<p>In the <ahref="https://www.onlyoffice.com/document-editor.aspx"target="_blank"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Document Editor</b></a>, you can enable displaying nonprinting characters that help you edit a document. They indicate the presence of various types of formatting elements, but they cannot be printed with the document even if they are displayed on the screen.</p>
<p>To show or hide nonprinting characters, click the <b>Nonprinting characters</b><imgalt="Nonprinting characters"src="../images/nonprintingcharacters.png"/> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab on the top toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the <em>Ctrl+Shift+Num8</em> key combination.</p>
<td>Inserted when you press the <b>Enter</b> key. They ends a paragraph and adds a bit of space after it. They also contain information about the paragraph formatting.</td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <b>Shift+Enter</b> key combination. They break the current line and put the text lines close together. Soft return are primarily used in titles and headings.</td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <b>Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar</b> key combination. They create a space between characters which can't be used to start a new line.</td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <imgalt="Breaks icon"src="../images/pagebreak1.png"/><b>Breaks</b> icon on the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tabs of the top toolbar and then select one of the <b>Insert Page Break</b> submenu options (the section break indicator differs depending on which option is selected: Next Page, Continuous Page, Even Page or Odd Page).</td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <imgalt="Breaks icon"src="../images/pagebreak1.png"/><b>Breaks</b> icon on the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and then select one of the <b>Insert Section Break</b> submenu options (the section break indicator differs depending on which option is selected: Next Page, Continuous Page, Even Page or Odd Page).</td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <imgalt="Breaks icon"src="../images/pagebreak1.png"/><b>Breaks</b> icon on the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and then select the <b>Insert Column Break</b> option.</td>
<td>Indicate the position of floating objects (objects whose wrapping style is different from <b>Inline</b>), e.g. images, autoshapes, charts. You should select an object to make its anchor visible.</td>