2024-02-25 00:57:11 +00:00

1209 lines
59 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <intrin.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#elif defined(ARCHITECTURE_arm64)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-int-conversion"
#include <sse2neon.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
extern "C" {
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
#include <libswscale/swscale.h>
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#include "common/alignment.h"
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/polyfill_thread.h"
#include "common/settings.h"
#include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
#include "video_core/guest_memory.h"
#include "video_core/host1x/host1x.h"
#include "video_core/host1x/nvdec.h"
#include "video_core/host1x/vic.h"
#include "video_core/memory_manager.h"
#include "video_core/textures/decoders.h"
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
#include "common/x64/cpu_detect.h"
namespace Tegra::Host1x {
namespace {
static bool HasSSE41() {
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
const auto& cpu_caps{Common::GetCPUCaps()};
return cpu_caps.sse4_1;
return false;
void SwizzleSurface(std::span<u8> output, u32 out_stride, std::span<const u8> input, u32 in_stride,
u32 height) {
* Taken from https://github.com/averne/FFmpeg/blob/nvtegra/libavutil/hwcontext_nvtegra.c#L949
* Can only handle block height == 1.
const uint32_t x_mask = 0xFFFFFFD2u;
const uint32_t y_mask = 0x2Cu;
uint32_t offs_x{};
uint32_t offs_y{};
uint32_t offs_line{};
for (u32 y = 0; y < height; y += 2) {
auto dst_line = output.data() + offs_y * 16;
const auto src_line = input.data() + y * (in_stride / 16) * 16;
offs_line = offs_x;
for (u32 x = 0; x < in_stride; x += 16) {
std::memcpy(&dst_line[offs_line * 16], &src_line[x], 16);
std::memcpy(&dst_line[offs_line * 16 + 16], &src_line[x + in_stride], 16);
offs_line = (offs_line - x_mask) & x_mask;
offs_y = (offs_y - y_mask) & y_mask;
/* Wrap into next tile row */
if (!offs_y) {
offs_x += out_stride;
} // namespace
Vic::Vic(Host1x& host1x_, s32 id_, u32 syncpt, FrameQueue& frame_queue_)
: CDmaPusher{host1x_, id_}, id{id_}, syncpoint{syncpt},
frame_queue{frame_queue_}, has_sse41{HasSSE41()} {
LOG_INFO(HW_GPU, "Created vic {}", id);
Vic::~Vic() {
LOG_INFO(HW_GPU, "Destroying vic {}", id);
void Vic::ProcessMethod(u32 method, u32 arg) {
LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Vic {} method 0x{:X}", id, static_cast<u32>(method));
regs.reg_array[method] = arg;
switch (static_cast<Method>(method * sizeof(u32))) {
case Method::Execute: {
} break;
void Vic::Execute() {
ConfigStruct config{};
memory_manager.ReadBlock(regs.config_struct_offset.Address(), &config, sizeof(ConfigStruct));
auto output_width{config.output_surface_config.out_surface_width + 1};
auto output_height{config.output_surface_config.out_surface_height + 1};
output_surface.resize_destructive(output_width * output_height);
if (Settings::values.nvdec_emulation.GetValue() == Settings::NvdecEmulation::Off) [[unlikely]] {
// Fill the frame with black, as otherwise they can have random data and be very glitchy.
std::fill(output_surface.begin(), output_surface.end(), Pixel{});
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < config.slot_structs.size(); i++) {
auto& slot_config{config.slot_structs[i]};
if (!slot_config.config.slot_enable) {
auto luma_offset{regs.surfaces[i][SurfaceIndex::Current].luma.Address()};
if (nvdec_id == -1) {
nvdec_id = frame_queue.VicFindNvdecFdFromOffset(luma_offset);
auto frame = frame_queue.GetFrame(nvdec_id, luma_offset);
if (!frame.get()) {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Vic {} failed to get frame with offset 0x{:X}", id, luma_offset);
switch (frame->GetPixelFormat()) {
case AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P:
ReadY8__V8U8_N420<true>(slot_config, regs.surfaces[i], std::move(frame));
case AV_PIX_FMT_NV12:
ReadY8__V8U8_N420<false>(slot_config, regs.surfaces[i], std::move(frame));
"Unimplemented slot pixel format {}",
Blend(config, slot_config);
switch (config.output_surface_config.out_pixel_format) {
case VideoPixelFormat::A8B8G8R8:
case VideoPixelFormat::X8B8G8R8:
case VideoPixelFormat::A8R8G8B8:
case VideoPixelFormat::Y8__V8U8_N420:
UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unknown video pixel format {}",
template <bool Planar, bool Interlaced>
void Vic::ReadProgressiveY8__V8U8_N420(const SlotStruct& slot,
std::span<const PlaneOffsets> offsets,
std::shared_ptr<const FFmpeg::Frame> frame) {
const auto out_luma_width{slot.surface_config.slot_surface_width + 1};
auto out_luma_height{slot.surface_config.slot_surface_height + 1};
const auto out_luma_stride{out_luma_width};
if constexpr (Interlaced) {
out_luma_height *= 2;
slot_surface.resize_destructive(out_luma_width * out_luma_height);
const auto in_luma_width{std::min(frame->GetWidth(), static_cast<s32>(out_luma_width))};
const auto in_luma_height{std::min(frame->GetHeight(), static_cast<s32>(out_luma_height))};
const auto in_luma_stride{frame->GetStride(0)};
const auto in_chroma_stride{frame->GetStride(1)};
const auto* luma_buffer{frame->GetPlane(0)};
const auto* chroma_u_buffer{frame->GetPlane(1)};
const auto* chroma_v_buffer{frame->GetPlane(2)};
"Reading frame"
"\ninput luma {}x{} stride {} chroma {}x{} stride {}\n"
"output luma {}x{} stride {} chroma {}x{} stride {}",
in_luma_width, in_luma_height, in_luma_stride, in_luma_width / 2, in_luma_height / 2,
in_chroma_stride, out_luma_width, out_luma_height, out_luma_stride, out_luma_width,
out_luma_height, out_luma_stride);
[[maybe_unused]] auto DecodeLinear = [&]() {
const auto alpha{static_cast<u16>(slot.config.planar_alpha.Value())};
for (s32 y = 0; y < in_luma_height; y++) {
const auto src_luma{y * in_luma_stride};
const auto src_chroma{(y / 2) * in_chroma_stride};
const auto dst{y * out_luma_stride};
for (s32 x = 0; x < in_luma_width; x++) {
slot_surface[dst + x].r = static_cast<u16>(luma_buffer[src_luma + x] << 2);
// Chroma samples are duplicated horizontally and vertically.
if constexpr (Planar) {
slot_surface[dst + x].g =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2] << 2);
slot_surface[dst + x].b =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_v_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2] << 2);
} else {
slot_surface[dst + x].g =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + (x & ~1) + 0] << 2);
slot_surface[dst + x].b =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + (x & ~1) + 1] << 2);
slot_surface[dst + x].a = alpha;
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
if (!has_sse41) {
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) || defined(ARCHITECTURE_arm64)
const auto alpha =
_mm_slli_epi64(_mm_set1_epi64x(static_cast<s64>(slot.config.planar_alpha.Value())), 48);
const auto shuffle_mask = _mm_set_epi8(13, 15, 14, 12, 9, 11, 10, 8, 5, 7, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 0);
for (s32 y = 0; y < in_luma_height; y++) {
const auto src_luma{y * in_luma_stride};
const auto src_chroma{(y / 2) * in_chroma_stride};
const auto dst{y * out_luma_stride};
for (s32 x = 0; x < in_luma_width; x += 16) {
// clang-format off
// Prefetch next iteration's memory
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&luma_buffer[src_luma + x + 16], _MM_HINT_T0);
// Load 8 bytes * 2 of 8-bit luma samples
// luma0 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL
auto luma0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&luma_buffer[src_luma + x + 0]);
auto luma1 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&luma_buffer[src_luma + x + 8]);
__m128i chroma;
if constexpr (Planar) {
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2 + 8], _MM_HINT_T0);
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&chroma_v_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2 + 8], _MM_HINT_T0);
// If Chroma is planar, we have separate U and V planes, load 8 bytes of each
// chroma_u0 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 UU UU UU UU UU UU UU UU
// chroma_v0 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV
auto chroma_u0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2]);
auto chroma_v0 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)&chroma_v_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2]);
// Interleave the 8 bytes of U and V into a single 16 byte reg
chroma = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(chroma_u0, chroma_v0);
} else {
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2 + 8], _MM_HINT_T0);
// Chroma is already interleaved in semiplanar format, just load 16 bytes
chroma = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + x]);
// Convert the low 8 bytes of 8-bit luma into 16-bit luma
// luma0 = [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [00] [LL] [LL] [LL] [LL] [LL] [LL] [LL] [LL]
// ->
// luma0 = [00 LL] [00 LL] [00 LL] [00 LL] [00 LL] [00 LL] [00 LL] [00 LL]
luma0 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(luma0);
luma1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(luma1);
// Treat the 8 bytes of 8-bit chroma as 16-bit channels, this allows us to take both the
// U and V together as one element. Using chroma twice here duplicates the values, as we
// take element 0 from chroma, and then element 0 from chroma again, etc. We need to
// duplicate chroma horitonally as chroma is half the width of luma.
// chroma = [VV8 UU8] [VV7 UU7] [VV6 UU6] [VV5 UU5] [VV4 UU4] [VV3 UU3] [VV2 UU2] [VV1 UU1]
// ->
// chroma00 = [VV4 UU4] [VV4 UU4] [VV3 UU3] [VV3 UU3] [VV2 UU2] [VV2 UU2] [VV1 UU1] [VV1 UU1]
// chroma01 = [VV8 UU8] [VV8 UU8] [VV7 UU7] [VV7 UU7] [VV6 UU6] [VV6 UU6] [VV5 UU5] [VV5 UU5]
auto chroma00 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(chroma, chroma);
auto chroma01 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(chroma, chroma);
// Interleave the 16-bit luma and chroma.
// luma0 = [008 LL8] [007 LL7] [006 LL6] [005 LL5] [004 LL4] [003 LL3] [002 LL2] [001 LL1]
// chroma00 = [VV8 UU8] [VV7 UU7] [VV6 UU6] [VV5 UU5] [VV4 UU4] [VV3 UU3] [VV2 UU2] [VV1 UU1]
// ->
// yuv0 = [VV4 UU4 004 LL4] [VV3 UU3 003 LL3] [VV2 UU2 002 LL2] [VV1 UU1 001 LL1]
// yuv1 = [VV8 UU8 008 LL8] [VV7 UU7 007 LL7] [VV6 UU6 006 LL6] [VV5 UU5 005 LL5]
auto yuv0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(luma0, chroma00);
auto yuv1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(luma0, chroma00);
auto yuv2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(luma1, chroma01);
auto yuv3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(luma1, chroma01);
// Shuffle the luma/chroma into the channel ordering we actually want. The high byte of
// the luma which is now a constant 0 after converting 8-bit -> 16-bit is used as the
// alpha. Luma -> R, U -> G, V -> B, 0 -> A
// yuv0 = [VV4 UU4 004 LL4] [VV3 UU3 003 LL3] [VV2 UU2 002 LL2] [VV1 UU1 001 LL1]
// ->
// yuv0 = [AA4 VV4 UU4 LL4] [AA3 VV3 UU3 LL3] [AA2 VV2 UU2 LL2] [AA1 VV1 UU1 LL1]
yuv0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(yuv0, shuffle_mask);
yuv1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(yuv1, shuffle_mask);
yuv2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(yuv2, shuffle_mask);
yuv3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(yuv3, shuffle_mask);
// Extend the 8-bit channels we have into 16-bits, as that's the target surface format.
// Since this turns just the low 8 bytes into 16 bytes, the second of
// each operation here right shifts the register by 8 to get the high pixels.
// yuv0 = [AA4] [VV4] [UU4] [LL4] [AA3] [VV3] [UU3] [LL3] [AA2] [VV2] [UU2] [LL2] [AA1] [VV1] [UU1] [LL1]
// ->
// yuv01 = [002 AA2] [002 VV2] [002 UU2] [002 LL2] [001 AA1] [001 VV1] [001 UU1] [001 LL1]
// yuv23 = [004 AA4] [004 VV4] [004 UU4] [004 LL4] [003 AA3] [003 VV3] ]003 UU3] [003 LL3]
auto yuv01 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(yuv0);
auto yuv23 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(yuv0, 8));
auto yuv45 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(yuv1);
auto yuv67 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(yuv1, 8));
auto yuv89 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(yuv2);
auto yuv1011 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(yuv2, 8));
auto yuv1213 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(yuv3);
auto yuv1415 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(yuv3, 8));
// Left-shift all 16-bit channels by 2, this is to get us into a 10-bit format instead
// of 8, which is the format alpha is in, as well as other blending values.
yuv01 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv01, 2);
yuv23 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv23, 2);
yuv45 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv45, 2);
yuv67 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv67, 2);
yuv89 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv89, 2);
yuv1011 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv1011, 2);
yuv1213 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv1213, 2);
yuv1415 = _mm_slli_epi16(yuv1415, 2);
// OR in the planar alpha, this has already been duplicated and shifted into position,
// and just fills in the AA channels with the actual alpha value.
yuv01 = _mm_or_si128(yuv01, alpha);
yuv23 = _mm_or_si128(yuv23, alpha);
yuv45 = _mm_or_si128(yuv45, alpha);
yuv67 = _mm_or_si128(yuv67, alpha);
yuv89 = _mm_or_si128(yuv89, alpha);
yuv1011 = _mm_or_si128(yuv1011, alpha);
yuv1213 = _mm_or_si128(yuv1213, alpha);
yuv1415 = _mm_or_si128(yuv1415, alpha);
// Store out the pixels. One pixel is now 8 bytes, so each store is 2 pixels.
// [AA AA] [VV VV] [UU UU] [LL LL] [AA AA] [VV VV] [UU UU] [LL LL]
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 0], yuv01);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 2], yuv23);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 4], yuv45);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 6], yuv67);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 8], yuv89);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 10], yuv1011);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 12], yuv1213);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[dst + x + 14], yuv1415);
// clang-format on
template <bool Planar, bool TopField>
void Vic::ReadInterlacedY8__V8U8_N420(const SlotStruct& slot, std::span<const PlaneOffsets> offsets,
std::shared_ptr<const FFmpeg::Frame> frame) {
if constexpr (!Planar) {
ReadProgressiveY8__V8U8_N420<Planar, true>(slot, offsets, std::move(frame));
const auto out_luma_width{slot.surface_config.slot_surface_width + 1};
const auto out_luma_height{(slot.surface_config.slot_surface_height + 1) * 2};
const auto out_luma_stride{out_luma_width};
slot_surface.resize_destructive(out_luma_width * out_luma_height);
const auto in_luma_width{std::min(frame->GetWidth(), static_cast<s32>(out_luma_width))};
[[maybe_unused]] const auto in_luma_height{
std::min(frame->GetHeight(), static_cast<s32>(out_luma_height))};
const auto in_luma_stride{frame->GetStride(0)};
[[maybe_unused]] const auto in_chroma_width{(frame->GetWidth() + 1) / 2};
const auto in_chroma_height{(frame->GetHeight() + 1) / 2};
const auto in_chroma_stride{frame->GetStride(1)};
const auto* luma_buffer{frame->GetPlane(0)};
const auto* chroma_u_buffer{frame->GetPlane(1)};
const auto* chroma_v_buffer{frame->GetPlane(2)};
"Reading frame"
"\ninput luma {}x{} stride {} chroma {}x{} stride {}\n"
"output luma {}x{} stride {} chroma {}x{} stride {}",
in_luma_width, in_luma_height, in_luma_stride, in_chroma_width, in_chroma_height,
in_chroma_stride, out_luma_width, out_luma_height, out_luma_stride,
out_luma_width / 2, out_luma_height / 2, out_luma_stride);
[[maybe_unused]] auto DecodeLinear = [&]() {
auto DecodeBobField = [&]() {
const auto alpha{static_cast<u16>(slot.config.planar_alpha.Value())};
for (s32 y = static_cast<s32>(TopField == false); y < in_chroma_height * 2; y += 2) {
const auto src_luma{y * in_luma_stride};
const auto src_chroma{(y / 2) * in_chroma_stride};
const auto dst{y * out_luma_stride};
for (s32 x = 0; x < in_luma_width; x++) {
slot_surface[dst + x].r = static_cast<u16>(luma_buffer[src_luma + x] << 2);
if constexpr (Planar) {
slot_surface[dst + x].g =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2] << 2);
slot_surface[dst + x].b =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_v_buffer[src_chroma + x / 2] << 2);
} else {
slot_surface[dst + x].g =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + (x & ~1) + 0] << 2);
slot_surface[dst + x].b =
static_cast<u16>(chroma_u_buffer[src_chroma + (x & ~1) + 1] << 2);
slot_surface[dst + x].a = alpha;
s32 other_line{};
if constexpr (TopField) {
other_line = (y + 1) * out_luma_stride;
} else {
other_line = (y - 1) * out_luma_stride;
std::memcpy(&slot_surface[other_line], &slot_surface[dst],
out_luma_width * sizeof(Pixel));
switch (slot.config.deinterlace_mode) {
// Due to the fact that we do not write to memory in nvdec, we cannot use Weave as it
// relies on the previous frame.
// Due to the fact that we do not write to memory in nvdec, we cannot use DISI1 as it
// relies on previous/next frames.
UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Deinterlace mode {} not implemented!",
template <bool Planar>
void Vic::ReadY8__V8U8_N420(const SlotStruct& slot, std::span<const PlaneOffsets> offsets,
std::shared_ptr<const FFmpeg::Frame> frame) {
switch (slot.config.frame_format) {
ReadProgressiveY8__V8U8_N420<Planar>(slot, offsets, std::move(frame));
ReadInterlacedY8__V8U8_N420<Planar, true>(slot, offsets, std::move(frame));
ReadInterlacedY8__V8U8_N420<Planar, false>(slot, offsets, std::move(frame));
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unknown deinterlace format {}",
void Vic::Blend(const ConfigStruct& config, const SlotStruct& slot) {
constexpr auto add_one([](u32 v) -> u32 { return v != 0 ? v + 1 : 0; });
auto source_left{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.source_rect_left.Value()))};
auto source_right{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.source_rect_right.Value()))};
auto source_top{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.source_rect_top.Value()))};
auto source_bottom{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.source_rect_bottom.Value()))};
const auto dest_left{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.dest_rect_left.Value()))};
const auto dest_right{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.dest_rect_right.Value()))};
const auto dest_top{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.dest_rect_top.Value()))};
const auto dest_bottom{add_one(static_cast<u32>(slot.config.dest_rect_bottom.Value()))};
auto rect_left{add_one(config.output_config.target_rect_left.Value())};
auto rect_right{add_one(config.output_config.target_rect_right.Value())};
auto rect_top{add_one(config.output_config.target_rect_top.Value())};
auto rect_bottom{add_one(config.output_config.target_rect_bottom.Value())};
rect_left = std::max(rect_left, dest_left);
rect_right = std::min(rect_right, dest_right);
rect_top = std::max(rect_top, dest_top);
rect_bottom = std::min(rect_bottom, dest_bottom);
source_left = std::max(source_left, rect_left);
source_right = std::min(source_right, rect_right);
source_top = std::max(source_top, rect_top);
source_bottom = std::min(source_bottom, rect_bottom);
if (source_left >= source_right || source_top >= source_bottom) {
const auto out_surface_width{config.output_surface_config.out_surface_width + 1};
[[maybe_unused]] const auto out_surface_height{config.output_surface_config.out_surface_height +
const auto in_surface_width{slot.surface_config.slot_surface_width + 1};
source_bottom = std::min(source_bottom, out_surface_height);
source_right = std::min(source_right, out_surface_width);
// TODO Alpha blending. No games I've seen use more than a single surface or supply an alpha
// below max, so it's ignored for now.
if (!slot.color_matrix.matrix_enable) {
const auto copy_width = std::min(source_right - source_left, rect_right - rect_left);
for (u32 y = source_top; y < source_bottom; y++) {
const auto dst_line = y * out_surface_width;
const auto src_line = y * in_surface_width;
std::memcpy(&output_surface[dst_line + rect_left],
&slot_surface[src_line + source_left], copy_width * sizeof(Pixel));
} else {
// clang-format off
// Colour conversion is enabled, this is a 3x4 * 4x1 matrix multiplication, resulting in a 3x1 matrix.
// | r0c0 r0c1 r0c2 r0c3 | | R | | R |
// | r1c0 r1c1 r1c2 r1c3 | * | G | = | G |
// | r2c0 r2c1 r2c2 r2c3 | | B | | B |
// | 1 |
// clang-format on
[[maybe_unused]] auto DecodeLinear = [&]() {
const auto r0c0 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff00.Value());
const auto r0c1 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff01.Value());
const auto r0c2 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff02.Value());
const auto r0c3 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff03.Value());
const auto r1c0 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff10.Value());
const auto r1c1 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff11.Value());
const auto r1c2 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff12.Value());
const auto r1c3 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff13.Value());
const auto r2c0 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff20.Value());
const auto r2c1 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff21.Value());
const auto r2c2 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff22.Value());
const auto r2c3 = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff23.Value());
const auto shift = static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_r_shift.Value());
const auto clamp_min = static_cast<s32>(slot.config.soft_clamp_low.Value());
const auto clamp_max = static_cast<s32>(slot.config.soft_clamp_high.Value());
auto MatMul = [&](const Pixel& in_pixel) -> std::tuple<s32, s32, s32, s32> {
auto r = static_cast<s32>(in_pixel.r);
auto g = static_cast<s32>(in_pixel.g);
auto b = static_cast<s32>(in_pixel.b);
r = in_pixel.r * r0c0 + in_pixel.g * r0c1 + in_pixel.b * r0c2;
g = in_pixel.r * r1c0 + in_pixel.g * r1c1 + in_pixel.b * r1c2;
b = in_pixel.r * r2c0 + in_pixel.g * r2c1 + in_pixel.b * r2c2;
r >>= shift;
g >>= shift;
b >>= shift;
r += r0c3;
g += r1c3;
b += r2c3;
r >>= 8;
g >>= 8;
b >>= 8;
return {r, g, b, static_cast<s32>(in_pixel.a)};
for (u32 y = source_top; y < source_bottom; y++) {
const auto src{y * in_surface_width + source_left};
const auto dst{y * out_surface_width + rect_left};
for (u32 x = source_left; x < source_right; x++) {
auto [r, g, b, a] = MatMul(slot_surface[src + x]);
r = std::clamp(r, clamp_min, clamp_max);
g = std::clamp(g, clamp_min, clamp_max);
b = std::clamp(b, clamp_min, clamp_max);
a = std::clamp(a, clamp_min, clamp_max);
output_surface[dst + x] = {static_cast<u16>(r), static_cast<u16>(g),
static_cast<u16>(b), static_cast<u16>(a)};
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
if (!has_sse41) {
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) || defined(ARCHITECTURE_arm64)
// Fill the columns, e.g
// c0 = [00 00 00 00] [r2c0 r2c0 r2c0 r2c0] [r1c0 r1c0 r1c0 r1c0] [r0c0 r0c0 r0c0 r0c0]
const auto c0 = _mm_set_epi32(0, static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff20.Value()),
const auto c1 = _mm_set_epi32(0, static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff21.Value()),
const auto c2 = _mm_set_epi32(0, static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff22.Value()),
const auto c3 = _mm_set_epi32(0, static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_coeff23.Value()),
// Set the matrix right-shift as a single element.
const auto shift =
_mm_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, static_cast<s32>(slot.color_matrix.matrix_r_shift.Value()));
// Set every 16-bit value to the soft clamp values for clamping every 16-bit channel.
const auto clamp_min = _mm_set1_epi16(static_cast<u16>(slot.config.soft_clamp_low.Value()));
const auto clamp_max =
// clang-format off
auto MatMul = [](__m128i& p, const __m128i& col0, const __m128i& col1, const __m128i& col2,
const __m128i& col3, const __m128i& trm_shift) -> __m128i {
// Duplicate the 32-bit channels, e.g
// ->
// r = [RR4 RR4 RR4 RR4] [RR3 RR3 RR3 RR3] [RR2 RR2 RR2 RR2] [RR1 RR1 RR1 RR1]
auto r = _mm_shuffle_epi32(p, 0x0);
auto g = _mm_shuffle_epi32(p, 0x55);
auto b = _mm_shuffle_epi32(p, 0xAA);
// Multiply the rows and columns c0 * r, c1 * g, c2 * b, e.g
// r = [RR4 RR4 RR4 RR4] [ RR3 RR3 RR3 RR3] [ RR2 RR2 RR2 RR2] [ RR1 RR1 RR1 RR1]
// *
// c0 = [ 00 00 00 00] [r2c0 r2c0 r2c0 r2c0] [r1c0 r1c0 r1c0 r1c0] [r0c0 r0c0 r0c0 r0c0]
r = _mm_mullo_epi32(r, col0);
g = _mm_mullo_epi32(g, col1);
b = _mm_mullo_epi32(b, col2);
// Add them all together vertically, such that the 32-bit element
// out[0] = (r[0] * c0[0]) + (g[0] * c1[0]) + (b[0] * c2[0])
auto out = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(r, g), b);
// Shift the result by r_shift, as the TRM says
out = _mm_sra_epi32(out, trm_shift);
// Add the final column. Because the 4x1 matrix has this row as 1, there's no need to
// multiply by it, and as per the TRM this column ignores r_shift, so it's just added
// here after shifting.
out = _mm_add_epi32(out, col3);
// Shift the result back from S12.8 to integer values
return _mm_srai_epi32(out, 8);
for (u32 y = source_top; y < source_bottom; y++) {
const auto src{y * in_surface_width + source_left};
const auto dst{y * out_surface_width + rect_left};
for (u32 x = source_left; x < source_right; x += 8) {
// clang-format off
// Prefetch the next iteration's memory
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&slot_surface[src + x + 8], _MM_HINT_T0);
// Load in pixels
// p01 = [AA AA] [BB BB] [GG GG] [RR RR] [AA AA] [BB BB] [GG GG] [RR RR]
auto p01 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[src + x + 0]);
auto p23 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[src + x + 2]);
auto p45 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[src + x + 4]);
auto p67 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&slot_surface[src + x + 6]);
// Convert the 16-bit channels into 32-bit (unsigned), as the matrix values are
// 32-bit and to avoid overflow.
// p01 = [AA2 AA2] [BB2 BB2] [GG2 GG2] [RR2 RR2] [AA1 AA1] [BB1 BB1] [GG1 GG1] [RR1 RR1]
// ->
// p01_lo = [001 001 AA1 AA1] [001 001 BB1 BB1] [001 001 GG1 GG1] [001 001 RR1 RR1]
// p01_hi = [002 002 AA2 AA2] [002 002 BB2 BB2] [002 002 GG2 GG2] [002 002 RR2 RR2]
auto p01_lo = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(p01);
auto p01_hi = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(_mm_srli_si128(p01, 8));
auto p23_lo = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(p23);
auto p23_hi = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(_mm_srli_si128(p23, 8));
auto p45_lo = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(p45);
auto p45_hi = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(_mm_srli_si128(p45, 8));
auto p67_lo = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(p67);
auto p67_hi = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(_mm_srli_si128(p67, 8));
// Matrix multiply the pixel, doing the colour conversion.
auto out0 = MatMul(p01_lo, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
auto out1 = MatMul(p01_hi, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
auto out2 = MatMul(p23_lo, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
auto out3 = MatMul(p23_hi, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
auto out4 = MatMul(p45_lo, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
auto out5 = MatMul(p45_hi, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
auto out6 = MatMul(p67_lo, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
auto out7 = MatMul(p67_hi, c0, c1, c2, c3, shift);
// Pack the 32-bit channel pixels back into 16-bit using unsigned saturation
// out0 = [001 001 AA1 AA1] [001 001 BB1 BB1] [001 001 GG1 GG1] [001 001 RR1 RR1]
// out1 = [002 002 AA2 AA2] [002 002 BB2 BB2] [002 002 GG2 GG2] [002 002 RR2 RR2]
// ->
// done0 = [AA2 AA2] [BB2 BB2] [GG2 GG2] [RR2 RR2] [AA1 AA1] [BB1 BB1] [GG1 GG1] [RR1 RR1]
auto done0 = _mm_packus_epi32(out0, out1);
auto done1 = _mm_packus_epi32(out2, out3);
auto done2 = _mm_packus_epi32(out4, out5);
auto done3 = _mm_packus_epi32(out6, out7);
// Blend the original alpha back into the pixel, as the matrix multiply gives us a
// 3-channel output, not 4.
// 0x88 = b10001000, taking RGB from the first argument, A from the second argument.
// done0 = [002 002] [BB2 BB2] [GG2 GG2] [RR2 RR2] [001 001] [BB1 BB1] [GG1 GG1] [RR1 RR1]
// ->
// done0 = [AA2 AA2] [BB2 BB2] [GG2 GG2] [RR2 RR2] [AA1 AA1] [BB1 BB1] [GG1 GG1] [RR1 RR1]
done0 = _mm_blend_epi16(done0, p01, 0x88);
done1 = _mm_blend_epi16(done1, p23, 0x88);
done2 = _mm_blend_epi16(done2, p45, 0x88);
done3 = _mm_blend_epi16(done3, p67, 0x88);
// Clamp the 16-bit channels to the soft-clamp min/max.
done0 = _mm_max_epu16(done0, clamp_min);
done1 = _mm_max_epu16(done1, clamp_min);
done2 = _mm_max_epu16(done2, clamp_min);
done3 = _mm_max_epu16(done3, clamp_min);
done0 = _mm_min_epu16(done0, clamp_max);
done1 = _mm_min_epu16(done1, clamp_max);
done2 = _mm_min_epu16(done2, clamp_max);
done3 = _mm_min_epu16(done3, clamp_max);
// Store the pixels to the output surface.
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[dst + x + 0], done0);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[dst + x + 2], done1);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[dst + x + 4], done2);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[dst + x + 6], done3);
// clang-format on
void Vic::WriteY8__V8U8_N420(const OutputSurfaceConfig& output_surface_config) {
constexpr u32 BytesPerPixel = 1;
auto surface_width{output_surface_config.out_surface_width + 1};
auto surface_height{output_surface_config.out_surface_height + 1};
const auto surface_stride{surface_width};
const auto out_luma_width = output_surface_config.out_luma_width + 1;
const auto out_luma_height = output_surface_config.out_luma_height + 1;
const auto out_luma_stride = Common::AlignUp(out_luma_width * BytesPerPixel, 0x10);
const auto out_luma_size = out_luma_height * out_luma_stride;
const auto out_chroma_width = output_surface_config.out_chroma_width + 1;
const auto out_chroma_height = output_surface_config.out_chroma_height + 1;
const auto out_chroma_stride = Common::AlignUp(out_chroma_width * BytesPerPixel * 2, 0x10);
const auto out_chroma_size = out_chroma_height * out_chroma_stride;
surface_width = std::min(surface_width, out_luma_width);
surface_height = std::min(surface_height, out_luma_height);
[[maybe_unused]] auto DecodeLinear = [&](std::span<u8> out_luma, std::span<u8> out_chroma) {
for (u32 y = 0; y < surface_height; ++y) {
const auto src_luma = y * surface_stride;
const auto dst_luma = y * out_luma_stride;
const auto src_chroma = y * surface_stride;
const auto dst_chroma = (y / 2) * out_chroma_stride;
for (u32 x = 0; x < surface_width; x += 2) {
out_luma[dst_luma + x + 0] =
static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src_luma + x + 0].r >> 2);
out_luma[dst_luma + x + 1] =
static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src_luma + x + 1].r >> 2);
out_chroma[dst_chroma + x + 0] =
static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src_chroma + x].g >> 2);
out_chroma[dst_chroma + x + 1] =
static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src_chroma + x].b >> 2);
auto Decode = [&](std::span<u8> out_luma, std::span<u8> out_chroma) {
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
if (!has_sse41) {
DecodeLinear(out_luma, out_chroma);
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) || defined(ARCHITECTURE_arm64)
// luma_mask = [00 00] [00 00] [00 00] [FF FF] [00 00] [00 00] [00 00] [FF FF]
const auto luma_mask = _mm_set_epi16(0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1);
for (u32 y = 0; y < surface_height; ++y) {
const auto src = y * surface_stride;
const auto dst_luma = y * out_luma_stride;
const auto dst_chroma = (y / 2) * out_chroma_stride;
for (u32 x = 0; x < surface_width; x += 16) {
// clang-format off
// Prefetch the next cache lines, 2 per iteration
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&output_surface[src + x + 16], _MM_HINT_T0);
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&output_surface[src + x + 24], _MM_HINT_T0);
// Load the 64-bit pixels, 2 per variable.
auto pixel01 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 0]);
auto pixel23 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 2]);
auto pixel45 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 4]);
auto pixel67 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 6]);
auto pixel89 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 8]);
auto pixel1011 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 10]);
auto pixel1213 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 12]);
auto pixel1415 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 14]);
// Split out the luma of each pixel using the luma_mask above.
// pixel01 = [AA2 AA2] [VV2 VV2] [UU2 UU2] [LL2 LL2] [AA1 AA1] [VV1 VV1] [UU1 UU1] [LL1 LL1]
// ->
// l01 = [002 002] [002 002] [002 002] [LL2 LL2] [001 001] [001 001] [001 001] [LL1 LL1]
auto l01 = _mm_and_si128(pixel01, luma_mask);
auto l23 = _mm_and_si128(pixel23, luma_mask);
auto l45 = _mm_and_si128(pixel45, luma_mask);
auto l67 = _mm_and_si128(pixel67, luma_mask);
auto l89 = _mm_and_si128(pixel89, luma_mask);
auto l1011 = _mm_and_si128(pixel1011, luma_mask);
auto l1213 = _mm_and_si128(pixel1213, luma_mask);
auto l1415 = _mm_and_si128(pixel1415, luma_mask);
// Pack 32-bit elements from 2 registers down into 16-bit elements in 1 register.
// l01 = [002 002 002 002] [002 002 LL2 LL2] [001 001 001 001] [001 001 LL1 LL1]
// l23 = [004 004 004 004] [004 004 LL4 LL4] [003 003 003 003] [003 003 LL3 LL3]
// ->
// l0123 = [004 004] [LL4 LL4] [003 003] [LL3 LL3] [002 002] [LL2 LL2] [001 001] [LL1 LL1]
auto l0123 = _mm_packus_epi32(l01, l23);
auto l4567 = _mm_packus_epi32(l45, l67);
auto l891011 = _mm_packus_epi32(l89, l1011);
auto l12131415 = _mm_packus_epi32(l1213, l1415);
// Pack 32-bit elements from 2 registers down into 16-bit elements in 1 register.
// l0123 = [004 004 LL4 LL4] [003 003 LL3 LL3] [002 002 LL2 LL2] [001 001 LL1 LL1]
// l4567 = [008 008 LL8 LL8] [007 007 LL7 LL7] [006 006 LL6 LL6] [005 005 LL5 LL5]
// ->
// luma_lo = [LL8 LL8] [LL7 LL7] [LL6 LL6] [LL5 LL5] [LL4 LL4] [LL3 LL3] [LL2 LL2] [LL1 LL1]
auto luma_lo = _mm_packus_epi32(l0123, l4567);
auto luma_hi = _mm_packus_epi32(l891011, l12131415);
// Right-shift the 16-bit elements by 2, un-doing the left shift by 2 on read
// and bringing the range back to 8-bit.
luma_lo = _mm_srli_epi16(luma_lo, 2);
luma_hi = _mm_srli_epi16(luma_hi, 2);
// Pack with unsigned saturation the 16-bit values in 2 registers into 8-bit values in 1 register.
// luma_lo = [LL8 LL8] [LL7 LL7] [LL6 LL6] [LL5 LL5] [LL4 LL4] [LL3 LL3] [LL2 LL2] [LL1 LL1]
// luma_hi = [LL16 LL16] [LL15 LL15] [LL14 LL14] [LL13 LL13] [LL12 LL12] [LL11 LL11] [LL10 LL10] [LL9 LL9]
// ->
// luma = [LL16] [LL15] [LL14] [LL13] [LL12] [LL11] [LL10] [LL9] [LL8] [LL7] [LL6] [LL5] [LL4] [LL3] [LL2] [LL1]
auto luma = _mm_packus_epi16(luma_lo, luma_hi);
// Store the 16 bytes of luma
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&out_luma[dst_luma + x], luma);
if (y % 2 == 0) {
// Chroma, done every other line as it's half the height of luma.
// Shift the register right by 2 bytes (not bits), to kick out the 16-bit luma.
// We can do this instead of &'ing a mask and then shifting.
// pixel01 = [AA2 AA2] [VV2 VV2] [UU2 UU2] [LL2 LL2] [AA1 AA1] [VV1 VV1] [UU1 UU1] [LL1 LL1]
// ->
// c01 = [ 00 00] [AA2 AA2] [VV2 VV2] [UU2 UU2] [LL2 LL2] [AA1 AA1] [VV1 VV1] [UU1 UU1]
auto c01 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel01, 2);
auto c23 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel23, 2);
auto c45 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel45, 2);
auto c67 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel67, 2);
auto c89 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel89, 2);
auto c1011 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel1011, 2);
auto c1213 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel1213, 2);
auto c1415 = _mm_srli_si128(pixel1415, 2);
// Interleave the lower 8 bytes as 32-bit elements from 2 registers into 1 register.
// This has the effect of skipping every other chroma value horitonally,
// notice the high pixels UU2/UU4 are skipped.
// This is intended as N420 chroma width is half the luma width.
// c01 = [ 00 00 AA2 AA2] [VV2 VV2 UU2 UU2] [LL2 LL2 AA1 AA1] [VV1 VV1 UU1 UU1]
// c23 = [ 00 00 AA4 AA4] [VV4 VV4 UU4 UU4] [LL4 LL4 AA3 AA3] [VV3 VV3 UU3 UU3]
// ->
// c0123 = [LL4 LL4 AA3 AA3] [LL2 LL2 AA1 AA1] [VV3 VV3 UU3 UU3] [VV1 VV1 UU1 UU1]
auto c0123 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(c01, c23);
auto c4567 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(c45, c67);
auto c891011 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(c89, c1011);
auto c12131415 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(c1213, c1415);
// Interleave the low 64-bit elements from 2 registers into 1.
// c0123 = [LL4 LL4 AA3 AA3 LL2 LL2 AA1 AA1] [VV3 VV3 UU3 UU3 VV1 VV1 UU1 UU1]
// c4567 = [LL8 LL8 AA7 AA7 LL6 LL6 AA5 AA5] [VV7 VV7 UU7 UU7 VV5 VV5 UU5 UU5]
// ->
// chroma_lo = [VV7 VV7 UU7 UU7 VV5 VV5 UU5 UU5] [VV3 VV3 UU3 UU3 VV1 VV1 UU1 UU1]
auto chroma_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(c0123, c4567);
auto chroma_hi = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(c891011, c12131415);
// Right-shift the 16-bit elements by 2, un-doing the left shift by 2 on read
// and bringing the range back to 8-bit.
chroma_lo = _mm_srli_epi16(chroma_lo, 2);
chroma_hi = _mm_srli_epi16(chroma_hi, 2);
// Pack with unsigned saturation the 16-bit elements from 2 registers into 8-bit elements in 1 register.
// chroma_lo = [ VV7 VV7] [ UU7 UU7] [ VV5 VV5] [ UU5 UU5] [ VV3 VV3] [ UU3 UU3] [VV1 VV1] [UU1 UU1]
// chroma_hi = [VV15 VV15] [UU15 UU15] [VV13 VV13] [UU13 UU13] [VV11 VV11] [UU11 UU11] [VV9 VV9] [UU9 UU9]
// ->
// chroma = [VV15] [UU15] [VV13] [UU13] [VV11] [UU11] [VV9] [UU9] [VV7] [UU7] [VV5] [UU5] [VV3] [UU3] [VV1] [UU1]
auto chroma = _mm_packus_epi16(chroma_lo, chroma_hi);
// Store the 16 bytes of chroma.
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&out_chroma[dst_chroma + x + 0], chroma);
// clang-format on
DecodeLinear(out_luma, out_chroma);
switch (output_surface_config.out_block_kind) {
case BLK_KIND::GENERIC_16Bx2: {
const u32 block_height = static_cast<u32>(output_surface_config.out_block_height);
const auto out_luma_swizzle_size = Texture::CalculateSize(
true, BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width, out_luma_height, 1, block_height, 0);
const auto out_chroma_swizzle_size = Texture::CalculateSize(
true, BytesPerPixel * 2, out_chroma_width, out_chroma_height, 1, block_height, 0);
"Writing Y8__V8U8_N420 swizzled frame\n"
"\tinput surface {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X}\n"
"\toutput luma {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X} block height {} swizzled size 0x{:X}\n",
"\toutput chroma {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X} block height {} swizzled size 0x{:X}",
surface_width, surface_height, surface_stride * BytesPerPixel,
surface_stride * surface_height * BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width, out_luma_height,
out_luma_stride, out_luma_size, block_height, out_luma_swizzle_size, out_chroma_width,
out_chroma_height, out_chroma_stride, out_chroma_size, block_height,
Decode(luma_scratch, chroma_scratch);
Tegra::Memory::GpuGuestMemoryScoped<u8, Core::Memory::GuestMemoryFlags::SafeWrite> out_luma(
memory_manager, regs.output_surface.luma.Address(), out_luma_swizzle_size,
if (block_height == 1) {
SwizzleSurface(out_luma, out_luma_stride, luma_scratch, out_luma_stride,
} else {
Texture::SwizzleTexture(out_luma, luma_scratch, BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width,
out_luma_height, 1, block_height, 0, 1);
Tegra::Memory::GpuGuestMemoryScoped<u8, Core::Memory::GuestMemoryFlags::SafeWrite>
out_chroma(memory_manager, regs.output_surface.chroma_u.Address(),
out_chroma_swizzle_size, &swizzle_scratch);
if (block_height == 1) {
SwizzleSurface(out_chroma, out_chroma_stride, chroma_scratch, out_chroma_stride,
} else {
Texture::SwizzleTexture(out_chroma, chroma_scratch, BytesPerPixel, out_chroma_width,
out_chroma_height, 1, block_height, 0, 1);
} break;
"Writing Y8__V8U8_N420 swizzled frame\n"
"\tinput surface {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X}\n"
"\toutput luma {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X} block height {} swizzled size 0x{:X}\n",
"\toutput chroma {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X} block height {} swizzled size 0x{:X}",
surface_width, surface_height, surface_stride * BytesPerPixel,
surface_stride * surface_height * BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width, out_luma_height,
out_luma_stride, out_luma_size, out_chroma_width, out_chroma_height, out_chroma_stride,
// Unfortunately due to a driver bug or game bug, the chroma address can be not
// appropriately spaced from the luma, so the luma of size out_stride * height runs into the
// top of the chroma buffer. Unfortunately that removes an optimisation here where we could
// create guest spans and decode into game memory directly to avoid the memory copy from
// scratch to game. Due to this bug, we must write the luma first, and then the chroma
// afterwards to re-overwrite the luma being too large.
Decode(luma_scratch, chroma_scratch);
memory_manager.WriteBlock(regs.output_surface.luma.Address(), luma_scratch.data(),
memory_manager.WriteBlock(regs.output_surface.chroma_u.Address(), chroma_scratch.data(),
} break;
template <VideoPixelFormat Format>
void Vic::WriteABGR(const OutputSurfaceConfig& output_surface_config) {
constexpr u32 BytesPerPixel = 4;
auto surface_width{output_surface_config.out_surface_width + 1};
auto surface_height{output_surface_config.out_surface_height + 1};
const auto surface_stride{surface_width};
const auto out_luma_width = output_surface_config.out_luma_width + 1;
const auto out_luma_height = output_surface_config.out_luma_height + 1;
const auto out_luma_stride = Common ::AlignUp(out_luma_width * BytesPerPixel, 0x10);
const auto out_luma_size = out_luma_height * out_luma_stride;
surface_width = std::min(surface_width, out_luma_width);
surface_height = std::min(surface_height, out_luma_height);
[[maybe_unused]] auto DecodeLinear = [&](std::span<u8> out_buffer) {
for (u32 y = 0; y < surface_height; y++) {
const auto src = y * surface_stride;
const auto dst = y * out_luma_stride;
for (u32 x = 0; x < surface_width; x++) {
if constexpr (Format == VideoPixelFormat::A8R8G8B8) {
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 0] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].b >> 2);
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 1] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].g >> 2);
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 2] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].r >> 2);
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 3] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].a >> 2);
} else {
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 0] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].r >> 2);
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 1] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].g >> 2);
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 2] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].b >> 2);
out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 3] = static_cast<u8>(output_surface[src + x].a >> 2);
auto Decode = [&](std::span<u8> out_buffer) {
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
if (!has_sse41) {
#if defined(ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) || defined(ARCHITECTURE_arm64)
for (u32 y = 0; y < surface_height; y++) {
const auto src = y * surface_stride;
const auto dst = y * out_luma_stride;
for (u32 x = 0; x < surface_width; x += 16) {
// clang-format off
// Prefetch the next 2 cache lines
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&output_surface[src + x + 16], _MM_HINT_T0);
_mm_prefetch((const char*)&output_surface[src + x + 24], _MM_HINT_T0);
// Load the pixels, 16-bit channels, 8 bytes per pixel, e.g
auto pixel01 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 0]);
auto pixel23 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 2]);
auto pixel45 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 4]);
auto pixel67 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 6]);
auto pixel89 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 8]);
auto pixel1011 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 10]);
auto pixel1213 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 12]);
auto pixel1415 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&output_surface[src + x + 14]);
// Right-shift the channels by 16 to un-do the left shit on read and bring the range
// back to 8-bit.
pixel01 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel01, 2);
pixel23 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel23, 2);
pixel45 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel45, 2);
pixel67 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel67, 2);
pixel89 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel89, 2);
pixel1011 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel1011, 2);
pixel1213 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel1213, 2);
pixel1415 = _mm_srli_epi16(pixel1415, 2);
// Pack with unsigned saturation 16-bit channels from 2 registers into 8-bit channels in 1 register.
// pixel01 = [AA2 AA2] [BB2 BB2] [GG2 GG2] [RR2 RR2] [AA1 AA1] [BB1 BB1] [GG1 GG1] [RR1 RR1]
// pixel23 = [AA4 AA4] [BB4 BB4] [GG4 GG4] [RR4 RR4] [AA3 AA3] [BB3 BB3] [GG3 GG3] [RR3 RR3]
// ->
// pixels0_lo = [AA4] [BB4] [GG4] [RR4] [AA3] [BB3] [GG3] [RR3] [AA2] [BB2] [GG2] [RR2] [AA1] [BB1] [GG1] [RR1]
auto pixels0_lo = _mm_packus_epi16(pixel01, pixel23);
auto pixels0_hi = _mm_packus_epi16(pixel45, pixel67);
auto pixels1_lo = _mm_packus_epi16(pixel89, pixel1011);
auto pixels1_hi = _mm_packus_epi16(pixel1213, pixel1415);
if constexpr (Format == VideoPixelFormat::A8R8G8B8) {
const auto shuffle =
_mm_set_epi8(15, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 9, 10, 7, 4, 5, 6, 3, 0, 1, 2);
// Our pixels are ABGR (big-endian) by default, if ARGB is needed, we need to shuffle.
// pixels0_lo = [AA4 BB4 GG4 RR4] [AA3 BB3 GG3 RR3] [AA2 BB2 GG2 RR2] [AA1 BB1 GG1 RR1]
// ->
// pixels0_lo = [AA4 RR4 GG4 BB4] [AA3 RR3 GG3 BB3] [AA2 RR2 GG2 BB2] [AA1 RR1 GG1 BB1]
pixels0_lo = _mm_shuffle_epi8(pixels0_lo, shuffle);
pixels0_hi = _mm_shuffle_epi8(pixels0_hi, shuffle);
pixels1_lo = _mm_shuffle_epi8(pixels1_lo, shuffle);
pixels1_hi = _mm_shuffle_epi8(pixels1_hi, shuffle);
// Store the pixels
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 0], pixels0_lo);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 16], pixels0_hi);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 32], pixels1_lo);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&out_buffer[dst + x * 4 + 48], pixels1_hi);
// clang-format on
switch (output_surface_config.out_block_kind) {
case BLK_KIND::GENERIC_16Bx2: {
const u32 block_height = static_cast<u32>(output_surface_config.out_block_height);
const auto out_swizzle_size = Texture::CalculateSize(true, BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width,
out_luma_height, 1, block_height, 0);
"Writing ABGR swizzled frame\n"
"\tinput surface {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X}\n"
"\toutput surface {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X} block height {} swizzled size 0x{:X}",
surface_width, surface_height, surface_stride * BytesPerPixel,
surface_stride * surface_height * BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width, out_luma_height,
out_luma_stride, out_luma_size, block_height, out_swizzle_size);
Tegra::Memory::GpuGuestMemoryScoped<u8, Core::Memory::GuestMemoryFlags::SafeWrite> out_luma(
memory_manager, regs.output_surface.luma.Address(), out_swizzle_size, &swizzle_scratch);
if (block_height == 1) {
SwizzleSurface(out_luma, out_luma_stride, luma_scratch, out_luma_stride,
} else {
Texture::SwizzleTexture(out_luma, luma_scratch, BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width,
out_luma_height, 1, block_height, 0, 1);
} break;
"Writing ABGR pitch frame\n"
"\tinput surface {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X}"
"\toutput surface {}x{} stride {} size 0x{:X}",
surface_width, surface_height, surface_stride,
surface_stride * surface_height * BytesPerPixel, out_luma_width, out_luma_height,
out_luma_stride, out_luma_size);
Tegra::Memory::GpuGuestMemoryScoped<u8, Core::Memory::GuestMemoryFlags::SafeWrite> out_luma(
memory_manager, regs.output_surface.luma.Address(), out_luma_size, &luma_scratch);
} break;
} // namespace Tegra::Host1x