<p>To cut, copy and paste text passages and inserted objects (autoshapes, images, charts) in the <ahref="https://www.onlyoffice.com/document-editor.aspx"target="_blank"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Document Editor</b></a>, select the corresponding options from the right-click menu or click the icons located on any tab of the top toolbar:</p>
<li><b>Cut</b>– select a text fragment or an object and use the <b>Cut</b> option from the right-click menu to delete the selected text and send it to the computer clipboard memory. <spanclass="onlineDocumentFeatures">The cut text can be later inserted to another place in the same document.</span></li>
<li><b>Copy</b>– select a text fragment or an object and use the <b>Copy</b> option from the right-click menu, or the <b>Copy</b><divclass ="icon icon-copy"></div> icon on the top toolbar to copy the selected text to the computer clipboard memory. <spanclass="onlineDocumentFeatures">The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document.</span></li>
<li><b>Paste</b>– find the place in your document where you need to paste the previously copied text fragment/object and use the the <b>Paste</b> option from the right-click menu, or the <b>Paste</b><divclass ="icon icon-paste"></div> icon on the top toolbar.
The copied text/object will be inserted to the current cursor position. <spanclass="onlineDocumentFeatures">The data can be previously copied from the same document.</span>
<p><spanclass="onlineDocumentFeatures">In the <em>online version</em>, the key combinations below are only used to copy or paste data from/into another document or a program.</span><spanclass="desktopDocumentFeatures">In the <em>desktop version</em>, both corresponding buttons/menu options and key combinations can be used for any copy/paste operations:</span></p>
<pclass="note"><b>Note</b>: instead of cutting and pasting text fragments in the same document, you can just select the required text passage and drag and drop it to the necessary position.</p>
<p>Once the copied text is pasted, the <b>Paste Special</b><spanclass ="icon icon-pastespecialbutton"></span> button appears next to the inserted text passage. Click this button to select the necessary paste option. </p>
<p>To enable / disable the automatic appearance of the <b>Paste Special</b> button after pasting, go to the <b>File</b> tab > <b>Advanced Settings...</b> and check / uncheck the <b>Cut, copy and paste</b> checkbox.</p>
<li><b>Undo</b>– use the <b>Undo</b><divclass ="icon icon-undo"></div> icon on the left side of the editor header or the <b>Ctrl+Z</b> key combination to undo the last operation you performed.</li>
<li><b>Redo</b>– use the <b>Redo</b><divclass ="icon icon-redo"></div> icon on the left part of the editor header or the <b>Ctrl+Y</b> key combination to redo the last undone operation.</li>