Subv 12a11472f1 GPU: Implemented register 0x22A.
This is the equivalent of the "first" parameter in glDrawArrays, it tells the GPU the vertex index at which to start rendering.

Register 0x22A doesn't affect indexed rendering.
2015-08-30 15:46:22 -05:00

505 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <boost/range/algorithm/fill.hpp>
#include "common/profiler.h"
#include "core/hle/service/gsp_gpu.h"
#include "core/hw/gpu.h"
#include "core/settings.h"
#include "debug_utils/debug_utils.h"
#include "clipper.h"
#include "command_processor.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "pica.h"
#include "primitive_assembly.h"
#include "renderer_base.h"
#include "shader/shader_interpreter.h"
#include "video_core.h"
namespace Pica {
namespace CommandProcessor {
static int float_regs_counter = 0;
static u32 uniform_write_buffer[4];
static int default_attr_counter = 0;
static u32 default_attr_write_buffer[3];
Common::Profiling::TimingCategory category_drawing("Drawing");
// Expand a 4-bit mask to 4-byte mask, e.g. 0b0101 -> 0x00FF00FF
static const u32 expand_bits_to_bytes[] = {
0x00000000, 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x0000ffff,
0x00ff0000, 0x00ff00ff, 0x00ffff00, 0x00ffffff,
0xff000000, 0xff0000ff, 0xff00ff00, 0xff00ffff,
0xffff0000, 0xffff00ff, 0xffffff00, 0xffffffff
static void WritePicaReg(u32 id, u32 value, u32 mask) {
auto& regs = g_state.regs;
if (id >= regs.NumIds())
// If we're skipping this frame, only allow trigger IRQ
if (GPU::g_skip_frame && id != PICA_REG_INDEX(trigger_irq))
// TODO: Figure out how register masking acts on e.g. vs.uniform_setup.set_value
u32 old_value = regs[id];
const u32 write_mask = expand_bits_to_bytes[mask];
regs[id] = (old_value & ~write_mask) | (value & write_mask);
DebugUtils::OnPicaRegWrite({ (u16)id, (u16)mask, regs[id] });
if (g_debug_context)
g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::PicaCommandLoaded, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&id));
switch(id) {
// Trigger IRQ
case PICA_REG_INDEX(trigger_irq):
// Load default vertex input attributes
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs_default_attributes_setup.set_value[0], 0x233):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs_default_attributes_setup.set_value[1], 0x234):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs_default_attributes_setup.set_value[2], 0x235):
// TODO: Does actual hardware indeed keep an intermediate buffer or does
// it directly write the values?
default_attr_write_buffer[default_attr_counter++] = value;
// Default attributes are written in a packed format such that four float24 values are encoded in
// three 32-bit numbers. We write to internal memory once a full such vector is
// written.
if (default_attr_counter >= 3) {
default_attr_counter = 0;
auto& setup = regs.vs_default_attributes_setup;
if (setup.index >= 16) {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Invalid VS default attribute index %d", (int)setup.index);
Math::Vec4<float24>& attribute = g_state.vs.default_attributes[setup.index];
// NOTE: The destination component order indeed is "backwards"
attribute.w = float24::FromRawFloat24(default_attr_write_buffer[0] >> 8);
attribute.z = float24::FromRawFloat24(((default_attr_write_buffer[0] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((default_attr_write_buffer[1] >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
attribute.y = float24::FromRawFloat24(((default_attr_write_buffer[1] & 0xFFFF) << 8) | ((default_attr_write_buffer[2] >> 24) & 0xFF));
attribute.x = float24::FromRawFloat24(default_attr_write_buffer[2] & 0xFFFFFF);
LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Set default VS attribute %x to (%f %f %f %f)", (int)setup.index,
attribute.x.ToFloat32(), attribute.y.ToFloat32(), attribute.z.ToFloat32(),
// TODO: Verify that this actually modifies the register!
setup.index = setup.index + 1;
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(command_buffer.trigger[0], 0x23c):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(command_buffer.trigger[1], 0x23d):
unsigned index = static_cast<unsigned>(id - PICA_REG_INDEX(command_buffer.trigger[0]));
u32* head_ptr = (u32*)Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(regs.command_buffer.GetPhysicalAddress(index));
g_state.cmd_list.head_ptr = g_state.cmd_list.current_ptr = head_ptr;
g_state.cmd_list.length = regs.command_buffer.GetSize(index) / sizeof(u32);
// It seems like these trigger vertex rendering
case PICA_REG_INDEX(trigger_draw):
case PICA_REG_INDEX(trigger_draw_indexed):
Common::Profiling::ScopeTimer scope_timer(category_drawing);
if (g_debug_context)
g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::IncomingPrimitiveBatch, nullptr);
const auto& attribute_config = regs.vertex_attributes;
const u32 base_address = attribute_config.GetPhysicalBaseAddress();
// Information about internal vertex attributes
u32 vertex_attribute_sources[16];
boost::fill(vertex_attribute_sources, 0xdeadbeef);
u32 vertex_attribute_strides[16] = {};
Regs::VertexAttributeFormat vertex_attribute_formats[16] = {};
u32 vertex_attribute_elements[16] = {};
u32 vertex_attribute_element_size[16] = {};
// Setup attribute data from loaders
for (int loader = 0; loader < 12; ++loader) {
const auto& loader_config = attribute_config.attribute_loaders[loader];
u32 load_address = base_address + loader_config.data_offset;
// TODO: What happens if a loader overwrites a previous one's data?
for (unsigned component = 0; component < loader_config.component_count; ++component) {
u32 attribute_index = loader_config.GetComponent(component);
vertex_attribute_sources[attribute_index] = load_address;
vertex_attribute_strides[attribute_index] = static_cast<u32>(loader_config.byte_count);
vertex_attribute_formats[attribute_index] = attribute_config.GetFormat(attribute_index);
vertex_attribute_elements[attribute_index] = attribute_config.GetNumElements(attribute_index);
vertex_attribute_element_size[attribute_index] = attribute_config.GetElementSizeInBytes(attribute_index);
load_address += attribute_config.GetStride(attribute_index);
// Load vertices
bool is_indexed = (id == PICA_REG_INDEX(trigger_draw_indexed));
const auto& index_info = regs.index_array;
const u8* index_address_8 = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(base_address + index_info.offset);
const u16* index_address_16 = (u16*)index_address_8;
bool index_u16 = index_info.format != 0;
DebugUtils::GeometryDumper geometry_dumper;
PrimitiveAssembler<DebugUtils::GeometryDumper::Vertex> dumping_primitive_assembler(regs.triangle_topology.Value());
PrimitiveAssembler<Shader::OutputVertex> primitive_assembler(regs.triangle_topology.Value());
if (g_debug_context) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const auto texture = regs.GetTextures()[i];
if (!texture.enabled)
u8* texture_data = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(texture.config.GetPhysicalAddress());
if (g_debug_context && Pica::g_debug_context->recorder)
g_debug_context->recorder->MemoryAccessed(texture_data, Pica::Regs::NibblesPerPixel(texture.format) * texture.config.width / 2 * texture.config.height, texture.config.GetPhysicalAddress());
class {
/// Combine overlapping and close ranges
void SimplifyRanges() {
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
// NOTE: We add 32 to the range end address to make sure "close" ranges are combined, too
auto it2 = std::next(it);
while (it2 != ranges.end() && it->first + it->second + 32 >= it2->first) {
it->second = std::max(it->second, it2->first + it2->second - it->first);
it2 = ranges.erase(it2);
/// Record a particular memory access in the list
void AddAccess(u32 paddr, u32 size) {
// Create new range or extend existing one
ranges[paddr] = std::max(ranges[paddr], size);
// Simplify ranges...
/// Map of accessed ranges (mapping start address to range size)
std::map<u32, u32> ranges;
} memory_accesses;
// Simple circular-replacement vertex cache
// The size has been tuned for optimal balance between hit-rate and the cost of lookup
const size_t VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE = 32;
std::array<u16, VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE> vertex_cache_ids;
std::array<Shader::OutputVertex, VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE> vertex_cache;
unsigned int vertex_cache_pos = 0;
Shader::UnitState<false> shader_unit;
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < regs.num_vertices; ++index)
// Indexed rendering doesn't use the start offset
unsigned int vertex = is_indexed ? (index_u16 ? index_address_16[index] : index_address_8[index]) : (index + regs.vertex_offset);
// -1 is a common special value used for primitive restart. Since it's unknown if
// the PICA supports it, and it would mess up the caching, guard against it here.
ASSERT(vertex != -1);
bool vertex_cache_hit = false;
Shader::OutputVertex output;
if (is_indexed) {
if (g_debug_context && Pica::g_debug_context->recorder) {
int size = index_u16 ? 2 : 1;
memory_accesses.AddAccess(base_address + index_info.offset + size * index, size);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE; ++i) {
if (vertex == vertex_cache_ids[i]) {
output = vertex_cache[i];
vertex_cache_hit = true;
if (!vertex_cache_hit) {
// Initialize data for the current vertex
Shader::InputVertex input;
for (int i = 0; i < attribute_config.GetNumTotalAttributes(); ++i) {
if (vertex_attribute_elements[i] != 0) {
// Default attribute values set if array elements have < 4 components. This
// is *not* carried over from the default attribute settings even if they're
// enabled for this attribute.
static const float24 zero = float24::FromFloat32(0.0f);
static const float24 one = float24::FromFloat32(1.0f);
input.attr[i] = Math::Vec4<float24>(zero, zero, zero, one);
// Load per-vertex data from the loader arrays
for (unsigned int comp = 0; comp < vertex_attribute_elements[i]; ++comp) {
u32 source_addr = vertex_attribute_sources[i] + vertex_attribute_strides[i] * vertex + comp * vertex_attribute_element_size[i];
const u8* srcdata = Memory::GetPhysicalPointer(source_addr);
if (g_debug_context && Pica::g_debug_context->recorder) {
(vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::FLOAT) ? 4
: (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::SHORT) ? 2 : 1);
const float srcval = (vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::BYTE) ? *(s8*)srcdata :
(vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::UBYTE) ? *(u8*)srcdata :
(vertex_attribute_formats[i] == Regs::VertexAttributeFormat::SHORT) ? *(s16*)srcdata :
input.attr[i][comp] = float24::FromFloat32(srcval);
LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Loaded component %x of attribute %x for vertex %x (index %x) from 0x%08x + 0x%08lx + 0x%04lx: %f",
comp, i, vertex, index,
vertex_attribute_sources[i] - base_address,
vertex_attribute_strides[i] * vertex + comp * vertex_attribute_element_size[i],
} else if (attribute_config.IsDefaultAttribute(i)) {
// Load the default attribute if we're configured to do so
input.attr[i] = g_state.vs.default_attributes[i];
LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Loaded default attribute %x for vertex %x (index %x): (%f, %f, %f, %f)",
i, vertex, index,
input.attr[i][0].ToFloat32(), input.attr[i][1].ToFloat32(),
input.attr[i][2].ToFloat32(), input.attr[i][3].ToFloat32());
} else {
// TODO(yuriks): In this case, no data gets loaded and the vertex
// remains with the last value it had. This isn't currently maintained
// as global state, however, and so won't work in Citra yet.
if (g_debug_context)
g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::VertexLoaded, (void*)&input);
// NOTE: When dumping geometry, we simply assume that the first input attribute
// corresponds to the position for now.
DebugUtils::GeometryDumper::Vertex dumped_vertex = {
input.attr[0][0].ToFloat32(), input.attr[0][1].ToFloat32(), input.attr[0][2].ToFloat32()
using namespace std::placeholders;
&geometry_dumper, _1, _2, _3));
// Send to vertex shader
output = Shader::Run(shader_unit, input, attribute_config.GetNumTotalAttributes());
if (is_indexed) {
vertex_cache[vertex_cache_pos] = output;
vertex_cache_ids[vertex_cache_pos] = vertex;
vertex_cache_pos = (vertex_cache_pos + 1) % VERTEX_CACHE_SIZE;
if (Settings::values.use_hw_renderer) {
// Send to hardware renderer
static auto AddHWTriangle = [](const Pica::Shader::OutputVertex& v0,
const Pica::Shader::OutputVertex& v1,
const Pica::Shader::OutputVertex& v2) {
VideoCore::g_renderer->hw_rasterizer->AddTriangle(v0, v1, v2);
primitive_assembler.SubmitVertex(output, AddHWTriangle);
} else {
// Send to triangle clipper
primitive_assembler.SubmitVertex(output, Clipper::ProcessTriangle);
for (auto& range : memory_accesses.ranges) {
range.second, range.first);
if (Settings::values.use_hw_renderer) {
if (g_debug_context) {
g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::FinishedPrimitiveBatch, nullptr);
case PICA_REG_INDEX(vs.bool_uniforms):
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
g_state.vs.uniforms.b[i] = (regs.vs.bool_uniforms.Value() & (1 << i)) != 0;
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.int_uniforms[0], 0x2b1):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.int_uniforms[1], 0x2b2):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.int_uniforms[2], 0x2b3):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.int_uniforms[3], 0x2b4):
int index = (id - PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.int_uniforms[0], 0x2b1));
auto values = regs.vs.int_uniforms[index];
g_state.vs.uniforms.i[index] = Math::Vec4<u8>(values.x, values.y, values.z, values.w);
LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Set integer uniform %d to %02x %02x %02x %02x",
index, values.x.Value(), values.y.Value(), values.z.Value(), values.w.Value());
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[0], 0x2c1):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[1], 0x2c2):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[2], 0x2c3):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[3], 0x2c4):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[4], 0x2c5):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[5], 0x2c6):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[6], 0x2c7):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.uniform_setup.set_value[7], 0x2c8):
auto& uniform_setup = regs.vs.uniform_setup;
// TODO: Does actual hardware indeed keep an intermediate buffer or does
// it directly write the values?
uniform_write_buffer[float_regs_counter++] = value;
// Uniforms are written in a packed format such that four float24 values are encoded in
// three 32-bit numbers. We write to internal memory once a full such vector is
// written.
if ((float_regs_counter >= 4 && uniform_setup.IsFloat32()) ||
(float_regs_counter >= 3 && !uniform_setup.IsFloat32())) {
float_regs_counter = 0;
auto& uniform = g_state.vs.uniforms.f[uniform_setup.index];
if (uniform_setup.index > 95) {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Invalid VS uniform index %d", (int)uniform_setup.index);
// NOTE: The destination component order indeed is "backwards"
if (uniform_setup.IsFloat32()) {
for (auto i : {0,1,2,3})
uniform[3 - i] = float24::FromFloat32(*(float*)(&uniform_write_buffer[i]));
} else {
// TODO: Untested
uniform.w = float24::FromRawFloat24(uniform_write_buffer[0] >> 8);
uniform.z = float24::FromRawFloat24(((uniform_write_buffer[0] & 0xFF)<<16) | ((uniform_write_buffer[1] >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
uniform.y = float24::FromRawFloat24(((uniform_write_buffer[1] & 0xFFFF)<<8) | ((uniform_write_buffer[2] >> 24) & 0xFF));
uniform.x = float24::FromRawFloat24(uniform_write_buffer[2] & 0xFFFFFF);
LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "Set uniform %x to (%f %f %f %f)", (int)uniform_setup.index,
uniform.x.ToFloat32(), uniform.y.ToFloat32(), uniform.z.ToFloat32(),
// TODO: Verify that this actually modifies the register!
uniform_setup.index = uniform_setup.index + 1;
// Load shader program code
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[0], 0x2cc):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[1], 0x2cd):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[2], 0x2ce):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[3], 0x2cf):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[4], 0x2d0):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[5], 0x2d1):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[6], 0x2d2):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.program.set_word[7], 0x2d3):
g_state.vs.program_code[regs.vs.program.offset] = value;
// Load swizzle pattern data
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[0], 0x2d6):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[1], 0x2d7):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[2], 0x2d8):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[3], 0x2d9):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[4], 0x2da):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[5], 0x2db):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[6], 0x2dc):
case PICA_REG_INDEX_WORKAROUND(vs.swizzle_patterns.set_word[7], 0x2dd):
g_state.vs.swizzle_data[regs.vs.swizzle_patterns.offset] = value;
if (g_debug_context)
g_debug_context->OnEvent(DebugContext::Event::PicaCommandProcessed, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&id));
void ProcessCommandList(const u32* list, u32 size) {
g_state.cmd_list.head_ptr = g_state.cmd_list.current_ptr = list;
g_state.cmd_list.length = size / sizeof(u32);
while (g_state.cmd_list.current_ptr < g_state.cmd_list.head_ptr + g_state.cmd_list.length) {
// Align read pointer to 8 bytes
if ((g_state.cmd_list.head_ptr - g_state.cmd_list.current_ptr) % 2 != 0)
u32 value = *g_state.cmd_list.current_ptr++;
const CommandHeader header = { *g_state.cmd_list.current_ptr++ };
u32 cmd = header.cmd_id;
WritePicaReg(cmd, value, header.parameter_mask);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < header.extra_data_length; ++i) {
u32 cmd = header.cmd_id + (header.group_commands ? i + 1 : 0);
WritePicaReg(cmd, *g_state.cmd_list.current_ptr++, header.parameter_mask);
} // namespace
} // namespace