Merge branch 'release/v4.1.0'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## web-apps
@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ SaaS version: []( "http://www.
## User Feedback and Support
If you have any problems with or questions about [ONLYOFFICE Document Server][2], please visit our official forum to find answers to your questions: [][1].
If you have any problems with or questions about [ONLYOFFICE Document Server][2], please visit our official forum to find answers to your questions: [][1] or you can ask and answer ONLYOFFICE development questions on [Stack Overflow][3].
## License
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ define([
style :
if ( && _.isFunction(
if ( && _.isObject( && _.isFunction(
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ define([
if (me.disabled) {
me.trigger('render:after', me);
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
if (this.rendered) {
if (this.rendered && this.disabled != disabled) {
var el = this.cmpEl,
isGroup = el.hasClass('btn-group');
@ -461,6 +461,8 @@ define([
updateHint: function(hint) {
this.options.hint = hint;
if (!this.rendered) return;
var cmpEl = this.cmpEl,
modalParents = cmpEl.closest('.asc-window');
@ -489,6 +491,13 @@ define([
setMenu: function (m) {
if (m && _.isObject(m) && _.isFunction(m.render)){
|||| = m;
@ -215,4 +215,52 @@ define([
txtNoBorders: 'No Borders'
}, Common.UI.ComboBorderSizeEditable || {}));
Common.UI.ComboBorderType = Common.UI.ComboBorderSize.extend(_.extend({
template: _.template([
'<div class="input-group combobox combo-border-size input-group-nr <%= cls %>" id="<%= id %>" style="<%= style %>">',
'<div class="form-control" style="<%= style %>"></div>',
'<div style="display: table-cell;"></div>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="caret img-commonctrl"></span></button>',
'<ul class="dropdown-menu <%= menuCls %>" style="<%= menuStyle %>" role="menu">',
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<li id="<%= %>" data-value="<%= item.value %>"><a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" style="padding: 2px 0;">',
'<span style="margin-top: 0;"></span>',
'<% if (item.offsety!==undefined) { %>',
'<img src="" align="left" style="background-position: 0 -<%= item.offsety %>px;">',
'<% } %>',
'<% }); %>',
initialize : function(options) {
||||, _.extend({
store: new Common.UI.BordersStore(),
data: [
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.solid, offsety: 140},
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.sysDot, offsety: 160},
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.sysDash, offsety: 180},
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.dash, offsety: 200},
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.dashDot, offsety: 220},
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.lgDash, offsety: 240},
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.lgDashDot, offsety: 260},
{value: Asc.c_oDashType.lgDashDotDot, offsety: 280}
}, options));
render : function(parentEl) {
||||, parentEl);
return this;
updateFormControl: function(record) {
var formcontrol = $(this.el).find('.form-control');
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = '';
formcontrol.css('background-position', '0 -' + record.get('offsety') + 'px');
}, Common.UI.ComboBorderType || {}));
@ -188,13 +188,6 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.on('menumanager:hideall', _.bind(me.closeMenu, me));
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', me.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength : 40,
scrollYMarginOffset: 30,
includePadding : true
// set default selection
@ -218,8 +211,17 @@ define([
openMenu: function(delay) {
var me = this;
if ( !this.scroller ) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength: 40,
scrollYMarginOffset: 30,
includePadding: true
}, this.options.scroller));
}, delay || 0);
@ -232,6 +234,16 @@ define([
onBeforeShowMenu: function(e) {
if ( !this.scroller ) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength: 40,
scrollYMarginOffset: 30,
includePadding: true
}, this.options.scroller));
this.trigger('show:before', this, e);
if (this.options.hint) {
var tip ='bs.tooltip');
@ -273,6 +285,7 @@ define([
onAfterHideMenu: function(e) {
this.trigger('hide:after', this, e);
onAfterKeydownMenu: function(e) {
@ -308,6 +321,8 @@ define([
me._skipInputChange = true;
me.cmpEl.find('ul li:first a').focus();
}, 10);
} else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN && $( === me.lastValue){
this._input.trigger('change', { reapply: true });
} else
me._skipInputChange = false;
@ -329,7 +344,7 @@ define([
var val = $(,
record = {};
if (this.lastValue === val) {
if (this.lastValue === val && !(extra && extra.reapply)) {
if (extra && extra.onkeydown)
this.trigger('combo:blur', this, e);
@ -523,12 +538,12 @@ define([
delete this.scroller;
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({
el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl),
minScrollbarLength : 40,
scrollYMarginOffset: 30,
includePadding : true
}, this.options.scroller));
@ -85,11 +85,14 @@ define([
initialize : function(options) {
||||, _.extend(options, {
displayField: 'name'
displayField: 'name',
scroller: {
alwaysVisibleY: true,
onChange: this.updateVisibleFontsTiles.bind(this)
this.recent = _.isNumber(options.recent) ? options.recent : 3;
this.bindUpdateVisibleFontsTiles = _.bind(this.updateVisibleFontsTiles, this);
Common.NotificationCenter.on('fonts:change', _.bind(this.onApiChangeFont, this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('fonts:load', _.bind(this.fillFonts, this));
@ -109,8 +112,6 @@ define([
this._input.on('keyup', _.bind(this.onInputKeyUp, this));
this._input.on('keydown', _.bind(this.onInputKeyDown, this));
this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true, onChange:this.bindUpdateVisibleFontsTiles});
return this;
@ -138,8 +139,9 @@ define([
}, 10);
return false;
} else if ((e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.HOME || e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.END || e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.BACKSPACE) && this.isMenuOpen()) {
setTimeout(function() {
me._input[0].selectionStart = me._input[0].selectionEnd = (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.HOME) ? 0 : me._input[0].value.length;
}, 10);
@ -157,25 +159,31 @@ define([
this.selectCandidate(e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.DELETE || e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.BACKSPACE);
if (this._selectedItem) {
var me = this;
setTimeout(function() {
var input = me._input[0],
text = me._selectedItem.get(me.displayField),
inputVal = input.value;
if (me.rendered) {
if (document.selection) { // IE
document.selection.createRange().text = text;
} else if (input.selectionStart || input.selectionStart == '0') { //FF и Webkit
input.value = text;
input.selectionStart = inputVal.length;
input.selectionEnd = text.length;
if (me._timerSelection===undefined)
me._timerSelection = setInterval(function(){
if ((new Date()) - me._inInputKeyDown<100 || !me._selectedItem) return;
me._timerSelection = undefined;
var input = me._input[0],
text = me._selectedItem.get(me.displayField),
inputVal = input.value;
if (me.rendered) {
if (document.selection) { // IE
document.selection.createRange().text = text;
} else if (input.selectionStart || input.selectionStart == '0') { //FF и Webkit
input.value = text;
input.selectionStart = inputVal.length;
input.selectionEnd = text.length;
}, 10);
}, 10);
onInputKeyDown: function(e) {
this._inInputKeyDown = (new Date());
var me = this;
if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC){
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ define([
var innerEl = $(this.el).find('.inner'),
inner_top = innerEl.offset().top,
idx = _.indexOf(, record),
div = (idx>=0) ? $(this.dataViewItems[idx].el) : innerEl.find('#' + record.get('id'));
div = (idx>=0 && this.dataViewItems.length>idx) ? $(this.dataViewItems[idx].el) : innerEl.find('#' + record.get('id'));
if (div.length<=0) return;
var div_top = div.offset().top;
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ define([
? this.parentMenu.cmpEl
: this.parentMenu.cmpEl.find('[role=menu]'),
innerEl = $(this.el).find('.inner').andSelf().filter('.inner'),
docH = $(document).height(),
docH = Common.Utils.innerHeight(),
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight(),
top = parseInt(menuRoot.css('top'));
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ define([
var onMouseMove = function(event){
Math.ceil((event.offsetX === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerX : event.offsetX) / me.itemSize),
Math.ceil((event.offsetY === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerY : event.offsetY) / me.itemSize),
Math.ceil((event.offsetX === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerX : event.offsetX*Common.Utils.zoom()) / me.itemSize),
Math.ceil((event.offsetY === undefined ? event.originalEvent.layerY : event.offsetY*Common.Utils.zoom()) / me.itemSize),
@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ define([
var onSBAreaMouseMove = function(event, element, eOpts){
if (arrowSatBrightness.length>0 && areaSatBrightness.length>0) {
var pos = [
Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (parseInt((event.pageX - areaSatBrightness.offset().left) / areaSatBrightness.width() * 100)))),
Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (parseInt((event.pageY - areaSatBrightness.offset().top) / areaSatBrightness.height() * 100))))
Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (parseInt((event.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - areaSatBrightness.offset().left) / areaSatBrightness.width() * 100)))),
Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (parseInt((event.pageY*Common.Utils.zoom() - areaSatBrightness.offset().top) / areaSatBrightness.height() * 100))))
arrowSatBrightness.css('left', pos[0] + '%');
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ define([
var onHueAreaMouseMove = function(event, element, eOpts){
if (arrowHue&& areaHue) {
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (parseInt((event.pageY - areaHue.offset().top) / areaHue.height() * 100))));
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (parseInt((event.pageY*Common.Utils.zoom() - areaHue.offset().top) / areaHue.height() * 100))));
arrowHue.css('top', pos + '%');
hueVal = parseInt(360 * pos / 100.0);
@ -231,6 +231,11 @@ define([
mouseup : this.resize.eventStop
'frame:mousemove': this.resize.eventMove,
'frame:mouseup': this.resize.eventStop
var panel =;
this.resize.type =;
this.resize.$el = panel.el;
@ -244,23 +249,25 @@ define([
if ( == 'vertical') {
this.resize.height = parseInt(this.resize.$el.css('height'));
this.resize.max = (panel.maxpos > 0 ? panel.maxpos : this.resize.$el.parent().height() + panel.maxpos) - this.resize.height;
this.resize.inity = e.pageY - parseInt(;
this.resize.inity = e.pageY*Common.Utils.zoom() - parseInt(;
} else
if ( == 'horizontal') {
this.resize.width = parseInt(this.resize.$el.css('width'));
this.resize.max = (panel.maxpos > 0 ? panel.maxpos : this.resize.$el.parent().height() + panel.maxpos) - this.resize.width;
this.resize.initx = e.pageX - parseInt(;
this.resize.initx = e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - parseInt(;
resizeMove: function(e) {
var zoom = (e instanceof jQuery.Event) ? Common.Utils.zoom() : 1;
if (this.resize.type == 'vertical') {
var prop = 'top',
value = e.pageY - this.resize.inity;
value = e.pageY*zoom - this.resize.inity;
} else
if (this.resize.type == 'horizontal') {
prop = 'left';
value = e.pageX - this.resize.initx;
value = e.pageX*zoom - this.resize.initx;
if (this.resize.fmin && this.resize.fmax) {
@ -283,13 +290,21 @@ define([
mouseup : this.resize.eventStop
'frame:mousemove': this.resize.eventMove,
'frame:mouseup': this.resize.eventStop
if (!this.resize.$el) return;
var zoom = (e instanceof jQuery.Event) ? Common.Utils.zoom() : 1;
if (this.resize.type == 'vertical') {
var prop = 'height';
var value = e.pageY - this.resize.inity;
var value = e.pageY*zoom - this.resize.inity;
} else
if (this.resize.type == 'horizontal') {
prop = 'width';
value = e.pageX - this.resize.initx;
value = e.pageX*zoom - this.resize.initx;
if (this.resize.fmin && this.resize.fmax) {
@ -331,6 +346,7 @@ define([
this.trigger('layout:resizedrag', this);
freezePanels: function (value) {
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ define([
template: _.template([
'<ul class="dropdown-menu <%= options.cls %>" style="<%= %>" role="menu"></ul>'
'<ul class="dropdown-menu <%= options.cls %>" oo_editor_input="true" style="<%= %>" role="menu"></ul>'
initialize : function(options) {
@ -410,6 +410,8 @@ define([
onBeforeShowMenu: function(e) {
if (this.mustLayout) {
delete this.mustLayout;
@ -439,6 +441,7 @@ define([
onAfterHideMenu: function(e) {
this.trigger('hide:after', this, e);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('menu:hide', this);
onAfterKeydownMenu: function(e) {
@ -528,8 +531,8 @@ define([
menuParent = this.menuAlignEl || menuRoot.parent(),
m = this.menuAlign.match(/^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)/),
offset = menuParent.offset(),
docW = Math.min($(document).width(), $('body').width()),
docH = $(document).height() - 10, // Yep, it's magic number
docW = Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
docH = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - 10, // Yep, it's magic number
menuW = menuRoot.outerWidth(),
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight(),
parentW = menuParent.outerWidth(),
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ define([
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100))));
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100))));
me.lastValue = me.value;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ define([
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100))));
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100))));
me.lastValue = me.value;
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ define([
var onMouseDown = function (e) {
if ( me.disabled ) return;
me._dragstart = e.pageX - me.thumb.offset().left - 7;
me._dragstart = e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.thumb.offset().left - 7;
$(document).on('mouseup', onMouseUp);
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ define([
var onTrackMouseDown = function (e) {
if ( me.disabled ) return;
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX - me.cmpEl.offset().left) / me.width * 100))));
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left) / me.width * 100))));
me.lastValue = me.value;
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ define([
lastValue = me.thumbs[index].value,
minValue = (index-1<0) ? 0 : me.thumbs[index-1].position,
maxValue = (index+1<me.thumbs.length) ? me.thumbs[index+1].position : 100,
pos = Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, (Math.round((e.pageX - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100)))),
pos = Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100)))),
value = pos/ + me.minValue;
me.setThumbPosition(index, pos);
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ define([
lastValue = me.thumbs[index].value,
minValue = (index-1<0) ? 0 : me.thumbs[index-1].position,
maxValue = (index+1<me.thumbs.length) ? me.thumbs[index+1].position : 100,
pos = Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, (Math.round((e.pageX - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100)))),
pos = Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left - me._dragstart) / me.width * 100)))),
value = pos/ + me.minValue;
me.setThumbPosition(index, pos);
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ define([
var index =,
thumb = me.thumbs[index].thumb;
me._dragstart = e.pageX - thumb.offset().left - thumb.width()/2;
me._dragstart = e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - thumb.offset().left - thumb.width()/2;
_.each(me.thumbs, function (item, idx) {
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ define([
var onTrackMouseDown = function (e) {
if ( me.disabled ) return;
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX - me.cmpEl.offset().left) / me.width * 100)))),
var pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left) / me.width * 100)))),
index = findThumb(pos),
lastValue = me.thumbs[index].value,
value = pos/ + me.minValue;
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ define([
$(document).off('mouseup.switcher', onMouseUp);
$(document).off('mousemove.switcher', onMouseMove);
var pos = Math.round((e.pageX - me._dragstart));
var pos = Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me._dragstart));
me.value = (me.value) ? (pos > : (pos >;
me.cmpEl.toggleClass('on', me.value);
me.thumb.css({left: '', right: ''});
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ define([
var pos = Math.round((e.pageX - me._dragstart));
var pos = Math.round((e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me._dragstart));
if (me.value) {
me.thumb.css({right: (pos<1) ? Math.min(me.width-me.thumbWidth - 2, -pos) : 0, left: 'auto'});
} else {
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ define([
var onMouseDown = function (e) {
if ( me.disabled ) return;
me._dragstart = e.pageX;
me._dragstart = e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom();
me._isMouseMove = false;
$(document).on('mouseup.switcher', onMouseUp);
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ define([
applyPlacement: function () {
var showxy =;
(this.placement == 'top') ? tipEl.css({bottom : $(document).height() - + 'px', right: $(document).width() - showxy.left - + 'px'})
(this.placement == 'top') ? tipEl.css({bottom : Common.Utils.innerHeight() - + 'px', right: Common.Utils.innerWidth() - showxy.left - + 'px'})
: tipEl.css({top : + + 'px', left: showxy.left + + 'px'});
@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ define([
function dragMove (e) {
if (!_.isUndefined(me.drag)) {
me.drag.moveX = e.clientX;
var leftPos = Math.max(e.clientX - me.drag.anchorX - me.tabBarLeft - me.scrollLeft, 0);
me.drag.moveX = e.clientX*Common.Utils.zoom();
var leftPos = Math.max(me.drag.moveX - me.drag.anchorX - me.tabBarLeft - me.scrollLeft, 0);
leftPos = Math.min(leftPos, me.tabBarRight - me.tabBarLeft - me.drag.tabWidth - me.scrollLeft);
||||$el.css('left', leftPos + 'px');
@ -250,16 +250,17 @@ define([
if (!_.isUndefined(bar) && !_.isUndefined(tab) && bar.tabs.length > 1) {
var index = bar.tabs.indexOf(tab);
var index = bar.tabs.indexOf(tab),
_clientX = e.clientX*Common.Utils.zoom();
|||| = bar;
me.drag = {tab: tab, index: index};
me.drag.moveX = e.clientX;
me.drag.mouseX = e.clientX;
me.drag.anchorX = e.clientX - this.bounds[index].left;
me.drag.moveX = _clientX;
me.drag.mouseX = _clientX;
me.drag.anchorX = _clientX - this.bounds[index].left;
me.drag.tabWidth = this.bounds[index].width;
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ define([
this.cmpEl.on('click', function(event){
var pos = {
x: event.pageX - me.cmpEl.offset().left,
y: event.pageY - me.cmpEl.offset().top
x: event.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().left,
y: event.pageY*Common.Utils.zoom() - me.cmpEl.offset().top
var ptInPoly = function(npol, xp, yp, x, y) {
@ -47,10 +47,14 @@ define([
], function () {
'use strict';
Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
options: {
dynamiccolors: 10,
standardcolors: 10,
themecolors: 10,
effects: 5,
allowReselect: true,
transparent: false,
value: '000000'
@ -96,12 +100,7 @@ define([
var me = this,
el = $(this.el);
this.colors = me.options.colors || [
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
'-', '--', '-',
'000000', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39'
this.colors = me.options.colors || this.generateColorData(me.options.themecolors, me.options.effects, me.options.standardcolors, me.options.transparent);
@ -366,13 +365,50 @@ define([
var selected = $(this.el).find('a.' + this.selectedCls);
if (selected.length && selected.hasClass('palette-color-effect')) {
this.value = selected[0].className.match(this.colorRe)[1].toUpperCase();
this.options.updateColorsArr = undefined;
clearSelection: function(suppressEvent) {
$(this.el).find('a.' + this.selectedCls).removeClass(this.selectedCls);
this.value = undefined;
generateColorData: function(themecolors, effects, standardcolors, transparent) {
var arr = [],
len = (themecolors>0 && effects>0) ? themecolors * effects : 0;
if (themecolors>0) {
arr = [this.textThemeColors, '-'];
for (var i=0; i<themecolors; i++)
arr.push({color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 1});
if (effects>0) arr.push('-');
for (var i=0; i<len; i++)
arr.push({color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 1});
if (standardcolors)
arr.push('-', '--', '-');
if (standardcolors) {
arr.push(this.textStandartColors, '-');
if (transparent) {
for (var i=0; i<standardcolors; i++)
if (this.options.dynamiccolors && (themecolors || standardcolors))
arr.push('-', '--');
return arr;
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors'
}, Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette || {}));
@ -150,7 +150,12 @@ define([
title: 'Title',
alias: 'Window',
cls: '',
toolclose: 'close'
toolclose: 'close',
maxwidth: undefined,
maxheight: undefined,
minwidth: 0,
minheight: 0,
enableKeyEvents: true
var template = '<div class="asc-window<%= modal?" modal":"" %><%= cls?" "+cls:"" %>" id="<%= id %>" style="width:<%= width %>px;">' +
@ -178,7 +183,7 @@ define([
function _keydown(event) {
if (!this.isLocked() && this.isVisible()) {
if (!this.isLocked() && this.isVisible() && this.initConfig.enableKeyEvents) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case Common.UI.Keys.ESC:
if ( $('.asc-loadmask').length<1 ) {
@ -207,8 +212,8 @@ define([
var main_width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
var main_height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
} else {
main_width = window.innerWidth;
main_height = window.innerHeight;
main_width = Common.Utils.innerWidth();
main_height = Common.Utils.innerHeight();
if (this.initConfig.height == 'auto') {
@ -240,16 +245,17 @@ define([
function _dragstart(event) {
if ( $('close') ) return;
var zoom = (event instanceof jQuery.Event) ? Common.Utils.zoom() : 1;
this.dragging.enabled = true;
this.dragging.initx = event.pageX - parseInt(this.$window.css('left'));
this.dragging.inity = event.pageY - parseInt(this.$window.css('top'));
this.dragging.initx = event.pageX*zoom - parseInt(this.$window.css('left'));
this.dragging.inity = event.pageY*zoom - parseInt(this.$window.css('top'));
if (window.innerHeight == undefined) {
var main_width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
var main_height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
} else {
main_width = window.innerWidth;
main_height = window.innerHeight;
main_width = Common.Utils.innerWidth();
main_height = Common.Utils.innerHeight();
this.dragging.maxx = main_width - parseInt(this.$window.css("width"));
@ -276,8 +282,9 @@ define([
function _mousemove(event) {
if (this.dragging.enabled) {
var left = event.pageX - this.dragging.initx,
top = event.pageY - this.dragging.inity;
var zoom = (event instanceof jQuery.Event) ? Common.Utils.zoom() : 1,
left = event.pageX*zoom - this.dragging.initx,
top = event.pageY*zoom - this.dragging.inity;
left < 0 ? (left = 0) : left > this.dragging.maxx && (left = this.dragging.maxx);
top < 0 ? (top = 0) : top > this.dragging.maxy && (top = this.dragging.maxy);
@ -286,6 +293,84 @@ define([
/* window resize functions */
function _resizestart(event) {
var el = $(,
left = parseInt(this.$window.css('left')),
top = parseInt(this.$window.css('top'));
this.resizing.enabled = true;
this.resizing.initpage_x = event.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom();
this.resizing.initpage_y = event.pageY*Common.Utils.zoom();
this.resizing.initx = this.resizing.initpage_x - left;
this.resizing.inity = this.resizing.initpage_y - top;
this.resizing.initw = parseInt(this.$window.css("width"));
this.resizing.inith = parseInt(this.$window.css("height"));
this.resizing.type = [el.hasClass('left') ? -1 : (el.hasClass('right') ? 1 : 0), el.hasClass('top') ? -1 : (el.hasClass('bottom') ? 1 : 0)];
var main_width = (window.innerHeight == undefined) ? document.documentElement.offsetWidth : Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
main_height = (window.innerHeight == undefined) ? document.documentElement.offsetHeight : Common.Utils.innerHeight(),
maxwidth = (this.initConfig.maxwidth) ? this.initConfig.maxwidth : main_width,
maxheight = (this.initConfig.maxheight) ? this.initConfig.maxheight : main_height;
if (this.resizing.type[0]>0) {
this.resizing.maxx = Math.min(main_width, left+maxwidth);
this.resizing.minx = left+this.initConfig.minwidth;
} else if (this.resizing.type[0]<0) {
this.resizing.maxx = left+this.resizing.initw-this.initConfig.minwidth;
this.resizing.minx = Math.max(0, left+this.resizing.initw-maxwidth);
if (this.resizing.type[1]>0) {
this.resizing.maxy = Math.min(main_height, top+maxheight);
this.resizing.miny = top+this.initConfig.minheight;
} else if (this.resizing.type[1]<0) {
this.resizing.maxy = top+this.resizing.inith-this.initConfig.minheight;
this.resizing.miny = Math.max(0, top+this.resizing.inith-maxheight);
$(document.body).css('cursor', el.css('cursor'));
$(document).on('mousemove', this.binding.resize);
$(document).on('mouseup', this.binding.resizeStop);
this.fireEvent('resize', [this, 'start']);
function _resize(event) {
if (this.resizing.enabled) {
var resized = false,
zoom = (event instanceof jQuery.Event) ? Common.Utils.zoom() : 1,
pageX = event.pageX*zoom,
pageY = event.pageY*zoom;
if (this.resizing.type[0] && pageX<this.resizing.maxx && pageX>this.resizing.minx) {
if (this.resizing.type[0]<0)
this.$window.css({left: pageX - this.resizing.initx});
this.setWidth(this.resizing.initw + (pageX - this.resizing.initpage_x) * this.resizing.type[0]);
resized = true;
if (this.resizing.type[1] && pageY<this.resizing.maxy && pageY>this.resizing.miny) {
if (this.resizing.type[1]<0)
this.$window.css({top: pageY - this.resizing.inity});
this.setHeight(this.resizing.inith + (pageY - this.resizing.initpage_y) * this.resizing.type[1]);
resized = true;
if (resized) this.fireEvent('resizing');
function _resizestop() {
$(document).off('mousemove', this.binding.resize);
$(document).off('mouseup', this.binding.resizeStop);
$(document.body).css('cursor', 'auto');
this.resizing.enabled = false;
this.fireEvent('resize', [this, 'end']);
Common.UI.alert = function(options) {
var me = this.Window.prototype;
var arrBtns = {ok: me.okButtonText, cancel: me.cancelButtonText,
@ -315,7 +400,7 @@ define([
options.dontshow = options.dontshow || false;
if (!options.width) options.width = 'auto';
var template = '<div class="info-box">' +
@ -325,24 +410,22 @@ define([
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<% if (dontshow) { %><div class="separator horizontal" style="width: 100%;"/><% } %>' +
'<div class="footer <% if (dontshow) { %> dontshow <% } %>">' +
'<% if (_.size(buttons) > 0) { %>' +
'<% if (_.size(buttons) > 0) { %>' +
'<div class="footer <% if (dontshow) { %> dontshow <% } %>">' +
'<% for(var bt in buttons) { %>' +
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn <%= buttons[bt].cls %>" result="<%= bt %>"><%= buttons[bt].text %></button>'+
'<% } %>' +
'<% } else { %>' +
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok">OK</button>'+
'<% } %>' +
'</div>' +
'<% } %>';
var win = new Common.UI.Window({
_.extend(options, {
cls: 'alert',
title: options.title,
width: options.width,
onprimary: onKeyDown,
tpl: _.template(template, options)
chDontShow = null;
var win = new Common.UI.Window(options),
chDontShow = null;
function autoSize(window) {
var text_cnt = window.getChild('.info-box');
@ -355,6 +438,10 @@ define([
if (!options.dontshow) body.css('padding-bottom', '10px');
if (options.maxwidth && options.width=='auto') {
if ((text.position().left + text.width() + parseInt(text_cnt.css('padding-right'))) > options.maxwidth)
options.width = options.maxwidth;
if (options.width=='auto') {
text_cnt.height(Math.max(text.height() + ((check.length>0) ? (check.height() + parseInt(check.css('margin-top'))) : 0), icon.height()));
body.height(parseInt(text_cnt.css('height')) + parseInt(footer.css('height')));
@ -450,6 +537,7 @@ define([
$window : undefined,
$lastmodal : undefined,
dragging : {enabled: false},
resizing : {enabled: false},
initialize : function(options) {
this.initConfig = {};
@ -503,6 +591,9 @@ define([
if (this.initConfig.resizable)
var me = this;
Common.NotificationCenter.on('window:close', function() {
if (me.$window && me.isVisible()) me.close();
@ -683,6 +774,7 @@ define([
if (width >= 0) {
var min = parseInt(this.$window.css('min-width'));
width < min && (width = min);
width -= (parseInt(this.$window.css('border-left-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-right-width')));
@ -695,6 +787,7 @@ define([
if (height >= 0) {
var min = parseInt(this.$window.css('min-height'));
height < min && (height = min);
height -= (parseInt(this.$window.css('border-bottom-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-top-width')));
if (this.initConfig.header)
@ -729,6 +822,40 @@ define([
return this.$window && this.$':visible');
setResizable: function(resizable, minSize, maxSize) {
if (resizable !== this.resizable) {
if (resizable) {
var bordersTemplate = '<div class="resize-border left" style="top:' + ((this.initConfig.header) ? '33' : '5') + 'px; bottom: 5px; height: auto; border-right-style: solid; cursor: e-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border left bottom" style="border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; cursor: sw-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border bottom" style="left: 4px; right: 4px; width: auto; z-index: 2; border-top-style: solid; cursor: s-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border right bottom" style="border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; cursor: se-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border right" style="top:' + ((this.initConfig.header) ? '33' : '5') + 'px; bottom: 5px; height: auto; border-left-style: solid; cursor: w-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border left top" style="border-top-left-radius: 5px; cursor: se-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border top" style="left: 4px; right: 4px; width: auto; z-index: 2; border-bottom-style:' + ((this.initConfig.header) ? "none" : "solid") + '; cursor: s-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border right top" style="border-top-right-radius: 5px; cursor: sw-resize;"></div>';
if (this.initConfig.header)
bordersTemplate += '<div class="resize-border left" style="top: 5px; height: 28px; cursor: e-resize;"></div>' +
'<div class="resize-border right" style="top: 5px; height: 28px; cursor: w-resize;"></div>';
this.binding.resize = _.bind(_resize, this);
this.binding.resizeStop = _.bind(_resizestop, this);
this.binding.resizeStart = _.bind(_resizestart, this);
(minSize && minSize.length>1) && (this.initConfig.minwidth = minSize[0]);
(minSize && minSize.length>1) && (this.initConfig.minheight = minSize[1]);
(maxSize && maxSize.length>1) && (this.initConfig.maxwidth = maxSize[0]);
(maxSize && maxSize.length>1) && (this.initConfig.maxheight = maxSize[1]);
this.$window.find('.resize-border').on('mousedown', this.binding.resizeStart);
} else {
this.resizable = resizable;
onPrimary: function() {},
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
@ -919,6 +919,19 @@ define([
// internal
updateComments: function (needRender, disableSort) {
var me = this;
me.updateCommentsTime = new Date();
if (me.timerUpdateComments===undefined)
me.timerUpdateComments = setInterval(function(){
if ((new Date()) - me.updateCommentsTime>100) {
me.timerUpdateComments = undefined;
me.updateCommentsView(needRender, disableSort);
}, 25);
updateCommentsView: function (needRender, disableSort) {
var i, end = true;
if (_.isUndefined(disableSort)) {
@ -1079,7 +1092,6 @@ define([
if (dialog) {
if (this.popoverComments.length) {
_.delay(function() {
}, 200);
@ -1234,7 +1246,6 @@ define([
var panel = $('.new-comment-ct', this.view.el);
if (panel && panel.length) {
if ('none' !== panel.css('display')) {
@ -97,9 +97,10 @@ define([
externalEditor.serviceCommand('window:drag', state == 'start');
'show': _.bind(function(cmp){
var h = this.diagramEditorView.getHeight();
if (window.innerHeight>h && h<700 || window.innerHeight<h) {
h = Math.min(window.innerHeight, 700);
var h = this.diagramEditorView.getHeight(),
innerHeight = Common.Utils.innerHeight();
if (innerHeight>h && h<700 || innerHeight<h) {
h = Math.min(innerHeight, 700);
@ -182,7 +183,6 @@ define([
if (this.diagramEditorView) {
if (eventData.type == 'documentReady') {
this.diagramEditorView._isExternalDocReady = true;
if (this.diagramEditorView._chartData) {
externalEditor && externalEditor.serviceCommand('setChartData', this.diagramEditorView._chartData);
this.diagramEditorView._chartData = null;
@ -191,6 +191,10 @@ define([
} else
if (eventData.type == 'chartDataReady') {
if (this.needDisableEditing===undefined)
} else
if (eventData.type == "shortcut") {
if ( == 'escape')
@ -97,9 +97,10 @@ define([
externalEditor.serviceCommand('window:drag', state == 'start');
'show': _.bind(function(cmp){
var h = this.mergeEditorView.getHeight();
if (window.innerHeight>h && h<700 || window.innerHeight<h) {
h = Math.min(window.innerHeight, 700);
var h = this.mergeEditorView.getHeight(),
innerHeight = Common.Utils.innerHeight();
if (innerHeight>h && h<700 || innerHeight<h) {
h = Math.min(innerHeight, 700);
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ define([
storePlugins: this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.Plugins')
this.panelPlugins.on('render:after', _.bind(this.onAfterRender, this));
this._moveOffset = {x:0, y:0};
setApi: function(api) {
@ -73,6 +75,9 @@ define([
this.api.asc_registerCallback("asc_onPluginShow", _.bind(this.onPluginShow, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback("asc_onPluginClose", _.bind(this.onPluginClose, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback("asc_onPluginResize", _.bind(this.onPluginResize, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback("asc_onPluginMouseUp", _.bind(this.onPluginMouseUp, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback("asc_onPluginMouseMove", _.bind(this.onPluginMouseMove, this));
return this;
@ -87,6 +92,22 @@ define([
onAfterRender: function(panelPlugins) {
panelPlugins.viewPluginsList.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectPlugin, this));
var me = this;
'layout:resizestart': function(e){
if (me.panelPlugins.isVisible()) {
var offset = me.panelPlugins.currentPluginFrame.offset();
me._moveOffset = {x: offset.left + parseInt(me.panelPlugins.currentPluginFrame.css('padding-left')),
y: + parseInt(me.panelPlugins.currentPluginFrame.css('padding-top'))};
'layout:resizestop': function(e){
if (me.panelPlugins.isVisible()) {
updatePluginsList: function() {
@ -114,6 +135,8 @@ define([
@ -195,44 +218,66 @@ define([
onPluginShow: function(plugin, variationIndex) {
var variation = plugin.get_Variations()[variationIndex];
if (!variation.get_Visual()) return;
if (variation.get_InsideMode()) {
this.panelPlugins.openInsideMode(plugin.get_Name(), ((plugin.get_BaseUrl().length == 0) ? this.panelPlugins.pluginsPath : plugin.get_BaseUrl()) + variation.get_Url());
} else {
var me = this,
arrBtns = variation.get_Buttons(),
newBtns = {};
if (variation.get_Visual()) {
if (variation.get_InsideMode()) {
this.panelPlugins.openInsideMode(plugin.get_Name(), ((plugin.get_BaseUrl().length == 0) ? this.panelPlugins.pluginsPath : plugin.get_BaseUrl()) + variation.get_Url());
} else {
var me = this,
arrBtns = variation.get_Buttons(),
newBtns = {},
size = variation.get_Size();
if (!size || size.length<2) size = [800, 600];
if (_.isArray(arrBtns)) {
_.each(arrBtns, function(b, index){
newBtns[index] = {text: b.text, cls: 'custom' + ((b.primary) ? ' primary' : '')};
if (_.isArray(arrBtns)) {
_.each(arrBtns, function(b, index){
newBtns[index] = {text: b.text, cls: 'custom' + ((b.primary) ? ' primary' : '')};
var _baseUrl = (plugin.get_BaseUrl().length == 0) ? me.panelPlugins.pluginsPath : plugin.get_BaseUrl();
me.pluginDlg = new Common.Views.PluginDlg({
title: plugin.get_Name(),
width: size[0], // inner width
height: size[1], // inner height
url: _baseUrl + variation.get_Url(),
buttons: newBtns,
toolcallback: _.bind(this.onToolClose, this)
me.pluginDlg.on('render:after', function(obj){
obj.getChild('.footer .dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(me.onDlgBtnClick, me));
me.pluginContainer = me.pluginDlg.$window.find('#id-plugin-container');
}).on('close', function(obj){
me.pluginDlg = undefined;
}).on('drag', function(args){
}).on('resize', function(args){
var _baseUrl = (plugin.get_BaseUrl().length == 0) ? me.panelPlugins.pluginsPath : plugin.get_BaseUrl();
me.pluginDlg = new Common.Views.PluginDlg({
title: plugin.get_Name(),
url: _baseUrl + variation.get_Url(),
buttons: newBtns,
toolcallback: _.bind(this.onToolClose, this)
me.pluginDlg.on('render:after', function(obj){
obj.getChild('.footer .dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(me.onDlgBtnClick, me));
}).on('close', function(obj){
me.pluginDlg = undefined;
} else
onPluginClose: function() {
if (this.pluginDlg)
else if (this.panelPlugins.iframePlugin)
onPluginResize: function(size, minSize, maxSize, callback ) {
if (this.pluginDlg) {
var resizable = (minSize && minSize.length>1 && maxSize && maxSize.length>1 && (maxSize[0] > minSize[0] || maxSize[1] > minSize[1] || maxSize[0]==0 || maxSize[1] == 0));
this.pluginDlg.setResizable(resizable, minSize, maxSize);
this.pluginDlg.setInnerSize(size[0], size[1]);
if (callback)
onDlgBtnClick: function(event) {
var state = event.currentTarget.attributes['result'].value;
@ -240,6 +285,23 @@ define([
onToolClose: function() {
onPluginMouseUp: function(x, y) {
if (this.pluginDlg) {
if (this.pluginDlg.binding.dragStop) this.pluginDlg.binding.dragStop();
if (this.pluginDlg.binding.resizeStop) this.pluginDlg.binding.resizeStop();
} else
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('frame:mouseup', { pageX: x*Common.Utils.zoom()+this._moveOffset.x, pageY: y*Common.Utils.zoom()+this._moveOffset.y });
onPluginMouseMove: function(x, y) {
if (this.pluginDlg) {
var offset = this.pluginContainer.offset();
if (this.pluginDlg.binding.drag) this.pluginDlg.binding.drag({ pageX: x*Common.Utils.zoom()+offset.left, pageY: y*Common.Utils.zoom() });
if (this.pluginDlg.binding.resize) this.pluginDlg.binding.resize({ pageX: x*Common.Utils.zoom()+offset.left, pageY: y*Common.Utils.zoom() });
} else
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('frame:mousemove', { pageX: x*Common.Utils.zoom()+this._moveOffset.x, pageY: y*Common.Utils.zoom()+this._moveOffset.y });
}, Common.Controllers.Plugins || {}));
@ -46,14 +46,17 @@ function onDropDownKeyDown(e) {
if ($parent.hasClass('no-stop-propagate') && arguments.length>1 && arguments[1] instanceof jQuery.Event) {
e = arguments[1];
if ( /^(38|40|27|13|9)$/.test(e.keyCode) && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
if ($parent.hasClass('no-stop-propagate')) {
if (arguments.length>1 && arguments[1] instanceof KeyboardEvent)
e = arguments[1];
if ( /^(38|40|27|13|9|37|39)$/.test(e.keyCode) && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
||||, e);
if (!/(37|39)/.test(e.keyCode)) {
} else if ( !$parent.hasClass('no-stop-propagate') || /^(38|40|27|13|9)$/.test(e.keyCode) && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
} else {
||||, e);
@ -141,17 +144,19 @@ function patchDropDownKeyDownAdditional(e) { // only for formula menu when typin
var $this = $(this);
if (!/(37|39)/.test(e.keyCode)) {
if ($'.disabled, :disabled')) return;
var $parent = getParent($this);
var isActive = $parent.hasClass('open') || $parent.hasClass('over');
if (!isActive || (isActive && e.keyCode == 27)) {
if (e.which == 27)
if (!isActive || (isActive && (e.keyCode == 27 || e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39))) {
// if (e.which == 27)
// $parent.find('[data-toggle=dropdown]').focus();
return (isActive) ? $ : undefined;
@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ define([
initDataType: 0,
initData: "",
isUpdateOleOnResize: false,
buttons: []
buttons: [],
size: [800, 600],
initOnSelectionChanged: false
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
mousemove: function (e) {
this.targetXY = [e.clientX, e.clientY];
this.targetXY = [e.clientX*Common.Utils.zoom(), e.clientY*Common.Utils.zoom()];
leave: function(obj) {
@ -153,10 +153,11 @@
$tip.appendTo(this.options.container) : $tip.insertAfter(this.$element);
if (typeof at == 'object') {
var tp = {top: at[1] + 15, left: at[0] + 18};
var tp = {top: at[1] + 15, left: at[0] + 18},
innerWidth = Common.Utils.innerWidth();
if (tp.left + $tip.width() > window.innerWidth) {
tp.left = window.innerWidth - $tip.width() - 30;
if (tp.left + $tip.width() > innerWidth) {
tp.left = innerWidth - $tip.width() - 30;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
ipRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)?([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(((1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?/i,
hostnameRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)?([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(([\-\wа-яё]+\.)+[\wа-яё\-]{2,}(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/i,
localRe = /^(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/)([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?(([\-\wа-яё]+)(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/i,
emailStrongRe = /(mailto:)([a-z0-9'\._-]+@[a-z0-9\.-]+\.[a-z0-9]{2,4})([a-яё0-9\._%+-=\? :&]*)/ig,
emailStrongRe = /(mailto:)?([a-z0-9'\._-]+@[a-z0-9\.-]+\.[a-z0-9]{2,4})([a-яё0-9\._%+-=\?:&]*)/ig,
ipStrongRe = /(((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?)(((1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?/ig,
hostnameStrongRe = /((((https?)|(ftps?)):\/\/([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?)|(([\-\wа-яё]*:?[\-\wа-яё]*@)?www\.))((([\-\wа-яё]+\.)+[\wа-яё\-]{2,}|([\-\wа-яё]+))(:\d+)?(\/[%\-\wа-яё]*(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?(([\wа-яё\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;:`~=%!,\(\)]*)(\.[\wа-яё]{2,})?)*)*\/?)/ig,
documentSettingsType = {
@ -101,7 +101,21 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
Chart : 6,
MailMerge : 7,
TextArt : 8
me = this,
checkSize = function() {
if (isChrome && !isOpera && document && document.firstElementChild && document.body) {
|||| = "reset";
me.zoom = document.body.clientWidth / window.innerWidth;
me.innerWidth = window.innerWidth * me.zoom;
me.innerHeight = window.innerHeight * me.zoom;
me.zoom = 1;
me.innerWidth = window.innerWidth;
me.innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
$(window).on('resize', checkSize);
return {
userAgent: userAgent,
@ -162,7 +176,10 @@ Common.Utils = _.extend(new(function() {
emailStrongRe: emailStrongRe,
ipStrongRe: ipStrongRe,
hostnameStrongRe: hostnameStrongRe,
documentSettingsType: documentSettingsType
documentSettingsType: documentSettingsType,
zoom: function() {return me.zoom;},
innerWidth: function() {return me.innerWidth;},
innerHeight: function() {return me.innerHeight;}
})(), Common.Utils || {});
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ define([
initialize: function(options) {
this.txtVersionNum = '4.0';
this.txtVersionNum = '4.1';
this.txtAscMail = '';
this.txtAscTelNum = '+371 660-16425';
this.txtAscUrl = '';
@ -227,21 +227,9 @@ define([
_pickLink: function(message) {
var arr = [], offset, len;
message.replace(Common.Utils.emailStrongRe, function(subStr) {
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
arr.push({start: offset, end: subStr.length+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
message.replace(Common.Utils.ipStrongRe, function(subStr) {
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
len = subStr.length;
var elem = _.find(arr, function(item){
return ( (offset>=item.start) && (offset<item.end) ||
(offset<=item.start) && (offset+len>item.start));
if (!elem)
arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
arr.push({start: offset, end: subStr.length+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
@ -258,6 +246,20 @@ define([
arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '<a href="' + ref + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
message.replace(Common.Utils.emailStrongRe, function(subStr) {
var ref = (! /((^mailto:)\/\/)/i.test(subStr) ) ? ('mailto:' + subStr) : subStr;
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
len = subStr.length;
var elem = _.find(arr, function(item){
return ( (offset>=item.start) && (offset<item.end) ||
(offset<=item.start) && (offset+len>item.start));
if (!elem)
arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '<a href="' + ref + '">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
arr = _.sortBy(arr, function(item){ return item.start; });
var str_res = (arr.length>0) ? ( message.substring(0, arr[0].start) + arr[0].str) : message;
@ -1356,21 +1356,9 @@ define([
var arr = [], offset, len;
message = Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message);
message.replace(Common.Utils.emailStrongRe, function(subStr) {
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
arr.push({start: offset, end: subStr.length+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
message.replace(Common.Utils.ipStrongRe, function(subStr) {
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
len = subStr.length;
var elem = _.find(arr, function(item){
return ( (offset>=item.start) && (offset<item.end) ||
(offset<=item.start) && (offset+len>item.start));
if (!elem)
arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
arr.push({start: offset, end: subStr.length+offset, str: '<a href="' + subStr + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
@ -1387,6 +1375,20 @@ define([
arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '<a href="' + ref + '" target="_blank" data-can-copy="true">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
message.replace(Common.Utils.emailStrongRe, function(subStr) {
var ref = (! /((^mailto:)\/\/)/i.test(subStr) ) ? ('mailto:' + subStr) : subStr;
offset = arguments[arguments.length-2];
len = subStr.length;
var elem = _.find(arr, function(item){
return ( (offset>=item.start) && (offset<item.end) ||
(offset<=item.start) && (offset+len>item.start));
if (!elem)
arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '<a href="' + ref + '">' + subStr + '</a>'});
return '';
arr = _.sortBy(arr, function(item){ return item.start; });
var str_res = (arr.length>0) ? ( message.substring(0, arr[0].start) + arr[0].str) : message;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ define([
_.extend(_options, {
title: this.textTitle,
width: 910,
height: (window.innerHeight-700)<0 ? window.innerHeight: 700,
height: (Common.Utils.innerHeight()-700)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerHeight(): 700,
cls: 'advanced-settings-dlg',
header: true,
toolclose: 'hide',
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this.$window.find('> .body').css('height', height-header_height);
this.$window.find('> .body > .box').css('height', height-85);
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var left = (parseInt(window.innerWidth) - parseInt(this.initConfig.width)) / 2;
var top = ((Common.Utils.innerHeight() - parseInt(height)) / 2) * 0.9;
var left = (Common.Utils.innerWidth() - parseInt(this.initConfig.width)) / 2;
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title: this.textTitle,
width: 910,
height: (window.innerHeight-700)<0 ? window.innerHeight: 700,
height: (Common.Utils.innerHeight()-700)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerHeight(): 700,
cls: 'advanced-settings-dlg',
header: true,
toolclose: 'hide',
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this.$window.find('> .body').css('height', height-header_height);
this.$window.find('> .body > .box').css('height', height-85);
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var top = ((Common.Utils.innerHeight() - parseInt(height)) / 2) * 0.9;
var left = (Common.Utils.innerWidth() - parseInt(this.initConfig.width)) / 2;
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var me = this,
showPoint = [e.pageX, e.pageY],
showPoint = [e.pageX*Common.Utils.zoom(), e.pageY*Common.Utils.zoom()],
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// Prepare menu container
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header : true,
cls : 'open-dlg',
contentTemplate : '',
title : t.txtTitle.replace('%1', (options.type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.CSV) ? 'CSV' : 'TXT')
title : (options.type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.DRM) ? t.txtTitleProtected : t.txtTitle.replace('%1', (options.type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.CSV) ? 'CSV' : 'TXT')
}, options);
this.template = options.template || [
'<div class="box" style="height:' + (_options.height - 85) + 'px;">',
'<div class="content-panel" >',
'<% if (type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.DRM) { %>',
'<label class="header">' + t.txtPassword + '</label>',
'<div id="id-password-txt" style="margin-bottom:15px;"></div>',
'<% } else { %>',
'<label class="header">' + t.txtEncoding + '</label>',
'<div id="id-codepages-combo" class="input-group-nr" style="margin-bottom:15px;"></div>',
'<% if (type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.CSV) { %>',
'<label class="header">' + t.txtDelimiter + '</label>',
'<div id="id-delimiters-combo" class="input-group-nr" style="max-width: 110px;"></div>',
'<% } %>',
'<% } %>',
@ -97,18 +103,46 @@ define([
if (this.$window) {
this.$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
if (this.type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.DRM) {
var me = this;
me.inputPwd = new Common.UI.InputField({
el: $('#id-password-txt'),
type: 'password',
allowBlank: false,
validateOnBlur: false
} else
show: function() {
||||, arguments);
if (this.type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.DRM) {
var me = this;
}, 500);
onBtnClick: function (event) {
if (this.handler && this.cmbEncoding) {
||||, this.cmbEncoding.getValue(), this.cmbDelimiter ? this.cmbDelimiter.getValue() : null);
if (this.handler) {
if (this.cmbEncoding)
||||, this.cmbEncoding.getValue(), this.cmbDelimiter ? this.cmbDelimiter.getValue() : null);
||||, this.inputPwd.getValue());
onPrimary: function() {
return false;
initCodePages: function () {
var i, c, codepage, encodedata = [], listItems = [], length = 0;
@ -311,7 +345,9 @@ define([
txtEncoding : "Encoding ",
txtSpace : "Space",
txtTab : "Tab",
txtTitle : "Choose %1 options"
txtTitle : "Choose %1 options",
txtPassword : "Password",
txtTitleProtected : "Protected File"
}, Common.Views.OpenDialog || {}));
@ -172,12 +172,22 @@ define([
this.pluginsPanel.toggleClass('hidden', false);
openNotVisualMode: function(pluginGuid) {
var rec ={guid: pluginGuid});
if (rec)
this.viewPluginsList.cmpEl.find('#' + rec.get('id')).parent().addClass('selected');
closeNotVisualMode: function() {
_onLoad: function() {
if (this.loadMask)
strPlugins: 'Add-ons',
strPlugins: 'Plugins',
textLoading: 'Loading',
textStart: 'Start'
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initialize : function(options) {
var _options = {};
_.extend(_options, {
width: 800,
height: (window.innerHeight-600)<0 ? window.innerHeight: 600,
cls: 'advanced-settings-dlg',
header: true
header: true,
enableKeyEvents: false
}, options);
var header_footer = (_options.buttons && _.size(_options.buttons)>0) ? 85 : 34;
_options.width = (Common.Utils.innerWidth()-_options.width)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerWidth(): _options.width,
_options.height += header_footer;
_options.height = (Common.Utils.innerHeight()-_options.height)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerHeight(): _options.height;
this.template = [
'<div id="id-plugin-container" class="box" style="height:' + (_options.height-header_footer) + 'px;">',
'<div id="id-plugin-placeholder" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"></div>',
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this.$window.find('> .body').css({height: 'auto', overflow: 'hidden'});
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|||| = 'pluginFrameEditor',
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iframe.src = this.url;
var me = this;
if (me.isLoaded) return;
me.loadMask = new Common.UI.LoadMask({owner: $('#id-plugin-placeholder')});
if (me.isLoaded) me.loadMask.hide();
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this.on('show', function(obj){
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me.boxEl.css('height', parseInt(me.$window.css('height')) - me._headerFooterHeight);
_onLoad: function() {
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setHeight: function(height) {
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this.boxEl.css('height', height);
this.$window.find('> .body').css('height', height-header_height);
this.$window.find('> .body > .box').css('height', height-85);
||||, height + this._headerFooterHeight);
||||, width + borders_width);
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this.$window.css('top',((maxHeight - height - this._headerFooterHeight) / 2) * 0.9);
textLoading : 'Loading'
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 132 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 216 B |
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
.options-btn-icon(@icon-class, @index, @icon-size) {
.@{icon-class} {background-position: -@icon-size -@index*@icon-size;}
.@{icon-class} {background-position: 0 -@index*@icon-size;}
button.over > .@{icon-class} {background-position: -1*@icon-size -@index*@icon-size;}
// > .@{icon-class},
|||| > .@{icon-class},
@ -27,10 +27,11 @@
&.over {
background-color: @secondary;
.plugin-icon {
.box-shadow(0 0 0 2px transparent);
&.selected {
background-color: @primary;
color: #fff;
@ -57,11 +58,14 @@
.plugin-caret {
float: right;
//float: right;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
background-position: -1px -274px;
margin: 7px;
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
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&.resizing {
cursor: inherit !important;
> .body {
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-o-transform: none !important;
-o-transition: none !important;
.resize-border {
position: absolute;
width: 5px;
height: 5px;
z-index: 1;
background: @gray-lighter;
border: 1px none @gray-dark;
&.left {
left: 0;
&.right {
right: 0;
&.top {
top: 0;
&.bottom {
bottom: 0;
&.resizing {
cursor: inherit !important;
.modal-dlg {
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ define([
this.api.SetTextBoxInputMode(parseInt(value) == 1);
/** coauthoring begin **/
if (this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canLicense && !this.mode.isOffline) {
if (this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canLicense && !this.mode.isOffline && this.mode.canCoAuthoring) {
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-coauthmode");
var fast_coauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
@ -155,24 +155,15 @@ define([
// Syncronize focus with api
$(document.body).on('focus', 'input, textarea', function(e) {
if (!/area_id/.test( {
if (/msg-reply/.test(
me.dontCloseDummyComment = true;
$("#editor_sdk").focus(function (e) {
if (!me.isModalShowed) {
$(document.body).on('blur', 'input, textarea', function(e) {
if (!me.isModalShowed) {
* TODO: Workaround bug #25004. Clipboard feature processing in sdk.
if (!(Common.Utils.isSafari && Common.Utils.isMac) && !/area_id/.test( {
if (!/area_id/.test( && $(<1 /* When focus in combobox goes from input to it's menu button or menu items */
|| !e.relatedTarget) {
if (/msg-reply/.test(
me.dontCloseDummyComment = false;
@ -206,14 +197,18 @@ define([
'settings:unitschanged':_.bind(this.unitsChanged, this),
'dataview:focus': function(e){
'dataview:blur': function(e){
if (!me.isModalShowed) {
'menu:show': function(e){
'menu:hide': function(e){
if (!me.isModalShowed)
'edit:complete': _.bind(me.onEditComplete, me)
@ -318,6 +313,7 @@ define([
if (!old_rights)
title: this.notcriticalErrorTitle,
maxwidth: 600,
msg : _.isEmpty(data.message) ? this.warnProcessRightsChange : data.message,
callback: function(){
me._state.lostEditingRights = false;
@ -565,7 +561,7 @@ define([
if ( type == Asc.c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction &&
(!this.getApplication().getController('LeftMenu').dlgSearch || !this.getApplication().getController('LeftMenu').dlgSearch.isVisible()) &&
!( id == Asc.c_oAscAsyncAction['ApplyChanges'] && this.dontCloseDummyComment ) ) {
// this.onEditComplete(this.loadMask); //если делать фокус, то при принятии чужих изменений, заканчивается свой композитный ввод
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me.api.SetTextBoxInputMode(value!==null && parseInt(value) == 1);
/** coauthoring begin **/
if (me.appOptions.isEdit && me.appOptions.canLicense && !me.appOptions.isOffline) {
if (me.appOptions.isEdit && me.appOptions.canLicense && !me.appOptions.isOffline && me.appOptions.canCoAuthoring) {
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-coauthmode");
me._state.fastCoauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
@ -846,7 +842,8 @@ define([
if (me.appOptions.isEdit) {
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-autosave");
value = (!me._state.fastCoauth && value!==null) ? parseInt(value) : 1;
value = (!me._state.fastCoauth && value!==null) ? parseInt(value) : (me.appOptions.canCoAuthoring ? 1 : 0);
if (me.needToUpdateVersion)
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onEditorPermissions: function(params) {
var licType = params.asc_getLicenseType();
if (Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Expired === licType || Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Error === licType || Asc.c_oLicenseResult.ExpiredTrial === licType) {
title: this.titleLicenseExp,
msg: this.warnLicenseExp,
buttons: [],
closable: false
|||| = ( === undefined) ? (this.permissions.edit !== false) :;
this.appOptions.canAnalytics = params.asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable();
this.appOptions.canLicense = params.asc_getCanLicense ? params.asc_getCanLicense() : false;
this.appOptions.canLicense = (licType === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Success);
this.appOptions.isLightVersion = params.asc_getIsLight();
/** coauthoring begin **/
this.appOptions.canCoAuthoring = !this.appOptions.isLightVersion;
@ -952,7 +960,7 @@ define([
this.appOptions.canDownloadOrigin = !this.appOptions.nativeApp && !== false && (type && typeof type[1] === 'string');
this.appOptions.canDownload = !this.appOptions.nativeApp && !== false && (!type || typeof type[1] !== 'string');
this._state.licenseWarning = !this.appOptions.canLicense && this.appOptions.canEdit && this.editorConfig.mode !== 'view';
this._state.licenseWarning = (licType===Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Connections) && this.appOptions.canEdit && this.editorConfig.mode !== 'view';
this.appOptions.canBranding = params.asc_getCanBranding() && (typeof this.editorConfig.customization == 'object');
if (this.appOptions.canBranding) {
@ -1166,7 +1174,7 @@ define([
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.CoAuthoringDisconnect:
config.msg = this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect;
config.msg = (this.appOptions.isEdit) ? this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect : this.errorViewerDisconnect;
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.ConvertationPassword:
@ -1596,14 +1604,14 @@ define([
onAdvancedOptions: function(advOptions) {
var type = advOptions.asc_getOptionId();
var type = advOptions.asc_getOptionId(),
me = this, dlg;
if (type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.TXT) {
var me = this;
var dlg = new Common.Views.OpenDialog({
dlg = new Common.Views.OpenDialog({
type: type,
codepages: advOptions.asc_getOptions().asc_getCodePages(),
settings: advOptions.asc_getOptions().asc_getRecommendedSettings(),
handler: function (encoding, delimiter) {
handler: function (encoding) {
me.isShowOpenDialog = false;
if (me && me.api) {
me.api.asc_setAdvancedOptions(type, new Asc.asc_CTXTAdvancedOptions(encoding));
@ -1611,11 +1619,22 @@ define([
} else if (type == Asc.c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.DRM) {
dlg = new Common.Views.OpenDialog({
type: type,
handler: function (value) {
me.isShowOpenDialog = false;
if (me && me.api) {
me.api.asc_setAdvancedOptions(type, new Asc.asc_CDRMAdvancedOptions(value));
me.loadMask &&;
if (dlg) {
this.isShowOpenDialog = true;
this.loadMask && this.loadMask.hide();
this.onLongActionEnd(Asc.c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction, LoadingDocument);
@ -1655,7 +1674,7 @@ define([
applySettings: function() {
if (this.appOptions.isEdit && this.appOptions.canLicense && !this.appOptions.isOffline) {
if (this.appOptions.isEdit && this.appOptions.canLicense && !this.appOptions.isOffline && this.appOptions.canCoAuthoring) {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-coauthmode"),
oldval = this._state.fastCoauth;
this._state.fastCoauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
@ -1731,7 +1750,9 @@ define([
initDataType: itemVar.initDataType,
initData: itemVar.initData,
isUpdateOleOnResize : itemVar.isUpdateOleOnResize,
buttons: itemVar.buttons
buttons: itemVar.buttons,
size: itemVar.size,
initOnSelectionChanged: itemVar.initOnSelectionChanged
if (variationsArr.length>0)
@ -1819,7 +1840,7 @@ define([
txtLines: 'Lines',
txtEditingMode: 'Set editing mode...',
textAnonymous: 'Anonymous',
loadingDocumentTitleText: 'Loading Document',
loadingDocumentTitleText: 'Loading document',
loadingDocumentTextText: 'Loading document...',
warnProcessRightsChange: 'You have been denied the right to edit the file.',
errorProcessSaveResult: 'Saving is failed.',
@ -1852,7 +1873,10 @@ define([
textBuyNow: 'Visit website',
textNoLicenseTitle: 'ONLYOFFICE open source version',
warnNoLicense: 'You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.',
textContactUs: 'Contact sales'
textContactUs: 'Contact sales',
errorViewerDisconnect: 'Connection is lost. You can still view the document,<br>but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.',
warnLicenseExp: 'Your license has expired.<br>Please update your license and refresh the page.',
titleLicenseExp: 'License expired'
})(), DE.Controllers.Main || {}))
@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ define([
this._settings[type].hidden = 0;
this.rightmenu.SetActivePane(type, true);
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ define([
// Create toolbar view
this.toolbar = this.createView('Toolbar');
this.toolbar.on('render:after', _.bind(this.onToolbarAfterRender, this));
// this.toolbar.on('render:after', _.bind(this.onToolbarAfterRender, this));
onToolbarAfterRender: function(toolbar) {
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ define([
|||'item:click', _.bind(this.onDropCapSelect, this));
toolbar.mnuDropCapAdvanced.on('click', _.bind(this.onDropCapAdvancedClick, this));
||||'item:click', _.bind(this.onColumnsSelect, this));
toolbar.btnPageOrient.on('toggle', _.bind(this.onPageOrientToggle, this));
||||'item:click', _.bind(this.onPageOrientSelect, this));
||||'item:click', _.bind(this.onPageMarginsSelect, this));
toolbar.btnClearStyle.on('click', _.bind(this.onClearStyleClick, this));
toolbar.btnCopyStyle.on('toggle', _.bind(this.onCopyStyleToggle, this));
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onApiPageOrient: function(isportrait) {
if (this._state.pgorient !== isportrait) {
this.toolbar.btnPageOrient.toggle(!isportrait, true);
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this._state.pgorient = isportrait;
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this.toolbar.btnFitPage.setChecked(type == 2, true);
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this.toolbar.mnuZoom.options.value = percent;
$('.menu-zoom .zoom', this.toolbar.el).html(percent + '%');
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onCopyPaste: function(copy, e) {
var me = this;
if (me.api) {
if (typeof window['AscDesktopEditor'] === 'object') { // AscDesktopEditor object may exists in desktop version
copy ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
// window['AscDesktopEditor'][copy ? 'Copy' : 'Paste'](); // desktop editor's methods
} else {
var res = (copy) ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
if (!res) {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-hide-copywarning");
if (!(value && parseInt(value) == 1)) {
(new Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog({
handler: function(dontshow) {
copy ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
if (dontshow) Common.localStorage.setItem("de-hide-copywarning", 1);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
} else {
copy ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Copy Warning');
} else {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
} else
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Copy Warning');
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
onIncrease: function(e) {
@ -1107,7 +1099,6 @@ define([
msg: this.textFontSizeErr,
callback: function() {
_.defer(function(btn) {
$('input', combo.cmpEl).focus();
@ -1387,10 +1378,11 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar, this.toolbar.btnInsertShape);
onPageOrientToggle: function(btn, state, e) {
onPageOrientSelect: function(menu, item) {
this._state.pgorient = undefined;
if (this.api)
if (this.api && item.checked) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Page Orientation');
@ -1767,11 +1759,11 @@ define([
var top = e.clientY;
var top = e.clientY*Common.Utils.zoom();
if ($('#header-container').is(":visible")) {
top -= $('#header-container').height()
showPoint = [e.clientX, top];
showPoint = [e.clientX*Common.Utils.zoom(), top];
if (record != undefined) {
@ -2197,10 +2189,13 @@ define([
fillEquations: function() {
if (!this.toolbar.btnInsertEquation.rendered) return;
var me = this, equationsStore = this.getApplication().getCollection('EquationGroups');
me.equationPickers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < equationsStore.length; ++i) {
var equationGroup =;
@ -2388,8 +2383,9 @@ define([
fillTextArt: function() {
var me = this;
if (!this.toolbar.btnInsertText.rendered) return;
var me = this;
if (this.toolbar.mnuTextArtPicker) {
var models = this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.TextArt').models,
count =;
@ -2635,6 +2631,11 @@ define([
createDelayedElements: function() {
textEmptyImgUrl : 'You need to specify image URL.',
textWarning : 'Warning',
textFontSizeErr : 'The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a numeric value between 1 and 100',
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="shape-button-from-file" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromFile %></button>
<td class="padding-small" width="50%">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="shape-button-from-url" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="shape-button-from-url" style="width:90px;float:right;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<div id="shape-combo-fill-type" style="width: 90px;"></div>
<td rowspan="2">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;float:right;">
<div id="shape-texture-img" style="width: 50px;height: 50px;"></div>
@ -108,6 +108,14 @@
<td class="padding-small">
<div style="display:inline-block;width:100px;vertical-align: middle;">
<label class="input-label" style=""><%= scope.strType %></label>
<div id="shape-combo-border-type" style="width: 93px;"></div>
<tr class="shape-only">
<td class="padding-small">
<div class="separator horizontal"></div>
@ -83,6 +83,14 @@
<td class="padding-small">
<div style="display:inline-block;width:100px;vertical-align: middle;">
<label class="input-label" style=""><%= scope.strType %></label>
<div id="textart-combo-border-type" style="width: 93px;"></div>
<td class="padding-small">
<div class="separator horizontal"></div>
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
this._initSettings = true;
this._state = {
@ -85,133 +84,8 @@ define([
var viewData = [
{ offsetx: 0, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Inline, iconCls:'wrap-inline', tip: this.txtInline, selected: true },
{ offsetx: 50, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Square, iconCls:'wrap-square', tip: this.txtSquare },
{ offsetx: 100, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Tight, iconCls:'wrap-tight', tip: this.txtTight },
{ offsetx: 150, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Through, iconCls:'wrap-through', tip: this.txtThrough },
{ offsetx: 200, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.TopAndBottom, iconCls:'wrap-topAndBottom', tip: this.txtTopAndBottom },
{ offsetx: 250, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.InFront, iconCls:'wrap-inFront', tip: this.txtInFront },
{ offsetx: 300, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Behind, iconCls:'wrap-behind', tip: this.txtBehind }
this.btnWrapType = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-wrap wrap-inline',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-chart-menu-wrap" style="width: 235px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnWrapType.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuWrapPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-chart-menu-wrap'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(viewData),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-wrap" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px 0;"></div>')
this.mnuWrapPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectWrap, this, this.btnWrapType));
this.btnChartType = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-chartlist bar-normal',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
style: 'width: 560px;',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-chart-menu-type" class="menu-insertchart" style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 10px;"></div>') }
this.btnChartType.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuChartTypePicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-chart-menu-type'),
restoreHeight: 411,
groups: new Common.UI.DataViewGroupStore([
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-bar', caption: me.textColumn },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-line', caption: me.textLine },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-pie', caption: me.textPie },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', caption: me.textBar },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-area', caption: me.textArea },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', caption: me.textPoint },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-stock', caption: me.textStock }
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal, iconCls: 'column-normal', selected: true},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked, iconCls: 'column-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer, iconCls: 'column-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal3dPerspective, iconCls: 'column-3d-normal-per'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal, iconCls: 'line-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked, iconCls: 'line-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer, iconCls: 'line-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.line3d, iconCls: 'line-3d'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie, iconCls: 'pie-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut, iconCls: 'pie-doughnut'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie3d, iconCls: 'pie-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal, iconCls: 'bar-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked, iconCls: 'bar-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer, iconCls: 'bar-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaNormal, iconCls: 'area-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStacked, iconCls: 'area-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStackedPer, iconCls: 'area-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter, iconCls: 'point-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-stock', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.stock, iconCls: 'stock-normal'}
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-chartlist <%= iconCls %>"></div>')
this.mnuChartTypePicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectType, this, this.btnChartType));
this.btnChartStyle = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-wrap',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-chart-menu-style" style="width: 245px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnChartStyle.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuChartStylePicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-chart-menu-style'),
style: 'max-height: 411px;',
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-wrap" style="background-image: url(<%= imageUrl %>); background-position: 0 0;"></div>')
if ( {
||||'show:after', function () {
me.mnuChartStylePicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.mnuChartStylePicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectStyle, this, this.btnChartStyle));
this.labelWidth = $(this.el).find('#chart-label-width');
this.labelHeight = $(this.el).find('#chart-label-height');
this.btnEditData = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#chart-button-edit-data')
this.btnEditData.on('click', _.bind(this.setEditData, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#chart-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
render: function () {
@ -219,8 +93,6 @@ define([
scope: this
this.linkAdvanced = $('#chart-advanced-link');
setApi: function(api) {
@ -331,11 +203,114 @@ define([
this.labelHeight[0].innerHTML = this.textHeight + ': ' + value.toFixed(1) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName();
createDelayedControls: function() {
var me = this,
viewData = [
{ offsetx: 0, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Inline, iconCls:'wrap-inline', tip: this.txtInline, selected: true },
{ offsetx: 50, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Square, iconCls:'wrap-square', tip: this.txtSquare },
{ offsetx: 100, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Tight, iconCls:'wrap-tight', tip: this.txtTight },
{ offsetx: 150, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Through, iconCls:'wrap-through', tip: this.txtThrough },
{ offsetx: 200, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.TopAndBottom, iconCls:'wrap-topAndBottom', tip: this.txtTopAndBottom },
{ offsetx: 250, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.InFront, iconCls:'wrap-inFront', tip: this.txtInFront },
{ offsetx: 300, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Behind, iconCls:'wrap-behind', tip: this.txtBehind }
this.btnWrapType = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-wrap wrap-inline',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-chart-menu-wrap" style="width: 235px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnWrapType.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuWrapPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-chart-menu-wrap'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(viewData),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-wrap" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px 0;"></div>')
this.mnuWrapPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectWrap, this, this.btnWrapType));
this.btnChartType = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-chartlist bar-normal',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
style: 'width: 560px;',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-chart-menu-type" class="menu-insertchart" style="margin: 5px 5px 5px 10px;"></div>') }
this.btnChartType.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuChartTypePicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-chart-menu-type'),
restoreHeight: 411,
groups: new Common.UI.DataViewGroupStore([
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-bar', caption: me.textColumn },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-line', caption: me.textLine },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-pie', caption: me.textPie },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', caption: me.textBar },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-area', caption: me.textArea },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', caption: me.textPoint },
{ id: 'menu-chart-group-stock', caption: me.textStock }
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal, iconCls: 'column-normal', selected: true},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked, iconCls: 'column-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer, iconCls: 'column-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal3dPerspective, iconCls: 'column-3d-normal-per'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal, iconCls: 'line-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked, iconCls: 'line-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer, iconCls: 'line-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.line3d, iconCls: 'line-3d'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie, iconCls: 'pie-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut, iconCls: 'pie-doughnut'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie3d, iconCls: 'pie-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal, iconCls: 'bar-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked, iconCls: 'bar-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer, iconCls: 'bar-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaNormal, iconCls: 'area-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStacked, iconCls: 'area-stack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStackedPer, iconCls: 'area-pstack'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter, iconCls: 'point-normal'},
{ group: 'menu-chart-group-stock', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.stock, iconCls: 'stock-normal'}
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-chartlist <%= iconCls %>"></div>')
this.mnuChartTypePicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectType, this, this.btnChartType));
this.btnEditData = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#chart-button-edit-data')
this.btnEditData.on('click', _.bind(this.setEditData, this));
this.linkAdvanced = $('#chart-advanced-link');
$(this.el).on('click', '#chart-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
createDelayedElements: function() {
_ChartWrapStyleChanged: function(style) {
if (!this.mnuWrapPicker) return;
if (this._state.WrappingStyle!==style) {
this._noApply = true;
var record ={data: style});
@ -507,6 +482,36 @@ define([
updateChartStyles: function(styles) {
var me = this;
if (!this.btnChartStyle) {
this.btnChartStyle = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-wrap',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-chart-menu-style" style="width: 245px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.mnuChartStylePicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-chart-menu-style'),
style: 'max-height: 411px;',
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-wrap" style="background-image: url(<%= imageUrl %>); background-position: 0 0;"></div>')
if ( {
||||'show:after', function () {
me.mnuChartStylePicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.mnuChartStylePicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectStyle, this, this.btnChartStyle));
if (styles && styles.length>0){
var stylesStore =;
if (stylesStore) {
@ -542,6 +547,8 @@ define([
disableControls: function(disable) {
if (this._initSettings) return;
if (this._state.DisabledControls!==disable) {
this._state.DisabledControls = disable;
_.each(this.lockedControls, function(item) {
@ -570,7 +577,7 @@ define([
textBar: 'Bar Chart',
textArea: 'Area Chart',
textPie: 'Pie Chart',
textPoint: 'Point Chart',
textPoint: 'XY (Scatter) Chart',
textStock: 'Stock Chart',
textStyle: 'Style'
@ -110,9 +110,6 @@ define([
_.delay(function() {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-inputmode"); // only for hieroglyphs mode
if (value!==null && parseInt(value) == 1)
}, 10);
@ -1616,7 +1613,6 @@ define([
addComment: function(item, e, eOpt){
if (this.api && this.mode.canCoAuthoring && this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canComments) {
this.suppressEditComplete = true;
var controller = DE.getController('Common.Controllers.Comments');
if (controller) {
@ -1667,26 +1663,20 @@ define([
onCutCopyPaste: function(item, e) {
var me = this;
if (me.api) {
if (typeof window['AscDesktopEditor'] === 'object') {
(item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
} else {
var res = (item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
if (!res) {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-hide-copywarning");
if (!(value && parseInt(value) == 1)) {
(new Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog({
handler: function(dontshow) {
(item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
if (dontshow) Common.localStorage.setItem("de-hide-copywarning", 1);
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
} else {
(item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
} else {
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
createDelayedElements: function() {
@ -171,26 +171,7 @@ define([
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#drop-advanced-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
el: $('#drop-advanced-border-color-menu')
.on('select', _.bind(function(picker, color) {
@ -216,25 +197,7 @@ define([
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#drop-advanced-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
.on('select', _.bind(function(picker, color) {
var clr, border;
@ -1199,8 +1162,6 @@ define([
txtNoBorders: 'No borders',
textNewColor: 'Add New Custom Color',
textPosition: 'Position',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
textAlign: 'Alignment',
textTop: 'Top',
textLeft: 'Left',
@ -110,10 +110,6 @@ define([
template: _.template([
'<tr class="edit">',
'<td class="left"><label><%= scope.txtInput %></label></td>',
'<td class="right"><div id="fms-chb-input-mode"/></td>',
'</tr>','<tr class="divider edit"></tr>',
/** coauthoring begin **/
'<tr class="coauth">',
'<td class="left"><label><%= scope.txtLiveComment %></label></td>',
@ -124,6 +120,10 @@ define([
'<td class="left"><label><%= scope.txtSpellCheck %></label></td>',
'<td class="right"><div id="fms-chb-spell-check"/></td>',
'</tr>','<tr class="divider edit"></tr>',
'<tr class="edit">',
'<td class="left"><label><%= scope.txtInput %></label></td>',
'<td class="right"><div id="fms-chb-input-mode"/></td>',
'</tr>','<tr class="divider edit"></tr>',
'<td class="left"><label><%= scope.textAlignGuides %></label></td>',
'<td class="right"><span id="fms-chb-align-guides" /></td>',
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ define([
/** coauthoring begin **/
$('tr.coauth', this.el)[mode.isEdit && mode.canCoAuthoring ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('tr.coauth.changes', this.el)[mode.isEdit && mode.canLicense && !mode.isOffline ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('tr.coauth.changes', this.el)[mode.isEdit && mode.canLicense && !mode.isOffline && mode.canCoAuthoring ? 'show' : 'hide']();
/** coauthoring end **/
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ define([
this.chLiveComment.setValue(!(value!==null && parseInt(value) == 0));
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-coauthmode");
var fast_coauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1) && !(this.mode.isDesktopApp && this.mode.isOffline);
var fast_coauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1) && !(this.mode.isDesktopApp && this.mode.isOffline) && this.mode.canCoAuthoring;
item ={value: parseInt(value)});
this.cmbCoAuthMode.setValue(item ? item.get('value') : 1);
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ define([
this._oldUnits = this.cmbUnit.getValue();
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-autosave");
this.chAutosave.setValue(fast_coauth || (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1));
this.chAutosave.setValue(fast_coauth || (value===null ? this.mode.canCoAuthoring : parseInt(value) == 1));
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("de-settings-spellcheck");
this.chSpell.setValue(value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ define([
Common.localStorage.setItem("de-settings-zoom", this.cmbZoom.getValue());
/** coauthoring begin **/
Common.localStorage.setItem("de-settings-livecomment", this.chLiveComment.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);
if (this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canLicense && !this.mode.isOffline) {
if (this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canLicense && !this.mode.isOffline && this.mode.canCoAuthoring) {
Common.localStorage.setItem("de-settings-coauthmode", this.cmbCoAuthMode.getValue());
Common.localStorage.setItem(this.cmbCoAuthMode.getValue() ? "de-settings-showchanges-fast" : "de-settings-showchanges-strict", this.cmbShowChanges.getValue());
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
this._initSettings = true;
this._state = {
@ -80,67 +79,6 @@ define([
this._locked = false;
var _arrPosition = [
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_TOP, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_LEFT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-tl', 'headerfooter-button-top-left', this.textTopLeft],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_TOP, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_CENTER, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-tc', 'headerfooter-button-top-center', this.textTopCenter],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_TOP, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_RIGHT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-tr', 'headerfooter-button-top-right', this.textTopRight],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_BOTTOM, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_LEFT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-bl', 'headerfooter-button-bottom-left', this.textBottomLeft],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_BOTTOM, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_CENTER, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-bc', 'headerfooter-button-bottom-center', this.textBottomCenter],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_BOTTOM, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_RIGHT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-br', 'headerfooter-button-bottom-right', this.textBottomRight]
this._btnsPosition = [];
_.each(_arrPosition, function(item, index, list){
var _btn = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-options huge',
iconCls: item[2],
hint: item[4]
_btn.render( $('#'+item[3])) ;
_btn.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnPositionClick, this));
this._btnsPosition.push( _btn );
}, this);
this.numPosition = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#headerfooter-spin-position'),
step: .1,
width: 85,
value: '1.25 cm',
defaultUnit : "cm",
maxValue: 55.88,
minValue: 0
this.lblPosition = $(this.el).find('#headerfooter-label-position');
this.chDiffFirst = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#headerfooter-check-diff-first'),
labelText: this.textDiffFirst
this.chDiffOdd = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#headerfooter-check-diff-odd'),
labelText: this.textDiffOdd
this.chSameAs = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#headerfooter-check-same-as'),
labelText: this.textSameAs
this.numPosition.on('change', _.bind(this.onNumPositionChange, this));
this.chDiffFirst.on('change', _.bind(this.onDiffFirstChange, this));
this.chDiffOdd.on('change', _.bind(this.onDiffOddChange, this));
this.chSameAs.on('change', _.bind(this.onSameAsChange, this));
render: function () {
@ -240,7 +178,71 @@ define([
createDelayedControls: function() {
var _arrPosition = [
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_TOP, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_LEFT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-tl', 'headerfooter-button-top-left', this.textTopLeft],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_TOP, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_CENTER, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-tc', 'headerfooter-button-top-center', this.textTopCenter],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_TOP, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_RIGHT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-tr', 'headerfooter-button-top-right', this.textTopRight],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_BOTTOM, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_LEFT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-bl', 'headerfooter-button-bottom-left', this.textBottomLeft],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_BOTTOM, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_CENTER, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-bc', 'headerfooter-button-bottom-center', this.textBottomCenter],
[c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_BOTTOM, c_pageNumPosition.PAGE_NUM_POSITION_RIGHT, 'icon-right-panel btn-colontitul-br', 'headerfooter-button-bottom-right', this.textBottomRight]
this._btnsPosition = [];
_.each(_arrPosition, function(item, index, list){
var _btn = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-options huge',
iconCls: item[2],
hint: item[4]
_btn.render( $('#'+item[3])) ;
_btn.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnPositionClick, this));
this._btnsPosition.push( _btn );
}, this);
this.numPosition = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#headerfooter-spin-position'),
step: .1,
width: 85,
value: '1.25 cm',
defaultUnit : "cm",
maxValue: 55.88,
minValue: 0
this.lblPosition = $(this.el).find('#headerfooter-label-position');
this.chDiffFirst = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#headerfooter-check-diff-first'),
labelText: this.textDiffFirst
this.chDiffOdd = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#headerfooter-check-diff-odd'),
labelText: this.textDiffOdd
this.chSameAs = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#headerfooter-check-same-as'),
labelText: this.textSameAs
this.numPosition.on('change', _.bind(this.onNumPositionChange, this));
this.chDiffFirst.on('change', _.bind(this.onDiffFirstChange, this));
this.chDiffOdd.on('change', _.bind(this.onDiffOddChange, this));
this.chSameAs.on('change', _.bind(this.onSameAsChange, this));
createDelayedElements: function() {
@ -249,6 +251,8 @@ define([
disableControls: function(disable) {
if (this._initSettings) return;
if (this._state.DisabledControls!==disable) {
this._state.DisabledControls = disable;
_.each(this.lockedControls, function(item) {
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
this._initSettings = true;
this._state = {
@ -84,7 +83,35 @@ define([
var viewData = [
this.labelWidth = $(this.el).find('#image-label-width');
this.labelHeight = $(this.el).find('#image-label-height');
render: function () {
var el = $(this.el);
scope: this
setApi: function(api) {
this.api = api;
if (this.api)
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onImgWrapStyleChanged', _.bind(this._ImgWrapStyleChanged, this));
return this;
updateMetricUnit: function() {
var value = Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(this._state.Width);
this.labelWidth[0].innerHTML = this.textWidth + ': ' + value.toFixed(1) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName();
value = Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(this._state.Height);
this.labelHeight[0].innerHTML = this.textHeight + ': ' + value.toFixed(1) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName();
createDelayedControls: function() {
var me = this,
viewData = [
{ offsetx: 0, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Inline, iconcls:'wrap-inline', tip: this.txtInline, selected: true },
{ offsetx: 50, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Square, iconcls:'wrap-square', tip: this.txtSquare },
{ offsetx: 100, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Tight, iconcls:'wrap-tight', tip: this.txtTight },
@ -116,9 +143,6 @@ define([
this.mnuWrapPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectWrap, this, this.btnWrapType));
this.labelWidth = $(this.el).find('#image-label-width');
this.labelHeight = $(this.el).find('#image-label-height');
this.btnOriginalSize = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#image-button-original-size')
@ -149,35 +173,14 @@ define([
if (this.api) this.api.asc_pluginRun(this._originalProps.asc_getPluginGuid(), 0, this._originalProps.asc_getPluginData());
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
}, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#image-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
render: function () {
var el = $(this.el);
scope: this
this.linkAdvanced = $('#image-advanced-link');
this.lblReplace = $('#image-lbl-replace');
$(this.el).on('click', '#image-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
setApi: function(api) {
this.api = api;
if (this.api)
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onImgWrapStyleChanged', _.bind(this._ImgWrapStyleChanged, this));
return this;
updateMetricUnit: function() {
var value = Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(this._state.Width);
this.labelWidth[0].innerHTML = this.textWidth + ': ' + value.toFixed(1) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName();
value = Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(this._state.Height);
this.labelHeight[0].innerHTML = this.textHeight + ': ' + value.toFixed(1) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName();
createDelayedElements: function() {
@ -239,15 +242,16 @@ define([
if (this._state.isOleObject) {
var plugin = DE.getCollection('Common.Collections.Plugins').findWhere({guid: pluginGuid});
this.btnEditObject.setDisabled(plugin===null || plugin ===undefined);
this.btnEditObject.setDisabled(plugin===null || plugin ===undefined || this._locked);
} else {
this.btnInsertFromUrl.setDisabled(pluginGuid===null || this._locked);
this.btnInsertFromFile.setDisabled(pluginGuid===null || this._locked);
_ImgWrapStyleChanged: function(style) {
if (!this.mnuWrapPicker) return;
if (this._state.WrappingStyle!==style) {
this._noApply = true;
var record ={data: style});
@ -387,6 +391,8 @@ define([
disableControls: function(disable) {
if (this._initSettings) return;
if (this._state.DisabledControls!==disable) {
this._state.DisabledControls = disable;
_.each(this.lockedControls, function(item) {
@ -366,6 +366,6 @@ define([
tipSupport : 'Feedback & Support',
tipFile : 'File',
tipSearch : 'Search',
tipPlugins : 'Add-ons'
tipPlugins : 'Plugins'
}, DE.Views.LeftMenu || {}));
@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
var me = this,
_set = DE.enumLockMM;
this._initSettings = true;
this._state = {
@ -88,18 +90,8 @@ define([
this.emailAddresses = undefined;
this.mergeMailData = undefined;
var _set = DE.enumLockMM;
this.btnEditData = new Common.UI.Button({
el: me.$el.find('#mmerge-button-edit-data'),
lock: [_set.preview, _set.lostConnect]
this.btnEditData.on('click', _.bind(this.onEditData, this));
this.lblAddRecipients = $('#mmerge-lbl-add-recipients');
this.btnInsField = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-text-menu-default',
caption: this.textInsertField,
@ -120,19 +112,6 @@ define([
this.btnInsField.render( $('#mmerge-btn-ins-field',me.$el)) ;
this.chHighlight = new Common.UI.Switcher({
el: me.$el.find('#mmerge-switcher-highlight'),
lock: [_set.noFields, _set.lostConnect]
this.chHighlight.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckHighlightChange, this));
this.chPreview = new Common.UI.Switcher({
el: me.$el.find('#mmerge-switcher-preview'),
lock: [_set.noRecipients, _set.lostConnect]
this.chPreview.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckPreviewChange, this));
this.txtFieldNum = new Common.UI.InputField({
el : $('#mmerge-field-num', me.$el),
allowBlank : true,
@ -161,6 +140,52 @@ define([
render: function () {
scope: this
setApi: function(api) {
this.api = api;
if (this.api) {
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onPreviewMailMergeResult', _.bind(this.onPreviewMailMergeResult, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onEndPreviewMailMergeResult', _.bind(this.onEndPreviewMailMergeResult, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onStartMailMerge', _.bind(this.onStartMailMerge, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onSaveMailMerge', _.bind(this.onSaveMailMerge, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onEndAction', _.bind(this.onLongActionEnd, this));
Common.Gateway.on('setemailaddresses', _.bind(this.onSetEmailAddresses, this));
Common.Gateway.on('processmailmerge', _.bind(this.onProcessMailMerge, this));
return this;
createDelayedControls: function() {
var me = this,
_set = DE.enumLockMM;
this.btnEditData = new Common.UI.Button({
el: me.$el.find('#mmerge-button-edit-data'),
lock: [_set.preview, _set.lostConnect]
this.btnEditData.on('click', _.bind(this.onEditData, this));
this.lblAddRecipients = $('#mmerge-lbl-add-recipients');
this.chHighlight = new Common.UI.Switcher({
el: me.$el.find('#mmerge-switcher-highlight'),
lock: [_set.noFields, _set.lostConnect]
this.chHighlight.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckHighlightChange, this));
this.chPreview = new Common.UI.Switcher({
el: me.$el.find('#mmerge-switcher-preview'),
lock: [_set.noRecipients, _set.lostConnect]
this.chPreview.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckPreviewChange, this));
this.btnFirst = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
@ -343,32 +368,26 @@ define([
}).on('click', _.bind(this.onMergeClick, this, false));
this.$el.on('click', '#mmerge-readmore-link', _.bind(this.openHelp, this));
render: function () {
scope: this
this.linkReadMore = $('#mmerge-readmore-link', this.$el);
this.$el.on('click', '#mmerge-readmore-link', _.bind(this.openHelp, this));
setApi: function(api) {
this.api = api;
if (this.api) {
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onPreviewMailMergeResult', _.bind(this.onPreviewMailMergeResult, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onEndPreviewMailMergeResult', _.bind(this.onEndPreviewMailMergeResult, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onStartMailMerge', _.bind(this.onStartMailMerge, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onSaveMailMerge', _.bind(this.onSaveMailMerge, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onEndAction', _.bind(this.onLongActionEnd, this));
Common.Gateway.on('setemailaddresses', _.bind(this.onSetEmailAddresses, this));
Common.Gateway.on('processmailmerge', _.bind(this.onProcessMailMerge, this));
if (this.mode) {
if (!this.mode.mergeFolderUrl)
if (!this.mode.canSendEmailAddresses) {
return this;
ChangeSettings: function(props) {
if (this._initSettings) {
this._initSettings = false;
if (props) {
@ -763,6 +782,8 @@ define([
disableControls: function(disable) {
if (this._initSettings) return;
this.lockControls(DE.enumLockMM.lostConnect, disable, {
array: _.union([this.btnEditData, this.btnInsField, this.chHighlight], (this.mode.mergeFolderUrl) ? [this.btnPortal] : []),
merge: true
@ -775,13 +796,6 @@ define([
setMode: function(mode) {
this.mode = mode;
if (!this.mode.mergeFolderUrl)
if (!this.mode.canSendEmailAddresses) {
disableEditing: function(disable) {
@ -807,7 +821,7 @@ define([
disablePreviewMode: function() {
if (this.api && this.chPreview.getValue()) {
if (this.api && this.chPreview && this.chPreview.getValue()) {
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
this._initSettings = true;
this._state = {
@ -157,40 +156,8 @@ define([
this.btnColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
disabled: this._locked,
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraph-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="paragraph-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
menu : true
this.btnColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuColorPicker = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#paragraph-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.mnuColorPicker.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorPickerSelect, me));
this.btnColor.render( $('#paragraph-color-btn'));
@ -428,6 +395,7 @@ define([
createDelayedElements: function() {
@ -474,8 +442,20 @@ define([
UpdateThemeColors: function() {
if (this.mnuColorPicker)
this.mnuColorPicker.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
if (!this.mnuColorPicker) {
this.btnColor.setMenu( new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="paragraph-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="paragraph-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.mnuColorPicker = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#paragraph-color-menu'),
transparent: true
this.mnuColorPicker.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorPickerSelect, this));
this.mnuColorPicker.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
onHideMenus: function(e){
@ -514,8 +494,6 @@ define([
textAdvanced: 'Show advanced settings',
textAt: 'At',
txtAutoText: 'Auto',
textThemeColors: 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors: 'Standart Colors',
textBackColor: 'Background color',
textNewColor: 'Add New Custom Color'
}, DE.Views.ParagraphSettings || {}));
@ -220,26 +220,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/ParagraphSettingsAdvanced.tem
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#paragraphadv-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
el: $('#paragraphadv-border-color-menu')
me.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
@ -294,25 +275,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/ParagraphSettingsAdvanced.tem
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#paragraphadv-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
@ -1179,8 +1142,6 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/ParagraphSettingsAdvanced.tem
strSubscript: 'Subscript',
strSmallCaps: 'Small caps',
strAllCaps: 'All caps',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
strOrphan: 'Orphan control',
strKeepNext: 'Keep with next',
strTabs: 'Tab',
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
this._initSettings = true;
this._originalProps = null;
this._noApply = true;
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ define([
StrokeType: Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR,
StrokeWidth: this._pt2mm(1),
StrokeColor: '000000',
StrokeBorderType: Asc.c_oDashType.solid,
FGColor: '000000',
BGColor: 'ffffff',
GradColor: '000000',
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ define([
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'}; // value=1 - цвет определен - прозрачный или другой, value=0 - цвет не определен, рисуем прозрачным
this.BorderSize = 0;
this.BorderType = Asc.c_oDashType.solid;
this.textureNames = [this.txtCanvas, this.txtCarton, this.txtDarkFabric, this.txtGrain, this.txtGranite, this.txtGreyPaper,
this.txtKnit, this.txtLeather, this.txtBrownPaper, this.txtPapyrus, this.txtWood];
@ -125,466 +127,6 @@ define([
this._arrFillSrc = [
{displayValue: this.textColor, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID},
{displayValue: this.textGradientFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD},
{displayValue: this.textImageTexture, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP},
{displayValue: this.textPatternFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT},
{displayValue: this.textNoFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL}
this.cmbFillSrc = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-fill-src'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
style: 'width: 100%;',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 190px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrFillSrc
this.cmbFillSrc.on('selected', _.bind(this.onFillSrcSelect, this));
this.btnBackColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'transparent',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
this.btnBackColor.render( $('#shape-back-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-back-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBack, this.btnBackColor));
this.cmbPattern = new Common.UI.ComboDataView({
itemWidth: 28,
itemHeight: 28,
menuMaxHeight: 300,
enableKeyEvents: true,
cls: 'combo-pattern'
this.cmbPattern.menuPicker.itemTemplate = this.cmbPattern.fieldPicker.itemTemplate = _.template([
'<div class="style" id="<%= id %>">',
'<img src="" class="combo-pattern-item" ',
'width="' + this.cmbPattern.itemWidth + '" height="' + this.cmbPattern.itemHeight + '" ',
'style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px -<%= offsety %>px;"/>',
'min-width': 178,
'max-width': 178
this.cmbPattern.on('click', _.bind(this.onPatternSelect, this));
||||'show:after', function () {
me.cmbPattern.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.btnFGColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnFGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsFG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-foreground-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsFG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsFGSelect, me));
this.btnFGColor.render( $('#shape-foreground-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-foreground-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsFG, this.btnFGColor));
this.btnBGColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-background-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'ffffff',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsBG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBGSelect, me));
this.btnBGColor.render( $('#shape-background-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-background-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBG, this.btnBGColor));
this.btnInsertFromFile = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#shape-button-from-file')
this.btnInsertFromUrl = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#shape-button-from-url')
this.btnInsertFromFile.on('click', _.bind(function(btn){
if (this.api) this.api.ChangeShapeImageFromFile();
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
}, this));
this.btnInsertFromUrl.on('click', _.bind(this.insertFromUrl, this));
this._arrFillType = [
{displayValue: this.textStretch, value: Asc.c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH},
{displayValue: this.textTile, value: Asc.c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE}
this.cmbFillType = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-fill-type'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 90px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrFillType
this.cmbFillType.on('selected', _.bind(this.onFillTypeSelect, this));
this.btnTexture = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-fill-texture'),
template: _.template([
'<div class="input-group combobox combo-dataview-menu input-group-nr dropdown-toggle" tabindex="0" data-toggle="dropdown">',
'<div class="form-control text" style="width: 90px;">' + this.textSelectTexture + '</div>',
'<div style="display: table-cell;"></div>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"><span class="caret img-commonctrl"></span></button>',
this.textureMenu = new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-shape-menu-texture" style="width: 233px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.numTransparency = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#shape-spin-transparency'),
step: 1,
width: 62,
value: '100 %',
defaultUnit : "%",
maxValue: 100,
minValue: 0
this.numTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onNumTransparencyChange, this));
this.sldrTransparency = new Common.UI.SingleSlider({
el: $('#shape-slider-transparency'),
width: 75,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
value: 100
this.sldrTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onTransparencyChange, this));
this.sldrTransparency.on('changecomplete', _.bind(this.onTransparencyChangeComplete, this));
this.lblTransparencyStart = $(this.el).find('#shape-lbl-transparency-start');
this.lblTransparencyEnd = $(this.el).find('#shape-lbl-transparency-end');
this._arrGradType = [
{displayValue: this.textLinear, value: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR},
{displayValue: this.textRadial, value: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH}
this.cmbGradType = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-grad-type'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 90px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrGradType
this.cmbGradType.on('selected', _.bind(this.onGradTypeSelect, this));
this._viewDataLinear = [
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 0, type:45, subtype:-1, iconcls:'gradient-left-top' },
{ offsetx: 50, offsety: 0, type:90, subtype:4, iconcls:'gradient-top'},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 0, type:135, subtype:5, iconcls:'gradient-right-top'},
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 50, type:0, subtype:6, iconcls:'gradient-left', cls: 'item-gradient-separator', selected: true},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 50, type:180, subtype:1, iconcls:'gradient-right'},
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 100, type:315, subtype:2, iconcls:'gradient-left-bottom'},
{ offsetx: 50, offsety: 100, type:270, subtype:3, iconcls:'gradient-bottom'},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 100, type:225, subtype:7, iconcls:'gradient-right-bottom'}
this._viewDataRadial = [
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 150, type:2, subtype:5, iconcls:'gradient-radial-center'}
this.btnDirection = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-gradient gradient-left',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
style: 'min-width: 60px;',
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-shape-menu-direction" style="width: 175px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnDirection.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuDirectionPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-shape-menu-direction'),
restoreHeight: 174,
allowScrollbar: false,
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(me._viewDataLinear),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-gradient" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px -<%= offsety %>px;"></div>')
this.mnuDirectionPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectGradient, this, this.btnDirection));
this.btnGradColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnGradColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsGrad = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-gradient-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsGrad.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsGradientSelect, me));
this.btnGradColor.render( $('#shape-gradient-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-gradient-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsGrad, this.btnGradColor));
this.sldrGradient = new Common.UI.MultiSliderGradient({
el: $('#shape-slider-gradient'),
width: 125,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
values: [0, 100]
this.sldrGradient.on('change', _.bind(this.onGradientChange, this));
this.sldrGradient.on('changecomplete', _.bind(this.onGradientChangeComplete, this));
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbclick', function(cmp, index){
me.GradColor.currentIdx = index;
var color = me.GradColor.colors[me.GradColor.currentIdx];
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbdblclick', function(cmp){
this.cmbBorderSize = new Common.UI.ComboBorderSizeEditable({
el: $('#shape-combo-border-size'),
style: "width: 93px;",
txtNoBorders: this.txtNoBorders
.on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeSelect, this))
.on('changed:before',_.bind(this.onBorderSizeChanged, this, true))
.on('changed:after', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeChanged, this, false))
.on('combo:blur', _.bind(this.onComboBlur, this, false));
this.BorderSize ='value');
this.btnBorderColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
this.btnBorderColor.render( $('#shape-border-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBorder, this.btnBorderColor));
var viewData = [
{ offsetx: 0, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Inline, iconcls:'wrap-inline', tip: this.txtInline, selected: true },
{ offsetx: 50, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Square, iconcls:'wrap-square', tip: this.txtSquare },
{ offsetx: 100, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Tight, iconcls:'wrap-tight', tip: this.txtTight },
{ offsetx: 150, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Through, iconcls:'wrap-through', tip: this.txtThrough },
{ offsetx: 200, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.TopAndBottom, iconcls:'wrap-topAndBottom', tip: this.txtTopAndBottom },
{ offsetx: 250, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.InFront, iconcls:'wrap-inFront', tip: this.txtInFront },
{ offsetx: 300, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Behind, iconcls:'wrap-behind', tip: this.txtBehind }
this.btnWrapType = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-wrap wrap-inline',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-shape-menu-wrap" style="width: 235px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnWrapType.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuWrapPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-shape-menu-wrap'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(viewData),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-wrap" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px 0;"></div>')
this.mnuWrapPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectWrap, this, this.btnWrapType));
this.btnChangeShape = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-icon-default',
iconCls: 'btn-change-shape',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
cls: 'menu-shapes',
items: []
this.btnChangeShape.render( $('#shape-btn-change')) ;
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
this.FillColorContainer = $('#shape-panel-color-fill');
this.FillImageContainer = $('#shape-panel-image-fill');
this.FillPatternContainer = $('#shape-panel-pattern-fill');
@ -599,8 +141,6 @@ define([
scope: this
this.linkAdvanced = $('#shape-advanced-link');
setApi: function(api) {
@ -1020,6 +560,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_color(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getRgbColor({color: '000000', effectId: 29}));
else if (this._state.StrokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE || this._state.StrokeType === null)
@ -1057,6 +598,26 @@ define([
onBorderTypeSelect: function(combo, record) {
this.BorderType = record.value;
if (this.api && !this._noApply) {
var props = new Asc.asc_CShapeProperty();
var stroke = new Asc.asc_CStroke();
if (this.BorderSize<0.01) {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE);
} else {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
onColorsBorderSelect: function(picker, color) {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: color};
@ -1069,6 +630,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
@ -1078,6 +640,7 @@ define([
_ImgWrapStyleChanged: function(style) {
if (!this.mnuWrapPicker) return;
if (this._state.WrappingStyle!==style) {
this._noApply = true;
var record ={data: style});
@ -1434,8 +997,9 @@ define([
// border colors
var stroke = shapeprops.get_stroke();
var strokeType = stroke.get_type();
var stroke = shapeprops.get_stroke(),
strokeType = stroke.get_type(),
if (stroke) {
if ( strokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR ) {
@ -1452,6 +1016,7 @@ define([
} else {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'};
borderType = stroke.asc_getPrstDash();
} else { // no stroke
strokeType = null;
this.BorderColor = {Value: 0, Color: 'transparent'};
@ -1514,6 +1079,11 @@ define([
this._state.StrokeType = strokeType;
if (this._state.StrokeBorderType !== borderType) {
this.BorderType = this._state.StrokeBorderType = borderType;
// pattern colors
type1 = typeof(this.FGColor.Color);
type2 = typeof(this._state.FGColor);
@ -1592,7 +1162,261 @@ define([
createDelayedControls: function() {
var me = this;
this._arrFillSrc = [
{displayValue: this.textColor, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID},
{displayValue: this.textGradientFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD},
{displayValue: this.textImageTexture, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP},
{displayValue: this.textPatternFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT},
{displayValue: this.textNoFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL}
this.cmbFillSrc = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-fill-src'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
style: 'width: 100%;',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 190px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrFillSrc
this.cmbFillSrc.on('selected', _.bind(this.onFillSrcSelect, this));
this.cmbPattern = new Common.UI.ComboDataView({
itemWidth: 28,
itemHeight: 28,
menuMaxHeight: 300,
enableKeyEvents: true,
cls: 'combo-pattern'
this.cmbPattern.menuPicker.itemTemplate = this.cmbPattern.fieldPicker.itemTemplate = _.template([
'<div class="style" id="<%= id %>">',
'<img src="" class="combo-pattern-item" ',
'width="' + this.cmbPattern.itemWidth + '" height="' + this.cmbPattern.itemHeight + '" ',
'style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px -<%= offsety %>px;"/>',
'min-width': 178,
'max-width': 178
this.cmbPattern.on('click', _.bind(this.onPatternSelect, this));
||||'show:after', function () {
me.cmbPattern.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.btnInsertFromFile = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#shape-button-from-file')
this.btnInsertFromUrl = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#shape-button-from-url')
this.btnInsertFromFile.on('click', _.bind(function(btn){
if (this.api) this.api.ChangeShapeImageFromFile();
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
}, this));
this.btnInsertFromUrl.on('click', _.bind(this.insertFromUrl, this));
this._arrFillType = [
{displayValue: this.textStretch, value: Asc.c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH},
{displayValue: this.textTile, value: Asc.c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE}
this.cmbFillType = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-fill-type'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 90px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrFillType
this.cmbFillType.on('selected', _.bind(this.onFillTypeSelect, this));
this.numTransparency = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#shape-spin-transparency'),
step: 1,
width: 62,
value: '100 %',
defaultUnit : "%",
maxValue: 100,
minValue: 0
this.numTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onNumTransparencyChange, this));
this.sldrTransparency = new Common.UI.SingleSlider({
el: $('#shape-slider-transparency'),
width: 75,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
value: 100
this.sldrTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onTransparencyChange, this));
this.sldrTransparency.on('changecomplete', _.bind(this.onTransparencyChangeComplete, this));
this.lblTransparencyStart = $(this.el).find('#shape-lbl-transparency-start');
this.lblTransparencyEnd = $(this.el).find('#shape-lbl-transparency-end');
this._arrGradType = [
{displayValue: this.textLinear, value: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR},
{displayValue: this.textRadial, value: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH}
this.cmbGradType = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-grad-type'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 90px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrGradType
this.cmbGradType.on('selected', _.bind(this.onGradTypeSelect, this));
this._viewDataLinear = [
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 0, type:45, subtype:-1, iconcls:'gradient-left-top' },
{ offsetx: 50, offsety: 0, type:90, subtype:4, iconcls:'gradient-top'},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 0, type:135, subtype:5, iconcls:'gradient-right-top'},
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 50, type:0, subtype:6, iconcls:'gradient-left', cls: 'item-gradient-separator', selected: true},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 50, type:180, subtype:1, iconcls:'gradient-right'},
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 100, type:315, subtype:2, iconcls:'gradient-left-bottom'},
{ offsetx: 50, offsety: 100, type:270, subtype:3, iconcls:'gradient-bottom'},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 100, type:225, subtype:7, iconcls:'gradient-right-bottom'}
this._viewDataRadial = [
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 150, type:2, subtype:5, iconcls:'gradient-radial-center'}
this.btnDirection = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-gradient gradient-left',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
style: 'min-width: 60px;',
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-shape-menu-direction" style="width: 175px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnDirection.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuDirectionPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-shape-menu-direction'),
restoreHeight: 174,
allowScrollbar: false,
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(me._viewDataLinear),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-gradient" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px -<%= offsety %>px;"></div>')
this.mnuDirectionPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectGradient, this, this.btnDirection));
this.sldrGradient = new Common.UI.MultiSliderGradient({
el: $('#shape-slider-gradient'),
width: 125,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
values: [0, 100]
this.sldrGradient.on('change', _.bind(this.onGradientChange, this));
this.sldrGradient.on('changecomplete', _.bind(this.onGradientChangeComplete, this));
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbclick', function(cmp, index){
me.GradColor.currentIdx = index;
var color = me.GradColor.colors[me.GradColor.currentIdx];
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbdblclick', function(cmp){
this.cmbBorderSize = new Common.UI.ComboBorderSizeEditable({
el: $('#shape-combo-border-size'),
style: "width: 93px;",
txtNoBorders: this.txtNoBorders
.on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeSelect, this))
.on('changed:before',_.bind(this.onBorderSizeChanged, this, true))
.on('changed:after', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeChanged, this, false))
.on('combo:blur', _.bind(this.onComboBlur, this, false));
this.BorderSize ='value');
this.cmbBorderType = new Common.UI.ComboBorderType({
el: $('#shape-combo-border-type'),
style: "width: 93px;",
menuStyle: 'min-width: 93px;'
}).on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderTypeSelect, this))
.on('combo:blur', _.bind(this.onComboBlur, this, false));
this.BorderType = Asc.c_oDashType.solid;
var viewData = [
{ offsetx: 0, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Inline, iconcls:'wrap-inline', tip: this.txtInline, selected: true },
{ offsetx: 50, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Square, iconcls:'wrap-square', tip: this.txtSquare },
{ offsetx: 100, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Tight, iconcls:'wrap-tight', tip: this.txtTight },
{ offsetx: 150, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Through, iconcls:'wrap-through', tip: this.txtThrough },
{ offsetx: 200, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.TopAndBottom, iconcls:'wrap-topAndBottom', tip: this.txtTopAndBottom },
{ offsetx: 250, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.InFront, iconcls:'wrap-inFront', tip: this.txtInFront },
{ offsetx: 300, data: Asc.c_oAscWrapStyle2.Behind, iconcls:'wrap-behind', tip: this.txtBehind }
this.btnWrapType = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-wrap wrap-inline',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-shape-menu-wrap" style="width: 235px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnWrapType.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuWrapPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-shape-menu-wrap'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(viewData),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-wrap" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px 0;"></div>')
this.mnuWrapPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectWrap, this, this.btnWrapType));
this.btnChangeShape = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-icon-default',
iconCls: 'btn-change-shape',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
cls: 'menu-shapes',
items: []
this.btnChangeShape.render( $('#shape-btn-change')) ;
this.linkAdvanced = $('#shape-advanced-link');
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
createDelayedElements: function() {
var global_hatch_menu_map = [
@ -1624,7 +1448,6 @@ define([
this.PatternFillType = this.patternViewData[0].type;
@ -1632,6 +1455,26 @@ define([
onInitStandartTextures: function(texture) {
var me = this;
if (texture && texture.length>0){
if (!this.btnTexture) {
this.btnTexture = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#shape-combo-fill-texture'),
template: _.template([
'<div class="input-group combobox combo-dataview-menu input-group-nr dropdown-toggle" tabindex="0" data-toggle="dropdown">',
'<div class="form-control text" style="width: 90px;">' + this.textSelectTexture + '</div>',
'<div style="display: table-cell;"></div>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"><span class="caret img-commonctrl"></span></button>',
this.textureMenu = new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-shape-menu-texture" style="width: 233px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
var texturearray = [];
_.each(texture, function(item){
@ -1712,6 +1555,105 @@ define([
UpdateThemeColors: function() {
if (!this.btnBackColor) {
// create color buttons
this.btnBackColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBackColor.render( $('#shape-back-color-btn'));
this.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-back-color-menu'),
value: 'transparent',
transparent: true
this.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsBackSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-back-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBack, this.btnBackColor));
this.btnFGColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-foreground-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-foreground-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnFGColor.render( $('#shape-foreground-color-btn'));
this.colorsFG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-foreground-color-menu'),
value: '000000'
this.colorsFG.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsFGSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-foreground-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsFG, this.btnFGColor));
this.btnBGColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-background-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-background-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBGColor.render( $('#shape-background-color-btn'));
this.colorsBG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-background-color-menu'),
value: 'ffffff'
this.colorsBG.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsBGSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-background-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBG, this.btnBGColor));
this.btnGradColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnGradColor.render( $('#shape-gradient-color-btn'));
this.colorsGrad = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-gradient-color-menu'),
value: '000000'
this.colorsGrad.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsGradientSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-gradient-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsGrad, this.btnGradColor));
this.btnBorderColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="shape-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="shape-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBorderColor.render( $('#shape-border-color-btn'));
this.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-border-color-menu'),
value: '000000'
this.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsBorderSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBorder, this.btnBorderColor));
this.colorsBorder.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
this.colorsBack.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
this.colorsFG.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
@ -1751,6 +1693,8 @@ define([
disableControls: function(disable, disableFill) {
if (this._initSettings) return;
this.disableFillPanels(disable || disableFill);
if (this._state.DisabledControls!==disable) {
this._state.DisabledControls = disable;
@ -1800,8 +1744,6 @@ define([
txtPapyrus : 'Papyrus',
txtWood : 'Wood',
textNewColor : 'Add New Custom Color',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
textAdvanced : 'Show advanced settings',
strTransparency : 'Opacity',
textNoFill : 'No Fill',
@ -1825,6 +1767,7 @@ define([
txtTopAndBottom: 'Top and bottom',
txtBehind: 'Behind',
txtInFront: 'In front',
textBorderSizeErr: 'The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt.'
textBorderSizeErr: 'The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt.',
strType: 'Type'
}, DE.Views.ShapeSettings || {}));
@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ define([
'': function () {
}, 100);
@ -234,7 +233,6 @@ define([
this.cntZoom.cmpEl.on('', function () {
}, 100);
@ -585,7 +583,7 @@ define([
data: this.options.languages
this.cmbLanguage.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
if (this.cmbLanguage.scroller) this.cmbLanguage.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.cmbLanguage.on('selected', _.bind(this.onLangSelect, this));
this.onLangSelect(this.cmbLanguage, this.cmbLanguage.getSelectedRecord());
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
this._initSettings = true;
this._state = {
TemplateId: 0,
@ -99,255 +99,6 @@ define([
this._wrapHandled = false;
this.chHeader = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-header'),
labelText: this.textHeader
this.chTotal = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-total'),
labelText: this.textTotal
this.chBanded = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-banded'),
labelText: this.textBanded
this.chFirst = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-first'),
labelText: this.textFirst
this.chLast = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-last'),
labelText: this.textLast
this.chColBanded = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-col-banded'),
labelText: this.textBanded
this.chHeader.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 0));
this.chTotal.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 1));
this.chBanded.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 2));
this.chFirst.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 3));
this.chLast.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 4));
this.chColBanded.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 5));
this.cmbTableTemplate = new Common.UI.ComboDataView({
itemWidth: 70,
itemHeight: 50,
menuMaxHeight: 300,
enableKeyEvents: true,
cls: 'combo-template'
'min-width': 175,
'max-width': 175
this.cmbTableTemplate.on('click', _.bind(this.onTableTemplateSelect, this));
||||'show:after', function () {
me.cmbTableTemplate.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.btnWrapNone = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-options huge',
iconCls: 'icon-right-panel btn-wrap-none',
posId: c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE,
hint: this.textWrapNoneTooltip,
enableToggle: true,
allowDepress: false,
toggleGroup : 'tablewrapGroup'
this.btnWrapNone.render( $('#table-button-wrap-none')) ;
this.btnWrapNone.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnWrapClick, this));
this.btnWrapParallel = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-options huge',
iconCls: 'icon-right-panel btn-wrap-parallel',
posId: c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_PARALLEL,
hint: this.textWrapParallelTooltip,
enableToggle: true,
allowDepress: false,
toggleGroup : 'tablewrapGroup'
this.btnWrapParallel.render( $('#table-button-wrap-parallel')) ;
this.btnWrapParallel.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnWrapClick, this));
var _arrBorderPosition = [
['l', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-left', 'table-button-border-left', this.tipLeft],
['c','btn-borders-small btn-position-inner-vert', 'table-button-border-inner-vert', this.tipInnerVert],
['r','btn-borders-small btn-position-right', 'table-button-border-right', this.tipRight],
['t','btn-borders-small btn-position-top', 'table-button-border-top', this.tipTop],
['m','btn-borders-small btn-position-inner-hor', 'table-button-border-inner-hor', this.tipInnerHor],
['b', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-bottom', 'table-button-border-bottom', this.tipBottom],
['cm', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-inner', 'table-button-border-inner', this.tipInner],
['lrtb', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-outer', 'table-button-border-outer', this.tipOuter],
['lrtbcm', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-all', 'table-button-border-all', this.tipAll],
['', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-none', 'table-button-border-none', this.tipNone]
this._btnsBorderPosition = [];
_.each(_arrBorderPosition, function(item, index, list){
var _btn = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: item[1],
strId :item[0],
hint: item[3]
_btn.render( $('#'+item[2])) ;
_btn.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnBordersClick, this));
this._btnsBorderPosition.push( _btn );
}, this);
this.cmbBorderSize = new Common.UI.ComboBorderSize({
el: $('#table-combo-border-size'),
style: "width: 93px;"
this.BorderSize ='value');
this.cmbBorderSize.on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeSelect, this));
this.btnBorderColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.borderColor = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#table-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.borderColor.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
this.btnBorderColor.render( $('#table-border-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#table-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.borderColor, this.btnBorderColor));
this.btnBackColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#table-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
this.btnBackColor.render( $('#table-back-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#table-back-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBack, this.btnBackColor, this.btnBackColor));
this.btnEdit = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-icon-default',
iconCls: 'btn-edit-table',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ caption: this.selectRowText, value: 0 },
{ caption: this.selectColumnText, value: 1 },
{ caption: this.selectCellText, value: 2 },
{ caption: this.selectTableText, value: 3 },
{ caption: '--' },
{ caption: this.insertRowAboveText, value: 4 },
{ caption: this.insertRowBelowText, value: 5 },
{ caption: this.insertColumnLeftText, value: 6 },
{ caption: this.insertColumnRightText, value: 7 },
{ caption: '--' },
{ caption: this.deleteRowText, value: 8 },
{ caption: this.deleteColumnText, value: 9 },
{ caption: this.deleteTableText, value: 10 },
{ caption: '--' },
{ caption: this.mergeCellsText, value: 11 },
{ caption: this.splitCellsText, value: 12 }
this.btnEdit.render( $('#table-btn-edit')) ;
this.mnuMerge =[];
this.mnuSplit =[];
||||'show:after', _.bind( function(){
if (this.api) {
}, this));
||||'item:click', _.bind(this.onEditClick, this));
this.chRepeatRow = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-repeat-row'),
labelText: this.strRepeatRow
this.chRepeatRow.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckRepeatRowChange, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#table-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
onCheckTemplateChange: function(type, field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) {
@ -502,8 +253,6 @@ define([
scope: this
this.linkAdvanced = $('#table-advanced-link');
setApi: function(o) {
@ -516,7 +265,171 @@ define([
return this;
createDelayedControls: function() {
this.chHeader = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-header'),
labelText: this.textHeader
this.chTotal = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-total'),
labelText: this.textTotal
this.chBanded = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-banded'),
labelText: this.textBanded
this.chFirst = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-first'),
labelText: this.textFirst
this.chLast = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-last'),
labelText: this.textLast
this.chColBanded = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-col-banded'),
labelText: this.textBanded
this.chHeader.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 0));
this.chTotal.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 1));
this.chBanded.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 2));
this.chFirst.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 3));
this.chLast.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 4));
this.chColBanded.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckTemplateChange, this, 5));
this.btnWrapNone = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-options huge',
iconCls: 'icon-right-panel btn-wrap-none',
posId: c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE,
hint: this.textWrapNoneTooltip,
enableToggle: true,
allowDepress: false,
toggleGroup : 'tablewrapGroup'
this.btnWrapNone.render( $('#table-button-wrap-none')) ;
this.btnWrapNone.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnWrapClick, this));
this.btnWrapParallel = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-options huge',
iconCls: 'icon-right-panel btn-wrap-parallel',
posId: c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_PARALLEL,
hint: this.textWrapParallelTooltip,
enableToggle: true,
allowDepress: false,
toggleGroup : 'tablewrapGroup'
this.btnWrapParallel.render( $('#table-button-wrap-parallel')) ;
this.btnWrapParallel.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnWrapClick, this));
var _arrBorderPosition = [
['l', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-left', 'table-button-border-left', this.tipLeft],
['c','btn-borders-small btn-position-inner-vert', 'table-button-border-inner-vert', this.tipInnerVert],
['r','btn-borders-small btn-position-right', 'table-button-border-right', this.tipRight],
['t','btn-borders-small btn-position-top', 'table-button-border-top', this.tipTop],
['m','btn-borders-small btn-position-inner-hor', 'table-button-border-inner-hor', this.tipInnerHor],
['b', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-bottom', 'table-button-border-bottom', this.tipBottom],
['cm', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-inner', 'table-button-border-inner', this.tipInner],
['lrtb', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-outer', 'table-button-border-outer', this.tipOuter],
['lrtbcm', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-all', 'table-button-border-all', this.tipAll],
['', 'btn-borders-small btn-position-none', 'table-button-border-none', this.tipNone]
this._btnsBorderPosition = [];
_.each(_arrBorderPosition, function(item, index, list){
var _btn = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: item[1],
strId :item[0],
hint: item[3]
_btn.render( $('#'+item[2])) ;
_btn.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnBordersClick, this));
this._btnsBorderPosition.push( _btn );
}, this);
this.cmbBorderSize = new Common.UI.ComboBorderSize({
el: $('#table-combo-border-size'),
style: "width: 93px;"
this.BorderSize ='value');
this.cmbBorderSize.on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeSelect, this));
this.btnEdit = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-icon-default',
iconCls: 'btn-edit-table',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ caption: this.selectRowText, value: 0 },
{ caption: this.selectColumnText, value: 1 },
{ caption: this.selectCellText, value: 2 },
{ caption: this.selectTableText, value: 3 },
{ caption: '--' },
{ caption: this.insertRowAboveText, value: 4 },
{ caption: this.insertRowBelowText, value: 5 },
{ caption: this.insertColumnLeftText, value: 6 },
{ caption: this.insertColumnRightText, value: 7 },
{ caption: '--' },
{ caption: this.deleteRowText, value: 8 },
{ caption: this.deleteColumnText, value: 9 },
{ caption: this.deleteTableText, value: 10 },
{ caption: '--' },
{ caption: this.mergeCellsText, value: 11 },
{ caption: this.splitCellsText, value: 12 }
this.btnEdit.render( $('#table-btn-edit')) ;
this.mnuMerge =[];
this.mnuSplit =[];
||||'show:after', _.bind( function(){
if (this.api) {
}, this));
||||'item:click', _.bind(this.onEditClick, this));
this.chRepeatRow = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#table-checkbox-repeat-row'),
labelText: this.strRepeatRow
this.chRepeatRow.on('change', _.bind(this.onCheckRepeatRowChange, this));
this.linkAdvanced = $('#table-advanced-link');
$(this.el).on('click', '#table-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
createDelayedElements: function() {
ChangeSettings: function(props) {
if (this._initSettings)
this._initSettings = false;
if (props )
@ -708,6 +621,7 @@ define([
_TblWrapStyleChanged: function(style) {
if (!this.btnWrapNone || !this.btnWrapParallel) return;
if ( this._state.WrapStyle!==style ) {
this._noApply = true;
this.btnWrapNone.toggle((style==c_tableWrap.TABLE_WRAP_NONE), true);
@ -722,16 +636,73 @@ define([
UpdateThemeColors: function() {
if (this.colorsBack)
this.colorsBack.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
if (this.borderColor)
this.borderColor.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
if (!this.btnBackColor) {
// create color buttons
this.btnBorderColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBorderColor.render( $('#table-border-color-btn'));
this.borderColor = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#table-border-color-menu')
this.borderColor.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsBorderSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#table-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.borderColor, this.btnBorderColor));
this.btnBackColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="table-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="table-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + this.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBackColor.render( $('#table-back-color-btn'));
this.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#table-back-color-menu'),
transparent: true
this.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsBackSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#table-back-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBack, this.btnBackColor, this.btnBackColor));
this.colorsBack.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
this.borderColor.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
_onInitTemplates: function(Templates){
var self = this;
this._isTemplatesChanged = true;
if (!this.cmbTableTemplate) {
this.cmbTableTemplate = new Common.UI.ComboDataView({
itemWidth: 70,
itemHeight: 50,
menuMaxHeight: 300,
enableKeyEvents: true,
cls: 'combo-template'
'min-width': 175,
'max-width': 175
this.cmbTableTemplate.on('click', _.bind(this.onTableTemplateSelect, this));
||||'show:after', function () {
self.cmbTableTemplate.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
var count =;
if (count>0 && count==Templates.length) {
var data =;
@ -794,6 +765,8 @@ define([
disableControls: function(disable) {
if (this._initSettings) return;
if (this._state.DisabledControls!==disable) {
this._state.DisabledControls = disable;
_.each(this.lockedControls, function(item) {
@ -840,8 +813,6 @@ define([
textLast : 'Last',
textEmptyTemplate : 'No templates',
strRepeatRow : 'Repeat as header row at the top of each page',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
tipTop: 'Set Outer Top Border Only',
tipLeft: 'Set Outer Left Border Only',
tipBottom: 'Set Outer Bottom Border Only',
@ -889,26 +889,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#tableadv-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
el: $('#tableadv-border-color-menu')
me.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
@ -929,25 +910,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#tableadv-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
@ -967,25 +930,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
this.btnTableBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsTableBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#tableadv-table-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
me.colorsTableBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsTableBackSelect, me));
@ -1253,7 +1198,7 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
if (cellWidth !== null)
this.nfPrefWidth.setValue(cellWidth>0 ? Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(cellWidth) : -cellWidth , true);
this.chPrefWidth.setValue(cellWidth !== null, true);
this.chPrefWidth.setValue((props.get_CellsWidthNotEqual()) ? 'indeterminate' : (cellWidth !== null), true);
value = (this.chPrefWidth.getValue()!=='checked');
@ -2141,8 +2086,6 @@ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.templat
okButtonText: 'Ok',
txtNoBorders: 'No borders',
textNewColor: 'Add New Custom Color',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
textCenter: 'Center',
textMargin: 'Margin',
textPage: 'Page',
@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ define([
initialize: function () {
var me = this;
this._initSettings = true;
this._noApply = true;
this.imgprops = null;
@ -86,6 +85,7 @@ define([
StrokeType: Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR,
StrokeWidth: this._pt2mm(1),
StrokeColor: '000000',
StrokeBorderType: Asc.c_oDashType.solid,
GradColor: '000000',
GradFillType: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR,
FormId: null,
@ -103,300 +103,10 @@ define([
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'}; // value=1 - цвет определен - прозрачный или другой, value=0 - цвет не определен, рисуем прозрачным
this.BorderSize = 0;
this.BorderType = Asc.c_oDashType.solid;
this.cmbTextArt = new Common.UI.ComboDataView({
itemWidth: 50,
itemHeight: 50,
menuMaxHeight: 300,
enableKeyEvents: true,
showLast: false,
cls: 'combo-textart'
'min-width': 178,
'max-width': 178
this.cmbTextArt.on('click', _.bind(this.onTextArtSelect, this));
||||'show:after', function () {
me.cmbTextArt.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this._arrFillSrc = [
{displayValue: this.textColor, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID},
{displayValue: this.textGradientFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD},
{displayValue: this.textNoFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL}
this.cmbFillSrc = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#textart-combo-fill-src'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
style: 'width: 100%;',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 190px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrFillSrc
this.cmbFillSrc.on('selected', _.bind(this.onFillSrcSelect, this));
this.btnBackColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-back-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-back-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'transparent',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
this.btnBackColor.render( $('#textart-back-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#textart-back-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBack, this.btnBackColor));
this.numTransparency = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#textart-spin-transparency'),
step: 1,
width: 62,
value: '100 %',
defaultUnit : "%",
maxValue: 100,
minValue: 0
this.numTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onNumTransparencyChange, this));
this.sldrTransparency = new Common.UI.SingleSlider({
el: $('#textart-slider-transparency'),
width: 75,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
value: 100
this.sldrTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onTransparencyChange, this));
this.sldrTransparency.on('changecomplete', _.bind(this.onTransparencyChangeComplete, this));
this.lblTransparencyStart = $(this.el).find('#textart-lbl-transparency-start');
this.lblTransparencyEnd = $(this.el).find('#textart-lbl-transparency-end');
this._arrGradType = [
{displayValue: this.textLinear, value: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR},
{displayValue: this.textRadial, value: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH}
this.cmbGradType = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#textart-combo-grad-type'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 90px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrGradType
this.cmbGradType.on('selected', _.bind(this.onGradTypeSelect, this));
this._viewDataLinear = [
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 0, type:45, subtype:-1, iconcls:'gradient-left-top' },
{ offsetx: 50, offsety: 0, type:90, subtype:4, iconcls:'gradient-top'},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 0, type:135, subtype:5, iconcls:'gradient-right-top'},
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 50, type:0, subtype:6, iconcls:'gradient-left', cls: 'item-gradient-separator', selected: true},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 50, type:180, subtype:1, iconcls:'gradient-right'},
{ offsetx: 0, offsety: 100, type:315, subtype:2, iconcls:'gradient-left-bottom'},
{ offsetx: 50, offsety: 100, type:270, subtype:3, iconcls:'gradient-bottom'},
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 100, type:225, subtype:7, iconcls:'gradient-right-bottom'}
this._viewDataRadial = [
{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 150, type:2, subtype:5, iconcls:'gradient-radial-center'}
this.btnDirection = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-large-dataview',
iconCls : 'item-gradient gradient-left',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
style: 'min-width: 60px;',
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-textart-menu-direction" style="width: 175px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
this.btnDirection.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.mnuDirectionPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-textart-menu-direction'),
restoreHeight: 174,
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(me._viewDataLinear),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-gradient" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px -<%= offsety %>px;"></div>')
this.mnuDirectionPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onSelectGradient, this, this.btnDirection));
this.btnGradColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-gradient-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-gradient-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnGradColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsGrad = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-gradient-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsGrad.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsGradientSelect, me));
this.btnGradColor.render( $('#textart-gradient-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#textart-gradient-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsGrad, this.btnGradColor));
this.sldrGradient = new Common.UI.MultiSliderGradient({
el: $('#textart-slider-gradient'),
width: 125,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
values: [0, 100]
this.sldrGradient.on('change', _.bind(this.onGradientChange, this));
this.sldrGradient.on('changecomplete', _.bind(this.onGradientChangeComplete, this));
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbclick', function(cmp, index){
me.GradColor.currentIdx = index;
var color = me.GradColor.colors[me.GradColor.currentIdx];
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbdblclick', function(cmp){
this.cmbBorderSize = new Common.UI.ComboBorderSizeEditable({
el: $('#textart-combo-border-size'),
style: "width: 93px;",
txtNoBorders: this.txtNoBorders
.on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeSelect, this))
.on('changed:before',_.bind(this.onBorderSizeChanged, this, true))
.on('changed:after', _.bind(this.onBorderSizeChanged, this, false))
.on('combo:blur', _.bind(this.onComboBlur, this, false));
this.BorderSize ='value');
this.btnBorderColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
style: "width:45px;",
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="textart-border-color-menu" style="width: 165px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>') },
{ template: _.template('<a id="textart-border-color-new" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>') }
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
me.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
this.btnBorderColor.render( $('#textart-border-color-btn'));
$(this.el).on('click', '#textart-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBorder, this.btnBorderColor));
this.cmbTransform = new Common.UI.ComboDataView({
itemWidth: 50,
itemHeight: 50,
menuMaxHeight: 300,
enableKeyEvents: true,
cls: 'combo-textart'
'min-width': 178,
'max-width': 178
this.cmbTransform.on('click', _.bind(this.onTransformSelect, this));
||||'show:after', function () {
me.cmbTransform.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.FillColorContainer = $('#textart-panel-color-fill');
this.FillGradientContainer = $('#textart-panel-gradient-fill');
this.TransparencyContainer = $('#textart-panel-transparent-fill');
@ -716,6 +426,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_color(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getRgbColor({color: '000000', effectId: 29}));
else if (this._state.StrokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE || this._state.StrokeType === null)
@ -753,6 +464,26 @@ define([
onBorderTypeSelect: function(combo, record) {
this.BorderType = record.value;
if (this.api && !this._noApply) {
var props = new Asc.asc_TextArtProperties();
var stroke = new Asc.asc_CStroke();
if (this.BorderSize<0.01) {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE);
} else {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
onColorsBorderSelect: function(picker, color) {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: color};
@ -765,6 +496,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
@ -940,7 +672,8 @@ define([
// border colors
var stroke = shapeprops.asc_getLine(),
strokeType = (stroke) ? stroke.get_type() : null;
strokeType = (stroke) ? stroke.get_type() : null,
if (stroke) {
if ( strokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR ) {
@ -957,6 +690,7 @@ define([
} else {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'};
borderType = stroke.asc_getPrstDash();
} else { // no stroke
this.BorderColor = {Value: 0, Color: 'transparent'};
@ -1018,6 +752,11 @@ define([
this._state.StrokeType = strokeType;
if (this._state.StrokeBorderType !== borderType) {
this.BorderType = this._state.StrokeBorderType = borderType;
color = this.GradColor.colors[this.GradColor.currentIdx];
type1 = typeof(color);
type2 = typeof(this._state.GradColor);
@ -1058,14 +797,201 @@ define([
createDelayedControls: function() {
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{displayValue: this.textColor, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID},
{displayValue: this.textGradientFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD},
{displayValue: this.textNoFill, value: Asc.c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL}
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el: $('#textart-combo-fill-src'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
style: 'width: 100%;',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 190px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrFillSrc
this.cmbFillSrc.on('selected', _.bind(this.onFillSrcSelect, this));
this.numTransparency = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#textart-spin-transparency'),
step: 1,
width: 62,
value: '100 %',
defaultUnit : "%",
maxValue: 100,
minValue: 0
this.numTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onNumTransparencyChange, this));
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el: $('#textart-slider-transparency'),
width: 75,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
value: 100
this.sldrTransparency.on('change', _.bind(this.onTransparencyChange, this));
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this.lblTransparencyEnd = $(this.el).find('#textart-lbl-transparency-end');
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{displayValue: this.textRadial, value: Asc.c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH}
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el: $('#textart-combo-grad-type'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 90px;',
editable: false,
data: this._arrGradType
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{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 100, type:225, subtype:7, iconcls:'gradient-right-bottom'}
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{ offsetx: 100, offsety: 150, type:2, subtype:5, iconcls:'gradient-radial-center'}
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iconCls : 'item-gradient gradient-left',
menu : new Common.UI.Menu({
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menuAlign: 'tr-br',
items: [
{ template: _.template('<div id="id-textart-menu-direction" style="width: 175px; margin: 0 5px;"></div>') }
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el: $('#id-textart-menu-direction'),
restoreHeight: 174,
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(me._viewDataLinear),
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="item-gradient" style="background-position: -<%= offsetx %>px -<%= offsety %>px;"></div>')
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el: $('#textart-slider-gradient'),
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maxValue: 100,
values: [0, 100]
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this.sldrGradient.on('changecomplete', _.bind(this.onGradientChangeComplete, this));
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbclick', function(cmp, index){
me.GradColor.currentIdx = index;
var color = me.GradColor.colors[me.GradColor.currentIdx];
this.sldrGradient.on('thumbdblclick', function(cmp){
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el: $('#textart-combo-border-size'),
style: "width: 93px;",
txtNoBorders: this.txtNoBorders
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this.BorderSize ='value');
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me.cmbTransform.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
createDelayedElements: function() {
fillTextArt: function() {
var me = this,
models = this.application.getCollection('Common.Collections.TextArt').models,
var me = this;
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itemWidth: 50,
itemHeight: 50,
menuMaxHeight: 300,
enableKeyEvents: true,
showLast: false,
cls: 'combo-textart'
'min-width': 178,
'max-width': 178
this.cmbTextArt.on('click', _.bind(this.onTextArtSelect, this));
||||'show:after', function () {
me.cmbTextArt.menuPicker.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
var models = this.application.getCollection('Common.Collections.TextArt').models,
count =;
if (count>0 && count==models.length) {
var data =;
@ -1123,6 +1049,66 @@ define([
UpdateThemeColors: function() {
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el: $('#textart-border-color-menu'),
value: '000000'
this.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(this.onColorsBorderSelect, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#textart-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBorder, this.btnBorderColor));
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el: $('#textart-gradient-color-menu'),
value: '000000'
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el: $('#textart-back-color-menu'),
value: 'transparent',
transparent: true
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this.colorsBack.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
this.colorsGrad.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
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disableControls: function(disable) {
if (this._initSettings) return;
if (this._state.DisabledControls!==disable) {
this._state.DisabledControls = disable;
_.each(this.lockedControls, function(item) {
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textSelectTexture : 'Select',
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textGradient: 'Gradient',
textBorderSizeErr: 'The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt.',
textTransform: 'Transform',
textTemplate: 'Template'
textTemplate: 'Template',
strType: 'Type'
}, DE.Views.TextArtSettings || {}));
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
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"DE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "You have been denied the right to edit the file.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnLicenseExp": "Your license has expired.<br>Please update your license and refresh the page.",
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"DE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxColsErrorText": "El número de columnas debe ser menos que %1.",
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"DE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Comprar ahora",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Visit website",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip": "\nPulse para cerrar el consejo",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Ponga en contacto con nosotros",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Contact sales",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Cargando documento",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "Licencia ha expirado o no ha encontrado",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "ONLYOFFICE open source version",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textStrict": "Modo estricto",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "Las funciones Anular/Rehacer se desactivan para el modo co-edición rápido.<br>Haga Clic en el botón \"modo estricto\" para cambiar al modo de co-edición estricta para editar el archivo sin la interferencia de otros usuarios y enviar sus cambios sólo después de guardarlos. Se puede cambiar entre los modos de co-edición usando los ajustes avanzados de edición.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.titleUpdateVersion": "Versión ha cambiado",
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"DE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTitleText": "Subiendo imagen",
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"DE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserZoom": "La configuración actual de zoom de su navegador no está soportada por completo. Por favor restablezca zoom predeterminado pulsando Ctrl+0.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "La licencia ha expirado o no ha sido encontrada. No puede editar archivos.<br>Haga clic en el botón 'Comprar ahora' para comprar una licencia Enterprise Edition o ´Contactar con nosotros´ si usa Intergration Edition.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "El derecho de edición del archivo es denegado",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textHasChanges": "Nuevos cambios han sido encontrado",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textTrackChanges": "El documento se abre con el modo de cambio de pista activado",
@ -86,6 +86,8 @@
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.txtBtnReplaceAll": "Заменить все",
"Common.UI.SynchronizeTip.textDontShow": "Больше не показывать это сообщение",
"Common.UI.SynchronizeTip.textSynchronize": "Документ изменен другим пользователем.<br/>Нажмите, чтобы сохранить свои изменения и загрузить обновления.",
"Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette.textStandartColors": "Стандартные цвета",
"Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette.textThemeColors": "Цвета темы",
"Common.UI.Window.cancelButtonText": "Отмена",
"Common.UI.Window.closeButtonText": "Закрыть",
"Common.UI.Window.noButtonText": "Нет",
@ -157,6 +159,9 @@
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.okButtonText": "OK",
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"Common.Views.Plugins.strPlugins": "Дополнения",
"Common.Views.Plugins.textLoading": "Загрузка",
"Common.Views.Plugins.textStart": "Запустить",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtAccept": "Принять",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtAcceptAll": "Принять все изменения",
"Common.Views.ReviewChanges.txtAcceptCurrent": "Принять текущее изменение",
@ -202,6 +207,7 @@
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorUpdateVersion": "Версия файла была изменена. Страница будет перезагружена.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorUserDrop": "В настоящий момент файл недоступен.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorUsersExceed": "Превышено количество пользователей, разрешенных согласно тарифному плану",
"DE.Controllers.Main.errorViewerDisconnect": "Подключение прервано. Вы по-прежнему можете просматривать документ,<br>но не сможете скачать его до восстановления подключения.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.leavePageText": "Документ содержит несохраненные изменения. Чтобы сохранить их, нажмите \"Остаться на этой странице\", затем \"Сохранить\". Нажмите \"Покинуть эту страницу\", чтобы сбросить все несохраненные изменения.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTextText": "Загрузка данных...",
"DE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTitleText": "Загрузка данных",
@ -233,11 +239,11 @@
"DE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxColsErrorText": "Число столбцов должно быть меньше, чем %1.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxRowsErrorText": "Число строк должно быть меньше, чем %1.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous": "Аноним",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Visit website",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Перейти на сайт",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip": "\nЩелкните, чтобы закрыть эту подсказку",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Contact sales",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Связаться с отделом продаж",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Загрузка документа",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "ONLYOFFICE open source version",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "Open source версия ONLYOFFICE",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textStrict": "Строгий режим",
"DE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "Функции отмены и повтора действий отключены в Быстром режиме совместного редактирования.<br>Нажмите на кнопку 'Строгий режим' для переключения в Строгий режим совместного редактирования, чтобы редактировать файл без вмешательства других пользователей и отправлять изменения только после того, как вы их сохраните. Переключаться между режимами совместного редактирования можно с помощью Дополнительных параметров редактора.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.titleUpdateVersion": "Версия изменилась",
@ -267,7 +273,7 @@
"DE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTitleText": "Загрузка изображения",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserIE9": "В IE9 приложение имеет низкую производительность. Используйте IE10 или более позднюю версию.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserZoom": "Текущее значение масштаба страницы в браузере поддерживается не полностью. Вернитесь к масштабу по умолчанию, нажав Ctrl+0.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "Вы используете open source версию ONLYOFFICE. Эта версия имеет ограничения по количеству одновременных подключений к серверу документов (20 подключений одновременно).<br>Если требуется больше, рассмотрите вопрос о покупке коммерческой лицензии.",
"DE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "Вам было отказано в праве на редактирование этого файла.",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textHasChanges": "Отслежены новые изменения",
"DE.Controllers.Statusbar.textTrackChanges": "Документ открыт при включенном режиме отслеживания изменений",
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"DE.Views.TableSettings.textThemeColors": "Цвета темы",
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"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.textColor": "Заливка цветом",
"DE.Views.TextArtSettings.textDirection": "Направление",
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"DE.Views.Toolbar.textTop": "Верхнее: ",
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"DE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Nalaganje slike...",
"DE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Nalaganje Slike",
"DE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Nalaganje dokumenta...",
"DE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Nalaganje Dokumenta",
"DE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Nalaganje dokumenta",
"DE.Controllers.Main.mailMergeLoadFileText": "Loading Data Source...",
"DE.Controllers.Main.mailMergeLoadFileTitle": "Loading Data Source",
"DE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Opozorilo",
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 5 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 19 KiB |
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, 'Common.Controllers.Chat',
/** coauthoring end **/
@ -184,6 +185,7 @@ require([
/** coauthoring end **/
], function() {
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return this;
enablePlugins: function() {
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this.leftMenu.setOptionsPanel('plugins', this.getApplication().getController('Common.Controllers.Plugins').getView('Common.Views.Plugins'));
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clickMenuFileItem: function(menu, action, isopts) {
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this.api.SetTextBoxInputMode(parseInt(value) == 1);
/** coauthoring begin **/
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value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-coauthmode");
this.api.asc_SetFastCollaborative(value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
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/** coauthoring end **/
this.leftMenu.getMenu('file').setMode({isDisconnected: true});
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$[0], e);
return false;
if (this.leftMenu.btnFile.pressed || this.leftMenu.btnAbout.pressed ||
if (this.mode.canPlugins && this.leftMenu.panelPlugins) {
menu_opened = this.leftMenu.panelPlugins.$el.find(' > [data-toggle="dropdown"]');
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$[0], e);
return false;
if (this.leftMenu.btnFile.pressed || this.leftMenu.btnAbout.pressed || this.leftMenu.btnPlugins.pressed ||
$('#left-menu').length ) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('layout:changed', 'leftmenu');
@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ define([
// Initialize api gateway
this.editorConfig = {};
this.appOptions = {};
this.plugins = undefined;
Common.Gateway.on('init', _.bind(this.loadConfig, this));
Common.Gateway.on('showmessage', _.bind(this.onExternalMessage, this));
Common.Gateway.on('opendocument', _.bind(this.loadDocument, this));
@ -138,23 +139,15 @@ define([
// Syncronize focus with api
$(document.body).on('focus', 'input, textarea', function(e) {
if (!/area_id/.test( {
if (/msg-reply/.test(
me.dontCloseDummyComment = true;
$("#editor_sdk").focus(function (e) {
if (!me.isModalShowed)
$(document.body).on('blur', 'input, textarea', function(e) {
if (!me.isModalShowed) {
* TODO: Workaround bug #25004. Clipboard feature processing in sdk.
if (!(Common.Utils.isSafari && Common.Utils.isMac) && !/area_id/.test( {
if (!/area_id/.test( && $(<1 /* When focus in combobox goes from input to it's menu button or menu items */
|| !e.relatedTarget) {
if (/msg-reply/.test(
me.dontCloseDummyComment = false;
@ -188,14 +181,18 @@ define([
'settings:unitschanged':_.bind(this.unitsChanged, this),
'dataview:focus': function(e){
'dataview:blur': function(e){
if (!me.isModalShowed) {
'menu:show': function(e){
'menu:hide': function(e){
if (!me.isModalShowed)
'edit:complete': _.bind(me.onEditComplete, me)
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this.appOptions.canBackToFolder = (this.editorConfig.canBackToFolder!==false) && (typeof (this.editorConfig.customization) == 'object')
&& (typeof (this.editorConfig.customization.goback) == 'object') && !_.isEmpty(this.editorConfig.customization.goback.url);
this.appOptions.canBack = this.editorConfig.nativeApp !== true && this.appOptions.canBackToFolder === true;
this.appOptions.canPlugins = false;
this.plugins = this.editorConfig.plugins;
@ -295,6 +294,7 @@ define([
if (!old_rights)
title: this.notcriticalErrorTitle,
maxwidth: 600,
msg : _.isEmpty(data.message) ? this.warnProcessRightsChange : data.message,
callback: function(){
me._state.lostEditingRights = false;
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me.api.SetTextBoxInputMode(value!==null && parseInt(value) == 1);
/** coauthoring begin **/
if (me.appOptions.isEdit && me.appOptions.canLicense && !me.appOptions.isOffline) {
if (me.appOptions.isEdit && me.appOptions.canLicense && !me.appOptions.isOffline && me.appOptions.canCoAuthoring) {
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-coauthmode");
me._state.fastCoauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
} else
@ -607,7 +607,8 @@ define([
fontsController = application.getController('Common.Controllers.Fonts'),
rightmenuController = application.getController('RightMenu'),
leftmenuController = application.getController('LeftMenu'),
chatController = application.getController('Common.Controllers.Chat');
chatController = application.getController('Common.Controllers.Chat'),
pluginsController = application.getController('Common.Controllers.Plugins');
@ -615,6 +616,10 @@ define([
application.getController('Common.Controllers.ExternalDiagramEditor').setApi(this.api).loadConfig({config:this.editorConfig, customization: this.editorConfig.customization});
me.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onPluginsInit', _.bind(me.updatePluginsList, me));
@ -630,7 +635,7 @@ define([
if (me.appOptions.isEdit) {
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-autosave");
value = (!me._state.fastCoauth && value!==null) ? parseInt(value) : 1;
value = (!me._state.fastCoauth && value!==null) ? parseInt(value) : (me.appOptions.canCoAuthoring ? 1 : 0);
if (me.needToUpdateVersion)
@ -707,8 +712,19 @@ define([
onEditorPermissions: function(params) {
var licType = params.asc_getLicenseType();
if (Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Expired === licType || Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Error === licType || Asc.c_oLicenseResult.ExpiredTrial === licType) {
title: this.titleLicenseExp,
msg: this.warnLicenseExp,
buttons: [],
closable: false
this.appOptions.isOffline = this.api.asc_isOffline();
this.appOptions.canLicense = params.asc_getCanLicense ? params.asc_getCanLicense() : false;
this.appOptions.canLicense = (licType === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Success);
this.appOptions.isLightVersion = params.asc_getIsLight();
/** coauthoring begin **/
this.appOptions.canCoAuthoring = !this.appOptions.isLightVersion;
@ -723,7 +739,7 @@ define([
this.appOptions.canChat = this.appOptions.canLicense && !this.appOptions.isOffline && !((typeof (this.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') &&;
this.appOptions.canPrint = (this.permissions.print !== false);
this._state.licenseWarning = !this.appOptions.canLicense && this.appOptions.canEdit && this.editorConfig.mode !== 'view';
this._state.licenseWarning = (licType===Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Connections) && this.appOptions.canEdit && this.editorConfig.mode !== 'view';
this.appOptions.canBranding = params.asc_getCanBranding() && (typeof this.editorConfig.customization == 'object');
if (this.appOptions.canBranding) {
@ -935,7 +951,7 @@ define([
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.CoAuthoringDisconnect:
config.msg = this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect;
config.msg = (this.appOptions.isEdit) ? this.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect : this.errorViewerDisconnect;
case Asc.c_oAscError.ID.ConvertationPassword:
@ -1432,7 +1448,7 @@ define([
applySettings: function() {
if (this.appOptions.isEdit && this.appOptions.canLicense && !this.appOptions.isOffline) {
if (this.appOptions.isEdit && this.appOptions.canLicense && !this.appOptions.isOffline && this.appOptions.canCoAuthoring) {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-coauthmode"),
oldval = this._state.fastCoauth;
this._state.fastCoauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
@ -1479,6 +1495,63 @@ define([
if (url) this.iframePrint.src = url;
updatePluginsList: function(plugins) {
var pluginStore = this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.Plugins'),
isEdit = this.appOptions.isEdit;
if (pluginStore && plugins) {
var arr = [];
var variations = item.variations,
variationsArr = [];
var isSupported = false;
for (var i=0; i<itemVar.EditorsSupport.length; i++){
if (itemVar.EditorsSupport[i]=='slide') {
isSupported = true; break;
if (isSupported && (isEdit || itemVar.isViewer))
variationsArr.push(new Common.Models.PluginVariation({
description: itemVar.description,
index: variationsArr.length,
url : itemVar.url,
icons : itemVar.icons,
isViewer: itemVar.isViewer,
EditorsSupport: itemVar.EditorsSupport,
isVisual: itemVar.isVisual,
isModal: itemVar.isModal,
isInsideMode: itemVar.isInsideMode,
initDataType: itemVar.initDataType,
initData: itemVar.initData,
isUpdateOleOnResize : itemVar.isUpdateOleOnResize,
buttons: itemVar.buttons,
size: itemVar.size,
initOnSelectionChanged: itemVar.initOnSelectionChanged
if (variationsArr.length>0)
arr.push(new Common.Models.Plugin({
name :,
guid: item.guid,
baseUrl : item.baseUrl,
variations: variationsArr,
currentVariation: 0
this.appOptions.pluginsPath = (plugins.url);
this.appOptions.canPlugins = (arr.length>0);
} else {
this.appOptions.pluginsPath = '';
this.appOptions.canPlugins = false;
if (this.appOptions.canPlugins)
// Translation
leavePageText: 'You have unsaved changes in this document. Click \'Stay on this Page\' then \'Save\' to save them. Click \'Leave this Page\' to discard all the unsaved changes.',
defaultTitleText: 'ONLYOFFICE Presentation Editor',
@ -1554,7 +1627,7 @@ define([
txtSldLtTVertTitleAndTx: 'Vertical Title and Text',
txtSldLtTVertTitleAndTxOverChart: 'Vertical Title and Text Over Chart',
txtSldLtTVertTx: 'Vertical Text',
textLoadingDocument: 'Loading document',
textLoadingDocument: 'Loading presentation',
warnBrowserZoom: 'Your browser\'s current zoom setting is not fully supported. Please reset to the default zoom by pressing Ctrl+0.',
warnBrowserIE9: 'The application has low capabilities on IE9. Use IE10 or higher',
loadThemeTitleText: 'Loading Theme',
@ -1580,8 +1653,8 @@ define([
applyChangesTextText: 'Loading data...',
savePreparingText: 'Preparing to save',
savePreparingTitle: 'Preparing to save. Please wait...',
loadingDocumentTitleText: 'Loading Document',
loadingDocumentTextText: 'Loading document...',
loadingDocumentTitleText: 'Loading presentation',
loadingDocumentTextText: 'Loading presentation...',
warnProcessRightsChange: 'You have been denied the right to edit the file.',
errorProcessSaveResult: 'Saving is failed.',
textCloseTip: '\nClick to close the tip.',
@ -1603,7 +1676,10 @@ define([
textBuyNow: 'Visit website',
textNoLicenseTitle: 'ONLYOFFICE open source version',
warnNoLicense: 'You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.',
textContactUs: 'Contact sales'
textContactUs: 'Contact sales',
errorViewerDisconnect: 'Connection is lost. You can still view the document,<br>but will not be able to download until the connection is restored.',
warnLicenseExp: 'Your license has expired.<br>Please update your license and refresh the page.',
titleLicenseExp: 'License expired'
})(), PE.Controllers.Main || {}))
@ -879,29 +879,21 @@ define([
onCopyPaste: function(copy, e) {
var me = this;
if (me.api) {
if (typeof window['AscDesktopEditor'] === 'object') {
copy ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
} else {
var res = (copy) ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
if (!res) {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-hide-copywarning");
if (!(value && parseInt(value) == 1)) {
(new Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog({
handler: function(dontshow) {
copy ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
if (dontshow) Common.localStorage.setItem("pe-hide-copywarning", 1);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
} else {
copy ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste();
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Copy Warning');
} else {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
} else
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Copy Warning');
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
onBold: function(btn, e) {
@ -1106,7 +1098,6 @@ define([
msg: this.textFontSizeErr,
callback: function() {
_.defer(function(btn) {
$('input', combo.cmpEl).focus();
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
<button id="left-btn-comments" class="btn btn-category" content-target="left-panel-comments"><span class="btn-icon img-toolbarmenu btn-menu-comments"> </span></button>
<button id="left-btn-chat" class="btn btn-category" content-target="left-panel-chat"><span class="btn-icon img-toolbarmenu btn-menu-chat"> </span></button>
<!-- /** coauthoring end **/ -->
<button id="left-btn-plugins" class="btn btn-category" content-target=""><span class="btn-icon img-toolbarmenu btn-menu-plugin"> </span></button>
<button id="left-btn-support" class="btn btn-category" content-target=""><span class="btn-icon img-toolbarmenu btn-menu-support"> </span></button>
<button id="left-btn-about" class="btn btn-category" content-target=""><span class="btn-icon img-toolbarmenu btn-menu-about"> </span></button>
@ -15,5 +16,6 @@
<div id="left-panel-comments" class="" style="display: none;" />
<div id="left-panel-chat" class="" style="display: none;" />
<!-- /** coauthoring end **/ -->
<div id="left-panel-plugins" class="" style="display: none; height: 100%;" />
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="shape-button-from-file" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromFile %></button>
<td class="padding-small" width="50%">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="shape-button-from-url" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="shape-button-from-url" style="width:90px;float:right;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<div id="shape-combo-fill-type" style="width: 90px;"></div>
<td rowspan="2">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;float:right;">
<div id="shape-texture-img" style="width: 50px;height: 50px;"></div>
@ -108,6 +108,14 @@
<td class="padding-small">
<div style="display:inline-block;width:100px;vertical-align: middle;">
<label class="input-label" style=""><%= scope.strType %></label>
<div id="shape-combo-border-type" style="width: 93px;"></div>
<tr class="shape-only">
<td class="padding-small"></td>
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="slide-button-from-file" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromFile %></button>
<td class="padding-small" width="50%">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="slide-button-from-url" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="slide-button-from-url" style="width:90px;float:right;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<div id="slide-combo-fill-type" style="width: 90px;"></div>
<td rowspan="2">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;float:right;">
<div id="slide-texture-img" style="width: 50px;height: 50px;"></div>
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="textart-button-from-file" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromFile %></button>
<td class="padding-small" width="50%">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="textart-button-from-url" style="width:90px;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="textart-button-from-url" style="width:90px;float:right;"><%= scope.textFromUrl %></button>
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<div id="textart-combo-fill-type" style="width: 90px;"></div>
<td rowspan="2">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;">
<div style="width: 90px; height: 80px; padding: 14px 20px; border: 1px solid #AFAFAF; border-radius: 2px; background: #ffffff;float:right;">
<div id="textart-texture-img" style="width: 50px;height: 50px;"></div>
@ -123,6 +123,14 @@
<td class="padding-small">
<div style="display:inline-block;width:100px;vertical-align: middle;">
<label class="input-label" style=""><%= scope.strType %></label>
<div id="textart-combo-border-type" style="width: 93px;"></div>
<td class="padding-small">
<div class="separator horizontal"></div>
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ define([
textBar: 'Bar Chart',
textArea: 'Area Chart',
textPie: 'Pie Chart',
textPoint: 'Point Chart',
textPoint: 'XY (Scatter) Chart',
textStock: 'Stock Chart',
textStyle: 'Style'
}, PE.Views.ChartSettings || {}));
@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ define([
_.delay(function() {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-inputmode"); // only for hieroglyphs mode
if (value!==null && parseInt(value) == 1)
}, 10);
@ -191,12 +188,19 @@ define([
var onFocusObject = function(selectedElements) {
if (me.mode.isEdit && me.currentMenu && me.currentMenu.isVisible()){
var obj = fillMenuProps(selectedElements);
if (obj) {
if (obj.menu_to_show===me.currentMenu) {
if (me.api.asc_getCurrentFocusObject() === 0 ){ // thumbnails
if (me.slideMenu===me.currentMenu) {
me.currentMenu.options.initMenu({isSlideSelect: me.slideMenu.items[2].isVisible(), fromThumbs: true});
} else {
var obj = fillMenuProps(selectedElements);
if (obj) {
if (obj.menu_to_show===me.currentMenu) {
@ -688,6 +692,14 @@ define([
me.slidesCount = count;
var onApiCurrentPages = function(number) {
if (me.currentMenu && me.currentMenu.isVisible()) {
if (me._isFromSlideMenu !== true && me._isFromSlideMenu !== number)
me._isFromSlideMenu = number;
this.setApi = function(o) {
me.api = o;
@ -698,6 +710,7 @@ define([
me.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onPaintSlideNum', _.bind(onPaintSlideNum, me));
me.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onEndPaintSlideNum', _.bind(onEndPaintSlideNum, me));
me.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCountPages', _.bind(onApiCountPages, me));
me.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCurrentPage', _.bind(onApiCurrentPages, me));
me.slidesCount = me.api.getCountPages();
@ -813,7 +826,6 @@ define([
addComment: function(item, e, eOpt){
if (this.api && this.mode.canCoAuthoring && this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canComments) {
this.suppressEditComplete = true;
var controller = PE.getController('Common.Controllers.Comments');
if (controller) {
@ -838,26 +850,20 @@ define([
onCutCopyPaste: function(item, e) {
var me = this;
if (me.api) {
if (typeof window['AscDesktopEditor'] === 'object') {
(item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
} else {
var res = (item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
if (!res) {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-hide-copywarning");
if (!(value && parseInt(value) == 1)) {
(new Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog({
handler: function(dontshow) {
(item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
if (dontshow) Common.localStorage.setItem("pe-hide-copywarning", 1);
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
} else {
(item.value == 'cut') ? me.api.Cut() : ((item.value == 'copy') ? me.api.Copy() : me.api.Paste());
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
} else {
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
fullScreen: function(element) {
@ -905,14 +911,15 @@ define([
var mnuDeleteSlide = new Common.UI.MenuItem({
caption : me.txtDeleteSlide
}).on('click', _.bind(function(item) {
}).on('click', function(item) {
if (me.api){
me._isFromSlideMenu = true;
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('DocumentHolder', 'Delete Slide');
}, me));
var mnuChangeSlide = new Common.UI.MenuItem({
caption : me.txtChangeLayout,
@ -1014,9 +1021,10 @@ define([
caption : me.txtNewSlide
}).on('click', function(item) {
if (me.api) {
me._isFromSlideMenu = true;
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('DocumentHolder', 'Add Slide');
@ -1024,9 +1032,10 @@ define([
caption : me.txtDuplicateSlide
}).on('click', function(item){
if (me.api) {
me._isFromSlideMenu = true;
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('DocumentHolder', 'Dublicate Hyperlink');
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ define([
/** coauthoring begin **/
$('tr.coauth.changes', this.el)[mode.isEdit && mode.canLicense && !mode.isOffline ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('tr.coauth.changes', this.el)[mode.isEdit && mode.canLicense && !mode.isOffline && mode.canCoAuthoring ? 'show' : 'hide']();
/** coauthoring end **/
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ define([
/** coauthoring begin **/
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-coauthmode");
var fast_coauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1) && !(this.mode.isDesktopApp && this.mode.isOffline);
var fast_coauth = (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1) && !(this.mode.isDesktopApp && this.mode.isOffline) && this.mode.canCoAuthoring;
item ={value: parseInt(value)});
this.cmbCoAuthMode.setValue(item ? item.get('value') : 1);
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ define([
this._oldUnits = this.cmbUnit.getValue();
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-autosave");
this.chAutosave.setValue(fast_coauth || (value===null || parseInt(value) == 1));
this.chAutosave.setValue(fast_coauth || (value===null ? this.mode.canCoAuthoring : parseInt(value) == 1));
value = Common.localStorage.getItem("pe-settings-showsnaplines");
this.chAlignGuides.setValue(value===null || parseInt(value) == 1);
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ define([
Common.localStorage.setItem("pe-settings-inputmode", this.chInputMode.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);
Common.localStorage.setItem("pe-settings-zoom", this.cmbZoom.getValue());
/** coauthoring begin **/
if (this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canLicense && !this.mode.isOffline) {
if (this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canLicense && !this.mode.isOffline && this.mode.canCoAuthoring) {
Common.localStorage.setItem("pe-settings-coauthmode", this.cmbCoAuthMode.getValue());
/** coauthoring end **/
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ define([
}, this));
this.btnInsertFromUrl.on('click', _.bind(this.insertFromUrl, this));
this.btnEditObject.on('click', _.bind(function(btn){
// if (this.api) this.api.asc_pluginRun(this._originalProps.asc_getPluginGuid(), 0, this._originalProps.asc_getPluginData());
// this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
if (this.api) this.api.asc_pluginRun(this._originalProps.asc_getPluginGuid(), 0, this._originalProps.asc_getPluginData());
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
}, this));
$(this.el).on('click', '#image-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this));
@ -180,12 +180,11 @@ define([
if (this._state.isOleObject) {
// var plugin = DE.getCollection('Common.Collections.Plugins').findWhere({guid: pluginGuid});
// this.btnEditObject.setDisabled(plugin===null || plugin ===undefined);
var plugin = PE.getCollection('Common.Collections.Plugins').findWhere({guid: pluginGuid});
this.btnEditObject.setDisabled(plugin===null || plugin ===undefined || this._locked);
} else {
this.btnInsertFromUrl.setDisabled(pluginGuid===null || this._locked);
this.btnInsertFromFile.setDisabled(pluginGuid===null || this._locked);
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ define([
/** coauthoring end **/
], function (menuTemplate, $, _, Backbone) {
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ define([
/** coauthoring begin **/
'click #left-btn-comments': _.bind(this.onCoauthOptions, this),
'click #left-btn-chat': _.bind(this.onCoauthOptions, this),
'click #left-btn-plugins': _.bind(this.onCoauthOptions, this),
/** coauthoring end **/
'click #left-btn-support': function() {
var config = this.mode.customization;
@ -154,6 +156,16 @@ define([
this.btnChat.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnMenuClick, this));
/** coauthoring end **/
this.btnPlugins = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#left-btn-plugins'),
hint: this.tipPlugins,
enableToggle: true,
disabled: true,
toggleGroup: 'leftMenuGroup'
this.btnPlugins.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnMenuClick, this));
this.btnSearch.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnMenuClick, this));
this.btnThumbs.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnMenuClick, this));
this.btnAbout.on('toggle', _.bind(this.onBtnMenuToggle, this));
@ -216,8 +228,8 @@ define([
(!btn.pressed) && this.fireEvent('panel:show', [this, btn.options.action, btn.pressed]);
/** coauthoring begin **/
onCoauthOptions: function(e) {
/** coauthoring begin **/
if (this.mode.canCoAuthoring) {
if (this.mode.canComments) {
if (this.btnComments.pressed && this.btnComments.$el.hasClass('notify'))
@ -235,16 +247,28 @@ define([
/** coauthoring end **/
if (this.mode.canPlugins && this.panelPlugins) {
if (this.btnPlugins.pressed) {
} else
setOptionsPanel: function(name, panel) {
/** coauthoring begin **/
if (name == 'chat') {
this.panelChat = panel.render('#left-panel-chat');
} else if (name == 'comment') {
this.panelComments = panel;
} else /** coauthoring end **/
if (name == 'plugins' && !this.panelPlugins) {
this.panelPlugins = panel.render('#left-panel-plugins');
/** coauthoring begin **/
markCoauthOptions: function(opt, ignoreDisabled) {
if (opt=='chat' && this.btnChat.isVisible() &&
!this.btnChat.isDisabled() && !this.btnChat.pressed) {
@ -276,6 +300,10 @@ define([
/** coauthoring end **/
if (this.mode.canPlugins && this.panelPlugins) {
this.btnPlugins.toggle(false, true);
this.fireEvent('panel:show', [this, '', false]);
@ -297,6 +325,7 @@ define([
/** coauthoring end **/
showMenu: function(menu) {
@ -352,6 +381,7 @@ define([
tipSupport : 'Feedback & Support',
tipFile : 'File',
tipSearch : 'Search',
tipSlides: 'Slides'
tipSlides: 'Slides',
tipPlugins : 'Plugins'
}, PE.Views.LeftMenu || {}));
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ define([
StrokeType: Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR,
StrokeWidth: this._pt2mm(1),
StrokeColor: '000000',
StrokeBorderType: Asc.c_oDashType.solid,
FGColor: '000000',
BGColor: 'ffffff',
GradColor: '000000',
@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ define([
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'}; // value=1 - цвет определен - прозрачный или другой, value=0 - цвет не определен, рисуем прозрачным
this.BorderSize = 0;
this.BorderType = Asc.c_oDashType.solid;
this.textureNames = [this.txtCanvas, this.txtCarton, this.txtDarkFabric, this.txtGrain, this.txtGranite, this.txtGreyPaper,
this.txtKnit, this.txtLeather, this.txtBrownPaper, this.txtPapyrus, this.txtWood];
@ -154,26 +156,8 @@ define([
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'transparent',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
@ -220,26 +204,7 @@ define([
this.btnFGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsFG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-foreground-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsFG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsFGSelect, me));
@ -261,26 +226,7 @@ define([
this.btnBGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-background-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'ffffff',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: 'ffffff'
me.colorsBG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBGSelect, me));
@ -432,26 +378,7 @@ define([
this.btnGradColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsGrad = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-gradient-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsGrad.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsGradientSelect, me));
@ -506,26 +433,7 @@ define([
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#shape-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
@ -534,6 +442,16 @@ define([
$(this.el).on('click', '#shape-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBorder, this.btnBorderColor));
this.cmbBorderType = new Common.UI.ComboBorderType({
el: $('#shape-combo-border-type'),
style: "width: 93px;",
menuStyle: 'min-width: 93px;'
}).on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderTypeSelect, this))
.on('combo:blur', _.bind(this.onComboBlur, this, false));
this.BorderType = Asc.c_oDashType.solid;
this.btnChangeShape = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-icon-default',
iconCls: 'btn-change-shape',
@ -968,6 +886,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_color(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getRgbColor({color: '000000', effectId: 29}));
else if (this._state.StrokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE || this._state.StrokeType === null)
@ -1004,6 +923,25 @@ define([
onBorderTypeSelect: function(combo, record) {
this.BorderType = record.value;
if (this.api && !this._noApply) {
var props = new Asc.asc_CShapeProperty();
var stroke = new Asc.asc_CStroke();
if (this.BorderSize<0.01) {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE);
} else {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
onColorsBorderSelect: function(picker, color) {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: color};
@ -1016,6 +954,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
@ -1298,8 +1237,9 @@ define([
// border colors
var stroke = props.get_stroke();
var strokeType = stroke.get_type();
var stroke = props.get_stroke(),
strokeType = stroke.get_type(),
if (stroke) {
if ( strokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR ) {
@ -1316,6 +1256,7 @@ define([
} else {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'};
borderType = stroke.asc_getPrstDash();
} else { // no stroke
strokeType = null;
this.BorderColor = {Value: 0, Color: 'transparent'};
@ -1378,6 +1319,11 @@ define([
this._state.StrokeType = strokeType;
if (this._state.StrokeBorderType !== borderType) {
this.BorderType = this._state.StrokeBorderType = borderType;
// pattern colors
type1 = typeof(this.FGColor.Color);
type2 = typeof(this._state.FGColor);
@ -1663,8 +1609,6 @@ define([
txtPapyrus : 'Papyrus',
txtWood : 'Wood',
textNewColor : 'Add New Custom Color',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
textAdvanced : 'Show advanced settings',
strTransparency : 'Opacity',
textNoFill : 'No Fill',
@ -1680,6 +1624,7 @@ define([
textDirection: 'Direction',
textStyle: 'Style',
textGradient: 'Gradient',
textBorderSizeErr: 'The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt.'
textBorderSizeErr: 'The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt.',
strType: 'Type'
}, PE.Views.ShapeSettings || {}));
@ -146,26 +146,8 @@ define([
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#slide-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'ffffff',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
@ -208,26 +190,7 @@ define([
this.btnFGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsFG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#slide-foreground-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsFG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsFGSelect, me));
@ -249,26 +212,7 @@ define([
this.btnBGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#slide-background-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'ffffff',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: 'ffffff'
me.colorsBG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBGSelect, me));
@ -393,26 +337,7 @@ define([
this.btnGradColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsGrad = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#slide-gradient-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsGrad.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsGradientSelect, me));
@ -1054,6 +979,8 @@ define([
this.cmbEffectType.setDisabled(arr.length<1 || this._stateDisabled.effects);
this.numDuration.setDisabled(arr.length<1 || this._stateDisabled.effects);
this.btnPreview.setDisabled(arr.length<1 || this._stateDisabled.effects);
onEffectNameSelect: function(combo, record) {
@ -1486,10 +1413,11 @@ define([
this._stateDisabled.background = background;
if (effects !== this._stateDisabled.effects) {
var length =;
this.cmbEffectType.setDisabled(length<1 || effects);
this.numDuration.setDisabled(length<1 || effects);
this.btnPreview.setDisabled(length<1 || effects);
this._stateDisabled.effects = effects;
if (timing !== this._stateDisabled.timing) {
@ -1522,8 +1450,6 @@ define([
txtPapyrus : 'Papyrus',
txtWood : 'Wood',
textNewColor : 'Add New Custom Color',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
textAdvanced : 'Show advanced settings',
textNoFill : 'No Fill',
textSelectTexture : 'Select',
@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ define([
this.cntZoom.cmpEl.on('', function () {
}, 100);
@ -203,26 +203,7 @@ define([
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.borderColor = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#table-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
el: $('#table-border-color-menu')
me.borderColor.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
@ -244,25 +225,7 @@ define([
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#table-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
@ -620,8 +583,10 @@ define([
UpdateThemeColors: function() {
if (this.colorsBack)
this.colorsBack.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
if (this.borderColor)
if (this.borderColor) {
this.borderColor.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
_onInitTemplates: function(Templates){
@ -724,8 +689,6 @@ define([
textFirst : 'First',
textLast : 'Last',
textEmptyTemplate : 'No templates',
textThemeColors : 'Theme Colors',
textStandartColors : 'Standart Colors',
tipTop: 'Set Outer Top Border Only',
tipLeft: 'Set Outer Left Border Only',
tipBottom: 'Set Outer Bottom Border Only',
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ define([
StrokeType: Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR,
StrokeWidth: this._pt2mm(1),
StrokeColor: '000000',
StrokeBorderType: Asc.c_oDashType.solid,
FGColor: '000000',
BGColor: 'ffffff',
GradColor: '000000',
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ define([
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'}; // value=1 - цвет определен - прозрачный или другой, value=0 - цвет не определен, рисуем прозрачным
this.BorderSize = 0;
this.BorderType = Asc.c_oDashType.solid;
this.textureNames = [this.txtCanvas, this.txtCarton, this.txtDarkFabric, this.txtGrain, this.txtGranite, this.txtGreyPaper,
this.txtKnit, this.txtLeather, this.txtBrownPaper, this.txtPapyrus, this.txtWood];
@ -168,26 +170,8 @@ define([
this.btnBackColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBack = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-back-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'transparent',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-', 'transparent',
'5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
transparent: true
me.colorsBack.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBackSelect, me));
@ -235,26 +219,7 @@ define([
this.btnFGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsFG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-foreground-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsFG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsFGSelect, me));
@ -276,26 +241,7 @@ define([
this.btnBGColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBG = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-background-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: 'ffffff',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: 'ffffff'
me.colorsBG.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBGSelect, me));
@ -447,26 +393,7 @@ define([
this.btnGradColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsGrad = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-gradient-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsGrad.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsGradientSelect, me));
@ -522,26 +449,7 @@ define([
this.btnBorderColor.on('render:after', function(btn) {
me.colorsBorder = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#textart-border-color-menu'),
dynamiccolors: 10,
value: '000000',
colors: [
me.textThemeColors, '-', {color: '3366FF', effectId: 1}, {color: '0000FF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000090', effectId: 3}, {color: '660066', effectId: 4}, {color: '800000', effectId: 5},
{color: 'FF0000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FF6600', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFF00', effectId: 2}, {color: 'CCFFCC', effectId: 3}, {color: '008000', effectId: 4},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2}, {color: '000000', effectId: 3}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 4}, {color: '000000', effectId: 5},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1}, {color: 'FFFFFF', effectId: 2},{color: '000000', effectId: 1},
'-', '--', '-', me.textStandartColors, '-',
'3D55FE', '5301B3', '980ABD', 'B2275F', 'F83D26', 'F86A1D', 'F7AC16', 'F7CA12', 'FAFF44', 'D6EF39',
'-', '--'
value: '000000'
me.colorsBorder.on('select', _.bind(me.onColorsBorderSelect, me));
@ -549,6 +457,16 @@ define([
$(this.el).on('click', '#textart-border-color-new', _.bind(this.addNewColor, this, this.colorsBorder, this.btnBorderColor));
this.cmbBorderType = new Common.UI.ComboBorderType({
el: $('#textart-combo-border-type'),
style: "width: 93px;",
menuStyle: 'min-width: 93px;'
}).on('selected', _.bind(this.onBorderTypeSelect, this))
.on('combo:blur', _.bind(this.onComboBlur, this, false));
this.BorderType = Asc.c_oDashType.solid;
this.cmbTransform = new Common.UI.ComboDataView({
itemWidth: 50,
itemHeight: 50,
@ -997,6 +915,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_color(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getRgbColor({color: '000000', effectId: 29}));
else if (this._state.StrokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE || this._state.StrokeType === null)
@ -1034,6 +953,26 @@ define([
onBorderTypeSelect: function(combo, record) {
this.BorderType = record.value;
if (this.api && !this._noApply) {
var props = new Asc.asc_TextArtProperties();
var stroke = new Asc.asc_CStroke();
if (this.BorderSize<0.01) {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE);
} else {
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this);
onColorsBorderSelect: function(picker, color) {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: color};
@ -1046,6 +985,7 @@ define([
stroke.put_type( Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR);
@ -1299,7 +1239,8 @@ define([
// border colors
var stroke = shapeprops.asc_getLine(),
strokeType = (stroke) ? stroke.get_type() : null;
strokeType = (stroke) ? stroke.get_type() : null,
if (stroke) {
if ( strokeType == Asc.c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR ) {
@ -1316,6 +1257,7 @@ define([
} else {
this.BorderColor = {Value: 1, Color: 'transparent'};
borderType = stroke.asc_getPrstDash();
} else { // no stroke
this.BorderColor = {Value: 0, Color: 'transparent'};
@ -1377,6 +1319,11 @@ define([
this._state.StrokeType = strokeType;
if (this._state.StrokeBorderType !== borderType) {
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/** coauthoring end **/
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/** coauthoring end **/
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@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
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@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Bilder werden geladen",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Bild wird geladen...",
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"PE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textNoTextFound": "The data you have been searching for could not be found. Please adjust your search options.",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Warning",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "You have been denied the right to edit the file.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnLicenseExp": "Your license has expired.<br>Please update your license and refresh the page.",
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"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.textEmptyImgUrl": "You need to specify image URL.",
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"PE.Views.TextArtSettings.textBorderSizeErr": "The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt.",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Cargando imágenes",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Cargando imagen...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Cargando imagen",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Cargando documento",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Cargando presentación...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Cargando presentación",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTextText": "Cargando tema...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText": "Cargando tema",
"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso",
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxColsErrorText": "El número de columnas debe ser menos que %1.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxRowsErrorText": "El número de filas debe ser menos que %1.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous": "Anónimo",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Comprar ahora",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Visit website",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip": "Pulse para cerrar el consejo",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Ponga en contacto con nosotros",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Contact sales",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Cargando presentación",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "Licencia ha expirado o no ha encontrado",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "ONLYOFFICE open source version",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textShape": "Forma",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textStrict": "Modo estricto",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "Las funciones Anular/Rehacer se desactivan para el modo co-edición rápido.<br>Haga Clic en el botón \"modo estricto\" para cambiar al modo de co-edición estricta para editar el archivo sin la interferencia de otros usuarios y enviar sus cambios sólo después de guardarlos. Se puede cambiar entre los modos de co-edición usando los ajustes avanzados de edición.",
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTitleText": "Subiendo imagen",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserIE9": "Este aplicación tiene baja capacidad en IE9. Utilice IE10 o superior",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserZoom": "La configuración actual de zoom de su navegador no está soportada por completo. Por favor restablezca zoom predeterminado pulsando Ctrl+0.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "La licencia ha expirado o no ha sido encontrada. No puede editar archivos.<br>Haga clic en el botón 'Comprar ahora' para comprar una licencia Enterprise Edition o ´Contactar con nosotros´ si usa Intergration Edition.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "El derecho de edición del archivo es denegado.",
"PE.Controllers.Statusbar.zoomText": "Zoom {0}%",
"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.confirmAddFontName": "El tipo de letra que usted va a guardar no está disponible en este dispositivo.<br>El estilo de letra se mostrará usando uno de los tipos de letra del dispositivo, el tipo de letra guardado va a usarse cuando esté disponible.<br>¿Desea continuar?",
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Chargement des images",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Chargement d'une image...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Chargement d'une image",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Chargement du document...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Chargement du document",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Chargement de présentation...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Chargement de présentation",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTextText": "Chargement du thème en cours...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText": "Chargement du thème",
"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avertissement",
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Caricamento delle immagini",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Caricamento dell'immagine in corso...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Caricamento dell'immagine",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Caricamento del documento in corso...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Caricamento del documento",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Caricamento della presentazione in corso...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Caricamento della presentazione",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTextText": "Caricamento del tema in corso...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText": "Caricamento del tema",
"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Avviso",
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxRowsErrorText": "Il numero di righe deve essere inferiore a %1.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous": "Anonimo",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip": "\nClicca per chiudere il consiglio",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Caricamento del documento",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Caricamento della presentazione",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textShape": "Forma",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textStrict": "Strict mode",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.<br>Click the 'Strict mode' button to switch to the Strict co-editing mode to edit the file without other users interference and send your changes only after you save them. You can switch between the co-editing modes using the editor Advanced settings.",
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "イメージの読み込み中",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "イメージの読み込み中...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "イメージの読み込み中",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "ドキュメントを読み込んでいます...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "ドキュメントを読み込んでいます",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "プレゼンテーションを読み込み中...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "プレゼンテーションを読み込み中...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTextText": "テーマの読み込み中...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText": "テーマの読み込み中",
"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": " 警告",
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxColsErrorText": "列の数は%1より小さくなければなりません。",
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxRowsErrorText": "行数は%1より小さくなければなりません。",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous": "匿名",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Visit website",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "今すぐに購入",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip": "ヒントを閉じるためにクリックください",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Contact sales",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "お問い合わせ",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "プレゼンテーションを読み込み中...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "ONLYOFFICE open source version",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "ライセンスは期限切れないか、または見つかりません",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textShape": "図形",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textStrict": "厳格モード",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "ファスト共同編集モードに元に戻す/やり直しの機能は無効になります。<br>他のユーザーの干渉なし編集するために「厳密なモード」をクリックして、厳密な共同編集モードに切り替えてください。保存した後にのみ、変更を送信してください。編集の詳細設定を使用して共同編集モードを切り替えることができます。",
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTitleText": "イメージをアップロードしています",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserIE9": "IE9にアプリケーションの機能のレベルが低いです。IE10または次のバージョンを使ってください。",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserZoom": "お使いのブラウザの現在のズームの設定は完全にサポートされていません。Ctrl+0を押して、デフォルトのズームにリセットしてください。",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "ライセンスが見つかりなかったか、期限切れました。ファイルを編集することができません。<br>Enterprise Editionのライセンスを購入するために「今すぐ購入」をクリックしてください。Integration Editionの場合は、「お問い合わせください」をクリックしてください。",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "ファイルを編集する権限を拒否されています。",
"PE.Controllers.Statusbar.zoomText": "ズーム{0}%",
"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.confirmAddFontName": "保存しようとしているフォントを現在のデバイスで使用することができません。<br>システムフォントを使って、テキストのスタイルが表示されます。利用できます時、保存されたフォントが使用されます。<br>続行しますか。",
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Carregando imagens",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Carregando imagem...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Carregando imagem",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Carregando documento...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Carregando documento",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Carregando apresentação...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Carregando apresentação",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTextText": "Carregando temas...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText": "Carregando tema",
"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Aviso",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxRowsErrorText": "O número de linhas deve ser inferior a %1.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous": "Anônimo",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip": "\nClique para fechar a dica",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Carregando documento",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Carregando apresentação",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textShape": "Forma",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.<br>Click the 'Strict mode' button to switch to the Strict co-editing mode to edit the file without other users interference and send your changes only after you save them. You can switch between the co-editing modes using the editor Advanced settings.",
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.txtBtnReplaceAll": "Заменить все",
"Common.UI.SynchronizeTip.textDontShow": "Больше не показывать это сообщение",
"Common.UI.SynchronizeTip.textSynchronize": "Документ изменен другим пользователем.<br/>Нажмите, чтобы сохранить свои изменения и загрузить обновления.",
"Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette.textStandartColors": "Стандартные цвета",
"Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette.textThemeColors": "Цвета темы",
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"Common.UI.Window.closeButtonText": "Закрыть",
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"Common.Views.InsertTableDialog.txtMinText": "Минимальное значение для этого поля - {0}.",
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"PE.Controllers.LeftMenu.newDocumentTitle": "Презентация без имени",
"PE.Controllers.LeftMenu.requestEditRightsText": "Запрос прав на редактирование...",
"PE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textNoTextFound": "Искомые данные не найдены. Пожалуйста, измените параметры поиска.",
@ -117,6 +122,7 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorUpdateVersion": "Версия файла была изменена. Страница будет перезагружена.",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.errorUsersExceed": "Превышено количество пользователей, разрешенных согласно тарифному плану",
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorViewerDisconnect": "Подключение прервано. Вы по-прежнему можете просматривать документ,<br>но не сможете скачать его до восстановления подключения.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.leavePageText": "Презентация содержит несохраненные изменения. Чтобы сохранить их, нажмите \"Остаться на этой странице\", затем \"Сохранить\". Нажмите \"Покинуть эту страницу\", чтобы сбросить все несохраненные изменения.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTextText": "Загрузка данных...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTitleText": "Загрузка данных",
@ -126,8 +132,8 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Загрузка изображений",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Загрузка изображения...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Загрузка изображения",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Загрузка документа...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Загрузка документа",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Загрузка презентации...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Загрузка презентации",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTextText": "Загрузка темы...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText": "Загрузка темы",
"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle": "Предупреждение",
@ -146,11 +152,11 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxColsErrorText": "Число столбцов должно быть меньше, чем %1.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxRowsErrorText": "Число строк должно быть меньше, чем %1.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous": "Аноним",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Visit website",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow": "Перейти на сайт",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip": "\nЩелкните, чтобы закрыть эту подсказку",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Contact sales",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs": "Связаться с отделом продаж",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument": "Загрузка презентации",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "ONLYOFFICE open source version",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle": "Open source версия ONLYOFFICE",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textShape": "Фигура",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textStrict": "Строгий режим",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "Функции отмены и повтора действий отключены в Быстром режиме совместного редактирования.<br>Нажмите на кнопку 'Строгий режим' для переключения в Строгий режим совместного редактирования, чтобы редактировать файл без вмешательства других пользователей и отправлять изменения только после того, как вы их сохраните. Переключаться между режимами совместного редактирования можно с помощью Дополнительных параметров редактора.",
@ -215,7 +221,7 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTitleText": "Загрузка изображения",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserIE9": "В IE9 приложение имеет низкую производительность. Используйте IE10 или более позднюю версию.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserZoom": "Текущее значение масштаба страницы в браузере поддерживается не полностью. Вернитесь к масштабу по умолчанию, нажав Ctrl+0",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense": "Вы используете open source версию ONLYOFFICE. Эта версия имеет ограничения по количеству одновременных подключений к серверу документов (20 подключений одновременно).<br>Если требуется больше, рассмотрите вопрос о покупке коммерческой лицензии.",
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange": "Вам было отказано в праве на редактирование этого файла.",
"PE.Controllers.Statusbar.zoomText": "Масштаб {0}%",
"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.confirmAddFontName": "Шрифт, который вы собираетесь сохранить, недоступен на этом устройстве.<br>Стиль текста будет отображаться с использованием одного из системных шрифтов; сохраненный шрифт будет использоваться, когда он будет доступен.<br>Вы хотите продолжить?",
@ -303,14 +309,14 @@
"PE.Views.DocumentHolder.txtGroup": "Сгруппировать",
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"PE.Views.Statusbar.tipMoreUsers": "и %1 пользователей.",
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"PE.Views.Statusbar.tipPreview": "Начать показ слайдов",
"PE.Views.Statusbar.tipShowUsers": "Чтобы увидеть всех пользователей, нажмите на значок ниже.",
"PE.Views.Statusbar.tipUsers": "Документ редактируется несколькими пользователями.",
"PE.Views.Statusbar.tipViewUsers": "Просмотр пользователей и управление правами доступа к документу",
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"PE.Views.Toolbar.tipPreview": "Начать просмотр",
"PE.Views.Toolbar.tipPreview": "Начать показ слайдов",
"PE.Views.Toolbar.tipPrint": "Печать",
"PE.Views.Toolbar.tipRedo": "Повторить",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Nalaganje slik",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Nalaganje Slike",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Nalaganje dokumenta...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Nalaganje Dokumenta",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText": "Nalaganje predstavitve...",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.<br>Click the 'Strict mode' button to switch to the Strict co-editing mode to edit the file without other users interference and send your changes only after you save them. You can switch between the co-editing modes using the editor Advanced settings.",
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText": "Resimler yükleniyor",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText": "Resim yükleniyor...",
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText": "Resim yükleniyor",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Döküman yükleniyor",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText": "Sunum yükleniyor",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText": "Tema Yükleniyor",
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"PE.Controllers.Main.textShape": "Şekil",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textStrict": "Strict mode",
"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo": "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.<br>Click the 'Strict mode' button to switch to the Strict co-editing mode to edit the file without other users interference and send your changes only after you save them. You can switch between the co-editing modes using the editor Advanced settings.",
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