<p>ONLYOFFICE <ahref="https://www.onlyoffice.com/en/spreadsheet-editor.aspx"target="_blank"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Spreadsheet Editor</b></a> offers a <b>sheet view</b> manager for view presets that are based on the applied filters. Now you can save the required filtering <!--and sorting -->parameters as a view preset and use it afterwards together with your colleagues as well as create several presets and switch among them effortlessly. If you are collaborating on a spreadsheet, create individual view presets and continue working with the filters <!--and sorting parameters -->you need without being disrupted by other co-editors.</p>
<p>Since a view preset is designed to save customized filtering <!--and sorting--> parameters, first you need to apply the said parameters to the sheet. To learn more about filtering<!-- and sorting-->, please refer to <span><ahref="../UsageInstructions/SortData.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a></span>.</p>
<li>click the <divclass ="icon icon-new_icon"></div><b>New</b> button on the <b>View</b> tab located at the top toolbar. The preset will be created under a default name <em>“View1/2/3...”</em>. To change the name, go to the <b>Sheet View Manager</b>, select the required preset, and click <b>Rename</b>.</li>
<p>To exit the current sheet view preset, <divclass ="icon icon-close_icon"></div><b>Close</b> icon on the <b>View</b> tab located at the top toolbar.</p>