Merge branch 'feature/new-mobile' of into feature/new-mobile
# Conflicts: # apps/presentationeditor/mobile/resources/css/app-ios.css
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## web-apps
@ -102,54 +102,33 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
Chart : 7,
MailMerge : 8
isMobile = /android|avantgo|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od|ad)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera),
me = this,
checkSize = function() {
me.zoom = 1;
if (false)
if (isChrome && !isOpera && !isMobile && document && document.firstElementChild && document.body)
// этот код - рабочий, но только если этот ифрейм открыт на весь размер браузера
// (window.outerWidth и window.innerWidth зависимы)
if (window.innerWidth > 300)
me.zoom = window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth;
if (Math.abs(me.zoom - 1) < 0.1)
me.zoom = 1;
me.zoom = window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth;
var _devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio / me.zoom;
// device pixel ratio: кратно 0.5
_devicePixelRatio = (5 * (((2.5 + 10 * _devicePixelRatio) / 5) >> 0)) / 10;
me.zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
// chrome 54.x: zoom = "reset" - clear retina zoom (windows)
// = "reset";
|||| = 1.0 / me.zoom;
// делаем простую проверку
// считаем: 0 < window.devicePixelRatio < 2 => _devicePixelRatio = 1; zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
// считаем: window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 => _devicePixelRatio = 2; zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 0.1)
if (window.devicePixelRatio < 1.99)
var _devicePixelRatio = 1;
me.zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
var _devicePixelRatio = 2;
me.zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
// chrome 54.x: zoom = "reset" - clear retina zoom (windows)
// = "reset";
|||| = 1.0 / me.zoom;
|||| = "normal";
// делаем простую проверку
// считаем: 0 < window.devicePixelRatio < 2 => _devicePixelRatio = 1; zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
// считаем: window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 => _devicePixelRatio = 2; zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 0.1)
if (window.devicePixelRatio < 1.99)
var _devicePixelRatio = 1;
me.zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
var _devicePixelRatio = 2;
me.zoom = window.devicePixelRatio / _devicePixelRatio;
// chrome 54.x: zoom = "reset" - clear retina zoom (windows)
// = "reset";
|||| = 1.0 / me.zoom;
|||| = "normal";
me.innerWidth = window.innerWidth * me.zoom;
me.innerHeight = window.innerHeight * me.zoom;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ define([
initialize: function(options) {
this.txtVersionNum = '4.2';
this.txtVersionNum = '4.3';
this.txtAscMail = '';
this.txtAscTelNum = '+371 660-16425';
this.txtAscUrl = '';
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ define([
var cnt_panel = $window.find('.content-panel');
$window.width($window.find('.menu-panel').width() + cnt_panel.outerWidth() + 1);
$window.width($window.find('.menu-panel').width() + cnt_panel.outerWidth() + 2);
this.content_panels = $window.find('.settings-panel');
if (this.btnsCategory.length>0)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ define([
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer" style="text-align: center;">',
'<button id="id-btn-diagram-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px;">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-diagram-editor-cancel" class="btn normal dlg-btn disabled" result="cancel">' + this.textClose + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-diagram-editor-cancel" class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel">' + this.textClose + '</button>',
@ -454,8 +454,8 @@
color: @gray-deep;
background-color: @secondary;
&.hover {
&.hover:not(.disabled) {
background-color: @secondary-hover;
@ -463,8 +463,8 @@
color: #fff;
background-color: @primary;
&.hover {
&.hover:not(.disabled) {
background-color: @primary-hover;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="drop-advanced-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="drop-advanced-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="drop-advanced-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="drop-advanced-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="drop-advanced-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="drop-advanced-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ define([
if (!this.mnuColorPicker) {
this.btnColor.setMenu( new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraph-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraph-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="paragraph-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/ParagraphSettingsAdvanced.tem
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraphadv-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraphadv-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="paragraphadv-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/ParagraphSettingsAdvanced.tem
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraphadv-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraphadv-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="paragraphadv-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="tableadv-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="tableadv-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="tableadv-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="tableadv-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="tableadv-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="tableadv-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="tableadv-table-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="tableadv-table-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="tableadv-table-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ define([
template : _.template('<a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem"><span class="menu-item-icon" style="background-image: none; width: 12px; height: 12px; margin: 1px 7px 0 -7px; background-color: #000;"></span><%= caption %></a>')
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-fontcolor" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-fontcolor" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-toolbar-menu-new-fontcolor" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ define([
split : true,
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-paracolor" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-paracolor" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-toolbar-menu-new-paracolor" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ var sdk_dev_scrpipts = [
@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ var sdk_dev_scrpipts = [
@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ define([
disabled: true,
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="slide-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="slide-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-background-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="slide-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="slide-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="slide-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-background-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ define([
split : true,
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-fontcolor" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-fontcolor" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-toolbar-menu-new-fontcolor" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -141,17 +141,17 @@ require([
// 'EditParagraph',
// 'EditChart',
// 'EditHyperlink',
@ -206,17 +206,17 @@ require([
// 'presentationeditor/mobile/app/controller/edit/EditParagraph',
// 'presentationeditor/mobile/app/controller/edit/EditChart',
// 'presentationeditor/mobile/app/controller/edit/EditHyperlink',
], function() {
@ -152,17 +152,17 @@ require([
// 'Settings',
// 'EditContainer',
// 'EditParagraph'
// 'EditChart',
// 'EditHyperlink',
@ -217,17 +217,17 @@ require([
// 'presentationeditor/mobile/app/controller/Settings',
// 'presentationeditor/mobile/app/controller/edit/EditParagraph'
// 'presentationeditor/mobile/app/controller/edit/EditChart',
// 'presentationeditor/mobile/app/controller/edit/EditHyperlink',
], function() {
@ -108,7 +108,9 @@ define([
caption: me.textSlide,
id: 'add-slide',
layout: me._dummyEditController().getLayout()
layout: PE.getController('AddSlide')
@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ define([
'use strict';
PE.Controllers.AddLink = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend((function() {
var _linkObject = undefined,
c_oHyperlinkType = {
var c_oHyperlinkType = {
WebLink: 1
@ -105,11 +104,15 @@ define([
var $target = $(e.currentTarget);
if ($target && $target.prop('id') === 'add-link') {
_linkType = c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink;
_slideLink = _slideNum = 0;
_isDisplayChanged = false;
var text = this.api.can_AddHyperlink();
if (text !== false) {
_linkObject = new Asc.CHyperlinkProperty();
$('#add-link-display input').val((text !== null) ? text : this.textDefault);
$('#add-link-display').toggleClass('disabled', text === null);
@ -123,11 +126,7 @@ define([
_slidesCount = me.api.getCountPages();
$('#page-addlink-slidenumber input').val([_slideLink]);
$('#addlink-slide-number .item-after label').text(_slideNum+1);
} else if (_linkObject) {
var text = _linkObject.get_Text();
$('#add-link-display input').val((text!==null) ? text : me.textDefault);
} else {
$('#add-link-type .item-after').text((_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) ? me.textExternalLink : me.textInternalLink);
$('#add-link-url')[(_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('#add-link-number')[(_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) ? 'hide' : 'show']();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* AddSlide.js
* Presentation Editor
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 12/06/16
* Copyright (c) 2016 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function (core) {
'use strict';
PE.Controllers.AddSlide = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend((function() {
var _layouts = [];
return {
models: [],
collections: [],
views: [
initialize: function () {
Common.NotificationCenter.on('addcontainer:show', _.bind(this.initEvents, this));
setApi: function (api) {
var me = this;
me.api = api;
me.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onUpdateLayout', _.bind(me.onUpdateLayout, me));
onLaunch: function () {
initEvents: function () {
var me = this;
$('#add-slide .slide-layout li').single('click', _.buffered(me.onStyleClick, 100, me));
onStyleClick: function (e) {
var me = this,
$target = $(e.currentTarget),
type = $'type');
// Public
getLayouts: function () {
return _layouts;
// API handlers
onUpdateLayout: function(layouts){
var me = this;
_layouts = [];
if (!_.isEmpty(layouts)){
_.each(layouts, function(layout){
var name = layout.get_Name();
imageUrl : layout.get_Image(),
title : (name !== '') ? name : me.layoutNames[layout.getType()],
itemWidth : layout.get_Width(),
itemHeight : layout.get_Height(),
idx : layout.getIndex()
Common.SharedSettings.set('slidelayouts', _layouts);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('slidelayouts:load', _layouts);
$('#add-slide .slide-layout li').single('click', _.buffered(me.onStyleClick, 100, me));
textTableSize: 'Table Size',
textColumns: 'Columns',
textRows: 'Rows',
textCancel: 'Cancel'
})(), PE.Controllers.AddSlide || {}))
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ define([
caption: me.textHyperlink,
id: 'edit-link',
layout: PE.getController('EditHyperlink').getView('EditHyperlink').rootLayout()
layout: PE.getController('EditLink').getView('EditLink').rootLayout()
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ define([
no_text = false;
} else if (Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Hyperlink == type) {
// _settings.push('hyperlink');
if (!no_text)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* EditLink.js
* Presentation Editor
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 12/06/16
* Copyright (c) 2016 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function (core) {
'use strict';
PE.Controllers.EditLink = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend((function() {
// Private
var _stack = [],
_linkObject = undefined,
c_oHyperlinkType = {
WebLink: 1
c_oSlideLink = {
Next: 0,
Previouse: 1,
Last: 2,
First: 3,
Num: 4
_linkType = c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink,
_slideLink = 0,
_slideNum = 0,
_slidesCount = 0,
_isDisplayChanged = false;
return {
models: [],
collections: [],
views: [
initialize: function () {
Common.NotificationCenter.on('editcontainer:show', _.bind(this.initEvents, this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('editcategory:show', _.bind(this.categoryShow, this));
'EditLink': {
'page:show' : this.onPageShow
var me = this;
uiApp.onPageBack('editlink-type editlink-slidenumber', function (page) {
setApi: function (api) {
var me = this;
me.api = api;
me.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onFocusObject', _.bind(me.onApiFocusObject, me));
onLaunch: function () {
initEvents: function () {
var me = this;
$('#edit-link-edit').single('click', _.bind(me.onEditLink, me));
$('#edit-link-remove').single('click', _.bind(me.onRemoveLink, me));
categoryShow: function (e) {
var $target = $(e.currentTarget);
if ($target && $target.prop('id') === 'edit-link' && _linkObject) {
var url = _linkObject.get_Value();
if (url===null || url===undefined || url=='' )
_linkType = c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink;
else {
var indAction = url.indexOf("ppaction://hlink");
if (0 == indAction) {
if (url == "ppaction://hlinkshowjump?jump=firstslide") {
_slideLink = 2;
} else if (url == "ppaction://hlinkshowjump?jump=lastslide") {
_slideLink = 3;
else if (url == "ppaction://hlinkshowjump?jump=nextslide") {
_slideLink = 0;
else if (url == "ppaction://hlinkshowjump?jump=previousslide") {
_slideLink = 1;
else {
_slideLink = 4;
_slidesCount = this.api.getCountPages();
var mask = "ppaction://hlinksldjumpslide",
indSlide = url.indexOf(mask);
if (0 == indSlide) {
_slideNum = parseInt(url.substring(mask.length));
if (_slideNum < 0) _slideNum = 0;
if (_slideNum >= _slidesCount) _slideNum = _slidesCount - 1;
} else
_slideNum = 0;
_linkType = c_oHyperlinkType.InternalLink;
} else {
_linkType = c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink;
var text = _linkObject.get_Text();
if (text !== false) {
$('#edit-link-display input').val((text !== null) ? text : this.textDefault);
$('#edit-link-display').toggleClass('disabled', text === null);
if (_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) {
var value = _linkObject.get_Value();
$('#edit-link-url input').val(value ? [value.replace(new RegExp(" ", 'g'), "%20")] : '');
$('#edit-link-tip input').val([_linkObject.get_ToolTip()]);
initSettings: function (pageId) {
var me = this;
if (pageId == '#editlink-type') {
$('#page-editlink-type input').val([_linkType]);
} else if (pageId == '#editlink-slidenumber') {
_slidesCount = me.api.getCountPages();
$('#page-editlink-slidenumber input').val([_slideLink]);
$('#editlink-slide-number .item-after label').text(_slideNum+1);
} else {
$('#edit-link-type .item-after').text((_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) ? me.textExternalLink : me.textInternalLink);
$('#edit-link-url')[(_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('#edit-link-number')[(_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) ? 'hide' : 'show']();
if (_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) {
_.delay(function () {
$('.page[data-page=editlink-link] input[type=url]').focus();
}, 1000);
} else {
var slidename = '';
switch (_slideLink) {
case 0:
slidename = me.textNext;
case 1:
slidename = me.textPrev;
case 2:
slidename = me.textFirst;
case 3:
slidename = me.textLast;
case 4:
slidename = me.textSlide + ' ' + (_slideNum+1);
$('#edit-link-number .item-after').text(slidename);
$('#edit-link-edit').toggleClass('disabled', (_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) && _.isEmpty($('#edit-link-url input').val()));
onPageShow: function (view, pageId) {
var me = this;
$('#page-editlink-type li').single('click', _.buffered(me.onLinkType, 100, me));
$('#page-editlink-slidenumber li').single('click', _.buffered(me.onSlideLink, 100, me));
$('#editlink-slide-number .button').single('click',_.buffered(me.onSlideNumber, 100, me));
$('#edit-link-display input[type="text"]').single('input', _.bind(function(e) {
_isDisplayChanged = true;
}, this));
// Handlers
onEditLink: function () {
var me = this,
display = $('#edit-link-display input').val(),
tip = $('#edit-link-tip input').val(),
props = new Asc.CHyperlinkProperty(),
def_display = '';
if (_linkType==c_oHyperlinkType.WebLink) {
var url = $('#edit-link-url input').val(),
urltype = me.api.asc_getUrlType($.trim(url)),
isEmail = (urltype == 2);
if (urltype < 1) {
url = url.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
if (! /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/)|(^mailto:)/i.test(url) )
url = (isEmail ? 'mailto:' : 'http://' ) + url;
url = url.replace(new RegExp("%20",'g')," ");
props.put_Value( url );
def_display = url;
} else {
var url = "ppaction://hlink";
var slidetip = '';
switch (_slideLink) {
case 0:
url = url + "showjump?jump=nextslide";
slidetip = this.textNext;
case 1:
url = url + "showjump?jump=previousslide";
slidetip = this.textPrev;
case 2:
url = url + "showjump?jump=firstslide";
slidetip = this.textFirst;
case 3:
url = url + "showjump?jump=lastslide";
slidetip = this.textLast;
case 4:
url = url + "sldjumpslide" + _slideNum;
slidetip = this.textSlide + ' ' + (_slideNum+1);
props.put_Value( url );
props.put_ToolTip(_.isEmpty(tip) ? slidetip : tip);
def_display = slidetip;
if (!$('#edit-link-display').hasClass('disabled') && (_isDisplayChanged || _.isEmpty(display))) {
props.put_Text(_.isEmpty(display) ? def_display : display);
} else
onRemoveLink: function () {
this.api && this.api.remove_Hyperlink();
onLinkType: function (e) {
var $target = $(e.currentTarget).find('input');
if ($target && this.api) {
_linkType = parseFloat($target.prop('value'));
onSlideLink: function (e) {
var $target = $(e.currentTarget).find('input');
if ($target && this.api) {
_slideLink = parseFloat($target.prop('value'));
onSlideNumber: function (e) {
var $button = $(e.currentTarget),
slide = _slideNum;
if ($button.hasClass('decrement')) {
slide = Math.max(0, --slide);
} else {
slide = Math.min(_slidesCount-1, ++slide);
_slideNum = slide;
$('#editlink-slide-number .item-after label').text(slide+1);
// API handlers
onApiFocusObject: function (objects) {
_stack = objects;
var links = [];
_.each(_stack, function (object) {
if (object.get_ObjectType() == Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Hyperlink) {
if (links.length > 0) {
var object = links[links.length - 1]; // get top
_linkObject = object.get_ObjectValue();
} else {
_linkObject = undefined;
// Helpers
_closeIfNeed: function () {
if (!this._isImageInStack()) {
txtNotUrl: 'This field should be a URL in the format \"\"',
textDefault: 'Selected text',
textNext: 'Next Slide',
textPrev: 'Previous Slide',
textFirst: 'First Slide',
textLast: 'Last Slide',
textSlide: 'Slide',
textExternalLink: 'External Link',
textInternalLink: 'Slide in this Presentation'
})(), PE.Controllers.EditLink || {}))
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<!-- Root view -->
<div id="add-slide-root">
<div class="page-content dataview slide-layout" style="width: 100%;">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
<!-- Root view -->
<div id="edit-link-root">
<div class="list-block">
<div id="edit-link-type" class="item-content item-link">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textLinkType %></div>
<div class="item-after"><%= scope.textExternalLink %></div>
<div id="edit-link-url" class="item-content">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title label"><%= scope.textLink %></div>
<div class="item-input">
<input type="url" placeholder="<%= scope.textLink %>">
<div id="edit-link-number" class="item-content item-link">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title label"><%= scope.textLinkSlide %></div>
<div class="item-after"><%= scope.textNext %></div>
<div id="edit-link-display" class="item-content">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title label"><%= scope.textDisplay %></div>
<div class="item-input">
<input type="text" placeholder="<%= scope.textDisplay %>">
<div id="edit-link-tip" class="item-content">
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title label"><%= scope.textTip %></div>
<div class="item-input">
<input type="text" placeholder="<%= scope.textTip %>">
<div class="list-block">
<% if (android) { %>
<a href="#" id="edit-link-edit" class="button button-raised button-fill disabled" style="margin: 20px 16px;"><%= scope.textEdit %></a>
<a href="#" id="edit-link-remove" class="button button-raised button-fill" style="margin: 20px 16px; background-color: #f44336;"><%= scope.textRemove %></a>
<% } else { %>
<a href="#" id="edit-link-edit" class="list-button item-link disabled" style="text-align: center;"><%= scope.textEdit %></a>
<a href="#" id="edit-link-remove" class="list-button item-link" style="text-align: center; color: #f00"><%= scope.textRemove %></a>
<% } %>
<!-- Link Type view -->
<div id="editlink-type">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="left sliding"><a href="#" class="back link"><i class="icon icon-back"></i><% if (!android) { %><span><%= scope.textBack %></span><% } %></a></div>
<div class="center sliding"><%= scope.textLinkType %></div>
<div class="page" id="page-editlink-type" data-page="editlink-type">
<div class="page-content">
<div class="list-block">
<label class="label-radio item-content">
<input type="radio" name="editlink-type" value="1">
<% if (android) { %><div class="item-media"><i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i></div><% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textExternalLink %></div>
<label class="label-radio item-content">
<input type="radio" name="editlink-type" value="0">
<% if (android) { %><div class="item-media"><i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i></div><% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textInternalLink %></div>
<!-- Slide Number view -->
<div id="editlink-slidenumber">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="left sliding"><a href="#" class="back link"><i class="icon icon-back"></i><% if (!android) { %><span><%= scope.textBack %></span><% } %></a></div>
<div class="center sliding"><%= scope.textLinkSlide %></div>
<div class="page" id="page-editlink-slidenumber" data-page="editlink-slidenumber">
<div class="page-content">
<div class="list-block">
<label class="label-radio item-content">
<input type="radio" name="editlink-slide" value="0">
<% if (android) { %><div class="item-media"><i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i></div><% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textNext %></div>
<label class="label-radio item-content">
<input type="radio" name="editlink-slide" value="1">
<% if (android) { %><div class="item-media"><i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i></div><% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textPrev %></div>
<label class="label-radio item-content">
<input type="radio" name="editlink-slide" value="2">
<% if (android) { %><div class="item-media"><i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i></div><% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textFirst %></div>
<label class="label-radio item-content">
<input type="radio" name="editlink-slide" value="3">
<% if (android) { %><div class="item-media"><i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i></div><% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textLast %></div>
<li id="editlink-slide-number">
<label class="label-radio item-content">
<input type="radio" name="editlink-slide" value="4">
<% if (android) { %><div class="item-media"><i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i></div><% } %>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title"><%= scope.textNumber %></div>
<div class="item-after splitter">
<% if (!android) { %><label></label><% } %>
<p class="buttons-row">
<span class="button decrement"><% if (android) { %><i class="icon icon-expand-down"></i><% } else { %>-<% } %></span>
<% if (android) { %><label></label><% } %>
<span class="button increment"><% if (android) { %><i class="icon icon-expand-up"></i><% } else { %>+<% } %></span>
@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ define([
$('#add-link-number').single('click', _.bind(me.showPageNumber, me));
$('#add-link-type').single('click', _.bind(me.showLinkType, me));
// Render layout
@ -93,10 +91,6 @@ define([
return '';
initControls: function () {
showPage: function (templateId) {
var rootView = PE.getController('AddContainer').rootView;
@ -139,8 +133,6 @@ define([
textFirst: 'First Slide',
textLast: 'Last Slide',
textNumber: 'Slide Number'
})(), PE.Views.AddLink || {}))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* AddSlide.js
* Presentation Editor
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 12/06/16
* Copyright (c) 2016 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function (addTemplate, $, _, Backbone) {
'use strict';
PE.Views.AddSlide = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend((function() {
// private
var _layouts = [];
return {
// el: '.view-main',
template: _.template(addTemplate),
events: {
initialize: function () {
Common.NotificationCenter.on('addcontainer:show', _.bind(this.initEvents, this));
initEvents: function () {
var me = this;
// Render layout
render: function () {
this.layout = $('<div/>').append(this.template({
android : Common.SharedSettings.get('android'),
phone : Common.SharedSettings.get('phone')
return this;
rootLayout: function () {
if (this.layout) {
return this.layout
return '';
initControls: function () {
updateLayouts: function (layouts) {
_layouts = layouts;
renderLayouts: function() {
var $layoutContainer = $('.container-add .slide-layout');
if ($layoutContainer.length > 0 && _layouts.length>0) {
var columns = parseInt(($layoutContainer.width()-20) / (_layouts[0].itemWidth+2)), // magic
row = -1,
layouts = [];
_.each(_layouts, function (layout, index) {
if (0 == index % columns) {
var template = _.template([
'<% _.each(layouts, function(row) { %>',
'<ul class="row">',
'<% _.each(row, function(item) { %>',
'<li data-type="<%= item.idx %>">',
'<img src="<%= item.imageUrl %>" width="<%= item.itemWidth %>" height="<%= item.itemHeight %>">',
'<% }); %>',
'<% }); %>'
].join(''), {
layouts: layouts
})(), PE.Views.AddSlide || {}))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* EditLink.js
* Presentation Editor
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 12/06/16
* Copyright (c) 2016 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function (editTemplate, $, _, Backbone) {
'use strict';
PE.Views.EditLink = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend((function() {
// private
return {
// el: '.view-main',
template: _.template(editTemplate),
events: {
initialize: function () {
Common.NotificationCenter.on('editcontainer:show', _.bind(this.initEvents, this));
initEvents: function () {
var me = this;
$('#edit-link-number').single('click', _.bind(me.showPageNumber, me));
$('#edit-link-type').single('click', _.bind(me.showLinkType, me));
// Render layout
render: function () {
this.layout = $('<div/>').append(this.template({
android : Common.SharedSettings.get('android'),
phone : Common.SharedSettings.get('phone'),
scope : this
return this;
rootLayout: function () {
if (this.layout) {
return this.layout
return '';
showPage: function (templateId) {
var rootView = PE.getController('EditContainer').rootView;
if (rootView && this.layout) {
var $content = this.layout.find(templateId);
// Android fix for navigation
if ( {
content: $content.html()
this.fireEvent('page:show', [this, templateId]);
showLinkType: function () {
showPageNumber: function () {
textLinkType: 'Link Type',
textExternalLink: 'External Link',
textInternalLink: 'Slide in this Presentation',
textLink: 'Link',
textLinkSlide: 'Link to',
textBack: 'Back',
textAddLink: 'Add Link',
textDisplay: 'Display',
textTip: 'Screen Tip',
textInsert: 'Insert',
textNext: 'Next Slide',
textPrev: 'Previous Slide',
textFirst: 'First Slide',
textLast: 'Last Slide',
textNumber: 'Slide Number',
textEdit: 'Edit Link',
textRemove: 'Remove Link'
})(), PE.Views.EditLink || {}))
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -170,4 +170,23 @@ input, textarea {
// Slide layout
.slide-layout {
.row {
margin-bottom: 12px;
li {
margin: 0;
padding: 1px;
img {
width: 119px;
height: 67px;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
@ -165,3 +165,21 @@ input, textarea {
// Slide layout
.slide-layout {
.row {
margin-bottom: 12px;
li {
margin: 0;
padding: 1px;
img {
width: 119px;
height: 67px;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ define([
var me = this;
// Syncronize focus with api
$(document.body).on('focus', 'input, textarea:not(#ce-cell-content)', function(e) {
if (this.isAppDisabled === true) return;
if (me.isAppDisabled === true) return;
if (e && && !/area_id/.test( {
if (/msg-reply/.test(
@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ define([
$(document.body).on('blur', 'input, textarea', function(e) {
if (this.isAppDisabled === true) return;
if (me.isAppDisabled === true || me.isFrameClosed) return;
if (!me.isModalShowed && !(me.loadMask && me.loadMask.isVisible())) {
if (!e.relatedTarget ||
!/area_id/.test( && $(<1 /* Check if focus in combobox goes from input to it's menu button or menu items */
@ -284,6 +285,8 @@ define([
if (this.appOptions.location == 'us' || this.appOptions.location == 'ca')
this.isFrameClosed = (this.appOptions.isEditDiagram || this.appOptions.isEditMailMerge);
loadDocument: function(data) {
@ -1617,6 +1620,7 @@ define([
case 'queryClose':
if ($('body .asc-window:visible').length === 0) {
this.isFrameClosed = true;
Common.Gateway.internalMessage('canClose', {, answer: true});
@ -1634,6 +1638,7 @@ define([
setChartData: function(chart) {
if (typeof chart === 'object' && this.api) {
this.isFrameClosed = false;
@ -1656,6 +1661,7 @@ define([
setMergeData: function(merge) {
if (typeof merge === 'object' && this.api) {
this.isFrameClosed = false;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ define([
var t = this, _options = {};
_.extend(_options, {
width : 500,
width : 501,
height : 230,
contentWidth : 180,
header : true,
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ define([
var t = this, _options = {};
_.extend(_options, {
width : 448,
width : 450,
height : 265,
contentWidth : 400,
header : false,
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="spark-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-high-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-high-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="spark-high-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-low-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-low-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="spark-low-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-negative-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-negative-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="spark-negative-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-first-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-first-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="spark-first-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-last-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-last-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="spark-last-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-markers-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="spark-markers-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="spark-markers-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1263,8 +1263,6 @@ define([ 'text!spreadsheeteditor/main/app/template/ChartSettingsDlg.template'
var changed = false,
value = this.cmbEmptyCells.getValue();
if (rawData.type !== Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Line && this._arrEmptyCells.length>2) {
if (value == Asc.c_oAscEDispBlanksAs.Span)
value = Asc.c_oAscEDispBlanksAs.Gap;
changed = true;
} else if (rawData.type == Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Line && this._arrEmptyCells.length<3) {
@ -1273,9 +1271,7 @@ define([ 'text!spreadsheeteditor/main/app/template/ChartSettingsDlg.template'
if (changed) {
if (this._changedProps)
this.cmbEmptyCells.setValue((rawData.type !== Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Line && value==Asc.c_oAscEDispBlanksAs.Span) ? this.textEmptyLine : value);
@ -1360,7 +1356,9 @@ define([ 'text!spreadsheeteditor/main/app/template/ChartSettingsDlg.template'
if (this._state.SparkType !== Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Line)
var value = props.asc_getDisplayEmpty();
this.cmbEmptyCells.setValue((this._state.SparkType !== Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Line && value==Asc.c_oAscEDispBlanksAs.Span) ? this.textEmptyLine : value);
this.chShowEmpty.setValue(props.asc_getDisplayHidden(), true);
this.chShowAxis.setValue(props.asc_getDisplayXAxis(), true);
@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1484,7 +1484,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1522,7 +1522,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ define([
menuAlign: 'tl-tr',
cls: 'color-tab',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-tab-menu-color" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-tab-menu-color" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-tab-menu-new-color" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-border-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1480,7 +1480,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-back-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-background-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ define([
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ define([
lock : [_set.selImage, _set.editFormula, _set.selRange, _set.coAuth, _set.coAuthText, _set.lostConnect],
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-fontcolor" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-fontcolor" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-toolbar-menu-new-fontcolor" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ define([
lock : [_set.selImage, _set.editCell, _set.coAuth, _set.coAuthText, _set.lostConnect],
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-paracolor" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-paracolor" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-toolbar-menu-new-paracolor" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
@ -1523,7 +1523,7 @@ define([
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign : 'tl-tr',
items : [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-bordercolor" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>'), stopPropagation: true },
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-bordercolor" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>'), stopPropagation: true },
{ template: _.template('<a id="id-toolbar-menu-new-bordercolor" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>'), stopPropagation: true }
@ -102,6 +102,11 @@ define([
this.editorView = this.createView('Editor').render();
$$(window).on('resize', _.bind(this.onWindowResize, this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('layout:changed', (source, args) => {
if ( source == 'navbar' ) {
onWindowResize: function(e) {
@ -257,8 +257,10 @@ define([
)).on('close', function (e) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('layout:changed','navbar', {hidden:false});
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('layout:changed','navbar', {hidden:true});
} else {
me.picker = uiApp.popover(
'<div class="popover settings container-edit">' +
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ define([
'use strict';
SSE.Views.CellEditor = Backbone.View.extend({
defEditorHeight: 30,
maxEditorHeight: 70,
el: '.pages > .page',
template: _.template(template),
@ -68,8 +66,6 @@ define([
this.$btnexpand = $('#ce-btn-expand', this.el);
// this.$btnfunc = $('#ce-func-label', this.el);
// this.$el.height(this.defEditorHeight);
return this;
@ -80,12 +76,11 @@ define([
expandEditor: function() {
if (this.$el.height() > this.defEditorHeight) {
if (this.$el.hasClass('expanded')) {
} else {
out_height = this.maxEditorHeight;
@ -4,6 +4,17 @@
.navbar-through {
> .page.editor {
padding-top: @appToolbarHeight;
transition: padding-top .2s ease-in;
.navbar-through .page {
& > .searchbar {
top: @appToolbarHeight + @cellEditorHeight;
#cell-editing-box.expanded + .searchbar {
top: @appToolbarHeight + @cellEditorExpandedHeight;
@ -173,3 +173,12 @@ input, textarea {
.phone {
.page.editor {
&.no-padding {
padding-top: 0;
transition: padding-top .2s ease-in;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@gray-light: #f1f1f1; //rgb(241, 241, 241)
@cellEditorHeight: 30px;
@cellEditorHeightExp: 70px;
@cellEditorExpandedHeight: 70px;
.border-radius(@radius: 2px) {
border-radius: @radius;
@ -16,14 +16,24 @@
position: relative;
height: @cellEditorHeight;
min-height: @cellEditorHeight;
transition: min-height .15s;
background-color: #fff;
display: flex;
align-items: stretch;
//align-items: stretch;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 500;
.hairline(bottom, @gray-dark);//@toolbarBorderColor);
&.expanded {
min-height: @cellEditorExpandedHeight;
//height: @cellEditorExpandedHeight;
transition: min-height .15s;
.btn {
border: 0 none;
height: @cellEditorHeight;
@ -32,11 +42,12 @@
.ce-group {
overflow: hidden;
height: 100%;
.group-name {
float: left;
background-color: @toolbarBg;
background-color: @gray-light;
#ce-cell-name {
@ -79,7 +90,7 @@
padding-left: 1px;
.hairline(left, @gray-dark);
flex-grow: 1;
height: 100%;
//height: 100%;
#ce-btn-expand {
@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
// Search
.navbar-through .page {
& > .searchbar {
top: @toolbarSize + @cellEditorHeight;
//position: relative;
#cell-editing-box.expanded + .searchbar {
top: @toolbarSize + @cellEditorHeightExp;
.tablet {
// Replace mode
.searchbar.document.replace {
Reference in a new issue