@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ Thumbs.db
# test documents
@ -22,4 +27,4 @@ apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/offlinedocs
# tests
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
dist: trusty
language: node_js
- '6'
- '12'
before_install: npm install -g grunt-cli
- cd build
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"filewatcher.commands": [
"match": "app-(ios|material)\\.less",
"isAsync": true,
"cmd": "lessc --js --no-color '${file}' '${fileDirname}/../css/${fileBasenameNoExt}.css'",
"event": "onFileChange"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
The frontend for [ONLYOFFICE Document Server][2]. Builds the program interface and allows the user create, edit, save and export text, spreadsheet and presentation documents using the common interface of a document editor.
## Previos versions
## Previous versions
Until 2019-10-23 the repository was called web-apps-pro
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
review: <can review>, // default = edit
print: <can print>, // default = true
rename: <can rename>, // default = false
changeHistory: <can change history>, // default = false
changeHistory: <can change history>, // default = false // must be deprecated, check onRequestRestore event instead
comment: <can comment in view mode> // default = edit,
modifyFilter: <can add, remove and save filter in the spreadsheet> // default = true
modifyContentControl: <can modify content controls in documenteditor> // default = true
@ -109,7 +109,8 @@
goback: {
url: 'http://...',
text: 'Go to London',
blank: true
blank: true,
requestClose: false // if true - goback send onRequestClose event instead opening url
chat: true,
comments: true,
@ -128,7 +129,11 @@
compactHeader: false,
toolbarNoTabs: false,
toolbarHideFileName: false,
reviewDisplay: 'original'
reviewDisplay: 'original',
spellcheck: true,
compatibleFeatures: false,
unit: 'cm' // cm, pt, inch,
mentionShare : true // customize tooltip for mention
plugins: {
autostart: ['asc.{FFE1F462-1EA2-4391-990D-4CC84940B754}'],
@ -205,6 +210,8 @@
_config.editorConfig.canRequestSaveAs = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestSaveAs;
_config.editorConfig.canRequestInsertImage = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestInsertImage;
_config.editorConfig.canRequestMailMergeRecipients = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestMailMergeRecipients;
_config.editorConfig.canRequestCompareFile = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestCompareFile;
_config.editorConfig.canRequestSharingSettings = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestSharingSettings;
_config.frameEditorId = placeholderId;
var onMouseUp = function (evt) {
@ -574,6 +581,13 @@
var _setRevisedFile = function(data) {
command: 'setRevisedFile',
data: data
var _processMouse = function(evt) {
var r = iframe.getBoundingClientRect();
var data = {
@ -618,7 +632,8 @@
showSharingSettings : _showSharingSettings,
setSharingSettings : _setSharingSettings,
insertImage : _insertImage,
setMailMergeRecipients: _setMailMergeRecipients
setMailMergeRecipients: _setMailMergeRecipients,
setRevisedFile : _setRevisedFile
@ -729,14 +744,28 @@
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
check = function(regex){ return regex.test(userAgent); },
isIE = !check(/opera/) && (check(/msie/) || check(/trident/) || check(/edge/)),
isChrome = !isIE && check(/\bchrome\b/),
isSafari_mobile = !isIE && !isChrome && check(/safari/) && (navigator.maxTouchPoints>0);
path += app + "/";
path += config.type === "mobile"
path += (config.type === "mobile" || isSafari_mobile)
? "mobile"
: config.type === "embedded"
? "embed"
: "main";
path += "/index.html";
var index = "/index.html";
if (config.editorConfig) {
var customization = config.editorConfig.customization;
if ( typeof(customization) == 'object' && ( customization.toolbarNoTabs ||
(config.editorConfig.targetApp!=='desktop') && (customization.loaderName || customization.loaderLogo))) {
index = "/index_loader.html";
path += index;
return path;
@ -750,15 +779,33 @@
if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName) {
if (config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName !== 'none') params += "&customer=" + config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName;
} else
params += "&customer=ONLYOFFICE";
params += "&customer={{APP_CUSTOMER_NAME}}";
if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo) {
if (config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo !== '') params += "&logo=" + config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo;
} else if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.logo) {
if (config.type=='embedded' && config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded)
params += "&headerlogo=" + config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded;
else if (config.type!='embedded' && config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image)
params += "&headerlogo=" + config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image;
if (config.editorConfig && (config.editorConfig.mode == 'editdiagram' || config.editorConfig.mode == 'editmerge'))
params += "&internal=true";
if (config.frameEditorId)
params += "&frameEditorId=" + config.frameEditorId;
if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.mode == 'view' ||
config.document && config.document.permissions && (config.document.permissions.edit === false && !config.document.permissions.review ))
params += "&mode=view";
if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.customization && !!config.editorConfig.customization.compactHeader)
params += "&compact=true";
if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.customization && (config.editorConfig.customization.toolbar===false))
params += "&toolbar=false";
return params;
@ -774,7 +821,8 @@
iframe.allowFullscreen = true;
iframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen",""); // for IE11
iframe.setAttribute("onmousewheel",""); // for Safari on Mac
iframe.setAttribute("allow", "autoplay");
if (config.type == "mobile")
iframe.style.position = "fixed";
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
var editor = new Asc.asc_docs_api({
'id-view' : 'editor_sdk'
@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ if (Common === undefined) {
'setMailMergeRecipients': function(data) {
$me.trigger('setmailmergerecipients', data);
'setRevisedFile': function(data) {
$me.trigger('setrevisedfile', data);
@ -289,23 +293,31 @@ if (Common === undefined) {
requestMakeActionLink: function (config) {
_postMessage({event:'onMakeActionLink', data: config})
_postMessage({event:'onMakeActionLink', data: config});
requestUsers: function () {
requestSendNotify: function (emails) {
_postMessage({event:'onRequestSendNotify', data: emails})
_postMessage({event:'onRequestSendNotify', data: emails});
requestInsertImage: function () {
requestMailMergeRecipients: function () {
requestCompareFile: function () {
requestSharingSettings: function () {
on: function(event, handler){
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ Common.Locale = new(function() {
"use strict";
var l10n = null;
var loadcallback,
apply = false;
apply = false,
currentLang = 'en';
var _applyLocalization = function(callback) {
try {
@ -78,6 +79,10 @@ Common.Locale = new(function() {
return res || (scope ? eval(scope.name).prototype[prop] : '');
var _getCurrentLanguage = function() {
return (currentLang || 'en');
var _getUrlParameterByName = function(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
@ -87,9 +92,11 @@ Common.Locale = new(function() {
var _requireLang = function () {
var lang = (_getUrlParameterByName('lang') || 'en').split(/[\-_]/)[0];
currentLang = lang;
fetch('locale/' + lang + '.json')
.then(function(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
currentLang = 'en';
if (lang != 'en')
/* load default lang if fetch failed */
return fetch('locale/en.json');
@ -121,7 +128,7 @@ Common.Locale = new(function() {
/* use fetch polifill if native method isn't supported */
var polyfills = ['../vendor/fetch/fetch.umd'];
if ( !window.Promise ) {
function () {
require(polyfills, _requireLang);
@ -130,7 +137,8 @@ Common.Locale = new(function() {
return {
apply: _applyLocalization,
get: _get
get: _get,
getCurrentLanguage: _getCurrentLanguage
@ -187,8 +187,9 @@ define([
'<img src="<%= iconImg %>">' +
'<% } else { %>' +
'<% if (/svgicon/.test(iconCls)) {' +
'print(\'<svg width="26" height="26" class=\"icon\"><use href=\"#\' + /svgicon\\s(\\S+)/.exec(iconCls)[1] + \'\"></use></svg>\');' +
'} else ' +
'print(\'<svg class=\"icon\"><use class=\"zoom-int\" xlink:href=\"#\' + /svgicon\\s(\\S+)/.exec(iconCls)[1] + \'\"></use>' +
'<use class=\"zoom-grit\" xlink:href=\"#\' + /svgicon\\s(\\S+)/.exec(iconCls)[1] + \'-150\"></use></svg>\');' +
'} else ' +
'print(\'<i class=\"icon \' + iconCls + \'\"> </i>\'); %>' +
'<% } %>';
@ -253,7 +254,8 @@ define([
// '<% if (iconCls != "") { print(\'<i class=\"icon \' + iconCls + \'\"> </i>\'); }} %>',
'<% if (iconCls != "") { ' +
' if (/svgicon/.test(iconCls)) {' +
'print(\'<svg class=\"icon\"><use xlink:href=\"#\' + /svgicon\\s(\\S+)/.exec(iconCls)[1] + \'\"></use></svg>\');' +
'print(\'<svg class=\"icon\"><use class=\"zoom-int\" xlink:href=\"#\' + /svgicon\\s(\\S+)/.exec(iconCls)[1] + \'\"></use>' +
'<use class=\"zoom-grit\" xlink:href=\"#\' + /svgicon\\s(\\S+)/.exec(iconCls)[1] + \'-150\"></use></svg>\');' +
'} else ' +
'print(\'<i class=\"icon \' + iconCls + \'\"> </i>\'); ' +
'}} %>',
@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ define([
me.trigger('render:before', me);
me.cmpEl = $(me.el);
me.cmpEl = me.$el || $(me.el);
if (parentEl) {
me.setElement(parentEl, false);
@ -386,6 +388,18 @@ define([
if (modalParents.length > 0) {
me.btnEl.data('bs.tooltip').tip().css('z-index', parseInt(modalParents.css('z-index')) + 10);
me.btnMenuEl && me.btnMenuEl.data('bs.tooltip').tip().css('z-index', parseInt(modalParents.css('z-index')) + 10);
var onModalClose = function(dlg) {
if (modalParents[0] !== dlg.$window[0]) return;
var tip = me.btnEl.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) {
if (tip.dontShow===undefined)
tip.dontShow = true;
Common.NotificationCenter.off({'modal:close': onModalClose});
Common.NotificationCenter.on({'modal:close': onModalClose});
@ -561,6 +575,13 @@ define([
this.trigger('toggle', this, state);
click: function(opts) {
if ( !this.disabled ) {
this.trigger('click', this, opts);
isActive: function() {
if (this.enableToggle)
return this.pressed;
@ -629,6 +650,24 @@ define([
btnIconEl.addClass(cls || '');
changeIcon: function(opts) {
var me = this;
if ( opts && (opts.curr || opts.next)) {
!!opts.curr && (me.$icon.removeClass(opts.curr));
!!opts.next && !me.$icon.hasClass(opts.next) && (me.$icon.addClass(opts.next));
if ( !!me.options.signals ) {
if ( !(me.options.signals.indexOf('icon:changed') < 0) ) {
me.trigger('icon:changed', me, opts);
hasIcon: function(iconcls) {
return this.$icon.hasClass(iconcls);
setVisible: function(visible) {
if (this.cmpEl) this.cmpEl.toggleClass('hidden', !visible);
this.visible = visible;
@ -698,7 +737,7 @@ define([
this.caption = caption;
if (this.rendered) {
var captionNode = this.cmpEl.find('button:first > .caption').addBack().filter('button > .caption');
var captionNode = this.cmpEl.find('.caption');
if (captionNode.length > 0) {
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
], function () {
'use strict';
Common.UI.Calendar = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
template :
'<div id="calendar" class="calendar-box">',
'<div class="calendar-header">',
'<div class="top-row">',
'<div id="prev-arrow"><button type="button"><i class="arrow-prev img-commonctrl"> </i></button></div>',
'<div class="title"></div>',
'<div id="next-arrow"><button type="button"><i class="arrow-next img-commonctrl"> </i></button></div>',
'<div class="bottom-row">',
'<div class="calendar-content"></div>',
options: {
date: undefined,
firstday: 0 // 0 - sunday, 1 - monday
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this;
this.monthNames = [this.textJanuary, this.textFebruary, this.textMarch, this.textApril, this.textMay, this.textJune, this.textJuly, this.textAugust, this.textSeptember, this.textOctober, this.textNovember, this.textDecember];
this.dayNamesShort = [this.textShortSunday, this.textShortMonday, this.textShortTuesday, this.textShortWednesday, this.textShortThursday, this.textShortFriday, this.textShortSaturday];
this.monthShortNames = [this.textShortJanuary, this.textShortFebruary, this.textShortMarch, this.textShortApril, this.textShortMay, this.textShortJune, this.textShortJuly, this.textShortAugust, this.textShortSeptember, this.textShortOctober, this.textShortNovember, this.textShortDecember];
me.options.date = options.date;
if (!_.isUndefined(options.firstday) && (options.firstday === 0 || options.firstday === 1)) {
me.options.firstday = options.firstday;
me.enableKeyEvents= me.options.enableKeyEvents;
me._state = undefined; // 0 - month, 1 - months, 2 - years
render: function () {
var me = this;
me.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
me.currentDate = me.options.date || new Date();
me.btnPrev = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: '',
iconCls: 'arrow-prev img-commonctrl'
me.btnPrev.on('click', _.bind(me.onClickPrev, me));
me.btnNext = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: '',
iconCls: 'arrow-next img-commonctrl'
me.btnNext.on('click', _.bind(me.onClickNext, me));
me.cmpEl.on('keydown', function(e) {
me.trigger('calendar:keydown', me, e);
this.trigger('render:after', this);
return this;
onClickPrev: function () {
var me = this;
if (me._state === 0) {
var d = new Date(me.currentDate);
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() - 1);
if (d.getFullYear() > 0) {
} else if (me._state === 1) {
var d = new Date(me.currentDate);
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() - 1);
if (d.getFullYear() > 0) {
} else if (me._state === 2) {
var year = me.currentDate.getFullYear(),
if (year % 10 !== 0) {
newYear = String(year);
newYear = Number(newYear.slice(0, -1) + '0') - 1;
} else {
newYear = year - 1;
if (newYear > 0) {
onClickNext: function () {
var me = this;
if (me._state === 0) {
var d = new Date(me.currentDate);
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 1);
if (d.getFullYear() > 0) {
} else if (me._state === 1) {
var d = new Date(me.currentDate);
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1);
if (d.getFullYear() > 0) {
} else if (me._state === 2) {
var year = me.currentDate.getFullYear(),
if (year % 10 !== 9) {
newYear = String(year);
newYear = Number(newYear.slice(0, -1) + '9') + 1;
} else {
newYear = year + 1;
if (newYear > 0) {
renderYears: function (year) {
var me = this,
year = _.isNumber(year) ? year : (me.currentDate ? me.currentDate.getFullYear() : new Date().getFullYear());
me._state = 2;
var firstYear = year,
lastYear = year;
if ((firstYear % 10) !== 0) {
var strYear = String(year);
firstYear = Number(strYear.slice(0, -1) + '0');
if ((lastYear % 10) !== 9) {
var strYear = String(year);
lastYear = Number(strYear.slice(0, -1) + '9');
me.topTitle = _.template([
'<label>' + firstYear + '-' + lastYear + '</label>'
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .title').html(me.topTitle);
me.bottomTitle = _.template([
'<label>' + me.textYears + '</label>'
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .bottom-row').html(me.bottomTitle);
var arrYears = [];
var tmpYear = firstYear - 3;
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
year: (tmpYear > 0) ? tmpYear : '',
isCurrentDecade: ((tmpYear >= firstYear) && (tmpYear <= lastYear)) ? true : false,
disabled: (tmpYear > 0) ? false : true,
selected: (_.isDate(me.selectedDate)) ?
(tmpYear === me.selectedDate.getFullYear()) :
(tmpYear === new Date().getFullYear())
if (!me.yearPicker) {
me.yearPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-content'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(arrYears),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div class="name-year <% if (!isCurrentDecade) { %> no-current-decade <% } %>" data-year="<%= year %>"><%= year %></div>')
me.yearPicker.on('item:click', function (picker, item, record, e) {
var year = record.get('year'),
date = new Date();
me.enableKeyEvents && this.yearPicker.on('item:keydown', function(view, record, e) {
if (e.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.ESC) {
} else
me.enableKeyEvents && _.delay(function() {
}, 10);
renderMonths: function (date) {
var me = this,
curDate = (_.isDate(date)) ? date : (me.currentDate ? me.currentDate : new Date()),
year = curDate.getFullYear();
me._state = 1;
me.currentDate = curDate;
// Number of year
me.topTitle = _.template([
'<div class="button"><label>' + year + '</label></div>'
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .title').html(me.topTitle);
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .title').off();
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .title').on('click', _.bind(me.renderYears, me));
me.bottomTitle = _.template([
'<label>' + me.textMonths + '</label>'
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .bottom-row').html(me.bottomTitle);
var arrMonths = [];
var today = new Date();
for (var ind = 0; ind < 12; ind++) {
indexMonth: ind,
nameMonth: me.monthShortNames[ind],
year: year,
curYear: true,
isCurrentMonth: (ind === curDate.getMonth()),
selected: (_.isDate(me.selectedDate)) ?
(ind === me.selectedDate.getMonth() && year === me.selectedDate.getFullYear()) :
(ind === today.getMonth() && year === today.getFullYear())
year = year + 1;
for (var ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) {
indexMonth: ind,
nameMonth: me.monthShortNames[ind],
year: year,
curYear: false,
selected: (_.isDate(me.selectedDate)) ?
(ind === me.selectedDate.getMonth() && year === me.selectedDate.getFullYear()) :
(ind === today.getMonth() && year === today.getFullYear())
if (!me.monthsPicker) {
me.monthsPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-content'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(arrMonths),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div class="name-month <% if (!curYear) { %> no-cur-year <% } %>" data-month="<%= indexMonth %>" data-year="<%= year %>"><%= nameMonth %></div>')
me.monthsPicker.on('item:click', function (picker, item, record, e) {
var month = record.get('indexMonth'),
year = record.get('year'),
date = new Date();
date.setFullYear(year, month);
me.enableKeyEvents && this.monthsPicker.on('item:keydown', function(view, record, e) {
if (e.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.ESC) {
} else
me.enableKeyEvents && _.delay(function() {
}, 10);
renderMonth: function (date) {
var me = this;
me._state = 0;
var firstDay = me.options.firstday;
// Current date
var curDate = date || new Date(),
curMonth = curDate.getMonth(),
curIndexDayInWeek = curDate.getDay(),
curNumberDayInMonth = curDate.getDate(),
curYear = curDate.getFullYear();
me.currentDate = curDate;
// Name month
me.topTitle = _.template([
'<div class="button">',
'<label>' + me.monthNames[curMonth] + ' ' + curYear + '</label>',
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .title').html(me.topTitle);
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .title').off();
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .title').on('click', _.bind(me.renderMonths, me));
// Name days of week
var dayNamesTemplate = '';
for (var i = firstDay; i < 7; i++) {
dayNamesTemplate += '<label>' + me.dayNamesShort[i] + '</label>';
if (firstDay > 0) {
dayNamesTemplate += '<label>' + me.dayNamesShort[0] + '</label>';
me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-header .bottom-row').html(_.template(dayNamesTemplate));
// Month
var rows = 6,
cols = 7;
var arrDays = [];
var d = new Date(curDate);
var firstDayOfMonthIndex = d.getDay();
var daysInPrevMonth = me.daysInMonth(d.getTime() - (10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)),
if (firstDay === 0) {
numberDay = (firstDayOfMonthIndex > 0) ? (daysInPrevMonth - (firstDayOfMonthIndex - 1)) : 1;
} else {
if (firstDayOfMonthIndex === 0) {
numberDay = daysInPrevMonth - 5;
} else {
numberDay = daysInPrevMonth - (firstDayOfMonthIndex - 2);
if ((firstDayOfMonthIndex > 0 && firstDay === 0) || firstDay === 1) {
if (curMonth - 1 >= 0) {
month = curMonth - 1;
year = curYear;
} else {
month = 11;
year = curYear - 1;
} else {
month = curMonth;
year = curYear;
var tmp = new Date();
tmp.setFullYear(year, month, numberDay);
var today = new Date();
for(var r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
for(var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
var tmpDay = tmp.getDay(),
tmpNumber = tmp.getDate(),
tmpMonth = tmp.getMonth(),
tmpYear = tmp.getFullYear();
indexInWeek: tmpDay,
dayNumber: tmpNumber,
month: tmpMonth,
year: tmpYear,
isCurrentMonth: tmpMonth === curMonth,
selected: (_.isDate(me.selectedDate)) ?
(tmpNumber === me.selectedDate.getDate() && tmpMonth === me.selectedDate.getMonth() && tmpYear === me.selectedDate.getFullYear()) :
(tmpNumber === today.getDate() && tmpMonth === today.getMonth() && tmpYear === today.getFullYear())
tmp.setDate(tmpNumber + 1);
if (!me.monthPicker) {
me.monthPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: me.cmpEl.find('.calendar-content'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(arrDays),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div class="number-day<% if (indexInWeek === 6 || indexInWeek === 0) { %> weekend<% } %><% if (!isCurrentMonth) { %> no-current-month<% } %>" data-number="<%= dayNumber %>" data-month="<%= month %>" data-year="<%= year %>"><%= dayNumber %></div>')
me.monthPicker.on('item:click', function(picker, item, record, e) {
var day = record.get('dayNumber'),
month = record.get('month'),
year = record.get('year');
if (_.isUndefined(me.selectedDate)) {
me.selectedDate = new Date();
me.selectedDate.setFullYear(year, month, day);
me.trigger('date:click', me, me.selectedDate);
me.enableKeyEvents && this.monthPicker.on('item:keydown', function(view, record, e) {
if (e.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.ESC) {
} else
me.enableKeyEvents && _.delay(function() {
}, 10);
daysInMonth: function (date) {
var d;
d = date ? new Date(date) : new Date();
var result = new Date();
result.setFullYear(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, 0);
return result.getDate();
setDate: function (date) {
if (_.isDate(date)) {
this.selectedDate = new Date(date);
textJanuary: 'January',
textFebruary: 'February',
textMarch: 'March',
textApril: 'April',
textMay: 'May',
textJune: 'June',
textJuly: 'July',
textAugust: 'August',
textSeptember: 'September',
textOctober: 'October',
textNovember: 'November',
textDecember: 'December',
textShortJanuary: 'Jan',
textShortFebruary: 'Feb',
textShortMarch: 'Mar',
textShortApril: 'Apr',
textShortMay: 'May',
textShortJune: 'Jun',
textShortJuly: 'Jul',
textShortAugust: 'Aug',
textShortSeptember: 'Sep',
textShortOctober: 'Oct',
textShortNovember: 'Nov',
textShortDecember: 'Dec',
textShortSunday: 'Su',
textShortMonday: 'Mo',
textShortTuesday: 'Tu',
textShortWednesday: 'We',
textShortThursday: 'Th',
textShortFriday: 'Fr',
textShortSaturday: 'Sa',
textMonths: 'Months',
textYears: 'Years'
}, Common.UI.Calendar || {}));
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ define([
checked : false,
value : 'unchecked',
template : _.template('<label class="checkbox-indeterminate"><input type="button" class="img-commonctrl"><span><%= labelText %></span></label>'),
template : _.template('<label class="checkbox-indeterminate"><input id="<%= id %>" type="checkbox" class="checkbox__native">' +
'<label for="<%= id %>" class="checkbox__shape" /><span><%= labelText %></span></label>'),
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
@ -104,27 +105,25 @@ define([
render: function (parentEl) {
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
if (!me.rendered) {
var elem = this.template({
labelText: this.options.labelText,
id: Common.UI.getId('chb-')
if (parentEl) {
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
labelText: this.options.labelText
el = $(this.el);
} else {
labelText: this.options.labelText
this.$chk = el.find('input[type=button]');
this.$label = el.find('label');
this.$chk.on('click', _.bind(this.onItemCheck, this));
this.$chk = me.$el.find('input[type=checkbox]');
this.$label = me.$el.find('label.checkbox-indeterminate');
this.$chk.on('click', this.onItemCheck.bind(this));
this.rendered = true;
this.rendered = true;
if (this.options.disabled)
@ -168,18 +167,18 @@ define([
this.checked = (value === true || value === 'true' || value === '1' || value === 1 || value === 'checked');
this.indeterminate = (value === 'indeterminate');
this.$chk.toggleClass('checked', this.checked);
this.$chk.toggleClass('indeterminate', this.indeterminate);
this.value = this.indeterminate ? 'indeterminate' : (this.checked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked');
this.$chk.prop({indeterminate: this.indeterminate, checked: this.checked});
setValue: function(value, suspendchange) {
if (this.rendered) {
this.lastValue = this.value;
if (suspendchange !== true && this.lastValue !== value)
this.trigger('change', this, this.value, this.lastValue);
if ( value != this.value ) {
this.lastValue = this.value;
if (suspendchange !== true)
this.trigger('change', this, this.value, this.lastValue);
} else {
this.options.value = value;
@ -91,16 +91,14 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
if (!me.rendered) {
var el = this.cmpEl;
el.on('click', 'span.color-item', _.bind(this.itemClick, this));
me.cmpEl.on('click', 'span.color-item', me.itemClick.bind(me));
me.rendered = true;
@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
this.cmpEl.on('click', _.bind(this.handleClick, this));
this.cmpEl.on('click', me.handleClick.bind(me));
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
me.rendered = true;
@ -268,4 +268,108 @@ define([
formcontrol.css('background-position', '0 -' + record.get('offsety') + 'px');
}, Common.UI.ComboBorderType || {}));
Common.UI.ComboBoxColor = Common.UI.ComboBox.extend(_.extend({
template: _.template([
'<div class="input-group combobox input-group-nr <%= cls %>" id="<%= id %>" style="<%= style %>">',
'<div class="form-control" style="padding:2px 14px 2px 3px; <%= style %> display: block;">',
'<div style="display: inline-block;overflow: hidden;width: 100%;height: 100%;"></div>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="caret img-commonctrl"></span></button>',
'<ul class="dropdown-menu <%= menuCls %>" style="<%= menuStyle %>" role="menu">',
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<% if (item.value==-1) { %>',
'<li id="<%= item.id %>" data-value="<%= item.value %>"><a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem"><%= scope.getDisplayValue(item) %></a></li>',
'<% } else { %>',
'<li id="<%= item.id %>" data-value="<%= item.value %>">',
'<a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" style="padding: 5px;"><div style="height: 15px;background-color: #<%= item.value %>"></div></a>',
'<% } %>',
'<% }); %>',
itemClicked: function (e) {
var el = $(e.currentTarget).parent();
this._selectedItem = this.store.findWhere({
id: el.attr('id')
if (this._selectedItem) {
$('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected');
this.trigger('selected', this, _.extend({}, this._selectedItem.toJSON()), e);
updateFormControl: function(record) {
var formcontrol = $(this.el).find('.form-control > div');
if (record.get('value')!=-1) {
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = '';
formcontrol.css({'background': '#' + record.get('value'), 'margin-top': '0'});
} else {
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = record.get('displayValue');
formcontrol.css({'background': '', 'margin-top': '1px'});
setValue: function(value) {
var obj;
this._selectedItem = this.store.findWhere((obj={}, obj[this.valueField]=value, obj));
$('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected');
if (this._selectedItem) {
$('#' + this._selectedItem.get('id'), $(this.el)).addClass('selected');
} else {
var formcontrol = $(this.el).find('.form-control > div');
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = '';
formcontrol.css('background', '');
onResetItems: function() {
if (this.itemsTemplate) {
$(this.el).find('ul').html( $(this.itemsTemplate({
items: this.store.toJSON(),
scope: this
} else {
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<% if (item.value==-1) { %>',
'<li id="<%= item.id %>" data-value="<%= item.value %>"><a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem"><%= scope.getDisplayValue(item) %></a></li>',
'<% } else { %>',
'<li id="<%= item.id %>" data-value="<%= item.value %>">',
'<a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" style="padding: 5px;"><div style="height: 15px;background-color: #<%= item.value %>"></div></a>',
'<% } %>',
'<% }); %>'
items: this.store.toJSON(),
scope: this
if (!_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
delete this.scroller;
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength : 40,
includePadding : true,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
}, this.options.scroller));
}, Common.UI.ComboBoxColor || {}));
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
this.id = me.options.id || Common.UI.getId();
this.cls = me.options.cls;
@ -158,10 +157,10 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
if (!me.rendered) {
@ -194,6 +193,18 @@ define([
var modalParents = el.closest('.asc-window');
if (modalParents.length > 0) {
el.data('bs.tooltip').tip().css('z-index', parseInt(modalParents.css('z-index')) + 10);
var onModalClose = function(dlg) {
if (modalParents[0] !== dlg.$window[0]) return;
var tip = el.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) {
if (tip.dontShow===undefined)
tip.dontShow = true;
Common.NotificationCenter.off({'modal:close': onModalClose});
Common.NotificationCenter.on({'modal:close': onModalClose});
el.find('.dropdown-menu').on('mouseenter', function(){ // hide tooltip when mouse is over menu
@ -206,6 +217,11 @@ define([
var $list = el.find('.dropdown-menu');
if ($list.hasClass('menu-absolute')) {
$list.css('min-width', el.outerWidth());
el.on('show.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onBeforeShowMenu, me));
el.on('shown.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onAfterShowMenu, me));
el.on('hide.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onBeforeHideMenu, me));
@ -241,7 +257,6 @@ define([
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength: 40,
scrollYMarginOffset: 30,
includePadding: true,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -266,7 +281,6 @@ define([
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength: 40,
scrollYMarginOffset: 30,
includePadding: true,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -283,6 +297,12 @@ define([
var $list = this.cmpEl.find('ul');
if ($list.hasClass('menu-absolute')) {
var offset = this.cmpEl.offset();
$list.css({left: offset.left, top: offset.top + this.cmpEl.outerHeight() + 2});
onAfterShowMenu: function(e) {
@ -291,11 +311,13 @@ define([
if ($selected.length) {
var itemTop = $selected.position().top,
itemHeight = $selected.height(),
listHeight = $list.height();
itemHeight = $selected.outerHeight(),
listHeight = $list.outerHeight();
if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) {
$list.scrollTop($list.scrollTop() + itemTop + itemHeight - (listHeight/2));
var height = $list.scrollTop() + itemTop + (itemHeight - listHeight)/2;
height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight);
setTimeout(function(){$selected.find('a').focus();}, 1);
@ -333,10 +355,13 @@ define([
return false;
else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC && this.isMenuOpen()) {
return false;
} else if (this.search && e.keyCode > 64 && e.keyCode < 91 && e.key){
if (typeof this._search !== 'object') return;
var me = this;
this._search.timer = setTimeout(function () { me._search = {}; }, 1000);
@ -380,10 +405,12 @@ define([
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
var $list = $(this.el).find('ul');
var itemTop = item.position().top,
itemHeight = item.height(),
listHeight = $list.height();
itemHeight = item.outerHeight(),
listHeight = $list.outerHeight();
if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) {
$list.scrollTop($list.scrollTop() + itemTop + itemHeight - (listHeight/2));
var height = $list.scrollTop() + itemTop;
height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight);
@ -394,6 +421,7 @@ define([
var me = this;
if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC){
} else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.UP || e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.DOWN) {
@ -631,7 +659,6 @@ define([
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength : 40,
scrollYMarginOffset: 30,
includePadding : true,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -639,4 +666,24 @@ define([
Common.UI.ComboBoxCustom = Common.UI.ComboBox.extend(_.extend({
itemClicked: function (e) {
Common.UI.ComboBox.prototype.itemClicked.call(this, e);
if (this.options.updateFormControl)
this.options.updateFormControl.call(this, this._selectedItem);
setValue: function(value) {
Common.UI.ComboBox.prototype.setValue.call(this, value);
if (this.options.updateFormControl)
this.options.updateFormControl.call(this, this._selectedItem);
selectRecord: function(record) {
Common.UI.ComboBox.prototype.selectRecord.call(this, record);
if (this.options.updateFormControl)
this.options.updateFormControl.call(this, this._selectedItem);
}, Common.UI.ComboBoxCustom || {}));
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ define([
addItemToRecent: function(record, silent) {
if (this.recent<1) return;
if (!record || this.recent<1) return;
var font = this.store.findWhere({name: record.get('name'),type:FONT_TYPE_RECENT});
font && this.store.remove(font);
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ define([
me.trigger('render:before', me);
me.cmpEl = $(me.el);
me.cmpEl = me.$el || $(me.el);
var templateEl = me.template({
id : me.id,
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ define([
if (_.isUndefined(this.model.id))
return this;
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ define([
this.trigger('render:before', this);
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
if (parentEl) {
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
this.cmpEl = $(this.template({
@ -272,6 +271,7 @@ define([
} else {
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
groups: me.groups ? me.groups.toJSON() : null,
style: me.style
@ -766,6 +766,435 @@ define([
Common.UI.DataViewSimple = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
options : {
handleSelect: true,
enableKeyEvents: true,
keyMoveDirection: 'both', // 'vertical', 'horizontal'
restoreHeight: 0,
scrollAlwaysVisible: false,
useBSKeydown: false
template: _.template([
'<div class="dataview inner" style="<%= style %>">',
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<% if (!item.id) item.id = Common.UI.getId(); %>',
'<div class="item" <% if(!!item.tip) { %> data-toggle="tooltip" <% } %> ><%= itemTemplate(item) %></div>',
'<% }) %>',
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this;
me.template = me.options.template || me.template;
me.store = me.options.store || new Common.UI.DataViewStore();
me.itemTemplate = me.options.itemTemplate || null;
me.handleSelect = me.options.handleSelect;
me.parentMenu = me.options.parentMenu;
me.enableKeyEvents= me.options.enableKeyEvents;
me.useBSKeydown = me.options.useBSKeydown; // only with enableKeyEvents && parentMenu
me.style = me.options.style || '';
me.scrollAlwaysVisible = me.options.scrollAlwaysVisible || false;
if (me.parentMenu)
me.parentMenu.options.restoreHeight = (me.options.restoreHeight>0);
me.rendered = false;
if (me.options.keyMoveDirection=='vertical')
me.moveKeys = [Common.UI.Keys.UP, Common.UI.Keys.DOWN];
else if (me.options.keyMoveDirection=='horizontal')
me.moveKeys = [Common.UI.Keys.LEFT, Common.UI.Keys.RIGHT];
me.moveKeys = [Common.UI.Keys.UP, Common.UI.Keys.DOWN, Common.UI.Keys.LEFT, Common.UI.Keys.RIGHT];
if (me.options.el)
render: function (parentEl) {
var me = this;
this.trigger('render:before', this);
if (parentEl) {
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
this.cmpEl = $(this.template({
items: me.store.toJSON(),
itemTemplate: me.itemTemplate,
style: me.style
} else {
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
items: me.store.toJSON(),
itemTemplate: me.itemTemplate,
style: me.style
var modalParents = this.cmpEl.closest('.asc-window');
if (modalParents.length < 1)
modalParents = this.cmpEl.closest('[id^="menu-container-"]'); // context menu
if (modalParents.length > 0) {
this.tipZIndex = parseInt(modalParents.css('z-index')) + 10;
if (!this.rendered) {
if (this.parentMenu) {
this.cmpEl.closest('li').css('height', '100%');
this.cmpEl.css('height', '100%');
this.parentMenu.on('show:after', _.bind(this.alignPosition, this));
this.parentMenu.on('show:after', _.bind(this.onAfterShowMenu, this));
} else if (this.store.length>0)
if (this.enableKeyEvents && this.parentMenu && this.handleSelect) {
this.parentMenu.on('show:before', function(menu) { me.deselectAll(); });
this.parentMenu.on('show:after', function(menu) {
_.delay(function() {
}, 10);
}).on('hide:after', function() {
this.cmpEl.on( "click", "div.item", _.bind(me.onClickItem, me));
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner'),
useKeyboard: this.enableKeyEvents && !this.handleSelect,
minScrollbarLength : 40,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
this.rendered = true;
this.cmpEl.on('click', function(e){
if (/dataview/.test(e.target.className)) return false;
this.trigger('render:after', this);
return this;
selectRecord: function(record, suspendEvents) {
if (!this.handleSelect)
if (suspendEvents)
if (record) {
record.set({selected: true});
var idx = _.indexOf(this.store.models, record);
if (idx>=0 && this.dataViewItems && this.dataViewItems.length>idx) {
if (suspendEvents)
return record;
selectByIndex: function(index, suspendEvents) {
if (this.store.length > 0 && index > -1 && index < this.store.length) {
return this.selectRecord(this.store.at(index), suspendEvents);
deselectAll: function(suspendEvents) {
if (suspendEvents)
_.each(this.store.where({selected: true}), function(record){
record.set({selected: false});
if (suspendEvents)
getSelectedRec: function() {
return this.store.findWhere({selected: true});
onResetItems: function() {
this.dataViewItems && _.each(this.dataViewItems, function(item) {
var tip = item.el.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) {
if (tip.dontShow===undefined)
tip.dontShow = true;
}, this);
this.dataViewItems = null;
var template = _.template([
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<% if (!item.id) item.id = Common.UI.getId(); %>',
'<div class="item" <% if(!!item.tip) { %> data-toggle="tooltip" <% } %> ><%= itemTemplate(item) %></div>',
'<% }) %>'
this.cmpEl && this.cmpEl.find('.inner').html(template({
items: this.store.toJSON(),
itemTemplate: this.itemTemplate,
style : this.style
if (!_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
delete this.scroller;
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner'),
useKeyboard: this.enableKeyEvents && !this.handleSelect,
minScrollbarLength : 40,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
if (!this.parentMenu && this.store.length>0)
this._layoutParams = undefined;
setStore: function(store) {
if (store) {
this.store = store;
onClickItem: function(e) {
if ( this.disabled ) return;
window._event = e; // for FireFox only
var index = $(e.currentTarget).closest('div.item').index(),
record = (index>=0) ? this.store.at(index) : null,
view = (index>=0) ? this.dataViewItems[index] : null;
if (!record || !view) return;
record.set({selected: true});
var tip = view.el.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) (tip.tip()).remove();
if (!this.isSuspendEvents) {
this.trigger('item:click', this, view.el, record, e);
onAfterShowMenu: function(e) {
if (!this.dataViewItems) {
var me = this;
this.dataViewItems = [];
_.each(this.cmpEl.find('div.item'), function(item, index) {
var $item = $(item),
rec = me.store.at(index);
me.dataViewItems.push({el: $item});
if (rec.get('tip')) {
title : rec.get('tip'),
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : me.tipZIndex
scrollToRecord: function (record) {
if (!record) return;
var innerEl = $(this.el).find('.inner'),
inner_top = innerEl.offset().top,
idx = _.indexOf(this.store.models, record),
div = (idx>=0 && this.dataViewItems.length>idx) ? this.dataViewItems[idx].el : innerEl.find('#' + record.get('id'));
if (div.length<=0) return;
var div_top = div.offset().top,
div_first = this.dataViewItems[0].el,
div_first_top = (div_first.length>0) ? div_first[0].offsetTop : 0;
if (div_top < inner_top + div_first_top || div_top+div.outerHeight() > inner_top + innerEl.height()) {
if (this.scroller) {
this.scroller.scrollTop(innerEl.scrollTop() + div_top - inner_top - div_first_top, 0);
} else {
innerEl.scrollTop(innerEl.scrollTop() + div_top - inner_top - div_first_top);
onKeyDown: function (e, data) {
if ( this.disabled ) return;
if (data===undefined) data = e;
if (_.indexOf(this.moveKeys, data.keyCode)>-1 || data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) {
var rec = this.getSelectedRec();
if (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) {
if (this.selectedBeforeHideRec) // only for ComboDataView menuPicker
rec = this.selectedBeforeHideRec;
this.trigger('item:click', this, this, rec, e);
if (this.parentMenu)
} else {
var idx = _.indexOf(this.store.models, rec);
if (idx<0) {
if (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.LEFT) {
var target = $(e.target).closest('.dropdown-submenu.over');
if (target.length>0) {
target.find('> a').focus();
} else
idx = 0;
} else
idx = 0;
} else if (this.options.keyMoveDirection == 'both') {
if (this._layoutParams === undefined)
var topIdx = this.dataViewItems[idx].topIdx,
leftIdx = this.dataViewItems[idx].leftIdx;
idx = undefined;
if (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.LEFT) {
while (idx===undefined) {
if (leftIdx<0) {
var target = $(e.target).closest('.dropdown-submenu.over');
if (target.length>0) {
target.find('> a').focus();
} else
leftIdx = this._layoutParams.columns-1;
idx = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[topIdx][leftIdx];
} else if (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.RIGHT) {
while (idx===undefined) {
if (leftIdx>this._layoutParams.columns-1) leftIdx = 0;
idx = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[topIdx][leftIdx];
} else if (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.UP) {
while (idx===undefined) {
if (topIdx<0) topIdx = this._layoutParams.rows-1;
idx = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[topIdx][leftIdx];
} else {
while (idx===undefined) {
if (topIdx>this._layoutParams.rows-1) topIdx = 0;
idx = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[topIdx][leftIdx];
} else {
idx = (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.UP || data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.LEFT)
? Math.max(0, idx-1)
: Math.min(this.store.length - 1, idx + 1) ;
if (idx !== undefined && idx>=0) rec = this.store.at(idx);
if (rec) {
this._fromKeyDown = true;
this._fromKeyDown = false;
} else {
this.trigger('item:keydown', this, rec, e);
attachKeyEvents: function() {
if (this.enableKeyEvents && this.handleSelect) {
var el = $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner');
el.attr('tabindex', '0');
el.on((this.parentMenu && this.useBSKeydown) ? 'dataview:keydown' : 'keydown', _.bind(this.onKeyDown, this));
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
this.disabled = disabled;
$(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner').toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
isDisabled: function() {
return this.disabled;
alignPosition: function() {
var menuRoot = (this.parentMenu.cmpEl.attr('role') === 'menu')
? this.parentMenu.cmpEl
: this.parentMenu.cmpEl.find('[role=menu]'),
docH = Common.Utils.innerHeight()-10,
innerEl = $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner'),
parent = innerEl.parent(),
margins = parseInt(parent.css('margin-top')) + parseInt(parent.css('margin-bottom')) + parseInt(menuRoot.css('margin-top')),
paddings = parseInt(menuRoot.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(menuRoot.css('padding-bottom')),
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight(),
top = parseInt(menuRoot.css('top')),
props = {minScrollbarLength : 40};
this.scrollAlwaysVisible && (props.alwaysVisibleY = this.scrollAlwaysVisible);
if (top + menuH > docH ) {
innerEl.css('max-height', (docH - top - paddings - margins) + 'px');
} else if ( top + menuH < docH && innerEl.height() < this.options.restoreHeight ) {
innerEl.css('max-height', (Math.min(docH - top - paddings - margins, this.options.restoreHeight)) + 'px');
fillIndexesArray: function() {
if (this.dataViewItems.length<=0) return;
this._layoutParams = {
itemsIndexes: [],
columns: 0,
rows: 0
var el = this.dataViewItems[0].el,
itemW = el.outerWidth() + parseInt(el.css('margin-left')) + parseInt(el.css('margin-right')),
offsetLeft = this.$el.offset().left,
offsetTop = el.offset().top,
prevtop = -1, topIdx = 0, leftIdx = 0;
for (var i=0; i<this.dataViewItems.length; i++) {
var item = this.dataViewItems[i];
var top = item.el.offset().top - offsetTop;
leftIdx = Math.floor((item.el.offset().left - offsetLeft)/itemW);
if (top>prevtop) {
prevtop = top;
topIdx = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes.length-1;
this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[topIdx][leftIdx] = i;
item.topIdx = topIdx;
item.leftIdx = leftIdx;
if (this._layoutParams.columns<leftIdx) this._layoutParams.columns = leftIdx;
this._layoutParams.rows = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes.length;
onResize: function() {
this._layoutParams = undefined;
$(document).on('keydown.dataview', '[data-toggle=dropdown], [role=menu]', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.UP && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.DOWN && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.LEFT && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.RIGHT && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) return;
@ -47,31 +47,6 @@ define([
'use strict';
Common.UI.DimensionPicker = Common.UI.BaseView.extend((function(){
var me,
curColumns = 0,
curRows = 0;
var onMouseMove = function(event){
Math.ceil((event.offsetX === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerX : event.offsetX*Common.Utils.zoom()) / me.itemSize),
Math.ceil((event.offsetY === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerY : event.offsetY*Common.Utils.zoom()) / me.itemSize),
var onMouseLeave = function(event){
me.setTableSize(0, 0, event);
var onHighLightedMouseClick = function(e){
me.trigger('select', me, curColumns, curRows, e);
return {
options: {
itemSize : 18,
@ -95,9 +70,13 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
me = this;
var me = this;
rootEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
var rootEl = this.cmpEl;
me.itemSize = me.options.itemSize;
me.minRows = me.options.minRows;
@ -105,35 +84,52 @@ define([
me.maxRows = me.options.maxRows;
me.maxColumns = me.options.maxColumns;
me.curColumns = 0;
me.curRows = 0;
var onMouseMove = function(event){
Math.ceil((event.offsetX === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerX : event.offsetX*Common.Utils.zoom()) / me.itemSize),
Math.ceil((event.offsetY === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerY : event.offsetY*Common.Utils.zoom()) / me.itemSize),
var onMouseLeave = function(event){
me.setTableSize(0, 0, event);
var onHighLightedMouseClick = function(e){
me.trigger('select', me, me.curColumns, me.curRows, e);
if (rootEl){
areaMouseCatcher = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-mousecatcher');
areaUnHighLighted = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-unhighlighted');
areaHighLighted = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-highlighted');
areaStatus = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-status');
var areaMouseCatcher = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-mousecatcher');
me.areaUnHighLighted = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-unhighlighted');
me.areaHighLighted = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-highlighted');
me.areaStatus = rootEl.find('.dimension-picker-status');
rootEl.css({width: me.minColumns + 'em'});
areaMouseCatcher.css('z-index', 1);
areaMouseCatcher.width(me.maxColumns + 'em').height(me.maxRows + 'em');
areaUnHighLighted.width(me.minColumns + 'em').height(me.minRows + 'em');
areaStatus.html(curColumns + ' x ' + curRows);
me.areaUnHighLighted.width(me.minColumns + 'em').height(me.minRows + 'em');
me.areaStatus.html(me.curColumns + ' x ' + me.curRows);
areaMouseCatcher.on('mousemove', onMouseMove);
areaHighLighted.on('mousemove', onMouseMove);
areaUnHighLighted.on('mousemove', onMouseMove);
areaMouseCatcher.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
areaHighLighted.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
areaUnHighLighted.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
areaMouseCatcher.on('click', onHighLightedMouseClick);
areaHighLighted.on('click', onHighLightedMouseClick);
areaUnHighLighted.on('click', onHighLightedMouseClick);
areaMouseCatcher.on('mousemove', onMouseMove);
me.areaHighLighted.on('mousemove', onMouseMove);
me.areaUnHighLighted.on('mousemove', onMouseMove);
areaMouseCatcher.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
me.areaHighLighted.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
me.areaUnHighLighted.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave);
areaMouseCatcher.on('click', onHighLightedMouseClick);
me.areaHighLighted.on('click', onHighLightedMouseClick);
me.areaUnHighLighted.on('click', onHighLightedMouseClick);
render: function() {
(this.$el || $(this.el)).html(this.template());
return this;
@ -142,38 +138,38 @@ define([
if (columns > this.maxColumns) columns = this.maxColumns;
if (rows > this.maxRows) rows = this.maxRows;
if (curColumns != columns || curRows != rows){
curColumns = columns;
curRows = rows;
if (this.curColumns != columns || this.curRows != rows){
this.curColumns = columns;
this.curRows = rows;
areaHighLighted.width(curColumns + 'em').height(curRows + 'em');
((curColumns < me.minColumns)
? me.minColumns
: ((curColumns + 1 > me.maxColumns)
? me.maxColumns
: curColumns + 1)) + 'em'
).height(((curRows < me.minRows)
? me.minRows
: ((curRows + 1 > me.maxRows)
? me.maxRows
: curRows + 1)) + 'em'
this.areaHighLighted.width(this.curColumns + 'em').height(this.curRows + 'em');
((this.curColumns < this.minColumns)
? this.minColumns
: ((this.curColumns + 1 > this.maxColumns)
? this.maxColumns
: this.curColumns + 1)) + 'em'
).height(((this.curRows < this.minRows)
? this.minRows
: ((this.curRows + 1 > this.maxRows)
? this.maxRows
: this.curRows + 1)) + 'em'
areaStatus.html(curColumns + ' x ' + curRows);
this.areaStatus.html(this.curColumns + ' x ' + this.curRows);
me.trigger('change', me, curColumns, curRows, event);
this.trigger('change', this, this.curColumns, this.curRows, event);
getColumnsCount: function() {
return curColumns;
return this.curColumns;
getRowsCount: function() {
return curRows;
return this.curRows;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ define([
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el),
el = me.$el || $(this.el),
arrowSatBrightness, arrowHue,
areaSatBrightness, areaHue,
previewColor, previewTransparentColor, previewColorText,
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ define([
render: function () {
(this.$el || $(this.el)).html(this.template());
this.trigger('render:after', this);
return this;
@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
this.id = me.options.id || Common.UI.getId();
this.cls = me.options.cls;
@ -142,10 +141,10 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = this.$el;
if (!me.rendered) {
@ -67,11 +67,15 @@ define([
this.trigger('items:reset', this);
onAddItem: function(record, store, opts) {
var view = new Common.UI.DataViewItem({
createNewItem: function(record) {
return new Common.UI.DataViewItem({
template: this.itemTemplate,
model: record
onAddItem: function(record, store, opts) {
var view = this.createNewItem(record);
if (!this.innerEl)
this.innerEl = $(this.el).find('.inner');
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ define([
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
el = me.$el || $(this.el);
el.addClass('masked-field user-select');
el.attr('maxlength', me.options.maxLength);
@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ define([
setValue: function(value) {
if (this.options.maskExp.test(value) && value.length<=this.options.maxLength)
getValue: function() {
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ define([
this.trigger('render:before', this);
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
if (parentEl) {
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ define([
this.cmpEl = this.template({
options : me.options
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ define([
if (this.options.maxHeight) {
menuRoot.css({'max-height': me.options.maxHeight});
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.dropdown-menu '),
el: me.$el.find('.dropdown-menu '),
minScrollbarLength: 30,
suppressScrollX: true,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -380,15 +380,23 @@ define([
onAfterShowMenu: function(e) {
this.trigger('show:after', this, e);
if (this.scroller) {
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
var menuRoot = this.menuRoot,
$selected = menuRoot.find('> li .checked');
var menuRoot = this.menuRoot;
if (this.wheelSpeed===undefined) {
var item = menuRoot.find('> li:first'),
itemHeight = (item.length) ? item.outerHeight() : 1;
this.wheelSpeed = Math.min((Math.floor(menuRoot.height()/itemHeight) * itemHeight)/10, 20);
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible, wheelSpeed: this.wheelSpeed});
var $selected = menuRoot.find('> li .checked');
if ($selected.length) {
var itemTop = $selected.position().top,
itemHeight = $selected.height(),
listHeight = menuRoot.height();
itemHeight = $selected.outerHeight(),
listHeight = menuRoot.outerHeight();
if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) {
menuRoot.scrollTop(menuRoot.scrollTop() + itemTop + itemHeight - (listHeight/2));
var height = menuRoot.scrollTop() + itemTop + (itemHeight - listHeight)/2;
height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight);
setTimeout(function(){$selected.focus();}, 1);
@ -469,12 +477,14 @@ define([
this._search.index = idxCandidate;
var item = itemCandidate.cmpEl.find('a');
if (this.scroller) {
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible, wheelSpeed: this.wheelSpeed});
var itemTop = item.position().top,
itemHeight = item.height(),
listHeight = this.menuRoot.height();
itemHeight = item.outerHeight(),
listHeight = this.menuRoot.outerHeight();
if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) {
this.menuRoot.scrollTop(this.menuRoot.scrollTop() + itemTop + itemHeight - (listHeight/2));
var height = this.menuRoot.scrollTop() + itemTop;
height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight);
@ -513,7 +523,7 @@ define([
menuParent = this.menuAlignEl || menuRoot.parent(),
m = this.menuAlign.match(/^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)/),
offset = menuParent.offset(),
docW = Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
docW = Common.Utils.innerWidth() - 10,
docH = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - 10, // Yep, it's magic number
menuW = menuRoot.outerWidth(),
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight(),
@ -541,19 +551,23 @@ define([
} else {
left = docW - menuW;
if (left < 0)
left = 0;
if (this.options.restoreHeight) {
if (typeof (this.options.restoreHeight) == "number") {
if (top + menuH > docH) {
menuRoot.css('max-height', (docH - top) + 'px');
(!this.scroller) && (this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.dropdown-menu '),
el: this.$el.find('.dropdown-menu '),
minScrollbarLength: 30,
suppressScrollX: true,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
this.wheelSpeed = undefined;
} else if ( top + menuH < docH && menuRoot.height() < this.options.restoreHeight) {
menuRoot.css('max-height', (Math.min(docH - top, this.options.restoreHeight)) + 'px');
this.wheelSpeed = undefined;
} else {
@ -568,7 +582,6 @@ define([
if (top < 0)
top = 0;
if (this.options.additionalAlign)
this.options.additionalAlign.call(this, menuRoot, left, top);
@ -588,4 +601,451 @@ define([
Common.UI.MenuSimple = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
options : {
cls : '',
style : '',
itemTemplate: null,
items : [],
menuAlign : 'tl-bl',
menuAlignEl : null,
offset : [0, 0],
cyclic : true,
search : false,
scrollAlwaysVisible: true
template: _.template([
'<ul class="dropdown-menu <%= options.cls %>" oo_editor_input="true" style="<%= options.style %>" role="menu">',
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<% if (!item.id) item.id = Common.UI.getId(); %>',
'<% item.checked = item.checked || false; %>',
'<li><%= itemTemplate(item) %></li>',
'<% }) %>',
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this;
this.id = this.options.id || Common.UI.getId();
this.itemTemplate = this.options.itemTemplate || _.template([
'<a id="<%= id %>" <% if(typeof style !== "undefined") { %> style="<%= style %>" <% } %>',
'<% if(typeof canFocused !== "undefined") { %> tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" <% } %>',
'<% if(typeof stopPropagation !== "undefined") { %> data-stopPropagation="true" <% } %>',
'class="<% if (checked) { %> checked <% } %>" >',
'<% if (typeof iconCls !== "undefined") { %>',
'<span class="menu-item-icon <%= iconCls %>"></span>',
'<% } %>',
'<%= caption %>',
this.rendered = false;
this.items = this.options.items || [];
this.offset = [0, 0];
this.menuAlign = this.options.menuAlign;
this.menuAlignEl = this.options.menuAlignEl;
this.scrollAlwaysVisible = this.options.scrollAlwaysVisible;
this.search = this.options.search;
if (this.options.restoreHeight) {
this.options.restoreHeight = (typeof (this.options.restoreHeight) == "number") ? this.options.restoreHeight : (this.options.maxHeight ? this.options.maxHeight : 100000);
!this.options.maxHeight && (this.options.maxHeight = this.options.restoreHeight);
if (!this.options.cyclic) this.options.cls += ' no-cyclic';
if (this.options.el)
remove: function() {
render: function(parentEl) {
var me = this;
this.trigger('render:before', this);
this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
parentEl && this.setElement(parentEl, false);
if (!me.rendered) {
this.cmpEl = $(this.template({
items: me.items,
itemTemplate: me.itemTemplate,
options : me.options
parentEl ? parentEl.append(this.cmpEl) : this.$el.append(this.cmpEl);
var rootEl = this.cmpEl.parent(),
menuRoot = (rootEl.attr('role') === 'menu') ? rootEl : rootEl.find('[role=menu]');
this.menuRoot = menuRoot;
if (menuRoot) {
if (!me.rendered) {
menuRoot.on( "click", "li", _.bind(me.onItemClick, me));
menuRoot.on( "mousedown", "li", _.bind(me.onItemMouseDown, me));
if (this.options.maxHeight) {
menuRoot.css({'max-height': me.options.maxHeight});
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: me.$el.find('.dropdown-menu '),
minScrollbarLength: 30,
suppressScrollX: true,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
position : 'fixed',
right : 'auto',
left : -1000,
top : -1000
this.parentEl = menuRoot.parent();
this.parentEl.on('show.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onBeforeShowMenu, me));
this.parentEl.on('shown.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onAfterShowMenu, me));
this.parentEl.on('hide.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onBeforeHideMenu, me));
this.parentEl.on('hidden.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onAfterHideMenu, me));
this.parentEl.on('keydown.after.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onAfterKeydownMenu, me));
function(e) { me.isOver = true;},
function(e) { me.isOver = false; }
this.rendered = true;
this.trigger('render:after', this);
return this;
resetItems: function(items) {
this.items = items || [];
this.$items = null;
var template = _.template([
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<% if (!item.id) item.id = Common.UI.getId(); %>',
'<% item.checked = item.checked || false; %>',
'<li><%= itemTemplate(item) %></li>',
'<% }) %>'
this.cmpEl && this.cmpEl.html(template({
items: this.items,
itemTemplate: this.itemTemplate,
options : this.options
isVisible: function() {
return this.rendered && (this.cmpEl.is(':visible'));
show: function() {
if (this.rendered && this.parentEl && !this.parentEl.hasClass('open')) {
hide: function() {
if (this.rendered && this.parentEl) {
if ( this.parentEl.hasClass('open') )
else if (this.parentEl.hasClass('over'))
onItemClick: function(e) {
if (e.which != 1 && e.which !== undefined)
return false;
var index = $(e.currentTarget).closest('li').index(),
item = (index>=0) ? this.items[index] : null;
if (!item) return;
if (item.disabled)
return false;
if (item.checkable && !item.checked)
this.setChecked(index, !item.checked);
this.isOver = false;
if (item.stopPropagation) {
var me = this;
}, 10);
this.trigger('item:click', this, item, e);
onItemMouseDown: function(e) {
if (e.which != 1) {
return false;
setChecked: function(index, check, suppressEvent) {
this.toggle(index, check, suppressEvent);
toggle: function(index, toggle, suppressEvent) {
var state = !!toggle;
var item = this.items[index];
if (item && item.checkable) {
item.checked = state;
if (this.rendered) {
var itemEl = item.el || this.cmpEl.find('#'+item.id);
if (itemEl) {
itemEl.toggleClass('checked', item.checked);
if (!_.isEmpty(item.iconCls)) {
itemEl.css('background-image', 'none');
if (!suppressEvent)
this.trigger('item:toggle', this, item, state);
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
this.disabled = !!disabled;
if (this.rendered)
this.cmpEl.toggleClass('disabled', this.disabled);
isDisabled: function() {
return this.disabled;
onBeforeShowMenu: function(e) {
this.trigger('show:before', this, e);
onAfterShowMenu: function(e) {
this.trigger('show:after', this, e);
if (this.scroller) {
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
var menuRoot = this.menuRoot,
$selected = menuRoot.find('> li .checked');
if ($selected.length) {
var itemTop = $selected.position().top,
itemHeight = $selected.outerHeight(),
listHeight = menuRoot.outerHeight();
if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) {
var height = menuRoot.scrollTop() + itemTop + (itemHeight - listHeight)/2;
height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight);
setTimeout(function(){$selected.focus();}, 1);
this._search = {};
if (this.search && !this.$items) {
var me = this;
this.$items = this.menuRoot.find('> li').find('> a');
_.each(this.$items, function(item, index) {
me.items[index].el = $(item);
onBeforeHideMenu: function(e) {
this.trigger('hide:before', this, e);
if (Common.UI.Scroller.isMouseCapture())
onAfterHideMenu: function(e, isFromInputControl) {
this.trigger('hide:after', this, e, isFromInputControl);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('menu:hide', this, isFromInputControl);
onAfterKeydownMenu: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) {
var li = $(e.target).closest('li');
if (li.length<=0) li = $(e.target).parent().find('li .dataview');
if (li.length>0) li.click();
if (!li.hasClass('dropdown-submenu'))
if ( $(e.currentTarget).closest('li').hasClass('dropdown-submenu')) {
return false;
} else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.UP || e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.DOWN) {
this.fromKeyDown = true;
} else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC) {
// Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('menu:afterkeydown', e);
// return false;
} else if (this.search && e.keyCode > 64 && e.keyCode < 91 && e.key){
var me = this;
this._search.timer = setTimeout(function () { me._search = {}; }, 1000);
(!this._search.text) && (this._search.text = '');
(!this._search.char) && (this._search.char = e.key);
(this._search.char !== e.key) && (this._search.full = true);
this._search.text += e.key;
if (this._search.index===undefined) {
this._search.index = this.$items.index(this.$items.filter(':focus'));
selectCandidate: function() {
var index = this._search.index || 0,
re = new RegExp('^' + ((this._search.full) ? this._search.text : this._search.char), 'i'),
itemCandidate, idxCandidate;
for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {
var item = this.items[i];
if (re.test(item.caption)) {
if (!itemCandidate) {
itemCandidate = item;
idxCandidate = i;
if (this._search.full && i==index || i>index) {
itemCandidate = item;
idxCandidate = i;
if (itemCandidate) {
this._search.index = idxCandidate;
var item = itemCandidate.el;
if (this.scroller) {
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
var itemTop = item.position().top,
itemHeight = item.outerHeight(),
listHeight = this.menuRoot.outerHeight();
if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) {
var height = this.menuRoot.scrollTop() + itemTop;
height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight);
setOffset: function(offsetX, offsetY) {
this.offset[0] = _.isUndefined(offsetX) ? this.offset[0] : offsetX;
this.offset[1] = _.isUndefined(offsetY) ? this.offset[1] : offsetY;
getOffset: function() {
return this.offset;
alignPosition: function(fixedAlign, fixedOffset) {
var menuRoot = this.menuRoot,
menuParent = this.menuAlignEl || menuRoot.parent(),
m = this.menuAlign.match(/^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)/),
offset = menuParent.offset(),
docW = Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
docH = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - 10, // Yep, it's magic number
menuW = menuRoot.outerWidth(),
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight(),
parentW = menuParent.outerWidth(),
parentH = menuParent.outerHeight();
var posMenu = {
'tl': [0, 0],
'bl': [0, menuH],
'tr': [menuW, 0],
'br': [menuW, menuH]
var posParent = {
'tl': [0, 0],
'tr': [parentW, 0],
'bl': [0, parentH],
'br': [parentW, parentH]
var left = offset.left - posMenu[m[1]][0] + posParent[m[2]][0] + this.offset[0];
var top = offset.top - posMenu[m[1]][1] + posParent[m[2]][1] + this.offset[1];
if (left + menuW > docW)
if (menuParent.is('li.dropdown-submenu')) {
left = offset.left - menuW + 2;
} else {
left = docW - menuW;
if (this.options.restoreHeight) {
if (typeof (this.options.restoreHeight) == "number") {
if (top + menuH > docH) {
menuRoot.css('max-height', (docH - top) + 'px');
(!this.scroller) && (this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: this.$el.find('.dropdown-menu '),
minScrollbarLength: 30,
suppressScrollX: true,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
} else if ( top + menuH < docH && menuRoot.height() < this.options.restoreHeight) {
menuRoot.css('max-height', (Math.min(docH - top, this.options.restoreHeight)) + 'px');
} else {
if (top + menuH > docH) {
if (fixedAlign && typeof fixedAlign == 'string') { // how to align if menu height > window height
m = fixedAlign.match(/^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)/);
top = offset.top - posMenu[m[1]][1] + posParent[m[2]][1] + this.offset[1] + (fixedOffset || 0);
} else
top = docH - menuH;
if (top < 0)
top = 0;
if (this.options.additionalAlign)
this.options.additionalAlign.call(this, menuRoot, left, top);
menuRoot.css({left: Math.ceil(left), top: Math.ceil(top)});
clearAll: function() {
this.cmpEl && this.cmpEl.find('li > a.checked').removeClass('checked');
_.each(this.items, function(item){
item.checked = false;
@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
this.id = me.options.id || Common.UI.getId();
this.cls = me.options.cls;
@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ define([
this.hint = me.options.hint;
this.rendered = false;
if (this.menu !== null && !(this.menu instanceof Common.UI.Menu)) {
if (this.menu !== null && !(this.menu instanceof Common.UI.Menu) && !(this.menu instanceof Common.UI.MenuSimple)) {
this.menu = new Common.UI.Menu(_.extend({}, me.options.menu));
@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ define([
render: function() {
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
el = me.$el || $(this.el);
me.trigger('render:before', me);
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ define([
id : me.id,
caption : me.caption,
iconCls : me.iconCls,
@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ define([
if (me.menu) {
el.mouseenter(_.bind(me.menu.alignPosition, me.menu));
// el.focusin(_.bind(me.onFocusItem, me));
el.focusout(_.bind(me.onBlurItem, me));
@ -184,6 +183,7 @@ define([
if (this.checkable && firstChild) {
firstChild.toggleClass('checkable', this.checkable);
firstChild.toggleClass('no-checkmark', this.options.checkmark===false);
firstChild.toggleClass('checked', this.checked);
if (!_.isEmpty(this.iconCls)) {
firstChild.css('background-image', 'none');
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ define([
if (this.disabled)
$(this.el).toggleClass('disabled', this.disabled);
el.toggleClass('disabled', this.disabled);
el.on('click', _.bind(this.onItemClick, this));
el.on('mousedown', _.bind(this.onItemMouseDown, this));
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ define([
me.cmpEl = $(this.el);
me.cmpEl = el;
me.rendered = true;
me.trigger('render:after', me);
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ define([
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
el = me.$el || $(this.el);
@ -144,6 +144,14 @@ define([
el.on('input', '.form-control', _.bind(this.onInput, this));
if (!this.options.allowDecimal)
el.on('keypress', '.form-control', _.bind(this.onKeyPress, this));
el.on('focus', 'input.form-control', function() {
setTimeout(function(){me.$input && me.$input.select();}, 1);
Common.Utils.isGecko && el.on('blur', 'input.form-control', function() {
me.$input && (me.$input[0].selectionStart = me.$input[0].selectionEnd = 0);
}, 1);
this.switches = {
count: 1,
@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ define([
if (this.options.width) {
if (this.options.defaultValue===undefined)
@ -176,7 +184,7 @@ define([
render: function () {
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
this.$input = el.find('.form-control');
@ -189,7 +197,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
if (disabled !== this.disabled) {
el.find('button').toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
el.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
@ -347,6 +355,7 @@ define([
var value = this.getRawValue();
if (this.value != value) {
this.trigger('inputleave', this);
return (this.value == value);
} else {
@ -355,6 +364,11 @@ define([
} else {
this._fromKeyDown = true;
if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC)
if (e.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.RETURN || e.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.ESC)
this.trigger('inputleave', this);
onKeyUp: function (e) {
@ -477,6 +491,8 @@ define([
_step: function (type, suspend) {
(type) ? this._increase(suspend) : this._decrease(suspend);
if (this.options.hold && this.switches.fromKeyDown)
this.$input && this.$input.select();
_add: function (a, b, precision) {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ define([
if ( this.isFolded ) {
if ( $(e.target).parents('.toolbar, #file-menu-panel').length ){
} else {
optsFold.$bar && optsFold.$bar.hasClass('expanded') && this.collapse();
@ -159,11 +159,21 @@ define([
addNewThumb: function(index, color) {
var me = this;
me.thumbs[index].thumbcolor = me.thumbs[index].thumb.find('> div');
(index>0) && this.setColorValue(color, index);
removeThumb: function(index) {
if (index===undefined) index = this.thumbs.length-1;
if (index>0) {
if (this.thumbs.length > 2) {
this.thumbs.splice(index, 1);
@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ define([
disabled : false,
rendered : false,
template : _.template('<label class="radiobox"><input type="button" name="<%= name %>" class="img-commonctrl"><%= labelText %></label>'),
template : _.template('<label class="radiobox"><input type="radio" name="<%= name %>" id="<%= id %>" class="button__radiobox">' +
'<label for="<%= id %>" class="radiobox__shape" /><span><%= labelText %></span></label>'),
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
this.name = this.options.name || Common.UI.getId();
@ -94,13 +94,15 @@ define([
render: function () {
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
labelText: this.options.labelText,
name: this.name
name: this.name,
id: Common.UI.getId('rdb-')
this.$radio = el.find('input[type=button]');
this.$radio = el.find('input[type=radio]');
this.$label = el.find('label.radiobox');
this.rendered = true;
return this;
@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ define([
if (disabled !== this.disabled) {
this.$label.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
this.$radio.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
(disabled) ? this.$radio.attr({disabled: disabled}) : this.$radio.removeAttr('disabled');
@ -128,8 +131,9 @@ define([
setRawValue: function(value) {
var value = (value === true || value === 'true' || value === '1' || value === 1 );
$('input[type=button][name=' + this.name + ']').removeClass('checked');
$('input[type=radio][name=' + this.name + ']').removeClass('checked');
this.$radio.toggleClass('checked', value);
this.$radio.prop('checked', value);
setValue: function(value, suspendchange) {
@ -137,14 +141,18 @@ define([
var lastValue = this.$radio.hasClass('checked');
if (suspendchange !== true && lastValue !== value)
this.trigger('change', this, this.$radio.hasClass('checked'));
this.trigger('change', this, this.$radio.is(':checked'));
} else {
this.options.checked = value;
getValue: function() {
return this.$radio.hasClass('checked');
return this.$radio.is(':checked');
setCaption: function(text) {
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ define([
render: function() {
var me = this;
me.cmpEl = $(this.el);
me.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el);
if (!me.rendered) {
me.cmpEl.perfectScrollbar(_.extend({}, me.options));
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
me.width = me.options.width;
me.minValue = me.options.minValue;
@ -131,10 +130,10 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = me.$el;
this.cmpEl.find('.track-center').width(me.options.width - 14);
@ -299,8 +298,7 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
me.width = me.options.width;
me.minValue = me.options.minValue;
@ -326,10 +324,10 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = this.$el;
var el = this.cmpEl;
@ -349,17 +347,30 @@ define([
pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, position)),
value = pos/me.delta + me.minValue;
me.setThumbPosition(index, pos);
me.thumbs[index].value = value;
if (me.isRemoveThumb) {
if (me.thumbs.length < 3) {
$(document).off('mouseup', me.binding.onMouseUp);
$(document).off('mousemove', me.binding.onMouseMove);
me._dragstart = undefined;
me.trigger('removethumb', me, _.findIndex(me.thumbs, {index: index}));
me.trigger('change', me, value, lastValue);
me.trigger('changecomplete', me, value, lastValue);
} else {
me.setThumbPosition(index, pos);
me.thumbs[index].value = value;
if (need_sort)
if (need_sort)
$(document).off('mouseup', me.binding.onMouseUp);
$(document).off('mousemove', me.binding.onMouseMove);
me._dragstart = undefined;
me.trigger('changecomplete', me, value, lastValue);
!me.isRemoveThumb && me.trigger('changecomplete', me, value, lastValue);
me.isRemoveThumb = undefined;
var onMouseMove = function (e) {
@ -384,6 +395,10 @@ define([
if (need_sort)
var positionY = e.pageY*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().top;
me.isRemoveThumb = positionY > me.cmpEl.height() || positionY < 0;
me.setRemoveThumb(index, me.isRemoveThumb);
if (Math.abs(value-lastValue)>0.001)
me.trigger('change', me, value, lastValue);
@ -405,7 +420,25 @@ define([
$(document).on('mousemove', null, e.data, me.binding.onMouseMove);
var onTrackMouseDown = function (e) {
var onTrackMouseUp = function (e) {
if ( me.disabled || !_.isUndefined(me._dragstart) || me.thumbs.length > 9) return;
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left) / me.width * 100)))),
nearIndex = findThumb(pos),
thumbColor = me.thumbs[nearIndex].colorValue,
thumbValue = me.thumbs[nearIndex].value,
value = pos/me.delta + me.minValue;
var index = me.thumbs.length - 1;
me.setThumbPosition(index, pos);
me.thumbs[index].value = value;
me.trigger('addthumb', me, index, nearIndex, thumbColor);
me.trigger('change', me);
me.trigger('changecomplete', me);
/*var onTrackMouseDown = function (e) {
if ( me.disabled ) return;
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left) / me.width * 100)))),
@ -418,7 +451,7 @@ define([
me.trigger('change', me, value, lastValue);
me.trigger('changecomplete', me, value, lastValue);
var findThumb = function(pos) {
var nearest = 100,
@ -464,7 +497,8 @@ define([
me.setActiveThumb(0, true);
if (!me.rendered) {
el.on('mousedown', '.track', onTrackMouseDown);
/*el.on('mousedown', '.track', onTrackMouseDown);*/
el.on('mouseup', '.track', onTrackMouseUp);
me.rendered = true;
@ -474,11 +508,23 @@ define([
setActiveThumb: function(index, suspend) {
this.currentThumb = index;
this.$thumbs = this.cmpEl.find('.thumb');
if (suspend!==true) this.trigger('thumbclick', this, index);
setRemoveThumb: function(index, remove) {
var ind = _.findIndex(this.thumbs, {index: index});
if (ind !== -1) {
if (remove && this.thumbs.length > 2) {
} else {
setThumbPosition: function(index, x) {
this.thumbs[index].position = x;
this.thumbs[index].thumb.css({left: x + '%'});
@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
var me = this;
me.width = me.options.width;
me.thumbWidth = me.options.thumbWidth;
@ -89,10 +88,10 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = this.$el;
this.thumb = this.cmpEl.find('.thumb');
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ define([
this.active = false;
this.label = 'Tab';
this.cls = '';
this.template = _.template(['<li class="<% if(active){ %>active<% } %> <% if(cls.length){%><%= cls %><%}%>" data-label="<%= label %>">',
'<a><%- label %></a>',
this.template = _.template(['<li class="<% if(active){ %>active selected<% } %> <% if(cls.length){%><%= cls %><%}%>" data-label="<%= label %>">',
'<a title="<%= label %>"><%- label %></a>',
this.initialize.call(this, opts);
@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ define([
isSelected: function() {
return this.$el.hasClass('selected');
deactivate: function(){
@ -110,6 +114,11 @@ define([
toggleClass: function(cls) {
if (cls.length)
hasClass: function(cls) {
return this.$el.hasClass(cls);
@ -69,12 +69,28 @@ define([
StateManager.prototype.attach = function (tab) {
tab.changeState = $.proxy(function () {
this.trigger('tab:change', tab);
this.bar.$el.find('ul > li.active').removeClass('active');
tab.changeState = $.proxy(function (select) {
if (select) {
var selectTab = _.find(this.bar.selectTabs, function (item) {return item.sheetindex === tab.sheetindex;});
if (selectTab) {
this.bar.selectTabs = _.without(this.bar.selectTabs, selectTab);
} else {
} else {
if (!tab.isSelected()) {
this.bar.$el.find('ul > li.selected').removeClass('selected');
this.bar.selectTabs.length = 0;
this.trigger('tab:change', tab);
this.bar.$el.find('ul > li.active').removeClass('active');
this.bar.trigger('tab:changed', this.bar, this.bar.tabs.indexOf(tab), tab);
this.bar.trigger('tab:changed', this.bar, this.bar.tabs.indexOf(tab), tab);
}, this);
var dragHelper = new (function() {
@ -87,6 +103,8 @@ define([
var me = this,
length = me.bar.tabs.length,
barBounds = me.bar.$bar.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
me.leftBorder = barBounds.left;
me.rightBorder = barBounds.right;
if (barBounds) {
me.bounds = [];
@ -97,134 +115,30 @@ define([
me.lastTabRight = me.bounds[length - 1].right;
me.tabBarLeft = me.bounds[0].left;
me.tabBarRight = me.bounds[length - 1].right;
me.tabBarRight = Math.min(me.tabBarRight, barBounds.right - 1);
setAbsTabs: function () {
var me = this, tab = null, length = this.bounds.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
tab = me.bar.tabs[i].$el;
tab.css('position', 'absolute');
tab.css('left', (me.bounds[i].left - me.tabBarLeft - this.scrollLeft) + 'px');
if (tab.hasClass('active')) {
tab.css('top', '1px');
} else {
tab.css('top', '0px');
updatePositions: function () {
this.drag.place = undefined;
var i, tabBound, center, place = -1, next = -this.scrollLeft,
tabsCount = this.bounds.length,
dragBound = this.drag.tab.$el.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
if (this.drag.moveX - this.drag.mouseX > 0) {
for (i = tabsCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
tabBound = this.bounds[i];
center = (tabBound.right + tabBound.left) * 0.5;
if (dragBound.left < center && center < dragBound.right) {
place = i;
if (-1 === place) {
for (i = tabsCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
tabBound = dragBound;
center = (tabBound.right + tabBound.left) * 0.5;
if (this.bounds[i].left < center && center < this.bounds[i].right) {
place = i;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < tabsCount; ++i) {
tabBound = this.bounds[i];
center = (tabBound.right + tabBound.left) * 0.5;
if (dragBound.left < center && center < dragBound.right) {
place = i;
if (-1 === place) {
for (i = 0; i < tabsCount; ++i) {
tabBound = dragBound;
center = (tabBound.right + tabBound.left) * 0.5;
if (this.bounds[i].left < center && center < this.bounds[i].right) {
place = i;
if (-1 !== place) {
this.drag.place = place;
for (i = 0; i < tabsCount; ++i) {
if (i === place) {
if (place < this.drag.index) {
next += this.drag.tabWidth;
if (place > this.drag.index) {
if (i === place + 1) {
next += this.drag.tabWidth;
if (i !== this.drag.index) {
this.bar.tabs[i].$el.css('left', next + 'px');
} else {
if (this.drag.index === place) {
next += this.drag.tabWidth;
next += this.bounds[i].width;
setHook: function(e, bar, tab) {
setHookTabs: function (e, bar, tabs) {
var me = this;
function dragComplete() {
if (!_.isUndefined(me.drag)) {
me.drag.tab.$el.css('z-index', '');
me.bar.dragging = false;
var tab = null;
for (var i = me.bar.tabs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
tab = me.bar.tabs[i].$el;
if (tab) {
tab.css('top', '');
tab.css('position', '');
tab.css('left', '');
bar.dragging = false;
bar.$el.find('li.mousemove').removeClass('mousemove right');
var arrSelectIndex = [];
tabs.forEach(function (item) {
if (!_.isUndefined(me.drag.place)) {
me.bar.trigger('tab:move', me.drag.index, me.drag.place);
me.bar.trigger('tab:move', arrSelectIndex, me.drag.place);
me.bar.scrollX = undefined;
} else {
me.bar.trigger('tab:move', me.drag.index);
me.bar.trigger('tab:move', arrSelectIndex);
me.bar.scrollX = undefined;
@ -232,50 +146,46 @@ define([
me.drag = undefined;
function dragMove (e) {
function dragMove (event) {
if (!_.isUndefined(me.drag)) {
me.drag.moveX = e.clientX*Common.Utils.zoom();
var leftPos = Math.max(me.drag.moveX - me.drag.anchorX - me.tabBarLeft - me.scrollLeft, 0);
leftPos = Math.min(leftPos, me.tabBarRight - me.tabBarLeft - me.drag.tabWidth - me.scrollLeft);
me.drag.tab.$el.css('left', leftPos + 'px');
me.drag.moveX = event.clientX*Common.Utils.zoom();
if (me.drag.moveX < me.leftBorder) {
me.scrollLeft -= 20;
} else if (me.drag.moveX < me.tabBarRight && me.drag.moveX > me.tabBarLeft) {
var name = $(event.target).parent().data('label'),
currentTab = _.findIndex(bar.tabs, {label: name});
if (currentTab === -1) {
bar.$el.find('li.mousemove').removeClass('mousemove right');
me.drag.place = undefined;
} else if (me.bounds[currentTab].left - me.scrollLeft >= me.tabBarLeft) {
me.drag.place = currentTab;
$(event.target).parent().parent().find('li.mousemove').removeClass('mousemove right');
} else if (me.drag.moveX > me.lastTabRight && Math.abs(me.tabBarRight - me.bounds[me.bar.tabs.length - 1].right) < 1) { //move to end of list, right border of the right tab is visible
bar.$el.find('li.mousemove').removeClass('mousemove right');
bar.tabs[bar.tabs.length - 1].$el.addClass('mousemove right');
me.drag.place = bar.tabs.length;
} else if (me.drag.moveX - me.rightBorder > 3) {
me.scrollLeft += 20;
function dragDropText (e) { // disable firefox drag&drop
if (!_.isUndefined(bar) && !_.isUndefined(tab) && bar.tabs.length > 1) {
var index = bar.tabs.indexOf(tab),
_clientX = e.clientX*Common.Utils.zoom();
if (!_.isUndefined(bar) && !_.isUndefined(tabs) && bar.tabs.length > 1) {
me.bar = bar;
me.drag = {tab: tab, index: index};
me.drag = {tabs: tabs};
bar.dragging = true;
me.drag.moveX = _clientX;
me.drag.mouseX = _clientX;
me.drag.anchorX = _clientX - this.bounds[index].left;
me.drag.tabWidth = this.bounds[index].width;
$(document).on('mousemove.tabbar', dragMove);
$(document).on('mouseup.tabbar', function (e) {
$(document).off('mousemove.tabbar', dragMove);
@ -283,12 +193,33 @@ define([
click: $.proxy(function () {
if (!tab.disabled && !tab.$el.hasClass('active')) {
if (tab.control == 'manual') {
this.bar.trigger('tab:manual', this.bar, this.bar.tabs.indexOf(tab), tab);
} else {
click: $.proxy(function (event) {
if (!tab.disabled) {
if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
if (!tab.isActive()) {
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
this.bar.$el.find('ul > li.selected').removeClass('selected');
this.bar.selectTabs.length = 0;
var $active = this.bar.$el.find('ul > li.active'),
indexAct = $active.index(),
indexCur = this.bar.tabs.indexOf(tab);
var startIndex = (indexCur > indexAct) ? indexAct : indexCur,
endIndex = (indexCur > indexAct) ? indexCur : indexAct;
for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
} else if (!tab.$el.hasClass('active')) {
if (this.bar.tabs.length === this.bar.selectTabs.length) {
this.bar.$el.find('ul > li.selected').removeClass('selected');
this.bar.selectTabs.length = 0;
if (tab.control == 'manual') {
this.bar.trigger('tab:manual', this.bar, this.bar.tabs.indexOf(tab), tab);
} else {
!tab.disabled && Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.bar);
@ -297,12 +228,15 @@ define([
this.trigger('tab:dblclick', this, this.tabs.indexOf(tab), tab);
}, this.bar),
contextmenu: $.proxy(function () {
this.trigger('tab:contextmenu', this, this.tabs.indexOf(tab), tab);
this.trigger('tab:contextmenu', this, this.tabs.indexOf(tab), tab, this.selectTabs);
}, this.bar),
mousedown: $.proxy(function (e) {
if (this.bar.options.draggable && !_.isUndefined(dragHelper) && (3 !== e.which)) {
if (!tab.isLockTheDrag) {
dragHelper.setHook(e, this.bar, tab);
if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey) {
dragHelper.setHookTabs(e, this.bar, this.bar.selectTabs);
}, this)
@ -322,6 +256,7 @@ define([
tabs: [],
template: _.template('<ul class="nav nav-tabs <%= placement %>" />'),
selectTabs: [],
initialize : function (options) {
_.extend(this.config, options);
@ -397,6 +332,10 @@ define([
if (tab.isActive()) {
me.selectTabs.length = 0;
} else {
for (i = tabs.length; i-- > 0 ; ) {
@ -410,6 +349,11 @@ define([
me.tabs.splice(index, 0, tab);
if (tab.isActive()) {
me.selectTabs.length = 0;
@ -462,6 +406,27 @@ define([
setSelectAll: function(isSelect) {
var me = this;
me.selectTabs.length = 0;
if (isSelect) {
if (!tab.isSelected()) {
} else {
if (tab.isActive()) {
} else if (tab.isSelected()) {
getActive: function(iselem) {
return iselem ? this.$bar.find('> li.active') : this.$bar.find('> li.active').index();
@ -575,7 +540,7 @@ define([
//left = tab.position().left;
//right = left + tab.width();
return !(left < leftbound) && !(right > rightbound);
return !(left < leftbound) && !(right - rightbound > 0.1);
return false;
@ -335,10 +335,10 @@ define([
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
} else {
this.cmpEl = $(this.el);
this.cmpEl = this.$el;
me.rendered = true;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ define([
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
el = me.$el || $(this.el);
this.colors = me.options.colors || this.generateColorData(me.options.themecolors, me.options.effects, me.options.standardcolors, me.options.transparent);
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ define([
render: function () {
$(this.el).html(this.template({colors: this.colors}));
this.$el.html(this.template({colors: this.colors}));
return this;
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ define([
updateCustomColors: function() {
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
if (el) {
var selected = el.find('a.' + this.selectedCls),
color = (selected.length>0 && /color-dynamic/.test(selected[0].className)) ? selected.attr('color') : undefined;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ define([
setCustomColor: function(color) {
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
color = /#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6})/.exec(color);
if (color) {
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ define([
select: function(color, suppressEvent) {
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
el.find('a.' + this.selectedCls).removeClass(this.selectedCls);
if (typeof(color) == 'object' ) {
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ define([
selectByRGB: function(rgb, suppressEvent) {
var el = $(this.el);
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
el.find('a.' + this.selectedCls).removeClass(this.selectedCls);
var color = (typeof(rgb) == 'object') ? rgb.color : rgb;
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ define([
if (effectcolors===undefined || standartcolors===undefined) return;
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
el = me.$el || $(this.el);
if (me.aColorElements === undefined) {
me.aColorElements = el.find('a.palette-color');
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ define([
if (value)
this.select(value, true);
else {
var selected = $(this.el).find('a.' + this.selectedCls);
var selected = el.find('a.' + this.selectedCls);
if (selected.length && selected.hasClass('palette-color-effect')) {
this.value = selected[0].className.match(this.colorRe)[1].toUpperCase();
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ define([
clearSelection: function(suppressEvent) {
$(this.el).find('a.' + this.selectedCls).removeClass(this.selectedCls);
this.$el.find('a.' + this.selectedCls).removeClass(this.selectedCls);
this.value = undefined;
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ define([
if (view) {
var innerEl = $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner');
var innerEl = (this.$el || $(this.el)).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner');
if (innerEl) {
(this.dataViewItems.length<1) && innerEl.find('.empty-text').remove();
@ -63,6 +63,12 @@
* @cfg {Boolean} animate
* Makes the window to animate while showing or hiding
* @cfg {Object} buttons
* Use an array for predefined buttons (ok, cancel, yes, no): @example ['yes', 'no']
* Use a named array for the custom buttons: {value: caption, ...}
* @param {String} value will be returned in callback function
* @param {String} caption
* Methods
* @method show
@ -106,12 +112,6 @@
* @window Common.UI.warning
* Shows warning message.
* @cfg {String} msg
* @cfg {Object} buttons
* Use an array for predefined buttons (ok, cancel, yes, no): @example ['yes', 'no']
* Use a named array for the custom buttons: {value: caption, ...}
* @param {String} value will be returned in callback function
* @param {String} caption
* @cfg {Function} callback
* @param {String} button
* If the window is closed via shortcut or header's close tool, the 'button' will be 'close'
@ -167,7 +167,15 @@ define([
'<div class="title"><%= title %></div> ' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>' +
'<div class="body"><%= tpl %></div>' +
'<div class="body"><%= tpl %>' +
'<% if (typeof (buttons) !== "undefined" && _.size(buttons) > 0) { %>' +
'<div class="footer">' +
'<% for(var bt in buttons) { %>' +
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn <%= buttons[bt].cls %>" result="<%= bt %>"><%= buttons[bt].text %></button>'+
'<% } %>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>' +
'</div>' +
function _getMask() {
@ -340,20 +348,11 @@ define([
maxwidth = (this.initConfig.maxwidth) ? this.initConfig.maxwidth : main_width,
maxheight = (this.initConfig.maxheight) ? this.initConfig.maxheight : main_height;
if (this.resizing.type[0]>0) {
this.resizing.maxx = Math.min(main_width, left+maxwidth);
this.resizing.minx = left+this.initConfig.minwidth;
} else if (this.resizing.type[0]<0) {
this.resizing.maxx = left+this.resizing.initw-this.initConfig.minwidth;
this.resizing.minx = Math.max(0, left+this.resizing.initw-maxwidth);
if (this.resizing.type[1]>0) {
this.resizing.maxy = Math.min(main_height, top+maxheight);
this.resizing.miny = top+this.initConfig.minheight;
} else if (this.resizing.type[1]<0) {
this.resizing.maxy = top+this.resizing.inith-this.initConfig.minheight;
this.resizing.miny = Math.max(0, top+this.resizing.inith-maxheight);
this.resizing.minw = this.initConfig.minwidth;
this.resizing.maxw = (this.resizing.type[0]>0) ? Math.min(main_width-left, maxwidth) : Math.min(left+this.resizing.initw, maxwidth);
this.resizing.minh = this.initConfig.minheight;
this.resizing.maxh = (this.resizing.type[1]>0) ? Math.min(main_height-top, maxheight) : Math.min(top+this.resizing.inith, maxheight);
$(document.body).css('cursor', el.css('cursor'));
@ -370,16 +369,34 @@ define([
zoom = (event instanceof jQuery.Event) ? Common.Utils.zoom() : 1,
pageX = event.pageX*zoom,
pageY = event.pageY*zoom;
if (this.resizing.type[0] && pageX<this.resizing.maxx && pageX>this.resizing.minx) {
if (this.resizing.type[0]) {
var new_width = this.resizing.initw + (pageX - this.resizing.initpage_x) * this.resizing.type[0];
if (new_width>this.resizing.maxw) {
pageX = pageX - (new_width-this.resizing.maxw) * this.resizing.type[0];
new_width = this.resizing.maxw;
} else if (new_width<this.resizing.minw) {
pageX = pageX - (new_width-this.resizing.minw) * this.resizing.type[0];
new_width = this.resizing.minw;
if (this.resizing.type[0]<0)
this.$window.css({left: pageX - this.resizing.initx});
this.setWidth(this.resizing.initw + (pageX - this.resizing.initpage_x) * this.resizing.type[0]);
resized = true;
if (this.resizing.type[1] && pageY<this.resizing.maxy && pageY>this.resizing.miny) {
if (this.resizing.type[1]) {
var new_height = this.resizing.inith + (pageY - this.resizing.initpage_y) * this.resizing.type[1];
if (new_height>this.resizing.maxh) {
pageY = pageY - (new_height-this.resizing.maxh) * this.resizing.type[1];
new_height = this.resizing.maxh;
} else if (new_height<this.resizing.minh) {
pageY = pageY - (new_height-this.resizing.minh) * this.resizing.type[1];
new_height = this.resizing.minh;
if (this.resizing.type[1]<0)
this.$window.css({top: pageY - this.resizing.inity});
this.setHeight(this.resizing.inith + (pageY - this.resizing.initpage_y) * this.resizing.type[1]);
resized = true;
if (resized) this.fireEvent('resizing');
@ -399,31 +416,9 @@ define([
Common.UI.alert = function(options) {
var me = this.Window.prototype;
var arrBtns = {ok: me.okButtonText, cancel: me.cancelButtonText,
yes: me.yesButtonText, no: me.noButtonText,
close: me.closeButtonText};
if (!options.buttons) {
options.buttons = {};
options.buttons['ok'] = {text: arrBtns['ok'], cls: 'primary'};
} else {
if (_.isArray(options.buttons)) {
if (options.primary==undefined)
options.primary = 'ok';
var newBtns = {};
_.each(options.buttons, function(b){
if (typeof(b) == 'object') {
if (b.value !== undefined)
newBtns[b.value] = {text: b.caption, cls: 'custom' + ((b.primary || options.primary==b.value) ? ' primary' : '')};
} else {
newBtns[b] = {text: (b=='custom') ? options.customButtonText : arrBtns[b], cls: (options.primary==b) ? 'primary' : ''};
if (b=='custom')
newBtns[b].cls += ' custom';
options.buttons = newBtns;
options.buttons = ['ok'];
options.dontshow = options.dontshow || false;
@ -435,14 +430,7 @@ define([
'<% if (dontshow) { %><div class="dont-show-checkbox"></div><% } %>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<% if (dontshow) { %><div class="separator horizontal" style="width: 100%;"/><% } %>' +
'<% if (_.size(buttons) > 0) { %>' +
'<div class="footer <% if (dontshow) { %> dontshow <% } %>">' +
'<% for(var bt in buttons) { %>' +
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn <%= buttons[bt].cls %>" result="<%= bt %>"><%= buttons[bt].text %></button>'+
'<% } %>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>';
'<% if (dontshow) { %><div class="separator horizontal" style="width: 100%;"/><% } %>';
_.extend(options, {
cls: 'alert',
@ -500,7 +488,9 @@ define([
'render:after': function(obj){
obj.getChild('.footer .dlg-btn').on('click', onBtnClick);
var footer = obj.getChild('.footer');
options.dontshow && footer.addClass('dontshow');
footer.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', onBtnClick);
chDontShow = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: win.$window.find('.dont-show-checkbox'),
labelText: win.textDontShow
@ -572,6 +562,29 @@ define([
this.initConfig = {};
this.binding = {};
var arrBtns = {ok: this.okButtonText, cancel: this.cancelButtonText,
yes: this.yesButtonText, no: this.noButtonText,
close: this.closeButtonText};
if (options.buttons && _.isArray(options.buttons)) {
if (options.primary==undefined)
options.primary = 'ok';
var newBtns = {};
_.each(options.buttons, function(b){
if (typeof(b) == 'object') {
if (b.value !== undefined)
newBtns[b.value] = {text: b.caption, cls: 'custom' + ((b.primary || options.primary==b.value) ? ' primary' : '')};
} else {
newBtns[b] = {text: (b=='custom') ? options.customButtonText : arrBtns[b], cls: (options.primary==b) ? 'primary' : ''};
if (b=='custom')
newBtns[b].cls += ' custom';
options.buttons = newBtns;
options.footerCls = options.footerCls || 'center';
_.extend(this.initConfig, config, options || {});
!this.initConfig.id && (this.initConfig.id = 'window-' + this.cid);
@ -588,6 +601,9 @@ define([
this.$window = $('#' + this.initConfig.id);
if (Common.Locale.getCurrentLanguage() !== 'en')
this.$window.attr('applang', Common.Locale.getCurrentLanguage());
this.binding.keydown = _.bind(_keydown,this);
// $(document).on('keydown', this.binding.keydown);
@ -632,6 +648,8 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.on('window:close', this.binding.winclose);
this.initConfig.footerCls && this.$window.find('.footer').addClass(this.initConfig.footerCls);
return this;
@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ define([
'comment:closeEditing': _.bind(this.closeEditing, this),
'comment:disableHint': _.bind(this.disableHint, this),
'comment:addDummyComment': _.bind(this.onAddDummyComment, this)
'Common.Views.ReviewChanges': {
'comment:removeComments': _.bind(this.onRemoveComments, this)
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ define([
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAddComments', _.bind(this.onApiAddComments, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onRemoveComment', _.bind(this.onApiRemoveComment, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onChangeComments', _.bind(this.onChangeComments, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onRemoveComments', _.bind(this.onRemoveComments, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onRemoveComments', _.bind(this.onApiRemoveComments, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onChangeCommentData', _.bind(this.onApiChangeCommentData, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onLockComment', _.bind(this.onApiLockComment, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onUnLockComment', _.bind(this.onApiUnLockComment, this));
@ -233,6 +236,11 @@ define([
onRemoveComments: function (type) {
if (this.api) {
this.api.asc_RemoveAllComments(type=='my' || !this.mode.canEditComments, type=='current');// 1 param = true if remove only my comments, 2 param - remove current comments
onResolveComment: function (uid) {
var t = this,
reply = null,
@ -499,7 +507,7 @@ define([
me.api.asc_changeComment(id, ascComment);
me.mode && me.mode.canRequestUsers && me.view.pickEMail(ascComment.asc_getGuid(), replyVal);
me.mode && me.mode.canRequestSendNotify && me.view.pickEMail(ascComment.asc_getGuid(), replyVal);
return true;
@ -725,7 +733,7 @@ define([
onRemoveComments: function (data) {
onApiRemoveComments: function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
this.onApiRemoveComment(data[i], true);
@ -821,6 +829,7 @@ define([
onApiShowComment: function (uids, posX, posY, leftX, opts, hint) {
var apihint = hint;
var same_uids = (0 === _.difference(this.uids, uids).length) && (0 === _.difference(uids, this.uids).length);
if (hint && this.isSelectedComment && same_uids && !this.isModeChanged) {
@ -886,7 +895,7 @@ define([
this.animate = false;
this.isSelectedComment = !hint || !this.hintmode;
this.isSelectedComment = !apihint || !this.hintmode;
this.uids = _.clone(uids);
@ -1133,7 +1142,8 @@ define([
commentsStore : this.popoverComments,
renderTo : this.sdkViewName,
canRequestUsers: (this.mode) ? this.mode.canRequestUsers : undefined,
canRequestSendNotify: (this.mode) ? this.mode.canRequestSendNotify : undefined
canRequestSendNotify: (this.mode) ? this.mode.canRequestSendNotify : undefined,
mentionShare: (this.mode) ? this.mode.mentionShare : true
@ -1354,7 +1364,7 @@ define([
this.mode && this.mode.canRequestUsers && this.view.pickEMail(comment.asc_getGuid(), commentVal);
this.mode && this.mode.canRequestSendNotify && this.view.pickEMail(comment.asc_getGuid(), commentVal);
if (!_.isUndefined(this.api.asc_SetDocumentPlaceChangedEnabled)) {
@ -42,8 +42,15 @@ define([
'use strict';
var Desktop = function () {
var config = {};
var app = window.AscDesktopEditor;
var config = {version:'{{PRODUCT_VERSION}}'};
var app = window.AscDesktopEditor,
webapp = window.DE || window.PE || window.SSE;
var titlebuttons;
var btnsave_icons = {
'btn-save': 'save',
'btn-save-coauth': 'coauth',
'btn-synch': 'synch' };
if ( !!app ) {
window.on_native_message = function (cmd, param) {
@ -83,15 +90,87 @@ define([
} else
if (/editor:config/.test(cmd)) {
if ( param == 'request' )
app.execCommand('editor:config', JSON.stringify({user: config.user, 'extraleft': $('#box-document-title #slot-btn-dt-save').parent().width()}));
if ( param == 'request' ) {
if ( !!titlebuttons ) {
var opts = {
user: config.user,
title: { buttons: [] }
var header = webapp.getController('Viewport').getView('Common.Views.Header');
if ( header ) {
for (var i in titlebuttons) {
opts.title.buttons.push(_serializeHeaderButton(i, titlebuttons[i]));
app.execCommand('editor:config', JSON.stringify(opts));
} else
if ( !config.callback_editorconfig ) {
config.callback_editorconfig = function() {
setTimeout(function(){window.on_native_message(cmd, param);},0);
} else
if (/button:click/.test(cmd)) {
var obj = JSON.parse(param);
if ( !!obj.action ) {
} else
if (/element:show/.test(cmd)) {
var _mr = /title:(?:(true|show)|(false|hide))/.exec(param);
if ( _mr ) {
if (!!_mr[1]) $('#app-title').show();
else if (!!_mr[2]) $('#app-title').hide();
app.execCommand('webapps:events', 'loading');
app.execCommand('window:features', 'request');
if ( !!window.native_message_cmd ) {
for ( var c in window.native_message_cmd ) {
window.on_native_message(c, window.native_message_cmd[c]);
// app.execCommand('window:features', {version: config.version, action: 'request'});
app.execCommand('webapps:features', {version: config.version, eventloading:true, titlebuttons:true});
var _serializeHeaderButton = function(action, config) {
return {
action: action,
icon: config.icon || undefined,
hint: config.btn.options.hint,
disabled: config.disabled
var _onTitleButtonDisabled = function (action, e, status) {
titlebuttons[action].disabled = status;
var _buttons = {};
_buttons[action] = status;
app.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({disabled: _buttons}));
var _onSaveIconChanged = function (e, opts) {
app.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({'icon:changed': {'save': btnsave_icons[opts.next]}}));
var _onModalDialog = function (status) {
if ( status == 'open' ) {
app.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({disabled: {'all':true}}));
} else {
var _buttons = {};
for (var i in titlebuttons) {
_buttons[i] = titlebuttons[i].disabled;
app.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({'disabled': _buttons}));
return {
init: function (opts) {
_.extend(config, opts);
@ -112,6 +191,44 @@ define([
if ( config.canUndock ) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('app:config', {canUndock: true});
var header = webapp.getController('Viewport').getView('Common.Views.Header');
titlebuttons = {};
if ( !!header.btnSave ) {
titlebuttons['save'] = {btn: header.btnSave, disabled:false};
var iconname = /\s?([^\s]+)$/.exec(titlebuttons.save.btn.$icon.attr('class'));
!!iconname && iconname.length && (titlebuttons.save.icon = btnsave_icons[iconname]);
if ( !!header.btnPrint )
titlebuttons['print'] = {btn: header.btnPrint, disabled:false};
if ( !!header.btnUndo )
titlebuttons['undo'] = {btn: header.btnUndo, disabled:false};
if ( !!header.btnRedo )
titlebuttons['redo'] = {btn: header.btnRedo, disabled:false};
for (var i in titlebuttons) {
titlebuttons[i].btn.options.signals = ['disabled'];
titlebuttons[i].btn.on('disabled', _onTitleButtonDisabled.bind(this, i));
if (!!titlebuttons.save) {
titlebuttons.save.btn.on('icon:changed', _onSaveIconChanged.bind(this));
if ( !!config.callback_editorconfig ) {
delete config.callback_editorconfig;
'modal:show': _onModalDialog.bind(this, 'open'),
'modal:close': _onModalDialog.bind(this, 'close')
@ -145,4 +262,4 @@ define([
Common.Controllers.Desktop = new Desktop();
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ define([
if (historyStore && data!==null) {
var rev, revisions = historyStore.findRevisions(data.version),
urlGetTime = new Date();
var diff = (this.currentChangeId===undefined) ? null : opts.data.changesUrl, // if revision has changes, but serverVersion !== app.buildVersion -> hide revision changes
var diff = (!opts.data.previous || this.currentChangeId===undefined) ? null : opts.data.changesUrl, // if revision has changes, but serverVersion !== app.buildVersion -> hide revision changes
url = (!_.isEmpty(diff) && opts.data.previous) ? opts.data.previous.url : opts.data.url,
docId = opts.data.key ? opts.data.key : this.currentDocId,
docIdPrev = opts.data.previous && opts.data.previous.key ? opts.data.previous.key : this.currentDocIdPrev,
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ define([
onAfterRender: function(panelPlugins) {
panelPlugins.viewPluginsList.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectPlugin, this));
panelPlugins.viewPluginsList && panelPlugins.viewPluginsList.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectPlugin, this));
this.bindViewEvents(this.panelPlugins, this.events);
var me = this;
@ -367,14 +367,14 @@ define([
var me = this,
isCustomWindow = variation.get_CustomWindow(),
arrBtns = variation.get_Buttons(),
newBtns = {},
newBtns = [],
size = variation.get_Size();
if (!size || size.length<2) size = [800, 600];
if (_.isArray(arrBtns)) {
_.each(arrBtns, function(b, index){
if (b.visible)
newBtns[index] = {text: b.text, cls: 'custom' + ((b.primary) ? ' primary' : '')};
newBtns[index] = {caption: b.text, value: index, primary: b.primary};
@ -69,12 +69,17 @@ define([
'FileMenu': {
'settings:apply': this.applySettings.bind(this)
'LeftMenu': {
'comments:show': _.bind(this.commentsShowHide, this, 'show'),
'comments:hide': _.bind(this.commentsShowHide, this, 'hide')
'Common.Views.ReviewChanges': {
'reviewchange:accept': _.bind(this.onAcceptClick, this),
'reviewchange:reject': _.bind(this.onRejectClick, this),
'reviewchange:delete': _.bind(this.onDeleteClick, this),
'reviewchange:preview': _.bind(this.onBtnPreviewClick, this),
'reviewchanges:view': _.bind(this.onReviewViewClick, this),
'reviewchange:view': _.bind(this.onReviewViewClick, this),
'reviewchange:compare': _.bind(this.onCompareClick, this),
'lang:document': _.bind(this.onDocLanguage, this),
'collaboration:coauthmode': _.bind(this.onCoAuthMode, this)
@ -95,12 +100,14 @@ define([
this.collection = this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.ReviewChanges');
this.userCollection = this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.Users');
this._state = {posx: -1000, posy: -1000, popoverVisible: false, previewMode: false};
this._state = {posx: -1000, posy: -1000, popoverVisible: false, previewMode: false, compareSettings: null /*new AscCommon.CComparisonPr()*/};
Common.NotificationCenter.on('reviewchanges:turn', this.onTurnPreview.bind(this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('spelling:turn', this.onTurnSpelling.bind(this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', this.onAppReady.bind(this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('api:disconnect', _.bind(this.onCoAuthoringDisconnect, this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('collaboration:sharing', this.changeAccessRights.bind(this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('collaboration:sharingdeny', this.onLostEditRights.bind(this));
this.userCollection.on('reset', _.bind(this.onUpdateUsers, this));
this.userCollection.on('add', _.bind(this.onUpdateUsers, this));
@ -112,6 +119,7 @@ define([
this.currentUserId = data.config.user.id;
this.sdkViewName = data['sdkviewname'] || this.sdkViewName;
return this;
setApi: function (api) {
if (api) {
@ -120,8 +128,13 @@ define([
if (this.appConfig.canReview || this.appConfig.canViewReview) {
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onShowRevisionsChange', _.bind(this.onApiShowChange, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onUpdateRevisionsChangesPosition', _.bind(this.onApiUpdateChangePosition, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAuthParticipantsChanged', _.bind(this.onAuthParticipantsChanged, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onParticipantsChanged', _.bind(this.onAuthParticipantsChanged, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAcceptChangesBeforeCompare',_.bind(this.onAcceptChangesBeforeCompare, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCoAuthoringDisconnect',_.bind(this.onCoAuthoringDisconnect, this));
Common.Gateway.on('setrevisedfile', _.bind(this.setRevisedFile, this));
@ -130,9 +143,18 @@ define([
this.popoverChanges = new Common.Collections.ReviewChanges();
this.view = this.createView('Common.Views.ReviewChanges', { mode: mode });
if (!!this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length || this.appConfig.canRequestSharingSettings) {
Common.Gateway.on('showsharingsettings', _.bind(this.changeAccessRights, this));
Common.Gateway.on('setsharingsettings', _.bind(this.setSharingSettings, this));
return this;
loadDocument: function(data) {
this.document = data.doc;
SetDisabled: function(state) {
if (this.dlgChanges)
@ -395,9 +417,9 @@ define([
if (value.Get_WidowControl())
proptext += ((value.Get_WidowControl() ? me.textWidow : me.textNoWidow) + ', ');
if (value.Get_Tabs() !== undefined)
proptext += proptext += (me.textTabs + ', ');
proptext += (me.textTabs + ', ');
if (value.Get_NumPr() !== undefined)
proptext += proptext += (me.textNum + ', ');
proptext += (me.textNum + ', ');
if (value.Get_PStyle() !== undefined) {
var style = me.api.asc_GetStyleNameById(value.Get_PStyle());
if (!_.isEmpty(style)) proptext += (style + ', ');
@ -554,6 +576,84 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.view);
onCompareClick: function(item) {
if (this.api) {
var me = this;
if (!this._state.compareSettings) {
this._state.compareSettings = new AscCommonWord.ComparisonOptions();
if (item === 'file') {
if (this.api)
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.view);
} else if (item === 'url') {
(new Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog({
title: me.textUrl,
handler: function(result, value) {
if (result == 'ok') {
if (me.api) {
var checkUrl = value.replace(/ /g, '');
if (!_.isEmpty(checkUrl)) {
me.api.asc_CompareDocumentUrl(checkUrl, me._state.compareSettings);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.view);
} else if (item === 'storage') {
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fileChoiceUrl: this.appConfig.fileChoiceUrl.replace("{fileExt}", "").replace("{documentType}", "DocumentsOnly")
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me.setRevisedFile(file, me._state.compareSettings);
} else if (item === 'settings') {
(new DE.Views.CompareSettingsDialog({
props: me._state.compareSettings,
handler: function(result, value) {
if (result == 'ok') {
me._state.compareSettings = value;
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.view);
setRevisedFile: function(data) {
if (!this._state.compareSettings) {
this._state.compareSettings = new AscCommonWord.ComparisonOptions();
if (data && data.url) {
this.api.asc_CompareDocumentUrl(data.url, this._state.compareSettings, data.token);// for loading from storage
onAcceptChangesBeforeCompare: function(callback) {
var me = this;
width: 550,
msg: this.textAcceptBeforeCompare,
buttons: ['yes', 'no'],
primary: 'yes',
callback: function(result) {
_.defer(function() {
if (callback) callback(result=='yes');
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.view);
turnDisplayMode: function(mode) {
if (this.api) {
if (mode === 'final')
@ -618,7 +718,7 @@ define([
var leftMenu = app.getController('LeftMenu');
if (this.view) {
@ -643,7 +743,7 @@ define([
onAppReady: function (config) {
var me = this;
if ( me.view && Common.localStorage.getBool(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-spellcheck", true) )
if ( me.view && Common.localStorage.getBool(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-spellcheck", !(config.customization && config.customization.spellcheck===false)))
if ( config.canReview ) {
@ -685,7 +785,9 @@ define([
if (state !== me.view.btnChat.pressed)
if (me.view && me.view.btnCommentRemove) {
me.view.btnCommentRemove.setDisabled(!Common.localStorage.getBool(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment", true));
@ -724,9 +826,38 @@ define([
onLostEditRights: function() {
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this.view && this.view.onLostEditRights();
changeAccessRights: function(btn,event,opts) {
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settingsurl: this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl
me._docAccessDlg.on('accessrights', function(obj, rights){
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this.document.info.sharingSettings = data.sharingSettings;
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('collaboration:sharingupdate', data.sharingSettings);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('mentions:clearusers', this);
onCoAuthoringDisconnect: function() {
@ -739,6 +870,23 @@ define([
onAuthParticipantsChanged: function(users) {
if (this.view && this.view.btnCompare) {
var length = 0;
_.each(users, function(item){
if (!item.asc_getView())
this.view.btnCompare.setDisabled(length>1 || this.viewmode);
commentsShowHide: function(mode) {
if (!this.view) return;
var value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.view.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment");
(value!==undefined) && this.view.btnCommentRemove && this.view.btnCommentRemove.setDisabled(mode != 'show' && !value);
textInserted: '<b>Inserted:</b>',
textDeleted: '<b>Deleted:</b>',
textParaInserted: '<b>Paragraph Inserted</b> ',
@ -797,6 +945,8 @@ define([
textTableRowsDel: '<b>Table Rows Deleted<b/>',
textParaMoveTo: '<b>Moved:</b>',
textParaMoveFromUp: '<b>Moved Up:</b>',
textParaMoveFromDown: '<b>Moved Down:</b>'
textParaMoveFromDown: '<b>Moved Down:</b>',
textUrl: 'Paste a document URL',
textAcceptBeforeCompare: 'In order to compare documents all the tracked changes in them will be considered to have been accepted. Do you want to continue?'
}, Common.Controllers.ReviewChanges || {}));
@ -155,8 +155,8 @@
$scrollbarYRail.css({top: $this.scrollTop(), right: scrollbarYRight - $this.scrollLeft(), height: scrollbarYRailHeight, display: scrollbarYActive ? "inherit": "none"});
$scrollbarX.css({left: scrollbarXLeft, width: scrollbarXWidth});
$scrollbarY.css({top: scrollbarYTop, height: scrollbarYHeight});
$scrollbarX && $scrollbarX.css({left: scrollbarXLeft, width: scrollbarXWidth});
$scrollbarY && $scrollbarY.css({top: scrollbarYTop, height: scrollbarYHeight});
var updateBarSizeAndPosition = function () {
@ -363,6 +363,8 @@ Common.util.LanguageInfo = new(function() {
0x380A : ["es-UY", "Español (Uruguay)", "Spanish (Uruguay)"],
0x200A : ["es-VE", "Español (Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela)", "Spanish (Venezuela)"],
0x040a : ["es-ES_tradnl", "Spanish"],
0x580a : ["es-419", "Español (América Latina y el Caribe)", "Spanish (Latin America and the Caribbean)"],
0x5C0a : ["es-CU", "Español (Cuba)", "Spanish (Cuba)"],
0x001D : ["sv", "Svenska"],
0x081D : ["sv-FI", "Svenska (Finland)", "Swedish (Finland)"],
0x041D : ["sv-SE", "Svenska (Sverige)", "Swedish (Sweden)"],
Normal file
@ -30,14 +30,15 @@
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
if (Common === undefined) {
var Common = {};
define(function(){ 'use strict';
if (Common.define === undefined) {
Common.define = {};
define(function(){ 'use strict';
Common.define.c_oAscMathMainType = {
Symbol : 0x00,
@ -413,4 +414,86 @@ define(function(){ 'use strict';
Matrix_Flat_Round : 0x0b040000,
Matrix_Flat_Square : 0x0b040001
Common.define.chartData = _.extend( new(function() {
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textLine: 'Line',
textColumn: 'Column',
textBar: 'Bar',
textArea: 'Area',
textPie: 'Pie',
textPoint: 'XY (Scatter)',
textStock: 'Stock',
textSurface: 'Surface',
textCharts: 'Charts',
textSparks: 'Sparklines',
textLineSpark: 'Line',
textColumnSpark: 'Column',
textWinLossSpark: 'Win/Loss',
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{id: 'menu-chart-group-pie', caption: this.textPie},
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{id: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', caption: this.textPoint, inline: true},
{id: 'menu-chart-group-stock', caption: this.textStock, inline: true}
// {id: 'menu-chart-group-surface', caption: this.textSurface}
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{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal3dPerspective, iconCls: 'column-3d-normal-per'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal, iconCls: 'line-normal'},
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{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut, iconCls: 'pie-doughnut'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie3d, iconCls: 'pie-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal, iconCls: 'bar-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked, iconCls: 'bar-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer, iconCls: 'bar-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaNormal, iconCls: 'area-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStacked, iconCls: 'area-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStackedPer, iconCls: 'area-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter, iconCls: 'point-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-stock', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.stock, iconCls: 'stock-normal'}
// { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.surfaceNormal, iconCls: 'surface-normal'},
// { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.surfaceWireframe, iconCls: 'surface-wireframe'},
// { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.contourNormal, iconCls: 'contour-normal'},
// { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.contourWireframe, iconCls: 'contour-wireframe'}
getSparkGroupData: function(headername) {
return [
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-sparkcolumn', inline: true, headername: (headername) ? this.textSparks : undefined },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-sparkline', inline: true },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-sparkwin', inline: true }
getSparkData: function() {
return [
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-sparkcolumn', type: Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Column, allowSelected: true, iconCls: 'spark-column', tip: this.textColumnSpark},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-sparkline', type: Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Line, allowSelected: true, iconCls: 'spark-line', tip: this.textLineSpark},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-sparkwin', type: Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Stacked, allowSelected: true, iconCls: 'spark-win', tip: this.textWinLossSpark}
})(), Common.define.chartData || {});
@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
isSecure = /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol),
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ipRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)?([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(((1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?/i,
hostnameRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)?([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(([\-\wа-яё]+\.)+[\wа-яё\-]{2,}(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`'~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/i,
localRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(([\-\wа-яё]+)(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`'~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/i,
hostnameRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)?([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(([\-\wа-яё]+\.)+[\wа-яё\-]{2,}(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/\+@&#;:`'~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/i,
localRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(([\-\wа-яё]+)(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/\+@&#;:`'~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/i,
emailStrongRe = /(mailto:)?([a-z0-9'\._-]+@[a-z0-9\.-]+\.[a-z0-9]{2,4})([a-яё0-9\._%+-=\?:&]*)/ig,
emailAddStrongRe = /(mailto:|\s[@]|\s[+])?([a-z0-9'\._-]+@[a-z0-9\.-]+\.[a-z0-9]{2,4})([a-яё0-9\._%+-=\?:&]*)/ig,
ipStrongRe = /(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?)(((1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?/ig,
hostnameStrongRe = /((((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?)|(([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?www\.))((([\-\wа-яё]+\.)+[\wа-яё\-]{2,}|([\-\wа-яё]+))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/ig,
emailAddStrongRe = /(mailto:|\s[@]|\s[+])?([a-z0-9'\._-]+@[a-z0-9\.-]+\.[a-z0-9]{2,4})([a-яё0-9\._%\+-=\?:&]*)/ig,
ipStrongRe = /(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?)(((1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/\+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?/ig,
hostnameStrongRe = /((((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?)|(([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?www\.))((([\-\wа-яё]+\.)+[\wа-яё\-]{2,}|([\-\wа-яё]+))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/\+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/ig,
documentSettingsType = {
Paragraph : 0,
Table : 1,
@ -117,14 +117,12 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
isMobile = /android|avantgo|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od|ad)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera),
me = this,
checkSize = function() {
me.zoom = 1;
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me.zoom = 1;
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// делаем простую проверку
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// считаем: window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 => _devicePixelRatio = 2; zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 0.1)
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 0.1) {
if (window.devicePixelRatio < 1.99)
var _devicePixelRatio = 1;
@ -137,11 +135,11 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
// chrome 54.x: zoom = "reset" - clear retina zoom (windows)
//document.firstElementChild.style.zoom = "reset";
document.firstElementChild.style.zoom = 1.0 / me.zoom;
document.firstElementChild.style.zoom = 1.0 / me.zoom; }
document.firstElementChild.style.zoom = "normal";
me.innerWidth = window.innerWidth * me.zoom;
me.innerHeight = window.innerHeight * me.zoom;
@ -152,6 +150,8 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
$(window).on('resize', checkSize);
return {
checkSize: checkSize,
userAgent: userAgent,
isStrict: isStrict,
isIEQuirks: isIE && (!isStrict && (isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9)),
@ -846,6 +846,47 @@ Common.Utils.injectComponent = function ($slot, cmp) {
elementById: function (id, parent) {
* usage: $obj.findById('#id')
* $().findById('#id', $obj | node)
* $.fn.findById('#id', $obj | node)
* return: dom element
* */
var _el = document.getElementById(id.substring(1));
if ( !_el ) {
parent = parent || this;
if ( parent instanceof jQuery ) {
parent.each(function (i, node) {
_el = node.querySelectorAll(id);
if ( _el.length == 0 ) {
if ( ('#' + node.id) == id ) {
_el = node;
return false;
} else
if ( _el.length ) {
_el = _el[0];
return false;
} else {
_el = parent.querySelectorAll(id);
if ( _el && _el.length ) return _el[0];
return _el;
findById: function (id, parent) {
var _el = $.fn.elementById.apply(this, arguments);
return !!_el ? $(_el) : $();
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set('toolbar-height-tabs', 32);
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set('toolbar-height-tabs-top-title', 28);
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set('toolbar-height-controls', 67);
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ define([
Common.Views.About = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
menu: undefined,
rendered: false,
options: {
alias: 'Common.Views.About'
@ -152,81 +153,95 @@ define([
render: function() {
var el = $(this.el);
publishername: '{{PUBLISHER_NAME}}',
publisheraddr: '{{PUBLISHER_ADDRESS}}',
publisherurl: '{{PUBLISHER_URL}}',
supportemail: '{{SUPPORT_EMAIL}}',
phonenum: '{{PUBLISHER_PHONE}}',
scope: this
if ( !this.rendered ) {
this.rendered = true;
this.cntLicenseeInfo = $('#id-about-licensee-info');
this.cntLicensorInfo = $('#id-about-licensor-info');
this.divCompanyLogo = $('#id-about-company-logo');
this.lblCompanyName = $('#id-about-company-name');
this.lblCompanyAddress = $('#id-about-company-address');
this.lblCompanyMail = $('#id-about-company-mail');
this.lblCompanyUrl = $('#id-about-company-url');
this.lblCompanyLic = $('#id-about-company-lic');
var _$l = $(this.template({
publishername: '{{PUBLISHER_NAME}}',
publisheraddr: '{{PUBLISHER_ADDRESS}}',
publisherurl: '{{PUBLISHER_URL}}',
supportemail: '{{SUPPORT_EMAIL}}',
phonenum: '{{PUBLISHER_PHONE}}',
scope: this
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
this.cntLicenseeInfo = _$l.findById('#id-about-licensee-info');
this.cntLicensorInfo = _$l.findById('#id-about-licensor-info');
this.divCompanyLogo = _$l.findById('#id-about-company-logo');
this.lblCompanyName = _$l.findById('#id-about-company-name');
this.lblCompanyAddress = _$l.findById('#id-about-company-address');
this.lblCompanyMail = _$l.findById('#id-about-company-mail');
this.lblCompanyUrl = _$l.findById('#id-about-company-url');
this.lblCompanyLic = _$l.findById('#id-about-company-lic');
if ( this.licData )
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: this.$el,
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
setLicInfo: function(data){
if (data && typeof data == 'object' && typeof(data.customer)=='object') {
var customer = data.customer;
if ( !this.rendered ) {
this.licData = data || true;
} else {
if (data && typeof data == 'object' && typeof(data.customer)=='object') {
var customer = data.customer;
var value = customer.name;
value && value.length ?
var value = customer.name;
value && value.length ?
this.lblCompanyName.text(value) :
value = customer.address;
value && value.length ?
value = customer.address;
value && value.length ?
this.lblCompanyAddress.text(value) :
(value = customer.mail) && value.length ?
(value = customer.mail) && value.length ?
this.lblCompanyMail.attr('href', "mailto:"+value).text(value) :
if ((value = customer.www) && value.length) {
var http = !/^https?:\/{2}/i.test(value) ? "http:\/\/" : '';
this.lblCompanyUrl.attr('href', http+value).text(value);
} else
if ((value = customer.www) && value.length) {
var http = !/^https?:\/{2}/i.test(value) ? "http:\/\/" : '';
this.lblCompanyUrl.attr('href', http+value).text(value);
} else
(value = customer.info) && value.length ?
(value = customer.info) && value.length ?
this.lblCompanyLic.text(value) :
(value = customer.logo) && value.length ?
(value = customer.logo) && value.length ?
this.divCompanyLogo.html('<img src="'+value+'" style="max-width:216px; max-height: 35px;" />') :
} else {
} else {
show: function () {
if ( !this.rendered ) this.render();
this.fireEvent('show', this );
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ define([
cls: 'advanced-settings-dlg',
toggleGroup: 'advanced-settings-group',
contentTemplate: '',
items: []
items: [],
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
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'<div class="separator"/>',
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'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer center">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.cancelButtonText + '</button>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>'
_options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(_options);
@ -190,9 +187,6 @@ define([
if (this.storageName)
Common.localStorage.setItem(this.storageName, this.getActiveCategory());
Common.UI.Window.prototype.close.call(this, suppressevent);
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
okButtonText : 'Ok'
}, Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow || {}));
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ define([
var user = this.storeUsers.findOriginalUser(m.get('userid'));
usercolor : user ? user.get('color') : null,
message : this._pickLink(Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(m.get('message')))
message : this._pickLink(m.get('message'))
}, {silent:true});
@ -216,6 +216,9 @@ define([
var arr = [], offset, len;
message.replace(Common.Utils.ipStrongRe, function(subStr) {
var result = /[\.,\?\+;:=!\(\)]+$/.exec(subStr);
if (result)
subStr = subStr.substring(0, result.index);
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
arr.push({start: offset, end: subStr.length+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
@ -223,6 +226,9 @@ define([
if (message.length<1000 || message.search(/\S{255,}/)<0)
message.replace(Common.Utils.hostnameStrongRe, function(subStr) {
var result = /[\.,\?\+;:=!\(\)]+$/.exec(subStr);
if (result)
subStr = subStr.substring(0, result.index);
var ref = (! /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/)/i.test(subStr) ) ? ('http://' + subStr) : subStr;
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
len = subStr.length;
@ -250,14 +256,13 @@ define([
arr = _.sortBy(arr, function(item){ return item.start; });
var str_res = (arr.length>0) ? ( message.substring(0, arr[0].start) + arr[0].str) : message;
var str_res = (arr.length>0) ? ( Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message.substring(0, arr[0].start)) + arr[0].str) : Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message);
for (var i=1; i<arr.length; i++) {
str_res += (message.substring(arr[i-1].end, arr[i].start) + arr[i].str);
str_res += (Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message.substring(arr[i-1].end, arr[i].start)) + arr[i].str);
if (arr.length>0) {
str_res += message.substring(arr[i-1].end, message.length);
str_res += Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message.substring(arr[i-1].end, message.length));
return str_res;
@ -72,6 +72,99 @@ define([
return tpl;
var CommentsPanelDataView = Common.UI.DataView.extend((function() {
return {
options : {
handleSelect: false,
scrollable: true,
listenStoreEvents: false,
template: _.template('<div class="dataview-ct inner"></div>')
getTextBox: function () {
var text = $(this.el).find('textarea');
return (text && text.length) ? text : undefined;
setFocusToTextBox: function () {
var text = $(this.el).find('textarea');
if (text && text.length) {
var val = text.val();
getActiveTextBoxVal: function () {
var text = $(this.el).find('textarea');
return (text && text.length) ? text.val().trim() : '';
autoHeightTextBox: function () {
var view = this,
textBox = $(this.el).find('textarea'),
domTextBox = null,
minHeight = 50,
lineHeight = 0,
scrollPos = 0,
oldHeight = 0,
newHeight = 0;
function updateTextBoxHeight() {
if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) {
textBox.css({height: (domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight) + 'px'});
} else {
oldHeight = domTextBox.clientHeight;
if (oldHeight >= minHeight) {
textBox.css({height: minHeight + 'px'});
if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) {
newHeight = Math.max(domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight, minHeight);
textBox.css({height: newHeight + 'px'});
if (textBox && textBox.length) {
domTextBox = textBox.get(0);
if (domTextBox) {
lineHeight = parseInt(textBox.css('lineHeight'), 10) * 0.25;
textBox.bind('input propertychange', updateTextBoxHeight)
this.textBox = textBox;
clearTextBoxBind: function () {
if (this.textBox) {
this.textBox.unbind('input propertychange');
this.textBox = undefined;
autoScrollToEditButtons: function () {
var button = $('#id-comments-change'), // TODO: add to cache
btnBounds = null,
contentBounds = this.el.getBoundingClientRect(),
moveY = 0,
padding = 7;
if (button.length) {
btnBounds = button.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
if (btnBounds && contentBounds) {
moveY = contentBounds.bottom - (btnBounds.bottom + padding);
if (moveY < 0) {
this.scroller.scrollTop(this.scroller.getScrollTop() - moveY);
Common.Views.Comments = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#left-panel-comments',
template: _.template(panelTemplate),
@ -81,11 +174,126 @@ define([
textBoxAutoSizeLocked: undefined, // disable autosize textbox
viewmode: false,
_commentsViewOnItemClick: function (picker, item, record, e) {
var me = this;
var btn, showEditBox, showReplyBox, commentId, replyId, hideAddReply;
function readdresolves() {
btn = $(e.target);
if (btn) {
showEditBox = record.get('editText');
showReplyBox = record.get('showReply');
commentId = record.get('uid');
replyId = btn.attr('data-value');
if (btn.hasClass('btn-edit')) {
if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]);
me.fireEvent('comment:editReply', [commentId, replyId]);
me.commentsView.reply = replyId;
} else {
if (!showEditBox) {
record.set('editText', true);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-delete')) {
if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:removeReply', [commentId, replyId]);
} else {
me.fireEvent('comment:remove', [commentId]);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me);
} else if (btn.hasClass('user-reply')) {
record.set('showReply', true);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-reply', false)) {
if (showReplyBox) {
me.fireEvent('comment:addReply', [commentId, picker.getActiveTextBoxVal()]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-close', false)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-edit', false)) {
if (!_.isUndefined(me.commentsView.reply)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:changeReply', [commentId, me.commentsView.reply, picker.getActiveTextBoxVal()]);
me.commentsView.reply = undefined;
} else if (showEditBox) {
me.fireEvent('comment:change', [commentId, picker.getActiveTextBoxVal()]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-close', false)) {
me.commentsView.reply = undefined;
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve', false)) {
var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) tip.dontShow = true;
me.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve-check', false)) {
var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) tip.dontShow = true;
me.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]);
} else if (!btn.hasClass('msg-reply') &&
!btn.hasClass('btn-resolve-check') &&
!btn.hasClass('btn-resolve')) {
me.fireEvent('comment:show', [commentId, false]);
initialize: function (options) {
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
this.store = this.options.store;
render: function () {
var me = this;
@ -134,255 +342,51 @@ define([
var CommentsPanelDataView = Common.UI.DataView.extend((function() {
return {
if (this.commentsView) {
} else {
this.commentsView = new CommentsPanelDataView({
el: $('.messages-ct',me.el),
store: me.store,
itemTemplate: _.template(replaceWords(commentsTemplate, {
textAddReply: me.textAddReply,
textAdd: me.textAdd,
textCancel: me.textCancel,
textEdit: me.textEdit,
textReply: me.textReply,
textClose: me.textClose,
maxCommLength: Asc.c_oAscMaxCellOrCommentLength
options : {
handleSelect: false,
scrollable: true,
listenStoreEvents: false,
template: _.template('<div class="dataview-ct inner"></div>')
getTextBox: function () {
var text = $(this.el).find('textarea');
return (text && text.length) ? text : undefined;
setFocusToTextBox: function () {
var text = $(this.el).find('textarea');
if (text && text.length) {
var val = text.val();
getActiveTextBoxVal: function () {
var text = $(this.el).find('textarea');
return (text && text.length) ? text.val().trim() : '';
autoHeightTextBox: function () {
var view = this,
textBox = $(this.el).find('textarea'),
domTextBox = null,
minHeight = 50,
lineHeight = 0,
scrollPos = 0,
oldHeight = 0,
newHeight = 0;
function updateTextBoxHeight() {
if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) {
textBox.css({height: (domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight) + 'px'});
} else {
oldHeight = domTextBox.clientHeight;
if (oldHeight >= minHeight) {
textBox.css({height: minHeight + 'px'});
if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) {
newHeight = Math.max(domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight, minHeight);
textBox.css({height: newHeight + 'px'});
if (textBox && textBox.length) {
domTextBox = textBox.get(0);
if (domTextBox) {
lineHeight = parseInt(textBox.css('lineHeight'), 10) * 0.25;
textBox.bind('input propertychange', updateTextBoxHeight)
this.textBox = textBox;
clearTextBoxBind: function () {
if (this.textBox) {
this.textBox.unbind('input propertychange');
this.textBox = undefined;
autoScrollToEditButtons: function () {
var button = $('#id-comments-change'), // TODO: add to cache
btnBounds = null,
contentBounds = this.el.getBoundingClientRect(),
moveY = 0,
padding = 7;
if (button.length) {
btnBounds = button.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
if (btnBounds && contentBounds) {
moveY = contentBounds.bottom - (btnBounds.bottom + padding);
if (moveY < 0) {
this.scroller.scrollTop(this.scroller.getScrollTop() - moveY);
var addtooltip = function (dataview, view, record) {
if (view.tipsArray) {
if (CommentsPanelDataView) {
if (this.commentsView) {
} else {
this.commentsView = new CommentsPanelDataView({
el: $('.messages-ct',me.el),
store: me.store,
itemTemplate: _.template(replaceWords(commentsTemplate, {
textAddReply: me.textAddReply,
textAdd: me.textAdd,
textCancel: me.textCancel,
textEdit: me.textEdit,
textReply: me.textReply,
textClose: me.textClose,
maxCommLength: Asc.c_oAscMaxCellOrCommentLength
var arr = [],
btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve');
btns.tooltip({title: me.textResolve, placement: 'cursor'});
btns.each(function(idx, item){
var addtooltip = function (dataview, view, record) {
if (view.tipsArray) {
var arr = [],
btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve');
btns.tooltip({title: me.textResolve, placement: 'cursor'});
btns.each(function(idx, item){
btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve-check');
btns.tooltip({title: me.textOpenAgain, placement: 'cursor'});
btns.each(function(idx, item){
view.tipsArray = arr;
this.commentsView.on('item:add', addtooltip);
this.commentsView.on('item:remove', addtooltip);
this.commentsView.on('item:change', addtooltip);
this.commentsView.on('item:click', function (picker, item, record, e) {
var btn, showEditBox, showReplyBox, commentId, replyId, hideAddReply;
function readdresolves() {
btn = $(e.target);
if (btn) {
showEditBox = record.get('editText');
showReplyBox = record.get('showReply');
commentId = record.get('uid');
replyId = btn.attr('data-value');
if (btn.hasClass('btn-edit')) {
if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]);
me.fireEvent('comment:editReply', [commentId, replyId]);
me.commentsView.reply = replyId;
} else {
if (!showEditBox) {
record.set('editText', true);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-delete')) {
if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:removeReply', [commentId, replyId]);
} else {
me.fireEvent('comment:remove', [commentId]);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me);
} else if (btn.hasClass('user-reply')) {
record.set('showReply', true);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-reply', false)) {
if (showReplyBox) {
me.fireEvent('comment:addReply', [commentId, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-close', false)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-edit', false)) {
if (!_.isUndefined(me.commentsView.reply)) {
me.fireEvent('comment:changeReply', [commentId, me.commentsView.reply, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]);
me.commentsView.reply = undefined;
} else if (showEditBox) {
me.fireEvent('comment:change', [commentId, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-close', false)) {
me.commentsView.reply = undefined;
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve', false)) {
var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) tip.dontShow = true;
me.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]);
} else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve-check', false)) {
var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip');
if (tip) tip.dontShow = true;
me.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]);
} else if (!btn.hasClass('msg-reply') &&
!btn.hasClass('btn-resolve-check') &&
!btn.hasClass('btn-resolve')) {
me.fireEvent('comment:show', [commentId, false]);
btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve-check');
btns.tooltip({title: me.textOpenAgain, placement: 'cursor'});
btns.each(function(idx, item){
view.tipsArray = arr;
'item:add': addtooltip,
'item:remove': addtooltip,
'item:change': addtooltip,
'item:click': this._commentsViewOnItemClick.bind(this)
if (!this.rendered) this.setupLayout();
@ -482,7 +486,7 @@ define([
setupLayout: function () {
var me = this, parent = $(me.el);
var me = this, parent = me.$el;
var add = $('.new-comment-ct', me.el),
to = $('.add-link-ct', me.el),
@ -555,9 +559,13 @@ define([
add = $('.new-comment-ct', this.el),
to = $('.add-link-ct', this.el),
msgs = $('.messages-ct', this.el);
msgs.toggleClass('stretch', !mode.canComments);
if (!mode.canComments) {
add.hide(); to.hide();
msgs.toggleClass('stretch', !mode.canComments || mode.compatibleFeatures);
if (!mode.canComments || mode.compatibleFeatures) {
if (mode.compatibleFeatures) {
add.remove(); to.remove();
} else {
add.hide(); to.hide();
this.layout.changeLayout([{el: msgs[0], rely: false, stretch: true}]);
} else {
var container = $('#comments-box', this.el),
@ -652,9 +660,10 @@ define([
pickLink: function (message) {
var arr = [], offset, len;
message = Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message);
message.replace(Common.Utils.ipStrongRe, function(subStr) {
var result = /[\.,\?\+;:=!\(\)]+$/.exec(subStr);
if (result)
subStr = subStr.substring(0, result.index);
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
arr.push({start: offset, end: subStr.length+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
@ -662,6 +671,9 @@ define([
if (message.length<1000 || message.search(/\S{255,}/)<0)
message.replace(Common.Utils.hostnameStrongRe, function(subStr) {
var result = /[\.,\?\+;:=!\(\)]+$/.exec(subStr);
if (result)
subStr = subStr.substring(0, result.index);
var ref = (! /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/)/i.test(subStr) ) ? ('http://' + subStr) : subStr;
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
len = subStr.length;
@ -689,14 +701,13 @@ define([
arr = _.sortBy(arr, function(item){ return item.start; });
var str_res = (arr.length>0) ? ( message.substring(0, arr[0].start) + arr[0].str) : message;
var str_res = (arr.length>0) ? ( Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message.substring(0, arr[0].start)) + arr[0].str) : Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message);
for (var i=1; i<arr.length; i++) {
str_res += (message.substring(arr[i-1].end, arr[i].start) + arr[i].str);
str_res += (Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message.substring(arr[i-1].end, arr[i].start)) + arr[i].str);
if (arr.length>0) {
str_res += message.substring(arr[i-1].end, message.length);
str_res += Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message.substring(arr[i-1].end, message.length));
return str_res;
@ -50,12 +50,14 @@ define([
options: {
width : 500,
height : 325,
cls : 'modal-dlg copy-warning'
cls : 'modal-dlg copy-warning',
buttons: ['ok']
initialize : function(options) {
_.extend(this.options, {
title: this.textTitle
title: this.textTitle,
buttons: ['ok']
}, options || {});
this.template = [
@ -77,10 +79,7 @@ define([
'<div id="copy-warning-checkbox" style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: left;"></div>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer center">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>'
this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(this.options);
@ -286,7 +286,6 @@ define([
return false;
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
addButtonText: 'Add',
textNew: 'New',
textCurrent: 'Current',
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ define([
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer" style="text-align: center;">',
'<button id="id-btn-diagram-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-diagram-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-diagram-editor-cancel" class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.textClose + '</button>',
@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ define([
this.$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onDlgBtnClick, this));
show: function() {
Common.UI.Window.prototype.show.apply(this, arguments);
setChartData: function(data) {
this._chartData = data;
if (this._isExternalDocReady)
@ -143,6 +148,14 @@ define([
setPlaceholder: function(placeholder) {
this._placeholder = placeholder;
getPlaceholder: function() {
return this._placeholder;
textSave: 'Save & Exit',
textClose: 'Close',
textTitle: 'Chart Editor'
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ define([
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer" style="text-align: center;">',
'<button id="id-btn-merge-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-merge-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-merge-editor-cancel" class="btn normal dlg-btn disabled" result="cancel">' + this.textClose + '</button>',
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ define([
var templateRightBox = '<section>' +
'<section id="box-doc-name">' +
'<input type="text" id="rib-doc-name" spellcheck="false" data-can-copy="false" style="pointer-events: none;">' +
'<input type="text" id="rib-doc-name" spellcheck="false" data-can-copy="false" style="pointer-events: none;" disabled="disabled">' +
'</section>' +
'<a id="rib-save-status" class="status-label locked"><%= textSaveEnd %></a>' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ define([
// '<span class="btn-slot text" id="slot-btn-users"></span>' +
'<section id="tlb-box-users" class="box-cousers dropdown"">' +
'<div class="btn-users">' +
'<svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#svg-btn-users"></use></svg>' +
'<i class="icon toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-users"></i>' +
'<label class="caption">+</label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="cousers-menu dropdown-menu">' +
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ define([
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-redo"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="lr-separator"></div>' +
'<input type="text" id="title-doc-name" spellcheck="false" data-can-copy="false" style="pointer-events: none;">' +
'<input type="text" id="title-doc-name" spellcheck="false" data-can-copy="false" style="pointer-events: none;" disabled="disabled">' +
'<label id="title-user-name" style="pointer-events: none;"></label>' +
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ define([
.menu = false;
$panelUsers[(!_readonlyRights && appConfig && !appConfig.isReviewOnly && appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$panelUsers[(!_readonlyRights && appConfig && (appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length || appConfig.canRequestSharingSettings)) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ define([
function onLostEditRights() {
_readonlyRights = true;
$panelUsers && $panelUsers.find('#tlb-change-rights').hide();
$btnUsers && !$btnUsers.menu && $panelUsers.hide();
function onUsersClick(e) {
if ( !$btnUsers.menu ) {
this.fireEvent('click:users', this);
} else {
var usertip = $btnUsers.data('bs.tooltip');
if ( usertip ) {
@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ define([
var $labelChangeRights = $panelUsers.find('#tlb-change-rights');
$labelChangeRights.on('click', function(e) {
me.fireEvent('click:users', me);
$labelChangeRights[(!mode.isOffline && !mode.isReviewOnly && mode.sharingSettingsUrl && mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length)?'show':'hide']();
$panelUsers[(editingUsers > 1 || editingUsers > 0 && !appConfig.isEdit && !appConfig.isRestrictedEdit || !mode.isOffline && !mode.isReviewOnly && mode.sharingSettingsUrl && mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$labelChangeRights[(!mode.isOffline && (mode.sharingSettingsUrl && mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length || mode.canRequestSharingSettings))?'show':'hide']();
$panelUsers[(editingUsers > 1 || editingUsers > 0 && !appConfig.isEdit && !appConfig.isRestrictedEdit || !mode.isOffline && (mode.sharingSettingsUrl && mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length || mode.canRequestSharingSettings)) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
if ( $saveStatus ) {
$saveStatus.attr('data-width', me.textSaveExpander);
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ define([
me.btnGoBack = new Common.UI.Button({
id: 'btn-goback',
cls: 'btn-header',
iconCls: 'svgicon svg-btn-goback',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-goback',
split: true
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ define([
me.btnOptions = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-header no-caret',
iconCls: 'svgicon svg-btn-options',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-ic-options',
menu: true
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ define([
function createTitleButton(iconid, slot, disabled) {
return (new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-header',
iconCls: 'svgicon ' + iconid,
iconCls: iconid,
disabled: disabled === true
@ -489,13 +489,13 @@ define([
if ( !config.isEdit ) {
if ( (config.canDownload || config.canDownloadOrigin) && !config.isOffline )
this.btnDownload = createTitleButton('svg-btn-download', $html.find('#slot-hbtn-download'));
this.btnDownload = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-download', $html.findById('#slot-hbtn-download'));
if ( config.canPrint )
this.btnPrint = createTitleButton('svg-btn-print', $html.find('#slot-hbtn-print'));
this.btnPrint = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-print', $html.findById('#slot-hbtn-print'));
if ( config.canEdit && config.canRequestEditRights )
this.btnEdit = createTitleButton('svg-btn-edit', $html.find('#slot-hbtn-edit'));
this.btnEdit = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-edit', $html.findById('#slot-hbtn-edit'));
@ -519,15 +519,15 @@ define([
if ( config.canPrint && config.isEdit ) {
me.btnPrint = createTitleButton('svg-btn-print', $('#slot-btn-dt-print', $html), true);
me.btnPrint = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-print', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-print'), true);
me.btnSave = createTitleButton('svg-btn-save', $('#slot-btn-dt-save', $html), true);
me.btnUndo = createTitleButton('svg-btn-undo', $('#slot-btn-dt-undo', $html), true);
me.btnRedo = createTitleButton('svg-btn-redo', $('#slot-btn-dt-redo', $html), true);
me.btnSave = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-save', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-save'), true);
me.btnUndo = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-undo', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-undo'), true);
me.btnRedo = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-redo', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-redo'), true);
if ( me.btnSave.$icon.is('svg') ) {
me.btnSave.$icon.addClass('icon-save btn-save');
var _create_use = function (extid, intid) {
var _use = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'use');
_use.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', extid);
@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ define([
options: {
width: 330,
header: false,
cls: 'modal-dlg'
cls: 'modal-dlg',
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
initialize : function(options) {
@ -55,13 +56,9 @@ define([
this.template = [
'<div class="box">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<label>' + this.textUrl + '</label>',
'<label>' + (this.options.title || this.textUrl) + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-url" class="input-row"></div>',
'<div class="footer right">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.cancelButtonText + '</button>',
@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ define([
var me = this;
onPrimary: function(event) {
@ -123,8 +120,6 @@ define([
textUrl : 'Paste an image URL:',
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
okButtonText : 'Ok',
txtEmpty : 'This field is required',
txtNotUrl : 'This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"'
}, Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog || {}));
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ define([
height: 156,
style: 'min-width: 230px;',
cls: 'modal-dlg',
split: false
split: false,
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
initialize : function(options) {
@ -67,10 +68,6 @@ define([
'<div class="input-row" style="margin-top: 10px;">',
'<label class="text rows-text" style="width: 130px;">' + this.txtRows + '</label><div class="rows-val" style="float: right;"></div>',
'<div class="footer center">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.cancelButtonText + '</button>',
@ -113,8 +110,8 @@ define([
onBtnClick: function(event) {
if (this.options.handler) {
this.options.handler.call(this, event.currentTarget.attributes['result'].value, {
columns : this.udColumns.getValue(),
rows : this.udRows.getValue()
columns : this.udColumns.getNumberValue(),
rows : this.udRows.getNumberValue()
@ -124,8 +121,8 @@ define([
onPrimary: function() {
if (this.options.handler) {
this.options.handler.call(this, 'ok', {
columns : this.udColumns.getValue(),
rows : this.udRows.getValue()
columns : this.udColumns.getNumberValue(),
rows : this.udRows.getNumberValue()
@ -138,8 +135,6 @@ define([
txtColumns: 'Number of Columns',
txtRows: 'Number of Rows',
textInvalidRowsCols: 'You need to specify valid rows and columns count.',
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
okButtonText: 'Ok',
txtMinText: 'The minimum value for this field is {0}',
txtMaxText: 'The maximum value for this field is {0}'
}, Common.Views.InsertTableDialog || {}))
@ -51,25 +51,21 @@ define([
options: {
header: false,
width: 350,
cls: 'modal-dlg'
cls: 'modal-dlg',
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
template: '<div class="box">' +
'<div class="input-row">' +
'<label><%= label %></label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="input-row" id="id-document-language">' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="footer right">' +
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;"><%= btns.ok %></button>'+
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel"><%= btns.cancel %></button>'+
'<div class="input-row">' +
'<label><%= label %></label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="input-row" id="id-document-language">' +
'</div>' +
initialize : function(options) {
_.extend(this.options, options || {}, {
label: this.labelSelect,
btns: {ok: this.btnOk, cancel: this.btnCancel}
label: this.labelSelect
this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(this.options);
@ -90,13 +86,13 @@ define([
template: _.template([
'<span class="input-group combobox <%= cls %> combo-langs" id="<%= id %>" style="<%= style %>">',
'<input type="text" class="form-control">',
'<span class="icon input-icon spellcheck-lang img-toolbarmenu"></span>',
'<span class="icon input-icon spellcheck-lang toolbar__icon btn-ic-docspell"></span>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="caret img-commonctrl"></span></button>',
'<ul class="dropdown-menu <%= menuCls %>" style="<%= menuStyle %>" role="menu">',
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<li id="<%= item.id %>" data-value="<%= item.value %>">',
'<a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" style="padding-left: 28px !important;" langval="<%= item.value %>">',
'<i class="icon <% if (item.spellcheck) { %> img-toolbarmenu spellcheck-lang <% } %>"></i>',
'<i class="icon <% if (item.spellcheck) { %> toolbar__icon btn-ic-docspell spellcheck-lang <% } %>"></i>',
'<%= scope.getDisplayValue(item) %>',
@ -144,8 +140,6 @@ define([
return false;
labelSelect : 'Select document language',
btnCancel : 'Cancel',
btnOk : 'Ok'
labelSelect : 'Select document language'
}, Common.Views.LanguageDialog || {}))
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* ListSettingsDialog.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 30.10.2019
* Copyright (c) 2019 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
], function () { 'use strict';
Common.Views.ListSettingsDialog = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({
options: {
type: 0, // 0 - markers, 1 - numbers
width: 230,
height: 200,
style: 'min-width: 240px;',
cls: 'modal-dlg',
split: false,
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
initialize : function(options) {
this.type = options.type || 0;
_.extend(this.options, {
title: this.txtTitle
}, options || {});
this.template = [
'<div class="box">',
'<div class="input-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">',
'<label class="text" style="width: 70px;">' + this.txtSize + '</label><div id="id-dlg-list-size"></div><label class="text" style="margin-left: 10px;">' + this.txtOfText + '</label>',
'<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">',
'<label class="text" style="width: 70px;">' + this.txtColor + '</label><div id="id-dlg-list-color" style="display: inline-block;"></div>',
'<% if (type == 0) { %>',
'<div class="input-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">',
'<label class="text" style="width: 70px;vertical-align: top;">' + this.txtBullet + '</label>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="id-dlg-list-edit" style="width:53px;display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;"></button>',
'<% } %>',
'<% if (type == 1) { %>',
'<div class="input-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">',
'<label class="text" style="width: 70px;">' + this.txtStart + '</label><div id="id-dlg-list-start"></div>',
'<% } %>',
this.props = options.props;
this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(this.options);
Common.UI.Window.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options);
render: function() {
var me = this,
$window = this.getChild();
$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
this.menuAddAlign = function(menuRoot, left, top) {
var self = this;
if (!$window.hasClass('notransform')) {
setTimeout(function() {
menuRoot.css({left: left, top: top});
self.options.additionalAlign = null;
}, 300);
} else {
menuRoot.css({left: left, top: top});
self.options.additionalAlign = null;
this.spnSize = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-list-size'),
step : 1,
width : 53,
value : 100,
defaultUnit : '',
maxValue : 400,
minValue : 25,
allowDecimal: false
}).on('change', function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
if (me._changedProps) {
this.btnColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:53px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
additionalAlign: this.menuAddAlign,
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-dlg-list-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-dlg-list-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colors = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#id-dlg-list-color-menu'),
transparent: false
me.colors.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsSelect, me));
$('#id-dlg-list-color-new').on('click', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colors));
this.spnStart = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-list-start'),
step : 1,
width : 53,
value : 1,
defaultUnit : '',
maxValue : 32767,
minValue : 1,
allowDecimal: false
}).on('change', function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
if (me._changedProps) {
this.btnEdit = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $window.find('#id-dlg-list-edit'),
hint: this.tipChange
this.btnEdit.on('click', _.bind(this.onEditBullet, this));
this.btnEdit.cmpEl.css({'font-size': '16px', 'line-height': '16px'});
afterRender: function() {
updateThemeColors: function() {
this.colors.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
addNewColor: function(picker, btn) {
picker.addNewColor((typeof(btn.color) == 'object') ? btn.color.color : btn.color);
onColorsSelect: function(picker, color) {
if (this._changedProps) {
onEditBullet: function() {
var me = this,
props = me.bulletProps,
handler = function(dlg, result, settings) {
if (result == 'ok') {
props.changed = true;
props.code = settings.code;
props.font = settings.font;
props.symbol = settings.symbol;
props.font && me.btnEdit.cmpEl.css('font-family', props.font);
settings.symbol && me.btnEdit.setCaption(settings.symbol);
if (me._changedProps) {
win = new Common.Views.SymbolTableDialog({
api: me.options.api,
lang: me.options.interfaceLang,
modal: true,
type: 0,
font: props.font,
symbol: props.symbol,
handler: handler
win.on('symbol:dblclick', handler);
_handleInput: function(state) {
if (this.options.handler) {
this.options.handler.call(this, state, this._changedProps);
onBtnClick: function(event) {
onPrimary: function(event) {
return false;
_setDefaults: function (props) {
if (props) {
this.spnSize.setValue(props.asc_getBulletSize() || '', true);
var value = props.get_NumStartAt();
this.spnStart.setValue(value || '', true);
var color = props.asc_getBulletColor();
if (color) {
if (color.get_type() == Asc.c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) {
color = {color: Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b()), effectValue: color.get_value()};
} else {
color = Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b());
} else
color = 'transparent';
if ( typeof(color) == 'object' ) {
var isselected = false;
for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
if ( Common.Utils.ThemeColor.ThemeValues[i] == color.effectValue ) {
isselected = true;
if (!isselected) this.colors.clearSelection();
} else
if (this.type==0) {
this.bulletProps = {symbol: props.asc_getBulletSymbol(), font: props.asc_getBulletFont()};
this.bulletProps.font && this.btnEdit.cmpEl.css('font-family', this.bulletProps.font);
this.bulletProps.symbol && this.btnEdit.setCaption(this.bulletProps.symbol);
this._changedProps = new Asc.asc_CParagraphProperty();
txtTitle: 'List Settings',
txtSize: 'Size',
txtColor: 'Color',
txtOfText: '% of text',
textNewColor: 'Add New Custom Color',
txtStart: 'Start at',
txtBullet: 'Bullet',
tipChange: 'Change bullet'
}, Common.Views.ListSettingsDialog || {}))
@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ define([
delimiter = this.cmbDelimiter ? this.cmbDelimiter.getValue() : null,
delimiterChar = (delimiter == -1) ? this.inputDelimiter.getValue() : null;
(delimiter == -1) && (delimiter = null);
if (!this.closable && this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.TXT) { //save last encoding only for opening txt files
Common.localStorage.setItem("de-settings-open-encoding", encoding);
this.handler.call(this, state, encoding, delimiter, delimiterChar);
@ -284,11 +287,17 @@ define([
data: listItems,
editable: false,
disabled: true,
search: true,
itemsTemplate: itemsTemplate
this.cmbEncoding.setValue((this.settings && this.settings.asc_getCodePage()) ? this.settings.asc_getCodePage() : encodedata[0][0]);
var encoding = (this.settings && this.settings.asc_getCodePage()) ? this.settings.asc_getCodePage() : encodedata[0][0];
if (!this.closable && this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.TXT) { // only for opening txt files
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-open-encoding");
value && (encoding = parseInt(value));
if (this.preview)
this.cmbEncoding.on('selected', _.bind(this.onCmbEncodingSelect, this));
@ -435,8 +444,6 @@ define([
okButtonText : "OK",
cancelButtonText : "Cancel",
txtDelimiter : "Delimiter",
txtEncoding : "Encoding ",
txtSpace : "Space",
@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ define([
header : true,
cls : 'modal-dlg',
contentTemplate : '',
title : t.txtTitle
title : t.txtTitle,
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
}, options);
@ -77,11 +78,7 @@ define([
'<div id="id-repeat-txt" class="input-row"></div>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer center">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right:10px;">' + t.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + t.cancelButtonText + '</button>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>'
this.handler = options.handler;
@ -154,8 +151,6 @@ define([
okButtonText : "OK",
cancelButtonText : "Cancel",
txtTitle : "Set Password",
txtPassword : "Password",
txtDescription : "A Password is required to open this document",
@ -88,22 +88,22 @@ define([
el && (this.$el = $(el));
this.$el.html(this.template({scope: this}));
this.viewPluginsList = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#plugins-list'),
store: this.storePlugins,
enableKeyEvents: false,
itemTemplate: _.template([
'<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-plugins" style="display: <% if (visible) {%> block; <%} else {%> none; <% } %>">',
'<div class="plugin-icon" style="background-image: url(' + '<%= baseUrl %>' + '<%= variations[currentVariation].get("icons")[((window.devicePixelRatio > 1) ? 1 : 0) + (variations[currentVariation].get("icons").length>2 ? 2 : 0)] %>);"></div>',
'<% if (variations.length>1) { %>',
'<div class="plugin-caret img-commonctrl"></div>',
'<% } %>',
'<%= name %>',
// this.viewPluginsList = new Common.UI.DataView({
// el: $('#plugins-list'),
// store: this.storePlugins,
// enableKeyEvents: false,
// itemTemplate: _.template([
// '<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-plugins" style="display: <% if (visible) {%> block; <%} else {%> none; <% } %>">',
// '<div class="plugin-icon" style="background-image: url(' + '<%= baseUrl %>' + '<%= variations[currentVariation].get("icons")[((window.devicePixelRatio > 1) ? 1 : 0) + (variations[currentVariation].get("icons").length>2 ? 2 : 0)] %>);"></div>',
// '<% if (variations.length>1) { %>',
// '<div class="plugin-caret img-commonctrl"></div>',
// '<% } %>',
// '<%= name %>',
// '</div>'
// ].join(''))
// });
// this.lockedControls.push(this.viewPluginsList);
// this.viewPluginsList.cmpEl.off('click');
this.pluginName = $('#current-plugin-header label');
this.pluginsPanel = $('#plugins-box');
@ -366,11 +366,6 @@ define([
'<% if ((typeof buttons !== "undefined") && _.size(buttons) > 0) { %>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer" style="text-align: center;">',
'<% for(var bt in buttons) { %>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn <%= buttons[bt].cls %>" result="<%= bt %>" style="margin-right: 10px;"><%= buttons[bt].text %></button>',
'<% } %>',
'<% } %>'
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ define([
me._isSetEvents = true;
return {
@ -119,14 +120,14 @@ define([
if ( this.appConfig.isPasswordSupport ) {
this.btnAddPwd = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-protect',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-protect',
caption: this.txtEncrypt
this.btnPwd = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-protect',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-protect',
caption: this.txtEncrypt,
menu: true,
visible: false
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ define([
if (this.appConfig.isSignatureSupport) {
this.btnSignature = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-signature',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-signature',
caption: this.txtSignature,
menu: (this.appPrefix !== 'pe-')
@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ define([
getButton: function(type, parent) {
var me = this;
if ( type == 'signature' ) {
var button = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-text-default',
@ -229,7 +231,11 @@ define([
disabled: this._state.invisibleSignDisabled
if (this._isSetEvents) {
button.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('protect:signature', ['invisible']);
return button;
} else if ( type == 'add-password' ) {
var button = new Common.UI.Button({
@ -240,7 +246,11 @@ define([
visible: !this._state.hasPassword
if (this._isSetEvents) {
button.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('protect:password', [b, 'add']);
return button;
} else if ( type == 'del-password' ) {
var button = new Common.UI.Button({
@ -251,7 +261,11 @@ define([
visible: this._state.hasPassword
if (this._isSetEvents) {
button.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('protect:password', [b, 'delete']);
return button;
} else if ( type == 'change-password' ) {
var button = new Common.UI.Button({
@ -262,7 +276,11 @@ define([
visible: this._state.hasPassword
if (this._isSetEvents) {
button.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('protect:password', [b, 'add']);
return button;
@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ define([
width: 330,
header: false,
cls: 'modal-dlg',
filename: ''
filename: '',
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
initialize : function(options) {
@ -59,10 +60,6 @@ define([
'<label>' + this.textName + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-newname" class="input-row"></div>',
'<div class="footer right">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.cancelButtonText + '</button>',
@ -128,8 +125,6 @@ define([
textName : 'File name',
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
okButtonText : 'Ok',
txtInvalidName : 'The file name cannot contain any of the following characters: '
}, Common.Views.RenameDialog || {}));
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ define([
'<div class="separator long sharing"/>' +
'<div class="group">' +
'<span class="btn-slot text x-huge slot-comment"></span>' +
'<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-comment-remove"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="separator long comments"/>' +
'<div class="group">' +
@ -79,6 +80,10 @@ define([
'<span id="btn-change-reject" class="btn-slot text x-huge"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="separator long review"/>' +
'<div class="group">' +
'<span id="btn-compare" class="btn-slot text x-huge"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="separator long compare"/>' +
'<div class="group no-group-mask">' +
'<span id="slot-btn-chat" class="btn-slot text x-huge"></span>' +
'</div>' +
@ -115,6 +120,16 @@ define([
me.fireEvent('reviewchange:reject', [menu, item]);
if (me.appConfig.canFeatureComparison) {
this.btnCompare.on('click', function (e) {
me.fireEvent('reviewchange:compare', ['file']);
this.btnCompare.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) {
me.fireEvent('reviewchange:compare', [item.value]);
this.btnsTurnReview.forEach(function (button) {
button.on('click', _click_turnpreview.bind(me));
@ -129,7 +144,7 @@ define([
this.btnReviewView && this.btnReviewView.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) {
me.fireEvent('reviewchanges:view', [menu, item]);
me.fireEvent('reviewchange:view', [menu, item]);
@ -161,6 +176,16 @@ define([
this.btnChat && this.btnChat.on('click', function (btn, e) {
me.fireEvent('collaboration:chat', [btn.pressed]);
if (this.btnCommentRemove) {
this.btnCommentRemove.on('click', function (e) {
me.fireEvent('comment:removeComments', ['current']);
this.btnCommentRemove.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) {
me.fireEvent('comment:removeComments', [item.value]);
return {
@ -178,19 +203,27 @@ define([
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption: this.txtAccept,
split: true,
iconCls: 'review-save'
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-save'
this.btnReject = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption: this.txtReject,
split: true,
iconCls: 'review-deny'
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-deny'
if (this.appConfig.canFeatureComparison)
this.btnCompare = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption : this.txtCompare,
split : true,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-compare'
this.btnTurnOn = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-review',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-review',
caption: this.txtTurnon,
enableToggle: true
@ -199,13 +232,13 @@ define([
if (this.appConfig.canViewReview) {
this.btnPrev = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'review-prev',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-prev',
caption: this.txtPrev
this.btnNext = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'review-next',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-next',
caption: this.txtNext
@ -216,7 +249,7 @@ define([
this.btnReviewView = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-reviewview',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-reviewview',
caption: this.txtView,
menu: new Common.UI.Menu({
cls: 'ppm-toolbar',
@ -254,10 +287,10 @@ define([
if (!!this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length && this._readonlyRights!==true) {
if ((!!this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length || this.appConfig.canRequestSharingSettings) && this._readonlyRights!==true) {
this.btnSharing = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-sharing',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-sharing',
caption: this.txtSharing
@ -265,7 +298,7 @@ define([
if (this.appConfig.isEdit && !this.appConfig.isOffline && this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring) {
this.btnCoAuthMode = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-coedit',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-coedit',
caption: this.txtCoAuthMode,
menu: true
@ -277,7 +310,7 @@ define([
if (this.appConfig.canUseHistory && !this.appConfig.isDisconnected) {
this.btnHistory = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-history',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-history',
caption: this.txtHistory
@ -285,12 +318,21 @@ define([
if (this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring && this.appConfig.canChat) {
this.btnChat = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-chat',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-chat',
caption: this.txtChat,
enableToggle: true
if ( this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring && this.appConfig.canComments ) {
this.btnCommentRemove = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption: this.txtCommentRemove,
split: true,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-rem-comment'
var filter = Common.localStorage.getKeysFilter();
this.appPrefix = (filter && filter.length) ? filter.split(',')[0] : '';
@ -348,6 +390,20 @@ define([
me.btnReject.updateHint([me.tipRejectCurrent, me.txtRejectChanges]);
if (config.canFeatureComparison) {
me.btnCompare.setMenu(new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{caption: me.mniFromFile, value: 'file'},
{caption: me.mniFromUrl, value: 'url'},
{caption: me.mniFromStorage, value: 'storage'}
// ,{caption: '--'},
// {caption: me.mniSettings, value: 'settings'}
me.btnCompare.menu.items[2].setVisible(me.appConfig.canRequestCompareFile || me.appConfig.fileChoiceUrl && me.appConfig.fileChoiceUrl.indexOf("{documentType}")>-1);
@ -397,9 +453,32 @@ define([
me.turnCoAuthMode((value===null || parseInt(value) == 1) && !(config.isDesktopApp && config.isOffline) && config.canCoAuthoring);
if (me.btnCommentRemove) {
var items = [
caption: config.canEditComments ? me.txtCommentRemCurrent : me.txtCommentRemMyCurrent,
value: 'current'
caption: me.txtCommentRemMy,
value: 'my'
if (config.canEditComments)
caption: me.txtCommentRemAll,
value: 'all'
new Common.UI.Menu({items: items})
me.btnCommentRemove.updateHint([me.tipCommentRemCurrent, me.tipCommentRem]);
var separator_sharing = !(me.btnSharing || me.btnCoAuthMode) ? me.$el.find('.separator.sharing') : '.separator.sharing',
separator_comments = !(config.canComments && config.canCoAuthoring) ? me.$el.find('.separator.comments') : '.separator.comments',
separator_review = !(config.canReview || config.canViewReview) ? me.$el.find('.separator.review') : '.separator.review',
separator_compare = !(config.canReview && config.canFeatureComparison) ? me.$el.find('.separator.compare') : '.separator.compare',
separator_chat = !me.btnChat ? me.$el.find('.separator.chat') : '.separator.chat',
@ -418,6 +497,11 @@ define([
separator_last = separator_review;
if (typeof separator_compare == 'object')
separator_last = separator_compare;
if (typeof separator_chat == 'object')
@ -426,7 +510,7 @@ define([
if (!me.btnHistory && separator_last)
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'review', config.isEdit || config.canViewReview);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'review', config.isEdit || config.canViewReview || config.canCoAuthoring && config.canComments);
@ -438,6 +522,7 @@ define([
if ( this.appConfig.canReview ) {
this.appConfig.canFeatureComparison && this.btnCompare.render(this.$el.find('#btn-compare'));
this.btnPrev && this.btnPrev.render(this.$el.find('#btn-change-prev'));
@ -448,6 +533,7 @@ define([
this.btnCoAuthMode && this.btnCoAuthMode.render(this.$el.find('#slot-btn-coauthmode'));
this.btnHistory && this.btnHistory.render(this.$el.find('#slot-btn-history'));
this.btnChat && this.btnChat.render(this.$el.find('#slot-btn-chat'));
this.btnCommentRemove && this.btnCommentRemove.render(this.$el.find('#slot-comment-remove'));
return this.$el;
@ -461,7 +547,7 @@ define([
if ( type == 'turn' && parent == 'statusbar' ) {
var button = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls : 'btn-ic-review',
iconCls : 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-review',
hintAnchor : 'top',
hint : this.tipReview,
enableToggle: true
@ -474,7 +560,7 @@ define([
if ( type == 'spelling' ) {
button = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-docspell',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-docspell',
hintAnchor : 'top',
hint: this.tipSetSpelling,
enableToggle: true
@ -485,7 +571,7 @@ define([
} else if (type == 'doclang' && parent == 'statusbar' ) {
button = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'btn-ic-doclang',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-doclang',
hintAnchor : 'top',
hint: this.tipSetDocLang,
disabled: true
@ -561,6 +647,7 @@ define([
}, this);
this.btnChat && this.btnChat.setDisabled(state);
this.btnCommentRemove && this.btnCommentRemove.setDisabled(state);
onLostEditRights: function() {
@ -609,7 +696,20 @@ define([
txtFinalCap: 'Final',
txtOriginalCap: 'Original',
strFastDesc: 'Real-time co-editing. All changes are saved automatically.',
strStrictDesc: 'Use the \'Save\' button to sync the changes you and others make.'
strStrictDesc: 'Use the \'Save\' button to sync the changes you and others make.',
txtCompare: 'Compare',
tipCompare: 'Compare current document with another one',
mniFromFile: 'Document from File',
mniFromUrl: 'Document from URL',
mniFromStorage: 'Document from Storage',
mniSettings: 'Comparison Settings',
txtCommentRemove: 'Remove',
tipCommentRemCurrent: 'Remove current comments',
tipCommentRem: 'Remove comments',
txtCommentRemCurrent: 'Remove Current Comments',
txtCommentRemMyCurrent: 'Remove My Current Comments',
txtCommentRemMy: 'Remove My Comments',
txtCommentRemAll: 'Remove All Comments'
}()), Common.Views.ReviewChanges || {}));
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ define([
this.reviewStore = options.reviewStore;
this.canRequestUsers = options.canRequestUsers;
this.canRequestSendNotify = options.canRequestSendNotify;
this.mentionShare = options.mentionShare;
this.externalUsers = [];
this._state = {commentsVisible: false, reviewVisible: false};
@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ define([
textReply: me.textReply,
textClose: me.textClose,
maxCommLength: Asc.c_oAscMaxCellOrCommentLength,
textMention: me.canRequestSendNotify ? me.textMention : ''
textMention: me.canRequestSendNotify ? (me.mentionShare ? me.textMention : me.textMentionNotify) : ''
@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ define([
this.emailMenu = new Common.UI.Menu({
maxHeight: 190,
maxHeight: 200,
cyclic: false,
items: []
}).on('render:after', function(mnu) {
@ -945,7 +946,7 @@ define([
$this.val($this.val().substring(0, start) + '\t' + $this.val().substring(end));
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1;
// event.stopImmediatePropagation();
@ -954,28 +955,30 @@ define([
if (this.canRequestUsers) {
textBox && textBox.keydown(function (event) {
if ( event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.SPACE ||
if ( event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.SPACE || event.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.TAB ||
event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.HOME || event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.END || event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RIGHT ||
event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.LEFT || event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.UP) {
// hide email menu
} else if (event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.DOWN) {
if (me.emailMenu && me.emailMenu.rendered && me.emailMenu.isVisible())
_.delay(function() {
if (me.emailMenu && me.emailMenu.rendered && me.emailMenu.isVisible()) {
_.delay(function () {
var selected = me.emailMenu.cmpEl.find('li:not(.divider):first');
selected = selected.find('a');
}, 10);
me.e = event;
textBox && textBox.on('input', function (event) {
var $this = $(this),
start = this.selectionStart,
val = $this.val().replace(/[\n]$/, ""),
val = $this.val(),
left = 0, right = val.length-1;
for (var i=start-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (val.charCodeAt(i) == 32 /*space*/ || val.charCodeAt(i) == 13 || val.charCodeAt(i) == 10 || val.charCodeAt(i) == 9) {
if (val.charCodeAt(i) == 32 /*space*/ || val.charCodeAt(i) == 13 /*enter*/ || val.charCodeAt(i) == 10 /*new line*/ || val.charCodeAt(i) == 9 /*tab*/) {
left = i+1; break;
@ -989,7 +992,8 @@ define([
if (res && res.length>1) {
str = res[1]; // send to show email menu
me.onEmailListMenu(str, left, right);
} else
me.onEmailListMenu(); // hide email menu
@ -1011,6 +1015,8 @@ define([
}, this);
if (this.emailMenu && this.emailMenu.rendered)
this.emailMenu.cmpEl.css('display', 'none');
isCommentsViewMouseOver: function () {
@ -1118,7 +1124,10 @@ define([
return (item.email && 0 === item.email.toLowerCase().indexOf(str) || item.name && 0 === item.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(str))
var tpl = _.template('<a id="<%= id %>" tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" style="font-size: 12px;"><div><%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(caption) %></div><div style="color: #909090;"><%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(options.value) %></div></a>'),
var tpl = _.template('<a id="<%= id %>" tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" style="font-size: 12px;">' +
'<div style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 195px;"><%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(caption) %></div>' +
'<div style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 195px; color: #909090;"><%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(options.value) %></div>' +
divider = false;
_.each(users, function(menuItem, index) {
if (divider && !menuItem.hasAccess) {
@ -1157,11 +1166,13 @@ define([
insertEmailToTextbox: function(str, left, right) {
var textBox = this.commentsView.getTextBox(),
val = textBox.val();
textBox.val(val.substring(0, left) + '+' + str + val.substring(right+1, val.length));
var textBox = this.commentsView.getTextBox();
if (!textBox) return;
var val = textBox.val();
textBox.val(val.substring(0, left) + '+' + str + ' ' + val.substring(right+1, val.length));
textBox[0].selectionStart = textBox[0].selectionEnd = left + str.length + 1;
textBox[0].selectionStart = textBox[0].selectionEnd = left + str.length + 2;
}, 10);
@ -1174,6 +1185,7 @@ define([
textResolve : 'Resolve',
textOpenAgain : "Open Again",
textFollowMove : 'Follow Move',
textMention : '+mention will provide access to the document and send an email'
textMention : '+mention will provide access to the document and send an email',
textMentionNotify : '+mention will notify the user via email'
}, Common.Views.ReviewPopover || {}))
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ define([
if (msg && msg.Referer == "onlyoffice") {
if ( !_.isEmpty(msg.error) ) {
this.trigger('saveaserror', this, msg.error);
} else if (!_.isEmpty(msg.message)) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('showmessage', {msg: msg.message});
// if ( !_.isEmpty(msg.folder) ) {
// this.trigger('saveasfolder', this, msg.folder); // save last folder url
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
'<div class="box">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<span class="btn-placeholder" id="search-placeholder-btn-options"></span>',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-search" class="form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textSearchStart+'">',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-search" class="input-field form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textSearchStart+'">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-replace" class="form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textReplaceDef+'">',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-replace" class="input-field form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textReplaceDef+'">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<label class="link" id="search-label-replace" result="replaceshow">'+this.txtBtnReplace+'</label>',
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer right">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="replace" style="margin-right: 6px;">'+this.txtBtnReplace+'</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="replaceall" style="margin-right: 10px;">'+this.txtBtnReplaceAll+'</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn iconic" result="back" style="margin-right: 6px;"><span class="icon img-commonctrl back" /></button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn iconic" result="next"><span class="icon img-commonctrl next" /></button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="replace">'+this.txtBtnReplace+'</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="replaceall" style="margin-left: 6px;">'+this.txtBtnReplaceAll+'</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn iconic" result="back"><span class="icon img-commonctrl back" /></button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn iconic" result="next" style="margin-left: 6px;"><span class="icon img-commonctrl next" /></button>',
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
this.btnOptions = new Common.UI.Button({
id : 'search-btn-options',
cls : 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls : 'btn-settings',
iconCls : 'toolbar__icon btn-settings',
// hint : me.tipMerge,
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items : [
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ define([
options: {
width: 370,
style: 'min-width: 350px;',
cls: 'modal-dlg'
cls: 'modal-dlg',
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
initialize : function(options) {
@ -106,10 +107,6 @@ define([
'<tr><td><div id="id-dlg-sign-certificate" class="hidden" style="max-width: 212px;overflow: hidden;"></td></tr>',
'<div class="footer center">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.cancelButtonText + '</button>',
@ -342,8 +339,6 @@ define([
textCertificate: 'Certificate',
textValid: 'Valid from %1 to %2',
textChange: 'Change',
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
okButtonText: 'Ok',
textInputName: 'Input signer name',
textUseImage: 'or click \'Select Image\' to use a picture as signature',
textSelectImage: 'Select Image',
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ define([
'<div id="id-dlg-sign-settings-date"></div>',
'<div class="footer center">',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok">' + this.okButtonText + '</button>',
'<% if (type == "edit") { %>',
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.cancelButtonText + '</button>',
'<% } %>',
@ -200,8 +200,6 @@ define([
textInfoTitle: 'Signer Title',
textInfoEmail: 'E-mail',
textInstructions: 'Instructions for Signer',
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
okButtonText: 'Ok',
txtEmpty: 'This field is required',
textAllowComment: 'Allow signer to add comment in the signature dialog',
textShowDate: 'Show sign date in signature line',
Normal file
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.3 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.3 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 50 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 124 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 124 B |
@ -21,11 +21,8 @@
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c0,0.553,0.448,1,1,1h7c0.553,0,1-0.447,1-1v-2h2c0.553,0,1-0.447,1-1V8C17,7.448,16.553,7,16,7z M6,5h7v2H6V5z M5,13H3v-2h2V13z
M13,16H6v-5h7V16z M16,13h-2v-2h2V13z M3,10V8h13v2H3z"/>
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@ -33,26 +30,23 @@
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@ -73,4 +67,118 @@
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