatx80_mul(fp2, fp0, status);
fp1 = floatx80_mul(fp1, a, status);
fp0 = floatx80_mul(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(
make_float32(0x3F000000), status),
status); /* S*B1 */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp1, fp2, status); /* Q */
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, fp1, status); /* S*B1+Q */
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_add(fp0, a, status);
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
} else { /* |X| < 2^(-65) */
sc = packFloatx80(1, 1, one_sig);
fp0 = a;
if (aExp < 0x0033) { /* |X| < 2^(-16382) */
fp0 = floatx80_mul(fp0, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x48B0000000000000), status),
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, sc, status);
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_mul(fp0, float64_to_floatx80(
make_float64(0x3730000000000000), status),
} else {
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_add(fp0, sc, status);
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
| Hyperbolic tangent
floatx80 floatx80_tanh(floatx80 a, float_status *status)
flag aSign, vSign;
int32_t aExp, vExp;
uint64_t aSig, vSig;
int8_t user_rnd_mode, user_rnd_prec;
int32_t compact;
floatx80 fp0, fp1;
uint32_t sign;
aSig = extractFloatx80Frac(a);
aExp = extractFloatx80Exp(a);
aSign = extractFloatx80Sign(a);
if (aExp == 0x7FFF) {
if ((uint64_t) (aSig << 1)) {
return propagateFloatx80NaNOneArg(a, status);
return packFloatx80(aSign, one_exp, one_sig);
if (aExp == 0 && aSig == 0) {
return packFloatx80(aSign, 0, 0);
user_rnd_mode = status->float_rounding_mode;
user_rnd_prec = status->floatx80_rounding_precision;
status->float_rounding_mode = float_round_nearest_even;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = 80;
compact = floatx80_make_compact(aExp, aSig);
if (compact < 0x3FD78000 || compact > 0x3FFFDDCE) {
if (compact < 0x3FFF8000) {
/* TANHSM */
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_move(a, status);
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
} else {
if (compact > 0x40048AA1) {
sign = 0x3F800000;
sign |= aSign ? 0x80000000 : 0x00000000;
fp0 = float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(sign), status);
sign &= 0x80000000;
sign ^= 0x80800000; /* -SIGN(X)*EPS */
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_add(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(sign),
status), status);
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
} else {
fp0 = packFloatx80(0, aExp + 1, aSig); /* Y = 2|X| */
fp0 = floatx80_etox(fp0, status); /* FP0 IS EXP(Y) */
fp0 = floatx80_add(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(
status), status); /* EXP(Y)+1 */
sign = aSign ? 0x80000000 : 0x00000000;
fp1 = floatx80_div(float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(
sign ^ 0xC0000000), status), fp0,
status); /* -SIGN(X)*2 / [EXP(Y)+1] */
fp0 = float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(sign | 0x3F800000),
status); /* SIGN */
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_add(fp1, fp0, status);
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
} else { /* 2**(-40) < |X| < (5/2)LOG2 */
fp0 = packFloatx80(0, aExp + 1, aSig); /* Y = 2|X| */
fp0 = floatx80_etoxm1(fp0, status); /* FP0 IS Z = EXPM1(Y) */
fp1 = floatx80_add(fp0, float32_to_floatx80(make_float32(0x40000000),
status); /* Z+2 */
vSign = extractFloatx80Sign(fp1);
vExp = extractFloatx80Exp(fp1);
vSig = extractFloatx80Frac(fp1);
fp1 = packFloatx80(vSign ^ aSign, vExp, vSig);
status->float_rounding_mode = user_rnd_mode;
status->floatx80_rounding_precision = user_rnd_prec;
a = floatx80_div(fp0, fp1, status);
float_raise(float_flag_inexact, status);
return a;
@ -41,4 +41,6 @@ floatx80 floatx80_atan(floatx80 a, float_status *status);
floatx80 floatx80_asin(floatx80 a, float_status *status);
floatx80 floatx80_acos(floatx80 a, float_status *status);
floatx80 floatx80_atanh(floatx80 a, float_status *status);
floatx80 floatx80_etoxm1(floatx80 a, float_status *status);
floatx80 floatx80_tanh(floatx80 a, float_status *status);
@ -5291,6 +5291,9 @@ DISAS_INSN(fpu)
case 0x06: /* flognp1 */
gen_helper_flognp1(tcg_ctx, uc->cpu_env, cpu_dest, cpu_src);
case 0x09: /* ftanh */
gen_helper_ftanh(tcg_ctx, uc->cpu_env, cpu_dest, cpu_src);
case 0x0a: /* fatan */
gen_helper_fatan(tcg_ctx, uc->cpu_env, cpu_dest, cpu_src);
Reference in a new issue