[Mobile] Update translaion

This commit is contained in:
Julia Radzhabova 2021-12-17 12:57:55 +03:00
parent 92203d5ad1
commit 1429c2319d
4 changed files with 1206 additions and 1205 deletions

View file

@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
"textAddress": "Διεύθυνση",
"textBack": "Πίσω",
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"textAddLink": "Προσθήκη συνδέσμου",
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@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
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"textEmptyImgUrl": "Πρέπει να καθορίσετε τη διεύθυνση URL της εικόνας.",
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"textFootnote": "Υποσημείωση",
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@ -38,28 +40,27 @@
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@ -72,6 +73,7 @@
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@ -90,6 +92,7 @@
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@ -111,56 +114,53 @@
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@ -175,23 +175,24 @@
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@ -228,6 +229,7 @@
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@ -257,59 +259,59 @@
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"Error": {
"convertationTimeoutText": "Υπέρβαση χρονικού ορίου μετατροπής.",
"criticalErrorExtText": "Πατήστε 'Εντάξει' για να επιστρέψετε στη λίστα εγγράφων.",
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"errorAccessDeny": "Προσπαθείτε να εκτελέσετε μια ενέργεια για την οποία δεν έχετε δικαιώματα.<br>Παρακαλούμε, επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "Εσφαλμένη διεύθυνση URL εικόνας",
"errorConnectToServer": "Αδύνατη η αποθήκευση αυτού του εγγράφου. Ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις σύνδεσης ή επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή.<br>Όταν πατήσετε Εντάξει, θα σας ζητηθεί να μεταφορτώσετε το έγγραφο.",
"errorDatabaseConnection": "Εξωτερικό σφάλμα<br>Σφάλμα σύνδεσης βάσης δεδομένων. Παρακαλούμε, επικοινωνήστε με την υποστήριξη.",
@ -317,34 +319,32 @@
"errorDataRange": "Εσφαλμένο εύρος δεδομένων.",
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"errorEditingDownloadas": "Συνέβη ένα σφάλμα κατά την επεξεργασία του εγγράφου.<br>Μεταφορτώστε το έγγραφο για να αποθηκεύσετε τοπικά ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "Το αρχείο προστατεύεται με συνθηματικό και δεν μπορεί να ανοίξει.",
"errorFileSizeExceed": "Το μέγεθος του αρχείου υπερβαίνει το όριο του εξυπηρετητή σας.<br>Παρακαλούμε, επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας.",
"errorKeyEncrypt": "Άγνωστος περιγραφέας κλειδιού",
"errorKeyExpire": "Ο περιγραφέας κλειδιού έχει λήξει",
"errorLoadingFont": "Οι γραμματοσειρές δεν έχουν φορτωθεί.<br>Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του Εξυπηρετητή Εγγράφων σας.",
"errorMailMergeLoadFile": "Φόρτωση απέτυχε",
"errorMailMergeSaveFile": "Η συγχώνευση απέτυχε.",
"errorSessionAbsolute": "Η σύνοδος επεξεργασίας του εγγράφου έληξε. Παρακαλούμε, φορτώστε ξανά τη σελίδα.",
"errorSessionIdle": "Το έγγραφο δεν τροποποιήθηκε για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα. Παρακαλούμε, φορτώστε ξανά τη σελίδα.",
"errorSessionToken": "Η σύνδεση με τον εξυπηρετητή διακόπηκε. Παρακαλούμε, φορτώστε ξανά τη σελίδα.",
"errorStockChart": "Εσφαλμένη διάταξη γραμμών. Για να φτιάξετε γράφημα μετοχών, βάλτε τα δεδομένα στο φύλλο με την ακόλουθη σειρά:<br> τιμή εκκίνησης, μέγιστη τιμή, ελάχιστη τιμή, τιμή κλεισίματος.",
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Η σύνδεση στο Διαδίκτυο έχει αποκατασταθεί και η έκδοση του αρχείου έχει αλλάξει.<br>Προτού συνεχίσετε να εργάζεστε, πρέπει να κατεβάσετε το αρχείο ή να αντιγράψετε το περιεχόμενό του για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι δεν έχει χαθεί τίποτα. Στη συνέχεια, φορτώστε ξανά αυτή τη σελίδα.",
"errorUserDrop": "Το αρχείο δεν είναι προσβάσιμο αυτή τη στιγμή.",
"errorUsersExceed": "Υπέρβαση του αριθμού των χρηστών που επιτρέπονται από το πρόγραμμα τιμολόγησης",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Η σύνδεση χάθηκε. Μπορείτε ακόμα να βλέπετε το έγγραφο,<br>αλλά δεν θα μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε ή να το εκτυπώσετε μέχρι να αποκατασταθεί η σύνδεση και να φορτωθεί ξανά η σελίδα.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Προειδοποίηση",
"openErrorText": "Σφάλμα κατά το άνοιγμα του αρχείου",
"saveErrorText": "Σφάλμα κατά την αποθήκευση του αρχείου",
"scriptLoadError": "Η σύνδεση είναι πολύ αργή, κάποια από τα στοιχεία δεν φορτώθηκαν. Παρακαλούμε, φορτώστε ξανά τη σελίδα.",
"splitDividerErrorText": "Ο αριθμός των γραμμών πρέπει να είναι διαιρέτης του %1",
"splitMaxColsErrorText": "Ο αριθμός στηλών πρέπει να είναι μικρότερος από %1",
"splitMaxRowsErrorText": "Ο αριθμός των γραμμών πρέπει να είναι μικρότερος από %1",
"unknownErrorText": "Άγνωστο σφάλμα.",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Άγνωστη μορφή εικόνας.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "Δεν μεταφορτώθηκαν εικόνες.",
"criticalErrorExtText": "Press 'OK' to go back to the document list.",
"errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.<br>Please, contact your admin.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.",
"errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limit.<br>Please, contact your admin.",
"errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor",
"errorSessionAbsolute": "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionIdle": "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
"errorUserDrop": "The file can't be accessed right now.",
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
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"scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page.",
"splitDividerErrorText": "The number of rows must be a divisor of %1",
"splitMaxColsErrorText": "The number of columns must be less than %1",
"splitMaxRowsErrorText": "The number of rows must be less than %1",
"unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB."
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "Η εικόνα είναι πολύ μεγάλη. Το μέγιστο μέγεθος είναι 25MB."
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@ -365,24 +365,31 @@
"loadingDocumentTitleText": "Φόρτωση εγγράφου",
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"printTextText": "Εκτύπωση εγγράφου...",
"printTitleText": "Εκτύπωση Εγγράφου",
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"savePreparingTitle": "Προετοιμασία αποθήκευσης. Παρακαλούμε περιμένετε...",
"saveTextText": "Αποθήκευση εγγράφου...",
"saveTitleText": "Αποθήκευση Εγγράφου",
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"errorAccessDeny": "Προσπαθείτε να εκτελέσετε μια ενέργεια για την οποία δεν έχετε δικαιώματα.<br>Παρακαλούμε, επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας.",
"errorOpensource": "Με τη δωρεάν έκδοση Κοινότητας μπορείτε να ανοίξετε έγγραφα μόνο για ανάγνωση. Για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στους συντάκτες κινητού μέσω δικτύου, απαιτείται εμπορική άδεια.",
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"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Προειδοποίηση",
"SDK": {
" -Section ": "-Τμήμα",
"above": "πάνω από",
@ -420,65 +427,61 @@
"Missing Argument": "Λείπει Όρισμα",
"Missing Operator": "Λείπει Τελεστής",
"No Spacing": "Χωρίς Απόσταση",
"No table of contents entries found": "Δεν υπάρχουν επικεφαλίδες στο έγγραφο. Εφαρμόστε μια τεχνοτροπία επικεφαλίδων στο κείμενο ώστε να εμφανίζεται στον πίνακα περιεχομένων.",
"No table of figures entries found": "Δεν βρέθηκαν καταχωρήσεις στον πίνακα εικόνων",
"None": "Κανένα",
"Normal": "Κανονική",
"Number Too Large To Format": "Αριθμός Πολύ Μεγάλος για να Μορφοποιηθεί",
"No table of contents entries found": "There are no headings in the document. Apply a heading style to the text so that it appears in the table of contents.",
"Odd Page ": "Odd Page ",
"Quote": "Quote",
"Same as Previous": "Same as Previous",
"Series": "Series",
"Subtitle": "Subtitle",
"Syntax Error": "Syntax Error",
"Table Index Cannot be Zero": "Table Index Cannot be Zero",
"Table of Contents": "Table of Contents",
"table of figures": "Table of figures",
"The Formula Not In Table": "The Formula Not In Table",
"Title": "Title",
"TOC Heading": "TOC Heading",
"Type equation here": "Type equation here",
"Undefined Bookmark": "Undefined Bookmark",
"Unexpected End of Formula": "Unexpected End of Formula",
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"Y Axis": "Y Axis",
"Your text here": "Your text here",
"Zero Divide": "Zero Divide"
"Odd Page ": "Μονή Σελίδα",
"Quote": "Παράθεση",
"Same as Previous": "Ίδιο με το Προηγούμενο",
"Series": "Σειρά",
"Subtitle": "Υπότιτλος",
"Syntax Error": "Συντακτικό Λάθος",
"Table Index Cannot be Zero": "Ο Δείκτης Πίνακα Δεν Μπορεί να είναι Μηδέν",
"Table of Contents": "Πίνακας Περιεχομένων",
"table of figures": "Πίνακας Εικόνων",
"The Formula Not In Table": "Ο Τύπος Δεν Περιλαμβάνεται στον Πίνακα",
"Title": "Τίτλος",
"TOC Heading": "Επικεφαλίδα Πίνακα Περιεχομένων",
"Type equation here": "Πληκτρολογήστε την εξίσωση εδώ",
"Undefined Bookmark": "Μη Ορισμένος Σελιδοδείκτης",
"Unexpected End of Formula": "Μη Αναμενόμενος Τερματισμός του Τύπου",
"X Axis": "Άξονας Χ XAS",
"Y Axis": "Άξονας Υ",
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"textCustomLoader": "Λυπούμαστε, δεν έχετε δικαίωμα αλλαγής φορτωτή. Επικοινωνήστε με το τμήμα πωλήσεων για προσφορά.",
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"textHasMacros": "Το αρχείο περιέχει αυτόματες μακροεντολές.<br>Θέλετε να εκτελέσετε μακροεντολές;",
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"warnLicenseExp": "Η άδειά σας έληξε. Παρακαλούμε, ενημερώστε την άδειά σας και ανανεώστε τη σελίδα.",
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "Η άδεια έληξε. Δεν έχετε πρόσβαση στην επεξεργασία εγγράφων. Παρακαλούμε, επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας.",
"errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.<br>Please, contact your administrator.",
"errorOpensource": "Using the free Community version, you can open documents for viewing only. To access mobile web editors, a commercial license is required.",
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"errorServerVersion": "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.",
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"warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
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"warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
"warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit this file."
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"warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Έχετε φτάσει το όριο χρήστη για συντάκτες %1.<br>Επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.",
"warnNoLicense": "Φτάσατε το όριο ταυτόχρονων συνδέσεων σε %1 συντάκτες. Το έγγραφο θα ανοίξει μόνο για ανάγνωση. Επικοινωνήστε με την ομάδα πωλήσεων %1 για τους όρους αναβάθμισης.",
"warnNoLicenseUsers": "Έχετε φτάσει το όριο χρήστη για συντάκτες %1.<br>Επικοινωνήστε με την ομάδα πωλήσεων %1 για προσωπικούς όρους αναβάθμισης.",
"warnProcessRightsChange": "Δεν έχετε δικαίωμα επεξεργασίας αυτού του αρχείου."
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View file

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"errorOpensource": "Usando la versione gratuita Community, puoi aprire i documenti solo per visualizzarli. Per accedere agli editor mobili sul web è richiesta una licenza commerciale.",
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"titleUpdateVersion": "Version changed",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "Password is incorrect",
"txtProtected": "Once you enter the password and open the file, the current password to the file will be reset",
"warnLicenseExceeded": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
"warnLicenseExp": "Your license has expired. Please, update it and refresh the page.",
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please, contact your administrator.",
"warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "The license needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.<br>Please contact your administrator to get full access",
"warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact your administrator to learn more.",
"warnNoLicense": "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
"warnNoLicenseUsers": "You've reached the user limit for %1 editors. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms.",
"warnProcessRightsChange": "You don't have permission to edit the file."
"textNoLicenseTitle": "È stato raggiunto il limite della licenza",
"textOpenFile": "Inserisci la password per aprire il file",
"textPaidFeature": "Funzionalità a pagamento",
"textRemember": "Ricordare la mia scelta",
"textYes": "",
"titleLicenseExp": "La licenza è scaduta",
"titleServerVersion": "L'editor è stato aggiornato",
"titleUpdateVersion": "La versione è stata cambiata",
"txtIncorrectPwd": "La password non è corretta",
"txtProtected": "Una volta inserita la password e aperto il file, la password corrente del file verrà resettata",
"warnLicenseExceeded": "Hai raggiunto il limite delle connessioni simultanee agli editor %1. Questo documento sarà aperto solo in modalità di visualizzazione. Ti preghiamo di contattare il tuo amministratore per maggior informazioni.",
"warnLicenseExp": "La tua licenza è scaduta. Ti preghiamo di aggiornala e ricaricare la pagina.",
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess": "La licenza è scaduta. Non hai accesso alle funzionalità di modifica di documenti. Per favore, contatta il tuo amministratore.",
"warnLicenseLimitedRenewed": "La licenza deve essere rinnovata. Hai l'accesso limitato alle funzionalità di modifiche di documenti.<br>Ti preghiamo di contattare il tuo amministratore per ottenere accesso completo.",
"warnLicenseUsersExceeded": "Hai raggiunto il limite degli utenti per gli editor %1. Ti preghiamo di contattare il tuo amministratore per maggior informazioni.",
"warnNoLicense": "Hai raggiunto il limite delle connessioni simultanee agli editor %1. Questo documento sarà aperto solo in modalità di visualizzazione. Ti preghiamo di contattare il team di vendite di %1 per i termini di aggiornamento personali.",
"warnNoLicenseUsers": "Hai raggiunto il limite degli utenti per gli editor %1. Ti preghiamo di contattare il team di vendite di %1 per i termini di aggiornamento personali.",
"warnProcessRightsChange": "Non hai il permesso di modificare il file."
"Error": {
"convertationTimeoutText": "È stato superato il tempo massimo della conversione.",
"criticalErrorExtText": "Premi 'OK' per tornare all'elenco dei documenti.",
"criticalErrorTitle": "Errore",
"downloadErrorText": "Scaricamento fallito.",
"errorAccessDeny": "Stai tentando di eseguire un'azione per la quale non disponi dei diritti.<br>Ti preghiamo di contattare il tuo amministratore.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "URL dell'immagine non è corretto",
"errorConnectToServer": "Impossibile salvare questo documento. Controlla le impostazioni di connessione o contatta il tuo amministratore.<br>Quando fai clic sul pulsante \"OK\", ti verrà chiesto di scaricare il documento.",
"errorDatabaseConnection": "Errore esterno.<br>Errore di connessione al database. Si prega di contattare il team di supporto.",
"errorDataEncrypted": "Le modifiche crittografate sono state ricevute, non possono essere decifrate.",
"errorDataRange": "Intervallo di dati non corretto.",
"errorDefaultMessage": "Codice errore: %1",
"errorEditingDownloadas": "Si è verificato un errore durante il lavoro con il documento.<br>Usa l'opzione \"Scaricare\" per salvare la copia di backup del file localmente.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "Il file è protetto da password e non può essere aperto.",
"errorFileSizeExceed": "La dimensione del file supera il limite del tuo server.<br>Ti preghiamo di contattare il tuo amministratore.",
"errorKeyEncrypt": "Descrittore della chiave sconosciuto",
"errorKeyExpire": "Descrittore della chiave è scaduto",
"errorLoadingFont": "I caratteri non sono stati caricati.<br>Si prega di contattare l'amministratore di Document Server.",
"errorSessionAbsolute": "La sessione di modifica del documento è scaduta. Ti preghiamo di ricaricare la pagina.",
"errorSessionIdle": "Il documento non è stato modificato per molto tempo. Ti preghiamo di ricaricare la pagina.",
"errorSessionToken": "La connessione al server è stata interrotta. Ti preghiamo di ricaricare la pagina.",
"errorStockChart": "Ordine delle righe incorretto. Per creare un grafico azionario, inserisci i dati sul foglio nel seguente ordine:<br> prezzo di apertura, prezzo massimo, prezzo minimo, prezzo di chiusura.",
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "La connessione a Internet è stata ripristinata e la versione del file è stata cambiata.<br>Prima di poter continuare a lavorare, scarica il file o copia il suo contenuto per assicurarti che non vada perso nulla, e poi ricarica questa pagina.",
"errorUserDrop": "Impossibile accedere al file in questo momento.",
"errorUsersExceed": "È stato superato il numero di utenti consentito dal piano tariffario",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "La connessione è stata persa. È ancora possibile visualizzare il documento, <br> ma non sarà possibile scaricarlo o stamparlo fino a quando la connessione non sarà ripristinata e la pagina sarà ricaricata.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avvertimento",
"openErrorText": "Si è verificato un errore all'apertura del file",
"saveErrorText": "Si è verificato un errore al salvataggio del file",
"convertationTimeoutText": "Conversion timeout exceeded.",
"criticalErrorExtText": "Press 'OK' to go back to the document list.",
"criticalErrorTitle": "Error",
"downloadErrorText": "Download failed.",
"errorAccessDeny": "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.<br>Please contact your admin.",
"errorBadImageUrl": "Image URL is incorrect",
"errorConnectToServer": "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin.<br>When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.",
"errorDatabaseConnection": "External error.<br>Database connection error. Please, contact support.",
"errorDataEncrypted": "Encrypted changes have been received, they cannot be deciphered.",
"errorDataRange": "Incorrect data range.",
"errorDefaultMessage": "Error code: %1",
"errorEditingDownloadas": "An error occurred during the work with the document.<br>Use the 'Download' option to save the file backup copy locally.",
"errorFilePassProtect": "The file is password protected and could not be opened.",
"errorFileSizeExceed": "The file size exceeds your server limitation.<br>Please, contact your admin.",
"errorKeyEncrypt": "Unknown key descriptor",
"errorKeyExpire": "Key descriptor expired",
"errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.<br>Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
"errorSessionAbsolute": "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionIdle": "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page.",
"errorSessionToken": "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page.",
"errorStockChart": "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:<br> opening price, max price, min price, closing price.",
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect": "Internet connection has been restored, and the file version has been changed.<br>Before you can continue working, download the file or copy its content to make sure nothing is lost, and then reload this page.",
"errorUserDrop": "The file cannot be accessed right now.",
"errorUsersExceed": "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded",
"errorViewerDisconnect": "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,<br>but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded.",
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
"scriptLoadError": "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page.",
"splitDividerErrorText": "The number of rows must be a divisor of %1",
"splitMaxColsErrorText": "The number of columns must be less than %1",
"splitMaxRowsErrorText": "The number of rows must be less than %1",
"unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Unknown image format.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "No images uploaded.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB."
"scriptLoadError": "La connessione è troppo lenta, alcuni componenti non possono essere caricati. Ti preghiamo di ricaricare la pagina.",
"splitDividerErrorText": "Il numero di righe deve essere un divisore di %1",
"splitMaxColsErrorText": "Il numero di colonne deve essere inferiore a% 1",
"splitMaxRowsErrorText": "Il numero di righe deve essere inferiore a% 1",
"unknownErrorText": "Errore sconosciuto.",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "Formato d'immagine sconosciuto.",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "Nessuna immagine caricata.",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "L'immagine è troppo grande. La dimensione massima è 25 MB."
"LongActions": {
"applyChangesTextText": "Caricamento di dati...",
"applyChangesTitleText": "Caricamento di dati",
"downloadTextText": "Scaricamento di documento...",
"downloadTitleText": "Scaricamento di documento",
"loadFontsTextText": "Caricamento di dati...",
"loadFontsTitleText": "Caricamento di dati",
"loadFontTextText": "Caricamento di dati...",
"loadFontTitleText": "Caricamento di dati",
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"loadImagesTitleText": "Caricamento delle immagini",
"loadImageTextText": "Caricamento dell'immagine...",
"loadImageTitleText": "Caricamento dell'immagine",
"loadingDocumentTextText": "Caricamento di documento...",
"loadingDocumentTitleText": "Caricamento di documento",
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"printTitleText": "Stampa del documento",
"savePreparingText": "Preparazione al salvataggio ",
"savePreparingTitle": "Preparazione al salvataggio. Si prega di attendere...",
"saveTextText": "Salvataggio del documento...",
"saveTitleText": "Salvataggio del documento",
"textLoadingDocument": "Caricamento di documento",
"txtEditingMode": "Impostare la modalità di modifica...",
"uploadImageTextText": "Caricamento dell'immagine...",
"uploadImageTitleText": "Caricamento dell'immagine",
"waitText": "Si prega di attendere"
"Toolbar": {
"dlgLeaveMsgText": "Ci sono i cambiamenti non salvati in questo documento. Fai clic su \"Rimanere su questa pagina\" per attendere il salvataggio automatico. Fai clic su \"Lasciare questa pagina\" per eliminare tutti i cambiamenti non salvati.",
"dlgLeaveTitleText": "Stai lasciando l'applicazione",
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"stayButtonText": "Rimanere su questa pagina"
"View": {
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"txtNotUrl": "Questo campo deve essere un URL nel formato \"http://www.example.com\""
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@ -214,254 +254,215 @@
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"textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification": "Disattivare tutte le macro senza notifica",
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"textDownloadAs": "Scaricare come...",
"textEmail": "email: ",
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"stayButtonText": "Stay on this Page"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
"textMessageDeleteComment": "您确定要删除此批注吗?",
"textMessageDeleteReply": "你确定要删除这一回复吗?",
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"errorInvalidLink": "链接引用不存在。请修改或删除此链接。",
"menuAddComment": "添加评论",
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"menuCancel": "取消",
@ -61,8 +62,7 @@
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"warnMergeLostData": "只有来自左上方单元格的数据将保留在合并的单元格中。<br>您确定要继续吗?",
"errorInvalidLink": "The link reference does not exist. Please correct the link or delete it."
"warnMergeLostData": "只有来自左上方单元格的数据将保留在合并的单元格中。<br>您确定要继续吗?"
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@ -86,7 +86,24 @@
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@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange": "该操作不能被执行。原因是:选中的区域有被隐藏的单元格。<br>请将那些被隐藏的元素重新显现出来,然后再试一次。",
"errorBadImageUrl": "图片地址不正确",
"errorChangeArray": "您无法更改部分阵列。",
"errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "您试图更改的单元格或图表位于受保护的工作表中。若要进行更改,请取消工作表保护。您可能需要输入密码。",
"errorConnectToServer": "保存失败。请检查你的联网设定,或联系管理员。<br>你可以在按下“好”按钮之后下载这个文档。",
"errorCopyMultiselectArea": "该命令不能与多个选择一起使用。<br>选择一个范围,然后重试。",
"errorCountArg": "公式中有错误。<br>参数数量有误。",
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@
"errorInvalidRef": "输入选择的正确名称或有效参考。",
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"errorKeyExpire": "密钥过期",
"errorLoadingFont": "字体未加载。<br>请联系文档服务器管理员。",
"errorLockedAll": "由于工作表被其他用户锁定,因此无法进行操作。",
"errorLockedCellPivot": "您无法更改透视表中的数据。",
"errorLockedWorksheetRename": "此时由于其他用户重命名该表单,因此无法重命名该表",
@ -221,15 +223,14 @@
"pastInMergeAreaError": "不能修改合并后的单元格的一部分",
"saveErrorText": "保存文件时发生错误",
"scriptLoadError": "网速过慢,导致该页部分元素未能成功加载。请刷新该页。",
"textErrorPasswordIsNotCorrect": "输入的密码不正确。<br> 请检查 CAPS LOCK 键的状态,确认输入密码的大小写正确。",
"unknownErrorText": "未知错误。",
"uploadImageExtMessage": "未知图像格式。",
"uploadImageFileCountMessage": "没有图片上传",
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "图片太大了。最大允许的大小是 25 MB.",
"errorChangeOnProtectedSheet": "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password.",
"errorLoadingFont": "Fonts are not loaded.<br>Please contact your Document Server administrator.",
"textErrorPasswordIsNotCorrect": "The password you supplied is not correct.<br>Verify that the CAPS LOCK key is off and be sure to use the correct capitalization."
"uploadImageSizeMessage": "图片太大了。最大允许的大小是 25 MB."
"LongActions": {
"advDRMPassword": "密码",
"applyChangesTextText": "数据加载中…",
"applyChangesTitleText": "数据加载中",
"confirmMoveCellRange": "目标单元格范围中存在一些数据。你还要继续吗?",
@ -256,19 +257,18 @@
"savePreparingTitle": "正在保存,请稍候...",
"saveTextText": "正在保存文档...",
"saveTitleText": "保存文件",
"textCancel": "取消",
"textErrorWrongPassword": "输入的密码不正确。",
"textLoadingDocument": "文件加载中…",
"textNo": "不",
"textOk": "好",
"textUnlockRange": "取消锁定区域",
"textUnlockRangeWarning": "您尝试更改的区域有密码保护。",
"textYes": "是",
"txtEditingMode": "设置编辑模式..",
"uploadImageTextText": "上传图片...",
"uploadImageTitleText": "图片上传中",
"waitText": "请稍候...",
"advDRMPassword": "Password",
"textCancel": "Cancel",
"textErrorWrongPassword": "The password you supplied is not correct.",
"textUnlockRange": "Unlock Range",
"textUnlockRangeWarning": "A range you are trying to change is password protected."
"waitText": "请稍候..."
"Statusbar": {
"notcriticalErrorTitle": "警告",
@ -282,13 +282,13 @@
"textErrorRemoveSheet": "不能删除工作表。",
"textHide": "隐藏",
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"textRenameSheet": "重命名工作表",
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"textSheetName": "工作表名称",
"textUnhide": "取消隐藏",
"textWarnDeleteSheet": "该工作表可能带有数据。要进行操作吗?",
"textOk": "Ok"
"textWarnDeleteSheet": "该工作表可能带有数据。要进行操作吗?"
"Toolbar": {
"dlgLeaveMsgText": "你在该文档中有未保存的修改。点击“留在该页”来等待自动保存。点击“离开该页”将舍弃全部未保存的更改。",
@ -337,18 +337,18 @@
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"txtExpandSort": "选定区域旁的数据将不参加排序。您要扩展选定区域以包括相邻数据还是继续排序当前选定的单元格?",
"txtLockSort": "在选定区域旁找到数据,但您没有足够的权限来更改那些单元格。<br> 是否以当前选定区域继续?",
"txtNo": "否",
"txtNotUrl": "该字段应为“http://www.example.com”格式的URL",
"textSelectedRange": "Selected Range",
"txtExpandSort": "The data next to the selection will not be sorted. Do you want to expand the selection to include the adjacent data or continue with sorting the currently selected cells only?",
"txtLockSort": "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.<br>Do you wish to continue with the current selection?",
"txtNo": "No",
"txtSorting": "Sorting",
"txtSortSelected": "Sort selected",
"txtYes": "Yes"
"txtSorting": "排序",
"txtSortSelected": "排序选定的",
"txtYes": "是"
"Edit": {
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"txtNotUrl": "该字段应为“http://www.example.com”格式的URL",
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"txtSortLow2High": "Sort Lowest to Highest"
"txtSortHigh2Low": "从最高到最低排序",
"txtSortLow2High": "从最低到最高排序"
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@ -592,6 +592,7 @@
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"textNoTextFound": "文本没找到",
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"warnDownloadAs": "如果您继续以此格式保存,除文本之外的所有功能将丢失。<br>您确定要继续吗?",
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"warnDownloadAs": "如果您继续以此格式保存,除文本之外的所有功能将丢失。<br>您确定要继续吗?"